path: root/ChangeLog
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2005-03-23Fix date of last commit.Ian McIntosh1-1/+1
2005-03-23Added.Ian McIntosh1-0/+8
2005-03-20Added. Stores a list of places for the back/forward buttons.Ian McIntosh1-0/+12
2005-03-19Added.Ian McIntosh1-0/+17
2005-03-18New files. Animates from 0.0 to 1.0 in various ways.Ian McIntosh1-0/+12
2005-03-16Clean up URL.Carl Worth1-0/+4
2005-03-13Index on column 'Name' of table 'LocationAttributeName' should be UNIQUE.Ian McIntosh1-0/+6
2005-03-13Switch to mysql_use_result(). Add more memory related paramaters toIan McIntosh1-1/+11
2005-03-13Remove debugging message.Ian McIntosh1-0/+4
2005-03-13Add warning for bad color strings in layers.xml file.Ian McIntosh1-0/+7
2005-03-13Change name of chunk allocators (just the text name used for debugging).Ian McIntosh1-0/+11
2005-03-10Commented out scenemanager demo (rectangle).Ian McIntosh1-0/+4
2005-03-10MySQL optimization regarding GeomFromText() which saves about 10% totalIan McIntosh1-0/+6
2005-03-10Removed Road_RoadName joiner table. Roads can have only one name now (weIan McIntosh1-0/+11
2005-03-09First round of improvements to map_draw_cairo_line_label(). Instead ofNathan Fredrickson1-1/+5
2005-03-08Added.Ian McIntosh1-1/+9
2005-03-07Added. (Not currently used.)Ian McIntosh1-0/+7
2005-03-06Sort search results by distance from user, starting with closest. Also setIan McIntosh1-2/+9
2005-03-06Scroll once when user clicks map border. Change map drag mouse cursor.Ian McIntosh1-0/+5
2005-03-04Provide URL to Wiki for help with compiling.Ian McIntosh1-0/+6
2005-03-04Added click-and-hold to scroll at map window edge.Ian McIntosh1-0/+7
2005-03-04Use gtk/gtk.h instead of gnome.h where possible.Ian McIntosh1-7/+14
2005-03-03Enable directives to disable deprecated features.Nathan Fredrickson1-0/+5
2005-03-03Call gtk_main_quit() to shutdown properly and look for glade file in sourceNathan Fredrickson1-0/+7
2005-03-03Removed drawing code, added two rendering backends.Ian McIntosh1-0/+16
2005-03-03Parse dash style and fix the railroads.Nathan Fredrickson1-0/+6
2005-03-03Change extern "C" to G_BEGIN_DECLS/G_END_DECLSNathan Fredrickson1-0/+7
2005-03-03Add dependency on libxml-2.0.Nathan Fredrickson1-1/+10
2005-03-02Check separately for libsvg and continue if not found. Define HAVE_LIBSVGNathan Fredrickson1-0/+4
2005-03-02Switch to binary format for MySQL geometry results.Ian McIntosh1-0/+6
2005-03-01Added with code removed from map module.Ian McIntosh1-2/+23
2005-02-28Update dependency list.Nathan Fredrickson1-0/+4
2005-02-28Make main_init() return a value.Nathan Fredrickson1-0/+6
2005-02-27Added libsvg-cairo as dependency. (Not quite correct? Nate will fix it.:)Ian McIntosh1-0/+17
2005-02-26Added City and State tables and functions to search / add them.Ian McIntosh1-0/+6
2005-02-25Actually include these files.Ian McIntosh1-0/+5
2005-02-25Added.Ian McIntosh1-1/+23
2005-02-24Removed, this is generated.Nathan Fredrickson1-0/+8
2005-02-23Added.Ian McIntosh1-0/+5
2005-02-23Removed.Ian McIntosh1-0/+7
2005-02-23Moved to new data directory.Ian McIntosh1-0/+9
2005-02-23Header files actually removed from include/. Phew!Ian McIntosh1-0/+4
2005-02-23*** empty log message ***Ian McIntosh1-0/+5
2005-02-23Major build file cleanup by Nathan Fredrickson <>Ian McIntosh1-0/+6
2005-02-22Added call to init scenemanager.Ian McIntosh1-0/+6
2005-02-22Minor cleanups, removed some debug output.Ian McIntosh1-0/+4
2005-02-22Added extracting of polygon labels.Ian McIntosh1-0/+5
2005-02-22Enable lots of warning flags when compiling with gcc. Fix things to silenceCarl Worth1-0/+86 Removed sidebar search, put search field in toolbar.Ian McIntosh1-0/+12
2005-02-20*** empty log message ***Ian McIntosh1-0/+10