path: root/COPYING
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2023-07-05fossils: add parallel-rdp fossilsRhys Perry1-0/+23
2022-11-29Import shaders from blender 3.3.1M Henning1-0/+1
2022-07-10shaders: Import shaders from godot 3.4M Henning1-0/+1
2022-06-20shaders: Import shaders from gtk4 GL rendererM Henning1-0/+1
2020-04-09shaders: add skia shadersRob Clark1-0/+32
2019-12-17shaders: Add glmark2(-es2) shadersAlyssa Rosenzweig1-0/+25
2015-01-05Import Unity 5.0 built-in shaders.Kenneth Graunke1-0/+23
2014-02-14Add dolphin-emu shaders.Markus Wick1-0/+1
2013-04-09Add shaders from sauerbraten.Eric Anholt1-0/+20
2013-04-09Add shaders from warzone2100.Eric Anholt1-0/+1
2013-04-09Add the shaders dumped in my supertuxkart runs.Eric Anholt1-0/+1
2012-03-13weston: Import shaders from the Weston project.Eric Anholt1-0/+25
2011-06-01Add 0 A.D. shaders.Eric Anholt1-0/+1
2011-05-16shaders/yofrankie: Initial import of data.Eric Anholt1-0/+7
2011-05-16shaders/warsow: First import of data from warsow.Eric Anholt1-0/+35
2011-05-16shaders/nexuiz: First import of data from Anholt1-3/+3
2011-05-16Initial import.Eric Anholt1-0/+63