Josh Aas Memory leak fix for quartz backend Daniel Amelang Many (magic) floating-point optimizations Shawn T. Amundson Build fix Olivier Andrieu PNG backend Peter Dennis Bartok Bug fix for clipping Dave Beckett Build fixes, Debian packaging Kai-Uwe Behrmann SVG bug fixes Christian Biesinger BeOS backend Billy Biggs Pixman code merge. Optimization. Fixes for subtle rendering bugs. Hans Breuer win32 bug fixes, build fixes, and improvements Brian Cameron Flag bug in Sun's X server Carlos Garcia Campos libspectre integration into the test-suite Damien Carbery Build fixes Andrew Chant Adding const where needed Steve Chaplin Bug fixes for PNG reading Tomasz Cholewo Bug fixes Manu Cornet SVG build fix Frederic Crozat Fix test suite for OPD platforms (IA64 or PPC64) Radek Doulík Bug report and test case John Ehresman Build fixes for win32 John Ellson First font/glyph extents functions Michael Emmel DirectFB backend Miklós Erdélyi Fix typo leading to a crash Behdad Esfahbod Huge piles of bug fixes, improvements, and general maintenance Brian Ewins ATSUI maintenance (first success at making it really work) Bertram Felgenhauer Fixes for subtle arithmetic errors Damian Frank Build system improvements for win32 Bdale Garbee Provided essential support for cairo achitecture sessions Jens Granseuer Fixes to generate proper compiler flags Laxmi Harikumar Build fix J. Ali Harlow win32 backend updates Mathias Hasselmann Significant reduction of calls to malloc Richard Henderson "slim" macros for better shared libraries James Henstridge Build fixes related to freetype Graydon Hoare Support for non-render X server, first real text support Thomas Hunger Initial version of cairo_in_stroke/fill Björn Lindqvist Performance test cases Kristian Høgsberg PDF backend, PS backend with meta-surfaces Amaury Jacquot Documentation review, appplication testing Adrian Johnson PDF backend improvement Michael Johnson Bug fix for pre-C99 compilers Jonathon Jongsma Fix documentation typos Øyvind Kolås Bug fixes. Better default values. Martin Kretzschmar Arithmetic fix for 64-bit architectures Mathieu Lacage several bug/typo fixes Dominic Lachowicz PDF conformance fix, fix image surface to zero out contents Alexander Larsson Profiling and performance fixes. Tor Lillqvist win32 build fixes, build scripts Jinghua Luo Add bitmap glyph transformation, many freetype and glitz fixes Luke-Jr Build fix for cross-compiling Kjartan Maraas Several fixes for sparse, lots of debug help for multi-thread bugs Jordi Mas Bug fix for cairo_show_text Nicholas Miell Fixes for linking bugs on AMD64 Eugeniy Meshcheryakov PS/PDF font subsetting improvements Zakharov Mikhail Build fix for HP-UX Christopher (Monty) Montgomery Performnace fix (subimage_copy), multi-thread testing Tim Mooney Fix test suite to compile with Solaris compiler Jeff Muizelaar Patient, painful, pixman code merge. Many fixes for intricacies of dashing. Yevgen Muntyan win32 build fix Declan Naughton Fix documentation typos Peter Nilsson Glitz backend Henning Noren Fix memory leak Geoff Norton Build fixes Robert O'Callahan Const-correctness fixes, several new API functions for completeness (and to help mozilla) Ian Osgood XCB backend maintenance Benjamin Otte Refinements to cairo/perf timing Mike Owens Bug fixes Emmanuel Pacaud SVG backend Keith Packard Original concept, polygon tessellation, dashing, font metrics rewrite Stuart Parmenter Original GDI+ backend, win32 fixes Alfred Peng Fixes for Sun compilers and for a memory leak Christof Petig Build fixes related to freetype Joonas Pihlaja Huge improvements to the tessellator performance Mart Raudsepp Build fixes David Reveman New pattern API, glitz backend Calum Robinson Quartz backend Pavel Roskin Several cleanups to eliminate warnings Tim Rowley Quartz/ATSUI fixes, X server workarounds, win32 glyph path support, test case to expose gradient regression Soeren Sandmann Lots of MMX love for pixman compositing Torsten Schönfeld Build fixes Jamey Sharp Surface/font backend virtualization, XCB backend Jason Dorje Short Build fixes and bug fixes Jeff Smith Fixes for intricacies of stroking code Travis Spencer XCB backend fix Bill Spitzak Build fix to find Xrender.h without xrender.pc Zhe Su Add support for fontconfig's embeddedbitmap option Owen Taylor Font rewrite, documentation, win32 backend Karl Tomlinson Alp Toker Fix several code/comment typos Malcolm Tredinnick Documentation fixes David Turner Optimize gradient calculations Kalle Vahlman Allow perf reports to be compared across different platforms Sasha Vasko Build fix to compile without xlib backend Vladimir Vukicevic Quartz backend rewrite, win32/quartz maintenance Jonathan Watt win32 fixes Peter Weilbacher OS/2 backend Dan Williams Implemnt MMX function to help OLPC Chris Wilson Large-scale robustness improvements, (warn_unsed_result and malloc failure injection) Carl Worth Original library, support for paths, images Richard D. Worth Build fixes for cygwin Kent Worsnop Fix PDF dashing bug Dave Yeo Build fix for win32 (please let us know if we have missed anyone)