* Change stroke code to go through one giant polygon. This will fix problems with stroking self-intersecting paths. * Implement cairo_stroke_path, (very easy to do after the above change is done). * Fix the intersection problem, (see reference to Hobby's paper mentioned in cairo_traps.c). * Implement support for programmatic patterns. * Implement cairo_text_extents, cairo_glyph_extents, cairo_text_path, cairo_glyph_path, and cairo_stroke_path, cairo_arc_to. * Investigate what needs to be done so that old X servers aren't swamped with image transport. This may involve adding one or more of the following functions: cairo_flush cairo_erase cairo_mark_dirty * Re-implement the trapezoid rasterization algorithm according to the new "specification". * Stroking degenerate paths should still draw caps. Round caps are easy; square should probably draw an axis aligned square. * Verification, profiling, optimization. A comparison with PostScript ============================ Here's a list of several classes of PostScript operators indicating which operators have rough equivalents in Cairo and which do not. In general, the name of a Cairo function corresponding to a PostScript operator can be obtained by inserting a '_' between each word and prefixing it with "cairo_". For example, "cairo_move_to" corresponds to the PostScript "moveto". In cases where the name of the Cairo function deviates from this convention, or when the behavior of the Cairo function is significantly different, the change is noted in parentheses below. This list is not exhaustive, (there are definitely some minor (major?) semantic deviations that are not noted below). Also, this list is almost certainly out of date with respect to the current Cairo implementation. Caveat lector. Oerators that are not yet in Cairo, but probably should be: arcto, strokepath, rectclip?, clipsave/restore?, setstrokeadjust?, currentdash, grestoreall?, initgraphics?, currentgstate?, setgstate?, erasepage?, setsmoothness? Painting operators ------------------ in Cairo: stroke, fill, eofill (set_fill_rule/fill), image (show_surface) not in Cairo: erasepage, rectstroke, rectfill, shfill, colorimage, imagemask Path construction operators --------------------------- in Cairo: arc, arcn (arc_negative), newpath, moveto, rmoveto (rel_move_to), lineto, rlineto (rel_line_to), curveto, rcurveto (rel_curve_to), closepath, currentpoint, charpath (text_path) not in Cairo: arct, arcto, flattenpath, reversepath, strokepath, clippath, pathbbox, pathforall Clipping -------- in Cairo: clip, eoclip (set_fill_rule/clip) not in Cairo: initclip, rectclip, clipsave, cliprestore Graphics state operators ------------------------ in Cairo: setlinewidth, currentlinewidth, setlinecap, currentlinecap, setlinejoin, currentlinejoin, setmiterlimit, currentmiterlimit, setdash not in Cairo: setstrokeadjust, currentstrokeadjust, currentdash Color specification operators ----------------------------- in Cairo: setrgbcolor, currentcolor not in Cairo: setcolor, setgray, currentgray, currentrgbcolor, sethsbcolor, currenthsbcolor, setcmykcolor, currentcmykcolor, setcolorspace, currentcolorspace Form and pattern operators -------------------------- in Cairo: setpattern, makepattern (lock_pattern) not in Cairo: execform Whole-state manipulation ------------------------ in Cairo: gsave (save), grestore (restore) not in Cairo: grestoreall, initgraphics, gstate, currentgstate, setgstate Coordinate system and matrix operators -------------------------------------- in Cairo: identmatrix (identity_matrix), initmatrix (default_matrix), setmatrix, translate, scale, rotate, concatmatrix, currentmatrix, transform (transform_point), dtransform (transform_distance) not in Cairo: matrix, defaultmatrix, concat, itransform, idtransform, invertmatrix Insideness testing ------------------ in Cairo: infill, instroke, ineofill (set_fill_rule/in_fill) not in Cairo: inufill, inustroke, inueofill Device setup ------------ in Cairo: showpage, copypage not in Cairo: setpagedevice, currentpagedevice, nulldevice Glyph and font operators ------------------------ in Cairo: currentfont, definefont (font_create_for_ft_face), undefine_font (font_destroy), findfont (font_create), makefont (transform_font), setfont, scalefont, selectfont, show (show_text), stringwidth (x/y in text_extents), xyshow (glyph_show -- but ignoring current_point and using absolute positions) not in Cairo, (and likely not needed): composefont, rootfont, ashow, widthshow, awidthshow, xshow, xyshow, yshow, glyphshow, cshow, kshow, FontDirectory, GlobalFontDirectory, StandardEncoding, ISOLatin1Encoding, findencoding, setcachedevice, setcachedevice2, setcharwidth Graphics state operators (device-dependent) ------------------------------------------- in Cairo: setflat (set_tolerance), currentflat (current_tolerance) not in Cairo: sethalftone, currenthalftone, setscreen, currentscreen, setcolorscreen, currentcolorscreen, settransfer, currenttransfer, setcolortransfer, currentcolortransfer, setblackgeneration, currentblackgeneration, setundercolorremoval, currentundercolorremoval, setcolorrendering, currentcolorrendering, setoverprint, currentoverprint, setsmoothness, currentsmoothness PostScript operators never to be in Cairo ----------------------------------------- Operator Stack Manipulation Operators, Arithmetic and Math Operators, Array Operators, Packed Array Operators, Dictionary Operators, String Operators, Rational,Boolean,and Bitwise Operators, Control Operators, Type,Attribute,and Conversion Operators, File Operators, Resource Operators, Virtual Memory Operators, Miscellaneous Operators, Interpreter Parameter Operators, Errors, User Path Operators