/* * Cocoa rootless implementation frame functions */ /* * Copyright (c) 2001 Greg Parker. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Torrey T. Lyons. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE ABOVE LISTED COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright * holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, * use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization. */ /* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/quartz/cr/crFrame.m,v 1.7 2003/11/27 01:53:39 torrey Exp $ */ #include "quartzCommon.h" #include "cr.h" #undef BOOL #define BOOL xBOOL #include "rootless.h" #undef BOOL WindowPtr nextWindowToFrame = NULL; unsigned int nextWindowStyle = 0; static void CRReshapeFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, RegionPtr pShape); /* * CRCreateFrame * Create a new physical window. * Rootless windows must not autodisplay! Autodisplay can cause a deadlock. * Event thread - autodisplay: locks view hierarchy, then window * X Server thread - window resize: locks window, then view hierarchy * Deadlock occurs if each thread gets one lock and waits for the other. */ static Bool CRCreateFrame(RootlessWindowPtr pFrame, ScreenPtr pScreen, int newX, int newY, RegionPtr pShape) { CRWindowPtr crWinPtr; NSRect bounds; NSWindow *theWindow; XView *theView; unsigned int theStyleMask = NSBorderlessWindowMask; crWinPtr = (CRWindowPtr) xalloc(sizeof(CRWindowRec)); bounds = NSMakeRect(newX, NSHeight([[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]) - newY - pFrame->height, pFrame->width, pFrame->height); // Check if AppleWM has specified a style for this window if (pFrame->win == nextWindowToFrame) { theStyleMask = nextWindowStyle; } nextWindowToFrame = NULL; // Create an NSWindow for the new X11 window theWindow = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:bounds styleMask:theStyleMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO]; if (!theWindow) return FALSE; [theWindow setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]]; // erase transparent [theWindow setAlphaValue:1.0]; // draw opaque [theWindow setOpaque:YES]; // changed when window is shaped [theWindow useOptimizedDrawing:YES]; // Has no overlapping sub-views [theWindow setAutodisplay:NO]; // See comment above [theWindow disableFlushWindow]; // We do all the flushing manually [theWindow setHasShadow:YES]; // All windows have shadows [theWindow setReleasedWhenClosed:YES]; // Default, but we want to be sure theView = [[XView alloc] initWithFrame:bounds]; [theWindow setContentView:theView]; [theWindow setInitialFirstResponder:theView]; [theWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES]; crWinPtr->window = theWindow; crWinPtr->view = theView; [theView lockFocus]; // Fill the window with white to make sure alpha channel is set NSEraseRect(bounds); crWinPtr->port = [theView qdPort]; crWinPtr->context = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort]; // CreateCGContextForPort(crWinPtr->port, &crWinPtr->context); [theView unlockFocus]; // Store the implementation private frame ID pFrame->wid = (RootlessFrameID) crWinPtr; // Reshape the frame if it was created shaped. if (pShape != NULL) CRReshapeFrame(pFrame->wid, pShape); return TRUE; } /* * CRDestroyFrame * Destroy a frame. */ static void CRDestroyFrame(RootlessFrameID wid) { CRWindowPtr crWinPtr = (CRWindowPtr) wid; [crWinPtr->window orderOut:nil]; [crWinPtr->window close]; [crWinPtr->view release]; free(crWinPtr); } /* * CRMoveFrame * Move a frame on screen. */ static void CRMoveFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, ScreenPtr pScreen, int newX, int newY) { CRWindowPtr crWinPtr = (CRWindowPtr) wid; NSPoint topLeft; topLeft = NSMakePoint(newX, NSHeight([[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]) - newY); [crWinPtr->window setFrameTopLeftPoint:topLeft]; } /* * CRResizeFrame * Move and resize a frame. */ static void CRResizeFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, ScreenPtr pScreen, int newX, int newY, unsigned int newW, unsigned int newH, unsigned int gravity) { CRWindowPtr crWinPtr = (CRWindowPtr) wid; NSRect bounds = NSMakeRect(newX, NSHeight([[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]) - newY - newH, newW, newH); [crWinPtr->window setFrame:bounds display:NO]; } /* * CRRestackFrame * Change the frame order. Put the frame behind nextWid or on top if * it is NULL. Unmapped frames are mapped by restacking them. */ static void CRRestackFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, RootlessFrameID nextWid) { CRWindowPtr crWinPtr = (CRWindowPtr) wid; CRWindowPtr crNextWinPtr = (CRWindowPtr) nextWid; if (crNextWinPtr) { int upperNum = [crNextWinPtr->window windowNumber]; [crWinPtr->window orderWindow:NSWindowBelow relativeTo:upperNum]; } else { [crWinPtr->window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil]; } } /* * CRReshapeFrame * Set the shape of a frame. */ static void CRReshapeFrame(RootlessFrameID wid, RegionPtr pShape) { CRWindowPtr crWinPtr = (CRWindowPtr) wid; NSRect bounds = [crWinPtr->view frame]; int winHeight = NSHeight(bounds); BoxRec localBox = {0, 0, NSWidth(bounds), winHeight}; [crWinPtr->view lockFocus]; if (pShape != NULL) { // Calculate the region outside the new shape. miInverse(pShape, pShape, &localBox); } // If window is currently shaped we need to undo the previous shape. if (![crWinPtr->window isOpaque]) { [[NSColor whiteColor] set]; NSRectFillUsingOperation(bounds, NSCompositeDestinationAtop); } if (pShape != NULL) { int count = REGION_NUM_RECTS(pShape); BoxRec *extRects = REGION_RECTS(pShape); BoxRec *rects, *end; // Make transparent if window is now shaped. [crWinPtr->window setOpaque:NO]; // Clear the areas outside the window shape [[NSColor clearColor] set]; for (rects = extRects, end = extRects+count; rects < end; rects++) { int rectHeight = rects->y2 - rects->y1; NSRectFill( NSMakeRect(rects->x1, winHeight - rects->y1 - rectHeight, rects->x2 - rects->x1, rectHeight) ); } [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] flushGraphics]; // force update of window shadow [crWinPtr->window setHasShadow:NO]; [crWinPtr->window setHasShadow:YES]; } else { [crWinPtr->window setOpaque:YES]; [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] flushGraphics]; } [crWinPtr->view unlockFocus]; } /* * CRUnmapFrame * Unmap a frame. */ static void CRUnmapFrame(RootlessFrameID wid) { CRWindowPtr crWinPtr = (CRWindowPtr) wid; [crWinPtr->window orderOut:nil]; } /* * CRStartDrawing * When a window's buffer is not being drawn to, the CoreGraphics * window server may compress or move it. Call this routine * to lock down the buffer during direct drawing. It returns * a pointer to the backing buffer. */ static void CRStartDrawing(RootlessFrameID wid, char **pixelData, int *bytesPerRow) { CRWindowPtr crWinPtr = (CRWindowPtr) wid; PixMapHandle pix; [crWinPtr->view lockFocus]; crWinPtr->port = [crWinPtr->view qdPort]; LockPortBits(crWinPtr->port); [crWinPtr->view unlockFocus]; pix = GetPortPixMap(crWinPtr->port); *pixelData = GetPixBaseAddr(pix); *bytesPerRow = GetPixRowBytes(pix) & 0x3fff; // fixme is mask needed? } /* * CRStopDrawing * When direct access to a window's buffer is no longer needed, this * routine should be called to allow CoreGraphics to compress or * move it. */ static void CRStopDrawing(RootlessFrameID wid, Bool flush) { CRWindowPtr crWinPtr = (CRWindowPtr) wid; UnlockPortBits(crWinPtr->port); if (flush) { QDFlushPortBuffer(crWinPtr->port, NULL); } } /* * CRUpdateRegion * Flush a region from a window's backing buffer to the screen. */ static void CRUpdateRegion(RootlessFrameID wid, RegionPtr pDamage) { CRWindowPtr crWinPtr = (CRWindowPtr) wid; #ifdef ROOTLESS_TRACK_DAMAGE int count = REGION_NUM_RECTS(pDamage); BoxRec *rects = REGION_RECTS(pDamage); BoxRec *end; static RgnHandle rgn = NULL; static RgnHandle box = NULL; if (!rgn) rgn = NewRgn(); if (!box) box = NewRgn(); for (end = rects+count; rects < end; rects++) { Rect qdRect; qdRect.left = rects->x1; qdRect.top = rects->y1; qdRect.right = rects->x2; qdRect.bottom = rects->y2; RectRgn(box, &qdRect); UnionRgn(rgn, box, rgn); } QDFlushPortBuffer(crWinPtr->port, rgn); SetEmptyRgn(rgn); SetEmptyRgn(box); #else /* !ROOTLESS_TRACK_DAMAGE */ QDFlushPortBuffer(crWinPtr->port, NULL); #endif } /* * CRDamageRects * Mark damaged rectangles as requiring redisplay to screen. */ static void CRDamageRects(RootlessFrameID wid, int count, const BoxRec *rects, int shift_x, int shift_y) { CRWindowPtr crWinPtr = (CRWindowPtr) wid; const BoxRec *end; for (end = rects + count; rects < end; rects++) { Rect qdRect; qdRect.left = rects->x1 + shift_x; qdRect.top = rects->y1 + shift_y; qdRect.right = rects->x2 + shift_x; qdRect.bottom = rects->y2 + shift_y; QDAddRectToDirtyRegion(crWinPtr->port, &qdRect); } } static RootlessFrameProcsRec CRRootlessProcs = { CRCreateFrame, CRDestroyFrame, CRMoveFrame, CRResizeFrame, CRRestackFrame, CRReshapeFrame, CRUnmapFrame, CRStartDrawing, CRStopDrawing, CRUpdateRegion, CRDamageRects, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; /* * Initialize CR implementation */ Bool CRInit(ScreenPtr pScreen) { RootlessInit(pScreen, &CRRootlessProcs); rootless_CopyBytes_threshold = 0; rootless_FillBytes_threshold = 0; rootless_CompositePixels_threshold = 0; rootless_CopyWindow_threshold = 0; return TRUE; }