path: root/kernel/sync
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/sync')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/sync b/kernel/sync
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..da5c218a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/sync
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+import sys, os, glob, os.path, shutil, re
+from optparse import OptionParser
+glob = glob.glob
+def cmd(c):
+ if os.system(c) != 0:
+ raise Exception('command execution failed: ' + c)
+parser = OptionParser(usage = 'usage: %prog [-v VERSION][-l LINUX]')
+parser.add_option('-v', action = 'store', type = 'string', dest = 'version', \
+ help = 'kvm-kmod release version', default = 'kvm-devel')
+parser.add_option('-l', action = 'store', type = 'string', dest = 'linux', \
+ help = 'Linux kernel tree to sync from', \
+ default = 'linux-2.6')
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+version = options.version
+linux = options.linux
+_re_cache = {}
+def re_cache(regexp):
+ global _re_cache
+ if regexp not in _re_cache:
+ _re_cache[regexp] = re.compile(regexp)
+ return _re_cache[regexp]
+def __hack(data):
+ compat_apis = str.split(
+ 'INIT_WORK desc_struct ldttss_desc64 desc_ptr '
+ 'hrtimer_add_expires_ns hrtimer_get_expires '
+ 'hrtimer_get_expires_ns hrtimer_start_expires '
+ 'hrtimer_expires_remaining smp_send_reschedule '
+ 'on_each_cpu relay_open request_irq free_irq '
+ 'init_srcu_struct cleanup_srcu_struct srcu_read_lock '
+ 'srcu_read_unlock synchronize_srcu srcu_batches_completed '
+ 'do_machine_check eventfd_signal get_desc_base get_desc_limit '
+ 'vma_kernel_pagesize '
+ )
+ anon_inodes = anon_inodes_exit = False
+ mce = False
+ result = []
+ def sub(regexp, repl, str):
+ return re_cache(regexp).sub(repl, str)
+ for line in data.splitlines():
+ orig = line
+ def match(regexp):
+ return re_cache(regexp).search(line)
+ def w(line, result = result):
+ result.append(line)
+ f = line.split()
+ if match(r'^int kvm_init\('): anon_inodes = 1
+ if match(r'return 0;') and anon_inodes:
+ w('\tr = kvm_init_anon_inodes();')
+ w('\tif (r) {')
+ w('\t\t__free_page(bad_page);')
+ w('\t\tgoto out;')
+ w('\t}')
+ w('\tpreempt_notifier_sys_init();')
+ w('\tprintk("loaded kvm module (%s)\\n");\n' % (version,))
+ anon_inodes = False
+ if match(r'^void kvm_exit'): anon_inodes_exit = True
+ if match(r'\}') and anon_inodes_exit:
+ w('\tkvm_exit_anon_inodes();')
+ w('\tpreempt_notifier_sys_exit();')
+ anon_inodes_exit = False
+ if match(r'^int kvm_arch_init'): kvm_arch_init = True
+ if match(r'\btsc_khz\b') and kvm_arch_init:
+ line = sub(r'\btsc_khz\b', 'kvm_tsc_khz', line)
+ if match(r'^}'): kvm_arch_init = False
+ if match(r'MODULE_AUTHOR'):
+ w('MODULE_INFO(version, "%s");' % (version,))
+ line = sub(r'(\w+)->dev->msi_enabled',
+ r'kvm_pcidev_msi_enabled(\1->dev)', line)
+ if match(r'atomic_inc\(&kvm->mm->mm_count\);'):
+ line = 'mmget(&kvm->mm->mm_count);'
+ if match(r'^\t\.fault = '):
+ fcn = sub(r',', '', f[2])
+ line = '\t.VMA_OPS_FAULT(fault) = VMA_OPS_FAULT_FUNC(' + fcn + '),'
+ if match(r'^static int (.*_stat_get|lost_records_get)'):
+ line = line[0:11] + '__' + line[11:]
+ if match(r'DEFINE_SIMPLE_ATTRIBUTE.*(_stat_get|lost_records_get)'):
+ name = sub(r',', '', f[1])
+ line = sub(r'linux/mm_types\.h', 'linux/mm.h', line)
+ line = sub(r'\b__user\b', ' ', line)
+ if match(r'^\t\.name = "kvm"'):
+ line = '\tset_kset_name("kvm"),'
+ if match(r'#include <linux/compiler.h>'):
+ line = ''
+ if match(r'#include <linux/clocksource.h>'):
+ line = ''
+ if match(r'#include <linux\/types.h>'):
+ line = '#include <asm/types.h>'
+ if match(r'\t\.change_pte.*kvm_mmu_notifier_change_pte,'):
+ line = '#ifdef MMU_NOTIFIER_HAS_CHANGE_PTE\n' + line + '\n#endif'
+ if match(r'static void kvm_mmu_notifier_change_pte'):
+ line = sub(r'static ', '', line)
+ line = '#ifdef MMU_NOTIFIER_HAS_CHANGE_PTE\n' + 'static\n' + '#endif\n' + line
+ line = sub(r'\bhrtimer_init\b', 'hrtimer_init_p', line)
+ line = sub(r'\bhrtimer_start\b', 'hrtimer_start_p', line)
+ line = sub(r'\bhrtimer_cancel\b', 'hrtimer_cancel_p', line)
+ if match(r'case KVM_CAP_SYNC_MMU'):
+ line = '#ifdef CONFIG_MMU_NOTIFIER\n' + line + '\n#endif'
+ for ident in compat_apis:
+ line = sub(r'\b' + ident + r'\b', 'kvm_' + ident, line)
+ if match(r'kvm_.*_fops\.owner = module;'):
+ line = 'IF_ANON_INODES_DOES_REFCOUNTS(' + line + ')'
+ if not match(r'#include'):
+ line = sub(r'\blapic\n', 'l_apic', line)
+ if match(r'struct pt_regs regs'):
+ mce = True
+ if mce and match(r'\.cs'):
+ line = sub(r'cs', r'kvm_pt_regs_cs', line)
+ if mce and match(r'\.flags'):
+ line = sub(r'flags', r'kvm_pt_regs_flags', line)
+ mce = False
+ line = sub(r'boot_cpu_data.x86_phys_bits', 'kvm_x86_phys_bits', line)
+ if match(r'^static const struct vm_operations_struct kvm_'):
+ line = sub(r' const ', ' ', line)
+ if line == 'static void *nested_svm_map(struct vcpu_svm *svm, u64 gpa, enum km_type idx)':
+ line = sub(r'\)', ', struct page **mapped_page)', line)
+ if line == '\treturn kmap_atomic(page, idx);':
+ line = '\t*mapped_page = page;\n' + line
+ if line == 'static void nested_svm_unmap(void *addr, enum km_type idx)':
+ line = sub(r'\)', ', struct page *mapped_page)', line)
+ if line == '\tpage = kmap_atomic_to_page(addr);':
+ line = '\tpage = mapped_page;'
+ if match(r'= nested_svm_map(.*);'):
+ line = '\t{ struct page *mapped_page;\n' + sub(r'\);', ', &mapped_page);', line)
+ if match('nested_svm_unmap(.*);'):
+ line = sub(r'\);', ', mapped_page); }', line)
+ if match(r'->thread.debugreg[0-7]'):
+ line = sub(r'->thread.debugreg([0-7])', r'->thread.kvm_compat_debugreg(\1)', line)
+ w(line)
+ if match(r'\tkvm_init_debug'):
+ w('\thrtimer_kallsyms_resolve();')
+ if match(r'apic-> ='):
+ w('\thrtimer_data_pointer(&apic->;')
+ if match(r'pt->timer.function ='):
+ w('\thrtimer_data_pointer(&pt->timer);')
+ data = str.join('', [line + '\n' for line in result])
+ return data
+def _hack(fname, arch):
+ data = file(fname).read()
+ data = __hack(data)
+ file(fname, 'w').write(data)
+def unifdef(fname):
+ data = file('unifdef.h').read() + file(fname).read()
+ file(fname, 'w').write(data)
+def hack(T, arch, file):
+ _hack(T + '/' + file, arch)
+hack_files = {
+ 'x86': str.split('kvm_main.c mmu.c vmx.c svm.c x86.c irq.h lapic.c'
+ ' i8254.c timer.c eventfd.c'),
+ 'ia64': str.split('kvm_main.c kvm_fw.c kvm_lib.c kvm-ia64.c'),
+def mkdir(dir):
+ if not os.path.exists(dir):
+ os.makedirs(dir)
+def cp(src, dst):
+ mkdir(os.path.dirname(dst))
+ file(dst, 'w').write(file(src).read())
+def copy_if_changed(src, dst):
+ for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk(src):
+ ndir = dst + '/' + dir[len(src)+1:]
+ mkdir(ndir)
+ for fname in files:
+ old = ndir + '/' + fname
+ new = dir + '/' + fname
+ try:
+ if file(old).read() != file(new).read():
+ raise Exception('different.')
+ except:
+ cp(new, old)
+def rmtree(path):
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ shutil.rmtree(path)
+def header_sync(arch):
+ T = 'header'
+ rmtree(T)
+ for file in glob('%(linux)s/include/linux/kvm*.h' % { 'linux': linux }):
+ out = ('%(T)s/include/linux/%(name)s'
+ % { 'T': T, 'name': os.path.basename(file) })
+ cp(file, out)
+ unifdef(out)
+ for file in glob(('%(linux)s/include/trace/events/kvm*.h'
+ % { 'linux': linux })):
+ out = ('%(T)s/include/trace/events/%(name)s'
+ % { 'T': T, 'name': os.path.basename(file) })
+ cp(file, out)
+ unifdef(out)
+ arch_headers = (
+ [x
+ for dir in ['%(linux)s/arch/%(arch)s/include/asm/./kvm*.h',
+ '%(linux)s/arch/%(arch)s/include/asm/./vmx*.h',
+ '%(linux)s/arch/%(arch)s/include/asm/./svm*.h',
+ '%(linux)s/arch/%(arch)s/include/asm/./virtext*.h']
+ for x in glob(dir % { 'arch': arch, 'linux': linux })
+ ])
+ for file in arch_headers:
+ out = ('%(T)s/include/asm-%(arch)s/%(name)s'
+ % { 'T': T, 'name': os.path.basename(file), 'arch': arch })
+ cp(file, out)
+ unifdef(out)
+ hack(T, 'x86', 'include/linux/kvm.h')
+ hack(T, arch, 'include/asm-%(arch)s/kvm.h' % { 'arch': arch })
+ copy_if_changed(T, '.')
+ rmtree(T)
+def source_sync(arch):
+ T = 'source'
+ rmtree(T)
+ sources = [file
+ for pattern in ['%(linux)s/arch/%(arch)s/kvm/*.[cSh]',
+ '%(linux)s/virt/kvm/*.[cSh]']
+ for file in glob(pattern % { 'linux': linux, 'arch': arch })
+ if not file.endswith('.mod.c')
+ ]
+ for file in sources:
+ out = ('%(T)s/%(name)s'
+ % { 'T': T, 'name': os.path.basename(file) })
+ cp(file, out)
+ for i in glob(T + '/*.c'):
+ unifdef(i)
+ for i in hack_files[arch]:
+ hack(T, arch, i)
+ copy_if_changed(T, arch)
+ rmtree(T)
+for arch in ['x86', 'ia64']:
+ header_sync(arch)
+ source_sync(arch)