# coding=utf-8 # Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Intel Corporation # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. """ Module for terminal logging This module provides a class LogManager, which acts as a state manager returning BaseLog derived instances to individual tests. """ from __future__ import ( absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals ) import sys import abc import itertools import threading import collections try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import json import six from six.moves.BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler from framework.core import PIGLIT_CONFIG from framework import grouptools __all__ = ['LogManager'] @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class BaseLog(object): """ Abstract base class for Log objects It provides a lock, which should be used to lock whever the shared state is modified, or when printing to the screen (or both). Arguments: state -- the state dict from LogManager """ SUMMARY_KEYS = set([ 'pass', 'fail', 'warn', 'crash', 'skip', 'dmesg-warn', 'dmesg-fail', 'dry-run', 'timeout']) _LOCK = None def __init__(self, state, state_lock): self._LOCK = state_lock self._state = state self._pad = len(str(state['total'])) @abc.abstractmethod def start(self, name): """ Called before test run starts This method is used to print things before the test starts """ @abc.abstractmethod def log(self, status): """ Print the result of the test This method is run after the test completes, and is used to log the actual result of the test """ @abc.abstractmethod def summary(self): """ Print a final summary This method is run at the end of the test run, and is used to print a final summary of the run """ class QuietLog(BaseLog): """ A logger providing minimal status output This logger provides only a ninja like [x/y] pass: z, fail: w ... output. It uses \r to print over the same line when printing to a tty. If sys.stdout is not a tty then it prints \n at the end of the line instead Arguments: status -- the status to print """ _test_counter = itertools.count() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(QuietLog, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # If the output is a tty we can use '\r' (return, no linebreak) to # print over the existing line, if stdout isn't a tty that will not # work (and can break systems like jenkins), so we print a \n instead if sys.stdout.isatty(): self._endcode = '\r' else: self._endcode = '\n' self.__counter = next(self._test_counter) def start(self, name): # This cannot be done in the constructor, since the constructor gets # called for the final summary too. with self._LOCK: self._state['running'].append(self.__counter) def _log(self, status): """ non-locked helper for logging To allow for code sharing with a subclass using a non-recursive lock we need to share this code in a an unlocked form. """ # increment complete self._state['complete'] += 1 # Add to the summary dict assert status in self.SUMMARY_KEYS, \ 'Invalid status for logger: {}'.format(status) self._state['summary'][status] += 1 self._print_summary() self._state['running'].remove(self.__counter) def log(self, status): with self._LOCK: self._log(status) def summary(self): with self._LOCK: self._print_summary() self._print('\n') def _print_summary(self): """ Print the summary result this prints '[done/total] {status}', it is a private method hidden from the children of this class (VerboseLog) """ assert self._LOCK.locked() out = '[{done}/{total}] {status} {running}'.format( done=str(self._state['complete']).zfill(self._pad), total=str(self._state['total']).zfill(self._pad), status=', '.join('{0}: {1}'.format(k, v) for k, v in sorted(six.iteritems(self._state['summary']))), running=''.join('|/-\\'[x % 4] for x in self._state['running']) ) self._print(out) def _print(self, out): """ Shared print method that ensures any bad lines are overwritten """ assert self._LOCK.locked() # If the new line is shorter than the old one add trailing # whitespace pad = self._state['lastlength'] - len(out) sys.stdout.write(out) if pad > 0: sys.stdout.write(' ' * pad) sys.stdout.write(self._endcode) sys.stdout.flush() # Set the length of the line just printed (minus the spaces since # we don't care if we leave whitespace) so that the next line will # print extra whitespace if necissary self._state['lastlength'] = len(out) class VerboseLog(QuietLog): """ A more verbose version of the QuietLog This logger works like the quiet logger, except it doesn't overwrite the previous line, ever. It also prints an additional line at the start of each test, which the quite logger doesn't do. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(VerboseLog, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__name = None # the name needs to be printed by start and log def _print(self, out, newline=False): """ Print to the console, add a newline if necissary For the verbose logger there are times that one wants both an overwritten line, and a line that is static. This method adds the ability to print a newline charcater at the end of the line. This is useful for the non-status lines (running: , and : ), since these lines should be be overwritten, but the running status line should. """ super(VerboseLog, self)._print(grouptools.format(out)) if newline: sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() def start(self, name): """ Print the test that is being run next This printings a running: message before the test run starts. """ super(VerboseLog, self).start(name) with self._LOCK: self._print('running: {}'.format(name), newline=True) self.__name = name self._print_summary() def _log(self, value): """ Print a message after the test finishes This method prints : . It also does a little bit of magic before calling super() to print the status line. """ self._print('{0}: {1}'.format(value, self.__name), newline=True) # Set lastlength to 0, this prevents printing needless padding in # super() self._state['lastlength'] = 0 super(VerboseLog, self)._log(value) class DummyLog(BaseLog): """ A Logger that does nothing """ def __init__(self, state, state_lock): pass def start(self, name): pass def log(self, status): pass def summary(self): pass class HTTPLogServer(threading.Thread): class RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): INDENT = 4 def do_GET(self): if self.path == "/summary": self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() with self.server.state_lock: status = { "complete": self.server.state["complete"], "running" : self.server.state["running"], "total" : self.server.state["total"], "results" : self.server.state["summary"], } self.wfile.write(json.dumps(status, indent=self.INDENT)) else: self.send_response(404) self.end_headers() def __init__(self, state, state_lock): super(HTTPLogServer, self).__init__() port = int(PIGLIT_CONFIG.safe_get("http", "port", fallback=8080)) self._httpd = HTTPServer(("", port), HTTPLogServer.RequestHandler) self._httpd.state = state self._httpd.state_lock = state_lock def run(self): while True: with self._httpd.state_lock: # stop handling requests after the request for the final results if self._httpd.state["complete"] == self._httpd.state["total"]: break; self._httpd.handle_request() class HTTPLog(BaseLog): """ A Logger that serves status information over http """ def __init__(self, state, state_lock): super(HTTPLog, self).__init__(state, state_lock) self._name = None def start(self, name): with self._LOCK: self._name = name self._state['running'].append(self._name) def log(self, status): with self._LOCK: self._state['running'].remove(self._name) self._state['complete'] += 1 assert status in self.SUMMARY_KEYS self._state['summary'][str(status)] += 1 def summary(self): pass class LogManager(object): """ Creates new log objects Each of the log objects it creates have two accessible methods: start() and log(); neither method should return anything, and they must be thread safe. log() should accept a single argument, which is the status the test returned. start() should also take a single argument, the name of the test When the LogManager is initialized it is initialized with an argument which determines which Log class it will return (they are set via the LOG_MAP dictionary, which maps string names to class callables), it will return these as long as it exists. Arguments: logger -- a string name of a logger to use total -- the total number of test to run """ LOG_MAP = { 'quiet': QuietLog, 'verbose': VerboseLog, 'dummy': DummyLog, 'http': HTTPLog, } def __init__(self, logger, total): assert logger in self.LOG_MAP self._log = self.LOG_MAP[logger] self._state = { 'total': total, 'summary': collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0), 'lastlength': 0, 'complete': 0, 'running': [], } self._state_lock = threading.Lock() # start the http server for http logger if logger == 'http': self.log_server = HTTPLogServer(self._state, self._state_lock) self.log_server.start() def get(self): """ Return a new log instance """ return self._log(self._state, self._state_lock)