AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2010-10-18Planet obsolete.planet.go-oo.orgJan Holesovsky2-1/+47
2010-08-06Add .gitignore to ignore the generated stuff.Jan Holesovsky1-0/+7
2010-08-06Update to the most recent version from DreamHost.Jan Holesovsky7-5/+1
2008-10-28Commit .htaccess bits from server.Michael Meeks1-0/+1
2008-10-28Lock down .htaccess ~Everywhere ...Michael Meeks1-0/+4
2008-09-24Fardad's hackergotchi for planetHubert Figuiere1-0/+0
2008-04-17Remove and rename styles so that they don't conflict with go-oo.Jonathan Pryor1-15/+6
2008-02-05New job, new headHubert Figuiere1-0/+0
2007-10-22Fix the headHubert Figuiere1-0/+0
2007-10-19Shane has a new hackergotchiHubert Figuiere2-0/+13
2007-10-19Resize hackergotchiHubert Figuiere1-0/+0
2007-10-19Added planet outputHubert Figuiere17-0/+125