path: root/spec
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authorOlli Salli <>2008-07-11 01:29:49 +0300
committerOlli Salli <>2008-07-11 01:29:49 +0300
commit190ecb3d7cd80732d1cd8dc484184a8cfe104707 (patch)
tree5245644804eade753c347a303018bbfcb3229e14 /spec
Initial commit with types and constants generated.
Diffstat (limited to 'spec')
41 files changed, 9220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/Account.xml b/spec/Account.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5521f5cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Account.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Account"
+ xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2008 Collabora Ltd.</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+<p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Account">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>An Account object encapsulates the necessary details to make a
+ Telepathy connection.</p>
+ <p>Accounts are uniquely identified by object path. The object path
+ of an Account MUST take the form
+ <code>/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Account/<em>cm</em>/<em>proto</em>/<em>acct</em></code>, where:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><em>cm</em> is the same <tp:type>Connection_Manager_Name</tp:type>
+ that appears in the connection manager's well-known bus name and
+ object path</li>
+ <li><em>proto</em> is the <tp:type>Protocol</tp:type> name as seen in
+ ConnectionManager.ListProtocols, but with "-" replaced with "_"
+ (i.e. the same as in the object-path of a Connection)</li>
+ <li><em>acct</em> is an arbitrary string of ASCII letters, digits
+ and underscores, starting with a letter or underscore, which
+ uniquely identifies this account</li>
+ <li>Clients SHOULD parse the object path to discover the
+ connection manager and protocol</li>
+ <li>Clients MUST NOT attempt to parse <em>acct</em></li>
+ <li>Clients MUST NOT assume that <em>acct</em> matches
+ the connection-specific part of a Connection's object-path and
+ bus name</li>
+ <li>The account manager SHOULD choose <em>acct</em> such that if
+ an account is deleted, its object path will be re-used if and only
+ if the new account is in some sense "the same"
+ (incorporating the 'account' parameter in some way is
+ recommended)</li>
+ </ul>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>This API avoids specifying the "profiles" used in Mission Control
+ 4.x or the "presets" that have been proposed to replace them. An
+ optional interface will be provided for AM implementations
+ that want to provide presets.</p>
+ <p>There is deliberately no functionality here for opening channels;
+ we intend to provide that in the channel dispatcher.</p>
+ <p>Other missing features which would be better in their own
+ interfaces:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>dynamic parameter-providing (aka provisioning)</li>
+ <li>saved server capabilities</li>
+ <li>account conditions</li>
+ <li>account grouping</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.2"/>
+ <tp:changed version="0.17.6">moved the Avatar property to a separate
+ interface</tp:changed>
+ <!-- Missing functionality compared with NMC 4.x account + profile,
+ apart from as listed above:
+ * vCard field, + default profile for each vCard field
+ (vCard field is per protocol and should be chosen by the
+ Telepathy <-> address-book bridge?; default profile is now
+ meaningless)
+ * "normalized name" (normalized handle?)
+ * branding icon (what's this and how does it differ from the icon?)
+ * configuration UI (not our problem - perhaps the UI could special-case
+ by cm,protocol,preset tuples?)
+ * default account domain (somewhat meaningless in general; specialized
+ account config UI can hard-code this)
+ * SPLIT_ACCOUNT (pseudo-capability - this is a property of the protocol,
+ not the profile, and in any case only the account config UI cares)
+ Missing functionality compared with Decibel accounts:
+ * we don't really know, they take arbitrary key/value pairs...
+ but display name, protocol, presence/message, current, autoreconnect
+ are the ones given special status by the source, and we have all of them
+ -->
+ <property name="Interfaces" type="as" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A list of the extra interfaces provided by this account.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <method name="Remove">
+ <tp:docstring>Delete the account.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="Removed">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This account has been removed.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ This is redundant with AccountRemoved, but it's still worth having,
+ to avoid having to bind to AccountManager.AccountRemoved to tell
+ you whether your Account is valid - ideally, an account-editing UI
+ should only care about a single Account.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="AccountPropertyChanged">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The values of one or more properties on this interface (that do not
+ specify that this signal does not apply to them) may have changed.
+ This does not cover properties of other interfaces, which must
+ provide their own change notification if appropriate.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="Properties" type="a{sv}">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A map from property names in this namespace (e.g. Nickname) to
+ values. Properties whose values have not changed SHOULD be
+ omitted, but this need not be done.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <property name="DisplayName" type="s" access="readwrite">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The user-visible name of this account. This SHOULD be chosen by the
+ user at account creation time. The account creation user interface
+ is responsible for setting a reasonable default value in the user's
+ locale; something like "Jabber (" would be sensible.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ This approximately corresponds to "display name" in NMC 4.x and
+ Decibel.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Icon" type="s" access="readwrite">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The name of an icon in the system's icon theme, such as "im-msn",
+ or the empty string to not specify an icon. If the icon is set to
+ an empty string, the account manager or any client MAY derive a
+ default icon, for instance from the protocol.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ This approximately corresponds to mc_profile_get_icon_name
+ (or possibly mc_profile_get_branding_icon_name) in NMC 4.x.
+ It's accessed via the account rather than the profile because
+ we no longer have profiles as a core concept.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Valid" type="b" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ If true, this account is considered by the account manager to be
+ complete and usable. If false, user action is required to make it
+ usable, and it will never attempt to connect (for instance, this
+ might be caused by the absence of a required parameter).
+ <tp:rationale>
+ For connection managers with a plugin architecture, like
+ telepathy-haze, we have little or no control over the parameters
+ offered; for platforms with package management, we have little or
+ no control over the CMs offered. NMC 4.x would just pretend the
+ account didn't exist in these circumstances, but silent data loss
+ is bad, and UIs with CM-specific knowledge (or a user filling in
+ newly-required parameters) might be able to rescue a broken account.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Enabled" type="b" access="readwrite">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>This property gives the users the possibility to prevent an account
+ from being used. This flag does not change the validity of the
+ account.</p>
+ <p>A disabled account can never be put online.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>Use cases:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>user has two or more accounts capable of calling contact X, but
+ he doesn't want the UI to prompt him everytime about which one he
+ wants to use for the call. He can then disable all the equivalent
+ accounts but one.</li>
+ <li>There is some temporary server error and the user doesn't want
+ to be be bother by error messages, or change the account
+ configuration: temporarily disabling the account is quicker.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>The AccountManager SHOULD allow this property to be set on invalid
+ accounts, but MUST NOT attempt to put invalid accounts online
+ even if they become Enabled.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>There doesn't seem to be any good reason not to allow this.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Nickname" type="as" access="readwrite">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The nickname to set on this account for display to other contacts,
+ as set by the user. When the account becomes connected, the
+ account manager SHOULD set this as the user's alias using SetAliases
+ if appropriate.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ In a later specification revision, we plan to separate the concepts
+ of a contact's nickname as set by themselves, and the local
+ name for them in our contact list (a "handle" or "pet name" as
+ described in XEP-0165 and its references). The terminology change
+ from alias to nickname here is a step in that direction.
+ This corresponds to NMC 4.x mc_account_get_alias.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Parameters" type="a{sv}" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>A map from connection manager parameter names (as in the
+ ConnectionManager interface) to their values. This property includes
+ only those parameters that are stored for this account, and SHOULD
+ only include those parameters that the user has explicitly set.
+ </p>
+ <p>This property cannot be altered using Set() - use
+ UpdateParameters instead.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ This avoids NMC being tied to gconf as a matter of API.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <method name="UpdateParameters">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Change the value of the Parameters property. Any changes will not
+ take effect until the next time the account is disconnected and
+ reconnected.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ Migration tools that twiddle the settings of all accounts shouldn't
+ cause an automatic disconnect and reconnect, probably. I could be
+ persuaded otherwise, though. Or we could add a Reconnect() method.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="Set" type="a{sv}" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A mapping from parameter names to their values. These parameters
+ should be stored for future use.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Unset" type="as" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A list of the names of parameters to be removed from the set of
+ stored values, allowing the default values to be used.
+ If the given parameters were not, in fact, stored, or even if they
+ do not exist at all, the account manager MUST accept this without
+ error.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:struct name="Account_Presence">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A simplified form of the presence statuses seen in the Presence
+ interface.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member name="Type" type="u" tp:type="Connection_Presence_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The presence type, e.g. Connection_Presence_Type_Away.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member name="Status" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection-manager-specific string identifier of the presence
+ status, e.g. "brb".
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member name="Message" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The user-defined status message, e.g. "Back soon!". This will be
+ used as the value for the 'message' keyword in the Presence
+ interface's dictionary, if possible.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <property name="AutomaticPresence" type="(uss)" access="readwrite"
+ tp:type="Account_Presence">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>The presence status that this account should have if it is brought
+ online.</p>
+ <p>Setting this property MUST NOT actually change the account's
+ status until the next time it is (re)connected for some reason.</p>
+ <p>The <tp:type>Connection_Presence_Type</tp:type> in the structure
+ SHOULD NOT be Offline or Unset.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ In ITOS2007 and ITOS2008 this is a global preference, not visible
+ on D-Bus (the "default presence"). "Automatic presence" better
+ describes when it is used.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="ConnectAutomatically" type="b" access="readwrite">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ If true, the account manager SHOULD attempt to put this account
+ online with the AutomaticPresence whenever possible (in the base
+ Account interface this is deliberately left vague). If false,
+ it MUST NOT put the account online automatically in response to,
+ for instance, connectivity changes, but SHOULD still put the account
+ online with the AutomaticPresence if requested by the user (for
+ instance, if the user tries to start a conversation using this
+ account).
+ <tp:rationale>
+ This approximately corresponds to NMC 4.x "enabled" and Decibel
+ "autoreconnect".
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Connection" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Either the well-known bus name of the connection to this account,
+ or the empty string if there is no connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="ConnectionStatus" type="u" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ If the Connection property is non-empty, the status of that connection.
+ If the Connection property is the empty string, this property may
+ either be Disconnected (indicating that the account manager is not
+ attempting to bring it online), or Connecting (indicating that the
+ account manager is attempting to connect).
+ The account manager is expected to set this by observing signals
+ from the Connection.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ If the AM is doing some sort of backoff/delay on reconnection
+ attempts, the account's status is conceptually "Connecting" even
+ though there is no Connection. This vaguely corresponds to
+ GetCurrentStatus in NMC 4.x.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="ConnectionStatusReason" type="u" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The reason for the last change to ConnectionStatus.
+ The account manager is expected to set this by observing signals
+ from the Connection.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ If you weren't watching the Connection at the time it failed,
+ you can't tell why - unless the AM can tell you. This is part
+ of GetCurrentStatus in NMC 4.x.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="CurrentPresence" type="(uss)" access="read"
+ tp:type="Account_Presence">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The actual presence. If the connection is not online, this should be
+ (Connection_Presence_Type_Offline, "", "").
+ If the connection is online but does not support the Presence
+ interface, this should be (Connection_Presence_Type_Unset, "", "").
+ The account manager is expected to set this by observing signals
+ from the Connection.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ This corresponds to GetPresenceActual in NMC 4.x.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="RequestedPresence" type="(uss)" access="readwrite"
+ tp:type="Account_Presence">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>The requested presence for this account. When this is changed, the
+ account manager should attempt to manipulate the connection manager
+ to make CurrentPresence match RequestedPresence as closely as
+ possible. It should not be saved to any sort of persistent
+ storage.</p>
+ <p>When the account manager automatically connects an account,
+ it must signal this by setting the RequestedPresence to the same
+ thing as the AutomaticPresence.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ This corresponds to e.g. GetPresence and GetPresenceMessage
+ in NMC 4.x.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="NormalizedName" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>The normalized user ID of the local user on this account (i.e. the
+ string returned when the InspectHandle method is called on the
+ result of GetSelfHandle() for an active connection).</p>
+ <p>It is unspecified whether this user ID is globally unique.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>As currently implemented, IRC user IDs are only unique within
+ the same IRCnet. On some saner protocols, the user ID includes a
+ DNS name which provides global uniqueness.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ <p>If this value is not known yet (which will always be the case for
+ accounts that have never been online), it will be an empty
+ string.</p>
+ <p>It is possible that this value will change if the connection
+ manager's normalization algorithm changes, although this SHOULD
+ be avoided.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>It's not always completely clear what normalization algorithm
+ should be used; for instance, in Gabble, we currently use JIDs,
+ but it would also have been reasonable to use xmpp URIs.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Account_Interface_Avatar.xml b/spec/Account_Interface_Avatar.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cb58256e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Account_Interface_Avatar.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Account_Interface_Avatar"
+ xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2008 Collabora Ltd.</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+<p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Account.Interface.Avatar">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>This interface extends the core Account interface to provide a
+ user-settable avatar image.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>The avatar could have been a property on the core Account interface,
+ but was moved to a separate interface because it is likely to be
+ large. This means that clients can safely use GetAll to get
+ properties on the core Account interface without flooding the
+ session bus with large images.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.6"/>
+ <property name="Avatar" type="(ays)" access="readwrite">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The avatar to set on this account for display to other contacts,
+ represented as a structure containing the bytes of the avatar,
+ and the MIME type as a string; may be set to an empty byte-array and
+ an empty string to indicate no avatar. When the account becomes
+ connected, the account manager SHOULD set this avatar using SetAvatar
+ if appropriate.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ This corresponds to NMC 4.x mc_account_get_avatar.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="AvatarChanged">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the Avatar property changes.
+ <tp:rationale>The avatar itself is deliberately not included in this
+ signal, to reduce bus traffic in the (likely common) case where no
+ running application cares about the user's own avatar.</tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Account_Manager.xml b/spec/Account_Manager.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a068da37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Account_Manager.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Account_Manager"
+ xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2008 Collabora Ltd.</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+<p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.AccountManager">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>The account manager is a central service used to store account
+ details.</p>
+ <p>The current account manager is defined to be the process that owns
+ the well-known bus name org.freedesktop.Telepathy.AccountManager on
+ the session bus. This process must export an
+ /org/freedesktop/Telepathy/AccountManager object with the
+ AccountManager interface.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.2"/>
+ <!-- Missing functionality compared with NMC 4.x:
+ * look up accounts by conditions (can be done client-side, less
+ efficiently, so not a blocker)
+ * global presence/... changes (can be done client-side, less efficiently -
+ we should add this)
+ * count used channels (what's this for?)
+ * get "average" status (not well-defined, UIs can do this)
+ * request channels (out of scope: Channel Dispatcher will do this)
+ * register filters (completely out of scope: Channel Dispatcher again)
+ -->
+ <property name="Interfaces" type="as" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A list of the interfaces provided by the account manager object.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="ValidAccounts" type="ao" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A list of the valid (complete, usable) accounts. Change notification
+ is via AccountValidityChanged.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ This split between valid and invalid accounts makes it easy to
+ ignore the invalid ones. The only things that should be manipulating
+ invalid accounts are account-editing UIs, which might be able to
+ rescue them.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="InvalidAccounts" type="ao" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A list of incomplete or otherwise unusable accounts. Change
+ notification is via AccountValidityChanged.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="AccountRemoved">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The given account has been removed.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ This is effectively change notification for the valid and invalid
+ accounts lists.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="Account" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An Account, which must not be used any more.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="AccountValidityChanged">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The validity of the given account has changed. New accounts are
+ also indicated by this signal, as an account validity change
+ (usually to True) on an account that did not previously exist.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ This is effectively change notification for the valid and invalid
+ accounts lists.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="Account" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An Account.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Valid" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ True if the account is now valid.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="CreateAccount">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request the creation of a new account. The account manager SHOULD NOT
+ allow invalid accounts to be created. Accounts created through this
+ API SHOULD have an empty PresetParameters property.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="Connection_Manager" direction="in" type="s"
+ tp:type="Connection_Manager_Name">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The name of the connection manager, e.g. "salut".
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Protocol" direction="in" type="s"
+ tp:type="Protocol">
+ <tp:docstring>The protocol, e.g. "local-xmpp".</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Display_Name" direction="in" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>The initial value of the new account's DisplayName
+ property. The account manager MAY modify this to make it unique,
+ for instance by appending a number or the 'account'
+ parameter.</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Parameters" direction="in" type="a{sv}">
+ <tp:docstring>Initial parameter values, as would be passed to
+ RequestConnection.</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Account" direction="out" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>The new account.</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotImplemented">
+ <tp:docstring>The connection manager is not installed or does not
+ implement that protocol.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>The parameters provided omit a required argument
+ or provide unsupported arguments.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel.xml b/spec/Channel.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61da1341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Collabora Limited</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2006 INdT</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel">
+ <property name="ChannelType" type="s" tp:type="DBus_Interface"
+ access="read">
+ <tp:added version="0.17.7"/>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>The channel's type. This cannot change once the channel has
+ been created.</p>
+ <p>For compatibility between older connection managers and newer
+ clients, if this is unavailable or is an empty string,
+ clients MUST use the result of calling GetChannelType.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ The GetAll method lets clients retrieve all properties in one
+ round-trip, which is desirable.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Interfaces" type="as" tp:type="DBus_Interface[]"
+ access="read">
+ <tp:added version="0.17.7"/>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Extra interfaces provided by this channel. This SHOULD NOT include
+ the channel type and the Channel interface itself, and cannot
+ change once the channel has been created.</p>
+ <p>For compatibility between older connection managers and newer
+ clients, if this is unavailable, or if this is an empty list and
+ ChannelType is an empty string, clients MUST use the result of
+ calling GetInterfaces instead. If this is an empty list but
+ ChannelType is non-empty, clients SHOULD NOT call GetInterfaces;
+ this implies that connection managers that implement the
+ ChannelType property MUST also implement the Interfaces property
+ correctly.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ The GetAll method lets clients retrieve all properties in one
+ round-trip, which is desirable.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="TargetHandle" type="u" access="read" tp:type="Handle">
+ <tp:added version="0.17.7"/>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>The handle (a representation for the identifier) of the contact,
+ chatroom, etc. with which this handle communicates. Its type
+ is given by the TargetHandleType property.</p>
+ <p>This is fixed for the lifetime of the channel, so channels which
+ could potentially be used to communicate with multiple contacts
+ (such as streamed media calls defined by their members, or ad-hoc
+ chatrooms like MSN switchboards) must have TargetHandleType set
+ to Handle_Type_None and TargetHandle set to 0.</p>
+ <p>Unlike in the telepathy-spec 0.16 API, there is no particular
+ uniqueness guarantee - there can be many channels with the same
+ (channel type, handle type, handle) tuple. This is necessary
+ to support conversation threads in XMPP and SIP, for example.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="TargetHandleType" type="u" access="read"
+ tp:type="Handle_Type">
+ <tp:added version="0.17.7"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The type of TargetHandle.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <method name="Close">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that the channel be closed. This is not the case until
+ the Closed signal has been emitted, and depending on the connection
+ manager this may simply remove you from the channel on the server,
+ rather than causing it to stop existing entirely. Some channels
+ such as contact list channels may not be closed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotImplemented">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This channel may never be closed, e.g. a contact list
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This channel is not currently in a state where it can be closed,
+ e.g. a non-empty user-defined contact group
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="Closed">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the channel has been closed. Method calls on the
+ channel are no longer valid after this signal has been emitted,
+ and the connection manager may then remove the object from the bus
+ at any point.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="GetChannelType">
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.17.7">Use the ChannelType
+ property if possible.</tp:deprecated>
+ <arg direction="out" type="s" tp:type="DBus_Interface">
+ <tp:docstring>The interface name</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns the interface name for the type of this channel.
+ Clients SHOULD use the ChannelType property instead, falling back
+ to this method only if necessary.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ The GetAll method lets clients retrieve all properties in one
+ round-trip.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetHandle">
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.17.7">Use the TargetHandleType
+ and TargetHandle properties if possible.</tp:deprecated>
+ <arg direction="out" type="u" tp:type="Handle_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The same as TargetHandleType.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="u" tp:type="Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The same as TargetHandle.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns the handle type and number if this channel represents a
+ communication with a particular contact, room or server-stored list, or
+ zero if it is transient and defined only by its contents. Clients
+ SHOULD use the TargetHandle and TargetHandleType properties instead,
+ falling back to this method only if necessary.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ The GetAll method lets clients retrieve all properties in one
+ round-trip.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetInterfaces">
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.17.7">Use the Interfaces
+ property if possible.</tp:deprecated>
+ <arg direction="out" type="as" tp:type="DBus_Interface[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of the D-Bus interface names
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get the optional interfaces implemented by the channel.
+ Clients SHOULD use the Interfaces property instead, falling back
+ to this method only if necessary.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ The GetAll method lets clients retrieve all properties in one
+ round-trip.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>All communication in the Telepathy framework is carried out via channel
+ objects which are created and managed by connections. This interface must
+ be implemented by all channel objects, along with one single channel type,
+ such as Channel.Type.ContactList which represents a list of people (such
+ as a buddy list) or a Channel.Type.Text which represents a channel over
+ which textual messages are sent and received.</p>
+ <p>Each channel may have an immutable handle associated with it, which
+ may be any handle type, such as a contact, room or list handle,
+ indicating that the channel is for communicating with that handle.</p>
+ <p>If a channel does not have a handle (an "anonymous channel" with
+ Target_Handle = 0 and Target_Handle_Type = Handle_Type_None), it
+ means that the channel is defined by some other terms, such as it
+ may be a transient group defined only by its members as visible
+ through the Channel.Interface.Group interface.</p>
+ <p>Other optional interfaces can be implemented to indicate other available
+ functionality, such as Channel.Interface.Group if the channel contains
+ a number of contacts, Channel.Interface.Password to indicate
+ that a channel may have a password set to require entry, and
+ Properties for extra data about channels which represent chat
+ rooms or voice calls. The interfaces implemented may not vary after the
+ channel's creation has been signalled to the bus (with the connection's
+ NewChannel signal).</p>
+ <p>Specific connection manager implementations may implement channel types and
+ interfaces which are not contained within this specification in order to
+ support further functionality. To aid interoperability between client and
+ connection manager implementations, the interfaces specified here should be
+ used wherever applicable, and new interfaces made protocol-independent
+ wherever possible. Because of the potential for 3rd party interfaces adding
+ methods or signals with conflicting names, the D-Bus interface names should
+ always be used to invoke methods and bind signals.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:changed version="0.17.7">Previously we guaranteed that, for
+ any handle type other than Handle_Type_None, and for any channel type
+ and any handle, there would be no more than one channel with that
+ combination of channel type, handle type and handle. This guarantee
+ has now been removed in order to accommodate features like message
+ threads.
+ </tp:changed>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Future.xml b/spec/Channel_Future.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09d116ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Future.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Future"
+ xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2008 Collabora Ltd.</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.FUTURE"
+ tp:causes-havoc="a staging area for future Channel functionality">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>This interface contains functionality which we intend to incorporate
+ into the Channel interface in future. It should be considered to
+ be conceptually part of the core Channel interface, but without
+ API or ABI guarantees.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>If we add new functionality to the Channel interface, libraries
+ that use generated code (notably telepathy-glib) will have it as
+ part of their ABI forever, meaning we can't make incompatible
+ changes. By using this interface as a staging area for future
+ Channel functionality, we can try out new properties, signals
+ and methods as application-specific extensions, then merge them
+ into the core Channel interface when we have enough implementation
+ experience to declare them to be stable.</p>
+ <p>The name is by analogy to Python's <code>__future__</code>
+ pseudo-module.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <property name="TargetID" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:added version="0.17.7">(in Channel.FUTURE
+ pseudo-interface)</tp:added>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The string that would result from inspecting the TargetHandle
+ property (i.e. the identifier in the IM protocol of the contact,
+ room, etc. with which this channel communicates).
+ <tp:rationale>
+ See InitiatorID; the rationale is the same.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="InitiatorHandle" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle"
+ access="read">
+ <tp:added version="0.17.7">(in Channel.FUTURE
+ pseudo-interface)</tp:added>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>The contact who initiated the channel. For channels requested by the
+ local user, this MUST be the same thing as would be returned
+ by Connection.GetSelfHandle() at the time the channel was
+ created.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>The careful wording about the self-handle is because the Renaming
+ interface can cause the return from Connection.GetSelfHandle to
+ change. It's something of a specification bug that we don't signal
+ this in the Connection interface yet.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ <p>For channels requested by a remote user, this MUST be their handle.
+ If unavailable or not applicable, this MUST be 0 (for instance,
+ contact lists are not really initiated by anyone in particular, and
+ it's easy to imagine a protocol where chatroom invitations can be
+ anonymous).</p>
+ <p>For channels with the Group interface, this SHOULD be the same
+ contact who is signalled as the "Actor" causing the self-handle
+ to be placed in the local-pending set.</p>
+ <p>This SHOULD NOT be a channel-specific handle, if possible.</p>
+ <p>It does not make sense for this property to be passed to the
+ RequestChannels method on Channel.Interface.Requests.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="InitiatorID" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:added version="0.17.7">(in Channel.FUTURE
+ pseudo-interface)</tp:added>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>The string that would result from inspecting the InitiatorHandle
+ property (i.e. the initiator's identifier in the IM protocol).</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>The presence of this property avoids the following race
+ condition:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>New StreamedMedia channel C is signalled with initiator
+ handle I</li>
+ <li>Client calls InspectHandles(CONTACT, [I])</li>
+ <li>Channel C closes, removing the last reference to handle I</li>
+ <li>InspectHandles(CONTACT, [I]) returns an error</li>
+ <li>Client can indicate that a call was missed, but not who
+ called!</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ <p>It does not make sense for this property to be passed to the
+ RequestChannels method on Channel.Interface.Requests.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Handler.xml b/spec/Channel_Handler.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06b14e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Handler.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Handler" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Collabora Limited</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ChannelHandler">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>An interface exported by client applications which are able to
+ handle incoming channels.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.0"/>
+ <method name="HandleChannel">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Called when a channel handler should handle a new channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.0"/>
+ <arg direction="in" type="s" name="Bus_Name" tp:type="DBus_Bus_Name">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The bus name of the connection and channel
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" type="o" name="Connection">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The object-path of the connection that owns the channel
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" type="s" tp:type="DBus_Interface" name="Channel_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The channel type
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" type="o" name="Channel">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The object-path of the channel
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" type="u" tp:type="Handle_Type" name="Handle_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>The type of the handle that the channel communicates
+ with, or 0 if there is no associated handle</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" type="u" tp:type="Handle" name="Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>The handle that the channel communicates with,
+ or 0 if there is no associated handle</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <!-- FIXME: possible errors? -->
+ </method>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Interface_Call_Merging.xml b/spec/Channel_Interface_Call_Merging.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23f95585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Interface_Call_Merging.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Interface_Call_Merging" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Library General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.CallMerging"
+ tp:causes-havoc='not yet API-stable'>
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.StreamedMedia"/>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.1"/>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Interface for streamed media channels that can be merged and split
+ in the same sort of way as in GSM or PBX telephony.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <method name="Merge">
+ <arg direction="in" type="o" name="Other">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The other channel to merge into this one
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that the given channel be merged into this one. This means
+ that the other channel is closed, and all its participants are added
+ to the channel on which this method was called.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="Split">
+ <arg direction="in" name="Contact" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The handle of the contact to split off a conversation with, who
+ must be a member in the channel's Group interface
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" name="Channel" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The new channel
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that the given contact is removed from this channel, and
+ a new channel is created to communicate with them privately instead.
+ This is the inverse of Merge.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Interface_Call_State.xml b/spec/Channel_Interface_Call_State.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aead16bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Interface_Call_State.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Interface_Call_State" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2008 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.CallState">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.StreamedMedia"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An interface for streamed media channels that can indicate call
+ progress or call states. The presence of this interface is no guarantee
+ that call states will actually be signalled (for instance, SIP
+ implementations are not guaranteed to generate status 180 Ringing,
+ so a call can be accepted without the Ringing flag ever having been set).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.2"/>
+ <method name="GetCallStates">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get the current call states for all contacts involved in this call.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg tp:type="Channel_Call_State_Map" name="States" direction="out"
+ type="a{uu}">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The current call states. Participants where the call state flags
+ would be 0 (all unset) may be omitted from this mapping.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="CallStateChanged">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the state of a member of the channel has changed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="contact" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer handle for the contact.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="state" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Call_State_Flags">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The new state for this contact.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:mapping name="Channel_Call_State_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A map from contacts to call states.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member name="Contact" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>A contact involved in this call.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member name="State" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Call_State_Flags">
+ <tp:docstring>State flags for the given contact.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ </tp:mapping>
+ <tp:flags name="Channel_Call_State_Flags" value-prefix="Channel_Call_State" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A set of flags representing call states.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Ringing" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact has been alerted about the call but has not responded
+ (e.g. 180 Ringing in SIP).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Queued" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact is temporarily unavailable, and the call has been placed
+ in a queue (e.g. 182 Queued in SIP, or call-waiting in telephony).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Held" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact has placed the call on hold, and will not receive
+ media from the local user or any other participants until they
+ unhold the call again.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Interface_Chat_State.xml b/spec/Channel_Interface_Chat_State.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cc6883d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Interface_Chat_State.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Interface_Chat_State" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2007 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.ChatState">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel"/>
+ <method name="SetChatState">
+ <arg direction="in" name="state" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Chat_State">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The new state: one of the values of ChannelChatState.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Set the local state and notify other members of the channel that it
+ has changed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="ChatStateChanged">
+ <arg name="contact" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer handle for the contact.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="state" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Chat_State">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The new state of this contact: one of the values of ChannelChatState.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the state of a member of the channel has changed.
+ This includes local state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:enum name="Channel_Chat_State" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Gone" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact has effectively ceased participating in the chat.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Inactive" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact has not been active for some time.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Active" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact is actively participating in the chat.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Paused" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact has paused composing a message.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Composing" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact is composing a message to be sent to the chat.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>An interface for channels for receiving notifications of remote contacts'
+ state, and for notifying remote contacts of the local state.</p>
+ <p>Clients should assume that a contact's state is Channel_Chat_State_Inactive
+ unless they receive a notification otherwise.</p>
+ <p>The Channel_Chat_State_Gone state is treated differently to other states:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>It may not be used for multi-user chats</li>
+ <li>It may not be explicitly sent</li>
+ <li>It should be automatically sent when the channel is closed</li>
+ <li>It must not be sent to the peer if a channel is closed without being used</li>
+ <li>Receiving it must not cause a new channel to be opened</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>The different states are defined by XEP-0085, but may be applied to any suitable protocol.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Interface_DTMF.xml b/spec/Channel_Interface_DTMF.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c24ec110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Interface_DTMF.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Interface_DTMF" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2006 INdT</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.DTMF">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.StreamedMedia"/>
+ <method name="StartTone">
+ <arg direction="in" name="stream_id" type="u" tp:type="Stream_ID">
+ <tp:docstring>A stream ID as defined in the StreamedMedia channel type.</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="event" type="y" tp:type="DTMF_Event">
+ <tp:docstring>A numeric event code from the DTMF_Event enum.</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Start sending a DTMF tone on this stream. Where possible, the tone
+ will continue until StopTone is called. On certain protocols, it may
+ only be possible to send events with a predetermined length. In this
+ case, the implementation may emit a fixed-length tone, and the StopTone
+ method call should return NotAvailable.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError" />
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The given stream ID was invalid.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The requested event is not available on this stream.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="StopTone">
+ <arg direction="in" name="stream_id" type="u" tp:type="Stream_ID">
+ <tp:docstring>A stream ID as defined in the StreamedMedia channel type.</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Stop sending any DTMF tone which has been started using the StartTone
+ method. If there is no current tone, this method will do nothing.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError" />
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The given stream ID was invalid.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Continuous tones are not supported by this stream.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:enum name="DTMF_Event" type="y">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Digit_0" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>0</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Digit_1" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>1</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Digit_2" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>2</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Digit_3" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>3</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Digit_4" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>4</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Digit_5" value="5">
+ <tp:docstring>5</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Digit_6" value="6">
+ <tp:docstring>6</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Digit_7" value="7">
+ <tp:docstring>7</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Digit_8" value="8">
+ <tp:docstring>8</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Digit_9" value="9">
+ <tp:docstring>9</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Asterisk" value="10">
+ <tp:docstring>*</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Hash" value="11">
+ <tp:docstring>#</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Letter_A" value="12">
+ <tp:docstring>A</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Letter_B" value="13">
+ <tp:docstring>B</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Letter_C" value="14">
+ <tp:docstring>C</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Letter_D" value="15">
+ <tp:docstring>D</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ An interface that gives a Channel the ability to send DTMF events over
+ audio streams which have been established using the StreamedMedia channel
+ type. The event codes used are in common with those defined in <a
+ href="">RFC4733</a>, and are
+ listed in the DTMF_Event enumeration.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Interface_Delivery_Reporting.xml b/spec/Channel_Interface_Delivery_Reporting.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29b0f769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Interface_Delivery_Reporting.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Interface_Delivery_Reporting"
+ xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2008 Collabora Ltd.</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface
+ name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.DeliveryReporting.DRAFT"
+ tp:causes-havoc="experimental">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text"/>
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Messages"/>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.5">(draft version, not API-stable)</tp:added>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>This interface extends the Text and Messages interfaces with improved
+ sent-message status reporting.</p>
+ <p>This interface replaces Text.SendError, adding support for protocols
+ where the message content is not echoed back to the sender on
+ failure. It also adds support for receiving positive
+ acknowledgements, and uses the Messages queue for state-recovery
+ (ensuring that incoming delivery reports are not lost if there is not
+ currently a process handling them).</p>
+ <p>If this interface and the Messages interface are both present,
+ clients that support it SHOULD listen for the MessageReceived signal
+ to get delivery reports, and ignore the SendError signal on the Text
+ interface.</p>
+ <p>Delivery reports appear as messages of type
+ Channel_Text_Message_Type_Delivery_Report in the Text and Messages
+ interfaces. The message in the Text interface SHOULD have the
+ Non_Text_Content flag.</p>
+ <p>Whenever a message of type Channel_Text_Message_Type_Delivery_Report
+ is signalled for a delivery error report, Channel.Type.Text.SendError
+ SHOULD also be emitted; whenever Channel.Type.Text.SendError is
+ emitted by a channel which supports this interface, a message of type
+ Channel_Text_Message_Type_Delivery_Report MUST also be emitted.</p>
+ <p>The corresponding message in the Messages interface MUST contain
+ "headers" for the delivery report, as specified below, in its
+ first Message_Part.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>interface (s - DBus_Interface, as defined in the Messages
+ interface)</dt>
+ <dd>MUST be the name of this interface.</dd>
+ <dt>message-sender (u - Contact_Handle, as defined in the Messages
+ interface)</dt>
+ <dd>MUST be the intended recipient of the original message, if
+ available (zero or omitted otherwise), even if the delivery report
+ actually came from an intermediate server.</dd>
+ <dt>message-type (u - Channel_Text_Message_Type, as defined in the
+ Messages interface)</dt>
+ <dd>MUST be Channel_Text_Message_Type_Delivery_Report.</dd>
+ <dt>delivery-status (u - Delivery_Status)</dt>
+ <dd>The status of the message. All delivery reports MUST contain
+ this key in the first Message_Part.</dd>
+ <dt>delivery-token (s - Sent_Message_Token)</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>An identifier for the message to which this delivery report
+ refers. MUST NOT be an empty string. Omitted if not
+ available.</p>
+ <p>Clients may match this against the token produced by the
+ SendMessage method and MessageSent signal on the Messages
+ interface. A status report with no token could match any sent
+ message, and a sent message with an empty token could match
+ any status report. If multiple sent messages match, clients
+ SHOULD use some reasonable heuristic.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ In an ideal world, we could unambiguously match reports
+ against messages; however, deployed protocols are not ideal,
+ and not all reports and messages can be matched.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>delivery-error (u - Channel_Text_Send_Error)</dt>
+ <dd>
+ The reason for the failure. MUST be omitted if this was a
+ successful delivery; SHOULD be omitted if it would be
+ Channel_Text_Send_Error_Unknown.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>delivery-echo (aa{sv} - Message_Part[])</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>The message content, as defined by the Messages interface.
+ Omitted if no content is available. Content MAY have been
+ truncated, message parts MAY have been removed, and message
+ parts MAY have had their content removed (i.e. the message part
+ metadata is present, but the 'content' key is not).</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ Some protocols, like XMPP, echo the failing message back to
+ the sender. This is sometimes the only way to match it
+ against the sent message, so we include it here.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ <p>Unlike in the Messages interface, content not visible
+ in the value for this key cannot be retrieved by another
+ means, so the connection manager SHOULD be more
+ aggressive about including (possibly truncated) message
+ content in the 'content' key.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ The Messages interface needs to allow all content to be
+ retrieved, but in this interface, the content we provide is
+ merely a hint; so some is better than none, and it doesn't
+ seem worth providing an API as complex as Messages'
+ GetPendingMessageContent for the echoed message.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>The second and subsequent Message_Part dictionaries, if present,
+ are a human-readable report from the IM service.</p>
+ <p>It is an error for this interface to appear on channels of type
+ other than Text, or on Text channels without the Messages interface.
+ Clients MUST recover from this error by ignoring the presence
+ of the DeliveryReporting interface.</p>
+ <p>Some example delivery reports in a Python-like syntax (in which
+ arrays are indicated by [a, b] and dictionaries by {k1: v1, k2: v2})
+ follow.</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>A minimal delivery report indicating permanent failure of the
+ sent message whose token was
+ <code>b9a991bd-8845-4d7f-a704-215186f43bb4</code> for an unknown
+ reason</dt>
+ <dd><pre>
+# header
+'interface': 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.DeliveryReporting',
+'message-sender': 123,
+'message-type': Channel_Text_Message_Type_Delivery_Report,
+'delivery-status': Delivery_Status_Permanently_Failed,
+'delivery-token': 'b9a991bd-8845-4d7f-a704-215186f43bb4',
+# no body
+ <dt>A delivery report where the failed message is echoed back to the
+ sender rather than being referenced by ID, and the failure reason
+ is that this protocol cannot send messages to offline contacts
+ such as the contact with handle 123</dt>
+ <dd><pre>
+[{ # header
+'interface': 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.DeliveryReporting',
+'message-sender': 123,
+'message-type': Channel_Text_Message_Type_Delivery_Report,
+'delivery-status': Delivery_Status_Temporarily_Failed,
+'delivery-error': Channel_Text_Send_Error_Offline,
+ [{ # header of original message
+ 'message-sender': 1,
+ 'message-sent': 1210067943,
+ },
+ { # body of original message
+ 'type': 'text/plain',
+ 'content': 'Hello, world!',
+ }]
+ ],
+# no body
+ <dt>A maximally complex delivery report: the server reports a bilingual
+ human-readable failure message because the user sent a message
+ "Hello, world!" with token
+ <code>b9a991bd-8845-4d7f-a704-215186f43bb4</code> to a contact
+ with handle 123, but that handle represents a contact who does not
+ actually exist</dt>
+ <dd><pre>
+[{ # header
+'interface': 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.DeliveryReporting',
+'message-sender': 123,
+'message-type': Channel_Text_Message_Type_Delivery_Report,
+'delivery-status': Delivery_Status_Permanently_Failed,
+'delivery-error': Channel_Text_Send_Error_Invalid_Contact,
+'delivery-token': 'b9a991bd-8845-4d7f-a704-215186f43bb4',
+ [{ # header of original message
+ 'message-sender': 1,
+ 'message-sent': 1210067943,
+ },
+ { # body of original message
+ 'type': 'text/plain',
+ 'content': 'Hello, world!',
+ }]
+ ],
+{ # message from server (alternative in English)
+'alternative': '404',
+'type': 'text/plain',
+'lang': 'en',
+'content': 'I have no contact with that name',
+{ # message from server (alternative in German)
+'alternative': '404'.
+'type': 'text/plain',
+'lang': 'de',
+'content', 'Ich habe keinen Kontakt mit diesem Namen',
+ <dt>A minimal delivery report indicating successful delivery
+ of the sent message whose token was
+ <code>b9a991bd-8845-4d7f-a704-215186f43bb4</code></dt>
+ <dd><pre>
+# header
+'interface': 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.DeliveryReporting',
+'message-sender': 123,
+'message-type': Channel_Text_Message_Type_Delivery_Report,
+'delivery-status': Delivery_Status_Delivered,
+'delivery-token': 'b9a991bd-8845-4d7f-a704-215186f43bb4',
+# no body
+ </dl>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:enum name="Delivery_Status" value-prefix="Delivery_Status">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>The status of a message as indicated by a delivery report.</p>
+ <p>If this enum is extended in future specifications, this should
+ only be to add new, non-overlapping conditions (i.e. all failures
+ should still be signalled as either Temporarily_Failed
+ or Permanently_Failed). If additional detail is required (e.g.
+ distinguishing between the various types of permanent failure) this
+ will be done using additional keys in the Message_Part.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Unknown" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The message's disposition is unknown.
+ Clients SHOULD consider all messages to have status
+ Delivery_Status_Unknown unless otherwise specified; connection
+ managers SHOULD NOT signal this delivery status explicitly.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Delivered" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The message has been delivered to the intended recipient.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Temporarily_Failed" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Delivery of the message has failed. Clients SHOULD notify the user,
+ but MAY automatically try sending another copy of the message.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ Similar to errors with type="wait" in XMPP; analogous to
+ 4xx errors in SMTP.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Permanently_Failed" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Delivery of the message has failed. Clients SHOULD NOT try again
+ unless by specific user action. If the user does not modify the
+ message or alter configuration before re-sending, this error is
+ likely to happen again.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ Similar to errors with type="cancel", type="modify"
+ or type="auth" in XMPP; analogous to 5xx errors in SMTP.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:flags name="Delivery_Reporting_Support_Flags"
+ value-prefix="Delivery_Reporting_Support_Flag">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Flags indicating the level of support for delivery reporting on this
+ channel. Any future flags added to this set will conform to the
+ convention that the presence of an extra flag implies that
+ more operations will succeed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Receive_Failures" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Clients MAY expect to receive negative delivery reports if
+ Message_Sending_Flag_Report_Delivery is specified when sending.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ If senders want delivery reports, they should ask for them.
+ If they don't want delivery reports, they can just ignore them,
+ so there's no need to have capability discovery for what will
+ happen if a delivery report isn't requested.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Receive_Successes" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Clients MAY expect to receive positive delivery reports if
+ Message_Sending_Flag_Report_Delivery is specified when sending.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ Same rationale as Receive_Failures.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Send_Failures" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Clients MAY expect that sending a negative delivery report will
+ succeed, and will actually get a message to the sender.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Send_Successes" value="8">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Clients MAY expect that sending a positive delivery report will
+ succeed, and will actually get a message to the sender.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ <property name="DeliveryReportingSupport" access="read"
+ tp:type="Delivery_Reporting_Support_Flags" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A bitfield indicating features supported by this channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <method name="SendDeliveryReport">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Request that a delivery report is sent for the specified pending
+ incoming message. Delivery reports cannot currently be sent for
+ messages that have already been acknowledged.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>The only use-case I can see for delivery reports on non-pending
+ messages is a "read receipt" like in email's RFC 3798. Delivery
+ reports on non-pending messages will also need a more complex
+ API.</p>
+ <p>If they turn out to be needed, we can add a method like
+ SendDeliveryReportByContent(aa{sv}: message) and add a flag to
+ Delivery_Reporting_Support_Flags indicating that this method is
+ implemented.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ <p>Clients SHOULD NOT attempt to send delivery reports that are
+ not indicated to be supported using the DeliveryReportingSupport
+ property.</p>
+ <p>Clients MUST NOT attempt to send delivery reports using the
+ SendMessage method in the Messages API, and connection managers
+ MUST NOT allow this to be done.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="Messages" type="au" tp:type="Message_ID[]" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The IDs of one or more unacknowledged messages.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Status" direction="in" type="u" tp:type="Delivery_Status">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The status to be reported.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Reason" direction="in" type="u"
+ tp:type="Channel_Text_Send_Error">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ If the status to be reported is a failure, the reason for that
+ failure. If the status to be reported is not an error, this MUST be
+ Channel_Text_Send_Error_Unknown.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError">
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ One of the specified message IDs was invalid. No delivery reports
+ were sent.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The requested message status could not be reported to the sender
+ (for instance, this will be raised if a positive delivery report
+ is requested on a protocol that only supports negative delivery
+ reports). Clients MUST treat this error as non-fatal.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotImplemented">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This channel cannot report message status back to the sender
+ at all. Do not call this method on this channel again.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Interface_Group.xml b/spec/Channel_Interface_Group.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cab68c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Interface_Group.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,777 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Interface_Group" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2006 INdT</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Group">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel"/>
+ <tp:struct name="Local_Pending_Info" array-name="Local_Pending_Info_List">
+ <tp:docstring>A structure representing a contact whose attempt to
+ join a group is to be confirmed by the local user using
+ AddMembers.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle" name="To_Be_Added">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact to be added to the group
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle" name="Actor">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact requesting or causing the change
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Channel_Group_Change_Reason" name="Reason">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The reason for the change
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Message">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A human-readable message from the Actor, or an empty string
+ if there is no message
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <method name="AddMembers">
+ <arg direction="in" name="contacts" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of contact handles to invite to the channel
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="message" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A string message, which can be blank if desired
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Invite all the given contacts into the channel, or accept requests for
+ channel membership for contacts on the pending local list.</p>
+ <p>A message may be provided along with the request, which will be sent
+ to the server if supported. See the CHANNEL_GROUP_FLAG_MESSAGE_ADD and
+ CHANNEL_GROUP_FLAG_MESSAGE_ACCEPT flags to see in which cases this
+ message should be provided.</p>
+ <p>Attempting to add contacts who are already members is allowed;
+ connection managers must silently accept this, without error.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Channel.Full"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Channel.InviteOnly"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Channel.Banned"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetAllMembers">
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.17.6">Use GetAll on the D-Bus
+ Properties D-Bus interface to get properties including Members,
+ RemotePendingMembers and LocalPendingMembers instead, falling back to
+ this method and GetLocalPendingMembers if necessary.</tp:deprecated>
+ <arg direction="out" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ array of handles of current members
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ array of handles of local pending members
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ array of handles of remote pending members
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns arrays of all current, local and remote pending channel
+ members.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:flags name="Channel_Group_Flags" value-prefix="Channel_Group_Flag" type="u">
+ <tp:flag suffix="Can_Add" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The AddMembers method can be used to add or invite members who are
+ not already in the local pending list (which is always valid).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Can_Remove" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The RemoveMembers method can be used to remove channel members
+ (removing those on the pending local list is always valid).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Can_Rescind" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The RemoveMembers method can be used on people on the remote
+ pending list.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Message_Add" value="8">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A message may be sent to the server when calling AddMembers on
+ contacts who are not currently pending members.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Message_Remove" value="16">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A message may be sent to the server when calling RemoveMembers on
+ contacts who are currently channel members.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Message_Accept" value="32">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A message may be sent to the server when calling AddMembers on
+ contacts who are locally pending.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Message_Reject" value="64">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A message may be sent to the server when calling RemoveMembers on
+ contacts who are locally pending.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Message_Rescind" value="128">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A message may be sent to the server when calling RemoveMembers on
+ contacts who are remote pending.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Channel_Specific_Handles" value="256">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>
+ The members of this group have handles which are specific to
+ this channel, and are not valid as general-purpose handles on
+ the connection. Depending on the channel, it may be possible to
+ call GetHandleOwners to find the owners of these handles, which
+ should be done if you wish to eg subscribe to the contact's
+ presence.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Connection managers must ensure that any given handle is not
+ simultaneously a general-purpose handle and a channel-specific
+ handle.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Only_One_Group" value="512">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Placing a contact in multiple groups of this type is not allowed
+ and will raise NotAvailable (on services where contacts may only
+ be in one user-defined group, user-defined groups will have
+ this flag).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Handle_Owners_Not_Available" value="1024">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ In rooms with channel specific handles (ie Channel_Specific_Handles
+ flag is set), this flag indicates that no handle owners are
+ available, apart from the owner of the SelfHandle.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ This used to be an important optimization to avoid repeated
+ GetHandleOwners calls, before we introduced the HandleOwner
+ property and HandleOwnerChanged signal.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Properties" value="2048">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This flag indicates that all the properties introduced in
+ specification 0.17.6 are fully supported.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ <property name="GroupFlags" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Group_Flags"
+ access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer representing the bitwise-OR of flags on this
+ channel. The user interface can use this to present information about
+ which operations are currently valid. Change notification is via
+ the GroupFlagsChanged signal.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.6">For backwards compatibility,
+ clients should fall back to calling GetGroupFlags if
+ Channel_Group_Flag_Properties is not present.</tp:added>
+ </property>
+ <method name="GetGroupFlags">
+ <arg direction="out" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Group_Flags">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The value of the GroupFlags property
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns the value of the GroupFlags property.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.17.6">Use GetAll on the D-Bus
+ Properties D-Bus interface to get properties including GroupFlags
+ instead, falling back to this method if necessary.</tp:deprecated>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:mapping name="Handle_Owner_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A map from channel-specific handles to their owners.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.6">For backwards compatibility,
+ clients should fall back to calling GetHandleOwners if
+ Channel_Group_Flag_Properties is not present.</tp:added>
+ <tp:member type="u" name="Channel_Specific_Handle"
+ tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A nonzero channel-specific handle
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="u" name="Global_Handle" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The global handle that owns the corresponding channel-specific
+ handle, or 0 if this could not be determined
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ </tp:mapping>
+ <property name="HandleOwners" type="a{uu}" tp:type="Handle_Owner_Map"
+ access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A map from channel-specific handles to their owners, including
+ at least all of the channel-specific handles in this channel's members,
+ local-pending or remote-pending sets as keys. Any handle not in
+ the keys of this mapping is not channel-specific in this channel.
+ Handles which are channel-specific, but for which the owner is
+ unknown, MUST appear in this mapping with 0 as owner. Change
+ notification is via the HandleOwnersChanged signal.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.6"/>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="HandleOwnersChanged">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted whenever the HandleOwners property changes.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.6">This signal should not be relied on
+ unless Channel_Group_Flag_Properties is present.</tp:added>
+ <arg name="Added" type="a{uu}" tp:type="Handle_Owner_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A map from channel-specific handles to their owners, in which the
+ keys include all the handles that were added to the keys of the
+ HandleOwners property, and all the handles in that property whose
+ owner has changed
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Removed" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The channel-specific handles that were removed from the keys of the
+ HandleOwners property, as a result of the contact leaving this group
+ in a previous MembersChanged signal
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="GetHandleOwners">
+ <arg direction="in" name="handles" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A list of integer handles representing members of the channel
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of integer handles representing the owner handles of
+ the given room members, in the same order, or 0 if the
+ owner is not available
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ the channel, then the handles of the group members are specific
+ to this channel, and are not meaningful in a connection-wide
+ context such as contact lists. This method allows you to find
+ the owner of the handle if it can be discovered in this channel,
+ or 0 if the owner is not available.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.17.6">Clients should use the
+ HandleOwners property and HandleOwnersChanged signal if
+ Channel_Group_Flag_Properties is present.</tp:deprecated>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This channel doesn't have the CHANNEL_SPECIFIC_HANDLES flag,
+ so handles in this channel are globally meaningful and calling
+ this method is not necessary
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ One of the given handles is not a member
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetLocalPendingMembers">
+ <arg direction="out" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns the To_Be_Added handle (only) for each structure in the
+ LocalPendingMembers property.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.17.6">Use the LocalPendingMembers
+ property, if Channel_Group_Flag_Properties is present.</tp:deprecated>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetLocalPendingMembersWithInfo">
+ <tp:added version="0.15.0" />
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns the LocalPendingMembers property.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.17.6">Use the LocalPendingMembers
+ property, if Channel_Group_Flag_Properties is present.</tp:deprecated>
+ <arg direction="out" type="a(uuus)" tp:type="Local_Pending_Info[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of structs containing:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ A handle representing the contact requesting channel membership
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ A handle representing the contact making the request, or 0 if
+ unknown
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ The reason for the request: one of the values of
+ ChannelGroupChangeReason
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ A string message containing the reason for the request if any (or
+ blank if none)
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <property name="LocalPendingMembers" access="read"
+ type="a(uuus)" tp:type="Local_Pending_Info[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of structs containing handles representing contacts
+ requesting channel membership and awaiting local approval with
+ AddMembers.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.6">If Channel_Group_Flag_Properties is
+ not present, clients should fall back to using the
+ deprecated GetLocalPendingMembersWithInfo method, or fall back
+ from that to the deprecated GetAllMembers method.</tp:added>
+ </property>
+ <property name="Members" access="read" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The members of this channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.6">If Channel_Group_Flag_Properties
+ is not set, fall back to calling GetAllMembers.</tp:added>
+ </property>
+ <method name="GetMembers">
+ <arg direction="out" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns the Members property.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.17.6">Use the Members
+ property, if Channel_Group_Flag_Properties is present.</tp:deprecated>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <property name="RemotePendingMembers" access="read" type="au"
+ tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of handles representing contacts who have been
+ invited to the channel and are awaiting remote approval.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.6">If Channel_Group_Flag_Properties
+ is not set, fall back to calling GetAllMembers.</tp:added>
+ </property>
+ <method name="GetRemotePendingMembers">
+ <arg direction="out" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns an array of handles representing contacts who have been
+ invited to the channel and are awaiting remote approval.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.17.6">Use the RemotePendingMembers
+ property, if Channel_Group_Flag_Properties is present.</tp:deprecated>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="SelfHandleChanged">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted whenever the SelfHandle property changes.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.6">This signal should not be relied on
+ unless Channel_Group_Flag_Properties is present.</tp:added>
+ <arg type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle" name="Self_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The new value of the SelfHandle property.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <property name="SelfHandle" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle"
+ access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The handle for the user on this channel (which can also be a
+ local or remote pending member), or 0 if the user is not a member at
+ all (which is likely to be the case, for instance, on ContactList
+ channels). Note that this is different from the connection
+ GetSelfHandle on some protocols, so the value of this handle should
+ always be used with the methods of this interface.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.6">For backwards compatibility,
+ clients should fall back to calling GetSelfHandle if
+ Channel_Group_Flag_Properties is not present.</tp:added>
+ </property>
+ <method name="GetSelfHandle">
+ <arg direction="out" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns the value of the SelfHandle property.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:deprecated version="0.17.6">Clients should retrieve the
+ SelfHandle property using GetAll instead,
+ if Channel_Group_Flag_Properties is present.</tp:deprecated>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="GroupFlagsChanged">
+ <arg name="added" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Group_Flags">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A bitwise OR of the flags which have been set
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="removed" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Group_Flags">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A bitwise OR of the flags which have been cleared
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the flags as returned by GetGroupFlags are changed.
+ The user interface should be updated as appropriate.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:enum name="Channel_Group_Change_Reason" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="None" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ No reason was provided for this change.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Offline" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The change is due to a user going offline. Also used when
+ user is already offline, but this wasn't known previously.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Kicked" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The change is due to a kick operation.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Busy" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The change is due to a busy indication.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Invited" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The change is due to an invitation.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Banned" value="5">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The change is due to a kick+ban operation.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Error" value="6">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The change is due to an error occurring.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Invalid_Contact" value="7">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The change is because the requested contact does not exist.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="No_Answer" value="8">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The change is because the requested contact did not respond.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Renamed" value="9">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The change is because a contact's unique identifier changed.
+ There must be exactly one handle in the removed set and exactly
+ one handle in one of the added sets. The Renamed signal on the
+ Renaming interface will have been emitted for the same handles,
+ shortly before this MembersChanged signal is emitted.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Permission_Denied" value="10">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The change is because there was no permission to contact the
+ requested handle.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Separated" value="11">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>If members are removed with this reason code, the change is
+ because the group has split into unconnected parts which can only
+ communicate within themselves (e.g. netsplits on IRC use this
+ reason code).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ If members are added with this reason code, the change is because
+ unconnected parts of the group have rejoined. If this channel
+ carries messages (e.g. Text or Tubes channels) applications must
+ assume that the contacts being added are likely to have missed some
+ messages as a result of the separation, and that the contacts
+ in the group are likely to have missed some messages from the
+ contacts being added.
+ </p>
+ <p>Note that from the added contacts' perspective, they have been
+ in the group all along, and the contacts we indicate to be in
+ the group (including the local user) have just rejoined
+ the group with reason Separated. Application protocols in Tubes
+ should be prepared to cope with this situation.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <signal name="MembersChanged">
+ <arg name="message" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A string message from the server, or blank if not
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="added" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A list of members added to the channel
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="removed" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A list of members removed from the channel
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="local_pending" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A list of members who are pending local approval
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="remote_pending" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A list of members who are pending remote approval
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="actor" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact handle of the person who made the change, or 0
+ if not known
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="reason" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Group_Change_Reason">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A reason for the change: one of the values of
+ ChannelGroupChangeReason
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Emitted when contacts join any of the three lists (members, local
+ pending or remote pending) or when they leave any of the three lists.
+ There may also be a message from the server regarding this change,
+ which may be displayed to the user if desired.</p>
+ <p>All channel-specific handles that are mentioned in this signal
+ MUST be represented in the value of the HandleOwners property.
+ In practice, this will mean that HandleOwnersChanged is
+ emitted <em>before</em> emitting a MembersChanged signal in which
+ channel-specific handles are added, but that it is emitted
+ <em>after</em> emitting a MembersChanged signal in which
+ channel-specific handles are removed.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="RemoveMembers">
+ <arg direction="in" name="contacts" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of contact handles to remove from the channel
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="message" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A string message, which can be blank if desired
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Requests the removal of contacts from a channel, reject their request
+ for channel membership on the pending local list, or rescind their
+ invitation on the pending remote list. A message may be provided along
+ with the request, which will be sent to the server if supported. See
+ CHANNEL_GROUP_FLAG_MESSAGE_RESCIND flags to see in which cases this
+ message should be provided.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="RemoveMembersWithReason">
+ <arg direction="in" name="contacts" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of contact handles to remove from the channel
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="message" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A string message, which can be blank if desired
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="reason" type="u"
+ tp:type="Channel_Group_Change_Reason">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A reason for the change: one of the values of
+ ChannelGroupChangeReason
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ As RemoveMembers, but a reason code may be provided where
+ appropriate. The reason code may be ignored if the underlying
+ protocol is unable to represent the given reason.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The provided reason code was invalid.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Interface for channels which have multiple members, and where the members
+ of the channel can change during its lifetime. Your presence in the channel
+ cannot be presumed by the channel's existence (for example, a channel you
+ may request membership of but your request may not be granted).</p>
+ <p>This interface implements three lists: a list of current members, and two
+ lists of local pending and remote pending members. Contacts on the remote
+ pending list have been invited to the channel, but the remote user has not
+ accepted the invitation. Contacts on the local pending list have requested
+ membership of the channel, but the local user of the framework must accept
+ their request before they may join. A single contact should never appear on
+ more than one of the three lists. The lists are empty when the channel is
+ created, and the MembersChanged signal should be emitted when information
+ is retrieved from the server, or changes occur.</p>
+ <p>Addition of members to the channel may be requested by using AddMembers. If
+ remote acknowledgement is required, use of the AddMembers method will cause
+ users to appear on the remote pending list. If no acknowledgement is
+ required, AddMembers will add contacts to the member list directly. If a
+ contact is awaiting authorisation on the local pending list, AddMembers
+ will grant their membership request.</p>
+ <p>Removal of contacts from the channel may be requested by using
+ RemoveMembers. If a contact is awaiting authorisation on the local pending
+ list, RemoveMembers will refuse their membership request. If a contact is
+ on the remote pending list but has not yet accepted the invitation,
+ RemoveMembers will rescind the request if possible.</p>
+ <p>It should not be presumed that the requester of a channel implementing this
+ interface is immediately granted membership, or indeed that they are a
+ member at all, unless they appear in the list. They may, for instance,
+ be placed into the remote pending list until a connection has been
+ established or the request acknowledged remotely.</p>
+ <p>If the local user joins a Group channel whose members or other state
+ cannot be discovered until the user joins (e.g. many chat room
+ implementations), the connection manager should ensure that the channel
+ is, as far as possible, in a consistent state before adding the local
+ contact to the members set; until this happens, the local contact should
+ be in the remote-pending set. For instance, if the connection manager
+ queries the server to find out the initial members list for the
+ channel, it should leave the local contact in the remote-pending set
+ until it has finished receiving the initial members list.
+ </p>
+ <p>If the protocol provides no reliable way to tell whether the complete
+ initial members list has been received yet, the connection manager
+ should make a best-effort attempt to wait for the full list
+ (in the worst case, waiting for a suitable arbitrary timeout)
+ rather than requiring user interfaces to do so on its behalf.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Interface_HTML.xml b/spec/Channel_Interface_HTML.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad86867c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Interface_HTML.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Interface_HTML"
+ xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2008 Collabora Ltd.</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface
+ name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.HTML.DRAFT"
+ tp:causes-havoc="unfinished">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text"/>
+ <tp:requires
+ interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Messages"/>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.5">(draft version, not API-stable)</tp:added>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>This interface extends the Messages interface to support
+ capability discovery, so clients can decide what subset of HTML
+ is supported.</p>
+ <p>(However, the capability discovery mechanism has not been written
+ yet, so this interface MUST NOT be used. It exists only to
+ indicate what direction we intend to go in.)</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>XMPP supports all of XHTML-IM, and SIP (at least theoretically)
+ supports all of XHTML. However, many protocols are more limited -
+ for instance, in MSN you can only set font properties for a
+ whole message at a time. We should not mislead users into thinking
+ they can send MSN messages where individual words are emphasized.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ <p>If this interface is present, clients MAY send XHTML formatted text
+ in message parts with type "text/html", and SHOULD interpret
+ "text/html" message parts received in reply.</p>
+ <p>Client authors SHOULD pay careful attention to the security
+ considerations in XEP-0071, "XHTML-IM", to avoid exposing client users
+ to security risks. Clients MUST NOT assume that connection managers
+ will filter messages to remove unsafe HTML.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>Connection managers are the components in Telepathy that are most
+ likely to be exploitable by a remote attacker to run malicious code
+ (since they are network-facing), so any filtering that the CM does
+ might be subverted.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ <p>To avoid misleading users, clients SHOULD only present UI for the
+ subset of HTML that is indicated to be supported by this
+ interface. It follows that clients SHOULD NOT send unsupported
+ markup to the connection manager. However, even if the connection
+ manager cannot send arbitrary XHTML, it MUST cope gracefully
+ with being given arbitrary XHTML by a client.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>Connection managers should be lenient in what they receive.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ <p>Clients MUST NOT send HTML that is not well-formed XML, but
+ connection managers MAY signal HTML that is malformed or invalid.
+ Clients SHOULD attempt to parse messages as XHTML, but fall back
+ to using a permissive "tag-soup" HTML parser if that fails.
+ (FIXME: or should the presence of this interface imply that the
+ CM fixes up "text/html" to be XHTML? In practice that would result
+ in all the CMs having to link against libxml2 or something... the
+ rationale above no longer applies here, since dropping a malformed
+ message is "safe")</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Interface_Hold.xml b/spec/Channel_Interface_Hold.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e64e3a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Interface_Hold.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Interface_Hold" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Hold">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.StreamedMedia"/>
+ <tp:changed version="0.17.4">first API-stable version</tp:changed>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Interface for channels where you may put the channel on hold.
+ This only makes sense for channels where
+ you are streaming media to or from the members.</p>
+ <p>If you place a channel on hold, this indicates that you do not wish
+ to be sent media streams by any of its members and will be ignoring
+ any media streams you continue to receive. It also requests that the
+ connection manager free up any resources that are only needed for
+ an actively used channel (e.g. in a GSM or PBX call, it will be
+ necessary to place an active call on hold before you can start
+ another call).</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <method name="GetHoldState">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Return whether the local user has placed the channel on hold.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="HoldState" direction="out" type="u"
+ tp:type="Local_Hold_State">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The state of the channel
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Reason" direction="out" type="u"
+ tp:type="Local_Hold_State_Reason">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The reason why the channel is in that state
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="HoldStateChanged">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted to indicate that the hold state has changed for this channel.
+ This may occur as a consequence of you requesting a change with
+ RequestHold, or the state changing as a result of a request from
+ another process.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="HoldState" direction="out" type="u"
+ tp:type="Local_Hold_State">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The state of the channel
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Reason" direction="out" type="u"
+ tp:type="Local_Hold_State_Reason">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The reason for the state change
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:enum name="Local_Hold_State" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The hold state of a channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:enumvalue value="0" suffix="Unheld">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ All streams are unheld (the call is active). New channels SHOULD
+ have this hold state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue value="1" suffix="Held">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ All streams are held (the call is on hold)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue value="2" suffix="Pending_Hold">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection manager is attempting to move to state Held, but
+ has not yet completed that operation. It is unspecified whether
+ any, all or none of the streams making up the channel are on hold.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue value="3" suffix="Pending_Unhold">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection manager is attempting to move to state Held, but
+ has not yet completed that operation. It is unspecified whether
+ any, all or none of the streams making up the channel are on hold.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:enum name="Local_Hold_State_Reason" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The reason for a change to the Local_Hold_State. Clients MUST
+ treat unknown values as equivalent to Local_Hold_State_Reason_None.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:enumvalue value="0" suffix="None">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The reason cannot be described by any of the predefined values
+ (connection managers SHOULD avoid this reason, but clients MUST
+ handle it gracefully)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue value="1" suffix="Requested">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The change is in response to a user request
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue value="2" suffix="Resource_Not_Available">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The change is because some resource was not available
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <method name="RequestHold">
+ <arg direction="in" name="Hold" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A boolean indicating whether or not the channel should be on hold
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Request that the channel be put on hold (be instructed not to send
+ any media streams to you) or be taken off hold.</p>
+ <p>If the connection manager can immediately tell that the requested
+ state change could not possibly succeed, this method SHOULD
+ return the NotAvailable error. If the requested state is the
+ same as the current state, this method SHOULD return successfully
+ without doing anything.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, this method SHOULD immediately set the hold state to
+ Local_Hold_State_Pending_Hold or Local_Hold_State_Pending_Unhold
+ (as appropriate), emitting HoldStateChanged if this is a change,
+ and return successfully.</p>
+ <p>The eventual success or failure of the request is indicated by a
+ subsequent HoldStateChanged signal, changing the hold state to
+ Local_Hold_State_Held or Local_Hold_State_Unheld.</p>
+ <p>If the channel has multiple streams, and the connection manager
+ succeeds in changing the hold state of one stream but fails to
+ change the hold state of another, it SHOULD attempt to revert
+ all streams to their previous hold states.</p>
+ <p>The following state transitions SHOULD be used, where
+ appropriate:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Successful hold:
+ (Unheld, any reason) → (Pending_Hold, Requested) →
+ (Held, Requested)
+ </li>
+ <li>Successful unhold:
+ (Held, any reason) → (Pending_Unhold, Requested) →
+ (Unheld, Requested)
+ </li>
+ <li>Attempting to unhold fails at the first attempt to acquire a
+ resource:
+ (Held, any reason) → (Pending_Unhold, Requested) →
+ (Held, Resource_Not_Available)
+ </li>
+ <li>Attempting to unhold acquires one resource, but fails to acquire
+ a second, and takes time to release the first:
+ (Held, any reason) → (Pending_Unhold, Requested) →
+ (Pending_Hold, Resource_Not_Available) →
+ (Held, Resource_Not_Available)
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The requested hold state cannot be achieved; for example,
+ if only a limited number of channels can be in the "not on hold"
+ state, attempts to exceed this number will raise NotAvailable.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Interface_Media_Signalling.xml b/spec/Channel_Interface_Media_Signalling.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc7a7a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Interface_Media_Signalling.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Interface_Media_Signalling" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.MediaSignalling">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel"/>
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.StreamedMedia"/>
+ <tp:simple-type name="Media_Session_Type" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>The type of a media session. Currently, the only supported
+ value is "rtp".</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:struct name="Media_Session_Handler_Info"
+ array-name="Media_Session_Handler_Info_List">
+ <tp:docstring>A struct representing a active session handler.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="o" name="Session_Handler">
+ <tp:docstring>The object path of the session handler, which is on the
+ same bus name as the channel.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="s" tp:type="Media_Session_Type" name="Media_Session_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>The media session's type</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <method name="GetSessionHandlers">
+ <arg direction="out" type="a(os)" tp:type="Media_Session_Handler_Info[]"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns all currently active session handlers on this channel
+ as a list of (session_handler_path, type).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="NewSessionHandler">
+ <arg name="Session_Handler" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Object path of the new MediaSessionHandler object
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Session_Type" tp:type="Media_Session_Type" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ String indicating type of session, eg &quot;rtp&quot;
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Signal that a session handler object has been created. The client
+ should create a session object and create streams for the streams
+ within.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:property name="nat-traversal" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>A string indicating the NAT traversal techniques employed by the
+ streams within this channel. Can be protocol-specific values, but the
+ following values should be used if appropriate:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>none</dt>
+ <dd>No attempt should be made at NAT traversal.</dd>
+ <dt>stun</dt>
+ <dd>If appropriate, a STUN request should be made to the given server
+ to open a UDP port mapping and determine the external IP.</dd>
+ <dt>gtalk-p2p</dt>
+ <dd>Google Talk peer-to-peer connectivity establishment should be used,
+ as implemented in libjingle 0.3.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="stun-server" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The IP address or hostname of the STUN server to use for NAT traversal.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="stun-port" type="q">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The UDP port number to use on the provided STUN server.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="gtalk-p2p-relay-token" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The authentication token for use with the Google Talk peer-to-peer relay
+ server.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An interface for signalling a channel containing synchronised media
+ sessions which can contain an arbitrary number of streams. The negotiation
+ interface is based closely around the API of the Farsight library
+ ( This in turn is based upon the IETF
+ MMusic ICE drafts where connections are established by signalling potential
+ connection candidates to the peer until a usable connection is found, and
+ codecs are negotiated with an SDP-style offer and answer. However, the
+ principles should be applicable to other media streaming methods and the
+ API re-used without difficulty.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Interface_Messages.xml b/spec/Channel_Interface_Messages.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..677ca09f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Interface_Messages.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,634 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Interface_Messages"
+ xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2008 Collabora Ltd.</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface
+ name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Messages.DRAFT"
+ tp:causes-havoc="experimental">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text"/>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.5">(draft version, not API-stable)</tp:added>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>This interface extends the Text interface to support more general
+ messages, including:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>messages with attachments (like MIME multipart/mixed)</li>
+ <li>groups of alternatives (like MIME multipart/alternative)</li>
+ <li>delivery reports</li>
+ <li>any extra types of message we need in future</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>It also provides a hook for improved sent
+ message status notification, to be used by the DeliveryReporting
+ interface.</p>
+ <p>Although this specification supports formatted (rich-text)
+ messages with unformatted alternatives, implementations SHOULD NOT
+ attempt to send formatted messages until the Telepathy specification
+ has also been extended to cover capability discovery for message
+ formatting.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ We intend to expose all rich-text messages as XHTML-IM, but on some
+ protocols, formatting is an extremely limited subset of that format
+ (e.g. there are protocols where foreground/background colours, font
+ and size can be set, but only for entire messages).
+ Until we can tell UIs what controls to offer to the user, it's
+ unfriendly to offer the user controls that may have no effect.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ <p>If this interface is present, clients that support it SHOULD
+ listen for the MessageSent and MessageReceived signals, and
+ ignore the Sent and Received signal on the Text interface
+ (which are guaranteed to duplicate signals from this interface).</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <property name="SupportedContentTypes" type="as" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A list of MIME types supported by this channel, with more preferred
+ MIME types appearing earlier in the list. The list MAY include "*/*"
+ to indicate that attachments with arbitrary MIME types can be sent.
+ If the list is empty, this indicates that messages may only include
+ a single "text/plain" part.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <property name="MessagePartSupportFlags" type="u"
+ tp:type="Message_Part_Support_Flags"
+ access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Flags indicating the level of support for message parts on this
+ channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <tp:flags name="Message_Part_Support_Flags"
+ value-prefix="Message_Part_Support_Flag">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Flags indicating the level of support for message parts on this
+ channel. They are designed such that setting more flags always
+ implies that the channel has more capabilities.</p>
+ <p>It is assumed that messages containing a textual message body
+ (only), like the messages the Text interface was designed for, are
+ always supported.</p>
+ <p>There is no flag indicating support for alternatives. This is
+ because the SendMessage implementation can always accept messages
+ containing alternatives, even if the underlying protocol does not,
+ by deleting all alternatives except the first (most preferred)
+ that is supported.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ Each of the flags 1, 2, 4 implies the previous flag, so we could
+ have used a simple enumeration here; however, we've defined
+ the message-part support indicator as a flag set for future
+ expansion.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Data_Only" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ SendMessage will accept messages containing a single part of any
+ type listed in the SupportedContentTypes property, with no
+ accompanying text.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="One_Attachment" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ SendMessage will accept messages containing a textual message body,
+ plus a single attachment of any type listed in the
+ SupportedContentTypes property. It does not make sense for this
+ flag to be set if Message_Part_Support_Flag_Data_Only is not also set
+ (because the connection manager can trivially provide an empty text
+ part if necessary).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Multiple_Attachments" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ SendMessage will accept messages containing a textual message body,
+ plus an arbitrary number of attachments of any type listed in the
+ SupportedContentTypes property. It does not make sense for this
+ flag to be set if Message_Part_Support_Flag_One_Attachment is not
+ also set.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ <tp:mapping name="Message_Part" array-name="Message_Part_List">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Part of a message's content. In practice, this mapping never
+ appears in isolation - messages are represented by a list of
+ <tp:type>Message_Part</tp:type> mappings.</p>
+ <p>An example of how a message might
+ look, in a Python-like syntax:</p>
+ <pre>
+ {
+ 'message-sender': 42,
+ 'message-sent': 1210067943,
+ 'message-received': 1210067947,
+ 'message-type': 0,
+ 'pending-message-id': 437,
+ },
+ { 'alternative': 'main',
+ 'type': 'text/html',
+ 'content': 'Here is a photo of my cat:&lt;br /&gt;' +
+ '&lt;img src="cid:catphoto" alt="lol!" /&gt;' +
+ '&lt;br /&gt;Isn't it cute?',
+ },
+ { 'alternative': 'main',
+ 'type': 'text/plain',
+ 'content': 'Here is a photo of my cat:\n[IMG: lol!]\nIsn't it cute?',
+ },
+ { 'identifier': 'catphoto',
+ 'type': 'image/jpeg',
+ 'size': 101000,
+ 'needs-retrieval': True,
+ },
+ </pre>
+ <div>
+ <p>The first part of the message contains "headers" which refer
+ to the entire message.</p>
+ <p>It is an error for a connection manager to put keys referring
+ to the message as a whole in the second or subsequent
+ Message_Part, but clients MUST recover from this error by ignoring
+ these keys in the second and subsequent parts.</p>
+ <p>Well-known keys for the message as a whole, and the corresponding
+ value types, include:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <!-- FIXME: if needed we could add:
+ <dt>message-identifier (s)</dt>
+ <dd>An opaque, globally-unique identifier for the entire message.
+ This MAY be treated as if it were a MIME Message-ID, e.g. for
+ the mid: and cid: URI schemes. If omitted, there is no suitable
+ identifier.</dd>
+ -->
+ <dt>message-sent (u - <tp:type>Unix_Timestamp</tp:type>)</dt>
+ <dd>The time the message was sent (if unavailable, the time
+ it arrived at a central server MAY be used). Omitted if no
+ reasonable approximation is available</dd>
+ <dt>message-received (u - <tp:type>Unix_Timestamp</tp:type>)</dt>
+ <dd>The time the message was received locally. SHOULD always
+ be present.</dd>
+ <dt>message-sender (u - <tp:type>Contact_Handle</tp:type>)</dt>
+ <dd>The contact who sent the message. If 0 or omitted, the contact
+ who sent the message could not be determined.</dd>
+ <dt>message-type (u - <tp:type>Channel_Text_Message_Type</tp:type>)
+ </dt>
+ <dd>The type of message; if omitted,
+ Channel_Text_Message_Type_Normal MUST be assumed. SHOULD
+ be omitted for normal chat messages.</dd>
+ <dt>pending-message-id (u - <tp:type>Message_ID</tp:type>)</dt>
+ <dd>The incoming message ID. This MUST NOT be present on outgoing
+ messages. Clients SHOULD NOT store this key - it is only valid
+ for as long as the message remains unacknowledged.</dd>
+ <dt>interface (s - <tp:type>DBus_Interface</tp:type>)</dt>
+ <dd>This message is specific to the given interface, which is
+ neither Text nor Messages. It SHOULD be ignored if that
+ interface is not supported. (Note that an 'interface' key
+ can also appear on the second and subsequent parts, where
+ it indicates that that part (only) should be ignored if
+ unsupported.)</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <p>The second and subsequent parts contain the message's
+ content, including plain text, formatted text and/or attached
+ files.</p>
+ <p>In any group of parts with the same non-empty value for the
+ "alternative" key (which represent alternative versions of the
+ same content), more faithful versions of the intended message MUST
+ come before less faithful versions (note that this order is the
+ opposite of MIME "multipart/alternative" parts). Clients SHOULD
+ display the first alternative that they understand.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ Specifying the preference order means that if the underlying
+ protocol doesn't support alternatives, the CM can safely delete
+ everything apart from the first supported alternative when sending
+ messages.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ <p>Clients SHOULD present all parts that are not redundant
+ alternatives in the order they appear in this array, possibly
+ excluding parts that are referenced by another displayed part.
+ It is implementation-specific how the parts are presented to the
+ user.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>This allows CMs to assume that all parts are actually shown to
+ the user, even if they are not explicitly referenced - we do
+ not yet recommend formatted text, and there is no way for
+ plain text to reference an attachment since it has no concept of
+ markup or references. This also forces clients to do something
+ sensible with messages that consist entirely of "attachments",
+ with no "body" at all.</p>
+ <p>For instance, when displaying the above example, a client that
+ understands the HTML part should display the JPEG image once,
+ between the two lines "Here is a photo of my cat:" and
+ "Isn't it cute?"; it may additionally present the image in some
+ way for a second time, after "Isn't it cute?", or may choose
+ not to.</p>
+ <p>A client that does not understand HTML, displaying the same
+ message, should display the plain-text part, followed by the JPEG
+ image.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ <p>Well-known keys for the second and subsequent parts, and the
+ corresponding value types, include:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>identifier (s)</dt>
+ <dd>An opaque identifier for this part.
+ Parts of a message MAY reference other parts by treating
+ this identifier as if it were a MIME Content-ID and using
+ the cid: URI scheme.</dd>
+ <dt>alternative (s)</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>If present, this part of the message is an alternative for
+ all other parts with the same value for "alternative".
+ Clients SHOULD only display one of them (this is expected to
+ be used for XHTML messages in a future version of this
+ specification).</p>
+ <p>If omitted, this part is not an alternative for any other
+ part.</p>
+ <p>Parts of a message MAY reference the group of alternatives
+ as a whole (i.e. a reference to whichever of them is chosen)
+ by treating this identifier as if it were the MIME Content-ID
+ of a multipart/alternative part, and using the cid: URI
+ scheme.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>type (s)</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>The MIME type of this part. See the documentation
+ for ReceivedMessage for notes on the special status of
+ "text/plain" parts.</p>
+ <p>Connection managers MUST NOT signal parts without a 'type'
+ key; if a protocol provides no way to determine the MIME type,
+ the connection manager is responsible for guessing it, but
+ MAY fall back to "text/plain" for text and
+ "application/octet-stream" for non-text.</p>
+ <p>Clients MUST ignore parts without a 'type' key, which are
+ reserved for future expansion.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>lang (s)</dt>
+ <dd>The natural language of this part, identified by a
+ RFC 3066 language tag.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ XMPP allows alternative-selection by language as well as
+ by content-type.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>size (u)</dt>
+ <dd>The size in bytes (if needs-retrieval is true, this MAY be an
+ estimated or approximate size). SHOULD be omitted if 'content'
+ is provided.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ There's no point in providing the size if you're already
+ providing all the content.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>needs-retrieval (b)</dt>
+ <dd>If false or omitted, the connection
+ manager already holds this part in memory. If present and true,
+ this part will be retrieved on demand (like MIME's
+ message/external-body), so clients should expect retrieval to
+ take time; if this specification is later extended to provide a
+ streaming version of GetPendingMessageContent, clients should
+ use it for parts with this flag.</dd>
+ <dt>truncated (b)</dt>
+ <dd>The content available via the 'content' key or
+ GetPendingMessageContent has been truncated by the server
+ or connection manager (equivalent to
+ Channel_Text_Message_Flag_Truncated in the Text interface).
+ </dd>
+ <dt>content (s or ay)</dt>
+ <dd>The part's content, if it is available and
+ sufficiently small to include here (implies that
+ 'needs-retrieval' is false or omitted). Otherwise, omitted.
+ If the part is human-readable text or HTML, the value for this
+ key MUST be a UTF-8 string (D-Bus signature 's').
+ If the part is not text, the value MUST be a byte-array
+ (D-Bus signature 'ay'). If the part is a text-based format
+ that is not the main body of the message (e.g. an iCalendar
+ or an attached XML document), the value SHOULD be a UTF-8 string,
+ transcoding from another charset to UTF-8 if necessary, but
+ MAY be a byte-array (of unspecified character set) if
+ transcoding fails or the source charset is not known.</dd>
+ <!-- FIXME: "sufficiently small to include" is not currently
+ defined; we should add some API so clients can tell the
+ CM how large a message it should emit in the signal.-->
+ <dt>interface (s - <tp:type>DBus_Interface</tp:type>)</dt>
+ <dd>This part is specific to the given interface, which is
+ neither Text nor Messages. It SHOULD be ignored if that
+ interface is not supported. (Note that an 'interface' key
+ can also appear on the first part, where it indicates that the
+ entire message should be ignored if unsupported.)</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>It is an error for a connection manager to put these keys
+ in the first <tp:type>Message_Part</tp:type>, but clients MUST be
+ able to recover from this error by ignoring these keys in the
+ first part.</p>
+ </div>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member name="Key" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A key, which SHOULD be one of the well-known keys specified, if
+ possible.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member name="Value" type="v">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The value corresponding to the given key, which must be of one of
+ the types indicated.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ </tp:mapping>
+ <tp:simple-type type="s" name="Sent_Message_Token">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>An opaque token used to identify sent messages. As a special case,
+ the empty string indicates that there is no particular
+ identification for a message.</p>
+ <p>CM implementations SHOULD use an identifier expected to be unique,
+ such as a UUID, if possible.</p>
+ <p>Some protocols can only track a limited number of sent messages
+ in a small message-ID space. As a result, clients MUST NOT assume
+ that message tokens will not be re-used, and SHOULD use some
+ reasonable heuristic to assign delivery reports to messages, such
+ as matching on message content or timestamp (if available), or
+ assuming that the delivery report refers to the most recent message
+ with that ID.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>This is a hook for the DeliveryReporting interface,
+ to avoid having to introduce a
+ SendMultiPartMessageAndReturnToken method in that interface.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <method name="SendMessage">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Submit a message to the server for sending.
+ If this method returns successfully, the message has been submitted
+ to the server and the MessageSent signal is emitted. A corresponding
+ Sent signal on the Text interface MUST also be emitted.</p>
+ <p>If this method fails, message submission to the server has failed
+ and no signal on this interface (or the Text interface) is
+ emitted.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg direction="in" type="aa{sv}" tp:type="Message_Part[]"
+ name="Message">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The message content, including any attachments or alternatives
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="Flags" type="u"
+ tp:type="Message_Sending_Flags">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Flags affecting how the message is sent.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="s" tp:type="Sent_Message_Token">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An opaque token used to match any incoming delivery or failure
+ reports against this message, or an empty string if the message
+ is not readily identifiable.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The requested message is malformed and cannot be sent.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:flags name="Message_Sending_Flags" value-prefix="Message_Sending_Flag">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Flags altering the way a message is sent. The "most usual" action
+ should always be to have these flags unset.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Report_Delivery" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Provide a delivery report via the DeliveryReporting interface, if
+ possible, even if this is not the default for this protocol.
+ Ignored if delivery reports are not possible on this protocol.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ In some protocols, like XMPP, it is not conventional to request
+ or send delivery notifications.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ <signal name="MessageSent">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Signals that a message has been submitted for sending. This
+ MUST be emitted exactly once per emission of the Sent signal on the
+ Text interface.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ This signal allows a process that is not the caller of
+ SendMessage to log sent messages. The double signal-emission
+ means that clients can safely follow the following rule:
+ if the channel has the Messages interface, listen for
+ Messages.MessageSent only; otherwise, listen for Text.Sent only.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="aa{sv}" tp:type="Message_Part[]" name="Content">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ The message content (see <tp:type>Message_Part</tp:type> for full
+ details). If the message that was passed to SendMessage has a
+ formatted text part that the connection manager recognises, but no
+ text/plain alternative, the CM MUST use the formatted text part to
+ generate a text/plain alternative which is also included in this
+ signal argument.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Message_Token" type="s" tp:type="Sent_Message_Token">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An opaque token used to match any incoming delivery or failure
+ reports against this message, or an empty string if the message
+ is not readily identifiable.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <property name="PendingMessages" type="aaa{sv}" access="read"
+ tp:type="Message_Part[][]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A list of incoming messages that have neither been acknowledged nor
+ rejected. This list is a superset of the one returned by
+ ListPendingMessages on the Text interface; its items can be removed
+ using AcknowledgePendingMessages on that interface.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <signal name="PendingMessagesRemoved">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The messages with the given IDs have been removed from the
+ PendingMessages list. Clients SHOULD NOT attempt to acknowledge
+ those messages.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ This completes change notification for the PendingMessages property
+ (previously, there was change notification when pending messages
+ were added, but not when they were removed).
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="Message_IDs" type="au" tp:type="Message_ID[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The messages that have been removed from the pending message list.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="GetPendingMessageContent">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Retrieve the content of one or more parts of a pending message.
+ Note that this function may take a considerable amount of time
+ to return if the part's 'needs-retrieval' flag is true; consider
+ extending the default D-Bus method call timeout. Additional API is
+ likely to be added in future, to stream large message parts.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="Message_ID" type="u" tp:type="Message_ID" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ID of a pending message
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Parts" type="au" direction="in">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The desired entries in the array of message parts, identified by
+ their position. The "headers" part (which is not a valid argument
+ to this method) is considered to be part 0, so the valid part
+ numbers start at 1 (for the second Message_Part).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="Content" type="a{uv}" direction="out">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>The content of the requested parts. The keys in this mapping
+ are positions in the array of message parts; the values are
+ either of type 's' or 'ay' (UTF-8 text string, or byte array),
+ following the same rules as for the value of the 'content' key in
+ the <tp:type>Message_Part</tp:type> mappings.</p>
+ <p>If the one of the requested part numbers was greater than zero
+ but referred to a part that had no content (i.e. it had no 'type'
+ key or no 'content' key), it is simply omitted from this mapping;
+ this is not considered to be an error condition.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ Either there is no pending message with the given message ID,
+ or one of the part numbers given was 0 or too large.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="MessageReceived">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Signals that a message has been received and added to the pending
+ messages queue. This MUST be emitted exactly once per emission of the
+ Received signal on the Text interface.
+ <tp:rationale>
+ The double signal-emission means that clients can safely follow
+ the following rule: if the channel has the Messages interface,
+ listen for Messages.MessageReceived only; otherwise, listen for
+ Text.Received only.
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg type="aa{sv}" tp:type="Message_Part[]" name="Message">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ The message content, including any attachments or alternatives
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Interface_Password.xml b/spec/Channel_Interface_Password.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41a92ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Interface_Password.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Interface_Password" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>
+Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited
+Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation
+Copyright (C) 2006 INdT
+ </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Password">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel"/>
+ <tp:flags name="Channel_Password_Flags" value-prefix="Channel_Password_Flag" type="u">
+ <tp:flag suffix="Provide" value="8">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ProvidePassword method must be called now for the user to join
+ the channel
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ <method name="GetPasswordFlags">
+ <arg direction="out" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Password_Flags">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer with the logical OR of all the flags set
+ (values of ChannelPasswordFlags)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns the bitwise-OR of the flags relevant to the password on this
+ channel. The user interface can use this to present information about
+ which operations are currently valid.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="PasswordFlagsChanged">
+ <arg name="added" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Password_Flags">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A bitwise OR of the flags which have been set
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="removed" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Password_Flags">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A bitwise OR of the flags which have been cleared
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the flags as returned by GetPasswordFlags are changed.
+ The user interface should be updated as appropriate.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="ProvidePassword">
+ <arg direction="in" name="password" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The password
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="b">
+ A boolean indicating whether or not the password was correct
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Provide the password so that the channel can be joined. Must be
+ called with the correct password in order for channel joining to
+ proceed if the 'provide' password flag is set.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Interface for channels that may have a password set that users need
+ to provide before being able to join, or may be able to view or change
+ once they have joined the channel.</p>
+ <p>The GetPasswordFlags method and the associated PasswordFlagsChanged
+ signal indicate whether the channel has a password, whether the user
+ must now provide it to join, and whether it can be viewed or changed
+ by the user.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Interface_Transfer.xml b/spec/Channel_Interface_Transfer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5165c9ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Interface_Transfer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Interface_Transfer" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Transfer"
+ tp:causes-havoc='not well-tested'>
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel"/>
+ <method name="Transfer">
+ <arg direction="in" name="member" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The handle of the member to transfer
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="destination" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The handle of the destination contact
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that the given channel member instead connects to a different
+ contact ID.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An interface for channels where you may request that one of the members
+ connects to somewhere else instead.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Type_Contact_List.xml b/spec/Channel_Type_Contact_List.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..577f250c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Type_Contact_List.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Type_Contact_List" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.ContactList">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel"/>
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Group"/>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>A channel type for representing a list of people on the server which is
+ not used for communication. This is intended for use with the interface
+ Channel.Interface.Group for managing buddy lists and privacy lists
+ on the server. This channel type has no methods because all of the
+ functionality it represents is available via the group interface.</p>
+ <p>There are currently two types of contact list:
+ HANDLE_TYPE_LIST is a &quot;magic&quot; server-defined list, and
+ HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP is a user-defined contact group.</p>
+ <p>For server-defined lists like the subscribe list, singleton instances
+ of this channel type should be created by the connection manager at
+ connection time if the list exists on the server, or may be requested
+ by using the appropriate handle. These handles can be obtained using
+ RequestHandles with a handle type of HANDLE_TYPE_LIST and
+ one of the following identifiers:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>subscribe - the group of contacts for whom you wish to receive presence</li>
+ <li>publish - the group of contacts who may receive your presence</li>
+ <li>hide - a group of contacts who are on the publish list but are temporarily disallowed from receiving your presence</li>
+ <li>allow - a group of contacts who may send you messages</li>
+ <li>deny - a group of contacts who may not send you messages</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>These contact list channels may not be closed.</p>
+ <p>For user-defined contact groups, instances of this channel type should
+ be created by the connection manager at connection time for each group
+ that exists on the server. New, empty groups can be created by calling
+ RequestHandles with a handle type of
+ HANDLE_TYPE_GROUP and with the name set to the
+ human-readable UTF-8 name of the group.</p>
+ <p>User-defined groups may be deleted by closing the channel, but only if
+ the group is already empty. Closing a channel to a non-empty group is
+ not allowed; its members must be set to the empty set first.</p>
+ <p>On some protocols (e.g. XMPP) empty groups are not represented on the
+ server, so disconnecting from the server and reconnecting might cause
+ empty groups to vanish.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Type_Contact_Search.xml b/spec/Channel_Type_Contact_Search.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0213ca70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Type_Contact_Search.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Type_Contact_Search" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.ContactSearch"
+ tp:causes-havoc='not well-tested'>
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel"/>
+ <tp:struct name="Search_Key_Info">
+ <tp:docstring>A struct representing details on search strings.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="b" name="Is_Mandatory">
+ <tp:docstring>Booleans indicating if the search key is mandatory.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="g" name="Type_Signature">
+ <tp:docstring>The type signature of the value for this search key.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:mapping name="Search_Key_Info_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>A dictionary mapping string search key names to its search details.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Term"/>
+ <tp:member type="(bg)" tp:type="Search_Key_Info" name="Details"/>
+ </tp:mapping>
+ <method name="GetSearchKeys">
+ <arg direction="out" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A string with any instructions from the server
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="a{s(bg)}" tp:type="Search_Key_Info_Map">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ A dictionary mapping string search key names to its search details.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Returns any instructions from the server along with a dictionary of
+ search key names to their types, and a boolean indicating if the key is
+ mandatory. The following well-known search key names should be used
+ where appropriate:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>s:first</dt><dd>The desired contact's given name</dd>
+ <dt>s:last</dt><dd>The desired contact's family name</dd>
+ <dt>s:nick</dt><dd>The desired contact's nickname</dd>
+ <dt>s:email</dt><dd>The e-mail address of the desired contact</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:enum name="Channel_Contact_Search_State" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Before" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>The search has not started</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="During" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>The search is in progress</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="After" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>The search has been completed</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <method name="GetSearchState">
+ <arg direction="out" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Contact_Search_State">
+ <tp:docstring>The search state represented as one of the values of
+ ChannelContactSearchState</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns the current state of this search channel object.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <method name="Search">
+ <arg direction="in" name="terms" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping search key names to the desired values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Send a request to start a search for contacts on this connection. A
+ valid search request will cause the SearchStateChanged signal to be
+ emitted with the status CHANNEL_CONTACT_SEARCH_STATE_DURING.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="SearchResultReceived">
+ <arg name="contact" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>An integer handle for the contact</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="values" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>A dictionary mapping search key names to values for this contact</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when a search result is received from the server.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="SearchStateChanged">
+ <arg name="state" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Contact_Search_State">
+ <tp:docstring>An integer representing the new search state</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the search state (as returned by the GetSearchState
+ method) changes.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>A channel type for searching server-stored user directories. A new channel
+ should be requested by a client for each search attempt, and it should be
+ closed when the search is completed or the required result has been found
+ in order to free unused handles. The search can be cancelled at any time
+ by calling the channel Close method, although depending upon the protocol
+ the connection manager may not be able to prevent the server from sending
+ further results.</p>
+ <p>Before searching, the GetSearchKeys method should be used to discover any
+ instructions sent by the server, and the valid search keys which can be
+ provided to the Search method. A search request is then started by
+ providing some of these terms to the Search method, and the search status
+ will be set to CHANNEL_CONTACT_SEARCH_STATE_DURING. When results are
+ returned by the server, the SearchResultReceived signal is emitted for each
+ contact found, and when the search is complete, the search status will be
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Type_Room_List.xml b/spec/Channel_Type_Room_List.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10261c97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Type_Room_List.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Type_Room_List" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.RoomList">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel"/>
+ <tp:struct name="Room_Info" array-name="Room_Info_List">
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Room_Handle" name="Handle"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" tp:type="DBus_Interface" name="Channel_Type"/>
+ <tp:member type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map" name="Info"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <property name="Server" type="s" access="read">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ <p>For protocols with a concept of chatrooms on multiple servers
+ with different DNS names (like XMPP), the DNS name of the server
+ whose rooms are listed by this channel, e.g. "".
+ Otherwise, the empty string.</p>
+ <p>This property cannot change during the lifetime of the channel.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </property>
+ <method name="GetListingRooms">
+ <arg direction="out" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A boolean indicating if room listing is in progress
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Check to see if there is already a room list request in progress
+ on this channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="GotRooms">
+ <arg name="rooms" type="a(usa{sv})" tp:type="Room_Info[]">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ An array of structs containing:
+ <ul>
+ <li>an integer room handle</li>
+ <li>a string representing the D-Bus interface name of the channel type</li>
+ <li>a dictionary mapping string keys to variant boxed information</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Emitted when information about rooms on the server becomes available.
+ The array contains the room handle (as can be passed to the
+ RequestChannel method with HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM), the channel
+ type, and a dictionary containing further information about the
+ room as available. The following well-known keys and types are
+ recommended for use where appropriate:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>s:handle-name</dt><dd>The string name of the room handle (as would be returned by InspectHandles)</dd>
+ <dt>s:name</dt><dd>The human-readable name of the room if different from the handle</dd>
+ <dt>s:description</dt><dd>A description of the room's overall purpose</dd>
+ <dt>s:subject</dt><dd>The current subject of conversation in the room</dd>
+ <dt>u:members</dt><dd>The number of members of the room</dd>
+ <dt>b:password</dt><dd>True if the room requires a password to enter</dd>
+ <dt>b:invite-only</dt><dd>True if you cannot join the room, but must be invited</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="ListRooms">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request the list of rooms from the server. The ListingRooms signal
+ should be emitted when this request is being processed, GotRooms when
+ any room information is received, and ListingRooms when the request
+ is complete.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="StopListing">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Stop the room listing if it's in progress, but don't close the channel.
+ The ListingRooms signal should be emitted when the listing stops.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="ListingRooms">
+ <arg name="listing" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>A boolean indicating if room listing is in progress</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted to indicate whether or not room listing request is currently
+ in progress.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>A channel type for listing named channels available on the server. Once the
+ ListRooms method is called, it emits signals for rooms present on the
+ server, until you Close this channel. In some cases, it may not be possible
+ to stop the deluge of information from the server. This channel should be
+ closed when the room information is no longer being displayed, so that the
+ room handles can be freed.</p>
+ <p>This channel type may be implemented as a singleton on some protocols, so
+ clients should be prepared for the eventuality that they are given a
+ channel that is already in the middle of listing channels. The ListingRooms
+ signal, or GetListingRooms method, can be used to check this.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Type_Streamed_Media.xml b/spec/Channel_Type_Streamed_Media.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c2eced3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Type_Streamed_Media.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Type_Streamed_Media" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.StreamedMedia">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel"/>
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.Group"/>
+ <tp:enum name="Media_Stream_Type" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Audio" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>An audio stream</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Video" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>A video stream</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:enum name="Media_Stream_State" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Disconnected" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>The stream is disconnected.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Connecting" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>The stream is trying to connect.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Connected" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>The stream is connected.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:enum name="Media_Stream_Direction" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="None" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>Media are not being sent or received</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Send" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>Media are being sent, but not received</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Receive" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>Media are being received, but not sent</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Bidirectional" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>Media are being sent and received</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:flags name="Media_Stream_Pending_Send" value-prefix="Media_Stream_Pending" type="u">
+ <tp:flag suffix="Local_Send" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The local user has been asked to send media by the remote user.
+ Call RequestStreamDirection to indicate whether or not this is
+ acceptable.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Remote_Send" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The remote user has been asked to send media by the local user.
+ The StreamDirectionChanged signal will be emitted when the remote
+ user accepts or rejects this change.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ <tp:struct name="Media_Stream_Info" array-name="Media_Stream_Info_List">
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Stream_ID" name="Identifier"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle" name="Contact"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_Type" name="Type"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_State" name="State"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_Direction" name="Direction"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_Pending_Send"
+ name="Pending_Send_Flags"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:simple-type name="Stream_ID" type="u"/>
+ <method name="ListStreams">
+ <arg direction="out" type="a(uuuuuu)" tp:type="Media_Stream_Info[]">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ An array of structs containing:
+ <ul>
+ <li>the stream identifier</li>
+ <li>the contact handle who the stream is with (or 0 if the stream
+ represents more than a single member)</li>
+ <li>the type of the stream</li>
+ <li>the current stream state</li>
+ <li>the current direction of the stream</li>
+ <li>the current pending send flags</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns an array of structs representing the streams currently active
+ within this channel. Each stream is identified by an unsigned integer
+ which is unique for each stream within the channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <method name="RemoveStreams">
+ <arg direction="in" name="streams" type="au" tp:type="Stream_ID[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of stream identifiers (as defined in ListStreams)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that the given streams are removed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ A stream identifier is unknown
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="RequestStreamDirection">
+ <arg direction="in" name="stream_id" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The stream identifier (as defined in ListStreams)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="stream_direction" type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_Direction">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The desired stream direction (a value of MediaStreamDirection)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Request a change in the direction of an existing stream. In particular,
+ this might be useful to stop sending media of a particular type,
+ or inform the peer that you are no longer using media that is being
+ sent to you.</p>
+ <p>Depending on the protocol, streams which are no longer sending in
+ either direction should be removed and a StreamRemoved signal emitted.
+ Some direction changes can be enforced locally (for example,
+ BIDIRECTIONAL -&gt; RECEIVE can be achieved by merely stopping sending),
+ others may not be possible on some protocols, and some need agreement
+ from the remote end. In this case, the MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_REMOTE_SEND
+ flag will be set in the StreamDirectionChanged signal, and the signal
+ emitted again without the flag to indicate the resulting direction when
+ the remote end has accepted or rejected the change.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ A stream identifier is unknown
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ The requested direction is not available on this stream
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="RequestStreams">
+ <arg direction="in" name="contact_handle" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A contact handle with whom to establish the streams
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="types" type="au" tp:type="Media_Stream_Type[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of stream types (values of MediaStreamType)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="a(uuuuuu)" tp:type="Media_Stream_Info[]">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ An array of structs (in the same order as the given stream types)
+ containing:
+ <ul>
+ <li>the stream identifier</li>
+ <li>the contact handle who the stream is with (or 0 if the stream
+ represents more than a single member)</li>
+ <li>the type of the stream</li>
+ <li>the current stream state</li>
+ <li>the current direction of the stream</li>
+ <li>the current pending send flags</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Request that streams be established to exchange the given types of
+ media with the given member. In general this will try and establish a
+ bidirectional stream, but on some protocols it may not be possible to
+ indicate to the peer that you would like to receive media, so a
+ send-only stream will be created initially. In the cases where the
+ stream requires remote agreement (eg you wish to receive media from
+ them), the StreamDirectionChanged signal will be emitted with the
+ MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_REMOTE_SEND flag set, and the signal emitted again
+ with the flag cleared when the remote end has replied.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:changed version="0.17.2">
+ <p>It is valid to use a handle which is neither
+ a current nor pending member in this channel's Group interface. If
+ so, that handle will be added to the remote-pending set only when
+ an attempt has actually been made to contact them. For further
+ call-state notification, use the CallState interface, if
+ supported. This usage was not allowed in spec versions below
+ 0.17.2.</p>
+ </tp:changed>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ A stream type given is invalid
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ That contact is not able to do this stream type
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="StreamAdded">
+ <arg name="stream_id" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The stream identifier (as defined in ListStreams)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="contact_handle" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact handle who the stream is with (or 0 if it
+ represents more than a single member)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="stream_type" type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The stream type (a value from MediaStreamType)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when a new stream has been added to this channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="StreamDirectionChanged">
+ <arg name="stream_id" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The stream identifier (as defined in ListStreams)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="stream_direction" type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_Direction">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The new stream direction (as defined in ListStreams)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="pending_flags" type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_Pending_Send">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The new pending send flags (as defined in ListStreams)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the direction or pending flags of a stream are changed. If
+ the MEDIA_STREAM_PENDING_LOCAL_SEND flag is set, the remote user has
+ requested that we begin sending on this stream. RequestStreamDirection
+ should be called to indicate whether or not this change is acceptable.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="StreamError">
+ <arg name="stream_id" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The stream identifier (as defined in ListStreams)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="errno" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A stream error number, one of the values of MediaStreamError
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="message" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A string describing the error (for debugging purposes only)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when a stream encounters an error.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="StreamRemoved">
+ <arg name="stream_id" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ stream_id - the stream identifier (as defined in ListStreams)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when a stream has been removed from this channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="StreamStateChanged">
+ <arg name="stream_id" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The stream identifier (as defined in ListStreams)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="stream_state" type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_State">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The new stream state (as defined in ListStreams)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when a member's stream's state changes.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>A channel that can send and receive streamed media such as audio or video.
+ Provides a number of methods for listing and requesting new streams, and
+ signals to indicate when streams have been added, removed and changed
+ status.</p>
+ <p>Channels of this type are expected to provide the Group interface
+ and be "anonymous" (have no associated handle). To make a media call
+ to a contact, clients should request a new, empty streamed media
+ channel, then call AddMembers to add the contact to the channel.
+ The local user should be in the group's members, while the contact
+ should be absent from the channel until a call is made, appear in
+ "remote pending" from when the call is attempted until the call is
+ accepted, then move to the group's members.</p>
+ <p>Similarly, incoming calls should be signalled as having handle type 0
+ and handle 0. The remote contact should be in the group's members,
+ with the local user in the "local pending" members; to accept the
+ call, AddMembers can be used to move the local user to the
+ group's members.</p>
+ <p>In general this should be used in conjunction with the MediaSignalling
+ interface to exchange connection candidates and codec choices with
+ whichever component is responsible for the streams. However, in certain
+ applications where no candidate exchange is necessary (eg the streams are
+ handled by specialised hardware which is controlled directly by the
+ connection manager), the signalling interface can be omitted and this
+ channel type used simply to control the streams.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:flags name="Channel_Media_Capabilities" value-prefix="Channel_Media_Capability" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The channel-type-specific capability flags used for
+ Channel.Type.StreamedMedia in the Connection.Interface.Capabilities
+ interface.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Audio" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The handle is capable of using audio streams within a media channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Video" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The handle is capable of using video streams within a media channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="NAT_Traversal_STUN" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The handle is capable of performing STUN to traverse NATs.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="NAT_Traversal_GTalk_P2P" value="8">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The handle is capable of establishing Google Talk peer-to-peer
+ connections (as implemented in libjingle 0.3) to traverse NATs.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Type_Text.xml b/spec/Channel_Type_Text.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3265ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Type_Text.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Type_Text" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel"/>
+ <tp:simple-type name="Message_ID" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A unique-per-channel identifier for an incoming message. These
+ SHOULD be allocated in a way that minimizes collisions (in particular,
+ message IDs SHOULD NOT be re-used until all of the 32-bit integer
+ space has already been used).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:struct name="Pending_Text_Message" array-name="Pending_Text_Message_List">
+ <tp:docstring>A struct (message ID, timestamp in seconds since
+ 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC, sender's handle, message type, flags, text)
+ representing a pending text message, as returned by ListPendingMessages
+ on the Text channel type. The arguments of the Received signal
+ also match this struct's signature.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Message_ID" name="Identifier"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Unix_Timestamp" name="Unix_Timestamp"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle" name="Sender"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Type"
+ name="Message_Type"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Flags" name="Flags"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Text"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <method name="AcknowledgePendingMessages">
+ <arg direction="in" name="ids" type="au" tp:type="Message_ID[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The IDs of the messages to acknowledge
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Inform the channel that you have handled messages by displaying them to
+ the user (or equivalent), so they can be removed from the pending queue.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A given message ID was not found, so no action was taken
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetMessageTypes">
+ <arg direction="out" type="au" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Type[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of integer message types (ChannelTextMessageType)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Return an array indicating which types of message may be sent on this
+ channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <method name="ListPendingMessages">
+ <arg direction="in" name="clear" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ If true, behave as if AcknowledgePendingMessages had also been
+ called.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:deprecated since="0.17.3">
+ Setting this to true is NOT RECOMMENDED for clients that
+ have some sort of persistent message storage - clients SHOULD only
+ acknowledge messages after they have actually stored them, which is
+ impossible if this flag is true.</tp:deprecated>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="a(uuuuus)" tp:type="Pending_Text_Message[]">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ An array of structs representing the pending queue. Each contains:
+ <ul>
+ <li>a numeric identifier</li>
+ <li>a Unix timestamp indicating when the message was received</li>
+ <li>the contact handle for the contact who sent the message</li>
+ <li>the message type, taken from ChannelTextMessageType</li>
+ <li>the bitwise-OR of the message flags from ChannelTextMessageFlags</li>
+ <li>the text of the message</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ List the messages currently in the pending queue, and optionally
+ remove then all.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="LostMessage">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This signal is emitted to indicate that an incoming message was
+ not able to be stored and forwarded by the connection manager
+ due to lack of memory.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="Received">
+ <arg name="id" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A numeric identifier for acknowledging the message
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="timestamp" type="u" tp:type="Unix_Timestamp">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A Unix timestamp indicating when the message was received
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="sender" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The handle of the contact who sent the message
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="type" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The type of the message (normal, action, notice, etc.)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="flags" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Flags">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A bitwise OR of the message flags
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="text" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The text of the message
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Signals that a message with the given id, timestamp, sender, type
+ and text has been received on this channel. Applications that catch
+ this signal and reliably inform the user of the message should
+ acknowledge that they have dealt with the message with the
+ AcknowledgePendingMessage method.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="Send">
+ <arg direction="in" name="type" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer indicating the type of the message
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="text" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The message to send
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that a message be sent on this channel. When the message has
+ been submitted for delivery, this method will return and the Sent
+ signal will be emitted. If the message cannot be submitted for
+ delivery, the method returns an error and no signal is emitted.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:enum name="Channel_Text_Send_Error" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Unknown" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An unknown error occurred
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Offline" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The requested contact was offline
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Invalid_Contact" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The requested contact is not valid
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Permission_Denied" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The user does not have permission to speak on this channel
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Too_Long" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The outgoing message was too long and was rejected by the server
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Not_Implemented" value="5">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The channel doesn't support sending text messages to the requested
+ contact
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <signal name="SendError">
+ <arg name="error" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Send_Error">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The error that occurred
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="timestamp" type="u" tp:type="Unix_Timestamp">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The Unix timestamp indicating when the message was sent
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="type" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The message type
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="text" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The text of the message
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Signals that an outgoing message has failed to send. The error
+ will be one of the values from ChannelTextSendError.</p>
+ <p>This signal should only be emitted for messages for which
+ Sent has already been emitted and Send has already returned
+ success.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:changed version="0.17.3">older spec versions claimed that SendError
+ was emitted <em>instead of</em> Sent, rather than <em>in addition
+ to</em> Sent. However, the 0.17.3+ semantics were what we'd always
+ actually implemented.</tp:changed>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="Sent">
+ <arg name="timestamp" type="u" tp:type="Unix_Timestamp">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Unix timestamp indicating when the message was sent
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="type" type="u" tp:type="Channel_Text_Message_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The message type (normal, action, notice, etc) from
+ ChannelTextMessageType
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="text" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The text of the message
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Signals that a message has been submitted for sending.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:enum name="Channel_Text_Message_Type" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The type of message.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Normal" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An ordinary chat message. Unknown types SHOULD be treated like this.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Action" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An action which might be presented to the user as
+ "* &lt;sender&gt; &lt;action&gt;", such as an IRC CTCP
+ ACTION (typically selected by the "/me" command). For example, the
+ text of the message might be "drinks more coffee".
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Notice" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A one-off or automated message not necessarily expecting a reply
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Auto_Reply" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An automatically-generated reply message.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Delivery_Report" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This message type MUST NOT appear unless the channel supports the
+ DeliveryReporting interface. The message MUST be as defined by
+ the DeliveryReporting interface.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:flags name="Channel_Text_Message_Flags" value-prefix="Channel_Text_Message_Flag" type="u">
+ <tp:flag suffix="Truncated" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The incoming message was truncated to a shorter length by the
+ server or the connection manager.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Non_Text_Content" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>The incoming message contained non-text content which cannot be
+ represented by this interface, but has been signalled
+ in the Messages interface.</p>
+ <p>Connection managers SHOULD only set this flag if the non-text
+ content appears to be relatively significant (exactly how
+ significant is up to the implementor). The intention is that
+ if this flag is set, clients using this interface SHOULD inform
+ the user that part of the message was not understood.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ <tp:property name="anonymous" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ True if people may join the channel without other members being made
+ aware of their identity.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="invite-only" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ True if people may not join the channel until they have been invited.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="limit" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The limit to the number of members, if limited is true.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="limited" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ True if there is a limit to the number of channel members.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="moderated" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ True if channel membership is not sufficient to allow participation.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="name" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A human-visible name for the channel, if it differs from the string
+ version of the channel's handle.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="description" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A human-readable description of the channel's overall purpose.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="password" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The password required to enter the channel if password-required is true.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="password-required" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ True if a password must be provided to enter the channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="persistent" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ True if the channel will remain in existence on the server after all
+ members have left it.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="private" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ True if the channel is not visible to non-members.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="subject" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A human-readable description of the current subject of conversation in
+ the channel, similar to /topic in IRC.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="subject-contact" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A contact handle representing who last modified the subject, or 0
+ if it isn't known.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:property name="subject-timestamp" type="u" tp:type="Unix_Timestamp">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A unix timestamp indicating when the subject was last modified.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:property>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>A channel type for sending and receiving messages in plain text,
+ with no formatting. In future specifications, channels for sending
+ and receiving messages that can be reduced to plain text (i.e.
+ formatted text) should also have this type.</p>
+ <p>When a message is received, an identifier is assigned and a
+ Received signal emitted, and the message placed in a pending queue
+ which can be inspected with ListPendingMessages. A client which has
+ handled the message by showing it to the user (or equivalent) should
+ acknowledge the receipt using the AcknowledgePendingMessage method,
+ and the message will then be removed from the pending queue. Numeric
+ identifiers for received messages may be reused over the lifetime of
+ the channel.</p>
+ <p>Each message has an associated 'type' value, which should be one
+ of the values allowed by ChannelTextMessageType.</p>
+ <p>Each message also has a flags value, which is a bitwise OR of the
+ flags given in ChannelTextMessageFlags.</p>
+ <p>Sending messages can be requested using the Send method, which will
+ return successfully and emit the Sent signal when the message has
+ been delivered to the server, or return an error with no signal
+ emission if there is a failure. If a message is sent but delivery
+ of the message later fails, this is indicated with the SendError
+ signal.</p>
+ <p>On protocols where additional contacts cannot be invited into
+ a one-to-one chat, or where a one-to-one chat is just a series of
+ individual personal messages rather than being represented by some
+ object on the server (i.e. most protocols), one-to-one chats should be
+ represented by a Text channel with handle type CONTACT.</p>
+ <p>Named chat rooms whose identity can be saved and used again later
+ (IRC channels, Jabber MUCs) are expected to be represented by Text
+ channels with handle type ROOM and the Group interface; they should
+ usually also have the Properties interface.</p>
+ <p>Unnamed, transient chat rooms defined only by their members (e.g. on
+ MSN) are expected to be represented by Text channels with handle type
+ 0, handle 0, the Group interface, and optionally the Properties
+ interface.</p>
+ <p>On protocols where a conversation with a user is actually just
+ a nameless chat room starting with exactly two members, to which
+ more members can be invited, calling RequestChannel with type Text
+ and handle type CONTACT should continue to succeed, but may return
+ a channel with handle type 0, handle 0, the group interface,
+ and the local and remote contacts in its members.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Channel_Type_Tubes.xml b/spec/Channel_Type_Tubes.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b187c03e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Channel_Type_Tubes.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Channel_Type_Tubes" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>
+ Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Collabora Limited
+ </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Tubes">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel"/>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>A "tube" is a mechanism for arbitrary data transfer. Two types of
+ data transfer are currently specified: D-Bus messages, and streams of
+ bytes. Each tube has a service name, which is a string specifying the
+ kind of communication that takes place over it, and a dictionary of
+ arbitrary parameters. Tube parameters are commonly used for bootstrap
+ information such as usernames and passwords. Each tube is identified
+ by a locally unique identifier.</p>
+ <p>The Tubes channel type may be requested for handles of type
+ <p>Stream tubes specify listening addresses using pairs of parameters
+ with signature 'u', 'v', where the integer 'u' is a member of
+ Socket_Address_Type and the v is dependent on the type of address.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:simple-type name="Tube_ID" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>An identifier for a tube. These are local to a Tubes
+ channel, and may not be assumed to be the same as the other
+ participants' idea of the tube identifier.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:struct name="Tube_Info" array-name="Tube_Info_List">
+ <tp:docstring>A struct (tube ID, initiator handle, tube type,
+ service name, parameters, state) representing a tube, as returned
+ by ListTubes on the Tubes channel type.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Tube_ID" name="Identifier"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle" name="Initiator"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Tube_Type" name="Type"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Service"/>
+ <tp:member type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map" name="Parameters"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Tube_State" name="State"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:struct name="DBus_Tube_Member" array-name="DBus_Tube_Member_List">
+ <tp:docstring>A struct (handle, unique name) representing a participant
+ in a D-Bus tube, as returned by GetDBusNames on the Tubes channel
+ type, and as seen in the DBusNamesChanged signal.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle" name="Handle"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" tp:type="DBus_Unique_Name" name="Unique_Name"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:struct name="Socket_Address_IPv4">
+ <tp:docstring>An IPv4 address and port.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Address">
+ <tp:docstring>A dotted-quad IPv4 address literal: four ASCII decimal
+ numbers, each between 0 and 255 inclusive, e.g.
+ "".</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="q" name="Port">
+ <tp:docstring>The TCP or UDP port number.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:struct name="Socket_Address_IPv6">
+ <tp:docstring>An IPv6 address and port.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Address">
+ <tp:docstring>An IPv6 address literal as specified by RFC2373
+ section 2.2, e.g. "2001:DB8::8:800:200C:4171".</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="q" name="Port">
+ <tp:docstring>The TCP or UDP port number.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:struct name="Socket_Netmask_IPv4">
+ <tp:docstring>An IPv4 network or subnet.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Address">
+ <tp:docstring>A dotted-quad IPv4 address literal: four ASCII decimal
+ numbers, each between 0 and 255 inclusive, e.g.
+ "".</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="y" name="Prefix_Length">
+ <tp:docstring>The number of leading bits of the address that must
+ match, for this netmask to be considered to match an
+ address.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:struct name="Socket_Netmask_IPv6">
+ <tp:docstring>An IPv6 network or subnet.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Address">
+ <tp:docstring>An IPv6 address literal as specified by RFC2373
+ section 2.2, e.g. "2001:DB8::8:800:200C:4171".</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="y" name="Prefix_Length">
+ <tp:docstring>The number of leading bits of the address that must
+ match, for this netmask to be considered to match an
+ address.</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:enum name="Tube_Type" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="DBus" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>An ordered reliable transport, for transporting D-Bus
+ traffic.</p>
+ <p>For each D-Bus tube, the connection manager listens on a D-Bus
+ server address, as detailed in the D-Bus specification. On this
+ address, it emulates a bus upon which each tube participant appears
+ as an endpoint.</p>
+ <p>The objects and interfaces which are expected to exist on the
+ emulated bus depend on the well-known name; typically, either the
+ participant who initiated the tube is expected to export the same
+ objects/interfaces that would be exported by a service of that name
+ on a bus, or all participants are expected to export those
+ objects/interfaces.</p>
+ <p>In a multi-user context (Handle_Type_Room) the tube behaves
+ like the D-Bus bus daemon, so participants can send each other
+ private messages, or can send broadcast messages which are
+ received by everyone in the tube (including themselves).
+ Each participant has a D-Bus unique name; connection managers
+ must prevent participants from sending messages with the wrong
+ sender unique name, and should attempt to avoid participants
+ receiving messages not intended for them.</p>
+ <p>In a 1-1 context (Handle_Type_Contact) the tube behaves like
+ a peer-to-peer D-Bus connection - arbitrary D-Bus messages with
+ any sender and/or destination can be sent by each participant,
+ and each participant receives all messages sent by the other
+ participant.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Stream" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>A transport for ordered, reliable data transfer, similar to
+ SOCK_STREAM sockets.</p>
+ <p>When accepting a Stream Unix tube, a new listening local socket is
+ created. Each time the client connects to this socket, the
+ connection manager of the initiator of the tube opens a new
+ connection to its local socket. Both sides can then use this pair
+ of sockets to communicate together.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:enum name="Tube_State" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Local_Pending" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The tube is waiting to be accepted/closed locally.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Remote_Pending" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The tube is waiting to be accepted/closed remotely.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Open" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The tube is open for traffic.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:enum name="Socket_Address_Type" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Unix" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A Unix socket. The variant contains a byte-array, signature 'ay',
+ containing the path of the socket.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Abstract_Unix" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An abstract Unix socket. The variant contains a byte-array,
+ signature 'ay', containing the path of the socket including the
+ leading null byte.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="IPv4" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An IPv4 socket. The variant contains a Socket_Address_IPv4,
+ i.e. a structure with signature (sq)
+ in which the string is an IPv4 dotted-quad address literal
+ (and must not be a DNS name), while the 16-bit unsigned integer is
+ the port number.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="IPv6" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An IPv6 socket. The variant contains a Socket_Address_IPv6,
+ i.e. a structure with signature (sq)
+ in which the string is an IPv6 address literal as specified in
+ RFC2373 (and must not be a DNS name), while the 16-bit unsigned
+ integer is the port number.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:enum name="Socket_Access_Control" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Localhost" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The IP or Unix socket can be accessed by any local user (e.g.
+ a Unix socket that accepts all local connections, or an IP socket
+ listening on (or ::1) or rejecting connections not from
+ that address). The associated variant must be ignored.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Port" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ May only be used on IP sockets. The associated variant must contain
+ a struct Socket_Address_IPv4 (or Socket_Address_IPv6)
+ containing the string form of an IP address of the appropriate
+ version, and a port number. The socket can only be accessed if the
+ connecting process has that address and port number; all other
+ connections will be rejected.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Netmask" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ May only be used on IP sockets. The associated variant must contain
+ a struct Socket_Netmask_IPv4 (or Socket_Netmask_IPv6) with
+ signature (sy), containing the string form of an
+ IP address of the appropriate version, and a prefix length "n".
+ The socket can only be accessed if the first n bits of the
+ connecting address match the first n bits of the given address.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Credentials" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>The connecting process must send a single zero (NUL) byte when
+ it first connects, which is not considered to be part of the data
+ stream. If the operating system uses sendmsg() with SCM_CREDS or
+ SCM_CREDENTIALS to pass credentials over sockets, the connecting
+ process must do so if possible; if not, it must still send the
+ byte.</p>
+ <p>The listening process will disconnect the connection unless it
+ can determine by OS-specific means that the connecting process
+ has the same user ID as the listening process.</p>
+ <p>The associated variant must be ignored.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:mapping name="Supported_Socket_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>The supported socket address and access-control types
+ for tubes. See GetAvailableStreamTubeTypes.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member name="Address_Type" type="u" tp:type="Socket_Address_Type"/>
+ <tp:member name="Access_Control" type="au"
+ tp:type="Socket_Access_Control[]"/>
+ </tp:mapping>
+ <method name="GetAvailableStreamTubeTypes">
+ <tp:docstring>List the available address types and access-control types
+ for stream tubes.</tp:docstring>
+ <arg direction="out" type="a{uau}" tp:type="Supported_Socket_Map">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>A mapping from address types (members of Socket_Address_Type) to
+ arrays of access-control type (members of Socket_Access_Control)
+ that the connection manager supports for stream tubes with that
+ address type. For simplicity, if a CM supports offering a
+ particular type of tube, it is assumed to support accepting it.</p>
+ <p>A typical value for a host without IPv6 support:</p>
+ <pre>
+ {
+ Socket_Address_Type_IPv4:
+ [Socket_Access_Control_Localhost, Socket_Access_Control_Port,
+ Socket_Access_Control_Netmask],
+ Socket_Address_Type_Unix:
+ [Socket_Access_Control_Localhost, Socket_Access_Control_Credentials]
+ }
+ </pre>
+ <p>If stream tubes are not supported, this will be an empty
+ dictionary.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetAvailableTubeTypes">
+ <arg direction="out" type="au" tp:type="Tube_Type[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of the available tube types, as defined by the Tube_Type
+ enum.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="ListTubes">
+ <arg direction="out" type="a(uuusa{sv}u)" tp:type="Tube_Info[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Return an array of tuples, each representing a tube, with the
+ following members:
+ <ul>
+ <li>the tube's ID</li>
+ <li>the tube's initiator</li>
+ <li>the tube's type</li>
+ <li>the tube's service</li>
+ <li>the tube's parameters</li>
+ <li>the tube's state</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="OfferDBusTube">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Offers a D-Bus tube providing the service specified.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg direction="in" name="service" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A string representing the service name that will be used over the
+ tube.
+ It should be a well-known D-Bus service name, of the form
+ com.example.ServiceName.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="parameters" type="a{sv}"
+ tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary of properties for the new tube; the allowable keys,
+ types and values are defined by the service. Connection managers
+ must support the value being any primitive (non-container)
+ D-Bus type, or a byte array 'ay'.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="u" tp:type="Tube_ID">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ID of the new tube.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact associated with this channel doesn't have tubes
+ capabilities.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotImplemented">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection manager doesn't support D-Bus tubes.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="OfferStreamTube">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Offer a stream tube exporting the local socket specified.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg direction="in" name="service" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ A string representing the service name that will be used over the
+ tube.
+ It should be a well-known TCP service name as defined by
+ <a href="">
+</a> or
+ <a href="">
+</a>, for instance
+ "rsync" or "daap".
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="parameters" type="a{sv}"
+ tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>A dictionary of properties for the new tube; the allowable keys,
+ types and values are defined by the service. Connection managers
+ must support the value being any primitive (non-container)
+ D-Bus type, or a byte array 'ay'.</p>
+ <p>These should usually be the same key-value pairs specified for
+ use in the DNS-SD TXT record for that service.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="address_type" type="u" tp:type="Socket_Address_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The type of the listening address of the local service, as a member of
+ Socket_Address_Type.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="address" type="v">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The listening address of the local service, as indicated by the
+ address_type.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="access_control" type="u" tp:type="Socket_Access_Control">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The access control the local service applies to the local socket,
+ specified so the connection manager can behave appropriately
+ when it connects.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="access_control_param" type="v">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A parameter for the access control type, to be interpreted as
+ specified in the documentation for the Socket_Access_Control enum.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="u" tp:type="Tube_ID">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ID of the new tube.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact associated with this channel doesn't have tube
+ capabilities.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotImplemented">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection manager doesn't support stream tubes, or
+ does not support the given address type or access-control type.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="NewTube">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when a tube is created.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="id" type="u" tp:type="Tube_ID">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ID of the new tube.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="initiator" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The handle of the contact who initiated the tube.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="type" type="u" tp:type="Tube_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The tube type, as defined by the Tube_Type enum.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="service" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A string representing the service that will be used over the tube.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="parameters" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The new tube's properties.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="state" type="u" tp:type="Tube_State">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The new tube's state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="AcceptDBusTube">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Accept a D-Bus tube that's in the "local pending" state. The
+ connection manager will attempt to open the tube. The tube remains in
+ the "local pending" state until the TubeStateChanged signal is
+ emitted.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg direction="in" name="id" type="u" tp:type="Tube_ID">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ID of the tube to accept.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" name="address" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The string describing the address of the private bus. The client
+ should not attempt to connect to the address until the tube is open.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The given tube ID is invalid or does not refer to a D-Bus
+ tube.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="AcceptStreamTube">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Accept a stream tube that's in the "local pending" state. The
+ connection manager will attempt to open the tube. The tube remains in
+ the "local pending" state until the TubeStateChanged signal is
+ emitted.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg direction="in" name="id" type="u" tp:type="Tube_ID">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ID of the tube to accept.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="address_type" type="u" tp:type="Socket_Address_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The type of address the connection manager should listen on.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="access_control" type="u" tp:type="Socket_Access_Control">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The type of access control the connection manager should apply to
+ the socket.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="access_control_param" type="v">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A parameter for the access control type, to be interpreted as
+ specified in the documentation for the Socket_Access_Control enum.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" name="address" type="v">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The address on which the connection manager will listen for
+ connections to this tube. The client should not attempt to connect
+ to the address until the tube is open.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The given tube ID is invalid or does not refer to a stream
+ tube.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotImplemented">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The given address type or access-control mechanism is not supported.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="TubeStateChanged">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the state of a tube changes.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="id" type="u" tp:type="Tube_ID">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ID of the tube that changed state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="state" type="u" tp:type="Tube_State">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The new state of the tube; see the Tube_State enumeration.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="CloseTube">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Close a tube.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg direction="in" name="id" type="u" tp:type="Tube_ID">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ID of the tube to close.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument" />
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="TubeClosed">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when a tube has been closed. The ID of a closed tube is no
+ longer valid. The ID may later be reused for a new tube.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="id" type="u" tp:type="Tube_ID">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ID of the tube that was closed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="GetDBusTubeAddress">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ For a D-Bus tube, return a string describing the address of the
+ private bus.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg direction="in" name="id" type="u" tp:type="Tube_ID">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ID of the tube to get an address for.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The bus address.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The tube is not a D-Bus tube.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This tube is not in the "open" state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetDBusNames">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ For a multi-user (i.e. Handle_Type_Room) D-Bus tube, obtain a mapping
+ between contact handles and their unique bus names on this tube.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg direction="in" name="id" type="u" tp:type="Tube_ID">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ID of the tube to get names for.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="a(us)" tp:type="DBus_Tube_Member[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of structures, each containing a contact handle and a D-Bus
+ bus name.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The tube is not a multi-user D-Bus tube.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This tube is not in the "open" state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="DBusNamesChanged">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted on a multi-user (i.e. Handle_Type_Room) D-Bus tube when a
+ participant opens or closes the tube.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="id" type="u" tp:type="Tube_ID">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ID of the tube whose names have changed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="added" type="a(us)" tp:type="DBus_Tube_Member[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Array of handles and D-Bus names of new participants.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="removed" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Array of handles of former participants.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="GetStreamTubeSocketAddress">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ For a stream tube, obtain the address of the socket used to
+ communicate over this tube.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg direction="in" name="id" type="u" tp:type="Tube_ID">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ID of the stream tube to get the socket for.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" name="address_type" type="u" tp:type="Socket_Address_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The type of the listening address of the socket, as a member of
+ Socket_Address_Type.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" name="address" type="v">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The listening address of the socket, as indicated by the
+ address_type.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The tube is not a stream tube.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This tube is not in the "open" state.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="StreamTubeNewConnection">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted on a stream tube when a participant opens a new connection
+ to its socket.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="id" type="u" tp:type="Tube_ID">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The ID of the tube
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="handle" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The handle of the participant who opened the new connection
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Connection.xml b/spec/Connection.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79249967
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Connection.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Connection"
+ xmlns:tp=""
+ >
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Collabora Limited</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2006 INdT</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+<p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection">
+ <tp:struct name="Channel_Info" array-name="Channel_Info_List">
+ <tp:docstring>A struct representing a channel, as returned by
+ ListChannels on the Connection interface.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="o" name="Channel">
+ <tp:docstring>The object path of the channel, which is on the
+ same bus name as the connection</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="s" tp:type="DBus_Interface" name="Channel_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>The channel's type</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Handle_Type" name="Handle_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>The type of the handle that the channel communicates
+ with, or Handle_Type_None if there is no associated
+ handle</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Handle" name="Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>The handle that the channel communicates with,
+ or 0 if there is no associated handle</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <method name="Connect">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that the connection be established. This will be done
+ asynchronously and errors will be returned by emitting StatusChanged
+ signals.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ The connection is already connecting or connected
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="Disconnect">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that the connection be closed. This closes the connection if
+ it's not already in DISCONNECTED state, and destroys the connection
+ object.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetInterfaces">
+ <arg direction="out" type="as" tp:type="DBus_Interface[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of D-Bus interface names
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get the optional interfaces supported by this connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetProtocol">
+ <arg direction="out" type="s" tp:type="Protocol">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A string identifier for the protocol
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get the protocol this connection is using.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetSelfHandle">
+ <arg direction="out" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer handle representing the user
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get the handle which represents the user on this connection, which will
+ remain valid for the lifetime of this connection, or until a change
+ in the user's identifier is signalled by the Renamed signal on the
+ Renaming interface (if present).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetStatus">
+ <arg direction="out" type="u" tp:type="Connection_Status">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer representing the current status
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get the current status as defined in the StatusChanged signal.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <method name="HoldHandles">
+ <arg direction="in" name="handle_type" type="u" tp:type="Handle_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The type of handle to be held
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="handles" type="au" tp:type="Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A array of integer handles to hold
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Notify the connection manger that your client is holding a copy
+ of handles which may not be in use in any existing channel or
+ list, and were not obtained by using the RequestHandles method. For
+ example, a handle observed in an emitted signal, or displayed
+ somewhere in the UI that is not associated with a channel. The
+ connection manager must not deallocate a handle where any clients
+ have used this method to indicate it is in use until the ReleaseHandle
+ method is called, or the clients disappear from the bus.</p>
+ <p>Note that HoldHandles is idempotent - calling it multiple times
+ is equivalent to calling it once. If a handle is "referenced" by
+ several components which share a D-Bus unique name, the client
+ should perform reference counting internally, and only call
+ ReleaseHandles when none of the cooperating components need the
+ handle any longer.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ The handle type is invalid
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle">
+ One of the given handles is not valid
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="InspectHandles">
+ <arg direction="in" name="handle_type" type="u" tp:type="Handle_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The type of handle to be inspected
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="handles" type="au" tp:type="Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of integer handles of this type
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="as">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of handle names in the same order as the given numbers
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Return a string representation for a number of handles of a given
+ type.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ The handle type is invalid
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle">
+ One of the given handles is not valid
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="ListChannels">
+ <arg direction="out" type="a(osuu)" tp:type="Channel_Info[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of structs representing channels.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ List all the channels which currently exist on this connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="NewChannel">
+ <arg name="object_path" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A D-Bus object path for the channel object on this service
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="channel_type" type="s" tp:type="DBus_Interface">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A D-Bus interface name representing the channel type
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="handle_type" type="u" tp:type="Handle_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer representing the type of handle this channel
+ communicates with, or Handle_Type_None if no handle is specified
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="handle" type="u" tp:type="Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A handle indicating the specific contact, room or list this
+ channel communicates with, or zero if no handle is specified
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="suppress_handler" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>If true, the channel was requested by a client that intends to
+ present it to the user itself (i.e. it passed suppress_handler=TRUE
+ to the RequestChannel method), so no other handler should be
+ launched.</p>
+ <p>If false, either the channel was created due to incoming
+ information from the service, or the channel was requested by
+ a local client that does not intend to handle the channel itself
+ (a typical use-case is an address-book viewer that does not itself
+ implement chat or VoIP functionality, starting a channel that
+ will be handled by the same user interface that would handle
+ incoming channels).</p>
+ <p>Clients MUST NOT assume that only incoming channels will have
+ this flag set to false.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when a new Channel object is created, either through user
+ request or incoming information from the service.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="ReleaseHandles">
+ <arg direction="in" name="handle_type" type="u" tp:type="Handle_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer handle type (as defined in RequestHandle)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="handles" type="au" tp:type="Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of integer handles being held by the client
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Explicitly notify the connection manager that your client is no
+ longer holding any references to the given handles, and that they
+ may be deallocated if they are not held by any other clients or
+ referenced by any existing channels. See HoldHandles for notes.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ The handle type is invalid
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle">
+ One of the given handles is not valid
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ One of the given handles is not held by this client
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="RequestChannel">
+ <arg direction="in" name="type" type="s" tp:type="DBus_Interface">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A D-Bus interface name representing base channel type
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="handle_type" type="u" tp:type="Handle_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer representing the handle type, or Handle_Type_None if
+ no handle is specified
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="handle" type="u" tp:type="Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A nonzero integer handle representing a contact, room, list etc.
+ according to handle_type, or zero if the handle_type is
+ Handle_Type_None
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="suppress_handler" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ If true, the requesting client intends to take responsibility for
+ displaying the channel to the user, so no other handler needs to
+ be launched
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The D-Bus object path for the channel created or retrieved
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Request a channel satisfying the specified type and communicating
+ with the contact, room, list etc. indicated by the given
+ handle_type and handle. The handle_type and handle may both be
+ zero to request the creation of a new, empty channel, which may
+ or may not be possible, depending on the protocol and channel
+ type.</p>
+ <p>On success, the returned channel will always be of the requested
+ type (i.e. implement the requested channel-type interface).</p>
+ <p>If a new, empty channel is requested, on success the returned
+ channel will always be an "anonymous" channel for which the type
+ and handle are both zero.</p>
+ <p>If a channel to a contact, room etc. is requested, on success, the
+ returned channel may either be a new or existing channel to
+ the requested entity (i.e. its GetHandle() returns the
+ requested handle type and handle), or a newly created "anonymous"
+ channel associated with the requested handle in some
+ implementation-specific way.</p>
+ <p>For example, for a contact handle, the returned channel
+ might be "anonymous", but implement the groups interface and have
+ the requested contact already present among the members.</p>
+ <p>If the request cannot be satisfied, an error is raised and no
+ channel is created.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotImplemented">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Unknown channel type
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The given handle does not exist or cannot be created
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The requested channel type cannot be created with the given handle
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Channel.Banned"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Channel.Full"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Channel.InviteOnly"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:enum name="Handle_Type" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="None" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A "null" handle type used to indicate the absence of a handle.
+ When a handle type and a handle appear as a pair, if the handle
+ type is zero, the handle must also be zero.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Contact" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A contact
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Room" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A chat room
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="List" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A server-generated contact list (see Channel.Interface.Group)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Group" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A user-defined contact list (see Channel.Interface.Group)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:simple-type name="Handle" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>An unsigned 32-bit integer representing a
+ handle</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:simple-type name="Contact_Handle" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>An unsigned 32-bit integer representing a handle of type
+ Handle_Type_Contact</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:simple-type name="Room_Handle" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>An unsigned 32-bit integer representing a handle of type
+ Handle_Type_Room</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:simple-type name="List_Handle" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>An unsigned 32-bit integer representing a handle of type
+ Handle_Type_List</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:simple-type name="Group_Handle" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>An unsigned 32-bit integer representing a handle of type
+ Handle_Type_Group</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <method name="RequestHandles">
+ <arg direction="in" name="handle_type" type="u" tp:type="Handle_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The type of handle required
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="names" type="as">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of names of entities to request handles for
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="au" tp:type="Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of integer handle numbers in the same order as the given strings
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request several handles from the connection manager which represent a
+ number of contacts, rooms or server-stored lists on the service. The
+ connection manager should record that these handles are in use by the
+ client who invokes this method, and must not deallocate the handles
+ until the client disconnects from the bus or calls the ReleaseHandle
+ method. Where the name refers to an entity that already has a handle
+ in this connection manager, this handle should be returned instead.
+ The handle number 0 must not be returned by the connection manager.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ The handle type is invalid
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ The given name is not a valid entity of the given type
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:enum name="Connection_Status" plural="Connection_Statuses" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Connected" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection is alive and all methods are available.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Connecting" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection has not yet been established, or has been
+ severed and reconnection is being attempted. Some methods may fail
+ until the connection has been established.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Disconnected" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection has been severed and no method calls are
+ valid. The object may be removed from the bus at any time.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <tp:enum name="Connection_Status_Reason" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="None_Specified" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ There is no reason set for this state change.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Requested" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The change is in response to a user request.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Network_Error" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ There was an error sending or receiving on the network socket.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Authentication_Failed" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The username or password was invalid.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Encryption_Error" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ There was an error negotiating SSL on this connection, or
+ encryption was unavailable and require-encryption was set when the
+ connection was created.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Name_In_Use" value="5">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Someone is already connected to the server using the name
+ you are trying to connect with.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Cert_Not_Provided" value="6">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The server did not provide a SSL certificate.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Cert_Untrusted" value="7">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The server's SSL certificate could not be trusted.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Cert_Expired" value="8">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The server's SSL certificate has expired.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Cert_Not_Activated" value="9">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The server's SSL certificate is not yet valid.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Cert_Hostname_Mismatch" value="10">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The server's SSL certificate did not match its hostname.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Cert_Fingerprint_Mismatch" value="11">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The server's SSL certificate does not have the expected
+ fingerprint.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Cert_Self_Signed" value="12">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The server's SSL certificate is self-signed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Cert_Other_Error" value="13">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ There was some other error validating the server's SSL certificate.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <signal name="StatusChanged">
+ <arg name="status" type="u" tp:type="Connection_Status">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer indicating the new status, as defined by ConnectionStatus
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="reason" type="u" tp:type="Connection_Status_Reason">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer indicating the reason for the status change, as defined
+ by ConnectionStatusReason
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the status of the connection changes. All states and
+ reasons have numerical values, as defined in ConnectionStatus
+ and ConnectionStatusReason.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>This models a connection to a single user account on a communication
+ service. Its basic capability is to provide the facility to request and
+ receive channels of differing types (such as text channels or streaming
+ media channels) which are used to carry out further communication.</p>
+ <p>As well as the methods and signatures below, arbitrary interfaces may be
+ provided by the Connection object to represent extra connection-wide
+ functionality, such as the Connection.Interface.Presence for receiving and
+ reporting presence information, and Connection.Interface.Aliasing for
+ connections where contacts may set and change an alias for themselves.
+ These interfaces can be discovered using GetInterfaces after the
+ connection, has been established and must not change subsequently at
+ runtime.</p>
+ <p>Contacts, rooms, and server-stored lists (such as subscribed contacts,
+ block lists, or allow lists) on a service are all represented by
+ immutable <em>handles</em>, which are unsigned non-zero integers which are
+ valid only for the lifetime of the connection object, and are used
+ throughout the protocol where these entities are represented, allowing
+ simple testing of equality within clients.</p>
+ <p>Zero as a handle value is sometimes used as a "null" value to mean
+ the absence of a contact, room, etc.</p>
+ <p>Handles have per-type uniqueness, meaning that
+ every (handle type, handle number) tuple is guaranteed to be unique within
+ a connection and that a handle alone (without its type) is meaningless or
+ ambiguous. Connection manager implementations should reference count these
+ handles to determine if they are in use either by any active clients or any
+ open channels, and may deallocate them when this ceases to be true. Clients
+ may request handles of a given type and name with the RequestHandles
+ method, inspect the entity name of handles with the InspectHandles method,
+ keep handles from being released with HoldHandles, and notify that they are
+ no longer storing handles with ReleaseHandles.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Connection_Interface_Aliasing.xml b/spec/Connection_Interface_Aliasing.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c975adff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Connection_Interface_Aliasing.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Connection_Interface_Aliasing" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.Aliasing">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection"/>
+ <tp:mapping name="Alias_Map" array-name="">
+ <tp:docstring>A dictionary whose keys are contact handles and whose
+ values are aliases.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle" name="Handle"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Alias"/>
+ </tp:mapping>
+ <tp:struct name="Alias_Pair" array-name="Alias_Pair_List">
+ <tp:docstring>A pair (contact handle, alias) as seen in the AliasesChanged
+ signal.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle" name="Handle"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Alias"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <signal name="AliasesChanged">
+ <arg name="aliases" type="a(us)" tp:type="Alias_Pair[]">
+ <!-- FIXME: if we break API, this could be an Alias_Map, a{us} -->
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ An array containing structs of:
+ <ul>
+ <li>the handle representing the contact</li>
+ <li>the new alias</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Signal emitted when a contact's alias (or that of the user) is changed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <tp:flags name="Connection_Alias_Flags" value-prefix="Connection_Alias_Flag" type="u">
+ <tp:flag suffix="User_Set" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>The aliases of contacts on this connection may be changed by the
+ user of the service, not just by the contacts themselves. This is
+ the case on Jabber, for instance.</p>
+ <p>It is possible that aliases can be changed by the contacts too -
+ which alias takes precedence is not defined by this
+ specification, and depends on the server and/or connection manager
+ implementation.</p>
+ <p>This flag only applies to the aliases of "globally valid" contact
+ handles. At this time, clients should not expect to be able to
+ change the aliases corresponding to any channel-specific
+ handles. If this becomes possible in future, a new flag will
+ be defined.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ <method name="GetAliasFlags">
+ <arg direction="out" type="u" tp:type="Connection_Alias_Flags">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer with a bitwise OR of flags from ConnectionAliasFlags
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Return a bitwise OR of flags detailing the behaviour of aliases on this
+ connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="RequestAliases">
+ <arg direction="in" name="contacts" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of handles representing contacts
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="as">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A list of aliases in the same order as the contact handles
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request the value of several contacts' aliases at once.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetAliases">
+ <arg direction="in" name="aliases" type="a{us}" tp:type="Alias_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping integer handles of contacts
+ to strings of the new alias to set.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that the alias of the given contact be changed. Success will be
+ indicated by emitting an AliasesChanged signal. On connections where the
+ CONNECTION_ALIAS_FLAG_USER_SET flag is not set, this method will only
+ ever succeed if the contact is the user's own handle (as returned by
+ GetSelfHandle on the Connection interface).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>An interface on connections to support protocols where contacts have an
+ alias which they can change at will. Provides a method for the user to set
+ their own alias, and a signal which should be emitted when a contact's
+ alias is changed or first discovered.</p>
+ <p>On connections where the user is allowed to set aliases for contacts and
+ store them on the server, the GetAliasFlags method will have the
+ CONNECTION_ALIAS_FLAG_USER_SET flag set, and the SetAliases method
+ may be called on contact handles other than the user themselves.</p>
+ <p>Aliases are intended to be used as the main displayed name for the
+ contact, where available.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Connection_Interface_Avatars.xml b/spec/Connection_Interface_Avatars.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9395a6ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Connection_Interface_Avatars.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Connection_Interface_Avatars" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Collabora Limited</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2006 INdT</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.Avatars">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection"/>
+ <tp:mapping name="Avatar_Token_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>A dictionary whose keys are contact handles and whose
+ values are avatar tokens.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle" name="Handle"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Token"/>
+ </tp:mapping>
+ <signal name="AvatarUpdated">
+ <arg name="contact" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer handle for the contact whose avatar has changed
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="new_avatar_token" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Unique token for their new avatar
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the avatar for a contact has been updated, or first
+ discovered on this connection. If the token differs from the token
+ associated with the client's cached avatar for this contact, the new
+ avatar should be requested with RequestAvatars.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="AvatarRetrieved">
+ <arg name="contact" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact whose avatar has been retrieved
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="token" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The token corresponding to the avatar
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="avatar" type="ay">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of bytes containing the image data
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="type" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A string containing the image MIME type (eg image/jpeg), or empty if
+ unknown
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the avatar for a contact has been retrieved.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="GetAvatarRequirements">
+ <arg direction="out" type="as">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of supported MIME types (eg image/jpeg)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="q">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The minimum image width in pixels
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="q">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The minimum image height in pixels
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="q">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The maximum image width in pixels, or 0 if there is no limit
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="q">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The maximum image height in pixels, or 0 if there is no limit
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The maximum image size in bytes, or 0 if there is no limit
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get the required format of avatars on this connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetAvatarTokens">
+ <arg direction="in" name="contacts" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of handles representing contacts
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="as">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of avatar tokens or empty strings (if no avatar is set) in the
+ same order as the given array of contact handles
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get the unique tokens for all of the given contacts' avatars.
+ Using this method in new Telepathy clients is deprecated; use
+ GetKnownAvatarTokens instead.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetKnownAvatarTokens">
+ <arg direction="in" name="contacts" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of handles representing contacts
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="a{us}" tp:type="Avatar_Token_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary of handles mapped to avatar tokens, containing only
+ the known avatar tokens.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get the unique tokens for the given contacts' avatars. These tokens
+ can be persisted across connections, and should be used by the client
+ to check whether the avatars have been updated. A CM must always have
+ the tokens for the self handle if one is set (even if it is set to no
+ avatar). Otherwise, only tokens that are already known are returned. An
+ empty token means the given contact has no avatar.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="RequestAvatar">
+ <arg direction="in" name="contact" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer handle for the contact to request the avatar for
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="ay">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of bytes containing the image data
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A string containing the image MIME type (eg image/jpeg), or empty if
+ unknown
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request the avatar for a given contact. Using this method in new
+ Telepathy clients is deprecated; use RequestAvatars instead.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact does not currently have an avatar.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="RequestAvatars">
+ <arg direction="in" name="contacts" type="au"
+ tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contacts to retrieve avatars for
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request avatars for a number of contacts. The AvatarRetrieved signal
+ is emitted for each avatar retrieved. If the handles are valid but
+ retrieving an avatar fails (for any reason, including the contact not
+ having an avatar) the AvatarRetrieved signal is not emitted for that
+ contact.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetAvatar">
+ <arg direction="in" name="avatar" type="ay">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of bytes representing the avatar image data
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="mime_type" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A string representing the image MIME type
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The string token of the new avatar
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Set a new avatar image for this connection. The avatar image must
+ respect the requirements obtained by GetAvatarRequirements.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="ClearAvatar">
+ <tp:added version="0.15.0" />
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Remove the avatar image for this connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>An interface for requesting avatars for contacts on a given connection,
+ receiving notification when avatars are changed, and publishing your own
+ avatar.</p>
+ <p>Avatars are identified by a unique (per contact) token which represents a
+ hash or timestamp (depending on the protocol) of the contacts' avatar data.
+ An empty token means that an avatar has not been set for this contact, and
+ a changed token implies the contact's avatar has changed, but the strings
+ should otherwise be considered opaque by clients.</p>
+ <p>A client should use GetKnownAvatarTokens to request the tokens for the
+ avatars of all the contacts it is interested in when it connects. The
+ avatars can then be requested using RequestAvatars for the contacts.
+ Clients should bind to the AvatarChanged signal and request a new copy of
+ the avatar when a contacts' avatar token changes. Clients should cache the
+ token and data of each contact's avatar between connections, to avoid
+ repeatedly retrieving the same avatar.</p>
+ <p>To publish an avatar, a client should use SetAvatar to provide an image
+ which meets the requirements returned by the GetAvatarRequirements
+ function. On some protocols the avatar is stored on the server, so setting
+ the avatar is persistent, but on others it is transferred via a peer to
+ peer mechanism, so needs to be set every connection. Hence, on every
+ connection, clients should inspect the avatar token of the connection's
+ self handle, and set the avatar if it is an empty string (and may
+ optionally replace it if the token corresponds to a different avatar).</p>
+ <p>To remove the published avatar on protocols which have persistent avatars,
+ a client should use the ClearAvatar method. This method can safely be used
+ even if there is no avatar for this connection.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Connection_Interface_Capabilities.xml b/spec/Connection_Interface_Capabilities.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4b739d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Connection_Interface_Capabilities.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Connection_Interface_Capabilities" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.Capabilities">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection"/>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>An interface for connections where it is possible to know what channel
+ types may be requested before the request is made to the connection
+ object. Each capability represents a commitment by the connection
+ manager that it will ordinarily be able to create a channel when given
+ a request with the given type and handle.</p>
+ <p>Capabilities can pertain to a certain contact handle, representing
+ activities such as having a text chat or a voice call with the user, or
+ can be on the connection itself (where the handle will be zero), where
+ they represent the ability to create channels for chat rooms or
+ activities such as searching and room listing. The activities are
+ represented by the D-Bus interface name of the channel type for that
+ activity.</p>
+ <p>The generic capability flags are defined by
+ Connection_Capability_Flags.</p>
+ <p>In addition, channel types may have type specific capability flags of
+ their own, which are described in the documentation for each channel
+ type.</p>
+ <p>This interface also provides for user interfaces notifying the
+ connection manager of what capabilities to advertise for the user. This
+ is done by using the AdvertiseCapabilities method, and deals with the
+ interface names of channel types and the type specific flags pertaining
+ to them which are implemented by available client processes.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:flags name="Connection_Capability_Flags"
+ value-prefix="Connection_Capability_Flag" type="u">
+ <tp:flag suffix="Create" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The given channel type and handle can be given to RequestChannel to
+ create a new channel of this type.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Invite" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The given contact can be invited to an existing channel of this type.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ <tp:struct name="Capability_Pair" array-name="Capability_Pair_List">
+ <tp:docstring>A pair (channel type, type-specific flags) as passed to
+ AdvertiseCapabilities on the Capabilities interface.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="s" tp:type="DBus_Interface" name="Channel_Type"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" name="Type_Specific_Flags"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:struct name="Contact_Capability" array-name="Contact_Capability_List">
+ <tp:docstring>A struct (contact handle, channel type, generic flags,
+ type-specific flags) representing a capability posessed by a contact,
+ as returned by GetCapabilities on the Capabilities
+ interface.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle" name="Handle"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" tp:type="DBus_Interface" name="Channel_Type"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Connection_Capability_Flags"
+ name="Generic_Flags"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" name="Type_Specific_Flags"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:struct name="Capability_Change" array-name="Capability_Change_List">
+ <tp:docstring>A struct (contact handle, channel type, old generic flags,
+ new generic flags, old type-specific flags, new type-specific flags)
+ representing a change to one of a contact's capabilities, as seen in the
+ CapabilitiesChanged signal on the Capabilities interface.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle" name="Handle"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" tp:type="DBus_Interface" name="Channel_Type"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Connection_Capability_Flags"
+ name="Old_Generic_Flags"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Connection_Capability_Flags"
+ name="New_Generic_Flags"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" name="Old_Type_Specific_Flags"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" name="New_Type_Specific_Flags"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <method name="AdvertiseCapabilities">
+ <arg direction="in" name="add" type="a(su)" tp:type="Capability_Pair[]">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ An array of structures containing:
+ <ul>
+ <li>a string channel type</li>
+ <li>a bitwise OR of type specific capability flags</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="remove" type="as" tp:type="DBus_Interface[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of D-Bus interface names of channel types to remove
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="a(su)" tp:type="Capability_Pair[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of structures describing the current capabilities containing:
+ <ul>
+ <li>a string channel type</li>
+ <li>a bitwise OR of type specific capability flags</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Used by user interfaces to indicate which channel types they are able
+ to handle on this connection. Because these may be provided by
+ different client processes, this method accepts channel types to add
+ and remove from the set already advertised on this connection. The type
+ of advertised capabilities (create versus invite) is protocol-dependent
+ and hence cannot be set by the this method. In the case of a client
+ adding an already advertised channel type but with new channel type
+ specific flags, the connection manager should simply add the new flags
+ to the set of advertised capabilities.</p>
+ <p>Upon a successful invocation of this method, the CapabilitiesChanged
+ signal will be emitted for the user's own handle (as returned by
+ GetSelfHandle) the by the connection manager to indicate the changes
+ that have been made. This signal should also be monitored to ensure
+ that the set is kept accurate - for example, a client may remove
+ capabilities or type specific capability flags when it exits
+ which are still provided by another client.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="CapabilitiesChanged">
+ <arg name="caps" type="a(usuuuu)" tp:type="Capability_Change[]">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ An array of structures containing:
+ <ul>
+ <li>an integer handle representing the contact</li>
+ <li>a string channel type</li>
+ <li>a bitwise OR of the contact's old generic capability flags</li>
+ <li>a bitwise OR of the contact's new generic capability flags</li>
+ <li>a bitwise OR of the contact's old type specific capability flags</li>
+ <li>a bitwise OR of the contact's new type specific capability flags</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Announce that there has been a change of capabilities on the
+ given handle, or on the connection itself if the handle is zero.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="GetCapabilities">
+ <arg direction="in" name="handles" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of contact handles for this connection, or zero to query capabilities available on the connection itself
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="a(usuu)" tp:type="Contact_Capability[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of structures containing:
+ <ul>
+ <li>an integer handle representing the contact</li>
+ <li>a string channel type</li>
+ <li>a bitwise OR of generic capability flags for the type</li>
+ <li>a bitwise OR of type specific capability flags for the type</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns an array of capabilities for the given contact handles, or
+ the connection itself (where handle is zero).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The handle does not represent a contact
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Connection_Interface_Contact_Info.xml b/spec/Connection_Interface_Contact_Info.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22cd507c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Connection_Interface_Contact_Info.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Connection_Interface_Contact_Info" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.ContactInfo"
+ tp:causes-havoc='obsolete'>
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection"/>
+ <signal name="GotContactInfo">
+ <arg name="contact" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer handle of the contact ID on the server
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="vcard" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The XML string containing their vcard information
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when information has been received from the server with
+ the details of a particular contact.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="RequestContactInfo">
+ <arg direction="in" name="contact" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer handle for the contact to request info for
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request information for a given contact. The function will return
+ after a GotContactInfo signal has been emitted for the contact, or
+ an error returned.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ will be proposed in the 0.13 specification branch.</p>
+ <p>An interface for requesting information about a contact on a given
+ connection. Information is returned as a vCard represented as an XML
+ string, in the format defined by JEP-0054: vcard-temp specifiation
+ from the Jabber Software Foundation (this is derived from the
+ aborted IETF draft draft-dawson-vcard-xml-dtd-01).</p>
+ <p>Implementations using PHOTO or SOUND elements should use the URI encoding
+ where possible, and not provide base64 encoded data to avoid unnecessary
+ bus traffic. Clients should not implement support for these encoded forms.
+ A separate interface will be provided for transferring user avatars.</p>
+ <p>The following extended element names are also added to represent
+ information from other systems which are not based around vCards:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>USERNAME</dt><dd>the username of the contact on their local system (used on IRC for example)</dd>
+ <dt>HOSTNAME</dt><dd>the fully qualified hostname, or IPv4 or IPv6 address of the contact in dotted quad or colon-separated form</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Connection_Interface_Forwarding.xml b/spec/Connection_Interface_Forwarding.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6322fbc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Connection_Interface_Forwarding.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Connection_Interface_Forwarding" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.Forwarding"
+ tp:causes-havoc='not well-tested'>
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection"/>
+ <signal name="ForwardingChanged">
+ <arg name="forward_to" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer contact handle to forward communication to
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the forwarding contact handle for this connection has been
+ changed. An zero handle indicates forwarding is disabled.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="GetForwardingHandle">
+ <arg direction="out" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer contact handle to whom incoming communication is forwarded
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns the current forwarding contact handle, or zero if none is set.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetForwardingHandle">
+ <arg direction="in" name="forward_to" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An integer contact handle to forward incoming communications to
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Set a contact handle to forward incoming communications to. A zero
+ handle disables forwarding.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A connection interface for services which can signal to contacts
+ that they should instead contact a different user ID, effectively
+ forwarding all incoming communication channels to another contact on
+ the service.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Connection_Interface_Presence.xml b/spec/Connection_Interface_Presence.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98cf8739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Connection_Interface_Presence.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Connection_Interface_Presence" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>
+ Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited
+ </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>
+Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation
+ </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>
+Copyright (C) 2006 INdT
+ </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.Presence">
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection"/>
+ <!-- We hope to simplify these eventually -->
+ <tp:mapping name="Multiple_Status_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>Mapping used in Last_Activity_And_Statuses and passed to
+ SetStatus, representing a collection of statuses. Use of this mapping
+ with more than one member is deprecated.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Status"/>
+ <tp:member type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map" name="Parameters"/>
+ </tp:mapping>
+ <tp:struct name="Last_Activity_And_Statuses" array-name="">
+ <tp:docstring>Structure representing a contact's presence, containing
+ a last-activity time (deprecated) and a Multiple_Status_Map.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Unix_Timestamp" name="Last_Activity"/>
+ <tp:member type="a{sa{sv}}" tp:type="Multiple_Status_Map"
+ name="Statuses"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:mapping name="Contact_Presences">
+ <tp:docstring>Mapping returned by GetPresence and signalled by
+ PresenceUpdate, where the keys are contacts and the values represent
+ their presences.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle" name="Contact"/>
+ <tp:member type="(ua{sa{sv}})" tp:type="Last_Activity_And_Statuses"
+ name="Presence"/>
+ </tp:mapping>
+ <tp:struct name="Status_Spec" array-name="">
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Connection_Presence_Type" name="Type"/>
+ <tp:member type="b" name="May_Set_On_Self"/>
+ <tp:member type="b" name="Exclusive"/>
+ <tp:member type="a{ss}" tp:type="String_String_Map"
+ name="Parameter_Types"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:mapping name="Status_Spec_Map">
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Identifier"/>
+ <tp:member type="(ubba{ss})" tp:type="Status_Spec" name="Spec"/>
+ </tp:mapping>
+ <method name="AddStatus">
+ <arg direction="in" name="status" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The string identifier of the desired status
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="parms" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary of optional parameter names mapped to their variant-boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that a single presence status is published for the user, along
+ with any desired parameters. Changes will be indicated by PresenceUpdate
+ signals being emitted.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="ClearStatus">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that all of a user's presence statuses be removed. Be aware
+ that this request may simply result in the statuses being replaced by a
+ default available status. Changes will be indicated by PresenceUpdate
+ signals being emitted.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetPresence">
+ <arg direction="in" name="contacts" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of the contacts whose presence should be obtained
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" name="presence" type="a{u(ua{sa{sv}})}"
+ tp:type="Contact_Presences">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Presence information in the same format as for the PresenceUpdate
+ signal
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get presence previously emitted by PresenceUpdate for the given
+ contacts. Data is returned in the same structure as the PresenceUpdate
+ signal. Using this method in favour of RequestPresence has the
+ advantage that it will not wake up each client connected to the
+ PresenceUpdate signal.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetStatuses">
+ <arg direction="out" type="a{s(ubba{ss})}" tp:type="Status_Spec_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary of string identifiers mapped to a struct for each status, containing:
+ <ul>
+ <li>a type value from one of the values above</li>
+ <li>a boolean to indicate if this status may be set on yourself</li>
+ <li>a boolean to indicate if this is an exclusive status which you may not set alongside any other</li>
+ <li>a dictionary of valid optional string argument names mapped to their types</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get a dictionary of the valid presence statuses for this connection.
+ This is only available when online because only some statuses will
+ be available on some servers.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="PresenceUpdate">
+ <arg name="presence" type="a{u(ua{sa{sv}})}" tp:type="Contact_Presences">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary of contact handles mapped to a struct containing
+ a UNIX timestamp of the last activity time (in UTC), and
+ a dictionary mapping the contact's current status identifiers to
+ a dictionary of optional parameter names mapped to their
+ variant-boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This signal should be emitted when your own presence has been changed,
+ or the presence of the member of any of the connection's channels has
+ been changed, or when the presence requested by RequestPresence is available.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="RemoveStatus">
+ <arg direction="in" name="status" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The string identifier of the status not to publish anymore for the user
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that the given presence status is no longer published for the
+ user. Changes will be indicated by PresenceUpdate signals being
+ emitted. As with ClearStatus, removing a status may actually result in
+ it being replaced by a default available status.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>The status requested is not currently set</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="RequestPresence">
+ <arg direction="in" name="contacts" type="au" tp:type="Contact_Handle[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of the contacts whose presence should be obtained
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request the presence for contacts on this connection. A PresenceUpdate
+ signal will be emitted when they are received. This is not the same as
+ subscribing to the presence of a contact, which must be done using the
+ 'subscription' Channel.Type.ContactList, and on some protocols presence
+ information may not be available unless a subscription exists.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidHandle"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The presence of the requested contacts is not reported to this connection
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetLastActivityTime">
+ <arg direction="in" name="time" type="u" tp:type="Unix_Timestamp">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A UNIX timestamp of the user's last activity time (in UTC)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that the recorded last activity time for the user be updated on
+ the server.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotImplemented">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This protocol has no concept of idle time
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetStatus">
+ <arg direction="in" name="statuses" type="a{sa{sv}}" tp:type="Multiple_Status_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping status identifiers to dictionaries, which
+ map optional parameter names to their variant-boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that the user's presence be changed to the given statuses and
+ desired parameters. Changes will be reflected by PresenceUpdate
+ signals being emitted. On certain protocols, this method may be
+ called on a newly-created connection which is still in the
+ DISCONNECTED state, and will sign on with the requested status.
+ If the requested status is not available after signing on,
+ NotAvailable will be returned and the connection will remain
+ offline, or if the protocol does not support signing on with
+ a certain status, Disconnected will be returned.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>This interface is for services which have a concept of presence which can
+ be published for yourself and monitored on your contacts. Telepathy's
+ definition of presence is based on that used by the Galago project
+ (see</p>
+ <p>Presence on an individual (yourself or one of your contacts) is modelled as
+ a last activity time along with a set of zero or more statuses, each of
+ which may have arbitrary key/value parameters. Valid statuses are defined
+ per connection, and a list of them can be obtained with the GetStatuses
+ method.</p>
+ <p>Each status has an arbitrary string identifier which should have an agreed
+ meaning between the connection manager and any client which is expected to
+ make use of it. The following well-known values (in common with those in
+ Galago) should be used where possible to allow clients to identify common
+ choices:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>available</li>
+ <li>away</li>
+ <li>brb (Be Right Back)</li>
+ <li>busy</li>
+ <li>dnd (Do Not Disturb),</li>
+ <li>xa (Extended Away)</li>
+ <li>hidden (aka Invisible)</li>
+ <li>offline</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>As well as these well-known status identifiers, every status also has a
+ numerical type value chosen from ConnectionPresenceType which can be
+ used by the client to classify even unknown statuses into different
+ fundamental types.</p>
+ <p>These numerical types exist so that even if a client does not understand
+ the string identifier being used, and hence cannot present the presence to
+ the user to set on themselves, it may display an approximation of the
+ presence if it is set on a contact.</p>
+ <p>The dictionary of variant types allows the connection manager to exchange
+ further protocol-specific information with the client. It is recommended
+ that the string (s) argument 'message' be interpreted as an optional
+ message which can be associated with a presence status.</p>
+ <p>If the connection has a 'subscribe' contact list, PresenceUpdate signals
+ should be emitted to indicate changes of contacts on this list, and should
+ also be emitted for changes in your own presence. Depending on the
+ protocol, the signal may also be emitted for others such as people with
+ whom you are communicating, and any user interface should be updated
+ accordingly.</p>
+ <p>On some protocols, RequestPresence may only succeed on contacts on your
+ 'subscribe' list, and other contacts will cause a PermissionDenied error.
+ On protocols where there is no 'subscribe' list, and RequestPresence
+ succeeds, a client may poll the server intermittently to update any display
+ of presence information.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:enum name="Connection_Presence_Type" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Unset" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An invalid presence type used as a null value
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Offline" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Offline
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Available" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Available
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Away" value="3">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Away
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Extended_Away" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Away for an extended time
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Hidden" value="5">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Hidden (invisible)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Busy" value="6">
+ <tp:added version="0.17.0"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Busy, Do Not Disturb.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Connection_Interface_Privacy.xml b/spec/Connection_Interface_Privacy.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86547363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Connection_Interface_Privacy.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Connection_Interface_Privacy" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.Privacy"
+ tp:causes-havoc='not well-tested'>
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection"/>
+ <method name="GetPrivacyMode">
+ <arg direction="out" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A string representing the current privacy mode
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Return the current privacy mode, which must be one of the values
+ returned by GetPrivacyModes.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="GetPrivacyModes">
+ <arg direction="out" type="as">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of valid privacy modes for this connection
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ Returns the privacy modes available on this connection. The following
+ well-known names should be used where appropriate:
+ <dl>
+ <dt>allow-all</dt><dd>any contact may initiate communication</dd>
+ <dt>allow-specified</dt><dd>only contacts on your 'allow' list may initiate communication</dd>
+ <dt>allow-subscribed</dt><dd>only contacts on your subscription list may initiate communication</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="PrivacyModeChanged">
+ <arg name="mode" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The current privacy mode
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the privacy mode is changed or the value has been
+ initially received from the server.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="SetPrivacyMode">
+ <arg direction="in" name="mode" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The desired privacy mode
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that the privacy mode be changed to the given value, which
+ must be one of the values returned by GetPrivacyModes. Success is
+ indicated by the method returning and the PrivacyModeChanged
+ signal being emitted.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An interface to support getting and setting privacy modes to configure
+ situations such as not being contactable by people who are not on your
+ subscribe list. If this interface is not implemented, the default can be
+ presumed to be allow-all (as defined in GetPrivacyModes).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Connection_Interface_Renaming.xml b/spec/Connection_Interface_Renaming.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c4e2725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Connection_Interface_Renaming.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Connection_Interface_Renaming" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.Interface.Renaming"
+ tp:causes-havoc='not well-tested'>
+ <tp:requires interface="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection"/>
+ <signal name="Renamed">
+ <arg name="original" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The handle of the original identifier
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="new" type="u" tp:type="Contact_Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The handle of the new identifier
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Emitted when the unique identifier of a contact on the server
+ changes.</p>
+ <p>Any channels associated with the contact's original handle will
+ continue to be to that handle, and so are no longer useful (unless
+ the contact renames back, or another contact connects with that
+ unique ID). Clients may open a similar channel associated with the
+ new handle to continue communicating with the contact.</p>
+ <p>For example, if a GUI client associates text
+ channels with chat windows, it should detach the old channel
+ from the chat window, closing it, and associate a channel to the
+ new handle with the same window.</p>
+ <p>If the contact's old handle is in any of the member lists of
+ a channel which has the groups interface, it will be removed from
+ the channel and the new handle will be added. The resulting
+ MembersChanged signal must be emitted <em>after</em> the Renamed
+ signal; the reason should be RENAMED.
+ </p>
+ <p>The handles may be either general-purpose or channel-specific.
+ If the original handle is general-purpose, the new handle must be
+ general-purpose; if the original handle is channel-specific, the
+ new handle must be channel-specific in the same channel.
+ </p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="RequestRename">
+ <arg direction="in" name="name" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The desired identifier
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Request that the user's own identifier is changed on the server.
+ If successful, a Renamed signal will be emitted for the current
+ "self handle" as returned by GetSelfHandle.</p>
+ <p>It is protocol-dependent how the identifier that's actually
+ used will be derived from the supplied identifier; some sort of
+ normalization might take place.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An interface on connections to support protocols where the unique
+ identifiers of contacts can change. Because handles are immutable,
+ this is represented by a pair of handles, that representing the
+ old name, and that representing the new one.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Connection_Manager.xml b/spec/Connection_Manager.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1696072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Connection_Manager.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Connection_Manager" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2006 INdT</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ConnectionManager">
+ <tp:simple-type name="Connection_Manager_Name" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The name of a connection manager, found in its well-known
+ bus name and object path. This must be a non-empty string of
+ ASCII letters, digits and underscores, starting with a letter.
+ This is typically the name of the executable with any "telepathy-"
+ prefix removed, and any hyphen/minus signs replaced by
+ underscores.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:changed version="0.17.1">Prior to version 0.17.1, the allowed
+ characters were not specified</tp:changed>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:simple-type name="Protocol" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>An instant messaging protocol. It must consist only of ASCII
+ letters, digits and hyphen/minus signs (U+002D "-"), and must start
+ with a letter. Where possible, this SHOULD be
+ chosen from the following well-known values:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>aim - AOL Instant Messenger (OSCAR or TOC)</li>
+ <li>gadugadu - Gadu-Gadu</li>
+ <li>groupwise - Novell Groupwise</li>
+ <li>icq - ICQ (OSCAR)</li>
+ <li>irc - Internet Relay Chat (RFC 1459, 2810-2813)</li>
+ <li>jabber - XMPP (RFC 3920, 3921) or Jabber</li>
+ <li>local-xmpp - Link-local XMPP (XEP-0174) (Bonjour, Salut)</li>
+ <li>msn - MSNP (Windows Live Messenger)</li>
+ <li>myspace - MySpaceIM</li>
+ <li>napster - Napster</li>
+ <li>qq - Tencent QQ</li>
+ <li>sametime - IBM Lotus Sametime</li>
+ <li>silc - SILC</li>
+ <li>sip - Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)</li>
+ <li>trepia - Trepia</li>
+ <li>yahoo - YMSG (Yahoo! Messenger)</li>
+ <li>zephyr - Zephyr</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:changed version="0.17.1">Prior to version 0.17.1, the allowed
+ characters were not specified</tp:changed>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:struct name="Param_Spec" array-name="Param_Spec_List">
+ <tp:docstring>A struct representing an allowed parameter, as returned
+ by GetParameters on the ConnectionManager interface.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Name">
+ <tp:docstring>A string parameter name</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Conn_Mgr_Param_Flags" name="Flags">
+ <tp:docstring>A bitwise OR of the parameter flags</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="s" tp:type="DBus_Signature" name="Signature">
+ <tp:docstring>A string containing the D-Bus type signature
+ for this parameter</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ <tp:member type="v" name="Default_Value">
+ <tp:docstring>The default value (if the Has_Default flag is not
+ present, there is no default and this takes some dummy value,
+ which SHOULD be of the appropriate D-Bus type)</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:member>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:flags name="Conn_Mgr_Param_Flags" value-prefix="Conn_Mgr_Param_Flag" type="u">
+ <tp:flag suffix="Required" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This parameter is required for connecting to the server.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Register" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This parameter is required for registering an account on the
+ server.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Has_Default" value="4">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ This parameter has a default value, which is returned in
+ GetParameters; not providing this parameter is equivalent to
+ providing the default.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Secret" value="8">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>This parameter should be considered private or secret; for
+ instance, clients should store it in a "password safe" like
+ gnome-keyring or kwallet, omit it from debug logs, and use a
+ text input widget that hides the value of the parameter.</p>
+ <p>(Clients that support older connection managers may also treat
+ any parameter whose name contains "password" as though it had this
+ flag.)</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.2"/>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ <method name="GetParameters">
+ <arg direction="in" name="proto" type="s" tp:type="Protocol">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The required protocol name
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="a(susv)" tp:type="Param_Spec[]">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ An array of structs representing possible parameters.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get a list of the parameters which must or may be provided to the
+ RequestConnection method when connecting to the given protocol,
+ or registering (the boolean &quot;register&quot; parameter is available,
+ and set to true).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotImplemented">
+ The requested protocol is not supported by this manager
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="ListProtocols">
+ <arg direction="out" type="as" tp:type="Protocol[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A array of string protocol identifiers supported by this manager
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Get a list of protocol identifiers that are implemented by this
+ connection manager.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="NewConnection">
+ <arg name="bus_name" type="s" tp:type="DBus_Bus_Name">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The D-Bus service where the connection object can be found
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="object_path" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The object path of the Connection object on this service
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="proto" type="s" tp:type="Protocol">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The identifier for the protocol this connection uses
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when a new Connection object is created.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="RequestConnection">
+ <arg direction="in" name="proto" type="s" tp:type="Protocol">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The protocol identifier
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="parameters" type="a{sv}"
+ tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping parameter name to the variant boxed value
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="s" tp:type="DBus_Bus_Name">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A D-Bus service name where the new Connection object can be found
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The D-Bus object path to the Connection on this service
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Request a Connection object representing a given account on a given
+ protocol with the given parameters. The method returns the bus name
+ and the object path where the new Connection object can be found, which
+ should have the status of Connection_Status_Disconnected, to allow
+ signal handlers to be attached before connecting is started with the
+ Connect method.</p>
+ <p>In order to allow Connection objects to be discovered by new clients,
+ the object path and well-known bus name must be of the form
+ <code>/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Connection/cmname/proto/account</code>
+ and
+ <code>org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Connection.cmname.proto.account</code>
+ where:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><em>cmname</em> is the same connection manager name that appears
+ in the connection manager's object path and well-known bus name</li>
+ <li><em>proto</em> is the protocol name as seen in
+ ListProtocols, but with "-" replaced with "_" to get a valid
+ object path/bus name</li>
+ <li><em>account</em> SHOULD be a series of elements formed such that
+ any valid distinct connection instance on this protocol has a
+ distinct name; this might be formed by including the server name
+ followed by the user name (escaped via some suitable mechanism like
+ telepathy-glib's tp_escape_as_identifier() function to preserve
+ uniqueness), or on protocols where connecting multiple times
+ is permissable, a per-connection identifier might be necessary to
+ ensure uniqueness</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Clients MUST NOT attempt to parse the <em>account</em> part of the
+ bus name. Connection managers MAY use any unique string for this
+ part.</p>
+ <p>The parameters which must and may be provided in the parameters
+ dictionary can be discovered with the GetParameters method. These
+ parameters, their types, and their default values may be cached
+ in files so that all available connection managers do not need to be
+ started to discover which protocols are available.</p>
+ <p>To request values for these parameters from the user, a client must
+ have prior knowledge of the meaning of the parameter names, so the
+ following well-known names and types should be used where appropriate:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>s:account</dt>
+ <dd>The identifier for the user's account on the server</dd>
+ <dt>s:server</dt><dd>A fully qualified domain name or numeric IPv4 or IPv6
+ address. Using the fully-qualified domain name form is recommended
+ whenever possible. If this parameter is specified and the account
+ for that protocol also specifies a server, this parameter should
+ override that in the user id.</dd>
+ <dt>q:port</dt><dd>A TCP or UDP port number. If this parameter is specified
+ and the account for that protocol also specifies a port, this
+ parameter should override that in the account.</dd>
+ <dt>s:password</dt><dd>A password associated with the account.</dd>
+ <dt>b:require-encryption</dt><dd>Require encryption for this connection. A
+ connection should fail to connect if require-encryption is set
+ and an encrypted connection is not possible.</dd>
+ <dt>b:register</dt><dd>This account should be created on the server if it
+ does not already exist.</dd>
+ <dt>s:ident</dt><dd>The local username to report to the server if
+ necessary, such as in IRC.</dd>
+ <dt>s:fullname</dt><dd>The user's full name if the service requires this
+ when authenticating or registering.</dd>
+ <dt>s:stun-server</dt><dd>The IP address or FQDN of a STUN server to use
+ for NAT traversal, without any ":port" suffix.</dd>
+ <dt>q:stun-port</dt><dd>The UDP port number on the stun-server to use for
+ STUN. Only significant if the stun-server is also supplied.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>Every successful RequestConnection call will cause the emission of a
+ NewConnection signal for the same newly created connection. The
+ requester can use the returned object path and service name
+ independently of the emission of that signal. In that case this signal
+ emission is most useful for, e.g. other processes that are monitoring
+ the creation of new connections.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotImplemented">
+ The requested protocol is not supported by this manager
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable">
+ The requested connection already appears to exist
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ Unrecognised connection parameters
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>A D-Bus service which allows connections to be created. The manager
+ processes are intended to be started by D-Bus service activation.</p>
+ <p>For service discovery, each Telepathy connection manager must have
+ a <em>connection manager name</em> (see
+ <tp:type>Connection_Manager_Name</tp:type> for syntax).</p>
+ <p>The connection manager must then provide a well-known bus name of
+ <code>org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ConnectionManager.<em>cmname</em></code>
+ where <em>cmname</em> is its connection manager name. If it makes sense
+ to start the connection manager using D-Bus service activation, it
+ must register that well-known name for service activation by installing
+ a .service file.</p>
+ <p>Clients can list the running connection managers by calling the
+ ListNames method on the D-Bus daemon's org.freedesktop.DBus interface
+ and looking for names matching the above pattern; they can list the
+ activatable connection managers by calling ListActivatableNames, and
+ they should usually combine the two lists to get a complete list of
+ running or activatable connection managers.</p>
+ <p>When the connection manager is running, it must have an object
+ implementing the ConnectionManager interface at the object path
+ <code>/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/ConnectionManager/<em>cmname</em></code>.
+ </p>
+ <p>Connection managers' capabilities can be determined dynamically by
+ calling their ListProtocols method, then for each protocol of interest,
+ calling GetParameters to discover the required and optional parameters.
+ However, since it is inefficient to activate all possible connection
+ managers on the system just to find out what they can do, there
+ is a standard mechanism to store static information about CMs in
+ ".manager files".</p>
+ <p>To look up a connection manager's supported protocols, clients
+ should search the data directories specified by
+ <a href="">the
+ XDG Base Directory Specification</a> ($XDG_DATA_HOME,
+ defaulting to $HOME/.local/share if unset, followed by
+ colon-separated paths from $XDG_DATA_DIRS, defaulting to
+ /usr/local/share:/usr/share if unset) for the first file named
+ <code>telepathy/managers/<em>cmname</em>.manager</code> that can be
+ read without error. This file has the same syntax as a
+ <a href=""> Desktop Entry file</a>.</p>
+ <p>Clients must still support connection managers for which no
+ <code>.manager</code> file can be found, which they can do by activating
+ the connection manager and calling its methods; the
+ <code>.manager</code> file is merely an optimization. Connection managers
+ whose list of protocols can change at any time (for instance, via
+ a plugin architecture) should not install a <code>.manager</code>
+ file.</p>
+ <p>For each protocol name <em>proto</em> that would be returned by
+ ListProtocols, the .manager file contains a group
+ headed <code>[Protocol <em>proto</em>]</code>. For each parameter
+ <em>p</em> that would be returned by GetParameters(<em>proto</em>), the
+ .manager file contains a key <code>param-<em>p</em></code> with a value
+ consisting of a D-Bus signature (a single complete type), optionally
+ followed by a space and a space-separated list of flags. The supported
+ flags are:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><code>required</code>, corresponding to
+ Conn_Mgr_Param_Flag_Required</li>
+ <li><code>register</code>, corresponding
+ to Conn_Mgr_Param_Flag_Register</li>
+ <li><code>secret</code>, corresponding
+ to Conn_Mgr_Param_Flag_Secret</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>The group may also contain a key <code>default-<em>p</em></code>
+ whose value is a string form of the default value for the parameter.
+ If this key exists, it sets the default, and also sets the flag
+ Conn_Mgr_Param_Flag_Has_Default. The default value is formatted
+ according to the D-Bus signature as follows:</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>s (string)</dt>
+ <dd>The UTF-8 string</dd>
+ <dt>o (object path)</dt>
+ <dd>The object path as an ASCII string</dd>
+ <dt>b (boolean)</dt>
+ <dd>"true" (case-insensitively) or "1" means True, "false"
+ (case-insensitively) or "0" means False</dd>
+ <dt>q, u, t (16-, 32-, 64-bit unsigned integer)</dt>
+ <dd>ASCII decimal integer</dd>
+ <dt>n, i, x (16-, 32-, 64-bit signed integer)</dt>
+ <dd>ASCII decimal integer, optionally prefixed with "-"</dd>
+ <dt>d (double-precision floating point)</dt>
+ <dd>ASCII decimal number</dd>
+ </dl>
+ <p>Currently, no other D-Bus signatures are allowed to have default values,
+ but clients parsing the .manager file MUST ignore defaults
+ that they cannot parse, and treat them as if the
+ <code>default-<em>p</em></code> key was not present at all.</p>
+ <p>It is not required that a connection manager be able to support multiple
+ protocols, or even multiple connections. When a connection is made, a
+ service name where the connection object can be found is returned. A
+ manager which can only make one connection may then remove itself from its
+ well-known bus name, causing a new connection manager to be activated when
+ somebody attempts to make a new connection.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:changed version="0.17.2">Prior to version 0.17.2, support for
+ CMs with no .manager file was not explicitly required.</tp:changed>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/ b/spec/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..871cbc5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ Account_Interface_Avatar.xml \
+ Account_Manager.xml \
+ Account.xml \
+ all.xml \
+ Channel_Future.xml \
+ Channel_Handler.xml \
+ Channel_Interface_Call_Merging.xml \
+ Channel_Interface_Call_State.xml \
+ Channel_Interface_Chat_State.xml \
+ Channel_Interface_Delivery_Reporting.xml \
+ Channel_Interface_DTMF.xml \
+ Channel_Interface_Group.xml \
+ Channel_Interface_Hold.xml \
+ Channel_Interface_HTML.xml \
+ Channel_Interface_Media_Signalling.xml \
+ Channel_Interface_Messages.xml \
+ Channel_Interface_Password.xml \
+ Channel_Interface_Transfer.xml \
+ Channel_Type_Contact_List.xml \
+ Channel_Type_Contact_Search.xml \
+ Channel_Type_Room_List.xml \
+ Channel_Type_Streamed_Media.xml \
+ Channel_Type_Text.xml \
+ Channel_Type_Tubes.xml \
+ Channel.xml \
+ Connection_Interface_Aliasing.xml \
+ Connection_Interface_Avatars.xml \
+ Connection_Interface_Capabilities.xml \
+ Connection_Interface_Contact_Info.xml \
+ Connection_Interface_Forwarding.xml \
+ Connection_Interface_Presence.xml \
+ Connection_Interface_Privacy.xml \
+ Connection_Interface_Renaming.xml \
+ Connection_Manager.xml \
+ Connection.xml \
+ errors.xml \
+ generic-types.xml \
+ Media_Session_Handler.xml \
+ Media_Stream_Handler.xml \
+ Properties_Interface.xml
diff --git a/spec/Media_Session_Handler.xml b/spec/Media_Session_Handler.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4e9ffbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Media_Session_Handler.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Media_Session_Handler" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Media.SessionHandler">
+ <method name="Error">
+ <arg direction="in" name="errno" type="u"/>
+ <arg direction="in" name="message" type="s"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ function should be used on the relevant MediaStreamHandler objects.
+ Informs the connection manager that an error occured in this session.
+ If used, the connection manager must terminate the session and all of
+ the streams within it, and may also emit a StreamError signal on the
+ channel for each stream within the session.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="NewStreamHandler">
+ <arg name="stream_handler" type="o">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An object path to a new MediaStreamHandler
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="id" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The unique ID of the new stream
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="media_type" type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_Type">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Enum for type of media that this stream should handle
+ (a value from MediaStreamType)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="direction" type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_Direction">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Enum for direction of this stream (a value from
+ MediaStreamDirection)
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when a new stream handler has been created for this
+ session.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="Ready">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Inform the connection manager that a client is ready to handle
+ this session handler (i.e. that it has connected to the
+ NewStreamHandler signal and done any other necessary setup).
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An media session handler is an object that handles a number of synchronised
+ media streams.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Media_Stream_Handler.xml b/spec/Media_Stream_Handler.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d694632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Media_Stream_Handler.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Media_Stream_Handler" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Media.StreamHandler">
+ <tp:struct name="Media_Stream_Handler_Candidate"
+ array-name="Media_Stream_Handler_Candidate_List">
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Name"/>
+ <tp:member type="a(usuussduss)" name="Transports"
+ tp:type="Media_Stream_Handler_Transport[]"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:struct name="Media_Stream_Handler_Transport"
+ array-name="Media_Stream_Handler_Transport_List">
+ <tp:member type="u" name="Component_Number"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="IP_Address"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" name="Port"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_Base_Proto" name="Protocol"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Subtype"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Profile"/>
+ <tp:member type="d" name="Preference_Value"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_Transport_Type"
+ name="Transport_Type"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Username"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Password"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:struct name="Media_Stream_Handler_Codec"
+ array-name="Media_Stream_Handler_Codec_List">
+ <tp:member type="u" name="Codec_ID"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Name"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_Type" name="Media_Type"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" name="Clock_Rate"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" name="Number_Of_Channels"/>
+ <tp:member type="a{ss}" name="Parameters" tp:type="String_String_Map"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <signal name="AddRemoteCandidate">
+ <arg name="candidate_id" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ String identifier for this candidate
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg name="transports" type="a(usuussduss)"
+ tp:type="Media_Stream_Handler_Transport[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Array of transports for this candidate with fields,
+ as defined in NewNativeCandidate
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Signal emitted when the connection manager wishes to inform the
+ client of a new remote candidate.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="Close">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Signal emitted when the connection manager wishes the stream to be
+ closed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="CodecChoice">
+ <arg direction="in" name="codec_id" type="u"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Inform the connection manager of the current codec choice.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <method name="Error">
+ <arg direction="in" name="errno" type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_Error">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ ID of error, from the MediaStreamError enumeration
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="message" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ String describing the error
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Inform the connection manager that an error occured in this stream. The
+ connection manager should emit the StreamError signal for the stream on
+ the relevant channel, and remove the stream from the session.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <tp:enum name="Media_Stream_Error" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Unknown" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An unknown error occured.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="EOS" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The end of the stream was reached.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <method name="NativeCandidatesPrepared">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Informs the connection manager that all possible native candisates
+ have been discovered for the moment.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <method name="NewActiveCandidatePair">
+ <arg direction="in" name="native_candidate_id" type="s"/>
+ <arg direction="in" name="remote_candidate_id" type="s"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Informs the connection manager that a valid candidate pair
+ has been discovered and streaming is in progress.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <tp:enum name="Media_Stream_Base_Proto" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="UDP" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>UDP (User Datagram Protocol)</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="TCP" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <method name="NewNativeCandidate">
+ <arg direction="in" name="candidate_id" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ String identifier for this candidate
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="in" name="transports" type="a(usuussduss)"
+ tp:type="Media_Stream_Handler_Transport[]">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ Array of transports for this candidate, with fields:
+ <ul>
+ <li>component number</li>
+ <li>IP address (as a string)</li>
+ <li>port</li>
+ <li>base network protocol (one of the values of MediaStreamBaseProto)</li>
+ <li>proto subtype (e.g. RTP)</li>
+ <li>proto profile (e.g. AVP)</li>
+ <li>our preference value of this transport (double in range 0.0-1.0
+ inclusive); 1 signals the most preferred transport</li>
+ <li>transport type, one of the values of MediaStreamTransportType</li>
+ <li>username if authentication is required</li>
+ <li>password if authentication is required</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Inform this MediaStreamHandler that a new native transport candidate
+ has been ascertained.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <tp:enum name="Media_Stream_Transport_Type" type="u">
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Local" value="0">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A local address
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Derived" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An external address derived by a method such as STUN
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ <tp:enumvalue suffix="Relay" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An external stream relay
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:enumvalue>
+ </tp:enum>
+ <method name="Ready">
+ <arg direction="in" name="codecs" type="a(usuuua{ss})"
+ tp:type="Media_Stream_Handler_Codec[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ As for SupportedCodecs.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Inform the connection manager that a client is ready to handle
+ this StreamHandler. Also provide it with info about all supported
+ codecs.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SetLocalCodecs">
+ <arg name="codecs" type="a(usuuua{ss})" direction="in"
+ tp:type="Media_Stream_Handler_Codec[]">
+ <tp:docstring>Codecs in the same format as for
+ SupportedCodecs, which have the same semantics as the
+ local codecs passed to Ready</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Used to provide codecs after Ready(), so the media client can go
+ ready for an incoming call and exchange candidates/codecs before
+ knowing what local codecs are available.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="RemoveRemoteCandidate">
+ <arg name="candidate_id" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ String identifier for remote candidate to drop
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Signal emitted when the connection manager wishes to inform the
+ client that the remote end has removed a previously usable
+ candidate.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="SetActiveCandidatePair">
+ <arg name="native_candidate_id" type="s"/>
+ <arg name="remote_candidate_id" type="s"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted by the connection manager to inform the client that a
+ valid candidate pair has been discovered by the remote end
+ and streaming is in progress.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="SetRemoteCandidateList">
+ <arg name="remote_candidates" type="a(sa(usuussduss))"
+ tp:type="Media_Stream_Handler_Candidate[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A list of candidate id and a list of transports
+ as defined in NewNativeCandidate
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Signal emitted when the connection manager wishes to inform the
+ client of all the available remote candidates at once.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="SetRemoteCodecs">
+ <arg name="codecs" type="a(usuuua{ss})"
+ tp:type="Media_Stream_Handler_Codec[]">
+ <tp:docstring>As for SupportedCodecs</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Signal emitted when the connection manager wishes to inform the
+ client of the codecs supported by the remote end.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="SetStreamPlaying">
+ <arg name="playing" type="b"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Signal emitted when the connection manager wishes to set the
+ stream playing or stopped.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="SetStreamSending">
+ <arg name="sending" type="b"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Signal emitted when the connection manager wishes to set whether or not
+ the stream sends to the remote end.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="StartTelephonyEvent">
+ <arg name="event" type="y">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A telephony event code as defined by RFC 4733.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that a telephony event (as defined by RFC 4733) is transmitted
+ over this stream until StopTelephonyEvent is called.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="StopTelephonyEvent">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Request that any ongoing telephony events (as defined by RFC 4733)
+ being transmitted over this stream are stopped.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="StreamState">
+ <arg direction="in" name="state" type="u" tp:type="Media_Stream_State"/>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Informs the connection manager of the stream's current state, as
+ as specified in Channel.Type.StreamedMedia::ListStreams.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <method name="SupportedCodecs">
+ <arg direction="in" name="codecs" type="a(usuuua{ss})"
+ tp:type="Media_Stream_Handler_Codec[]">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ List of codec info structures, each containing:
+ <ul>
+ <li>ID of codec</li>
+ <li>Codec name</li>
+ <li>Media type</li>
+ <li>Clock rate of codec</li>
+ <li>Number of supported channels</li>
+ <li>String key-value pairs for supported optional parameters</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Inform the connection manager of the supported codecs for this session.
+ This is called after the connection manager has emitted SetRemoteCodecs
+ to notify what codecs are supported by the peer, and will thus be an
+ intersection of all locally supported codecs (passed to Ready)
+ and those supported by the peer.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="SetStreamHeld">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Emitted when the connection manager wishes to place the stream on
+ hold (so the streaming client should free hardware or software
+ resources) or take the stream off hold (so the streaming client
+ should reacquire the necessary resources).</p>
+ <p>When placing a channel's streams on hold, the connection manager
+ SHOULD notify the remote contact that this will be done (if
+ appropriate in the protocol) before it emits this signal.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>It is assumed that relinquishing a resource will not fail.
+ If it does, the call is probably doomed anyway.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ <p>When unholding a channel's streams, the connection manager
+ SHOULD emit this signal and wait for success to be indicated
+ via HoldState before it notifies the remote contact that the
+ channel has been taken off hold.</p>
+ <tp:rationale>
+ <p>This means that if a resource is unavailable, the remote
+ contact will never even be told that we tried to acquire it.</p>
+ </tp:rationale>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.3"/>
+ <arg name="Held" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ If true, the stream is to be placed on hold.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="HoldState">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Notify the connection manager that the stream's hold state has
+ been changed successfully in response to SetStreamHeld.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.3"/>
+ <arg direction="in" name="Held" type="b">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ If true, the stream is now on hold.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <method name="UnholdFailure">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Notify the connection manager that an attempt to reacquire the
+ necessary hardware or software resources to unhold the stream,
+ in response to SetStreamHeld, has failed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:added version="0.17.3"/>
+ </method>
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Handles signalling the information pertaining to a specific media stream.
+ A client should provide information to this handler as and when it is
+ available.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/Properties_Interface.xml b/spec/Properties_Interface.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa78f20a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/Properties_Interface.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<node name="/Properties_Interface" xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Collabora Limited </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nokia Corporation </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright> Copyright (C) 2006 INdT </tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+ <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
+ <interface name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Properties">
+ <tp:struct name="Property_Spec" array-name="Property_Spec_List">
+ <tp:docstring>A struct (property ID, property name, D-Bus signature,
+ flags) representing a property, as returned by ListProperties on the
+ Properties interface.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="u" name="Property_ID"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="name"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" tp:type="DBus_Signature" name="signature"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Property_Flags" name="Flags"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:struct name="Property_Flags_Change"
+ array-name="Property_Flags_Change_List">
+ <tp:docstring>A struct (property ID, flags) representing a change to
+ a property's flags, as seen in the PropertyFlagsChanged signal on
+ the Properties interface.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="u" name="Property_ID"/>
+ <tp:member type="u" name="New_Flags"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <tp:simple-type name="Property_ID" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An unsigned integer used to represent a Telepathy property.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:struct name="Property_Value" array-name="Property_Value_List">
+ <tp:docstring>A struct (property ID, value) representing a
+ property's value, as seen in the PropertiesChanged signal on
+ the Properties interface, returned by the GetProperties method
+ and passed to the SetProperties method.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="u" tp:type="Property_ID" name="Identifier"/>
+ <tp:member type="v" name="Value"/>
+ </tp:struct>
+ <method name="GetProperties">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns an array of (identifier, value) pairs containing the current
+ values of the given properties.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg direction="in" name="properties" type="au" tp:type="Property_ID[]">
+ <tp:docstring>An array of property identifiers</tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <arg direction="out" type="a(uv)" tp:type="Property_Value[]">
+ <!-- XXX: if we're ever breaking API compatibility, make this a{uv} -->
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>An array of structs containing:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>integer identifiers</li>
+ <li>variant boxed values</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Some property identifier requested is invalid
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Some property requested does not have the PROPERTY_FLAG_READ flag
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <method name="ListProperties">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Returns a dictionary of the properties available on this channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg direction="out" type="a(ussu)" tp:type="Property_Spec[]">
+ <!-- XXX: if we're ever breaking API compatibility, make this
+ a{u(ssu)} ? -->
+ <tp:docstring>
+ An array of structs containing:
+ <ul>
+ <li>an integer identifier</li>
+ <li>a string property name</li>
+ <li>a string representing the D-Bus signature of this property</li>
+ <li>a bitwise OR of the flags applicable to this property</li>
+ </ul>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </method>
+ <signal name="PropertiesChanged">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the value of readable properties has changed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="properties" type="a(uv)" tp:type="Property_Value[]">
+ <!-- XXX: if we're ever breaking API compatibility, make this a{uv} -->
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>An array of structs containing:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>integer identifiers</li>
+ <li>variant boxed values</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>The array should contain only properties whose values have
+ actually changed.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <signal name="PropertyFlagsChanged">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Emitted when the flags of some room properties have changed.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg name="properties" type="a(uu)" tp:type="Property_Flags_Change[]">
+ <!-- XXX: if we're ever breaking API compatibility, make this a{uu} -->
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>An array of structs containing:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>integer identifiers</li>
+ <li>a bitwise OR of the current flags</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>The array should contain only properties whose flags have actually
+ changed.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ </signal>
+ <method name="SetProperties">
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Takes an array of (identifier, value) pairs containing desired
+ values to set the given properties. In the case of any errors, no
+ properties will be changed. When the changes have been acknowledged
+ by the server, the PropertiesChanged signal will be emitted.</p>
+ <p>All properties given must have the PROPERTY_FLAG_WRITE flag, or
+ PermissionDenied will be returned. If any variants are of the wrong
+ type, NotAvailable will be returned. If any given property identifiers
+ are invalid, InvalidArgument will be returned.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <arg direction="in" name="properties" type="a(uv)"
+ tp:type="Property_Value[]">
+ <!-- XXX: if we're ever breaking API compatibility, make this a{uv} -->
+ <tp:docstring>
+ A dictionary mapping integer identifiers to boxed values
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </arg>
+ <tp:possible-errors>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.Disconnected"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.InvalidArgument"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NotAvailable"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied"/>
+ <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.NetworkError"/>
+ </tp:possible-errors>
+ </method>
+ <tp:docstring xmlns="">
+ <p>Interface for channels and other objects, to allow querying and setting
+ properties. ListProperties returns which properties are valid for
+ the given channel, including their type, and an integer handle used to
+ refer to them in GetProperties, SetProperties, and the PropertiesChanged
+ signal. The values are represented by D-Bus variant types, and are
+ accompanied by flags indicating whether or not the property is readable or
+ writable.</p>
+ <p>Each property also has a flags value to indicate what methods are
+ available. This is a bitwise OR of PropertyFlags values.</p>
+ </tp:docstring>
+ <tp:flags name="Property_Flags" value-prefix="Property_Flag" type="u">
+ <tp:flag suffix="Read" value="1">
+ <tp:docstring>The property can be read</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ <tp:flag suffix="Write" value="2">
+ <tp:docstring>The property can be written</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:flag>
+ </tp:flags>
+ </interface>
+<!-- vim:set sw=2 sts=2 et ft=xml: -->
diff --git a/spec/all.xml b/spec/all.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5a1b60c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/all.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ xmlns:tp=""
+ xmlns:xi="">
+<tp:title>Telepathy D-Bus Interface Specification</tp:title>
+<tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Collabora Limited</tp:copyright>
+<tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>
+<tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2006 INdT</tp:copyright>
+<tp:license xmlns="">
+<p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+<xi:include href="Connection_Manager.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Connection.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Connection_Interface_Aliasing.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Connection_Interface_Avatars.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Connection_Interface_Capabilities.xml"/>
+<!-- Never implemented, is a terrible API
+<xi:include href="Connection_Interface_Contact_Info.xml"/> -->
+<!-- Never implemented, insufficient (needs conditions)
+<xi:include href="Connection_Interface_Forwarding.xml"/> -->
+<xi:include href="Connection_Interface_Presence.xml"/>
+<!-- Never implemented, vague
+<xi:include href="Connection_Interface_Privacy.xml"/> -->
+<xi:include href="Connection_Interface_Renaming.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Future.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Type_Contact_List.xml"/>
+<!-- Never implemented, can't be implemented with current dbus-glib, vague
+<xi:include href="Channel_Type_Contact_Search.xml"/> -->
+<xi:include href="Channel_Type_Streamed_Media.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Type_Room_List.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Type_Text.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Type_Tubes.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Interface_Call_Merging.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Interface_Call_State.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Interface_Chat_State.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Interface_Delivery_Reporting.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Interface_DTMF.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Interface_Group.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Interface_Hold.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Interface_HTML.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Interface_Password.xml"/>
+<!-- Causes havoc, never implemented, unclear requirements
+<xi:include href="Channel_Interface_Transfer.xml"/> -->
+<xi:include href="Channel_Interface_Media_Signalling.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Interface_Messages.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Media_Session_Handler.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Media_Stream_Handler.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Properties_Interface.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Account_Manager.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Account.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="Channel_Handler.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="errors.xml"/>
+<xi:include href="generic-types.xml"/>
diff --git a/spec/errors.xml b/spec/errors.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..81ab440e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/errors.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<tp:errors xmlns:tp="" namespace="org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error">
+ <tp:error name="Network Error">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Raised when there is an error reading from or writing to the network.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="Not Implemented">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Raised when the requested method, channel, etc is not available on this connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="Invalid Argument">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Raised when one of the provided arguments is invalid.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="Not Available">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ Raised when the requested functionality is temporarily unavailable.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="Permission Denied">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The user is not permitted to perform the requested operation.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="Disconnected">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The connection is not currently connected and cannot be used.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="Invalid Handle">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The contact name specified is unknown on this channel or connection.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="Channel.Banned">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ You are banned from the channel.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="Channel.Full">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The channel is full.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:error name="Channel.Invite Only">
+ <tp:docstring>
+ The requested channel is invite-only.
+ </tp:docstring>
+ </tp:error>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Collabora Limited</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:copyright>Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Nokia Corporation</tp:copyright>
+ <tp:license xmlns="">
+<p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
+<p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
+<p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</p>
+ </tp:license>
diff --git a/spec/generic-types.xml b/spec/generic-types.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a96237df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/generic-types.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ xmlns:tp="">
+ <tp:simple-type name="Unix_Timestamp" type="u">
+ <tp:docstring>An unsigned 32-bit integer representing time since 1970</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:simple-type name="DBus_Bus_Name" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>A string representing a D-Bus bus name - either a well-known
+ name like "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.MissionControl" or a unique name
+ like ":1.123"</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:simple-type name="DBus_Unique_Name" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>A string representing a D-Bus unique name, such as
+ ":1.123"</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:simple-type name="DBus_Interface" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>A string representing a D-Bus interface</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:simple-type name="DBus_Signature" type="s">
+ <tp:docstring>A string representing a D-Bus signature
+ (the 'g' type isn't used because of poor interoperability, particularly
+ with dbus-glib)</tp:docstring>
+ </tp:simple-type>
+ <tp:mapping name="String_Variant_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>A mapping from strings to variants representing extra
+ key-value pairs.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Key"/>
+ <tp:member type="v" name="Value"/>
+ </tp:mapping>
+ <tp:mapping name="String_String_Map">
+ <tp:docstring>A mapping from strings to strings representing extra
+ key-value pairs.</tp:docstring>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Key"/>
+ <tp:member type="s" name="Value"/>
+ </tp:mapping>