# Copyright (c) 2014, 2016 Intel Corporation # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. 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""" Tests for the backend package """ from __future__ import ( absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals ) import os try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import json try: import mock except ImportError: from unittest import mock import jsonschema import pytest import six from framework import backends from framework import exceptions from framework import grouptools from framework import results from . import shared # pylint: disable=no-self-use,protected-access SCHEMA = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'schema', 'piglit-{}.json'.format(backends.json.CURRENT_JSON_VERSION)) @pytest.yield_fixture(scope='module', autouse=True) def mock_compression(): with mock.patch.dict(backends.json.compression.os.environ, {'PIGLIT_COMPRESSION': 'none'}): yield class TestJSONBackend(object): """Tests for the JSONBackend class.""" class TestInitialize(object): """Tests for the initialize method.""" def test_metadata_file_created(self, tmpdir): p = six.text_type(tmpdir) test = backends.json.JSONBackend(p) test.initialize(shared.INITIAL_METADATA) assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(p, 'metadata.json')) class TestWriteTest(object): """Tests for the write_test method.""" def test_write(self, tmpdir): """The write method should create a file.""" p = six.text_type(tmpdir) test = backends.json.JSONBackend(p) test.initialize(shared.INITIAL_METADATA) with test.write_test('bar') as t: t(results.TestResult()) assert tmpdir.join('tests/0.json').check() def test_load(self, tmpdir): """Test that the written JSON can be loaded. This doesn't attempt to validate the schema of the code (That is handled elsewhere), instead it just attempts a touch test of "can this be read as JSON". """ p = six.text_type(tmpdir) test = backends.json.JSONBackend(p) test.initialize(shared.INITIAL_METADATA) with test.write_test('bar') as t: t(results.TestResult()) with tmpdir.join('tests/0.json').open('r') as f: json.load(f) class TestFinalize(object): """Tests for the finalize method.""" name = grouptools.join('a', 'test', 'group', 'test1') result = results.TestResult('pass') @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def setup(self, tmpdir): test = backends.json.JSONBackend(six.text_type(tmpdir)) test.initialize(shared.INITIAL_METADATA) with test.write_test(self.name) as t: t(self.result) test.finalize( {'time_elapsed': results.TimeAttribute(start=0.0, end=1.0)}) def test_metadata_removed(self, tmpdir): assert not tmpdir.join('metadata.json').check() def test_tests_directory_removed(self, tmpdir): assert not tmpdir.join('tests').check() def test_results_file_created(self, tmpdir): # Normally this would also have a compression extension, but this # module has a setup fixture that forces the compression to None. assert tmpdir.join('results.json').check() def test_results_are_json(self, tmpdir): # This only checks that the output is valid JSON, not that the # schema is correct with tmpdir.join('results.json').open('r') as f: json.load(f) def test_results_are_valid(self, tmpdir): """Test that the values produced are valid.""" with tmpdir.join('results.json').open('r') as f: json_ = json.load(f) with open(SCHEMA, 'r') as f: schema = json.load(f) jsonschema.validate(json_, schema) class TestUpdateResults(object): """Test for the _update_results function.""" def test_current_version(self, tmpdir, mocker): """backends.json.update_results(): returns early when the results_version is current. """ class Sentinel(Exception): pass mocker.patch('framework.backends.json.os.rename', mocker.Mock(side_effect=Sentinel)) p = tmpdir.join('results.json') p.write(json.dumps(shared.JSON)) with p.open('r') as f: base = backends.json._load(f) backends.json._update_results(base, six.text_type(p)) class TestResume(object): """tests for the resume function.""" def test_load_file(self, tmpdir): p = tmpdir.join('results.json') p.write('') with pytest.raises(AssertionError): backends.json._resume(six.text_type(p)) def test_load_valid_folder(self, tmpdir): """backends.json._resume: loads valid results.""" backend = backends.json.JSONBackend(six.text_type(tmpdir)) backend.initialize(shared.INITIAL_METADATA) with backend.write_test("group1/test1") as t: t(results.TestResult('fail')) with backend.write_test("group1/test2") as t: t(results.TestResult('pass')) with backend.write_test("group2/test3") as t: t(results.TestResult('fail')) test = backends.json._resume(six.text_type(tmpdir)) assert set(test.tests.keys()) == \ {'group1/test1', 'group1/test2', 'group2/test3'} def test_load_invalid_folder(self, tmpdir): """backends.json._resume: ignores invalid results""" f = six.text_type(tmpdir) backend = backends.json.JSONBackend(f) backend.initialize(shared.INITIAL_METADATA) with backend.write_test("group1/test1") as t: t(results.TestResult('fail')) with backend.write_test("group1/test2") as t: t(results.TestResult('pass')) with backend.write_test("group2/test3") as t: t(results.TestResult('fail')) with open(os.path.join(f, 'tests', 'x.json'), 'w') as w: w.write('foo') test = backends.json._resume(f) assert set(test.tests.keys()) == \ {'group1/test1', 'group1/test2', 'group2/test3'} def test_load_incomplete(self, tmpdir): """backends.json._resume: loads incomplete results. Because resume, aggregate, and summary all use the function called _resume we can't remove incomplete tests here. It's probably worth doing a refactor to split some code out and allow this to be done in the resume path. """ f = six.text_type(tmpdir) backend = backends.json.JSONBackend(f) backend.initialize(shared.INITIAL_METADATA) with backend.write_test("group1/test1") as t: t(results.TestResult('fail')) with backend.write_test("group1/test2") as t: t(results.TestResult('pass')) with backend.write_test("group2/test3") as t: t(results.TestResult('crash')) with backend.write_test("group2/test4") as t: t(results.TestResult('incomplete')) test = backends.json._resume(f) assert set(test.tests.keys()) == \ {'group1/test1', 'group1/test2', 'group2/test3', 'group2/test4'} class TestLoadResults(object): """Tests for the load_results function.""" def test_folder_with_results_json(self, tmpdir): """backends.json.load_results: takes a folder with a file named results.json. """ p = tmpdir.join('results.json') with p.open('w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(shared.JSON)) backends.json.load_results(six.text_type(tmpdir), 'none') def test_load_file(self, tmpdir): """backends.json.load_results: Loads a file passed by name""" p = tmpdir.join('my file') with p.open('w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(shared.JSON)) backends.json.load_results(six.text_type(p), 'none') class TestLoad(object): """Tests for the _load function.""" def test_load_bad_json(self, tmpdir): """backends.json._load: Raises fatal error if json is corrupt""" p = tmpdir.join('foo') p.write('{"bad json": }') with p.open('r') as f: with pytest.raises(exceptions.PiglitFatalError): backends.json._load(f) class TestPiglitDecooder(object): """Tests for the piglit_decoder function.""" def test_result(self): """backends.json.piglit_decoder: turns results into TestResults.""" test = json.loads( '{"foo": {"result": "pass", "__type__": "TestResult"}}', object_hook=backends.json.piglit_decoder) assert isinstance(test['foo'], results.TestResult) def test_old_result(self): """backends.json.piglit_decoder: does not turn old results into TestResults. """ test = json.loads('{"foo": {"result": "pass"}}', object_hook=backends.json.piglit_decoder) assert isinstance(test['foo'], dict)