diff options
authornags <nags@nags-desktop.(none)>2009-07-23 20:52:05 -0700
committernags <nags@nags-desktop.(none)>2009-07-23 20:52:05 -0700
commit35c4e3dbe13f92e15fc1ed215d63c1a93565d437 (patch)
parent5026bdee32538a88db2e1f4a61232efd4b8e5cf2 (diff)
2009-07-23 Nagappan Alagappan <>
* (imagecapture): Fixes bug 588819 – 'import ldtp' freezes interpreter
2 files changed, 96 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/python/ChangeLog b/python/ChangeLog
index fc46652..ee3e4ed 100644
--- a/python/ChangeLog
+++ b/python/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2009-07-23 Nagappan Alagappan <>
+ * (imagecapture): Fixes bug 588819 – 'import ldtp'
+ freezes interpreter
2009-07-12 Nagappan Alagappan <>
* (component.hasstate): Fixes bug # 586655, typo
diff --git a/python/ b/python/
index 59d4b15..6c5b6be 100644
--- a/python/
+++ b/python/
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import os
import re
import sys
import time
-import atexit
import string
import thread
import commands
@@ -48,74 +47,6 @@ import ldtp
_ldtpDebug = os.getenv ('LDTP_DEBUG')
-gtkImport = False
- import gtk.gdk
- import gobject
- gobject.threads_init()
- gtkImport = True
-except ImportError:
- if _ldtpDebug:
- print 'pygtk package not installed'
-wnckImport = False
- import wnck
- wnckImport = True
-except ImportError:
- if _ldtpDebug:
- print 'wnck python package not installed'
-## Process pending gtk+ events so that wnck can find out about
-## existing windows. This has to be called as the generatemouseevent
-## is holding all the calls till we exit LDTP script or python prompt.
-_importThread = None
-if gtkImport:
- class GtkImportThread(threading.Thread):
- def __init__(self):
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self._loop = gobject.MainLoop()
- self._context = self._loop.get_context()
- self._suspend = False
- gobject.idle_add(self._idle_add)
- def _start(self):
- def _idle_add(self):
- try:
- try:
- gtk.gdk.threads_enter()
- while self._loop.is_running():
- time.sleep(1.0/10)
- while not self._suspend and gtk.events_pending():
- gtk.main_iteration()
- except:
- pass
- finally:
- try:
- gtk.gdk.threads_leave()
- except:
- pass
- def __del__(self):
- try:
- self._stop()
- except:
- pass
- def _stop(self):
- try:
- if self._loop and self._loop.is_running():
- self._loop.quit()
- self._loop = None
- except:
- pass
- _importThread = GtkImportThread()
- thread.start_new_thread(_importThread._start, ())
- atexit.register(_importThread._loop.quit)
statGrabMsg = None
import statgrab
@@ -174,68 +105,104 @@ def imagecapture (winName = None, outFile = None, width = None,
# winname == None, let us capture the entire screen
# if output file name is not passed, then a random file name will be generated in
# /tmp and it will be returned
- winid = None
- if winName:
+ global tmpFile
+ gtkImport = False
+ tmpFile = None
+ try:
+ import gtk.gdk
+ import gobject
+ gobject.threads_init()
+ gtkImport = True
+ except ImportError:
+ if _ldtpDebug:
+ print 'pygtk package not installed'
+ wnckImport = False
+ try:
+ import wnck
+ wnckImport = True
+ except ImportError:
+ if _ldtpDebug:
+ print 'wnck python package not installed'
+ def getWinId(winName):
if not wnckImport:
ldtp.log ('wnck package not installed, screen capture disabled ' \
'based on window name',
return None
- global _importThread
- if _importThread:
- _importThread._suspend = True
- try:
- screen = wnck.screen_get_default()
- # Process pending gtk+ events so that wnck can find out about
- # existing windows.
- while gtk.events_pending():
- gtk.main_iteration()
- for window in screen.get_windows():
- if, window.get_name()):
- winid = window.get_xid()
- # Activate the window
- #
- window.activate(gtk.get_current_event_time())
+ screen = wnck.screen_get_default()
+ winid = None
+ for window in screen.get_windows():
+ if, window.get_name()):
+ winid = window.get_xid()
+ # Activate the window
+ #
+ window.activate(gtk.get_current_event_time())
+ break
+ return winid
+ def setTmpFile(fileName):
+ global tmpFile
+ tmpFile = fileName
+ def generateTmpFile():
+ global tmpFile
+ if outFile == None:
+ fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile ()
+ tmpFile = + '.png'
+ fp.close ()
+ else:
+ tmpFile = outFile
+ return tmpFile
+ def capturescreenshot():
+ winid = None
+ if winName:
+ count = 0
+ while count < 3:
+ winid = getWinId(winName)
+ count += 1
+ time.sleep(1)
+ if winid:
- finally:
- if _importThread:
- _importThread._suspend = False
- if outFile == None:
- fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile ()
- tmpFile = + '.png'
- fp.close ()
- else:
- tmpFile = outFile
- pb = None
- if gtkImport and winid is None:
- # Based on
- window = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window ()
- size = window.get_size ()
- pb = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf (gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8,
- width or size [0],
- height or size [1])
- pb = pb.get_from_drawable (window, window.get_colormap (),
- x, y, 0, 0,
- width or size [0],
- height or size [1])
- if pb:
- (tmpFile, "png")
- # based on
- del pb
- gc.collect ()
- else:
- if winid == None:
- winid = 'root'
- cmd = "import -window %s" % winid
- if width and height:
- cmd = "%s -crop %dx%d+%d+%d" % (cmd, width,
- height, x, y)
- cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, tmpFile)
- status = commands.getstatusoutput (cmd)
- if status [0] != 0:
- ldtp.log ('Unable to capture screenshot: %s' % status [1], 'error')
- return None
+ pb = None
+ if gtkImport:
+ if winid is None:
+ # Based on
+ window = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window ()
+ size = window.get_size ()
+ pb = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf (gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, False, 8,
+ width or size [0],
+ height or size [1])
+ pb = pb.get_from_drawable (window, window.get_colormap (),
+ x, y, 0, 0,
+ width or size [0],
+ height or size [1])
+ tmpFile = generateTmpFile()
+ setTmpFile(tmpFile)
+ if pb:
+, "png")
+ # based on
+ del pb
+ gc.collect()
+ else:
+ if winid == None:
+ winid = 'root'
+ cmd = "import -window %s" % winid
+ if width and height:
+ cmd = "%s -crop %dx%d+%d+%d" % (cmd, width,
+ height, x, y)
+ cmd = "%s %s" % (cmd, tmpFile)
+ status = commands.getstatusoutput (cmd)
+ if status [0] != 0:
+ ldtp.log ('Unable to capture screenshot: %s' % status [1], 'error')
+ setTmpFile(None)
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ gobject.idle_add(capturescreenshot)
+ gobject.idle_add(gtk.main_quit)
+ gtk.main()
return tmpFile
def blackoutregion (infile, outfile, topx, topy, botx, boty):