Copyright © 2009-2010 Collabora Ltd. Copyright © 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

(draft 1) This object represents a remote Description Offer to which the local streaming implementation should reply with its local Description. This is intended as a temporary transactional object for use with Content.Interface.Media. There will always be 0 or 1 MediaDescription object per Content. In most cases, this object will stay alive until you call either Accept or Reject, and then disappear. There are some cases (e.g. an endpoint being removed from the call) where a MediaDescription object will disappear before you have had a chance to either Accept or Reject it. The local description to send to the remote contacts and to use in the Content. Accepts the updated Description and update the corresponding local description. If FurtherNegotiationRequired is True, calling this method will generally cause a network round-trip and a new MediaDescription to be offered (hopefully with FurtherNegotiationRequired set to False). The description given is invalid in some way. Reject the proposed update to the remote description. A structured reason for the rejection.

Extra interfaces provided by this media description. This SHOULD NOT include the Description interface itself.

If this is set to True by the CM in a MediaDescriptionOffer, it means "This is an offer under the SDP Offer/Answer model. Whatever you accept this offer with is what I will send to the other side in my answer." If this is set to False by the CM then it means "This is an Answer under the SDP Offer/Answer model, and if it remains False in the Accept(), no further codec negotiation needs to happen." If this is set to True by the streaming implementation (e.g. in an Accept or UpdateLocalMediaDescription call) then a new SDP Offer/Answer round-trip will be initiated.

True if this offer contains information from the remote side: If False then the Accept response solely depends on the capabilities and preferences of the local side. In most protocols this property will be False for the initial DescriptionOffer on an outgoing call.

A list of codecs the remote contact supports. When used with Accept, it means the locally supported codecs. The contact handle that this description applies to. This property can be used as an opaque identifier, and searched for in RemoteMembers for each Stream in this Content, to determine which Stream this MediaDescription applies to. If multiple MediaDescriptions apply to the same Stream, the SSRCs property should be used to separate media before decoding. If this property is 0, this MediaDescription applies to all streams, so the above matching method is unneccesary (e.g. in conference calls with a mixer, media from all participants is mixed into one stream). When calling Accept or UpdateLocalMediaDescription, this should always be set to 0, or omitted, because it is assumed that you send the same MediaDescription to everyone (Encoding a stream separately for each contact in a call is inefficient, and should be avoided). The remote contact these SSRCs belong to or 0. The list of Synchronisation Sources.

A map from Handle to list of Synchronisation Sources, as defined by RFC 3550.

Some protocols require the negotiation of SSRC identifiers for RTP streams. If this is the case, then MediaDescription offers will appear with this property set. The streaming implementation should then call Accept with a map from 0 to a list containing a single SSRC (which does not collide with these, or any previously seen SSRCs). If a new MediaDescription offer appears with an SSRC the same as one in LocalMediaDescriptions, then the streaming implementation should pick a new SSRC to resolve the collision.

It is expected that this list will normally be at most one element long, but it is kept as a list for extensibility. The concatenation of all SSRCs associated with a Stream should contain no duplicate entries. If there are collisions, then it is the responsibility of the protocol implementation to resolve them and generate new offers.

If this property is omitted, then the streaming implementation can assume that there is only one MediaDescription per Stream.

If there is a single multicast Call Stream with multiple Remote Members, and all members are forced to use the same MediaDescription, this map can be used by the streaming implementation to determine which video sources belong to which contacts (e.g. in order to put a name under each face in the call)

A mapping containing all properties that define the information from a MediaDescription and its interfaces.

If HasRemoteInformation is True, then this mapping will always contains at least Codecs

A D-Bus interface name, followed by a dot and a D-Bus property name. The value of the property