AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-08-02Implement printf for new runtime.newRTJunyan He9-55/+907
2017-08-02Fix get kernel_names bug.Junyan He3-4/+5
2017-08-02FIx get kernel arg info crash bug.Junyan He2-5/+6
2017-08-02Set the triple to correct default value if SPIR and SPIR64Junyan He1-0/+19
2017-08-02runtime: some backend don't use block_ip.Ruiling Song1-1/+0
2017-08-02Modify CMakeList.txt to enable new runtime.Junyan He7-2/+221
2017-08-02Add git sha generator.Junyan He1-0/+20
2017-08-02Add binary generator for runtime.Junyan He1-0/+302
2017-08-02Add all internal kernels for GEN device.Junyan He35-0/+972
2017-08-02Add cl_compiler_gen to use compiler backend.Junyan He1-0/+94
2017-08-02Add cl_device_id_gen to define cl_device_id for GEN.Junyan He1-0/+1015
2017-08-02Add GEN device's image functions to cl_image_gen.Junyan He1-0/+1247
2017-08-02Implement cl_event_gen for cl_event.Junyan He1-0/+105
2017-08-02Add cl_sampler_gen to implement cl_sampler for GEN device.Junyan He1-0/+30
2017-08-02Add cl_command_queue_gen to implement cl_command_queue for GEN.Junyan He1-0/+1721
2017-08-02Add cl_context_gen to create cl_context.Junyan He1-0/+188
2017-08-02Add cl_kernel_gen for GEN device's kernel.Junyan He1-0/+583
2017-08-02Add cl_mem_gen to implement cl_men for GEN device.Junyan He1-0/+1269
2017-08-02Add cl_program_gen.c to parse GEN's ELF format file.Junyan He1-0/+502
2017-08-02Add intel_defines.h file to define command format.Junyan He1-0/+352
2017-08-02Add intel_structs.h file to define GEN's configure format.Junyan He1-0/+809
2017-08-02Add gen device pci id define and macro to runtime.Junyan He1-0/+365
2017-08-02Add intel driver to handle the gen device setting.Junyan He2-0/+1060
2017-08-02Add GEN device's GPGPU helper functions.Junyan He1-0/+1864
2017-08-02Add intel_batch buffer implementation to GEN device.Junyan He2-0/+382
2017-08-02Add cl_gen.h to gen device.Junyan He1-0/+378
2017-08-02Add device define for different generation of GEN GPU.Junyan He4-0/+127
2017-08-02Add cl_gen_device_common.h to define common field for gen device.Junyan He1-0/+126
2017-08-02Add X11 support to gen device related dir.Junyan He6-0/+1114
2017-08-02Implement all device related API in cl_api_device_id.cJunyan He1-0/+90
2017-08-02Implement all kernel related API in cl_api_kernel.cJunyan He1-0/+517
2017-08-02Implement all sampler related API in cl_api_sampler.cJunyan He1-0/+202
2017-08-02Implement all program related API in cl_api_program.cJunyan He1-0/+632
2017-08-02Implement all mem related API in cl_api_mem.cJunyan He1-0/+3499
2017-08-02Implement all event related API in cl_api_event.cJunyan He1-0/+352
2017-08-02Implement all command queue related API in cl_api_command_queue.cJunyan He1-0/+233
2017-08-02Implement all context related API in cl_api_context.cJunyan He1-0/+174
2017-08-02Implement all platform related API in cl_api_platform_id.cJunyan He1-0/+107
2017-08-02Add khr_icd define to runtime.Junyan He2-0/+226
2017-08-02Add cl_enqueue to handle all clEnqueueXXX API.Junyan He2-0/+340
2017-08-02Add cl_kernel define to runtime.Junyan He2-0/+784
2017-08-02Add cl_event define to runtime.Junyan He2-0/+740
2017-08-02Add cl_sampler define to runtime.Junyan He2-0/+190
2017-08-02Add cl_program define to runtime.Junyan He2-0/+1138
2017-08-02Add extension support to runtime.Junyan He2-0/+283
2017-08-02Add image common logic to runtime.Junyan He2-0/+227
2017-08-02Implement mem related cl object logic.Junyan He1-0/+1258
2017-08-02Add cl_mem define to runtime.Junyan He1-0/+255
2017-08-02Add cl_command_queue define to runtime.Junyan He2-0/+540
2017-08-02Add cl_context define to runtime.Junyan He2-0/+541