/* * (c) Copyright 1996 by Sebastien Marineau * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * HOLGER VEIT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name of Sebastien Marineau shall not be * used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings * in this Software without prior written authorization from Sebastien Marineau. * */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xnest/os2Stub.c,v 3.2 2003/11/06 03:25:46 dawes Exp $ */ /* This below implements select() for calls in xnest. It has been */ /* somewhat optimized for improved performance, but assumes a few */ /* things so it cannot be used as a general select. */ #define I_NEED_OS2_H #include "Xpoll.h" #include #include #include #include #define INCL_DOSSEMAPHORES #define INCL_DOSNPIPES #define INCL_DOSMISC #define INCL_DOSMODULEMGR #undef BOOL #undef BYTE #include HEV hPipeSem; HMODULE hmod_so32dll; static int (*os2_tcp_select)(int*,int,int,int,long); ULONG os2_get_sys_millis(); extern int _files[]; #define MAX_TCP 256 /* These lifted from sys/emx.h. Change if that changes there! */ #define F_SOCKET 0x10000000 #define F_PIPE 0x20000000 struct select_data { fd_set read_copy; fd_set write_copy; BOOL have_read; BOOL have_write; int tcp_select_mask[MAX_TCP]; int tcp_emx_handles[MAX_TCP]; int tcp_select_copy[MAX_TCP]; int socket_nread; int socket_nwrite; int socket_ntotal; int pipe_ntotal; int pipe_have_write; int max_fds; }; int os2PseudoSelect(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout) { static BOOL FirstTime=TRUE; static haveTCPIP=TRUE; ULONG timeout_ms; ULONG postCount, start_millis,now_millis; char faildata[16]; struct select_data sd; BOOL any_ready; int np,ns, i,ready_handles,n; APIRET rc; sd.have_read=FALSE; sd.have_write=FALSE; sd.socket_nread=0; sd.socket_nwrite=0; sd.socket_ntotal=0; sd.max_fds=31; ready_handles=0; any_ready=FALSE; sd.pipe_ntotal=0; sd.pipe_have_write=FALSE; if(FirstTime){ /* First load the so32dll.dll module and get a pointer to the SELECT function */ if((rc=DosLoadModule(faildata,sizeof(faildata),"SO32DLL",&hmod_so32dll))!=0){ fprintf(stderr, "Could not load module so32dll.dll, rc = %d. Error note %s\n",rc,faildata); haveTCPIP=FALSE; } if((rc = DosQueryProcAddr(hmod_so32dll, 0, "SELECT", (PPFN)&os2_tcp_select))!=0){ fprintf(stderr, "Could not query address of SELECT, rc = %d.\n",rc); haveTCPIP=FALSE; } /* Call these a first time to set the semaphore */ /* rc = DosCreateEventSem(NULL, &hPipeSem, DC_SEM_SHARED, FALSE); if(rc) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create event semaphore, rc=%d\n",rc); return(-1); } rc = DosResetEventSem(hPipeSem, &postCount); */ /* Done in xtrans code for servers*/ /*fprintf(stderr, "Client select() done first-time stuff, sem handle %d.\n",hPipeSem);*/ FirstTime = FALSE; } /* Set up the time delay structs */ if(timeout!=NULL) { timeout_ms=timeout->tv_sec*1000+timeout->tv_usec/1000; } else { timeout_ms=1000000; } /* This should be large enough... */ if(timeout_ms>0) start_millis=os2_get_sys_millis(); /* Copy the masks */ {FD_ZERO(&sd.read_copy);} {FD_ZERO(&sd.write_copy);} if(readfds!=NULL){ XFD_COPYSET(readfds,&sd.read_copy); sd.have_read=TRUE;} if(writefds!=NULL) {XFD_COPYSET(writefds,&sd.write_copy);sd.have_write=TRUE;} /* And zero the original masks */ if(sd.have_read){ FD_ZERO(readfds);} if(sd.have_write) {FD_ZERO(writefds);} if(exceptfds != NULL) {FD_ZERO(exceptfds);} /* Now we parse the fd_sets passed to select and separate pipe/sockets */ n = os2_parse_select(&sd,nfds); if(n == -1) { errno = EBADF; return (-1); } /* Now we have three cases: either we have sockets, pipes, or both */ /* We handle all three cases differently to optimize things */ /* Case 1: only pipes! */ if((sd.pipe_ntotal >0) && (!sd.socket_ntotal)){ np = os2_check_pipes(&sd,readfds,writefds); if(np > 0){ return (np); } else if (np == -1) { return(-1); } while(!any_ready){ rc = DosWaitEventSem(hPipeSem, 1L); /* if(rc) fprintf(stderr,"Sem-wait timeout, rc = %d\n",rc); */ if(rc == 640) { return(0); } if((rc != 0) && (rc != 95)) {errno= EBADF; return(-1);} np = os2_check_pipes(&sd,readfds,writefds); if (np > 0){ return(np); } else if (np < 0){ return(-1); } } } /* Case 2: only sockets. Just let the os/2 tcp select do the work */ if((sd.socket_ntotal > 0) && (!sd.pipe_ntotal)){ ns = os2_check_sockets(&sd, readfds, writefds, timeout_ms); return (ns); } /* Case 3: combination of both */ if((sd.socket_ntotal > 0) && (sd.pipe_ntotal)){ np = os2_check_pipes(&sd,readfds,writefds); if(np > 0){ any_ready=TRUE; ready_handles += np; } else if (np == -1) { return(-1); } ns = os2_check_sockets(&sd,readfds,writefds, 0); if(ns>0){ ready_handles+=ns; any_ready = TRUE; } else if (ns == -1) {return(-1);} while (!any_ready && timeout_ms){ rc = DosWaitEventSem(hPipeSem, 1L); if (rc==640) return(0); if(rc == 0){ np = os2_check_pipes(&sd,readfds,writefds); if(np > 0){ ready_handles+=np; any_ready = TRUE; } else if (np == -1) { return(-1); } } ns = os2_check_sockets(&sd,readfds,writefds,exceptfds, 0); if(ns>0){ ready_handles+=ns; any_ready = TRUE; } else if (ns == -1) {return(-1);} if (i%8 == 0) { now_millis = os2_get_sys_millis(); if((now_millis-start_millis) > timeout_ms) timeout_ms = 0; } i++; } } return(ready_handles); } ULONG os2_get_sys_millis() { APIRET rc; ULONG milli; rc = DosQuerySysInfo(14, 14, &milli, sizeof(milli)); if(rc) { fprintf(stderr,"Bad return code querying the millisecond counter! rc=%d\n",rc); return(0); } return(milli); } int os2_parse_select(sd,nfds) struct select_data *sd; int nfds; { int i; APIRET rc; /* First we determine up to which descriptor we need to check. */ /* No need to check up to 256 if we don't have to (and usually we dont...)*/ /* Note: stuff here is hardcoded for fd_sets which are int[8] as in EMX! */ if(nfds > sd->max_fds){ for(i=0;i<((FD_SETSIZE+31)/32);i++){ if(sd->read_copy.fds_bits[i] || sd->write_copy.fds_bits[i]) sd->max_fds=(i*32) +32; } } else { sd->max_fds = nfds; } /* Check if result is greater than specified in select() call */ if(sd->max_fds > nfds) sd->max_fds = nfds; if (sd->have_read) { for (i = 0; i < sd->max_fds; ++i) { if (FD_ISSET (i, &sd->read_copy)){ if(_files[i] & F_SOCKET) { sd->tcp_select_mask[sd->socket_ntotal]=_getsockhandle(i); sd->tcp_emx_handles[sd->socket_ntotal]=i; sd->socket_ntotal++; sd->socket_nread++; } else if (_files[i] & F_PIPE) { sd -> pipe_ntotal++; /* rc = DosSetNPipeSem((HPIPE)i, (HSEM) hPipeSem, i); if(rc) { fprintf(stderr,"Error SETNPIPE rc = %d\n",rc); return -1;} */ } } } } if (sd->have_write) { for (i = 0; i < sd->max_fds; ++i) { if (FD_ISSET (i, &sd->write_copy)){ if(_files[i] & F_SOCKET) { sd->tcp_select_mask[sd->socket_ntotal]=_getsockhandle(i); sd->tcp_emx_handles[sd->socket_ntotal]=i; sd->socket_ntotal++; sd->socket_nwrite++; } else if (_files[i] & F_PIPE) { sd -> pipe_ntotal++; /* rc = DosSetNPipeSem((HPIPE)i, (HSEM) hPipeSem, i); if(rc) { fprintf(stderr,"Error SETNPIPE rc = %d\n",rc); return -1;} */ sd -> pipe_have_write=TRUE; } } } } return(sd->socket_ntotal); } int os2_check_sockets(sd,readfds,writefds) struct select_data *sd; fd_set *readfds,*writefds; { int e,i; int j,n; memcpy(sd->tcp_select_copy,sd->tcp_select_mask, sd->socket_ntotal*sizeof(int)); e = os2_tcp_select(sd->tcp_select_copy,sd->socket_nread, sd->socket_nwrite, 0, 0); if(e == 0) return(e); /* We have something ready? */ if(e>0){ j = 0; n = 0; for (i = 0; i < sd->socket_nread; ++i, ++j) if (sd->tcp_select_copy[j] != -1) { FD_SET (sd->tcp_emx_handles[j], readfds); n ++; } for (i = 0; i < sd->socket_nwrite; ++i, ++j) if (sd->tcp_select_copy[j] != -1) { FD_SET (sd->tcp_emx_handles[j], writefds); n ++; } errno = 0; return n; } if(e<0){ /*Error -- TODO. EBADF is a good choice for now. */ fprintf(stderr,"Error in server select! e=%d\n",e); errno = EBADF; return (-1); } } /* Check to see if anything is ready on pipes */ int os2_check_pipes(sd,readfds,writefds) struct select_data *sd; fd_set *readfds,*writefds; { int i,e; ULONG ulPostCount; PIPESEMSTATE pipeSemState[128]; APIRET rc; e = 0; rc = DosResetEventSem(hPipeSem,&ulPostCount); rc = DosQueryNPipeSemState((HSEM) hPipeSem, (PPIPESEMSTATE)&pipeSemState, sizeof(pipeSemState)); if(rc) fprintf(stderr,"SELECT: rc from QueryNPipeSem: %d\n",rc); i=0; while (pipeSemState[i].fStatus != 0) { /*fprintf(stderr,"SELECT: sem entry, stat=%d, flag=%d, key=%d,avail=%d\n", pipeSemState[i].fStatus,pipeSemState[i].fFlag,pipeSemState[i].usKey, pipeSemState[i].usAvail); */ if((pipeSemState[i].fStatus == 1) && (FD_ISSET(pipeSemState[i].usKey,&sd->read_copy))){ FD_SET(pipeSemState[i].usKey,readfds); e++; } else if((pipeSemState[i].fStatus == 2) && (FD_ISSET(pipeSemState[i].usKey,&sd->write_copy))){ FD_SET(pipeSemState[i].usKey,writefds); e++; } else if( (pipeSemState[i].fStatus == 3) && ( (FD_ISSET(pipeSemState[i].usKey,&sd->read_copy)) || (FD_ISSET(pipeSemState[i].usKey,&sd->write_copy)) )){ errno = EBADF; /* fprintf(stderr,"Pipe has closed down, fd=%d\n",pipeSemState[i].usKey); */ return (-1); } i++; } /* endwhile */ /*fprintf(stderr,"Done listing pipe sem entries, total %d entries, total ready entries %d\n",i,e);*/ errno = 0; return(e); }