path: root/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/text/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/text/')
1 files changed, 285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/text/ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/text/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a4e741cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/text/
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+import uno
+from common.Desktop import Desktop
+from import ENTIRE_PAGE
+from import DIRECT_VALUE
+from common.Helper import Helper
+from document.OfficeDocument import OfficeDocument
+import traceback
+from text.ViewHandler import ViewHandler
+from text.TextFieldHandler import TextFieldHandler
+from import NoSuchElementException
+from import WrappedTargetException
+from common.Configuration import Configuration
+import time
+from datetime import date as dateTimeObject
+from import DateTime
+from import DATE_SYS_DDMMYY
+class TextDocument(object):
+ xTextDocument = None
+ def __init__(self, xMSF,listener=None,bShowStatusIndicator=None,
+ FrameName=None,_sPreviewURL=None,_moduleIdentifier=None,
+ _textDocument=None, xArgs=None):
+ self.xMSF = xMSF
+ if listener is not None:
+ if FrameName is not None:
+ '''creates an instance of TextDocument
+ and creates a named frame.
+ No document is actually loaded into this frame.'''
+ self.xFrame = OfficeDocument.createNewFrame(
+ xMSF, listener, FrameName)
+ return
+ elif _sPreviewURL is not None:
+ '''creates an instance of TextDocument by
+ loading a given URL as preview'''
+ self.xFrame = OfficeDocument.createNewFrame(xMSF, listener)
+ TextDocument.xTextDocument = self.loadAsPreview(_sPreviewURL, True)
+ elif xArgs is not None:
+ '''creates an instance of TextDocument
+ and creates a frame and loads a document'''
+ self.xDesktop = Desktop.getDesktop(xMSF);
+ self.xFrame = OfficeDocument.createNewFrame(xMSF, listener)
+ TextDocument.xTextDocument = OfficeDocument.load(
+ xFrame, URL, "_self", xArgs);
+ self.xWindowPeer = xFrame.getComponentWindow()
+ self.m_xDocProps = TextDocument.xTextDocument.DocumentProperties
+ CharLocale = Helper.getUnoStructValue(
+ TextDocument.xTextDocument, "CharLocale");
+ return
+ else:
+ '''creates an instance of TextDocument from
+ the desktop's current frame'''
+ self.xDesktop = Desktop.getDesktop(xMSF);
+ self.xFrame = self.xDesktop.getActiveFrame()
+ TextDocument.xTextDocument = self.xFrame.getController().Model
+ elif _moduleIdentifier is not None:
+ try:
+ '''create the empty document, and set its module identifier'''
+ TextDocument.xTextDocument = xMSF.createInstance(
+ "")
+ TextDocument.xTextDocument.initNew()
+ TextDocument.xTextDocument.setIdentifier(_moduleIdentifier.Identifier)
+ # load the document into a blank frame
+ xDesktop = Desktop.getDesktop(xMSF)
+ loadArgs = range(1)
+ loadArgs[0] = "Model"
+ loadArgs[0] = -1
+ loadArgs[0] = TextDocument.xTextDocument
+ loadArgs[0] = DIRECT_VALUE
+ xDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(
+ "private:object", "_blank", 0, loadArgs)
+ # remember some things for later usage
+ self.xFrame = TextDocument.xTextDocument.CurrentController.Frame
+ except Exception, e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ elif _textDocument is not None:
+ '''creates an instance of TextDocument
+ from a given XTextDocument'''
+ self.xFrame = _textDocument.CurrentController.Frame
+ TextDocument.xTextDocument = _textDocument
+ if bShowStatusIndicator:
+ self.showStatusIndicator()
+ self.init()
+ def init(self):
+ self.xWindowPeer = self.xFrame.getComponentWindow()
+ self.m_xDocProps = TextDocument.xTextDocument.getDocumentProperties()
+ self.CharLocale = Helper.getUnoStructValue(
+ TextDocument.xTextDocument, "CharLocale")
+ self.xText = TextDocument.xTextDocument.Text
+ def showStatusIndicator(self):
+ self.xProgressBar = self.xFrame.createStatusIndicator()
+ self.xProgressBar.start("", 100)
+ self.xProgressBar.setValue(5)
+ def loadAsPreview(self, sDefaultTemplate, asTemplate):
+ loadValues = range(3)
+ # open document in the Preview mode
+ loadValues[0] = uno.createUnoStruct(
+ '')
+ loadValues[0].Name = "ReadOnly"
+ loadValues[0].Value = True
+ loadValues[1] = uno.createUnoStruct(
+ '')
+ loadValues[1].Name = "AsTemplate"
+ if asTemplate:
+ loadValues[1].Value = True
+ else:
+ loadValues[1].Value = False
+ loadValues[2] = uno.createUnoStruct(
+ '')
+ loadValues[2].Name = "Preview"
+ loadValues[2].Value = True
+ '''set the preview document to non-modified
+ mode in order to avoid the 'do u want to save' box'''
+ if TextDocument.xTextDocument is not None:
+ try:
+ TextDocument.xTextDocument.Modified = False
+ except PropertyVetoException, e1:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ TextDocument.xTextDocument = OfficeDocument.load(
+ self.xFrame, sDefaultTemplate, "_self", loadValues)
+ self.DocSize = self.getPageSize()
+ myViewHandler = ViewHandler(TextDocument.xTextDocument, TextDocument.xTextDocument)
+ try:
+ myViewHandler.setViewSetting(
+ "ZoomType", ENTIRE_PAGE)
+ except Exception, e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ myFieldHandler = TextFieldHandler(self.xMSF, TextDocument.xTextDocument)
+ myFieldHandler.updateDocInfoFields()
+ return TextDocument.xTextDocument
+ def getPageSize(self):
+ try:
+ xNameAccess = TextDocument.xTextDocument.StyleFamilies
+ xPageStyleCollection = xNameAccess.getByName("PageStyles")
+ xPageStyle = xPageStyleCollection.getByName("First Page")
+ return Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(xPageStyle, "Size")
+ except Exception, exception:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return None
+ '''creates an instance of TextDocument and creates a
+ frame and loads a document'''
+ def createTextCursor(self, oCursorContainer):
+ xTextCursor = oCursorContainer.createTextCursor()
+ return xTextCursor
+ # Todo: This method is unsecure because the last index is not necessarily the last section
+ # Todo: This Routine should be modified, because I cannot rely on the last Table in the document to be the last in the TextTables sequence
+ # to make it really safe you must acquire the Tablenames before the insertion and after the insertion of the new Table. By comparing the
+ # two sequences of tablenames you can find out the tablename of the last inserted Table
+ # Todo: This method is unsecure because the last index is not necessarily the last section
+ def getCharWidth(self, ScaleString):
+ iScale = 200
+ TextDocument.xTextDocument.lockControllers()
+ iScaleLen = ScaleString.length()
+ xTextCursor = createTextCursor(TextDocument.xTextDocument.Text)
+ xTextCursor.gotoStart(False)
+ xTextCursor, "PageDescName", "First Page")
+ xTextCursor.String = ScaleString
+ xViewCursor = TextDocument.xTextDocument.CurrentController
+ xTextViewCursor = xViewCursor.ViewCursor
+ xTextViewCursor.gotoStart(False)
+ iFirstPos = xTextViewCursor.Position.X
+ xTextViewCursor.gotoEnd(False)
+ iLastPos = xTextViewCursor.Position.X
+ iScale = (iLastPos - iFirstPos) / iScaleLen
+ xTextCursor.gotoStart(False)
+ xTextCursor.gotoEnd(True)
+ xTextCursor.String = ""
+ unlockallControllers()
+ return iScale
+ def unlockallControllers(self):
+ while TextDocument.xTextDocument.hasControllersLocked() == True:
+ TextDocument.xTextDocument.unlockControllers()
+ def refresh(self):
+ TextDocument.xTextDocument.refresh()
+ '''
+ This method sets the Author of a Wizard-generated template correctly
+ and adds a explanatory sentence to the template description.
+ @param WizardName The name of the Wizard.
+ @param TemplateDescription The old Description which is being
+ appended with another sentence.
+ @return void.
+ '''
+ def setWizardTemplateDocInfo(self, WizardName, TemplateDescription):
+ try:
+ xNA = Configuration.getConfigurationRoot(
+ self.xMSF, "/org.openoffice.UserProfile/Data", False)
+ gn = xNA.getByName("givenname")
+ sn = xNA.getByName("sn")
+ fullname = str(gn) + " " + str(sn)
+ currentDate = DateTime()
+ now = time.localtime(time.time())
+ year = time.strftime("%Y", now)
+ month = time.strftime("%m", now)
+ day = time.strftime("%d", now)
+ currentDate.Day = day
+ currentDate.Year = year
+ currentDate.Month = month
+ dateObject = dateTimeObject(int(year), int(month), int(day))
+ du = Helper.DateUtils(self.xMSF, TextDocument.xTextDocument)
+ ff = du.getFormat(DATE_SYS_DDMMYY)
+ myDate = du.format(ff, dateObject)
+ xDocProps2 = TextDocument.xTextDocument.DocumentProperties
+ xDocProps2.Author = fullname
+ xDocProps2.ModifiedBy = fullname
+ description = xDocProps2.Description
+ description = description + " " + TemplateDescription
+ description = description.replace("<wizard_name>", WizardName)
+ description = description.replace("<current_date>", myDate)
+ xDocProps2.Description = description
+ except NoSuchElementException, e:
+ # TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ except WrappedTargetException, e:
+ # TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ except Exception, e:
+ # TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ '''
+ removes an arbitrary Object which supports the 'XTextContent' interface
+ @param oTextContent
+ @return
+ '''
+ def removeTextContent(self, oTextContent):
+ try:
+ self.xText.removeTextContent(oxTextContent)
+ print "remove"
+ return True
+ except NoSuchElementException, e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return False
+ '''
+ Apparently there is no other way to get the
+ page count of a text document other than using a cursor and
+ making it jump to the last page...
+ @param model the document model.
+ @return the page count of the document.
+ '''
+ def getPageCount(self, model):
+ xController = model.getCurrentController()
+ xPC = xController.getViewCursor()
+ xPC.jumpToLastPage()
+ return xPC.getPage()
+ @classmethod
+ def getFrameByName(self, sFrameName, xTD):
+ if xTD.TextFrames.hasByName(sFrameName):
+ return xTD.TextFrames.getByName(sFrameName)
+ return None
+ '''
+ Possible Values for "OptionString" are: "LoadCellStyles",
+ "LoadTextStyles", "LoadFrameStyles",
+ "LoadPageStyles", "LoadNumberingStyles", "OverwriteStyles"
+ '''