path: root/cairo.5c
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-07-13Force freetype to draw correctlyKeith Packard1-0/+2
2008-01-10Export hsv/rgb conversion funcsKeith Packard1-2/+14
2008-01-01Use in the dlopen callKeith Packard1-1/+1
2007-12-28Clean up build process, add test suite.Keith Packard1-2/+10
2005-06-07Enum order and names changed in API shuffle.Keith Packard1-1/+1
2005-06-07Some locking changes. Still locks up from time to time.Keith Packard1-1/+1
2005-05-18Another round of API changes for cairo 0.5, the putative final API structure.Keith Packard1-133/+23
2005-05-02Match cairo API as of today.Keith Packard1-60/+58
2005-02-11Add do_Cairo_copy_page and do_Cairo_show_page. Track whether copy_page/show_p...Keith Packard1-15/+30
2004-12-24Handle window delete more gracefully; report exception on drawing, report 'de...Keith Packard1-9/+33
2004-12-23Split cairo_t and cairo_surface_t functions apart, permitting more complex pr...Keith Packard1-0/+73
2004-12-19Add matrix operationsKeith Packard1-0/+61
2004-12-18Fix examples to match API changesKeith Packard1-2/+24
2004-12-18Add gradient pattern support. Split out matrix support to share.Keith Packard1-1/+6
2004-12-17Add HSV color space routine to cairo.5cKeith Packard1-1/+51
2004-12-17Add current_path/current_path_flat by creating nickle structure in C code hol...Keith Packard1-0/+68
2004-12-17Add cairo.5c and install it to nickle libaryKeith Packard1-0/+41