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authorDanielle Madeley <>2010-03-29 19:08:11 +1100
committerDanielle Madeley <>2010-03-29 19:08:11 +1100
commit64c97732a9cd5faf120debd21c980cee0851c4db (patch)
parent30816b8eeee3f5cbb78c514d3531ef3c12c1c94c (diff)
Add section on GValueArray structs, clean up some related bits
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/docs/book/C/basics.xml b/docs/book/C/basics.xml
index 7ddea6c..8ad7bac 100644
--- a/docs/book/C/basics.xml
+++ b/docs/book/C/basics.xml
@@ -1160,7 +1160,8 @@ get_channels_cb (TpProxy *proxy,
Structures (e.g. <literal>(oa{sv})</literal>) are stored as a
<classname>GValueArray</classname> where each member of the
- structure is a GValue in the array in the respective order.
+ structure is a GValue in the array in the respective order
+ (see <xref linkend="sect.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.structs"/>).
Maps (e.g. <literal>a{sv}</literal>) are stored as a
@@ -1176,7 +1177,7 @@ get_channels_cb (TpProxy *proxy,
Variant types (<literal>v</literal>) are stored as
<classname>GValue</classname>s of type specified by the spec
- (see <xref linkend="note.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.variant"/>).
+ (see <xref linkend="sect.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.variant"/>).
@@ -1196,28 +1197,6 @@ get_channels_cb (TpProxy *proxy,
- <example id="ex.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.types">
- <title>Decoding a GValue containing a Channel_Details_List</title>
- <programlisting language="c">
-GPtrArray *channels = g_value_get_boxed (value);
-int i;
-for (i = 0; i < channels->len; i++)
- GValueArray *channel = g_ptr_array_index (channels, i);
- char *object_path = g_value_get_boxed (g_value_array_get_nth (channel, 0));
- GHashTable *map = g_value_get_boxed (g_value_array_get_nth (channel, 1));
- const char *type = tp_asv_get_string (map, TP_IFACE_CHANNEL ".ChannelType");
- g_print ("Path: %s\n", object_path);
- g_print ("Type: %s\n", type);
- </example>
@@ -1231,68 +1210,6 @@ for (i = 0; i < channels->len; i++)
- <note id="note.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.variant">
- <title>Variant Types</title>
- <para>
- Variant types are stored as a <classname>GValue</classname> of type
- given by the specification. For example,
- <xref linkend="ex.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.variant-unpack"/>
- shows how to unpack the type <literal>a(uv)</literal>.
- </para>
- <example id="ex.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.variant-unpack">
- <title>Unpacking Type a(uv)</title>
- <programlisting language="c">
-int i;
-for (i = 0; i < properties->len; i++)
- GValueArray *property = g_ptr_array_index (properties, i);
- /* the id is a GValue<UINT>
- * the variant is a GValue<GValue<??> */
- guint id = g_value_get_uint (g_value_array_get_nth (property, 0));
- GValue *value = g_value_get_boxed (g_value_array_get_nth (property, 1));
- /* get a string representation of value */
- char *str = g_strdup_value_contents (value);
- g_print ("Property %i: %s\n", id, str);
- g_free (str);
- </example>
- <example id="ex.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.variant-pack">
- <title>Packing Type a(uv)</title>
- <programlisting language="c">
-<![CDATA[GPtrArray *array = g_ptr_array_new ();
-/* pack structs into array */
-GValueArray *values = g_value_array_new (2);
-GValue box = { 0, }, value = { 0, };
-g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_UINT);
-g_value_set_uint (&value, id);
-g_value_array_append (values, &value);
-g_value_unset (&value);
-g_value_init (&box, G_TYPE_VALUE);
-g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_STRING);
-g_value_set_static_string (&value, "Test Subject");
-g_value_set_boxed (&box, &value);
-g_value_array_append (values, &box);
-g_value_unset (&value);
-g_value_unset (&box);
-g_ptr_array_add (array, values);
-/* free array */
-g_ptr_array_foreach (array, (GFunc) g_value_array_free, NULL);
-g_ptr_array_free (array, TRUE);]]></programlisting>
- </example>
- </note>
<sect3 id="sect.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.maps">
@@ -1370,6 +1287,150 @@ g_ptr_array_free (array, TRUE);]]></programlisting>
+ <sect3 id="sect.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.structs">
+ <title>Structs</title>
+ <para>
+ Structs (e.g. <literal>ussu</literal>) are stored as a
+ <classname>GValueArray</classname>.
+ To make these easier to create use the utility function
+ <function>tp_value_array_build</function>. This function requires
+ a number of struct entries, followed by (GType, value) pairs, and
+ terminated with the type <type>G_TYPE_INVALID</type>, as shown in
+ <xref linkend="ex.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.tp_value_array_build"/>.
+ </para>
+ <example id="ex.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.tp_value_array_build">
+ <title>Creating an (ussu) struct with tp_value_array_build()</title>
+ <!-- FIXME: pull from source example? -->
+ <programlisting language="c">
+<![CDATA[GValueArray *entry = tp_value_array_build (4,
+ G_TYPE_UINT, 12,
+ G_TYPE_STRING, "subject",
+ G_TYPE_STRING, "Building a GValueArray",
+ G_TYPE_INVALID);]]></programlisting>
+ </example>
+ <para>
+ <function>tp_value_array_build</function> takes copies/references
+ of all of the supplied data, which can be freed immediately. These
+ copies/references are released when the
+ <classname>GValueArray</classname>
+ is freed.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Structs can be unpacked using the utility function
+ <function>tp_value_array_unpack</function>. This function takes a
+ number of values to unpack (may be less than the number of values
+ in the array) followed by that number of pointers to appropriate
+ variables (NULL may be passed to skip a value you're not interested
+ in). <xref linkend="ex.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.types"/>
+ shows unpacking the object path, and properties for an array of
+ channels.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Values are not copied out of the array, and these pointers will
+ become invalid when the array is freed. If you want to keep a copy
+ of a value you should copy/reference it explicitly.
+ </para>
+ <example id="ex.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.types">
+ <title>Decoding a GValue containing a Channel_Details_List</title>
+ <programlisting language="c">
+GPtrArray *channels = g_value_get_boxed (value);
+int i;
+for (i = 0; i < channels->len; i++)
+ GValueArray *channel = g_ptr_array_index (channels, i);
+ char *object_path;
+ GHashTable *map;
+ tp_value_unpack (channel, 2,
+ &object_path,
+ &map);
+ const char *type = tp_asv_get_string (map, TP_IFACE_CHANNEL ".ChannelType");
+ g_print ("Path: %s\n", object_path);
+ g_print ("Type: %s\n", type);
+ </example>
+ <para>
+ Individual values can be retrieved from a structure using
+ <function>g_value_array_get_nth</function> plus the appropriate
+ <function>g_value_get_...</function> function for the returned
+ <classname>GValue</classname>.
+ <xref linkend="ex.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.variant-unpack"/>
+ in the next section shows how this is done. Similar to using
+ <function>tp_value_array_unpack</function>, this value is not
+ copied or referenced, however GLib provides several
+ <function>g_value_dup_...</function> functions that do make copies.
+ </para>
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 id="sect.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.variant">
+ <title>Variant Types</title>
+ <para>
+ Variant types are stored as a <classname>GValue</classname> of type
+ given by the specification. For example,
+ <xref linkend="ex.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.variant-unpack"/>
+ shows how to unpack the type <literal>a(uv)</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <example id="ex.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.variant-unpack">
+ <title>Unpacking Type a(uv)</title>
+ <programlisting language="c">
+int i;
+for (i = 0; i < properties->len; i++)
+ GValueArray *property = g_ptr_array_index (properties, i);
+ /* the id is a GValue<UINT>
+ * the variant is a GValue<GValue<??> */
+ guint id = g_value_get_uint (g_value_array_get_nth (property, 0));
+ GValue *value = g_value_get_boxed (g_value_array_get_nth (property, 1));
+ /* get a string representation of value */
+ char *str = g_strdup_value_contents (value);
+ g_print ("Property %i: %s\n", id, str);
+ g_free (str);
+ </example>
+ <example id="ex.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.variant-pack">
+ <title>Packing Type a(uv)</title>
+ <programlisting language="c">
+<![CDATA[GPtrArray *array = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify) g_value_array_free);
+/* pack structs into array */
+GValue value = { 0, };
+g_value_init (&value, G_TYPE_STRING);
+g_value_set_static_string (&value, "Test Subject");
+g_ptr_array_add (array, tp_value_array_build (2,
+ G_TYPE_UINT, id,
+ G_TYPE_VALUE, value,
+g_value_unset (&value);
+/* free array */
+g_ptr_array_free (array, TRUE);]]></programlisting>
+ </example>
+ </sect3>
<sect3 id="sect.basics.language-bindings.telepathy-glib.linking">
<title>Headers and Linking</title>