This file contains the same edited highlights as the announcement emails. For full details, see the ChangeLog in tarballs, or "git log" in Git checkouts. telepathy-spec 0.21.8 (UNRELEASED) ================================== … telepathy-spec 0.21.7 (2010-12-10) ================================== The "health, safety and Grolsch at work" release. New stable API: • Add ability to explicitly request an SMS channel to a contact. (danni) • Add AuthenticationTypes Protocol property. (jonny) • The MessageSent signal should include message-sender etc. (smcv) Clarifications: • Explicitly forbid message-sender etc. when calling SendMessage, matching how telepathy-glib behaves (smcv) Tools changes: • Produce two devhelp index entries for each symbol. (smcv) telepathy-spec 0.21.6 (2010-12-01) ================================== The "recent change in the nature of fish" release. Changes to stable API: • Handles are no longer expected to be reference-counted - instead, they persist as long as the Connection does. A new property HasImmortalHandles indicates whether this is the case. telepathy-glib 0.13.8 will implement these semantics automatically for most connection managers. (smcv) Tools changes: • add support for tp:immutable="sometimes" (smcv) • add support for (danni) telepathy-spec 0.21.5 (2010-11-25) ================================== The "For the fictional pink sentient fungus, see Mi-go" release. Changes to stable API: • fd.o #29376: Chan.T.Text now requires Chan.I.Messages (cassidy, smcv) • fd.o #23155: message-token has been redefined from "globally unique" to "whatever's in the underlying protocol", replacing the unimplemented protocol-token. This makes it feasible to implement message-token again. Note that connection managers implementing message-token should not be backported to Maemo 5, since its event logger assumes that message-token is guaranteed to be unique, which is usually unimplementable. (wjt) Deprecations: • Most of Chan.T.Text has been superseded by Chan.I.Messages and so is now deprecated (smcv) • GetPendingMessageContent is deprecated (wjt) New stable API: • fd.o #14003: Chan.T.ServerAuthentication and Chan.I.SASLAuthentication provide interactive querying for credentials, allowing connection without saving a password if there is a handler for these channels (eeejay, smcv, jonny) • Chan.I.Securable indicates whether a channel is secure (smcv, jonny) • fd.o #28866: ChannelDispatcher and ChannelRequest now support "request hints" (metadata passed through from the requester to the handler), and the SucceededWithChannel signal (wjt, smcv) • fd.o #20775: Protocol.I.Avatars indicates the expected requirements for avatars (eeejay) · no changes since draft 1 • message-sender-id key in Messages headers, complementing message-sender (smcv) • Messages.MessageTypes property, superseding GetMessageTypes (smcv) • Contact_Info_Field_Flag_Overwritten_By_Nickname, indicating that this field will be overwritten when we set the nickname (jonner) • Account.I.Addressing stores user preferences for use of accounts for non-primary protocols, such as using SIP for telephony (fledermaus) • fd.o #29914: Conn.I.Powersaving allows connections to be placed in a lower-power-consumption state when a portable device is not in active use · no changes since draft 1 • new errors: Confused, ServerConfused (smcv) Fixes and clarifications: • fd.o #27183: mutual subscription is a job for servers or UIs, and should not be enforced by CMs (smcv) • MIME types produced by CMs must be lower-case; MIME types provided by clients should be normalized to lower-case before comparison (mikhailz) • Improve wording of requestability templates and add markup for sometimes-requestable properties (wjt) • fd.o #29560: clarify how Messages signals errors (smcv) • fd.o #29474: adjust TargetHandleType and Chan.T.Text documentation to reflect the Conference-based approach to MSN used since 0.20 (smcv) • Delete unused code-generation tools and their tests, and various outdated documents (smcv) • Update so it actually passes, and run it in "make check" (smcv) • fd.o #31661: editorial improvements (wjt) Changes to experimental API: • Hints and SucceededWithChannel moved to ChannelDispatcher.I.Hints and ChannelRequest.I.Hints • More Call changes (jonny, sjoerd, danni) · make CodecOffer and Codec_Offering specific to one contact · fd.o #28725: add InitialTransport · fd.o #28690: add PleaseRestartICE and document ICE restarts · fd.o #31279: add Unknown and Multicast transport types telepathy-spec 0.21.4 (2010-10-29) ================================== The "I had to take out doors, AI, the level boss and levels" release. New stable API: • add NewActiveTransportPair method to StreamHandler (lfrb) Fixes: • remove ".DRAFT" from MailNotification (smcv) Changes to experimental API: • clarify more of Call, and add a Content.Removed signal (jonny) telepathy-spec 0.21.3 (2010-10-25) ================================== The "I used a goto today, gleefully and intentionally" release. New stable API: • fd.o #27835: Conn.AddClientInterest, Conn.RemoveClientInterest allow clients to subscribe to specialized interfaces in a generic way (smcv) • fd.o #30703: Chan.I.DTMF.TonesDelayed and support for 'p', 'x', ',' and 'w' in dialstrings (smcv) • fd.o #13349: Conn.I.MailNotification is now considered stable. Changes since draft 1: · remove the Subscribe and Unsubscribe methods: you should call AddClientInterest and RemoveClientInterest instead • fd.o #30088: Protocol.I.Presence is now considered stable, with no changes since draft 1 • a new error code, PickedUpElsewhere, used by Call (jonny) Changes to experimental API: • more changes to Call and its related interfaces (jonny) · fd.o #28720: remove Early_Media disposition · fd.o #28719: document Call.Stream.Endpoint · fd.o #28735: document local state of Pending_Send · fd.o #28704: add signals for relay info and STUN servers · fd.o #29595: add Call.Stream.LocalSendingStateChanged · fd.o #29596: split Call.Stream.Members into RemoteMembers and LocalSendingState Tools changes: • allows interfaces to be shared between Call and StreamedMedia (jonny) telepathy-spec 0.21.2 (2010-10-15) ================================== The "Ponderer of Witty Job Titles" release. New stable API: • Rejected error code for use with Call (jonny) • StreamHandler now has StartNamedTelephonyEvent and StartSoundTelephonyEvent signals (ocrete) Clarifications: • Chan.I.Messages' three capability-discovery properties (DeliveryReportingSupport, MessagePartSupportFlags and SupportedContentTypes) are now stated to be immutable (smcv) New experimental API: • fd.o #30512: Conn.I.Keepalive, an interface to vary keepalive intervals at runtime (wjt) • fd.o #30043: Handler.FUTURE.BypassObservers indicates that channels handled by the given handler shouldn't cause observers to be invoked (ptlo) Changes to experimental API: • Numerous changes to Call and its related interfaces (jonny) Tools changes: • fd.o #30511: add markup for immutable properties, requestable channel properties, and connection properties that are also parameters (jonny, wjt) • Reject values that are not a power of two, that are not uint32, and duplicate flag and enum values (jonny) • Warn on unexpected XML elements and dangling cross-references to errors, and optionally also on dangling cross-references to D-Bus interfaces (jonny) telepathy-spec 0.21.1 (2010-09-29) ================================== The "it's Wednesday, so this must be a spec release" release. Changes to stable API: • Account.RequestedPresence must not be Unset, Unknown or Error, while Account.AutomaticPresence must not be any of those or Offline, matching the behaviour that Mission Control has implemented in practice since version 5.1.2 (smcv) • Account.CurrentPresence now allows a non-empty status or message for accounts that are offline or don't support SimplePresence (smcv) New stable API: • Conn.I.ClientTypes is now considered stable, with minor clarifications since draft 1, and the 'game' and 'sms' client types removed pending XMPP Registrar inclusion (jonny) • The Access_Control_Type enum is a superset of Rich_Presence_Access_Control_Type, which it will supersede in future interfaces; similarly, Access_Control supersedes Rich_Presence_Access_Control (eeejay) New experimental API: • Conn.I.CommunicationPolicy allows incoming channels from particular contacts to be forbidden (eeejay) • Conn.I.Resources allows connections with multiple resources or points of presence, such as on XMPP and MSN, to be represented (jonny) telepathy-spec 0.21.0 (2010-09-22) ================================== The "canteen DoS" release. New stable API: • ContactList and ContactGroups are now considered stable, with some clarifications to the wording, but no semantic changes since the drafts in version 0.20.0. (smcv) telepathy-spec 0.20.1 (2010-09-15) ================================== The "I can't build there!" release. Fixes: • Correct the tp:name-for-bindings on ServerCertificate to be Server_Certificate, leading to the intended names (server_certificate rather than servercertificate, etc.) in generated bindings. (smcv) telepathy-spec 0.20.0 (2010-09-14) ================================== This is a new stable version of telepathy-spec, intended to serve as a reference point for future work. There were no API changes since development release 0.19.13; changes from the year of development since 0.18.0 are summarized below. The versions of libraries, connection managers and Mission Control recommended for use with GNOME 2.32 (the upcoming telepathy-glib 0.12, telepathy-gabble 0.10 and Mission Control 5.6 stable branches) can be expected to support most of the API from this spec release. Semantic changes ---------------- • The timestamps used for "user action time", intended for focus-stealing prevention, are no longer interpreted as seconds since 1970. Instead, they should be interpreted as X-server time on X GUI platforms, with two special values (0 and the maximum 64-bit signed integer) having their own semantics. Enhancements to core API ------------------------ • Connection now has Status, Interfaces properties • ConnectionManager now has Protocol objects with more information about protocols (at the time of release, this is supported in telepathy-gabble 0.9.x but not in most other connection managers) • Account.ChangingPresence indicates when changes are being attempted • Account.Service indicates a specific service such as "google-talk" • Account has extensible details of the last connection error • Observers can have a Recover flag, which provides best-effort crash recovery • ChannelDispatchOperation.HandleWithTime can pass through a timestamp for focus-stealing prevention • various new error codes New optional interfaces ----------------------- • Account.I.Storage indicates which backend an account is stored in • Conn.I.Anonymity, Chan.I.Anonymity — controlling caller-ID and similar features • Conn.I.Balance — machine-readable account balance, e.g. SkypeOut credit • Conn.I.Cellular — extra information about cellular connections • Conn.I.ContactInfo — information that contacts provide about themselves, in a vCard-like format • Conn.I.ServicePoint, Chan.I.ServicePoint — emergency contact points • Chan.T.ServerTLSConnection — interactive approval of any problematic TLS/SSL certificates • Chan.T.ContactSearch — searching for contacts by name, address etc. • Chan.I.Conference — multi-user text or media conferences which can be made by merging or upgrading 1-1 channels • Chan.I.SMS — SMS-specific extensions to Text channels (currently only one property, indicating class 0 "flash" SMSs) Enhancements to optional interfaces ----------------------------------- • chat states are state-recoverable • a new flag indicates whether Location can be set Changes since 0.19.13 --------------------- • improve wording of experimental Conn.I.ClientTypes and Conn.I.PowerSaving interfaces (danni, wjt)