Copyright (c) 2005 X.Org Foundation L.L.C. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Copyright (c) 2001 The Open Group Copyright (c) Applied Testing and Technology, Inc. 1993, 1994, 1995 Copyright (c) 88open Consortium, Ltd. 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 All Rights Reserved. >># >># Project: VSW5 >># >># File: xts/Xt4/XtVaAppInitialize.m >># >># Description: >># Tests for XtVaAppInitialize() >># >># Modifications: >># $Log: tvapintlz.m,v $ >># Revision 1.2 2005-04-21 09:40:42 ajosey >># resync to VSW5.1.5 >># >># Revision 8.2 2005/01/21 12:18:22 gwc >># Updated copyright notice >># >># Revision 8.1 2001/04/12 14:48:03 vsx >># tp9 - argv_string was uninitialised >># >># Revision 8.0 1998/12/23 23:36:26 mar >># Branch point for Release 5.0.2 >># >># Revision 7.0 1998/10/30 22:59:16 mar >># Branch point for Release 5.0.2b1 >># >># Revision 6.1 1998/06/23 22:39:05 andy >># Added sleep(XT_RESET_DELAY) to each test. SR# 186. >># >># Revision 6.0 1998/03/02 05:27:36 tbr >># Branch point for Release 5.0.1 >># >># Revision 5.0 1998/01/26 03:24:10 tbr >># Branch point for Release 5.0.1b1 >># >># Revision 4.1 1998/01/13 04:55:13 andy >># In test 17 changed type of closure_ret from XtPointer * to XtPointer (SR 141). >># >># Revision 4.0 1995/12/15 09:16:12 tbr >># Branch point for Release 5.0.0 >># >># Revision 3.1 1995/12/15 01:20:04 andy >># Prepare for GA Release >># >>EXTERN #include #include #include #include XtAppContext app_ctext; Widget topLevel, panedw, boxw1, boxw2; Widget labelw, rowcolw, click_quit; char *msg="/tmp/outfile"; char *args11[] = { "-background", "green", "-bd", "green", "-bg", "green", "-borderwidth", "3", "-bordercolor", "red", "-bw", "3", "-fg", "green", "-font", XtDefaultFont, "-fn", XtDefaultFont, "-foreground", "blue", "-geometry", "100x100", "-iconic", "-reverse", "-rv", "+rv", "-selectionTimeout", "50", "-synchronous", "+synchronous", "-title", "ApTest", "-xnlLanguage", "C", NULL}; typedef struct _instance_variables { long foreground; String label; } instance_variable_rec; static XtResource resources[] = { { XtNforeground, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof(Pixel), XtOffsetOf(instance_variable_rec, foreground), XtRString, "XtDefaultForeground" }, { XtNlabel, XtCLabel, XtRString, sizeof(String), XtOffsetOf(instance_variable_rec, label), XtRString, "very bad idea" }, }; >>SET tpstartup avs_alloc_sem >>SET tpcleanup avs_free_sem >>TITLE XtVaAppInitialize Xt4 Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) >>ASSERTION Good A A call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) shall initialize the Intrinsics internals, create an application context for the calling application and return the context in app_context_return, open a display, create a top-level shell widget that is the root of a widget tree, and return the shell widget instance. >>CODE XtAppContext app_ctext_return; Widget widget_good; Display *display_good; String name_good, class_good; char name[20], class[20]; int argcount = 0; Boolean status; pid_t pid2; FORK(pid2); tet_infoline("TEST: Initialize toolkit"); sleep(config.reset_delay); sprintf(ebuf, "DISPLAY=%s", config.display); putenv(ebuf); widget_good = XtVaAppInitialize(&app_ctext_return, "TVaAppInitialize", (XrmOptionDescList)NULL, (Cardinal)0, &argcount, (String *)NULL, (String *)NULL, (char *)NULL ); avs_set_event(1,1); tet_infoline("TEST: Widget_good class is applicationShell"); status = XtIsApplicationShell(widget_good); check_dec(True, status, "XtIsApplicationShell return value"); display_good = XtDisplay(widget_good); tet_infoline("PREP: Get application name and class"); XtGetApplicationNameAndClass(display_good, &name_good, &class_good ); tet_infoline("TEST: Application name and class."); check_str("main", name_good, "Name"); check_str("TVaAppInitialize", class_good, "Class"); KROF(pid2); if (avs_get_event(1) != 1) { tet_infoline("ERROR: Process terminated by XtVaAppInitialize "); tet_result(TET_FAIL); exit(1); } tet_result(TET_PASS); >>ASSERTION Good A When the display cannot be opened a call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) shall issue an error message and terminate the application. >>CODE XtAppContext app_ctext_return; Widget widget_good; Display *display_good; String name_good, class_good; char name[20], class[20]; int argcount = 0; Boolean status; pid_t pid2; FILE *stream; char line[80], *retval; tet_infoline("TEST: Initialize toolkit"); FORK(pid2); sleep(config.reset_delay); sprintf(ebuf, "PREP: Direct error message to %s", msg); tet_infoline(ebuf); push_stderr("outfile", "w"); sprintf(ebuf, "DISPLAY=%s", "notarealdisplay"); putenv(ebuf); widget_good = XtVaAppInitialize(&app_ctext_return, "TVaAppInitialize", (XrmOptionDescList)NULL, (Cardinal)0, &argcount, (String *)NULL, (String *)NULL, (char *)NULL ); avs_set_event(1,1); pop_stderr(); KROF(pid2); tet_infoline("TEST: Open the file and read the message"); stream = (FILE *)fopen(msg, "r"); retval = fgets(line, 80, stream) ; if (retval == NULL) { tet_infoline("ERROR: No error message issued"); tet_result(TET_FAIL); unlink(msg); exit(0); } unlink(msg); if (avs_get_event(1) == 1) { tet_infoline("ERROR: Process not terminated by XtVaAppInitialize "); tet_result(TET_FAIL); exit(1); } tet_result(TET_PASS); >># >># Start of XtCreateApplicationContext >># >># ----- >># >># Start of XtOpenDisplay >># >>ASSERTION Good B 0 A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) shall create a resource database for the display. >>ASSERTION Good A A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) when the -display option is specified in argv_in_out shall use this value as the display to be opened and initialized. >>CODE XtAppContext app_ctext_return; Widget widget_good; Display *display_good; Boolean status; pid_t pid2; int argc_count; char **argv_string; int count = 3; char *argvals[4]; char *display_name; FORK(pid2); tet_infoline("TEST: Initialize toolkit"); sleep(config.reset_delay); tet_infoline("PREP: Set arguments to include -display"); argvals[0] = "tinitlize"; argvals[1] = "-display"; argvals[2] = (char *)config.display; argvals[3] = (char *)NULL; argc_count = count; argv_string = &argvals[0]; widget_good = XtVaAppInitialize(&app_ctext_return, "TAppInitialize", (XrmOptionDescList)NULL, (Cardinal)0, &argc_count, argv_string, (String *)NULL, (ArgList)NULL, (char *)NULL ); avs_set_event(1,1); display_good = XtDisplay(widget_good); tet_infoline("TEST: Display name is correct"); display_name = XDisplayString(display_good); check_str(config.display, display_name, "Display name"); KROF(pid2); if (avs_get_event(1) != 1) { tet_infoline("ERROR: Process terminated by XtVaAppInitialize "); tet_result(TET_FAIL); exit(1); } tet_result(TET_PASS); >>ASSERTION Good A A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) when the -display option is not specified in argv and the DISPLAY environment variable is set shall use this value as the display to be opened and initialized. >>CODE XtAppContext app_ctext_return; Widget widget_good; Display *display_good; char *display_name; int argcount = 0; Boolean status; pid_t pid2; FORK(pid2); sleep(config.reset_delay); tet_infoline("PREP: Set DISPLAY"); sprintf(ebuf, "DISPLAY=%s", config.display); putenv(ebuf); tet_infoline("TEST: Initialize toolkit"); widget_good = XtVaAppInitialize(&app_ctext_return, "TVaAppInitialize", (XrmOptionDescList)NULL, (Cardinal)0, &argcount, (String *)NULL, (String *)NULL, (char *)NULL ); avs_set_event(1,1); display_good = XtDisplay(widget_good); tet_infoline("TEST: Display name is correct"); display_name = XDisplayString(display_good); check_str(config.display, display_name, "Display name"); KROF(pid2); if (avs_get_event(1) != 1) { tet_infoline("ERROR: Process terminated by XtVaAppInitialize "); tet_result(TET_FAIL); exit(1); } tet_result(TET_PASS); >>ASSERTION Good A A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) when the -name option is specified in argv_in_out shall use this value as the application name to query the server and screen resource databases for the name.xnlLanguage resource to create the resource database for the display. >>CODE XtAppContext app_ctext_return; Widget widget_good; Display *display_good; String name_good, class_good; char name[20], class[20]; int argcount = 0; Boolean status; pid_t pid2; int pstatus; int argc_count; char **argv_string; int count = 3; char *argvals[4]; FORK(pid2); sleep(config.reset_delay); sprintf(ebuf, "DISPLAY=%s", config.display); putenv(ebuf); tet_infoline("TEST: Initialize toolkit and open display"); argvals[0] = "tinitlize"; argvals[1] = "-name"; argvals[2] = "testname"; argvals[3] = (char *)NULL; argc_count = count; argv_string = &argvals[0]; widget_good = XtVaAppInitialize(&app_ctext_return, "TVaAppInitialize", (XrmOptionDescList)NULL, (Cardinal)0, &argc_count, argv_string, (String *)NULL, (char *)NULL ); tet_infoline("TEST: widget_good class is applicationShell"); status = XtIsApplicationShell(widget_good); check_dec(True, status, "XtIsApplicationShell return value"); tet_infoline("TEST: Application name and class"); display_good = XtDisplay(widget_good); XtGetApplicationNameAndClass(display_good, &name_good, &class_good ); check_str("testname", name_good, "Application Name"); KROF3(pid2, pstatus, AVSXTTIMEOUT-2); if (pstatus != 0) { tet_infoline("ERROR: Test process exited abnormally"); tet_infoline(" May mean display cannot be opened"); tet_result(TET_UNRESOLVED); } else tet_result(TET_PASS); >>ASSERTION Good A A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) when the -name option is not specified in argv and the environment variable RESOURCE_NAME is set shall use this value as the application name to query the server and screen resource databases for the name.xnlLanguage resource to create the resource database for the display. >>CODE XtAppContext app_ctext_return; Widget widget_good; Display *display_good; String name_good, class_good; char name[20], class[20]; int argcount = 0; Boolean status; pid_t pid2; int pstatus; FORK(pid2); sleep(config.reset_delay); tet_infoline("PREP: Set up env variable RESOURCE_NAME"); putenv("RESOURCE_NAME=testname2"); sprintf(ebuf, "DISPLAY=%s", config.display); putenv(ebuf); tet_infoline("TEST: Initialize toolkit and open display"); widget_good = XtVaAppInitialize(&app_ctext_return, "TVaAppInitialize", (XrmOptionDescList)NULL, (Cardinal)0, &argcount, (String *)NULL, (String *)NULL, (char *)NULL ); tet_infoline("TEST: widget_good class is applicationShell"); status = XtIsApplicationShell(widget_good); check_dec(True, status, "XtIsApplicationShell return value"); tet_infoline("TEST: Application name and class"); display_good = XtDisplay(widget_good); XtGetApplicationNameAndClass(display_good, &name_good, &class_good ); check_str("testname2", name_good, "Application Name"); KROF3(pid2, pstatus, AVSXTTIMEOUT-2); if (pstatus != 0) { tet_infoline("ERROR: Test process exited abnormally"); tet_infoline(" May mean display cannot be opened"); tet_result(TET_UNRESOLVED); } else tet_result(TET_PASS); >>ASSERTION Good A A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) when the -name option is not specified in argv_in_out, the environment variable RESOURCE_NAME is not set, and argv_in_out[0] is not an empty string shall use this value as the application name to query the server and screen resource databases for the name.xnlLanguage resource to create the resource database for the display. >>CODE XtAppContext app_ctext_return; Widget widget_good; Display *display_good; String name_good, class_good; char name[20], class[20]; int argcount = 0; Boolean status; pid_t pid2; int pstatus; int argc_count; char **argv_string; int count = 1; char *argvals[4]; FORK(pid2); sleep(config.reset_delay); sprintf(ebuf, "DISPLAY=%s", config.display); putenv(ebuf); tet_infoline("TEST: Initialize toolkit and open display"); argvals[0] = "testname3"; argvals[1] = (char *)NULL; argc_count = count; argv_string = &argvals[0]; widget_good = XtVaAppInitialize(&app_ctext_return, "TAppInitialize", (XrmOptionDescList)NULL, (Cardinal)0, &argc_count, argv_string, (String *)NULL, (char *)NULL ); tet_infoline("TEST: widget_good class is applicationShell"); status = XtIsApplicationShell(widget_good); check_dec(True, status, "XtIsApplicationShell return value"); tet_infoline("TEST: Application name and class"); display_good = XtDisplay(widget_good); XtGetApplicationNameAndClass(display_good, &name_good, &class_good ); check_str("testname3", name_good, "Application Name"); KROF3(pid2, pstatus, AVSXTTIMEOUT-2); if (pstatus != 0) { tet_infoline("ERROR: Test process exited abnormally"); tet_infoline(" May mean display cannot be opened"); tet_result(TET_UNRESOLVED); } else tet_result(TET_PASS); >>ASSERTION Good A A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) when the -name option is not specified in argv_in_out, the environment variable RESOURCE_NAME is not set, and argv_in_out[0] is an empty string shall use the string "main" as the application name to query the server and screen resource databases for the name.xnlLanguage resource to create the resource database for the display. >>CODE XtAppContext app_ctext_return; Widget widget_good; Display *display_good; String name_good, class_good; char name[20], class[20]; int argcount = 0; Boolean status; pid_t pid2; int pstatus; int argc_count; char **argv_string; int count = 1; char *argvals[4]; FORK(pid2); sleep(config.reset_delay); sprintf(ebuf, "DISPLAY=%s", config.display); putenv(ebuf); tet_infoline("TEST: Initialize toolkit and open display"); argvals[0] = ""; argvals[1] = (char *)NULL; argc_count = count; argv_string = &argvals[0]; widget_good = XtVaAppInitialize(&app_ctext_return, "TAppInitialize", (XrmOptionDescList)NULL, (Cardinal)0, &argc_count, argv_string, (String *)NULL, (char *)NULL ); tet_infoline("TEST: widget_good class is applicationShell"); status = XtIsApplicationShell(widget_good); check_dec(True, status, "XtIsApplicationShell return value"); tet_infoline("TEST: Application name and class"); display_good = XtDisplay(widget_good); XtGetApplicationNameAndClass(display_good, &name_good, &class_good ); check_str("main", name_good, "Application Name"); KROF3(pid2, pstatus, AVSXTTIMEOUT-2); if (pstatus != 0) { tet_infoline("ERROR: Test process exited abnormally"); tet_infoline(" May mean display cannot be opened"); tet_result(TET_UNRESOLVED); } else tet_result(TET_PASS); >># >># >># >># Start of XtDisplayInitialize assertions >># >># >>ASSERTION Good A When the synchronize resource is set to True in the resource database created by a successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) it shall put Xlib into synchronous mode for this display connection. >>CODE Window window; int scr; static char *property_data = "Hello World"; XtAppContext app_ctext_return; Display *display; int queued_events, events; int argc = 2; pid_t pid2; int pstatus; /* ** -synchronous on ** +synchronous off */ char *argv[] = { "tinitlize", "-synchronous", (char *)NULL }; Widget widget_good; FORK(pid2); sleep(config.reset_delay); sprintf(ebuf, "DISPLAY=%s", config.display); putenv(ebuf); tet_infoline("TEST: Initialize toolkit and open display"); widget_good = XtVaAppInitialize(&app_ctext_return, "TVaAppInitialize", (XrmOptionDescList)NULL, (Cardinal)0, &argc, argv, (String *)NULL, (ArgList)NULL, NULL ); avs_set_event(1,1); display = XtDisplay(widget_good); tet_infoline("PREP: Create a window for events"); scr = DefaultScreen(display); window = XCreateWindow(display, RootWindow(display, scr), 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, /* x,y,wid,ht,brd width */ DefaultDepth(display, scr), InputOutput, DefaultVisual(display, scr), (XtValueMask) 0, (XSetWindowAttributes *) 0); tet_infoline("TEST: Check Xlib is in synchronous mode"); queued_events = XQLength(display); XSelectInput(display, window, (unsigned long)PropertyChangeMask); for (events = 0; events < 3; events++) XChangeProperty(display, window, XA_RESOURCE_MANAGER, XA_STRING, 8,0, (unsigned char *)property_data, 16); check_dec(3+queued_events, XQLength(display), "queue length"); KROF3(pid2, pstatus, AVSXTTIMEOUT-2); if (avs_get_event(1) != 1) { tet_infoline("ERROR: Process terminated by XtVaAppInitialize "); tet_result(TET_FAIL); exit(1); } tet_result(TET_PASS); >>ASSERTION Good D 0 If the implementation is X11R5 or later: A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) shall determine a language string for the display by searching the following sources in the specified order: - the resource database created from the command line. - the resource application_name.xnlLanguage, class application_class.XnlLanguage in the server's RESOURCE_MANAGER property for the root window of screen zero if it exists, or in the user preference resource file otherwise. - the environment. >>ASSERTION Good D 0 If the implementation is X11R5 or later and is POSIX-based: A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) shall use the LANG environment variable as the environment value to search when determining the language string for the display. >>ASSERTION Good D 0 If the implementation is X11R5 or later: A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) shall set the language string for the display to the empty string if the server's RESOURCE_MANAGER property for the root window of screen zero exists, and a language string is not found on the command line, in this property, or in the environment. >>ASSERTION Good D 0 If the implementation is X11R5 or later: A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) shall set the language string for the display to the empty string if the server's RESOURCE_MANAGER property for the root window of screen zero does not exist and a language string is not found on the command line, in the user preference resource file, or in the environment. >>ASSERTION Good B 0 A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) shall associate with the default screen of the display a resource database created by combining entries from the following sources, in order, with the first named source having the highest precedence: - the application command line - the user's environment resource file - per-screen resource specifications from the server, as returned by XScreenResourceString() - per display resource specifications from the server (the server's RESOURCE_MANAGER property for the root window of screen zero) if they exist, otherwise the user preference file - the application-specific user resource file. - the application-specific class resource file . >>ASSERTION Good A A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) shall recognize options specified on the command line that are in the standard table of options in section 4.4 of the specification or in the table specific to the application specified by .A options and .A num_options. >>CODE Display *display_good; String name_good, class_good; int argcount = 20; instance_variable_rec base; pid_t pid2; Widget widget_good; XtAppContext app_ctext_return; FORK(pid2); sleep(config.reset_delay); tet_infoline("PREP: Set DISPLAY"); sprintf(ebuf, "DISPLAY=%s", config.display); putenv(ebuf); tet_infoline("TEST: Initialize toolkit"); widget_good = XtVaAppInitialize(&app_ctext_return, "TVaAppInitialize", (XrmOptionDescList)NULL, (Cardinal)0, &argcount, args11, (String *)NULL, (ArgList)NULL, NULL ); tet_infoline("TEST: Retrieve resource values from resource database"); XtGetApplicationResources(widget_good, &base, resources, 1, (ArgList)NULL, (Cardinal)0); LKROF(pid2, AVSXTTIMEOUT-2); tet_result(TET_PASS); >>ASSERTION Good A A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) when the reverseVideo resource is define as True on the command line shall use the value of XtDefaultForeground instead of XtDefaultBackground and vice versa in the resource database created for the display. >>CODE Window window; int scr; static char *property_data = "Hello World"; XtAppContext app_ctext; Display *display; int queued_events, events; XrmValue args[2]; Cardinal num_args; XrmValue fromVal; XrmValue toVal; Boolean closure; XtPointer closure_ret = (XtPointer *) &closure; int argc = 2; char *argv[] = { "tdsplyintl2", "+rv", (char *)NULL }; Screen *screen; Colormap colormap; pid_t pid2; Pixel res; Boolean status; XtAppContext app_ctext_return; Widget widget_good; FORK(pid2); sleep(config.reset_delay); sprintf(ebuf, "DISPLAY=%s", config.display); putenv(ebuf); tet_infoline("TEST: Initialize and application with +rv in args"); widget_good = XtVaAppInitialize(&app_ctext_return, "TVaAppInitialize", (XrmOptionDescList)NULL, (Cardinal)0, &argc, argv, (String *)NULL, (ArgList)NULL, NULL ); display = XtDisplay(widget_good); tet_infoline("PREP: Set up required conversion args"); screen = DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display); args[0].addr = (XtPointer )&screen; args[0].size = sizeof(Screen*); colormap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(screen); args[1].addr = (XtPointer) &colormap; args[1].size = sizeof(Colormap); num_args = 2; tet_infoline("TEST: Convert XtDefaultForeground"); fromVal.addr = XtDefaultForeground; fromVal.size = strlen(XtDefaultForeground)+1; toVal.addr = (XtPointer) &res; toVal.size = sizeof(Pixel); status = XtCvtStringToPixel(display, &args[0], &num_args, &fromVal, &toVal, &closure_ret); check_dec(True, status, "XtCvtStringToPixel return value"); tet_infoline("TEST: Conversion result"); check_dec(XBlackPixelOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display)), res, "returned pixel"); tet_infoline("TEST: Convert XtDefaultBackground"); fromVal.addr = XtDefaultBackground; fromVal.size = strlen(XtDefaultBackground)+1; toVal.addr = (XtPointer) &res; toVal.size = sizeof(Pixel); status = XtCvtStringToPixel(display, &args[0], &num_args, &fromVal, &toVal, &closure_ret); check_dec(True, status, "XtCvtStringToPixel return value"); tet_infoline("TEST: Conversion result"); check_dec(XWhitePixelOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display)), res, "returned pixel"); LKROF(pid2, AVSXTTIMEOUT-2); tet_result(TET_PASS); >>ASSERTION Good D 0 If the implementation is POSIX-based: A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) when the environment variable XENVIRONMENT exists shall use the value of this variable as the name of the user environment resource file. >>ASSERTION Good D 0 If the implementation is POSIX-based: A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) when the environment variable XENVIRONMENT does not exist shall use the file .Xdefaults-host, where host is the name of the system running the application, in the user's home directory as the user environment resource file. >>ASSERTION Good B 0 A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) shall set the values from the higher precedence sources of the resource database being created for the display as the current resource database before determining the file name for the application-specific user resource file. >>ASSERTION Good D 0 If the implementation is POSIX-based: A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) when the environment variable XUSERFILESEARCHPATH is defined shall use the result of calling XtResolvePathname(display, path, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL) with the value of this variable as path as the name of the application-specific user resource file. >>ASSERTION Good D 0 If the implementation is POSIX-based: A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) when the environment variable XUSERFILESEARCHPATH is not defined and the environment variable XAPPLRESDIR is not defined shall use the result of calling XtResolvePathname(display, path, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL) as the name of the application-specific user resource file where path contains at least entries containing $HOME as the directory prefix plus the following substitutions, in the order specified: - %C, %N, %L or %C, %N, %l, %t, %c - %C, %N, %l - %C, %N - %N, %L or %N, %l, %t, %c - %N, %l - %N >>ASSERTION Good D 0 If the implementation is POSIX-based: A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) when the environment variable XUSERFILESEARCHPATH is not defined and the environment variable XAPPLRESDIR is defined shall use the result of calling XtResolvePathname(display, path, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL) as the name of the application-specific user resource file where path contains at least entries containing the following directory prefixes and substitutions, in the order specified: - $XPPLRESDIR with %C, %N, %L or %C, %N, %l, %t, %c - $XPPLRESDIR with %C, %N, %l - $XPPLRESDIR with %C, %N - $XPPLRESDIR with %N, %L or %N, %l, %t, %c - $XPPLRESDIR with %N, %l - $XPPLRESDIR with %N - $HOME with %N >>ASSERTION Good B 0 A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) shall use the result of calling XtResolvePathname(display, "app-defaults", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL) as the name of the application-specific class resource file, with the values from the higher precedence sources of the resource database being created for the display set as the current resource database before the call is made. >># >># Start of XtAppCreateShell >># >>ASSERTION Good B 0 On a successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) the shell widget instance created shall have WM_COMMAND property set from the values of the XtNargv and XtNargc resources. >>ASSERTION Good B 0 A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) shall name the shell widget instance with the application name passed to XtDisplayInitialize. >>ASSERTION Good B 0 A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) when the varargs style variable argument list specifies the XtNscreen argument shall create the resource database for the shell widget using the resource values specified in the variable argument list and resource values from the resource database of the screen specified by the XtNscreen argument for those resources not specified in the variable argument list. >>ASSERTION Good B 0 A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) when the variable argument list does not specify the XtNscreen argument and the resource database of the default screen for display specifies the resource name.screen, class application_class.screen shall create the resource database for the shell widget using the resource values specified in the variable argument list and resource values from the resource database of the screen specified in the resource database of the default screen for those resources not specified in the variable argument list. >>ASSERTION Good B 0 A successful call to Widget XtVaAppInitialize(app_context_return, application_class, options, num_options, argc_in_out, argv_in_out, fallback_resources, ...) when the variable argument list does not specify the XtNscreen argument and the resource database of the default screen for display does not specify the resource name.screen, class application_class.screen shall create the resource database for the shell widget using the resource values specified in the variable argument list and resource values from the resource database of the default screen for those resources not specified in the variable argument list.