path: root/bf_sc/source/core/data/sc_olinetab.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bf_sc/source/core/data/sc_olinetab.cxx')
1 files changed, 556 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bf_sc/source/core/data/sc_olinetab.cxx b/bf_sc/source/core/data/sc_olinetab.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b146fa79c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bf_sc/source/core/data/sc_olinetab.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ * the License at .
+ */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include <tools/debug.hxx>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include "olinetab.hxx"
+#include "global.hxx"
+#include "rechead.hxx"
+namespace binfilter {
+/*N*/ ScOutlineEntry::ScOutlineEntry( USHORT nNewStart, USHORT nNewSize, BOOL bNewHidden ) :
+/*N*/ nStart ( nNewStart ),
+/*N*/ nSize ( nNewSize ),
+/*N*/ bHidden ( bNewHidden ),
+/*N*/ bVisible( TRUE )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ ScOutlineEntry::ScOutlineEntry( const ScOutlineEntry& rEntry ) : DataObject(rEntry),
+/*N*/ nStart ( rEntry.nStart ),
+/*N*/ nSize ( rEntry.nSize ),
+/*N*/ bHidden ( rEntry.bHidden ),
+/*N*/ bVisible( rEntry.bVisible )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ ScOutlineEntry::ScOutlineEntry( SvStream& rStream, ScMultipleReadHeader& rHdr )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rHdr.StartEntry();
+/*N*/ rStream >> nStart;
+/*N*/ rStream >> nSize;
+/*N*/ rStream >> bHidden;
+/*N*/ rStream >> bVisible;
+/*N*/ rHdr.EndEntry();
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ DataObject* ScOutlineEntry::Clone() const
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ return new ScOutlineEntry( *this );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScOutlineEntry::Move( short nDelta )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ short nNewPos = ((short) nStart) + nDelta;
+/*N*/ if (nNewPos<0)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ OSL_FAIL("OutlineEntry < 0");
+/*N*/ nNewPos = 0;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ nStart = (USHORT) nNewPos;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScOutlineEntry::SetSize( USHORT nNewSize )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (nNewSize)
+/*N*/ nSize = nNewSize;
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ OSL_FAIL("ScOutlineEntry Size == 0");
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScOutlineEntry::SetPosSize( USHORT nNewPos, USHORT nNewSize )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ nStart = nNewPos;
+/*N*/ SetSize( nNewSize );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScOutlineEntry::SetVisible( BOOL bNewVisible )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ bVisible = bNewVisible;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ ScOutlineCollection::ScOutlineCollection() :
+/*N*/ SortedCollection( 4,4,FALSE )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ inline short IntCompare( USHORT nX, USHORT nY )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if ( nX==nY ) return 0;
+/*N*/ else if ( nX<nY ) return -1;
+/*N*/ else return 1;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ short ScOutlineCollection::Compare(DataObject* pKey1, DataObject* pKey2) const
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ return IntCompare( ((ScOutlineEntry*)pKey1)->GetStart(),
+/*N*/ ((ScOutlineEntry*)pKey2)->GetStart() );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ ScOutlineArray::ScOutlineArray() :
+/*N*/ nDepth( 0 )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ ScOutlineArray::ScOutlineArray( const ScOutlineArray& rArray ) :
+/*N*/ nDepth( rArray.nDepth )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ for (USHORT nLevel=0; nLevel<nDepth; nLevel++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ USHORT nCount = rArray.aCollections[nLevel].GetCount();
+/*N*/ for (USHORT nEntry=0; nEntry<nCount; nEntry++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ScOutlineEntry* pEntry = (ScOutlineEntry*) rArray.aCollections[nLevel].At(nEntry);
+/*N*/ aCollections[nLevel].Insert( new ScOutlineEntry( *pEntry ) );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScOutlineArray::FindEntry( USHORT nSearchPos, USHORT& rFindLevel, USHORT& rFindIndex,
+/*N*/ USHORT nMaxLevel )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rFindLevel = rFindIndex = 0;
+/*N*/ if (nMaxLevel > nDepth)
+/*N*/ nMaxLevel = nDepth;
+/*N*/ for (USHORT nLevel=0; nLevel<nMaxLevel; nLevel++) //! rueckwaerts suchen ?
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ScOutlineCollection* pCollect = &aCollections[nLevel];
+/*N*/ USHORT nCount = pCollect->GetCount();
+/*N*/ for (USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ScOutlineEntry* pEntry = (ScOutlineEntry*) pCollect->At(i);
+/*N*/ if ( pEntry->GetStart() <= nSearchPos && pEntry->GetEnd() >= nSearchPos )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rFindLevel = nLevel + 1; // naechster Level (zum Einfuegen)
+/*N*/ rFindIndex = i;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ BOOL ScOutlineArray::Insert( USHORT nStartCol, USHORT nEndCol, BOOL& rSizeChanged,
+/*N*/ BOOL bHidden, BOOL bVisible )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ rSizeChanged = FALSE;
+/*N*/ USHORT nStartLevel;
+/*N*/ USHORT nStartIndex;
+/*N*/ USHORT nEndLevel;
+/*N*/ USHORT nEndIndex;
+/*N*/ BOOL bFound = FALSE;
+/*N*/ BOOL bCont;
+/*N*/ USHORT nFindMax;
+/*N*/ FindEntry( nStartCol, nStartLevel, nStartIndex ); // nLevel = neuer Level (alter+1) !!!
+/*N*/ FindEntry( nEndCol, nEndLevel, nEndIndex );
+/*N*/ nFindMax = Max(nStartLevel,nEndLevel);
+/*N*/ do
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ bCont = FALSE;
+/*N*/ if ( nStartLevel == nEndLevel && nStartIndex == nEndIndex && nStartLevel < SC_OL_MAXDEPTH )
+/*N*/ bFound = TRUE;
+/*N*/ if (!bFound)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (nFindMax>0)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ --nFindMax;
+/*N*/ if (nStartLevel)
+/*N*/ if ( ((ScOutlineEntry*)aCollections[nStartLevel-1].At(nStartIndex))->
+/*N*/ GetStart() == nStartCol )
+/*N*/ FindEntry( nStartCol, nStartLevel, nStartIndex, nFindMax );
+/*N*/ if (nEndLevel)
+/*?*/ if ( ((ScOutlineEntry*)aCollections[nEndLevel-1].At(nEndIndex))->
+/*?*/ GetEnd() == nEndCol )
+/*N*/ FindEntry( nEndCol, nEndLevel, nEndIndex, nFindMax );
+/*N*/ bCont = TRUE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ while ( !bFound && bCont );
+/*N*/ if (!bFound)
+/*N*/ return FALSE;
+/*N*/ USHORT nLevel = nStartLevel;
+/*N*/ // untere verschieben
+/*N*/ BOOL bNeedSize = FALSE;
+/*N*/ for ( short nMoveLevel = nDepth-1; nMoveLevel >= (short) nLevel; nMoveLevel-- )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ USHORT nCount = aCollections[nMoveLevel].GetCount();
+/*N*/ BOOL bMoved = FALSE;
+/*N*/ for ( USHORT i=0; i<nCount; i += bMoved ? 0 : 1 )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ScOutlineEntry* pEntry = (ScOutlineEntry*) aCollections[nMoveLevel].At(i);
+/*N*/ USHORT nEntryStart = pEntry->GetStart();
+/*N*/ if ( nEntryStart >= nStartCol && nEntryStart <= nEndCol )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (nMoveLevel >= SC_OL_MAXDEPTH - 1)
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ rSizeChanged = FALSE; // kein Platz
+/*?*/ return FALSE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ aCollections[nMoveLevel+1].Insert( new ScOutlineEntry( *pEntry ) );
+/*N*/ aCollections[nMoveLevel].AtFree( i );
+/*N*/ nCount = aCollections[nMoveLevel].GetCount();
+/*N*/ bMoved = TRUE;
+/*N*/ if (nMoveLevel == (short) nDepth - 1)
+/*N*/ bNeedSize = TRUE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ bMoved = FALSE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (bNeedSize)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ++nDepth;
+/*N*/ rSizeChanged = TRUE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nDepth <= nLevel)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ nDepth = nLevel+1;
+/*N*/ rSizeChanged = TRUE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ ScOutlineEntry* pNewEntry = new ScOutlineEntry( nStartCol, nEndCol+1-nStartCol, bHidden );
+/*N*/ pNewEntry->SetVisible( bVisible );
+/*N*/ aCollections[nLevel].Insert( pNewEntry );
+/*N*/ return TRUE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ BOOL ScOutlineArray::DecDepth() // nDepth auf leere Levels anpassen
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ BOOL bChanged = FALSE;
+/*N*/ BOOL bCont;
+/*N*/ do
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ bCont = FALSE;
+/*N*/ if (nDepth)
+/*N*/ if (aCollections[nDepth-1].GetCount() == 0)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ --nDepth;
+/*N*/ bChanged = TRUE;
+/*N*/ bCont = TRUE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ while (bCont);
+/*N*/ return bChanged;
+/*N*/ }
+/*M*/ ScOutlineEntry* ScOutlineArray::GetEntry( USHORT nLevel, USHORT nIndex ) const
+/*M*/ {
+/*M*/ return (ScOutlineEntry*)((nLevel < nDepth) ? aCollections[nLevel].At(nIndex) : NULL);
+/*M*/ }
+/*M*/ USHORT ScOutlineArray::GetCount( USHORT nLevel ) const
+/*M*/ {
+/*M*/ return (nLevel < nDepth) ? aCollections[nLevel].GetCount() : 0;
+/*M*/ }
+/*M*/ void ScOutlineArray::SetVisibleBelow( USHORT nLevel, USHORT nEntry, BOOL bValue, BOOL bSkipHidden )
+/*M*/ {
+/*M*/ ScOutlineEntry* pEntry = GetEntry( nLevel, nEntry );
+/*M*/ if( pEntry )
+/*M*/ {
+/*M*/ USHORT nStart = pEntry->GetStart();
+/*M*/ USHORT nEnd = pEntry->GetEnd();
+/*M*/ for (USHORT nSubLevel=nLevel+1; nSubLevel<nDepth; nSubLevel++)
+/*M*/ {
+/*M*/ USHORT i = 0;
+/*M*/ pEntry = (ScOutlineEntry*) aCollections[nSubLevel].At(i);
+/*M*/ while (pEntry)
+/*M*/ {
+/*M*/ if (pEntry->GetStart() >= nStart && pEntry->GetEnd() <= nEnd)
+/*M*/ {
+/*M*/ pEntry->SetVisible(bValue);
+/*M*/ if (bSkipHidden)
+/*M*/ if (!pEntry->IsHidden())
+/*M*/ SetVisibleBelow( nSubLevel, i, bValue, TRUE );
+/*M*/ }
+/*M*/ ++i;
+/*M*/ pEntry = (ScOutlineEntry*) aCollections[nSubLevel].At(i);
+/*M*/ }
+/*M*/ if (bSkipHidden)
+/*M*/ nSubLevel = nDepth; // Abbruch
+/*M*/ }
+/*M*/ }
+/*M*/ }
+/*N*/ BOOL ScOutlineArray::TestInsertSpace( USHORT nSize, USHORT nMaxVal ) const
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ USHORT nCount = aCollections[0].GetCount();
+/*N*/ if (nCount)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ USHORT nEnd = ((ScOutlineEntry*) aCollections[0].At(nCount-1))->GetEnd();
+/*N*/ return ( nEnd+nSize <= nMaxVal );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ return TRUE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScOutlineArray::InsertSpace( USHORT nStartPos, USHORT nSize )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ScSubOutlineIterator aIter( this );
+/*N*/ ScOutlineEntry* pEntry;
+/*N*/ while((pEntry=aIter.GetNext())!=NULL)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if ( pEntry->GetStart() >= nStartPos )
+/*N*/ pEntry->Move(nSize);
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ USHORT nEnd = pEntry->GetEnd();
+/*N*/ // immer erweitern, wenn innerhalb der Gruppe eingefuegt
+/*N*/ // beim Einfuegen am Ende nur, wenn die Gruppe nicht ausgeblendet ist
+/*N*/ if ( nEnd >= nStartPos || ( nEnd+1 >= nStartPos && !pEntry->IsHidden() ) )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ USHORT nEntrySize = pEntry->GetSize();
+/*N*/ nEntrySize += nSize;
+/*N*/ pEntry->SetSize( nEntrySize );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ BOOL ScOutlineArray::DeleteSpace( USHORT nStartPos, USHORT nSize )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ USHORT nEndPos = nStartPos + nSize - 1;
+/*N*/ BOOL bNeedSave = FALSE; // Original fuer Undo benoetigt?
+/*N*/ BOOL bChanged = FALSE; // fuer Test auf Level
+/*N*/ ScSubOutlineIterator aIter( this );
+/*N*/ ScOutlineEntry* pEntry;
+/*N*/ while((pEntry=aIter.GetNext())!=NULL)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ USHORT nEntryStart = pEntry->GetStart();
+/*N*/ USHORT nEntryEnd = pEntry->GetEnd();
+/*N*/ USHORT nEntrySize = pEntry->GetSize();
+/*N*/ if ( nEntryEnd >= nStartPos )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if ( nEntryStart > nEndPos ) // rechts
+/*N*/ pEntry->Move(-(short)nSize);
+/*N*/ else if ( nEntryStart < nStartPos && nEntryEnd >= nEndPos ) // aussen
+/*N*/ pEntry->SetSize( nEntrySize-nSize );
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ bNeedSave = TRUE;
+/*N*/ if ( nEntryStart >= nStartPos && nEntryEnd <= nEndPos ) // innen
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ aIter.DeleteLast();
+/*N*/ bChanged = TRUE;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else if ( nEntryStart >= nStartPos ) // rechts ueber
+/*N*/ pEntry->SetPosSize( nStartPos, nEntryEnd-nEndPos );
+/*N*/ else // links ueber
+/*N*/ pEntry->SetSize( nStartPos-nEntryStart );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (bChanged)
+/*N*/ DecDepth();
+/*N*/ return bNeedSave;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ BOOL ScOutlineArray::ManualAction( USHORT nStartPos, USHORT nEndPos, BOOL bShow, BYTE* pHiddenFlags )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ BOOL bModified = FALSE;
+/*N*/ ScSubOutlineIterator aIter( this );
+/*N*/ ScOutlineEntry* pEntry;
+/*N*/ while((pEntry=aIter.GetNext())!=NULL)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ USHORT nEntryStart = pEntry->GetStart();
+/*N*/ USHORT nEntryEnd = pEntry->GetEnd();
+/*N*/ if (nEntryEnd>=nStartPos && nEntryStart<=nEndPos)
+/*N*/ {
+/*?*/ if ( pEntry->IsHidden() == bShow )
+/*?*/ {
+/*?*/ // #i12341# hide if all columns/rows are hidden, show if at least one
+/*?*/ // is visible
+/*?*/ BOOL bAllHidden = TRUE;
+/*?*/ for ( USHORT i=nEntryStart; i<=nEntryEnd && bAllHidden; i++ )
+/*?*/ if ( ( pHiddenFlags[i] & CR_HIDDEN ) == 0 )
+/*?*/ bAllHidden = FALSE;
+/*?*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ return bModified;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScOutlineArray::Load( SvStream& rStream )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ScMultipleReadHeader aHdr( rStream );
+/*N*/ rStream >> nDepth;
+/*N*/ for (USHORT nLevel=0; nLevel<nDepth; nLevel++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ USHORT nCount;
+/*N*/ rStream >> nCount;
+/*N*/ for (USHORT nIndex=0; nIndex<nCount; nIndex++)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ScOutlineEntry* pEntry = new ScOutlineEntry( rStream, aHdr );
+/*N*/ aCollections[nLevel].Insert( pEntry );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ ScOutlineTable::ScOutlineTable()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ ScOutlineTable::ScOutlineTable( const ScOutlineTable& rOutline ) :
+/*N*/ aColOutline( rOutline.aColOutline ),
+/*N*/ aRowOutline( rOutline.aRowOutline )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ BOOL ScOutlineTable::TestInsertCol( USHORT nSize )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ return aColOutline.TestInsertSpace( nSize, MAXCOL );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScOutlineTable::InsertCol( USHORT nStartCol, USHORT nSize )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ aColOutline.InsertSpace( nStartCol, nSize );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ BOOL ScOutlineTable::DeleteCol( USHORT nStartCol, USHORT nSize )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ return aColOutline.DeleteSpace( nStartCol, nSize );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ BOOL ScOutlineTable::TestInsertRow( USHORT nSize )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ return aRowOutline.TestInsertSpace( nSize, MAXROW );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScOutlineTable::InsertRow( USHORT nStartRow, USHORT nSize )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ aRowOutline.InsertSpace( nStartRow, nSize );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ BOOL ScOutlineTable::DeleteRow( USHORT nStartRow, USHORT nSize )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ return aRowOutline.DeleteSpace( nStartRow, nSize );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScOutlineTable::Load( SvStream& rStream )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ DBG_ASSERT( aColOutline.GetDepth()==0 && aRowOutline.GetDepth()==0,
+/*N*/ "Load auf nicht leere ScOutlineTable" );
+/*N*/ aColOutline.Load( rStream );
+/*N*/ aRowOutline.Load( rStream );
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ ScSubOutlineIterator::ScSubOutlineIterator( ScOutlineArray* pOutlineArray ) :
+/*N*/ pArray( pOutlineArray ),
+/*N*/ nStart( 0 ),
+/*N*/ nEnd( USHRT_MAX ), // alle durchgehen
+/*N*/ nSubLevel( 0 ),
+/*N*/ nSubEntry( 0 )
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ nDepth = pArray->nDepth;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ ScOutlineEntry* ScSubOutlineIterator::GetNext()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ ScOutlineEntry* pEntry;
+/*N*/ BOOL bFound = FALSE;
+/*N*/ do
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (nSubLevel >= nDepth)
+/*N*/ return NULL;
+/*N*/ pEntry = (ScOutlineEntry*) pArray->aCollections[nSubLevel].At(nSubEntry);
+/*N*/ if (!pEntry)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ nSubEntry = 0;
+/*N*/ ++nSubLevel;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ else
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if ( pEntry->GetStart() >= nStart && pEntry->GetEnd() <= nEnd )
+/*N*/ bFound = TRUE;
+/*N*/ ++nSubEntry;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ while (!bFound);
+/*N*/ return pEntry; // nSubLevel gueltig, wenn pEntry != 0
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ void ScSubOutlineIterator::DeleteLast()
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ if (nSubLevel >= nDepth)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ OSL_FAIL("ScSubOutlineIterator::DeleteLast nach Ende");
+/*N*/ return;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ if (nSubEntry == 0)
+/*N*/ {
+/*N*/ OSL_FAIL("ScSubOutlineIterator::DeleteLast vor GetNext");
+/*N*/ return;
+/*N*/ }
+/*N*/ --nSubEntry;
+/*N*/ pArray->aCollections[nSubLevel].AtFree(nSubEntry);
+/*N*/ }
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */