path: root/src/lib/preprocess/SvgTextObject.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/preprocess/SvgTextObject.cpp')
1 files changed, 473 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/preprocess/SvgTextObject.cpp b/src/lib/preprocess/SvgTextObject.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..784f709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/preprocess/SvgTextObject.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+#include "librevenge/SvgConstants.h"
+#include "SvgDC.h"
+#include "SvgFont.h"
+#include "SvgTextObject.h"
+#include "SvgUtils.h"
+#include "VSDOutputElementList.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+using namespace librevenge;
+using namespace libvisio;
+using namespace std;
+using namespace svgconstants;
+SvgTextObjectC::SvgTextObjectC(VSDStartTextObjectOutputElement *pStartText, SvgDC &dc)
+ : m_dc(dc),
+ m_pCurrentFont(NULL),
+ m_stage(PS_NONE),
+ m_firstLineOffsetYInch(0.0),
+ m_currentLineYInch(0.0),
+ m_textLeftBoundInch(DBL_MAX),
+ m_textRightBoundInch(DBL_MIN)
+ RVNGPropertyList &props = pStartText->GetPropertyList();
+ m_origXInch = props[PROP_SVG_X] ? SvgUtilsC::GetInchValue(*props[PROP_SVG_X]) : 0.0;
+ m_origYInch = props[PROP_SVG_Y] ? SvgUtilsC::GetInchValue(*props[PROP_SVG_Y]) : 0.0;
+ m_widthInch = props[PROP_SVG_WIDTH] ? SvgUtilsC::GetInchValue(*props[PROP_SVG_WIDTH]) : 0.0;
+ m_heightInch = props[PROP_SVG_HEIGHT] ? SvgUtilsC::GetInchValue(*props[PROP_SVG_HEIGHT]) : 0.0;
+ m_padLeftInch = props[PROP_FO_PADDING_LEFT]
+ ? SvgUtilsC::GetInchValue(*props[PROP_FO_PADDING_LEFT]) : 0.0;
+ m_padRightInch = props[PROP_FO_PADDING_RIGHT]
+ ? SvgUtilsC::GetInchValue(*props[PROP_FO_PADDING_RIGHT]) : 0.0;
+ m_padTopInch = props[PROP_FO_PADDING_TOP]
+ ? SvgUtilsC::GetInchValue(*props[PROP_FO_PADDING_TOP]) : 0.0;
+ m_padBottomInch = props[PROP_FO_PADDING_BOTTOM]
+ ? SvgUtilsC::GetInchValue(*props[PROP_FO_PADDING_BOTTOM]) : 0.0;
+ m_verticalAlign = props[PROP_DRAW_TEXTAREA_VERTICAL_ALIGN] ?
+ m_bkgColor = props[PROP_FO_BACKGROUND_COLOR]
+ ? props[PROP_FO_BACKGROUND_COLOR]->getStr().cstr() : "";
+SvgDC &SvgTextObjectC::GetDC()
+ return m_dc;
+SvgTextObjectC::ProcessingStageE SvgTextObjectC::GetProcessingStage() const
+ return m_stage;
+void SvgTextObjectC::StartCalculationStage()
+ if (m_stage == PS_NONE)
+ {
+ m_stage = PS_CALCULATE;
+ m_currentLineYInch = 0.0;
+ m_firstLineOffsetYInch = 0.0;
+ }
+void SvgTextObjectC::StartLayoutStage()
+ if (m_stage == PS_CALCULATE)
+ {
+ m_currentLineYInch = GetCurrentTextBoundTopInch() + m_firstLineOffsetYInch;
+ m_stage = PS_LAYOUT;
+ }
+double SvgTextObjectC::GetOrigXInch() const
+ return m_origXInch;
+double SvgTextObjectC::GetOrigYInch() const
+ return m_origYInch;
+double SvgTextObjectC::GetWidthInch() const
+ return m_widthInch;
+double SvgTextObjectC::GetHeightInch() const
+ return m_heightInch;
+double SvgTextObjectC::GetPaddingLeftInch() const
+ return m_padLeftInch;
+double SvgTextObjectC::GetPaddingRightInch() const
+ return m_padRightInch;
+double SvgTextObjectC::GetPaddingTopInch() const
+ return m_padTopInch;
+double SvgTextObjectC::GetPaddingBottomInch() const
+ return m_padBottomInch;
+double SvgTextObjectC::GetCurrentLineYInch() const
+ return m_currentLineYInch;
+double SvgTextObjectC::RowOfTextAdded()
+ double fontHeightInch = GetCurrentFont()->GetHeightInch();
+ double lineHeightInch = m_currentParagraph.GetLineHeightInch(fontHeightInch);
+ m_currentLineYInch += lineHeightInch;
+ if (m_stage == PS_CALCULATE && m_firstLineOffsetYInch == 0.0)
+ {
+ m_firstLineOffsetYInch = fontHeightInch
+ * (m_dc.GetFontBaseLineHeightRatio(GetCurrentFont()->GetId()))
+ + (lineHeightInch - fontHeightInch) / 2.0;
+ }
+ return m_currentLineYInch;
+void SvgTextObjectC::OpenParagraph(const VSDOpenParagraphOutputElement *pOpenParagraph)
+ m_currentParagraph.Reset(pOpenParagraph);
+void SvgTextObjectC::OpenUnorderedList(const VSDOpenUnorderedListLevelOutputElement *pList)
+ const RVNGPropertyList &props = pList->GetPropertyList();
+ m_currentBulletChar = props[PROP_TEXT_BULLET_CHAR]
+ ? SvgUtilsC::StrToWstr(props[PROP_TEXT_BULLET_CHAR]->getStr().cstr()) : L"";
+void SvgTextObjectC::OpenListElement(const VSDOpenListElementOutputElement *pOpenListElem)
+ m_currentParagraph.Reset(pOpenListElem);
+void SvgTextObjectC::OpenSpan(const VSDOpenSpanOutputElement *pOpenSpan)
+ const RVNGPropertyList &props = pOpenSpan->GetPropertyList();
+ double fontSizeInch = props[PROP_FO_FONT_SIZE]
+ ? SvgUtilsC::GetInchValue(*props[PROP_FO_FONT_SIZE]) : 12.0 * POINT_SIZE_INCH;
+ unsigned int fontWeight =
+ && strcmp(props[PROP_FO_FONT_WEIGHT]->getStr().cstr(), PVAL_FO_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) == 0
+ bool isItalic =
+ && strcmp(props[PROP_FO_FONT_STYLE]->getStr().cstr(), PVAL_FO_FONT_STYLE_ITALIC) == 0;
+ string fontName = props[PROP_STYLE_FONT_NAME]
+ ? props[PROP_STYLE_FONT_NAME]->getStr().cstr() : "Arial";
+ m_pCurrentFont = m_dc.GetFont(fontSizeInch, fontWeight, isItalic, fontName);
+ m_currentParagraph.AddSpan(pOpenSpan);
+ if (props[PROP_FO_COLOR])
+ {
+ // addresses the issue when the text box background is wrongly indicated as 'filled'
+ if (!m_bkgColor.empty() && m_bkgColor == props[PROP_FO_COLOR]->getStr().cstr())
+ {
+ m_bkgColor.clear(); // do not fill the background as (some) text has the same color
+ }
+ }
+void SvgTextObjectC::InsertText(const VSDInsertTextOutputElement *pInsertText)
+ string text = pInsertText->GetText().cstr();
+ wstring wtext = SvgUtilsC::StrToWstr(text);
+ double curExtent = m_currentParagraph.GetCurrentTextExtentInch();
+ ParagraphC::TextExtentsTp textExtents;
+ m_dc.GetTextPartialExtents(wtext, GetCurrentFont()->GetId(), curExtent, textExtents);
+ m_currentParagraph.AddText(wtext, textExtents);
+void SvgTextObjectC::InsertTab(const VSDInsertTabOutputElement *pInsertTab)
+ ParagraphC::TextExtentsTp textExtents;
+ double curExtent = m_currentParagraph.GetCurrentTextExtentInch();
+ textExtents.push_back(m_dc.GetTabCharExtent(GetCurrentFont()->GetId(), curExtent));
+ m_currentParagraph.AddText(L"\t", textExtents);
+const string &SvgTextObjectC::GetCurrentHorizontalAlignment() const
+ return m_currentParagraph.GetHorizontalAlignment();
+const SvgFontC *SvgTextObjectC::GetCurrentFont() const
+ if (m_pCurrentFont == NULL)
+ {
+ m_pCurrentFont = m_dc.GetFont(12.0 * POINT_SIZE_INCH, FW_NORMAL, false, "Arial"); // default font if not yet defined
+ }
+ return m_pCurrentFont;
+const string &SvgTextObjectC::GetBackgroundColor() const
+ return m_bkgColor;
+void SvgTextObjectC::SetCurrentTextLeftBoundInch(double x)
+ if (x < m_textLeftBoundInch)
+ {
+ m_textLeftBoundInch = x;
+ }
+void SvgTextObjectC::SetCurrentTextRightBoundInch(double x)
+ if (x > m_textRightBoundInch)
+ {
+ m_textRightBoundInch = x;
+ }
+void SvgTextObjectC::GetCurrentTextBoundsInch(
+ double &x1, double &y1, double &x2, double &y2) const
+ x1 = m_textLeftBoundInch;
+ x2 = m_textRightBoundInch;
+ y1 = GetCurrentTextBoundTopInch();
+ y2 = y1 + GetCurrentLineYInch();
+double SvgTextObjectC::GetCurrentTextBoundTopInch() const
+ if ( == 0)
+ {
+ return GetOrigYInch() + m_padTopInch;
+ }
+ if ( == 0)
+ {
+ return GetOrigYInch() + (GetHeightInch() - GetCurrentLineYInch()) - m_padBottomInch;
+ }
+ return GetOrigYInch() + (GetHeightInch() - GetCurrentLineYInch()) / 2.0;
+wstring SvgTextObjectC::GetCurrentBulletCharacter() const
+ return m_currentBulletChar;
+ * Takes the currently stored paragraph text and its partial extents and breaks it down into spans
+ * while adding line breaks when needed, so that each span fits in this text box width.
+ *
+ * @param spans (out)
+ * a list to be filled (appended) by calculated spans of text
+ */
+void SvgTextObjectC::CalculateCurrentParagraphSpans(SpansTp &spans)
+ const wstring &text = m_currentParagraph.GetText();
+ const ParagraphC::TextExtentsTp &extents = m_currentParagraph.GetTextExtents();
+ const ParagraphC::SpanMarksTp &spanMarks = m_currentParagraph.GetSpanMarks();
+ if (text.size() > 0)
+ {
+ assert(text.size() == extents.size());
+ assert(spanMarks.size() > 0);
+ assert(spanMarks.begin()->first == 0);
+ ParagraphC::SpanMarksConstItTp spanMarkIt = spanMarks.begin();
+ const VSDOpenSpanOutputElement *pCurOpenSpan = spanMarks.begin()->second;
+ spanMarkIt++;
+ double leftMargInch = m_currentParagraph.GetMarginLeftInch();
+ double rightMargInch = m_currentParagraph.GetMarginRightInch();
+ double rowWidthInch = m_widthInch - m_padLeftInch - m_padRightInch
+ - leftMargInch - rightMargInch;// + 0.5 / 72.0; // @TODO Revise: 0.5pt correction - empirical only!
+ double curSpanIndentInch = leftMargInch; // relative indent of the current (not-yet-written) span
+ double curRowLeftExtentInch = 0; // left edge of the bounding box mapped to 1-D contiguous coordinate
+ double lastNonTabCharExtentInch = 0; // extent of the last row character that was not tab
+ int lastWhiteIdx = -1; // white-space or hyphen break candidate index
+ bool whiteSpanEnd = false; // the last row span ended with white space
+ wstring curSpanText;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0, charCnt = text.size(); i < charCnt; i++)
+ {
+ bool addCurChar = true;
+ int createNewSpan = 0; // <1 - do not create, 1 - without new line, >1 - with new line
+ const VSDOpenSpanOutputElement *pNextOpenSpan = pCurOpenSpan;
+ if (spanMarkIt != spanMarks.end() && spanMarkIt->first == i) // new span becomes active
+ {
+ if (curSpanText.size() > 0) // the text is not empty (shall always be true)
+ {
+ createNewSpan = 1;
+ }
+ pNextOpenSpan = spanMarkIt->second;
+ spanMarkIt++; // advance to the next span to match in subsequent iterations
+ }
+ if (text[i] == L'\t')
+ {
+ addCurChar = false; // do not add tabs in the resulting text
+ if (curSpanText.size() == 0) // row-leading tab
+ {
+ curSpanIndentInch = leftMargInch + extents[i] - lastNonTabCharExtentInch;
+ }
+ else // row-interleaved tab
+ {
+ createNewSpan = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (text[i] == 0x2028) // unicode line separator
+ {
+ addCurChar = false;
+ createNewSpan = 2;
+ curRowLeftExtentInch = extents[i];
+ lastNonTabCharExtentInch = extents[i];
+ }
+ else // non-tab character
+ {
+ lastNonTabCharExtentInch = extents[i];
+ }
+ if (createNewSpan > 0)
+ {
+ AddSpan(
+ spans, pCurOpenSpan, curSpanText, curSpanIndentInch, i - curSpanText.size(), i - 1,
+ createNewSpan > 1);
+ curSpanIndentInch =
+ text[i] == L'\t' ? leftMargInch + extents[i] - extents[i - 1] : leftMargInch;
+ wchar_t lastChar = curSpanText[curSpanText.size() - 1];
+ whiteSpanEnd = !!iswspace(lastChar) || lastChar == L'-';
+ lastWhiteIdx = -1;
+ curSpanText.clear();
+ }
+ if (curSpanText.size() > 0 // must not be empty, i.e. at least one character per row even it does not fit entirely
+ && extents[i] > curRowLeftExtentInch + rowWidthInch) // available space exceeded by the current character
+ {
+ unsigned int fitCharCnt; // number of characters to fit in the rest of the available space
+ if (iswspace(text[i])) // a white space exceeded the boundary
+ {
+ fitCharCnt = curSpanText.size();
+ addCurChar = false; // do not include the white space in the new row
+ }
+ else if (lastWhiteIdx >= 0)
+ {
+ fitCharCnt = lastWhiteIdx + 1; // up to last white-space character including
+ }
+ else if (whiteSpanEnd) // break after white space end of the last span
+ {
+ fitCharCnt = 0;
+ }
+ else // no text-break candidate exist
+ {
+ fitCharCnt = curSpanText.size(); // up to last fitting character
+ }
+ if (fitCharCnt == 0) // the row breaks right after the previous span
+ {
+ curRowLeftExtentInch = extents[i - curSpanText.size() - 1]; // update the row start position
+ spans[spans.size() - 1].SetNewLine(); // update the previous span
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AddSpan(
+ spans, pCurOpenSpan, curSpanText.substr(0, fitCharCnt), curSpanIndentInch,
+ i - curSpanText.size(), i - curSpanText.size() + fitCharCnt - 1, true);
+ curRowLeftExtentInch = extents[i - curSpanText.size() + fitCharCnt - 1]; // adjust the new beginning of the current row
+ curSpanText = curSpanText.substr(fitCharCnt); // go on with the remaining part
+ if (lastWhiteIdx >= 0)
+ {
+ lastWhiteIdx -= fitCharCnt;
+ }
+ }
+ curSpanIndentInch = leftMargInch;
+ lastNonTabCharExtentInch = extents[i];
+ }
+ else // current character still fits in
+ {
+ if (iswspace(text[i]) || text[i] == L'-')
+ {
+ lastWhiteIdx = curSpanText.size();
+ }
+ }
+ if (addCurChar)
+ {
+ curSpanText += text[i];
+ }
+ pCurOpenSpan = pNextOpenSpan;
+ }
+ if (curSpanText.size() > 0) // the rest of the text not yet included
+ {
+ AddSpan(
+ spans, pCurOpenSpan, curSpanText, curSpanIndentInch,
+ text.size() - curSpanText.size(), text.size() - 1, true);
+ }
+ if (spans.size() > 0)
+ {
+ spans[spans.size() - 1].SetNewLine(); // assure the line break after the last span
+ double totalWidthInch = 0.0; // set sum of spans widths to first spans on each row (used for hor. alignment)
+ for (int i = spans.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ totalWidthInch += spans[i].GetSpanOffsetInch() + spans[i].GetSpanWidthInch();
+ if (i == 0 || spans[i - 1].EndsWithNewLine())
+ {
+ spans[i].SetRowTotalWidthInch(totalWidthInch);
+ totalWidthInch = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void SvgTextObjectC::AddSpan(
+ SpansTp &spans, const VSDOpenSpanOutputElement *pSvgSpan, const wstring &text,
+ double offsetInch, int firstCharIdx, int lastCharIdx, bool endWithNewLine)
+ const ParagraphC::TextExtentsTp &extents = m_currentParagraph.GetTextExtents();
+ double leftExtentInch = firstCharIdx > 0 ? extents[firstCharIdx - 1] : 0;
+ double rightExtentInch = extents[lastCharIdx];
+ double lastCharExtentInch =
+ lastCharIdx > 0 ? extents[lastCharIdx] - extents[lastCharIdx - 1] : extents[lastCharIdx];
+ spans.push_back(SpanC(
+ pSvgSpan, text, offsetInch, rightExtentInch - leftExtentInch, lastCharExtentInch,
+ endWithNewLine));