diff options
authorOlivier Andrieu <>2005-02-28 11:17:22 +0000
committerHezekiah M. Carty <>2009-06-18 13:57:44 -0400
commit50f7a8f814d1102ad56d27180c3db57cd0cd22c6 (patch)
parent126b81b6e9fd1e79e06b9088c8619011bcc51757 (diff)
add kapow and disable the gtkcairo example
2 files changed, 131 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/test/Makefile b/test/Makefile
index f6a3965..7ef930e 100644
--- a/test/Makefile
+++ b/test/Makefile
@@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
include ../config.make
+TARGETS = kapow
TARGETS += text demo spline basket knockout font
-TARGETS += cube
+# TARGETS += cube
+# endif
all : $(TARGETS)
+kapow :
+ $(OCAMLOPT) -o $@ -I ../src cairo.cmxa $^
font :
$(OCAMLOPT) -o $@ -I ../src cairo.cmxa $^
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68f8c44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+let filename = "kapow.png"
+let fontname = "Sans"
+let default_text = "KAPOW"
+let width = 384.
+let height = 256.
+let spikes = 10
+let shadow_offset = 10.
+let x_fuzz = 16.
+let y_fuzz = 16.
+let x_outer_radius = width /. 2. -. x_fuzz -. shadow_offset
+let y_outer_radius = height /. 2. -. y_fuzz -. shadow_offset
+let x_inner_radius = x_outer_radius *. 0.7
+let y_inner_radius = y_outer_radius *. 0.7
+let pi = 4. *. atan 1.
+let make_star_path cr =
+ Random.init 42 ;
+ for i = 0 to spikes - 1 do
+ let x = width /. 2. +. cos (pi *. float (2 * i) /. float spikes) *. x_inner_radius +.
+ Random.float x_fuzz in
+ let y = height /. 2. +. sin (pi *. float (2 * i) /. float spikes) *. y_inner_radius +.
+ Random.float y_fuzz in
+ if i = 0 then
+ Cairo.move_to cr x y
+ else
+ Cairo.line_to cr x y ;
+ let x = width /. 2. +. cos (pi *. float (2 * i + 1) /. float spikes) *. x_outer_radius +.
+ Random.float x_fuzz in
+ let y = height /. 2. +. sin (pi *. float (2 * i + 1) /. float spikes) *. y_outer_radius +.
+ Random.float y_fuzz in
+ Cairo.line_to cr x y
+ done ;
+ Cairo.close_path cr
+let bend_it { Cairo.x = x ; Cairo.y = y } =
+ let cx = width /. 2. in
+ let cy = 500. in
+ let angle = pi /. 2. -. (x -. cx) /. width in
+ let t = 3. *. pi /. 4. -. angle +. 0.05 in
+ let angle = 3. *. pi /. 4. -. t ** 1.8 in
+ let radius = cy -. (height /. 2. +. (y -. height /. 2.) *. t *. 2.) in
+ { Cairo.x = cx +. cos angle *. radius;
+ Cairo.y = cy -. sin angle *. radius }
+let make_text_path cr x y text =
+ Cairo.move_to cr x y ;
+ Cairo.text_path cr text ;
+ ignore
+ (Cairo.fold_current_path_flat cr
+ (fun first -> function
+ | `MOVE_TO p ->
+ if first then Cairo.new_path cr ;
+ Cairo.move_to_point cr (bend_it p) ; false
+ | `LINE_TO p ->
+ Cairo.line_to_point cr (bend_it p) ; false
+ | `CLOSE ->
+ Cairo.close_path cr ; false)
+ true)
+let draw text =
+ let file = Cairo_channel.open_out filename in
+ let cr = Cairo.create () in
+ Cairo.set_target_png cr file Cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32 (int_of_float width) (int_of_float height) ;
+ Cairo.set_line_width cr 2. ;
+ cr ; begin
+ Cairo.translate cr shadow_offset shadow_offset ;
+ make_star_path cr ;
+ Cairo.set_alpha cr 0.5 ;
+ Cairo.set_rgb_color cr 0. 0. 0. ;
+ Cairo.fill cr ; end ;
+ Cairo.restore cr ;
+ make_star_path cr ;
+ Cairo.set_alpha cr 1. ;
+ let pattern = Cairo.pattern_create_radial
+ (width /. 2.) (height /. 2.) 10.
+ (width /. 2.) (height /. 2.) 230. in
+ Cairo.pattern_add_color_stop pattern 0. 1. 1. 0.2 1. ;
+ Cairo.pattern_add_color_stop pattern 1. 1. 0. 0. 1. ;
+ Cairo.set_pattern cr pattern ;
+ Cairo.fill cr ;
+ make_star_path cr ;
+ Cairo.set_rgb_color cr 0. 0. 0. ;
+ Cairo.stroke cr ;
+ Cairo.select_font cr fontname Cairo.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL Cairo.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD ;
+ Cairo.scale_font cr 50. ;
+ let extents = Cairo.text_extents cr text in
+ let x = width /. 2. -. (extents.Cairo.text_width /. 2. +. extents.Cairo.x_bearing) in
+ let y = height /. 2. -. (extents.Cairo.text_height /. 2. +. extents.Cairo.y_bearing) in
+ make_text_path cr x y text ;
+ let pattern = Cairo.pattern_create_linear
+ (width /. 2. -. 10.) (height /. 4.)
+ (width /. 2. +. 10.) (3. *. height /. 4.) in
+ Cairo.pattern_add_color_stop pattern 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. ;
+ Cairo.pattern_add_color_stop pattern 1. 0. 0. 0.4 1. ;
+ Cairo.set_pattern cr pattern ;
+ Cairo.fill cr ;
+ make_text_path cr x y text ;
+ Cairo.set_rgb_color cr 0. 0. 0. ;
+ Cairo.stroke cr ;
+ Cairo.show_page cr ;
+ Cairo.finalise_target cr ;
+ Cairo_channel.close file
+let _ =
+ draw
+ (if Array.length Sys.argv > 1 then Sys.argv.(1) else default_text)