path: root/bug/bug_fr/bug/test.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bug/bug_fr/bug/test.js')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bug/bug_fr/bug/test.js b/bug/bug_fr/bug/test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79ef369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bug/bug_fr/bug/test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2011 Loic Dachary <>
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see <>.
+test("frame", function() {
+ expect(3);
+ var bugzilla_url = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname;
+ equal(location.href.indexOf(bugzilla_url), 0, bugzilla_url);
+ $.bug.window = {
+ top: 'something',
+ parent: { bugzilla_url: bugzilla_url }
+ };
+ equal($.bug.url, '');
+ $.bug.frame();
+ equal($.bug.url, bugzilla_url);
+ $.bug.url = '';
+test("ajax", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var status = 404;
+ var statusText = 'Status text';
+ var responseText = 'Error text';
+ var ajax = $.ajax;
+ $.ajax = function(settings) {
+ return $.Deferred().reject({
+ status: status,
+ statusText: statusText,
+ responseText: responseText
+ });
+ };
+ try {
+ $.bug.ajax('POST', 'DOESNOTEXIST', {});
+ } catch(e) {
+ ok($('.error').text().indexOf(status) >= 0, status);
+ ok($('.error').text().indexOf(statusText) >= 0, statusText);
+ ok($('.error').text().indexOf(responseText) >= 0, responseText);
+ equal(e.status, status);
+ }
+ $.ajax = ajax;
+test("lookup_result", function() {
+ expect(7);
+ var caught = false;
+ var what = 'WHAT';
+ var error_regexp = /ERR_(.*)_OR/;
+ var value = 'VALUE';
+ var success_regexp = /SUC_(.*)_ESS/;
+ // error
+ try {
+ $.bug.lookup_result('ERR_' + what + '_OR', [error_regexp], success_regexp);
+ } catch(e) {
+ equal(e[1], what);
+ equal($('.error').text(), what);
+ caught = true;
+ }
+ ok(caught, 'caught exception');
+ // output is not as expected
+ var bugous = 'BUGOUS OUTPUT';
+ try {
+ $.bug.lookup_result(bugous, [error_regexp], success_regexp);
+ } catch(ee) {
+ equal(ee, bugous);
+ ok($('.error').text().indexOf(success_regexp) >= 0, 'error displayed');
+ caught = true;
+ }
+ ok(caught, 'caught exception');
+ // success
+ equal($.bug.lookup_result('SUC_' + value + '_ESS', [error_regexp], success_regexp), value);
+test("state_signin", function() {
+ expect(11);
+ equal($('.signin').css('display'), 'none');
+ var user = 'gooduser';
+ var password = 'goodpassword';
+ $.bug.ajax = function(type, url, data, callback) {
+ var d = $.Deferred();
+ if(data.Bugzilla_login == user &&
+ data.Bugzilla_password == password) {
+ d.resolve('Log&nbsp;out</a>' + data.Bugzilla_login + '<');
+ } else {
+ d.resolve('class="throw_error">ERROR<');
+ }
+ return d;
+ };
+ var state_component = $.bug.state_component;
+ $.bug.state_component = function() { ok(true, 'state_component'); };
+ $.bug.state_signin();
+ equal($('.login-link').attr('href'), '/');
+ equal($('.create-account-link').attr('href'), '/createaccount.cgi');
+ equal($('.signin').css('display'), 'block');
+ // fail to login, shows error
+ equal($('.error-container').css('display'), 'none', 'no error');
+ try {
+ $('.signin .go').click();
+ } catch(e) {
+ ok(true, 'caught error');
+ }
+ equal($('.error-container').css('display'), 'block', 'no error');
+ // successfull login
+ $('.signin .user').val(user);
+ $('.signin .password').val(password);
+ $('.signin .go').click();
+ equal($('.signin').css('display'), 'none');
+ equal($('.error-container').css('display'), 'none', 'no error');
+ equal($('.username').text(), user);
+ $.bug.ajax = $.ajax;
+ $.bug.state_component = state_component;
+test("state_component", function() {
+ expect(15);
+ var state_details = $.bug.state_details;
+ $.bug.state_details = function() { ok(true, 'state_details'); };
+ var element = $('.state_component');
+ equal(element.css('display'), 'none');
+ $.bug.state_component();
+ equal(element.css('display'), 'block');
+ equal($('.component .chosen', element).attr('data'), undefined, 'initialy nothing selected');
+ equal($('.comment.Formula_editor', element).css('display'), 'none', 'Formula_editor hidden');
+ equal($('.comment.OTHER', element).css('display'), 'none', 'OTHER hidden');
+ equal($('img.selected').length, 0, 'no icon selected');
+ // chosing Formula editor updates the comment, selects the icon and moves to subcomponent state
+ $(".component .choice[data='Formula_editor']", element).click();
+ equal($('img[data="Formula_editor"].selected', element).length, 1, 'Formula editor icon selected');
+ equal($('.comment.Formula_editor', element).css('display'), 'block', 'Formula_editor is visible');
+ equal($('.comment.OTHER', element).css('display'), 'none', 'OTHER hidden');
+ // hovering on an icon changes the comment but has no effect on the selection
+ $('img[data="OTHER"]', element).mouseenter();
+ equal($('.comment.Formula_editor', element).css('display'), 'none', 'Formula_editor hidden');
+ equal($('.comment.OTHER', element).css('display'), 'block', 'OTHER is visible');
+ equal($('.component .chosen', element).attr('data'), 'Formula_editor');
+ // leaving the icon area reverts back the comment to the selected element
+ $('.components_icons', element).mouseleave();
+ equal($('.comment.Formula_editor', element).css('display'), 'block', 'Formula_editor is visible');
+ equal($('.comment.OTHER', element).css('display'), 'none', 'OTHER hidden');
+ $.bug.state_details = state_details;
+test("state_details", function() {
+ expect(8);
+ var state_version = $.bug.state_version;
+ $.bug.state_version = function() { ok(true, 'state_version'); };
+ var refresh_related_bugs = $.bug.refresh_related_bugs;
+ $.bug.refresh_related_bugs = function() { ok(true, 'refresh_related_bugs'); };
+ var element = $('.state_details');
+ var element_sub = $('.subcomponents');
+ var element_ver = $('.versions');
+ var element_sys = $('.op_sys');
+ equal(element.css('display'), 'none');
+ ok(!element.hasClass('initialized'), 'is not initialized');
+ equal($('.active_subcomponent .select', element).length, 0, 'no .select element');
+ equal($('.versions .select', element).length, 0, 'no .select element');
+ $(".state_component .chosen").attr('data', 'Formula_editor');
+ /*var version = 'VERSION1';
+ $(".versions .choice[data='" + version + "']", element).click();
+ var op_sys = "LINUX";
+ $(".op_sys .choice[data='" + op_sys + "']", element).click();*/
+ $.bug.state_details();
+ equal($('.active_subcomponent .select', element).length, 1, 'one .select element');
+ equal($('.versions .chosen', element_ver).attr('data'), undefined, 'initialy nothing selected');
+ equal(element.css('display'), 'block');
+ $(".active_subcomponent .subcomponent .choice[data='Formula_editor']", element_sub).click();
+ ok(true, 'state_details');
+ $('.state_details .versions .choice:nth(0)').click();
+ $.bug.state_version = state_version;
+ $.bug.refresh_related_bugs = refresh_related_bugs;
+test("state_description", function() {
+ expect(5);
+ var state_submit = $.bug.state_submit;
+ $.bug.state_submit = function() { ok(true, 'state_submit'); };
+ var element = $('.state_description');
+ equal(element.css('display'), 'none');
+ ok(!element.hasClass('initialized'), 'is not initialized');
+ $.bug.state_description();
+ equal(element.css('display'), 'block');
+ ok(element.hasClass('initialized'), 'is initialized');
+ $('.short', element).val('012345').change();
+ $('.long', element).val('012345678901');
+ $('.long', element).keyup();
+ $.bug.state_submit = state_submit;
+test("state_submit", function() {
+ expect(30);
+ var state_success = $.bug.state_success;
+ $.bug.state_success = function() { ok(true, 'state_success'); };
+ var element = $('.state_submit');
+ $.bug.token = 'AA';
+ equal(element.css('display'), 'none');
+ ok(!element.hasClass('initialized'), 'is not initialized');
+ $.bug.state_submit();
+ equal(element.css('display'), 'block');
+ ok(element.hasClass('initialized'), 'is initialized');
+ $.bug.state_component();
+ var component = 'Formula_editor';
+ $(".state_component .choice[data='" + component + "']").click();
+ var component_text = $(".state_component .chosen").text();
+ $.bug.state_details();
+ var subcomponent = 'SUBCOMPONENT';
+ $.bug.subcomponent = subcomponent;
+ var version = 'VERSION';
+ $.bug.version = version;
+ var op_sys = "LINUX";
+ $.bug.op_sys = op_sys;
+ var short_desc = 'SHORT_DESC';
+ $('.state_description .short').val(short_desc);
+ var comment = 'LONG';
+ $('.state_description .long').val(comment);
+ var bug = '40763';
+ var form = $('.submission_form form');
+ form.submit(function() {
+ ok(element.hasClass('inprogress'), 'is in progress');
+ ok(form.attr('action'), '/post_bug.cgi');
+ equal($('input[name="component"]', form).val(), component_text);
+ equal($('input[name="version"]', form).val(), version);
+ equal($('input[name="short_desc"]', form).val(), subcomponent + ': ' + short_desc);
+ equal($('input[name="comment"]', form).val(), comment + "\nOperating System: ");
+ return false; // prevent actual submission
+ });
+ form.submit();
+ form.submit(); // noop
+ $.bug.state_submit_element = 'div'; // because <html> can't be inserted in the dom
+ // <title> cannot be inserted by IE8
+ $('#submissionoutput').html('<div><div>Bug ' + bug + ' Submitted</div></div>');
+ $('#submissionoutput').load();
+ equal($('.bug', element).text(), bug, 'bug number');
+ ok(!element.hasClass('inprogress'), 'is no longer progress');
+ var error = 'ERROR';
+ equal($('.error').text(), '', 'error is not set');
+ // make sure you enclose the useful elements with <div><div> ... </div></div>
+ $(['<div><div><table cellpadding="20"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#ff0000"> <font size="+2">' + error + '</font> </td> </tr> </table></div></div>',
+ '<div><div><div class="throw_error">' + error + '</div></div></div>',
+ '<div><div><div class="box">\n <p>' + error + '</p></div></div></div>'
+ ]).each(function(index, str) {
+ $('#submissionoutput').html(str);
+ var caught = false;
+ try {
+ $('#submissionoutput').load();
+ } catch(e) {
+ equal($('.error').text(), error, 'text ' + str);
+ equal(e[1], error, 'catch ' + str + e);
+ caught = true;
+ }
+ ok(caught, 'caught', str);
+ });
+ equal($('.error').text(), error, 'error is set');
+ $('.state_description').hide();
+ $('.state_attach').hide();
+ $('.state_submit').hide();
+ $.bug.state_success = state_success;
+ $.bug.ajax = $.ajax;
+test("state_success", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var bug = '4242';
+ var element = $('.state_success');
+ equal(element.css('display'), 'none');
+ equal($('.submission').css('display'), 'block');
+ $('.state_submit .bug').text(bug);
+ $.bug.state_success();
+ equal(element.css('display'), 'block');
+ ok($('.bug', element).attr('href').indexOf(bug) > 0, 'bug found');
+test("state_attach", function() {
+ expect(4);
+ var element = $('.state_attach');
+ equal(element.css('display'), 'none');
+ $.bug.state_attach();
+ equal(element.css('display'), 'block');
+ var container = $('.attach-file', element);
+ var container_offset = container.offset();
+ var file_input = $("input[type='file']", element);
+ var file_input_width = file_input.outerWidth();
+ equal(file_input.css('left'), 'auto');
+ //
+ // place the mouse to the left of the container
+ // at a position where it is certain that the input type='file'
+ // width will not fit.
+ //
+ var event = jQuery.Event("mousemove");
+ event.pageX = container_offset.left + file_input_width / 2;
+ event.pageY =;
+ container.trigger(event);
+ //
+ // The input type='file' left position is to the left of the container,
+ // hence a negative number starting with a -
+ // This is proof that the input type='file' has been moved so that its
+ // rightmost part is under the mouse at all times.
+ //
+ equal(file_input.css('left').substr(0, 1), '-', 'left = ' + file_input.css('left'));
+test("logged_in", function() {
+ expect(2);
+ $.bug.ajax = function(type, url) {
+ return $.Deferred().resolve($.bug.logged_in_false);
+ };
+ $.bug.logged_in().done(function(status) {
+ equal(status, false, 'user not logged in');
+ });
+ $.bug.ajax = function(type, url) {
+ return $.Deferred().resolve('logged in ok');
+ };
+ $.bug.logged_in().done(function(status) {
+ equal(status, true, 'user is logged in');
+ });
+ $.bug.ajax = $.ajax;