/* PipeWire * Copyright © 2016 Axis Communications * @author Linus Svensson * Copyright © 2018 Wim Taymans * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "command.h" /** \cond */ static struct pw_command *parse_command_help(struct pw_properties *properties, const char *line, char **err); static struct pw_command *parse_command_set_prop(struct pw_properties *properties, const char *line, char **err); static struct pw_command *parse_command_add_spa_lib(struct pw_properties *properties, const char *line, char **err); static struct pw_command *parse_command_module_load(struct pw_properties *properties, const char *line, char **err); static struct pw_command *parse_command_create_object(struct pw_properties *properties, const char *line, char **err); static struct pw_command *parse_command_exec(struct pw_properties *properties, const char *line, char **err); struct impl { struct pw_command this; int first_arg; }; typedef struct pw_command *(*pw_command_parse_func_t) (struct pw_properties *properties, const char *line, char **err); struct command_parse { const char *name; const char *description; pw_command_parse_func_t func; }; static const struct command_parse parsers[] = { {"help", "Show this help", parse_command_help}, {"set-prop", "Set a property", parse_command_set_prop}, {"add-spa-lib", "Add a library that provides a spa factory name regex", parse_command_add_spa_lib}, {"load-module", "Load a module", parse_command_module_load}, {"create-object", "Create an object from a factory", parse_command_create_object}, {"exec", "Execute a program", parse_command_exec}, {NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static const char whitespace[] = " \t"; /** \endcond */ static int execute_command_help(struct pw_command *command, struct pw_context *context, char **err) { int i; fputs("Available commands:\n", stdout); for (i = 0; parsers[i].name; i++) fprintf(stdout, " %20.20s\t%s\n", parsers[i].name, parsers[i].description); return 0; } static struct pw_command *parse_command_help(struct pw_properties *properties, const char *line, char **err) { struct impl *impl; struct pw_command *this; impl = calloc(1, sizeof(struct impl)); if (impl == NULL) goto no_mem; this = &impl->this; this->func = execute_command_help; this->args = pw_split_strv(line, whitespace, 1, &this->n_args); return this; no_mem: *err = spa_aprintf("alloc failed: %m"); return NULL; } static int execute_command_set_prop(struct pw_command *command, struct pw_context *context, char **err) { return 0; } static struct pw_command *parse_command_set_prop(struct pw_properties *properties, const char *line, char **err) { struct impl *impl; struct pw_command *this; impl = calloc(1, sizeof(struct impl)); if (impl == NULL) goto error_alloc; this = &impl->this; this->func = execute_command_set_prop; this->args = pw_split_strv(line, whitespace, 4, &this->n_args); if (this->n_args < 3) goto error_arguments; pw_log_debug("set property: '%s' = '%s'", this->args[1], this->args[2]); pw_properties_set(properties, this->args[1], this->args[2]); if (strcmp(this->args[1], SPA_KEY_LOG_LEVEL) == 0) { pw_log_set_level(atoi(this->args[2])); setenv("PIPEWIRE_DEBUG", this->args[2], 1); } return this; error_arguments: *err = spa_aprintf("%s requires ", this->args[0]); pw_free_strv(this->args); free(impl); return NULL; error_alloc: *err = spa_aprintf("alloc failed: %m"); return NULL; } static int execute_command_add_spa_lib(struct pw_command *command, struct pw_context *context, char **err) { int res; res = pw_context_add_spa_lib(context, command->args[1], command->args[2]); if (res < 0) { *err = spa_aprintf("could not add spa library \"%s\"", command->args[1]); return res; } return 0; } static struct pw_command *parse_command_add_spa_lib(struct pw_properties *properties, const char *line, char **err) { struct impl *impl; struct pw_command *this; impl = calloc(1, sizeof(struct impl)); if (impl == NULL) goto no_mem; this = &impl->this; this->func = execute_command_add_spa_lib; this->args = pw_split_strv(line, whitespace, 4, &this->n_args); if (this->n_args < 3) goto no_library; return this; no_library: *err = spa_aprintf("%s requires ", this->args[0]); pw_free_strv(this->args); free(impl); return NULL; no_mem: *err = spa_aprintf("alloc failed: %m"); return NULL; } static bool has_option(struct pw_command *this, int first_arg, const char *option) { int arg; for (arg = 1; arg < first_arg; arg++) { if (strstr(this->args[arg], "-") == this->args[arg]) { if (strcmp(this->args[arg], option) == 0) return true; } } return false; } static int execute_command_module_load(struct pw_command *command, struct pw_context *context, char **err) { struct pw_impl_module *module; struct impl *impl = SPA_CONTAINER_OF(command, struct impl, this); int arg = impl->first_arg; module = pw_context_load_module(context, command->args[arg], command->args[arg+1], NULL); if (module == NULL) { if (errno == ENOENT && has_option(command, arg, "-ifexists")) { pw_log_debug("skipping unavailable module %s", command->args[arg]); return 0; } *err = spa_aprintf("could not load module \"%s\": %m", command->args[arg]); return -errno; } return 0; } static struct pw_command *parse_command_module_load(struct pw_properties *properties, const char *line, char **err) { struct impl *impl; struct pw_command *this; int arg; impl = calloc(1, sizeof(struct impl)); if (impl == NULL) goto no_mem; this = &impl->this; this->func = execute_command_module_load; this->args = pw_split_strv(line, whitespace, INT_MAX, &this->n_args); for (arg = 1; arg < this->n_args; arg++) { if (strstr(this->args[arg], "-") != this->args[arg]) break; } if (arg + 1 > this->n_args) goto no_module; pw_free_strv(this->args); this->args = pw_split_strv(line, whitespace, arg + 2, &this->n_args); impl->first_arg = arg; return this; no_module: *err = spa_aprintf("%s requires a module name", this->args[0]); pw_free_strv(this->args); free(impl); return NULL; no_mem: *err = spa_aprintf("alloc failed: %m"); return NULL; } static int execute_command_create_object(struct pw_command *command, struct pw_context *context, char **err) { struct pw_impl_factory *factory; struct impl *impl = SPA_CONTAINER_OF(command, struct impl, this); int arg = impl->first_arg; void *obj; pw_log_debug("find factory %s", command->args[arg]); factory = pw_context_find_factory(context, command->args[arg]); if (factory == NULL) { if (has_option(command, arg, "-nofail")) return 0; pw_log_error("can't find factory %s", command->args[arg]); return -ENOENT; } pw_log_debug("create object with args %s", command->args[arg+1]); obj = pw_impl_factory_create_object(factory, NULL, NULL, 0, pw_properties_new_string(command->args[arg+1]), SPA_ID_INVALID); if (obj == NULL) { if (has_option(command, arg, "-nofail")) return 0; pw_log_error("can't create object from factory %s: %m", command->args[arg]); return -errno; } return 0; } static struct pw_command *parse_command_create_object(struct pw_properties *properties, const char *line, char **err) { struct impl *impl; struct pw_command *this; int arg; impl = calloc(1, sizeof(struct impl)); if (impl == NULL) goto no_mem; this = &impl->this; this->func = execute_command_create_object; this->args = pw_split_strv(line, whitespace, INT_MAX, &this->n_args); for (arg = 1; arg < this->n_args; arg++) { if (strstr(this->args[arg], "-") != this->args[arg]) break; } if (arg > this->n_args) goto no_factory; pw_free_strv(this->args); this->args = pw_split_strv(line, whitespace, arg + 2, &this->n_args); impl->first_arg = arg; return this; no_factory: *err = spa_aprintf("%s requires [= ...]", this->args[0]); pw_free_strv(this->args); free(impl); return NULL; no_mem: *err = spa_aprintf("alloc failed: %m"); return NULL; } static int execute_command_exec(struct pw_command *command, struct pw_context *context, char **err) { int pid, res; pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) { pw_log_info("exec %s", command->args[1]); res = execvp(command->args[1], &command->args[1]); if (res == -1) { res = -errno; *err = spa_aprintf("'%s': %m", command->args[1]); return res; } } else { int status; res = waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG); pw_log_info("exec got pid %d res:%d status:%d", pid, res, status); } return 0; } static struct pw_command *parse_command_exec(struct pw_properties *properties, const char *line, char **err) { struct impl *impl; struct pw_command *this; impl = calloc(1, sizeof(struct impl)); if (impl == NULL) goto no_mem; this = &impl->this; this->func = execute_command_exec; this->args = pw_split_strv(line, whitespace, INT_MAX, &this->n_args); if (this->n_args < 1) goto no_executable; return this; no_executable: *err = spa_aprintf("requires an executable name"); pw_free_strv(this->args); free(impl); return NULL; no_mem: *err = spa_aprintf("alloc failed: %m"); return NULL; } /** Free command * * \param command a command to free * * Free all resources assicated with \a command. * * \memberof pw_command */ SPA_EXPORT void pw_command_free(struct pw_command *command) { struct impl *impl = SPA_CONTAINER_OF(command, struct impl, this); spa_list_remove(&command->link); pw_free_strv(command->args); free(impl); } /** Parses a command line * \param line command line to parse * \param[out] err Return location for an error * \return The command or NULL when \a err is set. * * Parses a command line, \a line, and return the parsed command. * A command can later be executed with \ref pw_command_run() * * \memberof pw_command */ SPA_EXPORT struct pw_command *pw_command_parse(struct pw_properties *properties, const char *line, char **err) { struct pw_command *command = NULL; const struct command_parse *parse; char *name; size_t len; len = strcspn(line, whitespace); name = strndup(line, len); for (parse = parsers; parse->name != NULL; parse++) { if (strcmp(name, parse->name) == 0) { command = parse->func(properties, line, err); goto out; } } *err = spa_aprintf("Command \"%s\" does not exist", name); out: free(name); return command; } /** Run a command * * \param command A \ref pw_command * \param context A \ref pw_context * \param err Return location for an error string, or NULL * \return 0 on success, < 0 on error * * \memberof pw_command */ SPA_EXPORT int pw_command_run(struct pw_command *command, struct pw_context *context, char **err) { return command->func(command, context, err); }