#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright © 2005 Mozilla Corporation # # Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software # and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without # fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies # and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice # appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of # Mozilla Corporation not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to # distribution of the software without specific, written prior # permission. Mozilla Corporation makes no representations about the # suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as # is" without express or implied warranty. # # MOZILLA CORPORTAION DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS # SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND # FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL MOZILLA CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, # INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER # RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR # IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # Author: Vladimir Vukicevic # use MIME::Base64; ## ## Takes all the *.log files in the current directory (or those provided ## on the command line) and spits out html to stdout that can be used to ## view all the test results at once. ## # show reference images $config_show_ref = $ENV{'CAIRO_TEST_SHOW_REF'} || 0; # show fail images $config_show_fail = $ENV{'CAIRO_TEST_SHOW_FAIL'} || 1; # show all results, even passes $config_show_all = $ENV{'CAIRO_TEST_SHOW_ALL'} || 0; # include test results inline $config_show_inline = $ENV{'CAIRO_TEST_SHOW_INLINE'} || 0; # end of config options $tests = {}; $teststats = {}; $logs = {}; if ($#ARGV >= 0) { @files = @ARGV; } else { @files = <*.log>; } foreach (<@files>) { my $testname; my $out_path, $diff_path, $ref_path; my $fn = $_; (open LOG, $fn) || next; while () { if (/^OUTPUT: (.*)$/) { $out_path = $1; next; } if (/^DIFFERENCE: (.*)$/) { $diff_path = $1; next; } if (/^REFERENCE: (.*)$/) { $ref_path = $1; next; } next unless /^TEST: (.*) TARGET: (.*) FORMAT: (.*) OFFSET: (.*) SIMILAR: (.*) RESULT: ([A-Z]*).*$/; $testname = $1 if !defined($testname); $tests->{$1} = {} unless $tests->{$1}; $tests->{$1}->{$2} = {} unless $tests->{$1}->{$2}; $tests->{$1}->{$2}->{$3} = {} unless $tests->{$1}->{$2}->{$3}; $tests->{$1}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4} = {} unless $tests->{$1}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4}; $tests->{$1}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4}->{$5}->{'out'} = $out_path; $tests->{$1}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4}->{$5}->{'diff'} = $diff_path; $tests->{$1}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4}->{$5}->{'ref'} = $ref_path; $tests->{$1}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4}->{$5}->{'result'} = $6; $teststats->{$2} = {"PASS" => 0, "FAIL" => 0, "XFAIL" => 0, "UNTESTED" => 0, "CRASHED" =>0} unless $teststats->{$2}; ($teststats->{$2}->{$6})++; undef $out_path; undef $diff_path; undef $ref_path; } close LOG; (open LOG, $fn) || die "I could open it earlier, but I can't now: $!"; { local $/; $logs->{$testname} = ; } close LOG; } my $targeth = {}; my $formath = {}; my $offseth = {}; my $similarh = {}; foreach my $testname (sort(keys %$tests)) { my $v0 = $tests->{$testname}; foreach my $targetname (sort(keys %$v0)) { my $v1 = $v0->{$targetname}; $targeth->{$targetname} = 1; foreach my $formatname (sort(keys %$v1)) { my $v2 = $v1->{$formatname}; $formath->{$formatname} = 1; foreach my $offsetval (sort(keys %$v2)) { my $v3 = $v2->{$offsetval}; $offseth->{$offsetval} = 1; foreach my $similarval (sort(keys %$v3)) { $similarh->{$similarval} = 1; } } } } } my @targets = sort(keys %$targeth); my @formats = sort(keys %$formath); my @offsets = sort(keys %$offseth); my @similars = sort(keys %$similarh); sub printl { print @_, "\n"; } # convert file into a data URI sub file_to_data { my ($ctype,$fname) = @_; my $fdata; open FILE, $fname || return "data:" . $ctype . ","; { local $/; $fdata = encode_base64(); } close FILE; return "data:" . $ctype . ";base64," . $fdata; } # convert string into a data URI sub string_to_data { my ($ctype,$str) = @_; $str =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9])/sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))/seg; return "data:" . $ctype . "," . $str; } printl ''; printl 'Cairo Test Results'; printl ''; printl ''; printl ''; printl ''; printl ''; print ''; foreach my $target (@targets) { print ''; } printl ''; print ''; foreach my $target (@targets) { print ''; } printl ''; sub img_for { my ($fn, $withlink) = @_; if ($config_show_inline) { $fn = file_to_data("image/png", $fn); # never return links, people can just right-click view image, # and we don't clutter the document return ''; } else { if ($withlink) { return ''; } else { return ''; } } } foreach my $test (sort(keys %$tests)) { foreach my $offset (@offsets) { foreach my $similar (@similars) { foreach my $format (@formats) { my $testline = ""; foreach my $target (@targets) { my $tgtdata = $tests->{$test}->{$target}; if ($tgtdata) { my $testres = $tgtdata->{$format}->{$offset}->{$similar}; if ($testres) { my %testfiles; $testfiles{'out'} = $testres->{'out'}; $testfiles{'diff'} = $testres->{'diff'}; $testfiles{'ref'} = $testres->{'ref'}; $testline .= ""; } else { $testline .= ''; } } else { $testline .= ''; } } print ''; print $testline; print "\n"; } } } } print "
Test', $target, '
'; print '', $teststats->{$target}->{"PASS"}, '/'; print '', $teststats->{$target}->{"FAIL"} + $teststats->{$target}->{"CRASHED"}, '/'; print '', $teststats->{$target}->{"XFAIL"}, '/'; print '', $teststats->{$target}->{"UNTESTED"}, ''; print '
{'result'}\">"; $teststats{$target}{$testres}++; if ($testres->{'result'} eq "PASS") { if ($config_show_all) { $testline .= img_for($testfiles{'out'},1); } } elsif ($testres->{'result'} eq "FAIL") { if ($config_show_fail || $config_show_all) { $testline .= img_for($testfiles{'out'},1); $testline .= " "; $testline .= img_for($testfiles{'diff'},1); $testline .= " "; $testline .= img_for($testfiles{'ref'},1); } } elsif ($testres->{'result'} eq "CRASHED") { $testline .= "!!!CRASHED!!!"; } elsif ($testres->{'result'} eq "XFAIL") { #nothing if ($config_show_all) { $testline .= img_for($testfiles{'out'},1); #$testline .= "
"; $testline .= " "; $testline .= img_for($testfiles{'diff'},1); $testline .= " "; $testline .= img_for($testfiles{'ref'},1); } } elsif ($testres->{'result'} eq "UNTESTED") { #nothing } else { $testline .= "UNSUPPORTED STATUS '$testres->{'result'}' (update make-html.pl)"; } $testline .= "
'; if ($config_show_inline) { print "$test ($format/$offset) "; print "({$test}) . "\">log)"; } else { print $test, ' (', $format, '/', $offset, ($similar ? ' similar' : ''), ') '; print "(log)"; } print '