path: root/bf_sw/source/core/text/sw_porglue.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'bf_sw/source/core/text/sw_porglue.cxx')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bf_sw/source/core/text/sw_porglue.cxx b/bf_sw/source/core/text/sw_porglue.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a4977f37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bf_sw/source/core/text/sw_porglue.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include "paratr.hxx" // pTabStop, ADJ*
+#include "txtcfg.hxx"
+#include "porlay.hxx" // SwParaPortion, SetFull
+#include "porfly.hxx" // SwParaPortion, SetFull
+namespace binfilter {
+ * class SwGluePortion
+ *************************************************************************/
+/*N*/ SwGluePortion::SwGluePortion( const KSHORT nInitFixWidth )
+/*N*/ : nFixWidth( nInitFixWidth )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ PrtWidth( nFixWidth );
+/*N*/ SetWhichPor( POR_GLUE );
+/*N*/ }
+ * SwGluePortion::MoveGlue()
+ *************************************************************************/
+/*N*/ void SwGluePortion::MoveGlue( SwGluePortion *pTarget, const short nPrtGlue )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ short nPrt = Min( nPrtGlue, GetPrtGlue() );
+/*N*/ if( 0 < nPrt )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pTarget->AddPrtWidth( nPrt );
+/*N*/ SubPrtWidth( nPrt );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+ * void SwGluePortion::Join()
+ *************************************************************************/
+/*N*/ void SwGluePortion::Join( SwGluePortion *pVictim )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ // Die GluePortion wird ausgesogen und weggespuelt ...
+/*N*/ AddPrtWidth( pVictim->PrtWidth() );
+/*N*/ SetLen( pVictim->GetLen() + GetLen() );
+/*N*/ if( Height() < pVictim->Height() )
+/*N*/ Height( pVictim->Height() );
+/*N*/ AdjFixWidth();
+/*N*/ Cut( pVictim );
+/*N*/ delete pVictim;
+/*N*/ }
+ * class SwFixPortion
+ *************************************************************************/
+// Wir erwarten ein framelokales SwRect !
+/*N*/ SwFixPortion::SwFixPortion( const SwRect &rRect )
+/*N*/ :SwGluePortion( KSHORT(rRect.Width()) ), nFix( KSHORT(rRect.Left()) )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ Height( KSHORT(rRect.Height()) );
+/*N*/ SetWhichPor( POR_FIX );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ SwFixPortion::SwFixPortion(const KSHORT nFixWidth1, const KSHORT nFixPos)
+/*N*/ : SwGluePortion(nFixWidth1), nFix(nFixPos)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SetWhichPor( POR_FIX );
+/*N*/ }
+ * class SwMarginPortion
+ *************************************************************************/
+/*N*/ SwMarginPortion::SwMarginPortion( const KSHORT nFixWidth2 )
+/*N*/ :SwGluePortion( nFixWidth2 )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SetWhichPor( POR_MARGIN );
+/*N*/ }
+ * SwMarginPortion::AdjustRight()
+ *
+ * In der umschliessenden Schleife werden alle Portions durchsucht,
+ * dabei werden erst die am Ende liegenden GluePortions verarbeitet.
+ * Das Ende wird nach jeder Schleife nach vorne verlegt, bis keine
+ * GluePortions mehr vorhanden sind.
+ * Es werden immer GluePortion-Paare betrachtet (pLeft und pRight),
+ * wobei Textportions zwischen pLeft und pRight hinter pRight verschoben
+ * werden, wenn pRight genuegend Glue besitzt. Bei jeder Verschiebung
+ * wandert ein Teil des Glues von pRight nach pLeft.
+ * Im naechsten Schleifendurchlauf ist pLeft das pRight und das Spiel
+ * beginnt von vorne.
+ *************************************************************************/
+/*N*/ void SwMarginPortion::AdjustRight( const SwLineLayout *pCurr )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SwGluePortion *pRight = 0;
+/*N*/ BOOL bNoMove = 0 != pCurr->GetpKanaComp();
+/*N*/ while( pRight != this )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ // 1) Wir suchen den linken Glue
+/*N*/ SwLinePortion *pPos = (SwLinePortion*)this;
+/*N*/ SwGluePortion *pLeft = 0;
+/*N*/ while( pPos )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if( pPos->InFixMargGrp() )
+/*N*/ pLeft = (SwGluePortion*)pPos;
+/*N*/ pPos = pPos->GetPortion();
+/*N*/ if( pPos == pRight)
+/*N*/ pPos = 0;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ // Zwei nebeneinander liegende FlyPortions verschmelzen
+/*N*/ if( pRight && pLeft->GetPortion() == pRight )
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ pRight->MoveAllGlue( pLeft );
+/*?*/ pRight = 0;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ KSHORT nRightGlue = pRight && 0 < pRight->GetPrtGlue()
+/*N*/ ? KSHORT(pRight->GetPrtGlue()) : 0;
+/*N*/ // 2) linken und rechten Glue ausgleichen
+/*N*/ // Bei Tabs haengen wir nix um ...
+/*N*/ if( pLeft && nRightGlue && !pRight->InTabGrp() )
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ // pPrev ist die Portion, die unmittelbar vor pRight liegt.
+/*?*/ SwLinePortion *pPrev = pRight->FindPrevPortion( pLeft );
+/*?*/ if ( pRight->IsFlyPortion() && pRight->GetLen() )
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ SwFlyPortion *pFly = (SwFlyPortion *)pRight;
+/*?*/ if ( pFly->GetBlankWidth() < nRightGlue )
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ // Hier entsteht eine neue TxtPortion, die dass zuvor
+/*?*/ // vom Fly verschluckte Blank reaktiviert.
+/*?*/ nRightGlue -= pFly->GetBlankWidth();
+/*?*/ pFly->SubPrtWidth( pFly->GetBlankWidth() );
+/*?*/ pFly->SetLen( 0 );
+/*?*/ SwTxtPortion *pNewPor = new SwTxtPortion;
+/*?*/ pNewPor->SetLen( 1 );
+/*?*/ pNewPor->Height( pFly->Height() );
+/*?*/ pNewPor->Width( pFly->GetBlankWidth() );
+/*?*/ pFly->Insert( pNewPor );
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ else
+/*?*/ pPrev = pLeft;
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ while( pPrev != pLeft )
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ if( bNoMove || pPrev->PrtWidth() >= nRightGlue ||
+/*?*/ pPrev->InHyphGrp() || pPrev->IsKernPortion() )
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ // Die Portion, die vor pRight liegt kann nicht
+/*?*/ // verschoben werden, weil kein Glue mehr vorhanden ist.
+/*?*/ // Wir fuehren die Abbruchbedingung herbei:
+/*?*/ pPrev = pLeft;
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ else
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ nRightGlue -= pPrev->PrtWidth();
+/*?*/ // pPrev wird hinter pRight verschoben.
+/*?*/ // Dazu wird der Gluewert zwischen pRight und pLeft
+/*?*/ // ausgeglichen.
+/*?*/ pRight->MoveGlue( pLeft, short( pPrev->PrtWidth() ) );
+/*?*/ // Jetzt wird die Verkettung gerichtet.
+/*?*/ SwLinePortion *pPrevPrev = pPrev->FindPrevPortion( pLeft );
+/*?*/ pPrevPrev->SetPortion( pRight );
+/*?*/ pPrev->SetPortion( pRight->GetPortion() );
+/*?*/ pRight->SetPortion( pPrev );
+/*?*/ if ( pPrev->GetPortion() && pPrev->InTxtGrp()
+/*?*/ && pPrev->GetPortion()->IsHolePortion() )
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ SwHolePortion *pHolePor =
+/*?*/ (SwHolePortion*)pPrev->GetPortion();
+/*?*/ if ( !pHolePor->GetPortion() ||
+/*?*/ !pHolePor->GetPortion()->InFixMargGrp() )
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ pPrev->AddPrtWidth( pHolePor->GetBlankWidth() );
+/*?*/ pPrev->SetLen( pPrev->GetLen() + 1 );
+/*?*/ pPrev->SetPortion( pHolePor->GetPortion() );
+/*?*/ delete pHolePor;
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ pPrev = pPrevPrev;
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ // Wenn es keinen linken Glue mehr gibt, wird die Abbruchbedingung
+/*N*/ // herbeigefuehrt.
+/*N*/ pRight = pLeft ? pLeft : (SwGluePortion*)this;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */