/* PipeWire * * Copyright © 2019 Wim Taymans * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "pipewire/pipewire.h" #include "media-session.h" #define NAME "policy-node" #define SESSION_KEY "policy-node" #define DEFAULT_IDLE_SECONDS 3 struct impl { struct timespec now; struct sm_media_session *session; struct spa_hook listener; struct pw_context *context; uint32_t sample_rate; struct spa_list node_list; int seq; }; struct node { struct sm_node *obj; uint32_t id; struct impl *impl; struct spa_list link; /**< link in impl node_list */ enum pw_direction direction; struct spa_hook listener; struct node *peer; uint32_t client_id; int32_t priority; #define NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN 0 #define NODE_TYPE_STREAM 1 #define NODE_TYPE_DEVICE 2 uint32_t type; char *media; struct spa_audio_info format; uint64_t plugged; unsigned int active:1; unsigned int exclusive:1; unsigned int enabled:1; }; static int activate_node(struct node *node) { struct impl *impl = node->impl; struct sm_param *p; char buf[1024]; struct spa_pod_builder b = { 0, }; struct spa_pod *param; bool have_format = false; pw_log_debug(NAME" %p: node %p activate", impl, node); spa_list_for_each(p, &node->obj->param_list, link) { struct spa_audio_info info = { 0, }; if (p->id != SPA_PARAM_EnumFormat) continue; if (spa_format_parse(p->param, &info.media_type, &info.media_subtype) < 0) continue; if (info.media_type != SPA_MEDIA_TYPE_audio || info.media_subtype != SPA_MEDIA_SUBTYPE_raw) continue; spa_pod_object_fixate((struct spa_pod_object*)p->param); if (pw_log_level_enabled(SPA_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG)) spa_debug_pod(2, NULL, p->param); if (spa_format_audio_raw_parse(p->param, &info.info.raw) < 0) continue; if (node->format.info.raw.channels < info.info.raw.channels) node->format = info; have_format = true; } if (have_format) { node->format.info.raw.rate = impl->sample_rate; spa_pod_builder_init(&b, buf, sizeof(buf)); param = spa_format_audio_raw_build(&b, SPA_PARAM_Format, &node->format.info.raw); param = spa_pod_builder_add_object(&b, SPA_TYPE_OBJECT_ParamPortConfig, SPA_PARAM_PortConfig, SPA_PARAM_PORT_CONFIG_direction, SPA_POD_Id(node->direction), SPA_PARAM_PORT_CONFIG_mode, SPA_POD_Id(SPA_PARAM_PORT_CONFIG_MODE_dsp), SPA_PARAM_PORT_CONFIG_monitor, SPA_POD_Bool(true), SPA_PARAM_PORT_CONFIG_format, SPA_POD_Pod(param)); if (pw_log_level_enabled(SPA_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG)) spa_debug_pod(2, NULL, param); pw_node_set_param((struct pw_node*)node->obj->obj.proxy, SPA_PARAM_PortConfig, 0, param); } node->active = true; return 0; } static void object_update(void *data) { struct node *node = data; struct impl *impl = node->impl; pw_log_debug(NAME" %p: node %p %08x", impl, node, node->obj->obj.changed); if (node->obj->obj.avail & SM_NODE_CHANGE_MASK_PARAMS && !node->active) activate_node(node); } static const struct sm_object_events object_events = { SM_VERSION_OBJECT_EVENTS, .update = object_update }; static int handle_node(struct impl *impl, struct sm_object *object) { const char *str, *media_class; enum pw_direction direction; struct node *node; uint32_t client_id = SPA_ID_INVALID; if (object->props) { if ((str = pw_properties_get(object->props, PW_KEY_CLIENT_ID)) != NULL) client_id = atoi(str); } media_class = object->props ? pw_properties_get(object->props, PW_KEY_MEDIA_CLASS) : NULL; pw_log_debug(NAME" %p: node "PW_KEY_MEDIA_CLASS" %s", impl, media_class); if (media_class == NULL) return 0; node = sm_object_add_data(object, SESSION_KEY, sizeof(struct node)); node->obj = (struct sm_node*)object; node->id = object->id; node->impl = impl; node->client_id = client_id; node->type = NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; spa_list_append(&impl->node_list, &node->link); if (strstr(media_class, "Stream/") == media_class) { media_class += strlen("Stream/"); if (strstr(media_class, "Output/") == media_class) { direction = PW_DIRECTION_OUTPUT; media_class += strlen("Output/"); } else if (strstr(media_class, "Input/") == media_class) { direction = PW_DIRECTION_INPUT; media_class += strlen("Input/"); } else return 0; if (strstr(media_class, "Video") == media_class) { if (direction == PW_DIRECTION_OUTPUT) { if ((str = pw_properties_get(object->props, PW_KEY_NODE_PLUGGED)) != NULL) node->plugged = pw_properties_parse_uint64(str); else node->plugged = SPA_TIMESPEC_TO_NSEC(&impl->now); } node->active = true; } node->direction = direction; node->type = NODE_TYPE_STREAM; node->media = strdup(media_class); pw_log_debug(NAME" %p: node %d is stream %s", impl, object->id, node->media); } else { const char *media; if (strstr(media_class, "Audio/") == media_class) { media_class += strlen("Audio/"); media = "Audio"; } else if (strstr(media_class, "Video/") == media_class) { media_class += strlen("Video/"); media = "Video"; node->active = true; } else return 0; if (strcmp(media_class, "Sink") == 0) direction = PW_DIRECTION_INPUT; else if (strcmp(media_class, "Source") == 0) direction = PW_DIRECTION_OUTPUT; else return 0; if ((str = pw_properties_get(object->props, PW_KEY_NODE_PLUGGED)) != NULL) node->plugged = pw_properties_parse_uint64(str); else node->plugged = SPA_TIMESPEC_TO_NSEC(&impl->now); if ((str = pw_properties_get(object->props, PW_KEY_PRIORITY_SESSION)) != NULL) node->priority = pw_properties_parse_int(str); else node->priority = 0; node->direction = direction; node->type = NODE_TYPE_DEVICE; node->media = strdup(media); pw_log_debug(NAME" %p: node %d '%s' prio:%d", impl, object->id, node->media, node->priority); } node->enabled = true; node->obj->obj.mask |= SM_NODE_CHANGE_MASK_PARAMS; sm_object_add_listener(&node->obj->obj, &node->listener, &object_events, node); return 1; } static void destroy_node(struct impl *impl, struct node *node) { spa_list_remove(&node->link); if (node->enabled) spa_hook_remove(&node->listener); free(node->media); if (node->peer) node->peer->peer = NULL; sm_object_remove_data((struct sm_object*)node->obj, SESSION_KEY); } static void session_create(void *data, struct sm_object *object) { struct impl *impl = data; int res; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &impl->now); if (strcmp(object->type, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Node) == 0) res = handle_node(impl, object); else res = 0; if (res < 0) { pw_log_warn(NAME" %p: can't handle global %d", impl, object->id); } else sm_media_session_schedule_rescan(impl->session); } static void session_remove(void *data, struct sm_object *object) { struct impl *impl = data; pw_log_debug(NAME " %p: remove global '%d'", impl, object->id); if (strcmp(object->type, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Node) == 0) { struct node *n, *node; if ((node = sm_object_get_data(object, SESSION_KEY)) != NULL) destroy_node(impl, node); spa_list_for_each(n, &impl->node_list, link) { if (n->peer == node) n->peer = NULL; } } sm_media_session_schedule_rescan(impl->session); } struct find_data { struct impl *impl; struct node *target; struct node *node; bool exclusive; int priority; uint64_t plugged; }; static int find_node(void *data, struct node *node) { struct find_data *find = data; struct impl *impl = find->impl; int priority = 0; uint64_t plugged = 0; struct sm_device *device = node->obj->device; pw_log_debug(NAME " %p: looking at node '%d' enabled:%d state:%d peer:%p exclusive:%d", impl, node->id, node->enabled, node->obj->info->state, node->peer, node->exclusive); if (!node->enabled || node->type == NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN) return 0; if (device && device->locked) { pw_log_debug(".. device locked"); return 0; } if (node->direction == find->target->direction) { pw_log_debug(".. same direction"); return 0; } if (strcmp(node->media, find->target->media) != 0) { pw_log_debug(".. incompatible media %s <-> %s", node->media, find->target->media); return 0; } plugged = node->plugged; priority = node->priority; if ((find->exclusive && node->obj->info->state == PW_NODE_STATE_RUNNING) || (node->peer && node->peer->exclusive)) { pw_log_debug(NAME " %p: node '%d' in use", impl, node->id); return 0; } pw_log_debug(NAME " %p: found node '%d' %"PRIu64" prio:%d", impl, node->id, plugged, priority); if (find->node == NULL || priority > find->priority || (priority == find->priority && plugged > find->plugged)) { pw_log_debug(NAME " %p: new best %d %" PRIu64, impl, priority, plugged); find->node = node; find->priority = priority; find->plugged = plugged; } return 0; } static int link_nodes(struct node *node, struct node *peer) { struct impl *impl = node->impl; struct pw_properties *props; pw_log_debug(NAME " %p: link nodes %d %d", impl, node->id, peer->id); peer->peer = node; node->peer = peer; if (node->direction == PW_DIRECTION_INPUT) { struct node *t = node; node = peer; peer = t; } props = pw_properties_new(NULL, NULL); pw_properties_setf(props, PW_KEY_LINK_OUTPUT_NODE, "%d", node->id); pw_properties_setf(props, PW_KEY_LINK_INPUT_NODE, "%d", peer->id); pw_log_debug(NAME " %p: node %d -> node %d", impl, node->id, peer->id); sm_media_session_create_links(impl->session, &props->dict); pw_properties_free(props); return 0; } static int rescan_node(struct impl *impl, struct node *n) { struct spa_dict *props; const char *str; bool exclusive; struct find_data find; struct pw_node_info *info; struct node *peer; struct sm_object *obj; if (n->type == NODE_TYPE_DEVICE) return 0; if (!n->active) { pw_log_debug(NAME " %p: node %d is not active", impl, n->id); return 0; } if (n->obj->info == NULL || n->obj->info->props == NULL) { pw_log_debug(NAME " %p: node %d has no properties", impl, n->id); return 0; } if (n->peer != NULL) { pw_log_debug(NAME " %p: node %d is already linked", impl, n->id); return 0; } info = n->obj->info; props = info->props; str = spa_dict_lookup(props, PW_KEY_NODE_AUTOCONNECT); if (str == NULL || !pw_properties_parse_bool(str)) { pw_log_debug(NAME" %p: node %d does not need autoconnect", impl, n->id); return 0; } if (n->media == NULL) { pw_log_debug(NAME" %p: node %d has unknown media", impl, n->id); return 0; } spa_zero(find); if ((str = spa_dict_lookup(props, PW_KEY_NODE_EXCLUSIVE)) != NULL) exclusive = pw_properties_parse_bool(str); else exclusive = false; find.impl = impl; find.target = n; find.exclusive = exclusive; pw_log_debug(NAME " %p: exclusive:%d", impl, exclusive); str = spa_dict_lookup(props, PW_KEY_NODE_TARGET); if (str != NULL) { uint32_t path_id = atoi(str); pw_log_debug(NAME " %p: target:%d", impl, path_id); if ((obj = sm_media_session_find_object(impl->session, path_id)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(obj->type, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Node) == 0) { peer = sm_object_get_data(obj, SESSION_KEY); if (peer == NULL) return -ENOENT; goto do_link; } } } spa_list_for_each(peer, &impl->node_list, link) find_node(&find, peer); if (find.node == NULL) { struct sm_object *obj; pw_log_warn(NAME " %p: no node found for %d", impl, n->id); str = spa_dict_lookup(props, PW_KEY_NODE_DONT_RECONNECT); if (str != NULL && pw_properties_parse_bool(str)) { sm_media_session_destroy_object(impl->session, n->id); } obj = sm_media_session_find_object(impl->session, n->client_id); if (obj && strcmp(obj->type, PW_TYPE_INTERFACE_Client) == 0) { pw_client_error((struct pw_client*)obj->proxy, n->id, -ENOENT, "no node available"); } return -ENOENT; } peer = find.node; if (exclusive && peer->obj->info->state == PW_NODE_STATE_RUNNING) { pw_log_warn(NAME" %p: node %d busy, can't get exclusive access", impl, peer->id); return -EBUSY; } n->exclusive = exclusive; pw_log_debug(NAME" %p: linking to node '%d'", impl, peer->id); do_link: link_nodes(n, peer); return 1; } static void session_info(void *data, const struct pw_core_info *info) { struct impl *impl = data; if (info && (info->change_mask & PW_CORE_CHANGE_MASK_PROPS)) { const char *str; if ((str = spa_dict_lookup(info->props, "default.clock.rate")) != NULL) impl->sample_rate = atoi(str); pw_log_debug(NAME" %p: props changed sample_rate:%d", impl, impl->sample_rate); } } static void session_rescan(void *data, int seq) { struct impl *impl = data; struct node *node; pw_log_debug(NAME" %p: rescan", impl); spa_list_for_each(node, &impl->node_list, link) rescan_node(impl, node); } static void session_destroy(void *data) { struct impl *impl = data; spa_hook_remove(&impl->listener); free(impl); } static const struct sm_media_session_events session_events = { SM_VERSION_MEDIA_SESSION_EVENTS, .info = session_info, .create = session_create, .remove = session_remove, .rescan = session_rescan, .destroy = session_destroy, }; int sm_policy_node_start(struct sm_media_session *session) { struct impl *impl; impl = calloc(1, sizeof(struct impl)); if (impl == NULL) return -errno; impl->session = session; impl->context = session->context; impl->sample_rate = 48000; spa_list_init(&impl->node_list); sm_media_session_add_listener(impl->session, &impl->listener, &session_events, impl); return 0; }