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authorLyude Paul <>2023-07-12 19:07:21 -0400
committerLyude Paul <>2023-07-12 19:07:21 -0400
commit7eae64443598c698b3b0d84f4f05fd76f0094f86 (patch)
parent73c63b632454cdc96d5d8484f7fe09d64c11c8a2 (diff)
Xorg BoD minutes 2023-07-12
4 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 632cb22e..cf2ce584 100644
--- a/BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs.mdwn
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@@ -375,3 +375,4 @@ Meetings are held every second Thursday.
* [[May. 17|BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/2023/05-17]]
* [[May. 31|BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/2023/05-31]]
* [[Jun. 28|BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/2023/06-28]]
+* [[Jul. 12|BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/2023/07-12]]
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+[[!format txt """
+[12:00:46] [connected at Wed Jul 12 12:00:46 2023]
+[12:00:46] [I have joined #xf-bod]
+[12:02:25] <rg3igalia> I'm here, BTW
+[12:02:36] <tlwoerner> o/
+[12:02:39] <ivyl> present
+[12:03:08] <Lyude> hi everyone! Gimme one second to get the agenda
+[12:04:25] <cmichael> here (well, what's left of my sanity is anyway) ;)
+[12:04:40] <Lyude> Ok hi! Agenda for today: XDC updates, no updates on matrix stuff yet, GSoC/Outreachy/EVoC, and SFC - although there's no updates on that either
+[12:04:54] <tlwoerner> i guess it's all me then?
+[12:05:23] * cmichael wonders how much mail is in tlwoerner 's Draft folder :P
+[12:05:52] <tlwoerner> cmichael: i was able to find the time to write the first sentence
+[12:06:01] <Lyude> tlwoerner: unless you've talked with cmichael yeah
+[12:06:05] <cmichael> tlwoerner, ouch
+[12:06:16] <tlwoerner> wrt gsoc...
+[12:06:23] <tlwoerner> we are currently in midterm evaluation week
+[12:06:29] <tlwoerner> everyone has until friday to submit their midterm evaluations
+[12:06:35] <tlwoerner> mentors: 4/5 submitted
+[12:06:42] <tlwoerner> contributors: 3/5 submitted
+[12:06:49] <tlwoerner> so far mentors have passed 4/5 contributors
+[12:08:01] <tlwoerner> i have reached out to all contributors to get their thoughts on how things are going
+[12:08:09] <tlwoerner> so far 4/5 have replied to say they're happy and things are going well
+[12:09:04] <mfilion> o/
+[12:09:11] <mfilion> sorry I'm late
+[12:09:14] <tlwoerner> 1/5 projects had to have its timeline adjusted
+[12:09:22] <tlwoerner> unfortunately we missed the cutoff for the midterm, but have moved the final out by 4 weeks
+[12:09:32] <tlwoerner> (that's all)
+[12:09:50] <Lyude> Alright! sounds good :3
+[12:10:04] <Lyude> rg3igalia: any XDC updates?
+[12:10:38] <Lyude> oh so i don't forget in a moment - ivyl, have you had a chance to talk with anholt about treasurer stuff yet?
+[12:10:44] <rg3igalia> not many, the CfP closes at the end of the week, but I did want to discuss something after our email exchanges so far regarding COVID policy
+[12:10:58] * alyssa here, sorry for delay
+[12:11:13] <Lyude> np!
+[12:11:26] <rg3igalia> basicaly, to get some progress on that front, I wanted to simply ask if people would like to make masks mandatory or not (if you've decided already)
+[12:11:28] <ivyl> Lyude: I've tried. I'm going to move forward on my own now - I'm going to send requests for invoice details to the confirmed sponsors.
+[12:11:41] <rg3igalia> if most of you have that clear, I'd like us to vote on that first
+[12:12:00] <ivyl> CCing everything to
+[12:12:08] <Lyude> rg3igalia: yeah sure, personally I'm +1 on having the masks mandatory again this year I think
+[12:12:20] <rg3igalia> knowing we'll be deploying CO2 monitors in the rooms, masks and tests available if the board agrees
+[12:12:49] <Lyude> cmichael, alyssa, ivyl, mfilion, ^ think we can get a vote?
+[12:13:07] <rg3igalia> I'm OK with not making them mandatory and having a policy that recommends some other measures, through some wording that would be agreed separately
+[12:13:12] <alyssa> tbh I'm torn
+[12:13:24] <cmichael> also torn here
+[12:13:36] <cmichael> I hate wearing them myself, but I understand the reasoning
+[12:13:57] <mfilion> I wouldn't make them mandatory
+[12:14:30] <ivyl> I don't mind either option as long as we are clear about the policies, as I've already stated in the emails
+[12:14:45] <mfilion> we can make them recommended but it's 100% a personal choice at this point
+[12:15:48] <mfilion> I just came back from EOSS where we had 1K people, and I saw maybe 2 or 3 with a mask. I don't see why XDC needs to be different.
+[12:15:56] <Lyude> do we want to do a vote then? I think it's fine either way as well, so if we want to just vote for the CO2 monitors + tests and such instead
+[12:15:59] <rg3igalia> so we could say we have 1 for mandatory, 2 for not mandatory, 1 abtention and 2 undecided
+[12:16:13] <mfilion> the monitors are a great idea though, I would for sure use those
+[12:16:54] <mfilion> and we can say masks & tests are available for those who need them
+[12:16:55] <rg3igalia> and 2 members not present, perhaps we could postpone the vote?
+[12:17:15] <cmichael> I'd go with not mandatory (personally)
+[12:17:17] <Lyude> rg3igalia: if you'd like I'm alright with that, we could get sima and anholt's vote over email
+[12:17:32] <Lyude> so far it seems like we have +3 non mandatory though
+[12:18:25] <rg3igalia> Lyude: I'm ok with getting their vote over email
+[12:18:37] <Lyude> rg3igalia: sgtm then
+[12:18:51] <Lyude> I think that's basically it for today then - it's a p short meeting
+[12:18:56] <alyssa> oh--
+[12:18:57] <Lyude> Thanks for coming everyone!
+[12:19:04] <Lyude> alyssa: is there something we still have to go over?
+[12:19:06] <alyssa> Lyude: after the deadline agenda add?
+[12:19:17] <Lyude> alyssa: pardon?
+[12:19:25] <alyssa> wanted to give an update on reaching out to non-graphics freedesktop
+[12:19:28] <alyssa> the update is there is no update
+[12:19:32] <Lyude> ahhh ok
+[12:19:45] <alyssa> no responses to the original email, daniels sent a lengthy follow up and no response to that either
+[12:19:47] <Lyude> Gotcha, yeah I'll see if I can do some extra poking there as well
+[12:19:56] <alyssa> so I'm kinda stuck but maybe other people have other thoughts
+[12:20:04] <Lyude> I wonder if we might end up getting better answers at XDC
+[12:20:07] <alyssa> plausibly
+[12:20:42] <mfilion> alyssa the gstreamer folks aren't interested apparently, what I'm told
+[12:20:59] <mfilion> not really surprised though
+[12:21:16] <alyssa> I'm not really surprised either but that's already more information than had been communicated to me (-:
+[12:21:17] <daniels> Lyude: please do take over if you have the bandwidth and it isn't sidelining more important things
+[12:21:39] <Lyude> daniels: I think I should have time :)
+[12:22:02] <tlwoerner> anholt: have you had an opportunity to setup the EVoC student with payment details?
+[12:22:04] <daniels> I'm not surprised in the context of the last couple of decades of (a light-touch approach|neglect); think it's going to need a more intensive one-to-one approach rather than 20-CC spam
+[12:23:13] <alyssa> ~~clearly the answer is BCC~~ delet
+[12:23:21] <tlwoerner> lol
+[12:25:41] <daniels> Lyude: most of those people won't be at XDC, but if anyone's going to GUADEC, or GSt Conf, or Linux Media Summit, or whatever, then I'm super happy to point you at the right people
+[12:25:42] <ivyl> tlwoerner: I think I'll have to do that. I don't see anything on evoc payments in our bug tracker so I'm not sure who to address. Do you mind sending the info to ?
+[12:25:49] * tlwoerner guesses alyssa predates the ^H era
+[12:26:02] <daniels> just not the energy to go push those conversations myself, because I'm now into year 15 of trying to have quit :)
+[12:26:02] <tlwoerner> ivyl: okay, thanks
+[12:26:13] <Lyude> daniels: I definitely have coworkers going to guadec at least
+[12:26:26] <Lyude> daniels: of course :), always feel free to poke me if you want to offload stuff too
+[12:28:22] <daniels> Lyude: the only thing I have left to offload at this point is finding someone else who can do admin; I don't functionally do any of it day to day, but realistically bentiss and myself can't be on holiday at the same time
+[12:28:37] <Lyude> daniels: isn't whot now there as well?
+[12:29:08] <daniels> if whot has the keys to the k8s kingdom, that wfm :)
+[12:30:03] <alyssa> king burnetes
+[13:47:13] <sima> Lyude, oops sorry I suck :-/
+[13:47:34] <sima> ivyl, might be good to create a ticket for the evoc internship and maybe a template so we don't quite screw up that much again ...
+[13:47:36] <sima> Lyude, ^^
+[13:49:35] <sima> daniels, we did formally add whot to the admin group a few months ago (but failed a few of the paperwork things to actually list whot)
+[13:49:46] <sima> iirc bentiss proposed that
+[13:50:32] <sima> Lyude, btw did you see my reply to sfc's question? was addressed at you but I figured I can answer too
+[13:51:20] <Lyude> sima: not yet, was out yesterday if that's when you sent it?
+[13:51:42] <sima> Lyude, almost two weeks ago :-)
+[13:51:53] <Lyude> ah whoops, must have missed it
+[13:52:00] <sima> well tracy asked you 2 weeks ago, I replied a few days later
+[13:52:03] <sima> yeah figured
+[13:52:15] <sima> iirc I pinged you, but maybe w/e or somethig
+[13:52:40] <Lyude> Gotcha, will def reply today
+[13:52:57] <daniels> Lyude: btw this is what I meant about offloading 'go chat to PipeWire about general vibes' not bumping more critical things from your todo :)
+[13:54:25] <Lyude> daniels: hehe, gotcha :P. honestly I think it was just that I was on PTO around then so I probably just lost track
+[13:55:09] <daniels> Lyude: sorry, that probably seemed way more passive-aggressive than intended!
+[13:55:17] <Lyude> oh haha it didn't come across that way :P
+[13:55:51] <daniels> just that it would be nice if we could pull fd.o in under ... errr ... fd.o, but given that we've been this way for 19 years now, we can probably glide for a bit longer
+[14:06:08] <ivyl> sima: Yup. I'm planning on filing an issue in the tracker. Screw up again? Anything I should learn from?
+[14:10:01] <sima> ivyl, for this evoc we didn't tell tlwoerner that we approved and the mentor learned even later
+[14:11:04] <sima> so maybe we should have a template with the usual steps, maybe a) do we have a mentor/internship plan b) board vote c) mentor, intern, evoc coordinator informed d) initial payment set up e) mid-term payment f) end-term payment
+[14:22:16] <ivyl> sima: do we have templates for the issues already, like the ones you've opened for the sponsors?
+[14:24:04] <sima> kv
+[14:24:13] <sima> ivyl, nope, I'm just copypasting from last year
+[14:24:23] <sima> but yeah might be good to add some standard ones
+[14:24:43] <ivyl> ah, cool, I think I can create gitlab issue templates
+[14:25:05] <ivyl> I would like to have a few steps added for the typical invoicing of sponsors too, makes it easier for me to track
+[14:26:23] <sima> ivyl, ah yeah feel free to edit as you see fit
+[15:55:42] <mfilion>
+[15:56:25] <mfilion> Musk has announced his 2nd company named "X", this time, xAI (
+[16:18:46] <sima> tlwoerner, btw have gsoc students submitted their talks?
+[16:19:17] <tlwoerner> sima: that's a very good question! i'm ping them about it
+[16:19:26] <tlwoerner> oops s/i'm/i'll
+[16:20:42] <sima> the lightning talks also dont' really sound like lightning talks in all cases ...
+[19:07:21] [disconnected at Wed Jul 12 19:07:21 2023]
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* [[May. 17|BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries/2023/05-17]]
* [[May. 31|BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries/2023/05-31]]
* [[Jun. 28|BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries/2023/06-28]]
+* [[Jul. 12|BoardOfDirectors/MeetingSummaries/2023/07-12]]
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+Summary of the 12 July 2023 meeting of the [[X.Org Foundation|XorgFoundation]] [[Board of Directors|BoardOfDirectors]]
+Full IRC meeting logs are posted at [[BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/]]
+## Attendees
+Sima Vetter,
+Arkadiusz Hiler,
+Lyude Paul,
+Christopher Michael,
+Mark Filion,
+Alyssa Rosenzweig,
+Ricardo Garcia
+Trevor Woerner
+Emma Anholt,
+## Summary
+Agenda: Matrix, XDC updates, GSoC/EVoC, re-branding
+## Items discussed
+[[!format txt """
+ITEM: Matrix
+No updates yet
+STATUS: Pending
+ITEM: XDC updates
+CFP closes at the end of the week, more discussion around COVID policy
+ACTIONS: Board to vote on COVID policy over email
+STATUS: Pending
+Currently in GSoC's midterm evaluation week. 4/5 Mentors have submitted their
+evaluations, and 3/5 contributors have submitted their evaluations. Trevor
+reached out to all contributors to get their thoughts on how things are going,
+and so far 4/5 have replied to say they're happy and that things are going
+STATUS: Pending
+ITEM: Re-branding
+No updates on this yet, not a whole ton of response from the non-graphics FDO
+STATUS: Pending