Regression test suite for cairo. How to use cairo's test suite ============================= Using this test should be as simple as running: make test assuming that the cairo distribution in the directory above has been configured and built. The test suite here goes through some effort to run against the locally compiled library rather than any installed version, but those efforts may fall short depending on the level of your libtool madness. The results of the test suite run are summarized in an index.html file, which, when viewed in a web browser makes it quite easy to visually see any failed renderings alongside the corresponding reference image, (and a diff image as well). The test suite needs to be run before any code is committed and before any release. See below for hints and rules governing the use of the suite. The test suite is built as a single binary, which allows you to choose individual or categories of tests to run. For example, if you want to run all text related tests you can use: ./cairo-test-suite text Or if you want to check the current status of known failures: ./cairo-test-suite XFAIL This binary should be backwards-compatible with all library versions, allowing you to compare current versus past behaviour for any test. Tailoring tests running ----------------------- There are some mechanisms to limit the tests run during "make test". These come very handy when doing development, but should not be used to circumvent the "pass" requirements listed below. To limit the backends that the tests are run against, use the TARGETS make variable, that can also be passed to make. It should contain a (space-, comma-, etc-separated) list of backends to test. To limit the tests run, use the CAIRO_TESTS environment variable, which should be a space-separated list of tests to run. For example: CAIRO_TEST="zero-alpha" make test TARGETS=image,ps Another very handy mechanism when trying to fix bugs is: make retest This will re-run the test suite, but only on tests that failed on the last run. So this is a much faster way of checking if changes actually fix bugs rather than running the entire test suite again. The test suite first compares the output from the current run against the previous in order to skip more expensive image comparisons . If you think this is interfering with the results, you can clear the cached results using: make clean-caches Running tests under modified enviroments or tools ------------------------------------------------- To run tests under a tool like gdb, one can use the run target and the TOOL variable. For example: CAIRO_TESTS=user-font make run TOOL=gdb TARGETS=pdf If you want to run under valgrind, there is a specific target for that that also sets a bunch of useful valgrind options. Try: CAIRO_TESTS=user-font make check-valgrind You can run tests under a modified environment you can use the ENV make variable. However, that environment will also affect the libtool wrapper of the tests. To only affect the actual test binaries, pass such environment as TOOL: CAIRO_TESTS=user-font make run TOOL="LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/" Getting the elusive zero failures --------------------------------- It's generally been very difficult to achieve a test run with zero failures. The difficulties stem from the various versions of the many libraries that the test suite depends on, (it depends on a lot more than cairo itself), as well as fonts and other system-specific settings. If your system differs significantly from the system on which the reference images were generated, then you will likely see the test suite reporting "failures", (even if cairo is working just fine). We are constantly working to reduce the number of variables that need to be tweaked to get a clean run, (for example, by bundling fonts with the test suite itself), and also working to more carefully document the software configuration used to generate the reference images. Here are some of the relevant details: * Your system must have a copy of the Bitstream Vera font, the sha1sum of the version used are listed in [...]. These are "Bitstream Vera Sans" (DejaVuSans.ttf) [682718dd37c3f6a4767386d3b2b27fba9b219818]; "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" (DejaVuSansMono.ttf) [1cc58255d6f9df2b08e760ca38937a2957153484]; "Bitstream Vera Serif" (DejaVuSerif.ttf) [020e72e92cb2f66107dc18c70ac4214df4f13014]; [the Bitstream fonts can be installed from the ttf-dejavu Debian package] and also "Nimbus Sans L" (n019003l.pfb) [which can be found in the gsfonts Debian package]. * Currently, you must be using a build of cairo using freetype (cairo-ft) as the default font backend. Otherwise all tests involving text are likely to fail. * To test the pdf backend, you will want the very latest version of poppler as made available via git: git clone git:// As of this writing, no released version of poppler contains all the fixes you will need to avoid false negatives from the test suite. * To test the ps backend, you will need ghostscript version 8.64. * Testing the xlib backend is problematic since many X server drivers have bugs that are exercised by the test suite. (Or, if not actual bugs, differ slightly in their output in such a way that the test suite will report errors.) This can be quite handy if you want to debug an X server driver, but since most people don't want to do that, another option is to run against a headless X server that uses only software for all rendering. One such X server is Xvfb which can be started like this: Xvfb -screen 0 1280x1024x24 -ac -nolisten tcp :2 after which the test suite can be run against it like so: DISPLAY=:2 make test We have been using Xvfb for testing cairo releases and ensuring that all tests behave as expected with this X server. What if I can't make my system match? ------------------------------------- For one reason or another, you may be unable to get a clean run of the test suite even if cairo is working properly, (for example, you might be on a system without freetype). In this case, it's still useful to be able to determine if code changes you make to cairo result in any regressions to the test suite. But it's hard to notice regressions if there are many failures both before and after your changes. For this scenario, you can capture the output of a run of the test suite before your changes, and then use the CAIRO_REF_DIR environment variable to use that output as the reference images for a run after your changes. The process looks like this: # Before code change there may be failures we don't care about make test # Let's save those output images mkdir /some/directory/ cp test/*-out.png /some/directory/ # hack, hack, hack # Now to see if nothing changed: CAIRO_REF_DIR=/some/directory/ make test Best practices for cairo developers =================================== If we all follow the guidelines below, then both the test suite and cairo itself will stay much healthier, and we'll all have a lot more fun hacking on cairo. Before committing ----------------- All tests should return a result of PASS or XFAIL. The XFAIL results indicate known bugs. The final message should be one of the following: All XX tests behaved as expected (YY expected failures) All XX tests passed If any tests have a status of FAIL, then the new code has caused a regression error which should be fixed before the code is committed. When a new bug is found ----------------------- A new test case should be added by imitating the style of an existing test. This means adding the following files: new-bug.c new-bug-ref.png Where new-bug.c is a minimal program to demonstrate the bug, following the style of existing tests. The new-bug-ref.png image should contain the desired result of new-bug.c if the bug were fixed. should be edited, adding new-bug.c to both the TESTS and XFAIL_TESTS lists and new-bug-ref.png to EXTRA_DIST. Add new-bug to .gitignore, and last but not least, don't forget to "git add" the new files. When a new feature is added --------------------------- It's important for the regression suite to keep pace with development of the library. So a new test should be added for each new feature. The work involved is similar the work described above for new bugs. The only distinction is that the test is expected to pass so it should not be added to the XFAIL_TESTS list. While working on a test ----------------------- Before a bugfix or feature is ready, it may be useful to compare output from different builds. For convenience, you can set CAIRO_REF_DIR to point at a previous test directory, relative to the current test directory, and any previous output will be used by preference as reference images. When a bug is fixed ------------------- The fix should be verified by running the test suite which should result in an "unexpected pass" for the test of interest. Rejoice as appropriate, then remove the relevant file name from the XFAIL_TESTS variable in Before releasing ---------------- All tests should return a result of PASS for all supported (those enabled by default) backends, meaning all known bugs are fixed, resulting in the happy message: All XX tests passed Some notes on limitations in poppler ==================================== One of the difficulties of our current test infrastructure is that we rely on external tools to convert cairo's vector output (PDF, PostScript, and SVG), into an image that can be used for the image comparison. This means that any bugs in that conversion tool will result in false negatives in the test suite. We've identified several such bugs in the poppler library which is used to convert PDF to an image. This is particularly discouraging because 1) poppler is free software that will be used by *many* cairo users, and 2) poppler calls into cairo for its rendering so it should be able to do a 100% faithful conversion. So we have an interest in ensuring that these poppler bugs get fixed sooner rather than later. As such, we're trying to be good citizens by reporting all such poppler bugs that we identify to the poppler bugzilla. Here's a tracking bug explaining the situation: Poppler does not yet handle everything in the cairo test suite Here's the rule: If a cairo-pdf test reports a failure, but viewing the resulting PDF file with acroread suggests that the PDF itself is correct, then there's likely a bug in poppler. In this case, we can simply report the poppler bug, (making it block 12143 above), post the PDF result from the test suite, and list the bug in this file. Once we've done this, we can capture poppler's buggy output as a pdf-specific reference image so that the test suite will regard the test as passing, (and we'll ensure there is no regression). Once the poppler bug gets fixed, the test suite will start reporting a false negative again, and this will be easy to fix by simply removing the pdf-specific reference image. Here are the reported poppler bugs and the tests they affect: Poppler doesn't correctly handle gradients with transparency -------------------------------------------------- fill-alpha-pattern gradient-alpha gradient-constant-alpha linear-gradient linear-gradient-reflect radial-gradient trap-clip Poppler renders patterned text as black -------------------------------------------------- text-pattern text-transform Poppler should paint images with CAIRO_EXTEND_PAD -------------------------------------------------- paint-source-alpha paint-with-alpha rotate-image-surface-paint scale-source-surface-paint Incorrect clipping of group object (regression?) -------------------------------------------------- push-group spurious horizontal stripes in color gradients -------------------------------------------------- smask smask-fill smask-image-mask smask-mask smask-paint smask-stroke smask-text Ghostscript does not correctly render small miters -------------------------------------------------- miter-precision