path: root/doc
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authorSimon McVittie <>2007-01-10 13:11:33 +0000
committerSimon McVittie <>2007-01-10 13:11:33 +0000
commit618e13ee5bdce6dd129600a698910f5edb7ab4db (patch)
tree760ff649f43dd4c2542745b12cce532e7fb94909 /doc
parentbde53f1cf59b743d5e38b6ac4fbdf348bdf773db (diff)
Add half-written tutorial. Fix reStructuredText syntax in documentation, and build HTML if we have rst2html or
Distribution packagers may want to build-depend on docutils, and configure with --docdir=... if their distribution would usually use a location other than PREFIX/share/doc/dbus-python - for instance Debian/Ubuntu should use --docdir=/usr/share/doc/python-dbus.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c19b88e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+.. @configure_input@
+dbus-python tutorial
+:Author: Simon McVittie, `Collabora`_
+:Date: 2006-01-10
+:``dbus-python`` version: @VERSION@
+.. _`Collabora`:
+Connecting to the Bus
+Applications that use D-Bus typically connect to a *bus daemon*, which
+forwards messages between the applications. To use D-Bus, you need to create a
+``Bus`` object representing the connection to the bus daemon.
+There are generally two bus daemons you may be interested in. Each user
+login session should have a *session bus*, which is local to that
+session. It's used to communicate between desktop applications. Connect
+to the session bus by creating a ``SessionBus`` object::
+ import dbus
+ session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
+The *system bus* is global and usually started during boot; it's used to
+communicate with system services like udev_, NetworkManager_, and the
+`Hardware Abstraction Layer daemon (hald)`_. To connect to the system
+bus, create a ``SystemBus`` object::
+ import dbus
+ system_bus = dbus.SystemBus()
+Of course, you can connect to both in the same application.
+.. _udev:
+.. _NetworkManager:
+.. _Hardware Abstraction Layer daemon (hald):
+Making method calls
+D-Bus applications can export objects for other applications' use. To
+start working with an object in another application, you need to know:
+* The *bus name*. This identifies which application you want to
+ communicate with. You'll usually identify applications by a
+ *well-known name*, which is a dot-separated string starting with a
+ reversed domain name, such as ``org.freedesktop.NetworkManager``
+ or ``com.example.WordProcessor``.
+* The *object path*. Applications can export many objects - for
+ instance,'s word processor might provide an object
+ representing the word processor application itself and an object for
+ each document window opened, or it might also provide an object for
+ each paragraph within a document.
+ To identify which one you want to interact with, you use an object path,
+ a slash-separated string resembling a filename. For instance,'s
+ word processor might provide an object at ``/`` representing the word
+ processor itself, and objects at ``/documents/123`` and
+ ``/documents/345`` representing opened document windows.
+As you'd expect, one of the main things you can do with remote objects
+is to call their methods. As in Python, methods may have parameters,
+and they may return one or more values.
+.. _proxy object:
+Proxy objects
+To interact with a remote object, you use a *proxy object*. This is a
+Python object which acts as a proxy or "stand-in" for the remote object -
+when you call a method on a proxy object, this causes dbus-python to make
+a method call on the remote object, passing back any return values from
+the remote object's method as the return values of the proxy method call.
+To obtain a proxy object, call the ``get_object`` method on the ``Bus``.
+For example, NetworkManager_ has the well-known name
+``org.freedesktop.NetworkManager`` and exports an object whose object
+path is ``/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager``, plus an object per network
+interface at object paths like
+``/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/eth0``. You can get a proxy
+for the object representing eth0 like this::
+ >>> import dbus
+ >>> bus = dbus.SystemBus()
+ >>> bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.NetworkManager',
+ ... '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/eth0')
+ <ProxyObject wrapping <dbus.Bus on SYSTEM at 0x3007e150>
+ org.freedesktop.NetworkManager
+ /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/eth0 at 0x301f0ad0>
+ >>>
+Interfaces and methods
+D-Bus uses *interfaces* to provide a namespacing mechanism for methods.
+An interface is a group of related methods and signals (more on signals
+later), identified by a name which is a series of dot-separated components
+starting with a reversed domain name. For instance, each NetworkManager_
+object representing a network interface implements the interface
+``org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Devices``, which has methods like
+To call a method, call the method of the same name on the proxy object,
+passing in the interface name via the ``dbus_interface`` keyword argument::
+ >>> import dbus
+ >>> bus = dbus.SystemBus()
+ >>> eth0 = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.NetworkManager',
+ ... '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/eth0')
+ >>> eth0.getProperties(dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Devices')
+ (dbus.ObjectPath('/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/eth0'), [...])
+ >>>
+(I've truncated the list of properties here.)
+.. _dbus.Interface:
+As a short cut, if you're going to be calling many methods with the same
+interface, you can construct a ``dbus.Interface`` object and call
+methods on that, without needing to specify the interface again::
+ >>> import dbus
+ >>> bus = dbus.SystemBus()
+ >>> eth0 = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.NetworkManager',
+ ... '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/eth0')
+ >>> eth0_dev_iface = dbus.Interface(eth0,
+ ... dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Devices')
+ >>> eth0_dev_iface.getProperties()
+ (dbus.ObjectPath('/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/eth0'), [...])
+ >>>
+See also
+See the example in ``examples/``. Before running it,
+you'll need to run ``examples/`` in the background or
+in another shell.
+Data types
+Unlike Python, D-Bus is statically typed - each method has a certain
+*signature* representing the types of its arguments, and will not accept
+arguments of other types.
+D-Bus has an introspection mechanism, which ``dbus-python`` tries to use
+to discover the correct argument types. If this succeeds, Python types
+are converted into the right D-Bus data types automatically, if possible;
+``TypeError`` is raised if the type is inappropriate.
+If the introspection mechanism fails (or the argument's type is
+variant - see below), you have to provide arguments of
+the correct type. ``dbus-python`` provides Python types corresponding to
+the D-Bus data types, and a few native Python types are also converted to
+D-Bus data types automatically. If you use a type which isn't among these,
+a ``TypeError`` will be raised telling you that ``dbus-python`` was
+unable to guess the D-Bus signature.
+Basic types
+The following basic data types are supported.
+========================== ============================= =====
+Python type converted to D-Bus type notes
+========================== ============================= =====
+D-Bus `proxy object`_ ObjectPath (signature 'o') `(+)`_
+`dbus.Interface`_ ObjectPath (signature 'o') `(+)`_
+`dbus.service.Object`_ ObjectPath (signature 'o') `(+)`_
+``dbus.Boolean`` Boolean (signature 'b') a subclass of ``int``
+``dbus.Byte`` byte (signature 'y') a subclass of ``int``
+``dbus.Int16`` 16-bit signed integer ('?') a subclass of ``int``
+``dbus.Int32`` 32-bit signed integer ('i') a subclass of ``int``
+``dbus.Int64`` 64-bit signed integer ('x') `(*)`_
+``dbus.UInt16`` 16-bit unsigned integer ('?') a subclass of ``int``
+``dbus.UInt32`` 32-bit unsigned integer ('u') `(*)_`
+``dbus.UInt64`` 64-bit unsigned integer ('t') `(*)_`
+``dbus.Double`` double-precision float ('d') a subclass of ``float``
+``dbus.ObjectPath`` object path ('o') a subclass of ``str``
+``dbus.Signature`` signature ('g') a subclass of ``str``
+``dbus.String`` string ('s') a subclass of
+ ``unicode``
+``dbus.UTF8String`` string ('s') a subclass of ``str``
+``bool`` Boolean ('b')
+``int`` or subclass 32-bit signed integer ('i')
+``long`` or subclass 64-bit signed integer ('x')
+``float`` or subclass double-precision float ('d')
+``str`` or subclass string ('s') must be valid UTF-8
+``unicode`` or subclass string ('s')
+========================== ============================= =====
+.. _(*):
+Types marked (*) may be a subclass of either ``int`` or ``long``, depending
+on platform.
+.. _(+):
+(+): D-Bus proxy objects, exported D-Bus service objects and anything
+else with the special attribute ``__dbus_object_path__``, which
+must be a string, are converted to their object-path.
+Basic type conversions
+If introspection succeeded, ``dbus-python`` will also accept:
+* for Boolean parameters, any object (converted as if via ``int(bool(...))``)
+* for byte parameters, a single-character string (converted as if via ``ord()``)
+* for byte and integer parameters, any integer (must be in the correct range)
+* for object-path and signature parameters, any ``str`` or ``unicode``
+ subclass (the value must follow the appropriate syntax)
+Container types
+D-Bus supports four container types: array (a variable-length sequence of the
+same type), struct (a fixed-length sequence whose members may have
+different types), dictionary (a mapping from values of the same basic type to
+values of the same type), and variant (a container which may hold any
+D-Bus type, including another variant).
+Arrays are represented by Python lists, or by ``dbus.Array``, a subclass
+of ``list``. When sending an array, if an introspected signature is
+available, that will be used; otherwise, if the ``signature`` keyword
+parameter was passed to the ``Array`` constructor, that will be used to
+determine the contents' signature; otherwise, ``dbus-python`` will guess
+from the array's first item.
+There's also a type ``dbus.ByteArray`` which is a subclass of ``str``,
+used as a more efficient representation of a D-Bus array of bytes.
+Structs are represented by Python tuples, or by ``dbus.Struct``, a
+subclass of ``tuple``. When sending a struct, if an introspected signature is
+available, that will be used; otherwise, if the ``signature`` keyword
+parameter was passed to the ``Array`` constructor, that will be used to
+determine the contents' signature; otherwise, ``dbus-python`` will guess
+from the array's first item.
+Dictionaries are represented by Python dictionaries, or by
+``dbus.Dictionary``, a subclass of ``dict``. When sending a dictionary,
+if an introspected signature is available, that will be used; otherwise,
+if the ``signature`` keyword parameter was passed to the ``Dictionary``
+constructor, that will be used to determine the contents' key and value
+signatures; otherwise, ``dbus-python`` will guess from an arbitrary item
+of the ``dict``.
+Variants are represented by setting the ``variant_level`` keyword
+argument in the constructor of any D-Bus data type to a value greater
+than 0 (``variant_level`` 1 means a variant containing some other data type,
+``variant_level`` 2 means a variant containing a variant containing some
+other data type, and so on). If a non-variant is passed as an argument
+but introspection indicates that a variant is expected, it'll
+automatically be wrapped in a variant.
+Return values, and the ``byte_arrays`` and ``utf8_strings`` options
+If a D-Bus method returns no value, the Python proxy method will return
+If a D-Bus method returns one value, the Python proxy method will return
+that value as one of the ``dbus.`` types - by default, strings are
+returned as ``dbus.String`` (a subclass of Unicode) and byte arrays are
+returned as a ``dbus.Array`` of ``dbus.Byte``.
+If you want strings returned as ``dbus.UTF8String`` (a subclass of
+``str``) pass the keyword parameter ``utf8_strings=True`` to the proxy
+If you want byte arrays returned as ``dbus.ByteArray`` (also a
+subclass of ``str`` - in practice, this is often what you want) pass
+the keyword parameter ``byte_arrays=True`` to the proxy method.
+Making asynchronous method calls
+FIXME intro about how you need an event loop
+Setting up an event loop
+FIXME describe how to use at least GLib
+Making asynchronous calls
+FIXME describe ``reply_handler`` and ``error_handler``
+See also
+``examples/`` makes asynchronous method calls to
+the service provided by ``examples/``.
+Receiving signals
+To receive signals, the Bus needs to be connected to an event loop - see
+section `Setting up an event loop`_. Signals will only be received while
+the event loop is running.
+Receiving signals from a proxy object
+FIXME describe ``connect_to_signal``
+See also
+``examples/`` receives signals. Before running it,
+you'll need to run ``examples/`` in the background or
+in another shell. As well as ``connect_to_signal`` it demonstrates more
+general signal matching, described next.
+General signal matching
+FIXME describe ``Bus.add_signal_receiver``
+See also
+As before, ``examples/`` receives signals - it demonstrates
+general signal matching as well as ``connect_to_signal``. Before running it,
+you'll need to run ``examples/`` in the background or
+in another shell.
+.. _BusName:
+Claiming a bus name
+FIXME describe `BusName`_ - perhaps fix its API first?
+The unique-instance idiom
+FIXME provide exemplary code, put it in examples
+.. _exported object:
+.. _exported objects:
+Exporting objects
+Objects made available to other applications over D-Bus are said to be
+*exported*. All subclasses of ``dbus.service.Object`` are automatically
+To export objects, the Bus needs to be connected to an event loop - see
+section `Setting up an event loop`_. Exported methods will only be called,
+and queued signals will only be sent, while the event loop is running.
+.. _dbus.service.Object:
+Inheriting from ``dbus.service.Object``
+FIXME also mention dbus.gobject.ExportedGObject once I've written it
+Exporting methods with ``dbus.service.method``
+FIXME - example is ``examples/``
+Asynchronous method implementations
+FIXME and also add an example, perhaps examples/
+Emitting signals with ``dbus.service.signal``
+FIXME brief intro here
+The signal will be queued for sending when the decorated method returns -
+you can prevent the signal from being sent by raising an exception
+from the decorated method. The signal will only actually be sent when
+the event loop next runs.
+``examples/`` emits some signals on demand.
+ vim:set ft=rst sw=4 sts=4 et tw=72: