path: root/contrib
diff options
authorMarkus Mohrhard <>2017-04-13 04:01:32 +0200
committerMarkus Mohrhard <>2017-04-13 04:01:32 +0200
commit6456f18a9aa00cbf9d90075786122075dc8f3141 (patch)
tree1dc7cb4fcd74a9f6e34928fe138af10f3ef9b4b8 /contrib
parentdad270be0b9b1d10b2aeb8960603a06677b75b2b (diff)
remove more msvc specific code and bc5 stuff
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
-rw-r--r--contrib/bc5/bcc-makefile.zipbin4359 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--contrib/msvc/UnitTestAddIn.zipbin50005 -> 0 bytes
7 files changed, 1 insertions, 1171 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/bc5/ b/contrib/bc5/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8be8d7b..0000000
--- a/contrib/bc5/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/contrib/msvc/AddingUnitTestMethod.dsm b/contrib/msvc/AddingUnitTestMethod.dsm
deleted file mode 100644
index c95ba5a..0000000
--- a/contrib/msvc/AddingUnitTestMethod.dsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-'Made by bloodchen
-Sub NewTestClass
-On Error Resume Next
-dim proj_path,ext,pos,proj_dir,MyCppFile,MyCppName,MyHFile,MyHName,ClassName,HText,CPPText
-proj_path = ActiveProject.fullname
-ext = ""
-pos = len (proj_path)
-Do While ext <> "\"
-ext = Mid(proj_path, pos, 1)
-pos = pos -1
-proj_dir = left(proj_path, pos+1)
-ClassName=InputBox("Enter the class name:", "Class Name")
-if ActiveProject.Type <> "Build" then
-MsgBox "This project is not valid. Ending macro."
-Exit Sub
-end if
-if (len(ClassName) <= 0) then
-MsgBox "Invalid class name. Ending macro."
-Exit Sub
-end if
-' ClassName="CTest"
-ActiveProject.AddFile MyCppName
-ActiveProject.AddFile MyHName
-Documents.Add "Text"
-HText= "#ifndef "+ClassName+"DEF"+VbCrLf& _
-"#define "+ClassName+"DEF"+VbCrLf& _
-""+VbCrLf& _
-"#include <cppunit\testcase.h>"+VbCrLf& _
-"#include <cppunit\extensions\HelperMacros.h>"+VbCrLf& _
-"class "+ClassName+":public CppUnit::TestCase"+VbCrLf& _
-"{"+VbCrLf& _
-" CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( "+ClassName+" );"+VbCrLf& _
-"public:"+VbCrLf& _
-" "+ClassName+"();"+VbCrLf& _
-" virtual ~"+ClassName+"();"+VbCrLf& _
-"};"+VbCrLf& _
-ActiveDocument.Selection = HText
-ActiveDocument.Save MyHName
-' WriteFile MyHName,HText
-Documents.Add "Text"
-CPPText = "#include "+chr(34)+"stdafx.h"+chr(34)+VbCrLf& _
-"#include "+chr(34)+ClassName+".h"+chr(34)+VbCrLf& _
-""+VbCrLf& _
-""+VbCrLf& _
-""+VbCrLf& _
-""+VbCrLf& _
-ClassName+"::"+ClassName+"()"+VbCrLf& _
-"{"+VbCrLf& _
-"}"+VbCrLf& _
-""+VbCrLf& _
-""+VbCrLf& _
-ClassName+"::~"+ClassName+"()"+VbCrLf& _
-"{"+VbCrLf& _
-' WriteFile MyCppName,CPPText
-ActiveDocument.Selection = CPPText
-ActiveDocument.Save MyCppName
-End Sub
-Sub ToggleHandCPP()
-'DESCRIPTION: Opens the .cpp or .h file for the current document.
-'Toggles between the .cpp & .h file
-ext = ActiveDocument.FullName
-If ext = "" Then
-msgbox ("Error, not a .cpp or .h file")
-exit sub
-End If
-DocName = UCase(ext)
-If Right(DocName,4) = ".CPP" Then
-fn = left(DocName, Len(DocName)-3) & "h"
-ElseIf Right(DocName,2) = ".H" Then
-fn = Left(DocName, Len(DocName)-1) & "cpp"
-msgbox ("Error, not a .cpp or a .h file")
-exit sub
-End If
-'msgbox (fn)
-on error resume next
-Documents.Open (fn)
-End Sub
-Sub ADDTestMethod()
-strHpt = ActiveDocument.FullName
-if right(strHpt,3) = "CPP" Or right (strHpt,3) = "cpp" Then
-strText = ActiveDocument.Selection.Text
-if (Instr(strText, "::" ) = 0) Then
-MsgBox("Line not valid !!")
-Exit Sub
-End If
-else exit sub
-end if
-pos = Instr(strText, "::")
-strName = Right(strText, (Len(strText) - (pos+1)))
-pos = Instr(strName,"(")
-strName = Left(strName,pos-1)
-strClass = Left(strText,pos - 1)
-while (instr(strClass, " ") > 0)
-pos = instr(strClass, " ")
-strTyp = strTyp & Left(strClass, pos)
-strClass = Right(strClass, Len(strClass) - (pos) )
-strHead = ActiveDocument.Selection.Text
-if (instr(strHead,strClass) = 0) Then
-MsgBox(" Can't find class " & strClass & " !!")
-Exit Sub
-End If
-lineBottom = ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine
-strLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.Text
-while (instr(strLine, strName) = 0 And ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine <> lineBottom)
-ActiveDocument.Selection.LineDown dsMove
-strLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.Text
-if (ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine < lineBottom) Then
-if( instr(strLine, "CPPUNIT_TEST" ) <> 0 )Then
-Exit Sub
-end if
-End If
-strLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.Text
-while (instr(strLine, " CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END();" ) = 0 And ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine <> lineBottom)
-ActiveDocument.Selection.LineDown dsMove
-strLine = ActiveDocument.Selection.Text
-if (ActiveDocument.Selection.CurrentLine < lineBottom) Then
-ActiveDocument.Selection = "CPPUNIT_TEST( "&strName&" );"
-MsgBox("CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END not found")
-end if
-End Sub
- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/msvc/CppUnit.WWTpl b/contrib/msvc/CppUnit.WWTpl
deleted file mode 100644
index fbdf748..0000000
--- a/contrib/msvc/CppUnit.WWTpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,486 +0,0 @@
-Baptiste Lepilleur's template file.
-(@)Copyright 2001, Baptiste Lepilleur <>.
-Extract the path from a full filename.
-path is the filename we need to extract the path from.
-returns: extracted path.
-Algo: we iterates the filename from the end until we found a character '\'.
-path @@(ProjectPath)@@
-Input path: "@@path@@"
-!!Set index @@(Strlen @@path@@)@@
-!!Set finalpath
-!!Label LoopExtractPath
-!!Sub index 1
-!!If @@index@@ < 0
-!!Goto EndExtractPath
-!!Set lastchar @@(StrSub @@path@@ @@index@@ 1)@@
-!!If @@lastchar@@ != "\"
-!!Goto LoopExtractPath
-!!Add index 1
-!!Set finalpath @@(StrSub @@path@@ 0 @@index@@)@@
-!!Label EndExtractPath
-!!Return @@finalpath@@
-[+01 Create Class in file]
-Creates a new class in new files (.h/.cpp) and adds them to the project.
-classname Ttr
-parentclassname =
-classdesc This class represents
-objectkind Reference Object
-hasserialize 0
-isrefobj 0
-inlinectordtor 0
-createfile 1
-isunittest 0
-Class name: <input type=text id=classname size=40><br>
-Brief description: <input type=text id=classdesc size=68><br>
-Object Kind:
- <select name="Object Kind" id=objectkind>
- <option>Default Value Object</option>
- <option>Explicit Value Object</option>
- <option>Reference Object</option>
- </select><br>
-Parent class name: <input type=text id=parentclassname size=40><br>
-<input type=checkbox id=createfile>
- Create a new file ? (otherwise Insert in current file).<br>
-<input type=checkbox id=hasserialize>
- Has: virtual void Serialize( CArchive &ar )<br>
-<input type=checkbox id=isrefobj>
- Is a reference counted object (inherit ERefObj)<br>
-<input type=checkbox id=inlinectordtor>
- Inline ctor/dtor, copy ctor/operator.<br>
-<input type=checkbox id=isunittest>
- Is a CppUnit unit test.<br>
-<!--Base filename: <input type=text id=classbasepath size=64><br> -->
-<!--<p>Filename: <input type=file id=classhfn accept="*.h" size=40></p> -->
-<!--<p>Filename: <input type=file id=classcppfn accept="*.h" size=40></p> -->
-!!// Set variable that indicates the kind of object we are working on.
-!!Set defvalobject 0
-!!If @@objectkind@@ == "Default Value Object"
-!!Set defvalobject 1
-!!Set valobject 0
-!!If @@objectkind@@ == "Explicit Value Object"
-!!Set valobject 1
-!!Set refobject 0
-!!If @@objectkind@@ == "Reference Object"
-!!Set refobject 1
-!!// Set class filename (relative to dsp)
-!!Set headerfn @@classname@@.h
-!!Set implfn @@classname@@.cpp
-!!Set headerdefine @@(String @@(Call -MakeHeaderDefined fn @@headerfn@@)@@:U)@@
-!!// hasparentclass indicates if a parent class has been defined.
-!!Set hasparentclass 0
-!!If @@parentclassname@@ != =
-!!Set hasparentclass 1
-!!If @@isunittest@@
-!!Set parentclassname CppUnit::TestFixture
-!!Set hasparentclass 1
-!!// hasparent is set to 1 if the class has some parent (ERefObj or parentclass).
-!!Set hasparent @@hasparentclass@@
-!!If @@isrefobj@@
-!!Set hasparent 1
-!!// All variables are set, we can now generates the class.
-!!// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-!!// ------------------------------ header file ---------------------------------
-!!// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-!!If @@createfile@@
-!!FileNew @@headerfn@@ dsp
-!!Set headerpath @@(FilePath)@@
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Header file @@headerfn@@ for class @@classname@@
-// (c)Copyright 2000, Baptiste Lepilleur.
-// Created: @@(Date "yyyy/MM/dd")@@
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-#ifndef @@headerdefine@@
-#define @@headerdefine@@
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Definition of class @@classname@@
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-!!If @@hasparentclass@@
-!!If @@isunittest@@
-#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
-#include "@@parentclassname@@.h"
-!!If @@isrefobj@@
-/*! Declare @@classname@@Ref as a reference pointer on @@classname@@.
- */
-EDECL_REF( @@classname@@ );
-/*! \class @@classname@@
- * \brief @@classdesc@@
- */
-class @@classname@@@@\
-!!// Write inherited class list (parent class first, then ERefObj if inherited).
-!!If @@hasparent@@
- : @@\
-!!// xpos contains the indentation level for inheritance declarations...
-!!GetPos xpos ypos
-!!Sub xpos 1
-public @@\
-!!If @@hasparentclass@@
-!!If @@isrefobj@@
-@@(Call -MakeFiller filler " " count @@xpos@@)@@@@\
-public @@\
-!!If @@isrefobj@@
-!!// ------------ Done with inheritance, declare the class body... ----------
-!!If @@isunittest@@
- CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( @@classname@@ );
- CPPUNIT_TEST( putTestMethodNameHere );
-!!If !@@defvalobject@@
- /*! Constructs a @@classname@@ object.
- */
- @@classname@@();
-!!If @@valobject@@
- /*! Copy constructor.
- * @param copy Object to copy.
- */
- @@classname@@( const @@classname@@ &copy );
- /// Destructor.
- virtual ~@@classname@@();
-!!If @@valobject@@
- /*! Copy operator.
- * @param copy Object to copy.
- * @return Reference on this object.
- */
- @@classname@@ &operator =( const @@classname@@ &copy );
-!!If @@isunittest@@
- void setUp();
- void tearDown();
-!!// Private for methods
-!!If @@refobject@@
- /// Prevents the use of the copy constructor.
- @@classname@@( const @@classname@@ &copy );
- /// Prevents the use of the copy operator.
- void operator =( const @@classname@@ &copy );
-!!// Private for member datas
-!!If @@createfile@@
-// Inlines methods for @@classname@@:@@\
-!!GetPos xpos ypos
-!!Sub xpos 4
-// @@(Call -MakeFiller filler - count @@xpos@@)@@
-!!Endif //@@createfile@@
-!!If @@inlinectordtor@@
-!!If !@@defvalobject@@
-!!If @@hasparentclass@@
- :
- @@parentclassname@@()
-!!Endif //!@@defvalobject@@
-!!If @@valobject@@
-@@classname@@::@@classname@@( const @@classname@@ &copy )@@\
-!!If @@hasparentclass@@
- :
- @@parentclassname@@( copy )
-!!Endif //@@valobject@@
-!!If @@valobject@@
-inline @@classname@@ &
-@@classname@@::operator =( const @@classname@@ &copy )
- return *this;
-!!Endif //@@valobject@@
-!!Endif //@@inlinectordtor@@
-!!If @@createfile@@
-#endif // @@headerdefine@@
-!!// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-!!// -------------------------- Implementation file -----------------------------
-!!// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-!!If @@createfile@@
-!!FileNew @@implfn@@ dsp
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Implementation file @@implfn@@ for class @@classname@@
-// (c)Copyright 2000, Baptiste Lepilleur.
-// Created: @@(Date "yyyy/MM/dd")@@
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-#include "StdAfx.h"
-#include "@@headerfn@@"
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Implementation of class @@classname@@
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-!!If @@isunittest@@
-!!If !@@inlinectordtor@@
-!!If !@@defvalobject@@
-!!If @@hasparentclass@@
- :
- @@parentclassname@@()
-!!If @@valobject@@
-@@classname@@::@@classname@@( const @@classname@@ &copy )@@\
-!!If @@hasparentclass@@
- :
- @@parentclassname@@( copy )
-!!If @@valobject@@
-@@classname@@ &
-@@classname@@::operator =( const @@classname@@ &copy )
- return *this;
-!!If @@isunittest@@
-!!If @@createfile@@
-!!//ExecuteCommand FileOpen "@@headerpath@@"
------------------------- [-MakeHeaderDefined] -------------------------------
-This template replace all occurences of '.' in the specified filename "fn" by '_'.
-This is typically used to make the #ifndef at the beginning of header files.
-Parameters: "fn" filename in which each occurence of '.' is replaced by '_'.
-Returns: Transformed filename.
-fn TestDoIt
-!!Set result @@fn@@
-!!Label LoopMakeHeaderDefined
-!!Set fn @@result@@
-!!// Check if there is any occurence left of '.'
-!!Set index @@(StrFind @@fn@@ ".")@@
-!!If @@index@@ < 0
-!!Goto EndMakeHeaderDefined
-!!// Replace occurences of '.' in fb by '_' and set to result.
-!!Set result @@(StrSub @@fn@@ 0 @@index@@ )@@_
-!!Add index 1
-!!Set result @@result@@@@(StrSub @@fn@@ @@index@@)@@
-!!Goto LoopMakeHeaderDefined
-!!Label EndMakeHeaderDefined
-!!Return @@result@@
----------------------------- [-MakeFiller] ----------------------------------
-Make a string that contains "count" occurrence of "filler".
-Parameters: "filler" String that is repeated.
- "count" Number of times the "filler" is repeated.
-Returns: A string that contains "count" times the string "filler".
-filler -
-count 10
-!!Set result
-!!Label LoopMakerFiller
-!!If @@count@@ > 0
-!!Set result @@result@@@@filler@@
-!!Sub count 1
-!!Goto LoopMakerFiller
-!!Return @@result@@
-!!End \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/msvc/CppUnitDev.WWTpl b/contrib/msvc/CppUnitDev.WWTpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 94ae9da..0000000
--- a/contrib/msvc/CppUnitDev.WWTpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,488 +0,0 @@
-Baptiste Lepilleur's template file for CppUnit Development.
-(@)Copyright 2001, Baptiste Lepilleur.
-Extract the path from a full filename.
-path is the filename we need to extract the path from.
-returns: extracted path.
-Algo: we iterates the filename from the end until we found a character '\'.
-path @@(ProjectPath)@@
-Input path: "@@path@@"
-!!Set index @@(Strlen @@path@@)@@
-!!Set finalpath
-!!Label LoopExtractPath
-!!Sub index 1
-!!If @@index@@ < 0
-!!Goto EndExtractPath
-!!Set lastchar @@(StrSub @@path@@ @@index@@ 1)@@
-!!If @@lastchar@@ != "\"
-!!Goto LoopExtractPath
-!!Add index 1
-!!Set finalpath @@(StrSub @@path@@ 0 @@index@@)@@
-!!Label EndExtractPath
-!!Return @@finalpath@@
-[+01 Create Class in file]
-Creates a new class in new files (.h/.cpp) and adds them to the project.
-classname Ttr
-parentclassname =
-classdesc This class represents
-objectkind Reference Object
-hasserialize 0
-isrefobj 0
-inlinectordtor 0
-createfile 1
-isunittest 0
-Class name: <input type=text id=classname size=40><br>
-Brief description: <input type=text id=classdesc size=68><br>
-Object Kind:
- <select name="Object Kind" id=objectkind>
- <option>Default Value Object</option>
- <option>Explicit Value Object</option>
- <option>Reference Object</option>
- </select><br>
-Parent class name: <input type=text id=parentclassname size=40><br>
-<input type=checkbox id=createfile>
- Create a new file ? (otherwise Insert in current file).<br>
-<input type=checkbox id=hasserialize>
- Has: virtual void Serialize( CArchive &ar )<br>
-<input type=checkbox id=isrefobj>
- Is a reference counted object (inherit ERefObj)<br>
-<input type=checkbox id=inlinectordtor>
- Inline ctor/dtor, copy ctor/operator.<br>
-<input type=checkbox id=isunittest>
- Is a CppUnit unit test.<br>
-<!--Base filename: <input type=text id=classbasepath size=64><br> -->
-<!--<p>Filename: <input type=file id=classhfn accept="*.h" size=40></p> -->
-<!--<p>Filename: <input type=file id=classcppfn accept="*.h" size=40></p> -->
-!!// Set variable that indicates the kind of object we are working on.
-!!Set defvalobject 0
-!!If @@objectkind@@ == "Default Value Object"
-!!Set defvalobject 1
-!!Set valobject 0
-!!If @@objectkind@@ == "Explicit Value Object"
-!!Set valobject 1
-!!Set refobject 0
-!!If @@objectkind@@ == "Reference Object"
-!!Set refobject 1
-!!// Set class filename (relative to dsp)
-!!Set headerfn ../../include/cppunit/@@classname@@.h
-!!Set implfn @@classname@@.cpp
-!!Set headerdefine @@(String @@(Call -MakeHeaderDefined fn @@classname@@.h)@@:U)@@
-!!// hasparentclass indicates if a parent class has been defined.
-!!Set hasparentclass 0
-!!If @@parentclassname@@ != =
-!!Set hasparentclass 1
-!!If @@isunittest@@
-!!Set parentclassname CppUnit::TestFixture
-!!Set hasparentclass 1
-!!// hasparent is set to 1 if the class has some parent (ERefObj or parentclass).
-!!Set hasparent @@hasparentclass@@
-!!If @@isrefobj@@
-!!Set hasparent 1
-!!// All variables are set, we can now generates the class.
-!!// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-!!// ------------------------------ header file ---------------------------------
-!!// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-!!If @@createfile@@
-!!FileNew @@headerfn@@ dsp
-!!Set headerpath @@(FilePath)@@
-#ifndef @@headerdefine@@
-#define @@headerdefine@@
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Definition of class @@classname@@
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-!!If @@hasparentclass@@
-!!If @@isunittest@@
-#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
-#include "@@parentclassname@@.h"
-namespace CppUnit
-!!If @@isrefobj@@
-/*! Declare @@classname@@Ref as a reference pointer on @@classname@@.
- */
-EDECL_REF( @@classname@@ );
-/*! \class @@classname@@
- * \brief @@classdesc@@
- */
-class @@classname@@@@\
-!!// Write inherited class list (parent class first, then ERefObj if inherited).
-!!If @@hasparent@@
- : @@\
-!!// xpos contains the indentation level for inheritance declarations...
-!!GetPos xpos ypos
-!!Sub xpos 1
-public @@\
-!!If @@hasparentclass@@
-!!If @@isrefobj@@
-@@(Call -MakeFiller filler " " count @@xpos@@)@@@@\
-public @@\
-!!If @@isrefobj@@
-!!// ------------ Done with inheritance, declare the class body... ----------
-!!If @@isunittest@@
- CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( @@classname@@ );
- CPPUNIT_TEST( putTestMethodNameHere );
-!!If !@@defvalobject@@
- /*! Constructs a @@classname@@ object.
- */
- @@classname@@();
-!!If @@valobject@@
- /*! Copy constructor.
- * @param copy Object to copy.
- */
- @@classname@@( const @@classname@@ &copy );
- /// Destructor.
- virtual ~@@classname@@();
-!!If @@valobject@@
- /*! Copy operator.
- * @param copy Object to copy.
- * @return Reference on this object.
- */
- @@classname@@ &operator =( const @@classname@@ &copy );
-!!If @@isunittest@@
- void setUp();
- void tearDown();
-!!// Private for methods
-!!If @@refobject@@
- /// Prevents the use of the copy constructor.
- @@classname@@( const @@classname@@ &copy );
- /// Prevents the use of the copy operator.
- void operator =( const @@classname@@ &copy );
-!!// Private for member datas
-!!If @@createfile@@
-// Inlines methods for @@classname@@:@@\
-!!GetPos xpos ypos
-!!Sub xpos 4
-// @@(Call -MakeFiller filler - count @@xpos@@)@@
-!!Endif //@@createfile@@
-!!If @@inlinectordtor@@
-!!If !@@defvalobject@@
-!!If @@hasparentclass@@
- :
- @@parentclassname@@()
-!!Endif //!@@defvalobject@@
-!!If @@valobject@@
-@@classname@@::@@classname@@( const @@classname@@ &copy )@@\
-!!If @@hasparentclass@@
- :
- @@parentclassname@@( copy )
-!!Endif //@@valobject@@
-!!If @@valobject@@
-inline @@classname@@ &
-@@classname@@::operator =( const @@classname@@ &copy )
- return *this;
-!!Endif //@@valobject@@
-!!Endif //@@inlinectordtor@@
-} // namespace CppUnit
-!!If @@createfile@@
-#endif // @@headerdefine@@
-!!// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-!!// -------------------------- Implementation file -----------------------------
-!!// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-!!If @@createfile@@
-!!FileNew @@implfn@@ dsp
-#include <cppunit/@@classname@@.h>
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// Implementation of class @@classname@@
-// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-namespace CppUnit
-!!If @@isunittest@@
-!!If !@@inlinectordtor@@
-!!If !@@defvalobject@@
-!!If @@hasparentclass@@
- :
- @@parentclassname@@()
-!!If @@valobject@@
-@@classname@@::@@classname@@( const @@classname@@ &copy )@@\
-!!If @@hasparentclass@@
- :
- @@parentclassname@@( copy )
-!!If @@valobject@@
-@@classname@@ &
-@@classname@@::operator =( const @@classname@@ &copy )
- return *this;
-!!If @@isunittest@@
-} // namespace CppUnit
-!!If @@createfile@@
-!!//ExecuteCommand FileOpen "@@headerpath@@"
------------------------- [-MakeHeaderDefined] -------------------------------
-This template replace all occurences of '.' in the specified filename "fn" by '_'.
-This is typically used to make the #ifndef at the beginning of header files.
-Parameters: "fn" filename in which each occurence of '.' is replaced by '_'.
-Returns: Transformed filename.
-fn TestDoIt
-!!Set result @@fn@@
-!!Label LoopMakeHeaderDefined
-!!Set fn @@result@@
-!!// Check if there is any occurence left of '.'
-!!Set index @@(StrFind @@fn@@ ".")@@
-!!If @@index@@ < 0
-!!Goto EndMakeHeaderDefined
-!!// Replace occurences of '.' in fb by '_' and set to result.
-!!Set result @@(StrSub @@fn@@ 0 @@index@@ )@@_
-!!Add index 1
-!!Set result @@result@@@@(StrSub @@fn@@ @@index@@)@@
-!!Goto LoopMakeHeaderDefined
-!!Label EndMakeHeaderDefined
-!!Return CPPUNIT_@@result@@
----------------------------- [-MakeFiller] ----------------------------------
-Make a string that contains "count" occurrence of "filler".
-Parameters: "filler" String that is repeated.
- "count" Number of times the "filler" is repeated.
-Returns: A string that contains "count" times the string "filler".
-filler -
-count 10
-!!Set result
-!!Label LoopMakerFiller
-!!If @@count@@ > 0
-!!Set result @@result@@@@filler@@
-!!Sub count 1
-!!Goto LoopMakerFiller
-!!Return @@result@@
-!!End \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/msvc/ b/contrib/msvc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f9ea5a..0000000
--- a/contrib/msvc/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/contrib/msvc/readme.txt b/contrib/msvc/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e678eea..0000000
--- a/contrib/msvc/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-What's in those files:
- * CppUnit.WWTpl: a template Workspace Whiz! which create a new class
-and add the new files to the project. You can specify that the class is a
-CppUnit testcase and all the macro will be defined to register the test case
-and declare the test suite. Workspace Whiz! is an add-ins for VC++. It can
-be found at:
- * AddingUnitTestMethod.dsm: a set of VC++ macro to add unit test
-using helper macros. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/readme.txt b/contrib/readme.txt
index 658b870..f1f1cbc 100644
--- a/contrib/readme.txt
+++ b/contrib/readme.txt
@@ -1,21 +1,5 @@
What's in those files:
- * makefile for CppUnit with Borland C++ 5.5 free compiler.
- contributed by 'cuppa' project team (
- See instruction 'readme_en.txt' in the zip.
- * CppUnit.WWTpl: a template Workspace Whiz! which create a new class
-and add the new files to the project. You can specify that the class is a
-CppUnit testcase and all the macro will be defined to register the test case
-and declare the test suite. Workspace Whiz! is an add-ins for VC++. It can
-be found at:
- * AddingUnitTestMethod.dsm: a set of VC++ macro to add unit test
-using helper macros.
* report.xsl: a xml style sheet contributed by 'cuppa' project team
@@ -25,4 +9,4 @@ HTML. Windows user can test it by running tests.xml (require Internet Explorer
* cppunit2junit.xsl: XSLT for compatibility with Ant junit xml formatter
(patch #1112053 contributed by BARBOSA Norbert.
- See cppunit2junit.txt for details). \ No newline at end of file
+ See cppunit2junit.txt for details).