cairo-xlib-surface needs to do the Xlib register extension hack so that it can listen for a Display close event. When it gets that, it needs to run through its caches and eliminate anything associated with that display. -- cairo_image_surface_create should return a blank image (eg. transparent black) instead of an image with random data in it. -- The caches need to be invalidated at font destruction time. -- cairo_clip is really slow, (with at least the Xlib and image backends). An accelerated implementation of the IN operator would probably help a lot here. -- Splines are not dashed. -- The polygon tessellation routine has problems. It appears that the following paper has the right answers: [Hobby93c] John D. Hobby, Practical Segment Intersection with Finite Precision Output, Computation Geometry Theory and Applications, 13(4), 1999. Recent improvements to make the intersection code more robust (using 128-bit arithmetic where needed), have exposed some of the weakness in the current tessellation implementation. So, for now, filling some polygons will cause "leaking" until we implement Hobby's algorithm. -- Stroking a self-intersecting path generates the wrong answer, (in mostly subtle ways). The fix is to tessellate a giant polygon for the entire stroke outline rather than incrementally generating trapezoids. -- Cairo is crashing Xnest with the following message: X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) Major opcode of failed request: 72 (X_PutImage) Serial number of failed request: 28 Current serial number in output stream: 29 confirmed on a quite default install of debian unstable. -- cairo_show_text is not updating the current point by the string's advance values. -- Caps are added only to the last subpath in a complex path. -- ref_counts will go negative if destroy is called with ref_count == 0. We noticed this in cairo_surface.c but it likely happens in several places. -- font-size="0" in an SVG file does very bad things. -- cairo falls over with XFree86 4.2 (probably braindead depth handling somewhere).