path: root/docs/download.rst
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2018-06-18docs: Human edits to the website code for clarity.Laura Ekstrand1-3/+3
There's a lot here. If you're interested, it's mostly whitespace fixes, switching variable names and function names to the Sphinx orange variable highlight style, and naming code blocks to take advantage of Pygments syntax highlighting.
2018-06-18docs: Edits to fix toctrees.Laura Ekstrand1-1/+1
ReStructured Text toctrees are used to automatically generate the sidebar. But all top-level headings get added to it by default. In order to workaround this, you must create one and only one top-level heading for each page.
2018-06-15docs: Add results of script - pandoc-generated rst pages.Laura Ekstrand1-82/+48
2018-06-15docs: Rename html to rstLaura Ekstrand1-0/+107
This should tell git that the files are really the same. That way, we don't lose the file history.