/* * Copyright 1996 by Frederic Lepied, France. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of the authors not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without * specific, written prior permission. The authors make no * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It * is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * * THE AUTHORS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, * INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, * DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER * TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * */ #include "xinput.h" #include #include /* for XI_Device***ChangedNotify */ static void print_info(Display* dpy, XDeviceInfo *info, Bool shortformat) { int i,j; XAnyClassPtr any; XKeyInfoPtr k; XButtonInfoPtr b; XValuatorInfoPtr v; XAxisInfoPtr a; printf("\"%s\"\tid=%ld\t[", info->name, info->id); switch (info->use) { case IsXPointer: printf("XPointer"); break; case IsXKeyboard: printf("XKeyboard"); break; case IsXExtensionDevice: printf("XExtensionDevice"); break; case IsXExtensionKeyboard: printf("XExtensionKeyboard"); break; case IsXExtensionPointer: printf("XExtensionPointer"); break; default: printf("Unknown class"); break; } printf("]\n"); if (shortformat) return; if(info->type != None) printf("\tType is %s\n", XGetAtomName(dpy, info->type)); if (info->num_classes > 0) { any = (XAnyClassPtr) (info->inputclassinfo); for (i=0; inum_classes; i++) { switch (any->class) { case KeyClass: k = (XKeyInfoPtr) any; printf("\tNum_keys is %d\n", k->num_keys); printf("\tMin_keycode is %d\n", k->min_keycode); printf("\tMax_keycode is %d\n", k->max_keycode); break; case ButtonClass: b = (XButtonInfoPtr) any; printf("\tNum_buttons is %d\n", b->num_buttons); break; case ValuatorClass: v = (XValuatorInfoPtr) any; a = (XAxisInfoPtr) ((char *) v + sizeof (XValuatorInfo)); printf("\tNum_axes is %d\n", v->num_axes); printf("\tMode is %s\n", (v->mode == Absolute) ? "Absolute" : "Relative"); printf("\tMotion_buffer is %ld\n", v->motion_buffer); for (j=0; jnum_axes; j++, a++) { printf("\tAxis %d :\n", j); printf("\t\tMin_value is %d\n", a->min_value); printf("\t\tMax_value is %d\n", a->max_value); printf ("\t\tResolution is %d\n", a->resolution); } break; default: printf ("unknown class\n"); } any = (XAnyClassPtr) ((char *) any + any->length); } } } static int list_xi1(Display *display, int argc, char *argv[], char *name, char *desc) { XDeviceInfo *info; int loop; int shortformat = False; int daemon = False; shortformat = (argc == 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "--short") == 0); daemon = (argc == 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "--loop") == 0); if (argc == 0 || shortformat || daemon) { int num_devices; do { info = XListInputDevices(display, &num_devices); for(loop=0; loopsourceid); switch(classes[i]->type) { case XIButtonClass: { XIButtonClassInfo *b = (XIButtonClassInfo*)classes[i]; char *name; printf("\t\tButtons supported: %d\n", b->num_buttons); printf("\t\tButton labels:"); for (j = 0; j < b->num_buttons; j++) { name = (b->labels[j]) ? XGetAtomName(display, b->labels[j]) : NULL; printf(" %s", (name) ? name : "None"); XFree(name); } printf("\n"); printf("\t\tButton state:"); for (j = 0; j < b->state.mask_len * 8; j++) if (XIMaskIsSet(b->state.mask, j)) printf(" %d", j); printf("\n"); } break; case XIKeyClass: { XIKeyClassInfo *k = (XIKeyClassInfo*)classes[i]; printf("\t\tKeycodes supported: %d\n", k->num_keycodes); } break; case XIValuatorClass: { XIValuatorClassInfo *v = (XIValuatorClassInfo*)classes[i]; char *name = v->label ? XGetAtomName(display, v->label) : NULL; printf("\t\tDetail for Valuator %d:\n", v->number); printf("\t\t Label: %s\n", (name) ? name : "None"); printf("\t\t Range: %f - %f\n", v->min, v->max); printf("\t\t Resolution: %d units/m\n", v->resolution); printf("\t\t Mode: %s\n", v->mode == Absolute ? "absolute" : "relative"); if (v->mode == Absolute) printf("\t\t Current value: %f\n", v->value); XFree(name); } break; } } printf("\n"); } static void print_info_xi2(Display* display, XIDeviceInfo *dev, Bool shortformat) { printf("%-40s\tid=%d\t[", dev->name, dev->deviceid); switch(dev->use) { case XIMasterPointer: printf("master pointer (%d)]\n", dev->attachment); break; case XIMasterKeyboard: printf("master keyboard (%d)]\n", dev->attachment); break; case XISlavePointer: printf("slave pointer (%d)]\n", dev->attachment); break; case XISlaveKeyboard: printf("slave keyboard (%d)]\n", dev->attachment); break; case XIFloatingSlave: printf("floating slave]\n"); break; } if (shortformat) return; if (!dev->enabled) printf("\tThis device is disabled\n"); print_classes_xi2(display, dev->classes, dev->num_classes); } int list_xi2(Display *display, int argc, char *argv[], char *name, char *desc) { int major = XI_2_Major, minor = XI_2_Minor; int ndevices; int i, j, shortformat; XIDeviceInfo *info, *dev; shortformat = (argc == 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "--short") == 0); if (XIQueryVersion(display, &major, &minor) != Success || (major * 1000 + minor) < (XI_2_Major * 1000 + XI_2_Minor)) { fprintf(stderr, "XI2 not supported.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } info = XIQueryDevice(display, XIAllDevices, &ndevices); for(i = 0; i < ndevices; i++) { dev = &info[i]; if (dev->use == XIMasterPointer || dev->use == XIMasterKeyboard) { if (dev->use == XIMasterPointer) printf("⎡ "); else printf("⎣ "); print_info_xi2(display, dev, shortformat); for (j = 0; j < ndevices; j++) { XIDeviceInfo* sd = &info[j]; if ((sd->use == XISlavePointer || sd->use == XISlaveKeyboard) && (sd->attachment == dev->deviceid)) { printf("%s ↳ ", dev->use == XIMasterPointer ? "⎜" : " "); print_info_xi2(display, sd, shortformat); } } } } for (i = 0; i < ndevices; i++) { dev = &info[i]; if (dev->use == XIFloatingSlave) { printf("∼ "); print_info_xi2(display, dev, shortformat); } } XIFreeDeviceInfo(info); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #endif int list(Display *display, int argc, char *argv[], char *name, char *desc) { #ifdef HAVE_XI2 if (xinput_version(display) == XI_2_Major) return list_xi2(display, argc, argv, name, desc); #endif return list_xi1(display, argc, argv, name, desc); } /* end of list.c */