path: root/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/common/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/common/')
1 files changed, 771 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/common/ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/common/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3397d7138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+import traceback
+from NoValidPathException import *
+from import CommandAbortedException
+from import OK, YES_NO
+import types
+from os import path as osPath
+This class delivers static convenience methods
+to use with ucb SimpleFileAccess service.
+You can also instanciate the class, to encapsulate
+some functionality of SimpleFileAccess. The instance
+keeps a reference to an XSimpleFileAccess and an
+XFileIdentifierConverter, saves the permanent
+overhead of quering for those interfaces, and delivers
+conveneince methods for using them.
+These Convenince methods include mainly Exception-handling.
+class FileAccess(object):
+ '''
+ @param xMSF
+ @param sPath
+ @param sAddPath
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def addOfficePath(self, xMSF, sPath, sAddPath):
+ xSimpleFileAccess = None
+ ResultPath = getOfficePath(xMSF, sPath, xSimpleFileAccess)
+ '''
+ As there are several conventions about the look of Url
+ (e.g. with " " or with "%20") you cannot make a
+ simple String comparison to find out, if a path
+ is already in "ResultPath
+ '''
+ PathList = JavaTools.ArrayoutofString(ResultPath, ";")
+ MaxIndex = PathList.length - 1
+ CompAddPath = JavaTools.replaceSubString(sAddPath, "", "/")
+ i = 0
+ while i <= MaxIndex:
+ CurPath = JavaTools.convertfromURLNotation(PathList[i])
+ CompCurPath = JavaTools.replaceSubString(CurPath, "", "/")
+ if CompCurPath.equals(CompAddPath):
+ return
+ i += 1
+ ResultPath += ";" + sAddPath
+ return
+ @classmethod
+ def deleteLastSlashfromUrl(self, _sPath):
+ if _sPath.endswith("/"):
+ return _sPath[:-1]
+ else:
+ return _sPath
+ '''
+ Further information on arguments value see in OO Developer Guide,
+ chapter 6.2.7
+ @param xMSF
+ @param sPath
+ @param xSimpleFileAccess
+ @return the respective path of the office application.
+ A probable following "/" at the end is trimmed.
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def getOfficePath(self, xMSF, sPath, xSimpleFileAccess):
+ try:
+ ResultPath = ""
+ xInterface = xMSF.createInstance("")
+ ResultPath = str(Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(xInterface, sPath))
+ ResultPath = self.deleteLastSlashfromUrl(ResultPath)
+ return ResultPath
+ except Exception, exception:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return ""
+ '''
+ Further information on arguments value see in OO Developer Guide,
+ chapter 6.2.7
+ @param xMSF
+ @param sPath
+ @param sType use "share" or "user". Set to ""
+ f not needed eg for the WorkPath;
+ In the return Officepath a possible slash at the end is cut off
+ @param sSearchDir
+ @return
+ @throws NoValidPathException
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def getOfficePath2(self, xMSF, sPath, sType, sSearchDir):
+ #This method currently only works with sPath="Template"
+ bexists = False
+ try:
+ xPathInterface = xMSF.createInstance(
+ "")
+ ResultPath = ""
+ ReadPaths = ()
+ xUcbInterface = xMSF.createInstance(
+ "")
+ Template_writable = xPathInterface.getPropertyValue(
+ sPath + "_writable")
+ Template_internal = xPathInterface.getPropertyValue(
+ sPath + "_internal")
+ Template_user = xPathInterface.getPropertyValue(
+ sPath + "_user")
+ if type(Template_internal) is not types.InstanceType:
+ ReadPaths = ReadPaths + Template_internal
+ if type(Template_user) is not types.InstanceType:
+ ReadPaths = ReadPaths + Template_user
+ ReadPaths = ReadPaths + (Template_writable,)
+ if sType.lower() == "user":
+ ResultPath = Template_writable
+ bexists = True
+ else:
+ #find right path using the search sub path
+ for i in ReadPaths:
+ tmpPath = i + sSearchDir
+ if xUcbInterface.exists(tmpPath):
+ ResultPath = i
+ bexists = True
+ break
+ ResultPath = self.deleteLastSlashfromUrl(ResultPath)
+ except Exception, exception:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ ResultPath = ""
+ if not bexists:
+ raise NoValidPathException (xMSF, "");
+ return ResultPath
+ @classmethod
+ def getOfficePaths(self, xMSF, _sPath, sType, sSearchDir):
+ #This method currently only works with sPath="Template"
+ aPathList = []
+ Template_writable = ""
+ try:
+ xPathInterface = xMSF.createInstance(
+ "")
+ Template_writable = xPathInterface.getPropertyValue(
+ _sPath + "_writable")
+ Template_internal = xPathInterface.getPropertyValue(
+ _sPath + "_internal")
+ Template_user = xPathInterface.getPropertyValue(_sPath + "_user")
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(Template_internal):
+ sPath = Template_internal[i]
+ if sPath.startsWith("vnd."):
+ # if there exists a language in the directory,
+ # we try to add the right language
+ sPathToExpand = sPath.substring(len(""))
+ xExpander = Helper.getMacroExpander(xMSF)
+ sPath = xExpander.expandMacros(sPathToExpand)
+ sPath = checkIfLanguagePathExists(xMSF, sPath)
+ aPathList.add(sPath)
+ i += 1
+ i = 0
+ while i < Template_user.length:
+ aPathList.add(Template_user[i])
+ i += 1
+ aPathList.add(Template_writable)
+ except Exception, exception:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return aPathList
+ @classmethod
+ def checkIfLanguagePathExists(self, _xMSF, _sPath):
+ try:
+ defaults = _xMSF.createInstance("")
+ aLocale = Helper.getUnoStructValue(defaults, "CharLocale")
+ if aLocale == None:
+ java.util.Locale.getDefault()
+ aLocale =
+ aLocale.Country = java.util.Locale.getDefault().getCountry()
+ aLocale.Language = java.util.Locale.getDefault().getLanguage()
+ aLocale.Variant = java.util.Locale.getDefault().getVariant()
+ sLanguage = aLocale.Language
+ sCountry = aLocale.Country
+ sVariant = aLocale.Variant
+ # de-DE-Bayrisch
+ aLocaleAll = StringBuffer.StringBuffer()
+ aLocaleAll.append(sLanguage).append('-').append(sCountry).append('-').append(sVariant)
+ sPath = _sPath + "/" + aLocaleAll.toString()
+ xInterface = _xMSF.createInstance(
+ "")
+ if xInterface.exists(sPath):
+ # de-DE
+ return sPath
+ aLocaleLang_Country = StringBuffer.StringBuffer()
+ aLocaleLang_Country.append(sLanguage).append('-').append(sCountry)
+ sPath = _sPath + "/" + aLocaleLang_Country.toString()
+ if xInterface.exists(sPath):
+ # de
+ return sPath
+ aLocaleLang = StringBuffer.StringBuffer()
+ aLocaleLang.append(sLanguage)
+ sPath = _sPath + "/" + aLocaleLang.toString()
+ if xInterface.exists(sPath):
+ # the absolute default is en-US or en
+ return sPath
+ sPath = _sPath + "/en-US"
+ if xInterface.exists(sPath):
+ return sPath
+ sPath = _sPath + "/en"
+ if xInterface.exists(sPath):
+ return sPath
+ except, e:
+ pass
+ return _sPath
+ @classmethod
+ def combinePaths2(self, xMSF, _aFirstPath, _sSecondPath):
+ i = 0
+ while i < _aFirstPath.size():
+ sOnePath = _aFirstPath.get(i)
+ sOnePath = addPath(sOnePath, _sSecondPath)
+ if isPathValid(xMSF, sOnePath):
+ _aFirstPath.add(i, sOnePath)
+ _aFirstPath.remove(i + 1)
+ else:
+ _aFirstPath.remove(i)
+ i -= 1
+ i += 1
+ @classmethod
+ def isPathValid(self, xMSF, _sPath):
+ bExists = False
+ try:
+ xUcbInterface = xMSF.createInstance(
+ "")
+ bExists = xUcbInterface.exists(_sPath)
+ except Exception, exception:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return bExists
+ @classmethod
+ def combinePaths(self, xMSF, _sFirstPath, _sSecondPath):
+ bexists = False
+ ReturnPath = ""
+ try:
+ xUcbInterface = xMSF.createInstance(
+ "")
+ ReturnPath = _sFirstPath + _sSecondPath
+ bexists = xUcbInterface.exists(ReturnPath)
+ except Exception, exception:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return ""
+ if not bexists:
+ raise NoValidPathException (xMSF, "");
+ return ReturnPath
+ @classmethod
+ def createSubDirectory(self, xMSF, xSimpleFileAccess, Path):
+ sNoDirCreation = ""
+ try:
+ oResource = Resource.Resource_unknown(xMSF, "ImportWizard", "imp")
+ if oResource != None:
+ sNoDirCreation = oResource.getResText(1050)
+ sMsgDirNotThere = oResource.getResText(1051)
+ sQueryForNewCreation = oResource.getResText(1052)
+ OSPath = JavaTools.convertfromURLNotation(Path)
+ sQueryMessage = JavaTools.replaceSubString(sMsgDirNotThere,
+ OSPath, "%1")
+ sQueryMessage = sQueryMessage + (char)
+ 13 + sQueryForNewCreation
+ icreate = SystemDialog.showMessageBox(xMSF, "QueryBox",
+ YES_NO, sQueryMessage)
+ if icreate == 2:
+ xSimpleFileAccess.createFolder(Path)
+ return True
+ return False
+ except CommandAbortedException, exception:
+ sMsgNoDir = JavaTools.replaceSubString(sNoDirCreation, Path, "%1")
+ SystemDialog.showMessageBox(xMSF, "ErrorBox", OK, sMsgNoDir)
+ return False
+ except, Exception:
+ sMsgNoDir = JavaTools.replaceSubString(sNoDirCreation, Path, "%1")
+ SystemDialog.showMessageBox(xMSF, "ErrorBox", OK, sMsgNoDir)
+ return False
+ '''
+ checks if the root of a path exists. if the parameter
+ xWindowPeer is not null then also the directory is
+ created when it does not exists and the user
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def PathisValid(self, xMSF, Path, sMsgFilePathInvalid,
+ baskbeforeOverwrite):
+ try:
+ SubDirPath = ""
+ bSubDirexists = True
+ NewPath = Path
+ xInterface = xMSF.createInstance(
+ "")
+ if baskbeforeOverwrite:
+ if xInterface.exists(Path):
+ oResource = Resource.Resource_unknown(xMSF,
+ "ImportWizard", "imp")
+ sFileexists = oResource.getResText(1053)
+ NewString = JavaTools.convertfromURLNotation(Path)
+ sFileexists = JavaTools.replaceSubString(sFileexists,
+ NewString, "<1>")
+ sFileexists = JavaTools.replaceSubString(sFileexists,
+ str(13), "<CR>")
+ iLeave = SystemDialog.showMessageBox(xMSF, "QueryBox",
+ YES_NO, sFileexists)
+ if iLeave == 3:
+ return False
+ DirArray = JavaTools.ArrayoutofString(Path, "/")
+ MaxIndex = DirArray.length - 1
+ if MaxIndex > 0:
+ i = MaxIndex
+ while i >= 0:
+ SubDir = DirArray[i]
+ SubLen = SubDir.length()
+ NewLen = NewPath.length()
+ RestLen = NewLen - SubLen
+ if RestLen > 0:
+ NewPath = NewPath.substring(0, NewLen - SubLen - 1)
+ if i == MaxIndex:
+ SubDirPath = NewPath
+ bexists = xSimpleFileAccess.exists(NewPath)
+ if bexists:
+ LowerCasePath = NewPath.toLowerCase()
+ bexists = (((LowerCasePath.equals("file:#/")) or
+ (LowerCasePath.equals("file:#")) or
+ (LowerCasePath.equals("file:/")) or
+ (LowerCasePath.equals("file:"))) == False)
+ if bexists:
+ if bSubDirexists == False:
+ bSubDiriscreated = createSubDirectory(xMSF,
+ xSimpleFileAccess, SubDirPath)
+ return bSubDiriscreated
+ return True
+ else:
+ bSubDirexists = False
+ i -= 1
+ SystemDialog.showMessageBox(xMSF, "ErrorBox", OK,
+ sMsgFilePathInvalid)
+ return False
+ except, exception:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ SystemDialog.showMessageBox(xMSF, "ErrorBox", OK,
+ sMsgFilePathInvalid)
+ return False
+ @classmethod
+ def getFolderTitles(self, xMSF, FilterName, FolderName):
+ LocLayoutFiles = [[2],[]]
+ try:
+ xDocInterface = xMSF.createInstance(
+ "")
+ xInterface = xMSF.createInstance(
+ "")
+ nameList = xInterface.getFolderContents(FolderName, False)
+ TitleVector = []
+ NameVector = []
+ if FilterName is None or FilterName == "":
+ FilterName = None
+ else:
+ FilterName = FilterName + "-"
+ fileName = ""
+ NameVectorAppend = NameVector.append
+ TitleVectorAppend = TitleVector.append
+ for i in nameList:
+ fileName = self.getFilename(i)
+ if FilterName is None or fileName.startswith(FilterName):
+ xDocInterface.loadFromMedium(i, tuple())
+ NameVectorAppend(i)
+ TitleVectorAppend(xDocInterface.Title)
+ LocLayoutFiles[1] = NameVector
+ LocLayoutFiles[0] = TitleVector
+ except Exception, exception:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return self.__bubblesortList(LocLayoutFiles)
+ '''
+ This function bubble sorts an array of with 2 dimensions.
+ The default sorting order is the first dimension
+ Only if sort2ndValue is True the second dimension is
+ the relevant for the sorting order
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def __bubblesortList(self, SortList):
+ SortCount = len(SortList[0])
+ DimCount = len(SortList)
+ for i in xrange(SortCount):
+ for t in xrange(SortCount - i - 1):
+ if SortList[0][t] > SortList[0][t + 1]:
+ for k in xrange(DimCount):
+ DisplayDummy = SortList[k][t];
+ SortList[k][t] = SortList[k][t + 1];
+ SortList[k][t + 1] = DisplayDummy
+ return SortList
+ '''
+ We search in all given path for a given file
+ @param _sPath
+ @param _sPath2
+ @return
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def addPath(self, _sPath, _sPath2):
+ if not _sPath.endsWith("/"):
+ _sPath += "/"
+ if _sPath2.startsWith("/"):
+ _sPath2 = _sPath2.substring(1)
+ sNewPath = _sPath + _sPath2
+ return sNewPath
+ @classmethod
+ def getPathFromList(self, xMSF, _aList, _sFile):
+ sFoundFile = ""
+ try:
+ xInterface = xMSF.createInstance(
+ "")
+ i = 0
+ while i < _aList.size():
+ sPath = _aList.get(i)
+ sPath = addPath(sPath, _sFile)
+ if xInterface.exists(sPath):
+ sFoundFile = sPath
+ i += 1
+ except, e:
+ pass
+ return sFoundFile
+ @classmethod
+ def getTitle(self, xMSF, _sFile):
+ sTitle = ""
+ try:
+ xDocInterface = xMSF.createInstance(
+ "")
+ noArgs = []
+ xDocInterface.loadFromMedium(_sFile, noArgs)
+ sTitle = xDocInterface.getTitle()
+ except Exception, e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return sTitle
+ def __init__(self, xmsf):
+ #get a simple file access...
+ self.fileAccess = xmsf.createInstance(
+ "")
+ #get the file identifier converter
+ self.filenameConverter = xmsf.createInstance(
+ "")
+ def getURL(self, path, childPath=None):
+ try:
+ if childPath is not None:
+ path = self.filenameConverter.getSystemPathFromFileURL(path)
+ f = open(path,childPath, 'w')
+ else:
+ f = open(path, 'w')
+ r = self.filenameConverter.getFileURLFromSystemPath(path,
+ osPath.abspath(path))
+ return r
+ except Exception:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return None
+ def getPath(self, parentURL, childURL):
+ string = ""
+ if childURL is not None and childURL is not "":
+ string = "/" + childURL
+ return self.filenameConverter.getSystemPathFromFileURL(
+ parentURL + string)
+ '''
+ @author rpiterman
+ @param filename
+ @return the extension of the given filename.
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def getExtension(self, filename):
+ p = filename.indexOf(".")
+ if p == -1:
+ return ""
+ else:
+ while p > -1:
+ filename = filename.substring(p + 1)
+ p = filename.indexOf(".")
+ return filename
+ '''
+ @author rpiterman
+ @param s
+ @return
+ '''
+ def mkdir(self, s):
+ try:
+ self.fileAccess.createFolder(s)
+ return True
+ except CommandAbortedException, cax:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ except, ex:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return False
+ '''
+ @author rpiterman
+ @param filename
+ @param def what to return in case of an exception
+ @return true if the given file exists or not.
+ if an exception accures, returns the def value.
+ '''
+ def exists(self, filename, defe):
+ try:
+ return self.fileAccess.exists(filename)
+ except CommandAbortedException, cax:
+ pass
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ return defe
+ '''
+ @author rpiterman
+ @param filename
+ @return
+ '''
+ def isDirectory(self, filename):
+ try:
+ return self.fileAccess.isFolder(filename)
+ except CommandAbortedException, cax:
+ pass
+ except, ex:
+ pass
+ return False
+ '''
+ lists the files in a given directory
+ @author rpiterman
+ @param dir
+ @param includeFolders
+ @return
+ '''
+ def listFiles(self, dir, includeFolders):
+ try:
+ return self.fileAccess.getFolderContents(dir, includeFolders)
+ except CommandAbortedException, cax:
+ pass
+ except, ex:
+ pass
+ return range(0)
+ '''
+ @author rpiterman
+ @param file
+ @return
+ '''
+ def delete(self, file):
+ try:
+ self.fileAccess.kill(file)
+ return True
+ except CommandAbortedException, cax:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ except, ex:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return False
+ '''
+ return the filename out of a system-dependent path
+ @param path
+ @return
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def getPathFilename(self, path):
+ return self.getFilename(path, File.separator)
+ '''
+ @author rpiterman
+ @param path
+ @param pathSeparator
+ @return
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def getFilename(self, path, pathSeparator = "/"):
+ return path.split(pathSeparator)[-1]
+ @classmethod
+ def getBasename(self, path, pathSeparator):
+ filename = self.getFilename(path, pathSeparator)
+ sExtension = getExtension(filename)
+ basename = filename.substring(0, filename.length() - \
+ (sExtension.length() + 1))
+ return basename
+ '''
+ @author rpiterman
+ @param source
+ @param target
+ @return
+ '''
+ def copy(self, source, target):
+ try:
+ self.fileAccess.copy(source, target)
+ return True
+ except CommandAbortedException, cax:
+ pass
+ except, ex:
+ pass
+ return False
+ def getLastModified(self, url):
+ try:
+ return self.fileAccess.getDateTimeModified(url)
+ except CommandAbortedException, cax:
+ pass
+ except, ex:
+ pass
+ return None
+ '''
+ @param url
+ @return the parent dir of the given url.
+ if the path points to file, gives the directory in which the file is.
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def getParentDir(self, url):
+ while url[-1] == "/":
+ url = hello[:-1]
+ return url[:url.rfind("/")]
+ def createNewDir(self, parentDir, name):
+ s = getNewFile(parentDir, name, "")
+ if mkdir(s):
+ return s
+ else:
+ return None
+ def getNewFile(self, parentDir, name, extension):
+ i = 0
+ tmp_do_var2 = True
+ while tmp_do_var2:
+ filename = filename(name, extension, (i + 1))
+ u = getURL(parentDir, filename)
+ url = u
+ tmp_do_var2 = exists(url, True)
+ return url
+ @classmethod
+ def filename(self, name, ext, i):
+ stringI = ""
+ stringExt = ""
+ if i is not 0:
+ stringI = str(i)
+ if ext is not "":
+ stringExt = "." + ext
+ return name + stringI + StringExt
+ def getSize(self, url):
+ try:
+ return self.fileAccess.getSize(url)
+ except Exception, ex:
+ return -1
+ @classmethod
+ def connectURLs(self, urlFolder, urlFilename):
+ stringFolder = ""
+ stringFileName = urlFilename
+ if not urlFolder.endsWith("/"):
+ stringFolder = "/"
+ if urlFilename.startsWith("/"):
+ stringFileName = urlFilename.substring(1)
+ return urlFolder + stringFolder + stringFileName
+ @classmethod
+ def getDataFromTextFile(self, _xMSF, _filepath):
+ sFileData = None
+ try:
+ oDataVector = []
+ oSimpleFileAccess = _xMSF.createInstance(
+ "")
+ if oSimpleFileAccess.exists(_filepath):
+ xInputStream = oSimpleFileAccess.openFileRead(_filepath)
+ oTextInputStream = _xMSF.createInstance(
+ "")
+ oTextInputStream.setInputStream(xInputStream)
+ while not oTextInputStream.isEOF():
+ oDataVector.addElement(oTextInputStream.readLine())
+ oTextInputStream.closeInput()
+ sFileData = [oDataVector.size()]
+ oDataVector.toArray(sFileData)
+ except Exception, e:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return sFileData
+ '''
+ shortens a filename to a user displayable representation.
+ @param path
+ @param maxLength
+ @return
+ '''
+ @classmethod
+ def getShortFilename(self, path, maxLength):
+ firstPart = 0
+ if path.length() > maxLength:
+ if path.startsWith("/"):
+ # unix
+ nextSlash = path.indexOf("/", 1) + 1
+ firstPart = Math.min(nextSlash, (maxLength - 3) / 2)
+ else:
+ #windows
+ firstPart = Math.min(10, (maxLength - 3) / 2)
+ s1 = path.substring(0, firstPart)
+ s2 = path.substring(path.length() - (maxLength - (3 + firstPart)))
+ return s1 + "..." + s2
+ else:
+ return path