path: root/build/build.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build/build.xml')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/build/build.xml b/build/build.xml
index 84676e8..d62ee61 100644
--- a/build/build.xml
+++ b/build/build.xml
@@ -150,13 +150,19 @@
depends="init-env-ooo2, init-env-ooo3, core.init-env, java.init-env, cpp.init-env">
<property name="package.prefix" value="org.openoffice.ide.eclipse"/>
- <property name="out.path" value="../site" />
+ <property name="out.path" value="${basedir}/../site" />
<condition property="debug" value="false">
<isset property="debug"/>
+ <path id="eclipse.classpath">
+ <fileset dir="${eclipse.home}/plugins">
+ <include name="*.jar"/>
+ </fileset>
+ </path>
<mkdir dir="${out.path}" />
<mkdir dir="${out.path}/plugins" />
<mkdir dir="${out.path}/features" />
@@ -233,9 +239,49 @@
<target name="features" depends="core.feature, versions, java.feature, cpp.feature"/>
<target name="plugins" depends="core.plugin, java.plugin, cpp.plugin"/>
+ <macrodef name="equinoxLauncher">
+ <attribute name="application"/>
+ <element name="args"/>
+ <sequential>
+ <java classname="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main"
+ classpathref="eclipse.classpath"
+ failonerror="true"
+ logerror="true"
+ fork="true"
+ newenvironment="true">
+ <arg value="-application"/>
+ <arg value="@{application}"/>
+ <args/>
+ </java>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
+ <macrodef name="prepareJar">
+ <attribute name="jar"/>
+ <attribute name="outdir"/>
+ <sequential>
+ <equinoxLauncher application="org.eclipse.update.core.siteOptimizer">
+ <args>
+ <arg value="-jarProcessor"/>
+ <arg value="-verbose"/>
+ <arg value="-processAll"/>
+ <arg value="-repack"/>
+ <arg value="-outputDir"/>
+ <arg value="@{outdir}"/>
+ <arg value="@{jar}"/>
+ </args>
+ </equinoxLauncher>
+ </sequential>
+ </macrodef>
<target name="site" depends="init-env, plugins, features"
description="Creates the Eclipse update site">
+ <!--
+ Instructions to create the update site are coming from this page:
+ -->
<!-- Replace the versions in the site.xml -->
<copy file="site.xml"
tofile="${out.path}/site.xml" />
@@ -253,6 +299,52 @@
includes="**/plugins/*.jar" />
<mapper type="flatten" />
+ <!-- Preparing the plugins for p2 update site -->
+ <echo message="Preparing the plugins for the p2 update site"/>
+ <prepareJar jar="${out.path}/plugins/${package.prefix}.packager.core_${packager.Bundle-Version}.jar" outdir="${out.path}/plugins"/>
+ <prepareJar jar="${out.path}/plugins/${package.prefix}.core_${core.Bundle-Version}.jar" outdir="${out.path}/plugins"/>
+ <prepareJar jar="${out.path}/plugins/${package.prefix}.java_${java.Bundle-Version}.jar" outdir="${out.path}/plugins"/>
+ <prepareJar jar="${out.path}/plugins/${package.prefix}.cpp_${cpp.Bundle-Version}.jar" outdir="${out.path}/plugins"/>
+ <!-- Generate p2's .jar.pack.gz and -->
+ <echo message="Generating p2's .jar.pack.gz and"/>
+ <equinoxLauncher application="org.eclipse.update.core.siteOptimizer">
+ <args>
+ <arg value="-digestBuilder"/>
+ <arg value="-digestOutputDir=${out.path}"/>
+ <arg value="-siteXML=${out.path}/site.xml"/>
+ <arg value="-jarProcessor"/>
+ <arg value="-pack"/>
+ <arg value="-outputDir"/>
+ <arg value="${out.path}"/>
+ <arg value="${out.path}"/>
+ </args>
+ </equinoxLauncher>
+ <!-- Generate content.jar and artifacts.jar -->
+ <equinoxLauncher application="org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.generator.EclipseGenerator">
+ <args>
+ <arg value="-updateSite"/>
+ <arg value="${out.path}"/>
+ <arg value="-site"/>
+ <arg value="file:/${out.path}/site.xml"/>
+ <arg value="-metadataRepository"/>
+ <arg value="file:${out.path}/"/>
+ <arg value="-metadataRepositoryName"/>
+ <arg value="OOEclipse Update Site"/>
+ <arg value="-artifactRepository"/>
+ <arg value="file:${out.path}/"/>
+ <arg value="-artifactRepositoryName"/>
+ <arg value="OOEclipse Artifacts"/>
+ <arg value="-compress"/>
+ <arg value="-reusePack200Files"/>
+ <arg value="-noDefaultIUs"/>
+ <arg value="-vmargs"/>
+ <arg value="-Xmx256M"/>
+ </args>
+ </equinoxLauncher>
<target name="archive-site" description="Create a zip for the update site"