path: root/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3page.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3page.cxx')
1 files changed, 457 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3page.cxx b/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3page.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6af46dd6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bf_sw/source/core/sw3io/sw_sw3page.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include <bf_svtools/bf_solar.h>
+#include "swerror.h"
+#include <horiornt.hxx>
+#include "doc.hxx"
+#include <tools/tenccvt.hxx>
+#include <osl/diagnose.h>
+#include <fmtcol.hxx>
+#include <fmthdft.hxx>
+#include <fmtpdsc.hxx>
+#include <hints.hxx>
+#include "sw3imp.hxx"
+#include "pagedesc.hxx"
+#include "poolfmt.hxx"
+namespace binfilter {
+// Fussnoten-Info einlesen
+/*N*/ void Sw3IoImp::InPageFtnInfo( SwPageFtnInfo& rFtn )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ INT32 nHeight, nTopDist, nBottomDist, nNum, nDenom;
+/*N*/ INT16 nAdjust, nPenWidth;
+/*N*/ Color aPenColor;
+/*N*/ BYTE cType = Peek();
+/*N*/ if( cType == SWG_FOOTINFO || cType == SWG_PAGEFOOTINFO )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ OpenRec( cType );
+/*N*/ *pStrm >> nHeight
+/*N*/ >> nTopDist
+/*N*/ >> nBottomDist
+/*N*/ >> nAdjust
+/*N*/ >> nNum >> nDenom
+/*N*/ >> nPenWidth
+/*N*/ >> aPenColor;
+/*N*/ CloseRec( cType );
+/*N*/ rFtn.SetHeight( (SwTwips) nHeight );
+/*N*/ rFtn.SetTopDist( (SwTwips) nTopDist );
+/*N*/ rFtn.SetBottomDist( (SwTwips) nBottomDist );
+/*N*/ rFtn.SetAdj( (SwFtnAdj) nAdjust );
+/*N*/ Fraction f( nNum, nDenom );
+/*N*/ rFtn.SetWidth( f );
+/*N*/ rFtn.SetLineColor( aPenColor );
+/*N*/ rFtn.SetLineWidth( nPenWidth );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ Error();
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void Sw3IoImp::InPageDescs()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if( Peek() != SWG_STRINGPOOL )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ InHeader( TRUE );
+/*N*/ if( !Good() )
+/*N*/ return;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ nVersion = SWG_FRSTVERSION;
+/*N*/ // Der Stream koennte auch leer sein, falls eine leere Textbaustein-
+/*N*/ // datei eingelesen wird.
+/*N*/ if( Peek() == SWG_STRINGPOOL )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ InStringPool( SWG_STRINGPOOL, aStringPool );
+/*N*/ while( SWG_FIELDTYPE == Peek() )
+/*N*/ InFieldType();
+/*N*/ if( SWG_BOOKMARKS == Peek() )
+/*N*/ InBookmarks();
+/*N*/ if( SWG_REDLINES == Peek() )
+ InRedlines(); //SW50.SDW
+/*N*/ // ggfs. dem Numberformatter lesen
+/*N*/ if( SWG_NUMBERFORMATTER == Peek() )
+/*N*/ InNumberFormatter();
+/*N*/ OpenRec( SWG_PAGEDESCS );
+/*N*/ OpenFlagRec();
+/*N*/ USHORT nDesc;
+/*N*/ *pStrm >> nDesc;
+/*N*/ CloseFlagRec();
+/*N*/ if( nDesc > 0 )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ USHORT* pFollows = new USHORT[ nDesc ];
+/*N*/ SwPageDesc** pDescs = new SwPageDesc*[ nDesc ];
+ USHORT i=0;
+/*N*/ for( i = 0; i < nDesc; i++ )
+/*N*/ pDescs[ i ] = InPageDesc( pFollows[ i ] );
+/*N*/ // Follows aufloesen
+/*N*/ for( i = 0; i < nDesc; i++ )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ USHORT nFollow = pFollows[ i ];
+/*N*/ SwPageDesc* pDesc = pDescs[ i ];
+/*N*/ if( pDesc && nFollow < IDX_SPEC_VALUE )
+/*N*/ pDesc->SetFollow( FindPageDesc( nFollow ) );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ delete []pDescs;
+/*N*/ delete []pFollows;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else if( nDesc )
+/*N*/ Error();
+/*N*/ #ifdef TEST_HUGE_DOCS
+/*N*/ if( SWG_TESTHUGEDOCS == Peek() )
+/*N*/ InHugeRecord();
+/*N*/ #endif
+/*N*/ CloseRec( SWG_PAGEDESCS );
+/*N*/ // Aufraeumen, wenn Seitenvorlagen geladen wurden
+/*N*/ if( bPageDescs )
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ SwDBData aOldData(pDoc->_GetDBDesc());
+/*?*/ // fuer Versionen ohne mehrfache Datenbanken wird jetzt der
+/*?*/ // Datenbankname gelesen.
+/*?*/ // if( !nRes && nVersion < SWG_MULTIDB )
+/*?*/ if( !nRes &&
+/*?*/ !IsVersion( SWG_MULTIDB, SWG_EXPORT31, SWG_DESKTOP40 ) )
+ SetDBName();
+/*?*/ Cleanup();
+/*?*/ pDoc->ChgDBData( aOldData );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else if( bOrganizer )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ //JP 18.08.98: Bug 55115 - PageDescAttribute mit ihren Vorlagen
+/*N*/ // verbinden
+/*?*/ ConnectPageDescAttrs();
+/*?*/ if( osl_getThreadTextEncoding() != eSrcSet )
+/*?*/ ChangeFontItemCharSet();
+/*?*/ // Temporaere Namenserweiterungen entfernen
+/*?*/ aStringPool.RemoveExtensions( *pDoc );
+/*?*/ ConvertFmtsToStarSymbol();
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ // TODO: unicode: is this required really?
+/*N*/ eSrcSet = GetSOLoadTextEncoding( osl_getThreadTextEncoding() );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+void Sw3IoImp::SetDBName()
+ SvStream* pOld = pStrm;
+ pContents->Seek( 0L );
+ pContents->SetBufferSize( SW3_BSR_CONTENTS );
+ pStrm = pContents;
+ // Erstmal den Header lesen
+ BYTE cLen, cSet;
+ INT8 nLCompatVer, nDummy8;
+ USHORT nLVersion, nLFileFlags;
+ INT32 nDummy32;
+ sal_Char cHdrSign[ 8 ];
+ Reset2();
+ OutputMode( FALSE );
+ if( pStrm->Read( cHdrSign, 7 ) != 7 || !CheckHeader(cHdrSign) )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ *pStrm >> cLen;
+ // nRecSizesPos braucht hier nicht gelesen zu werden, da die Methode
+ // nicht fuer eine 5.0 ff aufgerufen wird.
+ ULONG nOld = pStrm->Tell();
+ *pStrm >> nLVersion >> nLFileFlags >> nDummy32 >> nDummy32 >> nDummy32
+ >> nDummy8 >> nDummy8 >> nDummy8 >> nLCompatVer;
+ if( nLCompatVer > SWG_CVERSION )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if( nLFileFlags & SWGF_BAD_FILE )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ pStrm->Read( cPasswd, 16L );
+ *pStrm >> cSet >> nDummy8 >> nDummy32 >> nDummy32;
+ if( nLFileFlags & SWGF_BLOCKNAME )
+ {
+ BYTE cBuf[ 64 ];
+ if( pStrm->Read( cBuf, 64 ) != 64 )
+ }
+ ULONG nNew = pStrm->Tell();
+ nOld += cLen;
+ if( nOld != nNew )
+ pStrm->Seek( nOld );
+ BOOL bDone = FALSE;
+ // Normales Lesen?
+ while( !bDone )
+ {
+ BYTE cType = Peek();
+ if( !Good() || pStrm->IsEof() )
+ bDone = TRUE;
+ else switch( cType )
+ {
+ case SWG_EOF:
+ bDone = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case SWG_DBNAME:
+ {
+ String sDBName;
+ OpenRec( SWG_DBNAME );
+ rtl::OString s8 = read_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_ToOString<sal_uInt16>(*pStrm);
+ rtl_TextEncoding eEnc = GetSOLoadTextEncoding(
+ (rtl_TextEncoding)cSet );
+ sDBName = ConvertStringNoDbDelim( s8, eEnc );
+ SwDBData aData;
+ aData.sDataSource = sDBName.GetToken(0, DB_DELIM);
+ aData.sCommand = sDBName.GetToken(1, DB_DELIM);
+ pDoc->ChgDBData( aData );
+ ULONG nSaveWarn = nWarn;
+ CloseRec( SWG_DBNAME );
+ nWarn = nSaveWarn;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ SkipRec();
+ }
+ }
+ pStrm = pOld;
+ CheckIoError( pContents );
+ pContents->SetBufferSize( 0 );
+// Seitenvorlage einlesen
+/*N*/ SwPageDesc* Sw3IoImp::InPageDesc( USHORT& nFollow )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ OpenRec( SWG_PAGEDESC );
+/*N*/ short nUsedOn;
+/*N*/ // 0x10 - Landscape mode
+/*N*/ BYTE cFlags = OpenFlagRec();
+/*N*/ USHORT nIdx = 0, nPoolId = 0;
+/*N*/ USHORT nRegCollIdx = IDX_NO_VALUE;
+/*N*/ BYTE nNumType;
+/*N*/ *pStrm >> nIdx >> nFollow >> nPoolId >> nNumType >> nUsedOn;
+/*N*/ if( IsVersion( SWG_REGISTER, SWG_EXPORT31, SWG_DESKTOP40 ) )
+/*N*/ *pStrm >> nRegCollIdx;
+/*N*/ CloseFlagRec();
+/*N*/ if( nRes )
+/*N*/ return NULL;
+/*N*/ const String& rName = aStringPool.Find( nIdx );
+/*N*/ SwPageDesc* pDesc = NULL;
+/*N*/ // Gibt es diese Vorlage bereits?
+/*N*/ BOOL bPresent = FALSE;
+/*N*/ USHORT nPos=0;
+/*N*/ if( bInsert )
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ USHORT nArrLen = pDoc->GetPageDescCnt();
+/*?*/ for( nPos = 0; nPos < nArrLen; nPos++ )
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ pDesc = &pDoc->_GetPageDesc( nPos );
+/*?*/ if( pDesc->GetName() == rName )
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ bPresent = TRUE; break;
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ }
+/*?*/ if( bPresent && bAdditive )
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ // Nur hinzufuegen: lass die Vorlage in Ruhe!
+/*?*/ // Dabei geht nichts verloren, also nWarn retten
+/*?*/ ULONG nWarnSave = nWarn;
+/*?*/ CloseRec( SWG_PAGEDESC );
+/*?*/ nWarn = nWarnSave;
+/*?*/ return NULL;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if( bPresent )
+/*N*/ // Ueberplaetten im Insert Mode: wir brauchen eine Kopie
+/*?*/ pDesc = new SwPageDesc( *pDesc );
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ // Sonst bauen wir uns eine
+/*N*/ if( nPoolId != IDX_NO_VALUE )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ // Fehlerfall: unbekannte Poolvorlage -> neu anlegen
+/*N*/ if( RES_POOLPAGE_BEGIN > nPoolId || nPoolId >= RES_POOLPAGE_END )
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ OSL_ENSURE( !this, "ungueltige Id" );
+/*?*/ nPoolId = IDX_NO_VALUE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if( nPoolId != IDX_NO_VALUE )
+/*N*/ pDesc = pDoc->GetPageDescFromPool( nPoolId );
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ pDesc = &pDoc->_GetPageDesc( pDoc->MakePageDesc( rName ) );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ SvxNumberType aType;
+/*N*/ aType.SetNumberingType(nNumType);
+/*N*/ pDesc->SetNumType( aType );
+/*N*/ pDesc->WriteUseOn( UseOnPage( nUsedOn ) );
+/*N*/ pDesc->SetLandscape( BOOL( ( cFlags & 0x10 ) != 0 ) );
+/*N*/ if( nPoolId != IDX_NO_VALUE )
+/*N*/ pDesc->SetPoolFmtId( nPoolId );
+/*N*/ if( nRegCollIdx != IDX_NO_VALUE )
+/*N*/ pDesc->SetRegisterFmtColl( FindTxtColl( nRegCollIdx ) );
+/*N*/ pDesc->ResetAllMasterAttr();
+/*N*/ pDesc->ResetAllLeftAttr();
+/*N*/ // Header und Footer sind Shared-Formate
+/*N*/ nGblFlags |= SW3F_SHAREDFMT;
+/*N*/ short nAttrSet = 0;
+/*N*/ while( BytesLeft() )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ BYTE cType = Peek();
+/*N*/ switch( cType )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ case SWG_FOOTINFO:
+/*N*/ InPageFtnInfo( pDesc->GetFtnInfo() ); break;
+/*N*/ case SWG_ATTRSET:
+/*N*/ switch( ++nAttrSet )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ case 1: InAttrSet( (SwAttrSet&) pDesc->GetMaster().GetAttrSet() );
+/*N*/ break;
+/*N*/ case 2: InAttrSet( (SwAttrSet&) pDesc->GetLeft().GetAttrSet() );
+/*N*/ break;
+/*?*/ default: Error(); OpenRec( cType ); CloseRec( cType );
+/*N*/ } break;
+/*N*/ default:
+/*?*/ SkipRec();
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ CloseRec( SWG_PAGEDESC );
+/*N*/ // Hdr/Ftr-Formate umsetzen:
+/*N*/ if( pDesc->IsHeaderShared() )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ const SwFmtHeader& rFmtM = pDesc->GetMaster().GetHeader();
+/*N*/ pDesc->GetLeft().SetAttr( rFmtM );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if( pDesc->IsFooterShared() )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ const SwFmtFooter& rFmtM = pDesc->GetMaster().GetFooter();
+/*N*/ pDesc->GetLeft().SetAttr( rFmtM );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ nGblFlags &= ~SW3F_SHAREDFMT;
+/*N*/ if( bPresent )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ // Kopie uebernehmen
+/*?*/ pDoc->ChgPageDesc( nPos, *pDesc );
+/*?*/ delete pDesc;
+/*?*/ pDesc = &pDoc->_GetPageDesc( nPos );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ return pDesc;
+/*N*/ }
+// PageDesc-Attribute koennen in einer Absatzvorlage vorkommen; diese
+// werden vor den Seitenvorlagen eingelesen, so dass eine Vorwaerts-
+// Referenz entsteht. Die Einleseroutine legt den Stringpool-Index
+// des Vorlagennamens im Attribut ab. Nach dem Einlesen muss die Vorlage
+// dann noch verbunden werden.
+// Aufloesen aller Seitenbeschreibungs-Attribute
+// Die Attribute werden aus dem Pool entnommen und die
+// korrekten Seitenvorlagen werden eingetragen.
+/*N*/ void Sw3IoImp::ConnectPageDescAttrs()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SfxItemPool& rPool = pDoc->GetAttrPool();
+/*N*/ USHORT nArrLen = rPool.GetItemCount( RES_PAGEDESC );
+/*N*/ for( USHORT n = 0; n < nArrLen; n++ )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SwFmtPageDesc* pAttr =
+/*N*/ (SwFmtPageDesc*) rPool.GetItem( RES_PAGEDESC, n );
+/*N*/ if( pAttr && pAttr->GetDescNameIdx() != IDX_NO_VALUE )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ SwPageDesc* pDesc = FindPageDesc( pAttr->GetDescNameIdx() );
+/*N*/ pAttr->SetDescNameIdx( IDX_NO_VALUE );
+/*N*/ OSL_ENSURE( pDesc, "Unbekannte Seitenvorlage fuer PageDesc-Attribut" );
+/*N*/ if( pDesc )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ pDesc->Add( pAttr );
+/*N*/ if( bInsert && pAttr->GetDefinedIn() )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ // dann sollte das Layout auch etwas davon mitbekommen.
+/*N*/ if( pAttr->GetDefinedIn()->ISA( SwTxtFmtColl ) )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ const SwTxtFmtColl *pColl =
+/*N*/ static_cast< const SwTxtFmtColl * >( pAttr->GetDefinedIn() );
+/*N*/ SwAttrSet aChgSet( *pColl->GetAttrSet().GetPool(), RES_PAGEDESC, RES_PAGEDESC );
+/*N*/ aChgSet.Put( *pAttr );
+/*N*/ SwAttrSetChg aOld( pColl->GetAttrSet(), aChgSet );
+/*N*/ SwAttrSetChg aNew( pColl->GetAttrSet(), aChgSet );
+/*N*/ const_cast < SwTxtFmtColl *>( pColl )->Modify( &aOld, &aNew );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ ((SwModify*)pAttr->GetDefinedIn())->SwModify::Modify( pAttr, pAttr );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */