<%! import os import posixpath # this must be posixpath, since we want /'s not \'s import re import six from six.moves import range from framework import grouptools, status def group_changes(test, current): group = grouptools.groupname(test) common = grouptools.commonprefix((current, group)) common = grouptools.split(common) open = grouptools.split(group)[len(common):] close = grouptools.split(current)[len(common):] return open, close def group_result(result, group): """Get the worst status in a group.""" if group not in result.totals: return status.NOTRUN return max([status.status_lookup(s) for s, v in six.iteritems(result.totals[group]) if v > 0]) def group_fraction(result, group): """Get the fraction value for a group.""" if group not in result.totals: return '0/0' num = 0 den = 0 for k, v in six.iteritems(result.totals[group]): if v > 0: s = status.status_lookup(k) num += s.fraction[0] * v den += s.fraction[1] * v return '{}/{}'.format(num, den) def escape_filename(key): """Avoid reserved characters in filenames.""" return re.sub(r'[<>:"|?*#]', '_', key) def escape_pathname(key): """ Remove / and \\ from names """ return re.sub(r'[/\\]', '_', key) def normalize_href(href): """Force backward slashes in URLs.""" return href.replace('\\', '/') %> Result summary

Result summary

Currently showing: ${page}

Show: % if page == 'all': all % else: all % endif % for i in pages: % if i == page: | ${i} % else: | ${i} % endif % endfor

## Name Column ## Status columns ## Create an additional column for each summary % for _ in range(len(results.results)): % endfor % endfor % for res in results.results: % endfor <% depth = 1 group = '' %> % for test in sorted(getattr(results.names, page if page == 'all' else 'all_' + page)): <% open, close = group_changes(test, group) depth -= len(close) # lower the indent for the groups we're not using if close: # remove the groups we're not using from current group = grouptools.split(group)[:-len(close)] if group: group = grouptools.join(*group) else: group = '' %> % if open: % for elem in open: <% group = grouptools.join(group, elem) %> ## Add the left most column, the name of the group ## add each group's totals % for res in results.results: % endfor <% depth += 1 %> % endfor % endif % for res in results.results: <% # Get the raw result, if it's none check to see if it's a subtest, if that's still None # then declare it not run # This very intentionally uses posix path, we're generating urls, and while # some windows based browsers support \\ as a url separator, *nix systems do not, # which would make a result generated on windows non-portable raw = res.tests.get(test) if raw is not None: result = raw.result href = normalize_href(posixpath.join(escape_pathname(res.name), escape_filename(test))) else: raw = res.tests.get(grouptools.groupname(test)) name = grouptools.testname(test) if raw is not None and name in raw.subtests: result = raw.subtests[name] href = normalize_href(posixpath.join(escape_pathname(res.name), escape_filename(grouptools.groupname(test)))) else: result = status.NOTRUN del raw # we don't need this, so don't let it leak %> % endfor % endfor
% for res in results.results: ${res.name}
\ (info)
all ${group_fraction(res, 'root')}
${group_fraction(res, group)}
% if str(result) not in exclude and result is not status.NOTRUN: ${str(result)} % else: ${str(result)} % endif