/* $Xorg: dispatch.c,v 1.5 2001/02/09 02:04:40 xorgcvs Exp $ */ /************************************************************ Copyright 1987, 1989, 1998 The Open Group Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. Copyright 1987, 1989 by Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Digital not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. DIGITAL DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL DIGITAL BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ********************************************************/ /* The panoramix components contained the following notice */ /**************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1991, 1997 * * * * All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under * * the copyright laws of the United States. * * * * The software contained on this media is proprietary to * * and embodies the confidential technology of Digital * * Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or * * dissemination of the software and media is authorized only * * pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment * * Corporation. * * * * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure * * by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set * * forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, * * or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. * * * *****************************************************************/ /* $XFree86$ */ #ifdef PANORAMIX_DEBUG #include int ProcInitialConnection(); #endif #include "windowstr.h" #include "fontstruct.h" #include "dixfontstr.h" #include "gcstruct.h" #include "selection.h" #include "colormapst.h" #include "cursorstr.h" #include "scrnintstr.h" #include "opaque.h" #include "input.h" #include "servermd.h" #include "extnsionst.h" #include "dixfont.h" #include "dispatch.h" #include "swaprep.h" #include "swapreq.h" #ifdef PANORAMIX #include "panoramiX.h" #include "panoramiXsrv.h" #endif #ifdef XCSECURITY #define _SECURITY_SERVER #include "security.h" #endif #ifdef XAPPGROUP #include "Xagsrv.h" #endif #ifdef XKB #define XKB_IN_SERVER #include "inputstr.h" #include "XKBsrv.h" #endif #ifdef LBX #include "lbxserve.h" #endif #define mskcnt ((MAXCLIENTS + 31) / 32) #define BITMASK(i) (1U << ((i) & 31)) #define MASKIDX(i) ((i) >> 5) #define MASKWORD(buf, i) buf[MASKIDX(i)] #define BITSET(buf, i) MASKWORD(buf, i) |= BITMASK(i) #define BITCLEAR(buf, i) MASKWORD(buf, i) &= ~BITMASK(i) #define GETBIT(buf, i) (MASKWORD(buf, i) & BITMASK(i)) extern xConnSetupPrefix connSetupPrefix; extern char *ConnectionInfo; Selection *CurrentSelections; int NumCurrentSelections; static ClientPtr grabClient; #define GrabNone 0 #define GrabActive 1 #define GrabKickout 2 static int grabState = GrabNone; static long grabWaiters[mskcnt]; CallbackListPtr ServerGrabCallback = NULL; HWEventQueuePtr checkForInput[2]; extern int connBlockScreenStart; static void KillAllClients( void ); static void DeleteClientFromAnySelections( ClientPtr /*client*/ ); static int nextFreeClientID; /* always MIN free client ID */ static int nClients; /* number of authorized clients */ CallbackListPtr ClientStateCallback; char dispatchException = 0; char isItTimeToYield; /* Various of the DIX function interfaces were not designed to allow * the client->errorValue to be set on BadValue and other errors. * Rather than changing interfaces and breaking untold code we introduce * a new global that dispatch can use. */ XID clientErrorValue; /* XXX this is a kludge */ #define SAME_SCREENS(a, b) (\ (a.pScreen == b.pScreen)) void SetInputCheck(c0, c1) HWEventQueuePtr c0, c1; { checkForInput[0] = c0; checkForInput[1] = c1; } void UpdateCurrentTime() { TimeStamp systime; /* To avoid time running backwards, we must call GetTimeInMillis before * calling ProcessInputEvents. */ systime.months = currentTime.months; systime.milliseconds = GetTimeInMillis(); if (systime.milliseconds < currentTime.milliseconds) systime.months++; if (*checkForInput[0] != *checkForInput[1]) ProcessInputEvents(); if (CompareTimeStamps(systime, currentTime) == LATER) currentTime = systime; } /* Like UpdateCurrentTime, but can't call ProcessInputEvents */ void UpdateCurrentTimeIf() { TimeStamp systime; systime.months = currentTime.months; systime.milliseconds = GetTimeInMillis(); if (systime.milliseconds < currentTime.milliseconds) systime.months++; if (*checkForInput[0] == *checkForInput[1]) currentTime = systime; } void InitSelections() { if (CurrentSelections) xfree(CurrentSelections); CurrentSelections = (Selection *)NULL; NumCurrentSelections = 0; } void FlushClientCaches(id) XID id; { int i; register ClientPtr client; client = clients[CLIENT_ID(id)]; if (client == NullClient) return ; for (i=0; ilastDrawableID == id) { client->lastDrawableID = WindowTable[0]->drawable.id; client->lastDrawable = (DrawablePtr)WindowTable[0]; } else if (client->lastGCID == id) { client->lastGCID = INVALID; client->lastGC = (GCPtr)NULL; } } } } #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE #undef SMART_DEBUG #define SMART_SCHEDULE_DEFAULT_INTERVAL 20 /* ms */ #define SMART_SCHEDULE_MAX_SLICE 200 /* ms */ Bool SmartScheduleDisable; long SmartScheduleSlice = SMART_SCHEDULE_DEFAULT_INTERVAL; long SmartScheduleInterval = SMART_SCHEDULE_DEFAULT_INTERVAL; long SmartScheduleMaxSlice = SMART_SCHEDULE_MAX_SLICE; long SmartScheduleTime; ClientPtr SmartLastClient; int SmartLastIndex[SMART_MAX_PRIORITY-SMART_MIN_PRIORITY+1]; int SmartScheduleClient(int *clientReady, int nready); #ifdef SMART_DEBUG long SmartLastPrint; #endif void Dispatch(void); void InitProcVectors(void); int SmartScheduleClient (int *clientReady, int nready) { ClientPtr pClient; int i; int client; int bestPrio, best = 0; int bestRobin, robin; long now = SmartScheduleTime; long idle; bestPrio = -0x7fffffff; bestRobin = 0; idle = 2 * SmartScheduleSlice; for (i = 0; i < nready; i++) { client = clientReady[i]; pClient = clients[client]; /* Praise clients which are idle */ if ((now - pClient->smart_check_tick) >= idle) { if (pClient->smart_priority < 0) pClient->smart_priority++; } pClient->smart_check_tick = now; /* check priority to select best client */ robin = (pClient->index - SmartLastIndex[pClient->smart_priority-SMART_MIN_PRIORITY]) & 0xff; if (pClient->smart_priority > bestPrio || (pClient->smart_priority == bestPrio && robin > bestRobin)) { bestPrio = pClient->smart_priority; bestRobin = robin; best = client; } #ifdef SMART_DEBUG if ((now - SmartLastPrint) >= 5000) fprintf (stderr, " %2d: %3d", client, pClient->smart_priority); #endif } #ifdef SMART_DEBUG if ((now - SmartLastPrint) >= 5000) { fprintf (stderr, " use %2d\n", best); SmartLastPrint = now; } #endif pClient = clients[best]; SmartLastIndex[bestPrio-SMART_MIN_PRIORITY] = pClient->index; /* * Set current client pointer */ if (SmartLastClient != pClient) { pClient->smart_start_tick = now; SmartLastClient = pClient; } /* * Adjust slice */ if (nready == 1) { /* * If it's been a long time since another client * has run, bump the slice up to get maximal * performance from a single client */ if ((now - pClient->smart_start_tick) > 1000 && SmartScheduleSlice < SmartScheduleMaxSlice) { SmartScheduleSlice += SmartScheduleInterval; } } else { SmartScheduleSlice = SmartScheduleInterval; } return best; } #endif #define MAJOROP ((xReq *)client->requestBuffer)->reqType void Dispatch(void) { register int *clientReady; /* array of request ready clients */ register int result; register ClientPtr client; register int nready; register HWEventQueuePtr* icheck = checkForInput; #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE int start_tick; #endif nextFreeClientID = 1; InitSelections(); nClients = 0; clientReady = (int *) ALLOCATE_LOCAL(sizeof(int) * MaxClients); if (!clientReady) return; while (!dispatchException) { if (*icheck[0] != *icheck[1]) { ProcessInputEvents(); FlushIfCriticalOutputPending(); } nready = WaitForSomething(clientReady); #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE if (nready && !SmartScheduleDisable) { clientReady[0] = SmartScheduleClient (clientReady, nready); nready = 1; } #endif /***************** * Handle events in round robin fashion, doing input between * each round *****************/ while (!dispatchException && (--nready >= 0)) { client = clients[clientReady[nready]]; if (! client) { /* KillClient can cause this to happen */ continue; } /* GrabServer activation can cause this to be true */ if (grabState == GrabKickout) { grabState = GrabActive; break; } isItTimeToYield = FALSE; requestingClient = client; #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE start_tick = SmartScheduleTime; #endif while (!isItTimeToYield) { if (*icheck[0] != *icheck[1]) { ProcessInputEvents(); FlushIfCriticalOutputPending(); } #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE if (!SmartScheduleDisable && (SmartScheduleTime - start_tick) >= SmartScheduleSlice) { /* Penalize clients which consume ticks */ if (client->smart_priority > SMART_MIN_PRIORITY) client->smart_priority--; break; } #endif /* now, finally, deal with client requests */ result = ReadRequestFromClient(client); if (result <= 0) { if (result < 0) CloseDownClient(client); break; } client->sequence++; #ifdef DEBUG if (client->requestLogIndex == MAX_REQUEST_LOG) client->requestLogIndex = 0; client->requestLog[client->requestLogIndex] = MAJOROP; client->requestLogIndex++; #endif if (result > (maxBigRequestSize << 2)) result = BadLength; else result = (* client->requestVector[MAJOROP])(client); if (result != Success) { if (client->noClientException != Success) CloseDownClient(client); else SendErrorToClient(client, MAJOROP, MinorOpcodeOfRequest(client), client->errorValue, result); break; } } FlushAllOutput(); #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE client = clients[clientReady[nready]]; if (client) client->smart_stop_tick = SmartScheduleTime; #endif requestingClient = NULL; } dispatchException &= ~DE_PRIORITYCHANGE; } KillAllClients(); DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(clientReady); dispatchException &= ~DE_RESET; } #undef MAJOROP /*ARGSUSED*/ int ProcBadRequest(client) ClientPtr client; { return (BadRequest); } int ProcCreateWindow(client) register ClientPtr client; { register WindowPtr pParent, pWin; REQUEST(xCreateWindowReq); int result; int len; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xCreateWindowReq); LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->wid, client); if (!(pParent = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->parent, client, SecurityWriteAccess))) return BadWindow; len = client->req_len - (sizeof(xCreateWindowReq) >> 2); if (Ones(stuff->mask) != len) return BadLength; if (!stuff->width || !stuff->height) { client->errorValue = 0; return BadValue; } pWin = CreateWindow(stuff->wid, pParent, stuff->x, stuff->y, stuff->width, stuff->height, stuff->borderWidth, stuff->class, stuff->mask, (XID *) &stuff[1], (int)stuff->depth, client, stuff->visual, &result); if (pWin) { Mask mask = pWin->eventMask; pWin->eventMask = 0; /* subterfuge in case AddResource fails */ if (!AddResource(stuff->wid, RT_WINDOW, (pointer)pWin)) return BadAlloc; pWin->eventMask = mask; } if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else return(result); } int ProcChangeWindowAttributes(client) register ClientPtr client; { register WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST(xChangeWindowAttributesReq); register int result; int len; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xChangeWindowAttributesReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->window, client, SecurityWriteAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); len = client->req_len - (sizeof(xChangeWindowAttributesReq) >> 2); if (len != Ones(stuff->valueMask)) return BadLength; result = ChangeWindowAttributes(pWin, stuff->valueMask, (XID *) &stuff[1], client); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else return(result); } int ProcGetWindowAttributes(client) register ClientPtr client; { register WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST(xResourceReq); xGetWindowAttributesReply wa; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->id, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); GetWindowAttributes(pWin, client, &wa); WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xGetWindowAttributesReply), &wa); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcDestroyWindow(client) register ClientPtr client; { register WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->id, client, SecurityDestroyAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); if (pWin->parent) FreeResource(stuff->id, RT_NONE); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcDestroySubwindows(client) register ClientPtr client; { register WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->id, client, SecurityDestroyAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); DestroySubwindows(pWin, client); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcChangeSaveSet(client) register ClientPtr client; { register WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST(xChangeSaveSetReq); register int result; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xChangeSaveSetReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->window, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); if (client->clientAsMask == (CLIENT_BITS(pWin->drawable.id))) return BadMatch; if ((stuff->mode == SetModeInsert) || (stuff->mode == SetModeDelete)) { result = AlterSaveSetForClient(client, pWin, stuff->mode); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else return(result); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->mode; return( BadValue ); } } int ProcReparentWindow(client) register ClientPtr client; { register WindowPtr pWin, pParent; REQUEST(xReparentWindowReq); register int result; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xReparentWindowReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->window, client, SecurityWriteAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); pParent = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->parent, client, SecurityWriteAccess); if (!pParent) return(BadWindow); if (SAME_SCREENS(pWin->drawable, pParent->drawable)) { if ((pWin->backgroundState == ParentRelative) && (pParent->drawable.depth != pWin->drawable.depth)) return BadMatch; if ((pWin->drawable.class != InputOnly) && (pParent->drawable.class == InputOnly)) return BadMatch; result = ReparentWindow(pWin, pParent, (short)stuff->x, (short)stuff->y, client); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else return(result); } else return (BadMatch); } int ProcMapWindow(client) register ClientPtr client; { register WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->id, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); MapWindow(pWin, client); /* update cache to say it is mapped */ return(client->noClientException); } int ProcMapSubwindows(client) register ClientPtr client; { register WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow( stuff->id, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); MapSubwindows(pWin, client); /* update cache to say it is mapped */ return(client->noClientException); } int ProcUnmapWindow(client) register ClientPtr client; { register WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow( stuff->id, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); UnmapWindow(pWin, FALSE); /* update cache to say it is mapped */ return(client->noClientException); } int ProcUnmapSubwindows(client) register ClientPtr client; { register WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow( stuff->id, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); UnmapSubwindows(pWin); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcConfigureWindow(client) register ClientPtr client; { register WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST(xConfigureWindowReq); register int result; int len; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xConfigureWindowReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow( stuff->window, client, SecurityWriteAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); len = client->req_len - (sizeof(xConfigureWindowReq) >> 2); if (Ones((Mask)stuff->mask) != len) return BadLength; result = ConfigureWindow(pWin, (Mask)stuff->mask, (XID *) &stuff[1], client); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else return(result); } int ProcCirculateWindow(client) register ClientPtr client; { register WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST(xCirculateWindowReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xCirculateWindowReq); if ((stuff->direction != RaiseLowest) && (stuff->direction != LowerHighest)) { client->errorValue = stuff->direction; return BadValue; } pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->window, client, SecurityWriteAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); CirculateWindow(pWin, (int)stuff->direction, client); return(client->noClientException); } int GetGeometry(client, rep) register ClientPtr client; xGetGeometryReply *rep; { register DrawablePtr pDraw; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); SECURITY_VERIFY_GEOMETRABLE (pDraw, stuff->id, client, SecurityReadAccess); rep->type = X_Reply; rep->length = 0; rep->sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep->root = WindowTable[pDraw->pScreen->myNum]->drawable.id; rep->depth = pDraw->depth; rep->width = pDraw->width; rep->height = pDraw->height; /* XXX - Because the pixmap-implementation of the multibuffer extension * may have the buffer-id's drawable resource value be a pointer * to the buffer's window instead of the buffer itself * (this happens if the buffer is the displayed buffer), * we also have to check that the id matches before we can * truly say that it is a DRAWABLE_WINDOW. */ if ((pDraw->type == UNDRAWABLE_WINDOW) || ((pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) && (stuff->id == pDraw->id))) { register WindowPtr pWin = (WindowPtr)pDraw; rep->x = pWin->origin.x - wBorderWidth (pWin); rep->y = pWin->origin.y - wBorderWidth (pWin); rep->borderWidth = pWin->borderWidth; } else /* DRAWABLE_PIXMAP or DRAWABLE_BUFFER */ { rep->x = rep->y = rep->borderWidth = 0; } return Success; } int ProcGetGeometry(client) register ClientPtr client; { xGetGeometryReply rep; int status; if ((status = GetGeometry(client, &rep)) != Success) return status; WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xGetGeometryReply), &rep); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcQueryTree(client) register ClientPtr client; { xQueryTreeReply reply; int numChildren = 0; register WindowPtr pChild, pWin, pHead; Window *childIDs = (Window *)NULL; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->id, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); reply.type = X_Reply; reply.root = WindowTable[pWin->drawable.pScreen->myNum]->drawable.id; reply.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; if (pWin->parent) reply.parent = pWin->parent->drawable.id; else reply.parent = (Window)None; pHead = RealChildHead(pWin); for (pChild = pWin->lastChild; pChild != pHead; pChild = pChild->prevSib) numChildren++; if (numChildren) { int curChild = 0; childIDs = (Window *) ALLOCATE_LOCAL(numChildren * sizeof(Window)); if (!childIDs) return BadAlloc; for (pChild = pWin->lastChild; pChild != pHead; pChild = pChild->prevSib) childIDs[curChild++] = pChild->drawable.id; } reply.nChildren = numChildren; reply.length = (numChildren * sizeof(Window)) >> 2; WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xQueryTreeReply), &reply); if (numChildren) { client->pSwapReplyFunc = (ReplySwapPtr) Swap32Write; WriteSwappedDataToClient(client, numChildren * sizeof(Window), childIDs); DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(childIDs); } return(client->noClientException); } int ProcInternAtom(client) register ClientPtr client; { Atom atom; char *tchar; REQUEST(xInternAtomReq); REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xInternAtomReq, stuff->nbytes); if ((stuff->onlyIfExists != xTrue) && (stuff->onlyIfExists != xFalse)) { client->errorValue = stuff->onlyIfExists; return(BadValue); } tchar = (char *) &stuff[1]; atom = MakeAtom(tchar, stuff->nbytes, !stuff->onlyIfExists); if (atom != BAD_RESOURCE) { xInternAtomReply reply; reply.type = X_Reply; reply.length = 0; reply.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; reply.atom = atom; WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xInternAtomReply), &reply); return(client->noClientException); } else return (BadAlloc); } int ProcGetAtomName(client) register ClientPtr client; { char *str; xGetAtomNameReply reply; int len; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); if ( (str = NameForAtom(stuff->id)) ) { len = strlen(str); reply.type = X_Reply; reply.length = (len + 3) >> 2; reply.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; reply.nameLength = len; WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xGetAtomNameReply), &reply); (void)WriteToClient(client, len, str); return(client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->id; return (BadAtom); } } #ifdef K5AUTH extern int k5_bad(); #endif int ProcSetSelectionOwner(client) register ClientPtr client; { WindowPtr pWin; TimeStamp time; REQUEST(xSetSelectionOwnerReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xSetSelectionOwnerReq); UpdateCurrentTime(); time = ClientTimeToServerTime(stuff->time); /* If the client's time stamp is in the future relative to the server's time stamp, do not set the selection, just return success. */ if (CompareTimeStamps(time, currentTime) == LATER) return Success; if (stuff->window != None) { pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->window, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); } else pWin = (WindowPtr)None; if (ValidAtom(stuff->selection)) { int i = 0; /* * First, see if the selection is already set... */ while ((i < NumCurrentSelections) && CurrentSelections[i].selection != stuff->selection) i++; if (i < NumCurrentSelections) { xEvent event; /* If the timestamp in client's request is in the past relative to the time stamp indicating the last time the owner of the selection was set, do not set the selection, just return success. */ if (CompareTimeStamps(time, CurrentSelections[i].lastTimeChanged) == EARLIER) return Success; if (CurrentSelections[i].client && (!pWin || (CurrentSelections[i].client != client))) { event.u.u.type = SelectionClear; event.u.selectionClear.time = time.milliseconds; event.u.selectionClear.window = CurrentSelections[i].window; event.u.selectionClear.atom = CurrentSelections[i].selection; (void) TryClientEvents (CurrentSelections[i].client, &event, 1, NoEventMask, NoEventMask /* CantBeFiltered */, NullGrab); } } else { /* * It doesn't exist, so add it... */ Selection *newsels; if (i == 0) newsels = (Selection *)xalloc(sizeof(Selection)); else newsels = (Selection *)xrealloc(CurrentSelections, (NumCurrentSelections + 1) * sizeof(Selection)); if (!newsels) return BadAlloc; NumCurrentSelections++; CurrentSelections = newsels; CurrentSelections[i].selection = stuff->selection; } CurrentSelections[i].lastTimeChanged = time; CurrentSelections[i].window = stuff->window; CurrentSelections[i].pWin = pWin; CurrentSelections[i].client = (pWin ? client : NullClient); return (client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->selection; return (BadAtom); } } int ProcGetSelectionOwner(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); if (ValidAtom(stuff->id)) { int i; xGetSelectionOwnerReply reply; i = 0; while ((i < NumCurrentSelections) && CurrentSelections[i].selection != stuff->id) i++; reply.type = X_Reply; reply.length = 0; reply.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; if (i < NumCurrentSelections) reply.owner = CurrentSelections[i].window; else reply.owner = None; WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xGetSelectionOwnerReply), &reply); return(client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->id; return (BadAtom); } } int ProcConvertSelection(client) register ClientPtr client; { Bool paramsOkay; xEvent event; WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST(xConvertSelectionReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xConvertSelectionReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->requestor, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); paramsOkay = (ValidAtom(stuff->selection) && ValidAtom(stuff->target)); if (stuff->property != None) paramsOkay &= ValidAtom(stuff->property); if (paramsOkay) { int i; i = 0; while ((i < NumCurrentSelections) && CurrentSelections[i].selection != stuff->selection) i++; if ((i < NumCurrentSelections) && (CurrentSelections[i].window != None) #ifdef XCSECURITY && (!client->CheckAccess || (* client->CheckAccess)(client, CurrentSelections[i].window, RT_WINDOW, SecurityReadAccess, CurrentSelections[i].pWin)) #endif ) { event.u.u.type = SelectionRequest; event.u.selectionRequest.time = stuff->time; event.u.selectionRequest.owner = CurrentSelections[i].window; event.u.selectionRequest.requestor = stuff->requestor; event.u.selectionRequest.selection = stuff->selection; event.u.selectionRequest.target = stuff->target; event.u.selectionRequest.property = stuff->property; if (TryClientEvents( CurrentSelections[i].client, &event, 1, NoEventMask, NoEventMask /* CantBeFiltered */, NullGrab)) return (client->noClientException); } event.u.u.type = SelectionNotify; event.u.selectionNotify.time = stuff->time; event.u.selectionNotify.requestor = stuff->requestor; event.u.selectionNotify.selection = stuff->selection; event.u.selectionNotify.target = stuff->target; event.u.selectionNotify.property = None; (void) TryClientEvents(client, &event, 1, NoEventMask, NoEventMask /* CantBeFiltered */, NullGrab); return (client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->property; return (BadAtom); } } int ProcGrabServer(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xReq); if (grabState != GrabNone && client != grabClient) { ResetCurrentRequest(client); client->sequence--; BITSET(grabWaiters, client->index); IgnoreClient(client); return(client->noClientException); } OnlyListenToOneClient(client); grabState = GrabKickout; grabClient = client; if (ServerGrabCallback) { ServerGrabInfoRec grabinfo; grabinfo.client = client; grabinfo.grabstate = SERVER_GRABBED; CallCallbacks(&ServerGrabCallback, (pointer)&grabinfo); } return(client->noClientException); } static void UngrabServer(ClientPtr client) { int i; grabState = GrabNone; ListenToAllClients(); for (i = mskcnt; --i >= 0 && !grabWaiters[i]; ) ; if (i >= 0) { i <<= 5; while (!GETBIT(grabWaiters, i)) i++; BITCLEAR(grabWaiters, i); AttendClient(clients[i]); } if (ServerGrabCallback) { ServerGrabInfoRec grabinfo; grabinfo.client = client; grabinfo.grabstate = SERVER_UNGRABBED; CallCallbacks(&ServerGrabCallback, (pointer)&grabinfo); } } int ProcUngrabServer(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xReq); UngrabServer(client); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcTranslateCoords(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xTranslateCoordsReq); register WindowPtr pWin, pDst; xTranslateCoordsReply rep; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xTranslateCoordsReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->srcWid, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); pDst = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->dstWid, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pDst) return(BadWindow); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; if (!SAME_SCREENS(pWin->drawable, pDst->drawable)) { rep.sameScreen = xFalse; rep.child = None; rep.dstX = rep.dstY = 0; } else { INT16 x, y; rep.sameScreen = xTrue; rep.child = None; /* computing absolute coordinates -- adjust to destination later */ x = pWin->drawable.x + stuff->srcX; y = pWin->drawable.y + stuff->srcY; pWin = pDst->firstChild; while (pWin) { #ifdef SHAPE BoxRec box; #endif if ((pWin->mapped) && (x >= pWin->drawable.x - wBorderWidth (pWin)) && (x < pWin->drawable.x + (int)pWin->drawable.width + wBorderWidth (pWin)) && (y >= pWin->drawable.y - wBorderWidth (pWin)) && (y < pWin->drawable.y + (int)pWin->drawable.height + wBorderWidth (pWin)) #ifdef SHAPE /* When a window is shaped, a further check * is made to see if the point is inside * borderSize */ && (!wBoundingShape(pWin) || POINT_IN_REGION(pWin->drawable.pScreen, &pWin->borderSize, x, y, &box)) #endif ) { rep.child = pWin->drawable.id; pWin = (WindowPtr) NULL; } else pWin = pWin->nextSib; } /* adjust to destination coordinates */ rep.dstX = x - pDst->drawable.x; rep.dstY = y - pDst->drawable.y; } WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xTranslateCoordsReply), &rep); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcOpenFont(client) register ClientPtr client; { int err; REQUEST(xOpenFontReq); REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xOpenFontReq, stuff->nbytes); client->errorValue = stuff->fid; LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->fid, client); err = OpenFont(client, stuff->fid, (Mask) 0, stuff->nbytes, (char *)&stuff[1]); if (err == Success) { return(client->noClientException); } else return err; } int ProcCloseFont(client) register ClientPtr client; { FontPtr pFont; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pFont = (FontPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->id, RT_FONT, SecurityDestroyAccess); if ( pFont != (FontPtr)NULL) /* id was valid */ { FreeResource(stuff->id, RT_NONE); return(client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->id; return (BadFont); } } int ProcQueryFont(client) register ClientPtr client; { xQueryFontReply *reply; FontPtr pFont; register GC *pGC; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); client->errorValue = stuff->id; /* EITHER font or gc */ pFont = (FontPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->id, RT_FONT, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pFont) { /* can't use VERIFY_GC because it might return BadGC */ pGC = (GC *) SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->id, RT_GC, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pGC) { client->errorValue = stuff->id; return(BadFont); /* procotol spec says only error is BadFont */ } pFont = pGC->font; } { xCharInfo *pmax = FONTINKMAX(pFont); xCharInfo *pmin = FONTINKMIN(pFont); int nprotoxcistructs; int rlength; nprotoxcistructs = ( pmax->rightSideBearing == pmin->rightSideBearing && pmax->leftSideBearing == pmin->leftSideBearing && pmax->descent == pmin->descent && pmax->ascent == pmin->ascent && pmax->characterWidth == pmin->characterWidth) ? 0 : N2dChars(pFont); rlength = sizeof(xQueryFontReply) + FONTINFONPROPS(FONTCHARSET(pFont)) * sizeof(xFontProp) + nprotoxcistructs * sizeof(xCharInfo); reply = (xQueryFontReply *)ALLOCATE_LOCAL(rlength); if(!reply) { return(BadAlloc); } reply->type = X_Reply; reply->length = (rlength - sizeof(xGenericReply)) >> 2; reply->sequenceNumber = client->sequence; QueryFont( pFont, reply, nprotoxcistructs); WriteReplyToClient(client, rlength, reply); DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(reply); return(client->noClientException); } } int ProcQueryTextExtents(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xQueryTextExtentsReq); xQueryTextExtentsReply reply; FontPtr pFont; GC *pGC; ExtentInfoRec info; unsigned long length; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xQueryTextExtentsReq); pFont = (FontPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->fid, RT_FONT, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pFont) { pGC = (GC *)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->fid, RT_GC, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pGC) { client->errorValue = stuff->fid; return(BadFont); } pFont = pGC->font; } length = client->req_len - (sizeof(xQueryTextExtentsReq) >> 2); length = length << 1; if (stuff->oddLength) { if (length == 0) return(BadLength); length--; } if (!QueryTextExtents(pFont, length, (unsigned char *)&stuff[1], &info)) return(BadAlloc); reply.type = X_Reply; reply.length = 0; reply.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; reply.drawDirection = info.drawDirection; reply.fontAscent = info.fontAscent; reply.fontDescent = info.fontDescent; reply.overallAscent = info.overallAscent; reply.overallDescent = info.overallDescent; reply.overallWidth = info.overallWidth; reply.overallLeft = info.overallLeft; reply.overallRight = info.overallRight; WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xQueryTextExtentsReply), &reply); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcListFonts(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xListFontsReq); REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xListFontsReq, stuff->nbytes); return ListFonts(client, (unsigned char *) &stuff[1], stuff->nbytes, stuff->maxNames); } int ProcListFontsWithInfo(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xListFontsWithInfoReq); REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xListFontsWithInfoReq, stuff->nbytes); return StartListFontsWithInfo(client, stuff->nbytes, (unsigned char *) &stuff[1], stuff->maxNames); } /*ARGSUSED*/ int dixDestroyPixmap(value, pid) pointer value; /* must conform to DeleteType */ XID pid; { PixmapPtr pPixmap = (PixmapPtr)value; return (*pPixmap->drawable.pScreen->DestroyPixmap)(pPixmap); } int ProcCreatePixmap(client) register ClientPtr client; { PixmapPtr pMap; register DrawablePtr pDraw; REQUEST(xCreatePixmapReq); DepthPtr pDepth; register int i; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xCreatePixmapReq); client->errorValue = stuff->pid; LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->pid, client); SECURITY_VERIFY_GEOMETRABLE (pDraw, stuff->drawable, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!stuff->width || !stuff->height) { client->errorValue = 0; return BadValue; } if (stuff->depth != 1) { pDepth = pDraw->pScreen->allowedDepths; for (i=0; ipScreen->numDepths; i++, pDepth++) if (pDepth->depth == stuff->depth) goto CreatePmap; client->errorValue = stuff->depth; return BadValue; } CreatePmap: pMap = (PixmapPtr)(*pDraw->pScreen->CreatePixmap) (pDraw->pScreen, stuff->width, stuff->height, stuff->depth); if (pMap) { pMap->drawable.serialNumber = NEXT_SERIAL_NUMBER; pMap->drawable.id = stuff->pid; if (AddResource(stuff->pid, RT_PIXMAP, (pointer)pMap)) return(client->noClientException); } return (BadAlloc); } int ProcFreePixmap(client) register ClientPtr client; { PixmapPtr pMap; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pMap = (PixmapPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->id, RT_PIXMAP, SecurityDestroyAccess); if (pMap) { FreeResource(stuff->id, RT_NONE); return(client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->id; return (BadPixmap); } } int ProcCreateGC(client) register ClientPtr client; { int error; GC *pGC; register DrawablePtr pDraw; unsigned len; REQUEST(xCreateGCReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xCreateGCReq); client->errorValue = stuff->gc; LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->gc, client); SECURITY_VERIFY_DRAWABLE (pDraw, stuff->drawable, client, SecurityReadAccess); len = client->req_len - (sizeof(xCreateGCReq) >> 2); if (len != Ones(stuff->mask)) return BadLength; pGC = (GC *)CreateGC(pDraw, stuff->mask, (XID *) &stuff[1], &error); if (error != Success) return error; if (!AddResource(stuff->gc, RT_GC, (pointer)pGC)) return (BadAlloc); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcChangeGC(client) register ClientPtr client; { GC *pGC; REQUEST(xChangeGCReq); int result; unsigned len; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xChangeGCReq); SECURITY_VERIFY_GC(pGC, stuff->gc, client, SecurityWriteAccess); len = client->req_len - (sizeof(xChangeGCReq) >> 2); if (len != Ones(stuff->mask)) return BadLength; result = dixChangeGC(client, pGC, stuff->mask, (CARD32 *) &stuff[1], 0); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else { client->errorValue = clientErrorValue; return(result); } } int ProcCopyGC(client) register ClientPtr client; { register GC *dstGC; register GC *pGC; int result; REQUEST(xCopyGCReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xCopyGCReq); SECURITY_VERIFY_GC( pGC, stuff->srcGC, client, SecurityReadAccess); SECURITY_VERIFY_GC( dstGC, stuff->dstGC, client, SecurityWriteAccess); if ((dstGC->pScreen != pGC->pScreen) || (dstGC->depth != pGC->depth)) return (BadMatch); result = CopyGC(pGC, dstGC, stuff->mask); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else { client->errorValue = clientErrorValue; return(result); } } int ProcSetDashes(client) register ClientPtr client; { register GC *pGC; int result; REQUEST(xSetDashesReq); REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xSetDashesReq, stuff->nDashes); if (stuff->nDashes == 0) { client->errorValue = 0; return BadValue; } SECURITY_VERIFY_GC(pGC,stuff->gc, client, SecurityWriteAccess); result = SetDashes(pGC, stuff->dashOffset, stuff->nDashes, (unsigned char *)&stuff[1]); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else { client->errorValue = clientErrorValue; return(result); } } int ProcSetClipRectangles(client) register ClientPtr client; { int nr; int result; register GC *pGC; REQUEST(xSetClipRectanglesReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xSetClipRectanglesReq); if ((stuff->ordering != Unsorted) && (stuff->ordering != YSorted) && (stuff->ordering != YXSorted) && (stuff->ordering != YXBanded)) { client->errorValue = stuff->ordering; return BadValue; } SECURITY_VERIFY_GC(pGC,stuff->gc, client, SecurityWriteAccess); nr = (client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xSetClipRectanglesReq); if (nr & 4) return(BadLength); nr >>= 3; result = SetClipRects(pGC, stuff->xOrigin, stuff->yOrigin, nr, (xRectangle *)&stuff[1], (int)stuff->ordering); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else return(result); } int ProcFreeGC(client) register ClientPtr client; { register GC *pGC; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); SECURITY_VERIFY_GC(pGC, stuff->id, client, SecurityDestroyAccess); FreeResource(stuff->id, RT_NONE); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcClearToBackground(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xClearAreaReq); register WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xClearAreaReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->window, client, SecurityWriteAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); if (pWin->drawable.class == InputOnly) { client->errorValue = stuff->window; return (BadMatch); } if ((stuff->exposures != xTrue) && (stuff->exposures != xFalse)) { client->errorValue = stuff->exposures; return(BadValue); } (*pWin->drawable.pScreen->ClearToBackground)(pWin, stuff->x, stuff->y, stuff->width, stuff->height, (Bool)stuff->exposures); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcCopyArea(client) register ClientPtr client; { register DrawablePtr pDst; register DrawablePtr pSrc; register GC *pGC; REQUEST(xCopyAreaReq); RegionPtr pRgn; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xCopyAreaReq); VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->dstDrawable, pDst, pGC, client); if (stuff->dstDrawable != stuff->srcDrawable) { SECURITY_VERIFY_DRAWABLE(pSrc, stuff->srcDrawable, client, SecurityReadAccess); if ((pDst->pScreen != pSrc->pScreen) || (pDst->depth != pSrc->depth)) { client->errorValue = stuff->dstDrawable; return (BadMatch); } } else pSrc = pDst; SET_DBE_SRCBUF(pSrc, stuff->srcDrawable); pRgn = (*pGC->ops->CopyArea)(pSrc, pDst, pGC, stuff->srcX, stuff->srcY, stuff->width, stuff->height, stuff->dstX, stuff->dstY); if (pGC->graphicsExposures) { (*pDst->pScreen->SendGraphicsExpose) (client, pRgn, stuff->dstDrawable, X_CopyArea, 0); if (pRgn) REGION_DESTROY(pDst->pScreen, pRgn); } return(client->noClientException); } int ProcCopyPlane(client) register ClientPtr client; { register DrawablePtr psrcDraw, pdstDraw; register GC *pGC; REQUEST(xCopyPlaneReq); RegionPtr pRgn; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xCopyPlaneReq); VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->dstDrawable, pdstDraw, pGC, client); if (stuff->dstDrawable != stuff->srcDrawable) { SECURITY_VERIFY_DRAWABLE(psrcDraw, stuff->srcDrawable, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (pdstDraw->pScreen != psrcDraw->pScreen) { client->errorValue = stuff->dstDrawable; return (BadMatch); } } else psrcDraw = pdstDraw; SET_DBE_SRCBUF(psrcDraw, stuff->srcDrawable); /* Check to see if stuff->bitPlane has exactly ONE good bit set */ if(stuff->bitPlane == 0 || (stuff->bitPlane & (stuff->bitPlane - 1)) || (stuff->bitPlane > (1L << (psrcDraw->depth - 1)))) { client->errorValue = stuff->bitPlane; return(BadValue); } pRgn = (*pGC->ops->CopyPlane)(psrcDraw, pdstDraw, pGC, stuff->srcX, stuff->srcY, stuff->width, stuff->height, stuff->dstX, stuff->dstY, stuff->bitPlane); if (pGC->graphicsExposures) { (*pdstDraw->pScreen->SendGraphicsExpose) (client, pRgn, stuff->dstDrawable, X_CopyPlane, 0); if (pRgn) REGION_DESTROY(pdstDraw->pScreen, pRgn); } return(client->noClientException); } int ProcPolyPoint(client) register ClientPtr client; { int npoint; register GC *pGC; register DrawablePtr pDraw; REQUEST(xPolyPointReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xPolyPointReq); if ((stuff->coordMode != CoordModeOrigin) && (stuff->coordMode != CoordModePrevious)) { client->errorValue = stuff->coordMode; return BadValue; } VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, pGC, client); npoint = ((client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xPolyPointReq)) >> 2; if (npoint) (*pGC->ops->PolyPoint)(pDraw, pGC, stuff->coordMode, npoint, (xPoint *) &stuff[1]); return (client->noClientException); } int ProcPolyLine(client) register ClientPtr client; { int npoint; register GC *pGC; register DrawablePtr pDraw; REQUEST(xPolyLineReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xPolyLineReq); if ((stuff->coordMode != CoordModeOrigin) && (stuff->coordMode != CoordModePrevious)) { client->errorValue = stuff->coordMode; return BadValue; } VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, pGC, client); npoint = ((client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xPolyLineReq)) >> 2; if (npoint > 1) (*pGC->ops->Polylines)(pDraw, pGC, stuff->coordMode, npoint, (DDXPointPtr) &stuff[1]); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcPolySegment(client) register ClientPtr client; { int nsegs; register GC *pGC; register DrawablePtr pDraw; REQUEST(xPolySegmentReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xPolySegmentReq); VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, pGC, client); nsegs = (client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xPolySegmentReq); if (nsegs & 4) return(BadLength); nsegs >>= 3; if (nsegs) (*pGC->ops->PolySegment)(pDraw, pGC, nsegs, (xSegment *) &stuff[1]); return (client->noClientException); } int ProcPolyRectangle (client) register ClientPtr client; { int nrects; register GC *pGC; register DrawablePtr pDraw; REQUEST(xPolyRectangleReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xPolyRectangleReq); VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, pGC, client); nrects = (client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xPolyRectangleReq); if (nrects & 4) return(BadLength); nrects >>= 3; if (nrects) (*pGC->ops->PolyRectangle)(pDraw, pGC, nrects, (xRectangle *) &stuff[1]); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcPolyArc(client) register ClientPtr client; { int narcs; register GC *pGC; register DrawablePtr pDraw; REQUEST(xPolyArcReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xPolyArcReq); VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, pGC, client); narcs = (client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xPolyArcReq); if (narcs % sizeof(xArc)) return(BadLength); narcs /= sizeof(xArc); if (narcs) (*pGC->ops->PolyArc)(pDraw, pGC, narcs, (xArc *) &stuff[1]); return (client->noClientException); } int ProcFillPoly(client) register ClientPtr client; { int things; register GC *pGC; register DrawablePtr pDraw; REQUEST(xFillPolyReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xFillPolyReq); if ((stuff->shape != Complex) && (stuff->shape != Nonconvex) && (stuff->shape != Convex)) { client->errorValue = stuff->shape; return BadValue; } if ((stuff->coordMode != CoordModeOrigin) && (stuff->coordMode != CoordModePrevious)) { client->errorValue = stuff->coordMode; return BadValue; } VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, pGC, client); things = ((client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xFillPolyReq)) >> 2; if (things) (*pGC->ops->FillPolygon) (pDraw, pGC, stuff->shape, stuff->coordMode, things, (DDXPointPtr) &stuff[1]); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcPolyFillRectangle(client) register ClientPtr client; { int things; register GC *pGC; register DrawablePtr pDraw; REQUEST(xPolyFillRectangleReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xPolyFillRectangleReq); VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, pGC, client); things = (client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xPolyFillRectangleReq); if (things & 4) return(BadLength); things >>= 3; if (things) (*pGC->ops->PolyFillRect) (pDraw, pGC, things, (xRectangle *) &stuff[1]); return (client->noClientException); } int ProcPolyFillArc(client) register ClientPtr client; { int narcs; register GC *pGC; register DrawablePtr pDraw; REQUEST(xPolyFillArcReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xPolyFillArcReq); VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, pGC, client); narcs = (client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xPolyFillArcReq); if (narcs % sizeof(xArc)) return(BadLength); narcs /= sizeof(xArc); if (narcs) (*pGC->ops->PolyFillArc) (pDraw, pGC, narcs, (xArc *) &stuff[1]); return (client->noClientException); } #ifdef MATCH_CLIENT_ENDIAN int ServerOrder (void) { int whichbyte = 1; if (*((char *) &whichbyte)) return LSBFirst; return MSBFirst; } #define ClientOrder(client) ((client)->swapped ? !ServerOrder() : ServerOrder()) void ReformatImage (char *base, int nbytes, int bpp, int order) { switch (bpp) { case 1: /* yuck */ if (BITMAP_BIT_ORDER != order) BitOrderInvert ((unsigned char *) base, nbytes); #if IMAGE_BYTE_ORDER != BITMAP_BIT_ORDER && BITMAP_SCANLINE_UNIT != 8 ReformatImage (base, nbytes, BITMAP_SCANLINE_UNIT, order); #endif break; case 4: break; /* yuck */ case 8: break; case 16: if (IMAGE_BYTE_ORDER != order) TwoByteSwap ((unsigned char *) base, nbytes); break; case 32: if (IMAGE_BYTE_ORDER != order) FourByteSwap ((unsigned char *) base, nbytes); break; } } #else #define ReformatImage(b,n,bpp,o) #endif /* 64-bit server notes: the protocol restricts padding of images to * 8-, 16-, or 32-bits. We would like to have 64-bits for the server * to use internally. Removes need for internal alignment checking. * All of the PutImage functions could be changed individually, but * as currently written, they call other routines which require things * to be 64-bit padded on scanlines, so we changed things here. * If an image would be padded differently for 64- versus 32-, then * copy each scanline to a 64-bit padded scanline. * Also, we need to make sure that the image is aligned on a 64-bit * boundary, even if the scanlines are padded to our satisfaction. */ int ProcPutImage(client) register ClientPtr client; { register GC *pGC; register DrawablePtr pDraw; long length; /* length of scanline server padded */ long lengthProto; /* length of scanline protocol padded */ char *tmpImage; REQUEST(xPutImageReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xPutImageReq); VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, pGC, client); if (stuff->format == XYBitmap) { if ((stuff->depth != 1) || (stuff->leftPad >= (unsigned int)screenInfo.bitmapScanlinePad)) return BadMatch; length = BitmapBytePad(stuff->width + stuff->leftPad); } else if (stuff->format == XYPixmap) { if ((pDraw->depth != stuff->depth) || (stuff->leftPad >= (unsigned int)screenInfo.bitmapScanlinePad)) return BadMatch; length = BitmapBytePad(stuff->width + stuff->leftPad); length *= stuff->depth; } else if (stuff->format == ZPixmap) { if ((pDraw->depth != stuff->depth) || (stuff->leftPad != 0)) return BadMatch; length = PixmapBytePad(stuff->width, stuff->depth); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->format; return BadValue; } tmpImage = (char *)&stuff[1]; lengthProto = length; if (((((lengthProto * stuff->height) + (unsigned)3) >> 2) + (sizeof(xPutImageReq) >> 2)) != client->req_len) return BadLength; ReformatImage (tmpImage, lengthProto * stuff->height, stuff->format == ZPixmap ? BitsPerPixel (stuff->depth) : 1, ClientOrder(client)); (*pGC->ops->PutImage) (pDraw, pGC, stuff->depth, stuff->dstX, stuff->dstY, stuff->width, stuff->height, stuff->leftPad, stuff->format, tmpImage); return (client->noClientException); } int DoGetImage(client, format, drawable, x, y, width, height, planemask, im_return) register ClientPtr client; Drawable drawable; int format; int x, y, width, height; Mask planemask; xGetImageReply **im_return; { register DrawablePtr pDraw; int nlines, linesPerBuf; register int linesDone; long widthBytesLine, length; Mask plane = 0; char *pBuf; xGetImageReply xgi; RegionPtr pVisibleRegion = NULL; if ((format != XYPixmap) && (format != ZPixmap)) { client->errorValue = format; return(BadValue); } SECURITY_VERIFY_DRAWABLE(pDraw, drawable, client, SecurityReadAccess); if(pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) { if( /* check for being viewable */ !((WindowPtr) pDraw)->realized || /* check for being on screen */ pDraw->x + x < 0 || pDraw->x + x + width > pDraw->pScreen->width || pDraw->y + y < 0 || pDraw->y + y + height > pDraw->pScreen->height || /* check for being inside of border */ x < - wBorderWidth((WindowPtr)pDraw) || x + width > wBorderWidth((WindowPtr)pDraw) + (int)pDraw->width || y < -wBorderWidth((WindowPtr)pDraw) || y + height > wBorderWidth ((WindowPtr)pDraw) + (int)pDraw->height ) return(BadMatch); xgi.visual = wVisual (((WindowPtr) pDraw)); } else { if(x < 0 || x+width > (int)pDraw->width || y < 0 || y+height > (int)pDraw->height ) return(BadMatch); xgi.visual = None; } SET_DBE_SRCBUF(pDraw, drawable); xgi.type = X_Reply; xgi.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; xgi.depth = pDraw->depth; if(format == ZPixmap) { widthBytesLine = PixmapBytePad(width, pDraw->depth); length = widthBytesLine * height; } else { widthBytesLine = BitmapBytePad(width); plane = ((Mask)1) << (pDraw->depth - 1); /* only planes asked for */ length = widthBytesLine * height * Ones(planemask & (plane | (plane - 1))); } xgi.length = length; if (im_return) { pBuf = (char *)xalloc(sz_xGetImageReply + length); if (!pBuf) return (BadAlloc); if (widthBytesLine == 0) linesPerBuf = 0; else linesPerBuf = height; *im_return = (xGetImageReply *)pBuf; *(xGetImageReply *)pBuf = xgi; pBuf += sz_xGetImageReply; } else { xgi.length = (xgi.length + 3) >> 2; if (widthBytesLine == 0 || height == 0) linesPerBuf = 0; else if (widthBytesLine >= IMAGE_BUFSIZE) linesPerBuf = 1; else { linesPerBuf = IMAGE_BUFSIZE / widthBytesLine; if (linesPerBuf > height) linesPerBuf = height; } length = linesPerBuf * widthBytesLine; if (linesPerBuf < height) { /* we have to make sure intermediate buffers don't need padding */ while ((linesPerBuf > 1) && (length & ((1L << LOG2_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE_PAD)-1))) { linesPerBuf--; length -= widthBytesLine; } while (length & ((1L << LOG2_BYTES_PER_SCANLINE_PAD)-1)) { linesPerBuf++; length += widthBytesLine; } } if(!(pBuf = (char *) ALLOCATE_LOCAL(length))) return (BadAlloc); WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof (xGetImageReply), &xgi); } #ifdef XCSECURITY if (client->trustLevel != XSecurityClientTrusted && pDraw->type == DRAWABLE_WINDOW) { pVisibleRegion = NotClippedByChildren((WindowPtr)pDraw); if (pVisibleRegion) { REGION_TRANSLATE(pDraw->pScreen, pVisibleRegion, -pDraw->x, -pDraw->y); } } #endif if (linesPerBuf == 0) { /* nothing to do */ } else if (format == ZPixmap) { linesDone = 0; while (height - linesDone > 0) { nlines = min(linesPerBuf, height - linesDone); (*pDraw->pScreen->GetImage) (pDraw, x, y + linesDone, width, nlines, format, planemask, (pointer) pBuf); #ifdef XCSECURITY if (pVisibleRegion) SecurityCensorImage(client, pVisibleRegion, widthBytesLine, pDraw, x, y + linesDone, width, nlines, format, pBuf); #endif /* Note that this is NOT a call to WriteSwappedDataToClient, as we do NOT byte swap */ if (!im_return) { ReformatImage (pBuf, (int)(nlines * widthBytesLine), BitsPerPixel (pDraw->depth), ClientOrder(client)); /* Don't split me, gcc pukes when you do */ (void)WriteToClient(client, (int)(nlines * widthBytesLine), pBuf); } linesDone += nlines; } } else /* XYPixmap */ { for (; plane; plane >>= 1) { if (planemask & plane) { linesDone = 0; while (height - linesDone > 0) { nlines = min(linesPerBuf, height - linesDone); (*pDraw->pScreen->GetImage) (pDraw, x, y + linesDone, width, nlines, format, plane, (pointer)pBuf); #ifdef XCSECURITY if (pVisibleRegion) SecurityCensorImage(client, pVisibleRegion, widthBytesLine, pDraw, x, y + linesDone, width, nlines, format, pBuf); #endif /* Note: NOT a call to WriteSwappedDataToClient, as we do NOT byte swap */ if (im_return) { pBuf += nlines * widthBytesLine; } else { ReformatImage (pBuf, (int)(nlines * widthBytesLine), 1, ClientOrder (client)); /* Don't split me, gcc pukes when you do */ (void)WriteToClient(client, (int)(nlines * widthBytesLine), pBuf); } linesDone += nlines; } } } } #ifdef XCSECURITY if (pVisibleRegion) REGION_DESTROY(pDraw->pScreen, pVisibleRegion); #endif if (!im_return) DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(pBuf); return (client->noClientException); } int ProcGetImage(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xGetImageReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xGetImageReq); return DoGetImage(client, stuff->format, stuff->drawable, stuff->x, stuff->y, (int)stuff->width, (int)stuff->height, stuff->planeMask, (xGetImageReply **)NULL); } int ProcPolyText(client) register ClientPtr client; { int err; REQUEST(xPolyTextReq); DrawablePtr pDraw; GC *pGC; REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xPolyTextReq); VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, pGC, client); err = PolyText(client, pDraw, pGC, (unsigned char *)&stuff[1], ((unsigned char *) stuff) + (client->req_len << 2), stuff->x, stuff->y, stuff->reqType, stuff->drawable); if (err == Success) { return(client->noClientException); } else return err; } int ProcImageText8(client) register ClientPtr client; { int err; register DrawablePtr pDraw; register GC *pGC; REQUEST(xImageTextReq); REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xImageTextReq, stuff->nChars); VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, pGC, client); err = ImageText(client, pDraw, pGC, stuff->nChars, (unsigned char *)&stuff[1], stuff->x, stuff->y, stuff->reqType, stuff->drawable); if (err == Success) { return(client->noClientException); } else return err; } int ProcImageText16(client) register ClientPtr client; { int err; register DrawablePtr pDraw; register GC *pGC; REQUEST(xImageTextReq); REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xImageTextReq, stuff->nChars << 1); VALIDATE_DRAWABLE_AND_GC(stuff->drawable, pDraw, pGC, client); err = ImageText(client, pDraw, pGC, stuff->nChars, (unsigned char *)&stuff[1], stuff->x, stuff->y, stuff->reqType, stuff->drawable); if (err == Success) { return(client->noClientException); } else return err; } int ProcCreateColormap(client) register ClientPtr client; { VisualPtr pVisual; ColormapPtr pmap; Colormap mid; register WindowPtr pWin; ScreenPtr pScreen; REQUEST(xCreateColormapReq); int i, result; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xCreateColormapReq); if ((stuff->alloc != AllocNone) && (stuff->alloc != AllocAll)) { client->errorValue = stuff->alloc; return(BadValue); } mid = stuff->mid; LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(mid, client); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->window, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); pScreen = pWin->drawable.pScreen; for (i = 0, pVisual = pScreen->visuals; i < pScreen->numVisuals; i++, pVisual++) { if (pVisual->vid != stuff->visual) continue; result = CreateColormap(mid, pScreen, pVisual, &pmap, (int)stuff->alloc, client->index); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else return(result); } client->errorValue = stuff->visual; return(BadValue); } int ProcFreeColormap(client) register ClientPtr client; { ColormapPtr pmap; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pmap = (ColormapPtr )SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->id, RT_COLORMAP, SecurityDestroyAccess); if (pmap) { /* Freeing a default colormap is a no-op */ if (!(pmap->flags & IsDefault)) FreeResource(stuff->id, RT_NONE); return (client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->id; return (BadColor); } } int ProcCopyColormapAndFree(client) register ClientPtr client; { Colormap mid; ColormapPtr pSrcMap; REQUEST(xCopyColormapAndFreeReq); int result; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xCopyColormapAndFreeReq); mid = stuff->mid; LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(mid, client); if( (pSrcMap = (ColormapPtr )SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->srcCmap, RT_COLORMAP, SecurityReadAccess|SecurityWriteAccess)) ) { result = CopyColormapAndFree(mid, pSrcMap, client->index); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else return(result); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->srcCmap; return(BadColor); } } int ProcInstallColormap(client) register ClientPtr client; { ColormapPtr pcmp; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pcmp = (ColormapPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->id, RT_COLORMAP, SecurityReadAccess); if (pcmp) { (*(pcmp->pScreen->InstallColormap)) (pcmp); return (client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->id; return (BadColor); } } int ProcUninstallColormap(client) register ClientPtr client; { ColormapPtr pcmp; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pcmp = (ColormapPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->id, RT_COLORMAP, SecurityReadAccess); if (pcmp) { if(pcmp->mid != pcmp->pScreen->defColormap) (*(pcmp->pScreen->UninstallColormap)) (pcmp); return (client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->id; return (BadColor); } } int ProcListInstalledColormaps(client) register ClientPtr client; { xListInstalledColormapsReply *preply; int nummaps; WindowPtr pWin; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pWin = (WindowPtr)SecurityLookupWindow(stuff->id, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (!pWin) return(BadWindow); preply = (xListInstalledColormapsReply *) ALLOCATE_LOCAL(sizeof(xListInstalledColormapsReply) + pWin->drawable.pScreen->maxInstalledCmaps * sizeof(Colormap)); if(!preply) return(BadAlloc); preply->type = X_Reply; preply->sequenceNumber = client->sequence; nummaps = (*pWin->drawable.pScreen->ListInstalledColormaps) (pWin->drawable.pScreen, (Colormap *)&preply[1]); preply->nColormaps = nummaps; preply->length = nummaps; WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof (xListInstalledColormapsReply), preply); client->pSwapReplyFunc = (ReplySwapPtr) Swap32Write; WriteSwappedDataToClient(client, nummaps * sizeof(Colormap), &preply[1]); DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(preply); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcAllocColor(client) register ClientPtr client; { ColormapPtr pmap; int retval; xAllocColorReply acr; REQUEST(xAllocColorReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAllocColorReq); pmap = (ColormapPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->cmap, RT_COLORMAP, SecurityWriteAccess); if (pmap) { #ifdef LBX /* * If the colormap is grabbed by a proxy, the server will have * to regain control over the colormap. This AllocColor request * will be handled after the server gets back the colormap control. */ if (LbxCheckColorRequest (client, pmap, (xReq *) stuff)) return Success; #endif acr.type = X_Reply; acr.length = 0; acr.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; acr.red = stuff->red; acr.green = stuff->green; acr.blue = stuff->blue; acr.pixel = 0; if( (retval = AllocColor(pmap, &acr.red, &acr.green, &acr.blue, &acr.pixel, client->index)) ) { if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else return (retval); } #ifdef PANORAMIX if (noPanoramiXExtension || !pmap->pScreen->myNum) #endif WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xAllocColorReply), &acr); return (client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->cmap; return (BadColor); } } int ProcAllocNamedColor (client) register ClientPtr client; { ColormapPtr pcmp; REQUEST(xAllocNamedColorReq); REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xAllocNamedColorReq, stuff->nbytes); pcmp = (ColormapPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->cmap, RT_COLORMAP, SecurityWriteAccess); if (pcmp) { int retval; xAllocNamedColorReply ancr; #ifdef LBX /* * If the colormap is grabbed by a proxy, the server will have * to regain control over the colormap. This AllocNamedColor request * will be handled after the server gets back the colormap control. */ if (LbxCheckColorRequest (client, pcmp, (xReq *) stuff)) return Success; #endif ancr.type = X_Reply; ancr.length = 0; ancr.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; if(OsLookupColor(pcmp->pScreen->myNum, (char *)&stuff[1], stuff->nbytes, &ancr.exactRed, &ancr.exactGreen, &ancr.exactBlue)) { ancr.screenRed = ancr.exactRed; ancr.screenGreen = ancr.exactGreen; ancr.screenBlue = ancr.exactBlue; ancr.pixel = 0; if( (retval = AllocColor(pcmp, &ancr.screenRed, &ancr.screenGreen, &ancr.screenBlue, &ancr.pixel, client->index)) ) { if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else return(retval); } #ifdef PANORAMIX if (noPanoramiXExtension || !pcmp->pScreen->myNum) #endif WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof (xAllocNamedColorReply), &ancr); return (client->noClientException); } else return(BadName); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->cmap; return (BadColor); } } int ProcAllocColorCells (client) register ClientPtr client; { ColormapPtr pcmp; REQUEST(xAllocColorCellsReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAllocColorCellsReq); pcmp = (ColormapPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->cmap, RT_COLORMAP, SecurityWriteAccess); if (pcmp) { xAllocColorCellsReply accr; int npixels, nmasks, retval; long length; Pixel *ppixels, *pmasks; #ifdef LBX /* * If the colormap is grabbed by a proxy, the server will have * to regain control over the colormap. This AllocColorCells request * will be handled after the server gets back the colormap control. */ if (LbxCheckColorRequest (client, pcmp, (xReq *) stuff)) return Success; #endif npixels = stuff->colors; if (!npixels) { client->errorValue = npixels; return (BadValue); } if (stuff->contiguous != xTrue && stuff->contiguous != xFalse) { client->errorValue = stuff->contiguous; return (BadValue); } nmasks = stuff->planes; length = ((long)npixels + (long)nmasks) * sizeof(Pixel); ppixels = (Pixel *)ALLOCATE_LOCAL(length); if(!ppixels) return(BadAlloc); pmasks = ppixels + npixels; if( (retval = AllocColorCells(client->index, pcmp, npixels, nmasks, (Bool)stuff->contiguous, ppixels, pmasks)) ) { DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(ppixels); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else return(retval); } #ifdef PANORAMIX if (noPanoramiXExtension || !pcmp->pScreen->myNum) #endif { accr.type = X_Reply; accr.length = length >> 2; accr.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; accr.nPixels = npixels; accr.nMasks = nmasks; WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof (xAllocColorCellsReply), &accr); client->pSwapReplyFunc = (ReplySwapPtr) Swap32Write; WriteSwappedDataToClient(client, length, ppixels); } DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(ppixels); return (client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->cmap; return (BadColor); } } int ProcAllocColorPlanes(client) register ClientPtr client; { ColormapPtr pcmp; REQUEST(xAllocColorPlanesReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xAllocColorPlanesReq); pcmp = (ColormapPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->cmap, RT_COLORMAP, SecurityWriteAccess); if (pcmp) { xAllocColorPlanesReply acpr; int npixels, retval; long length; Pixel *ppixels; #ifdef LBX /* * If the colormap is grabbed by a proxy, the server will have * to regain control over the colormap. This AllocColorPlanes request * will be handled after the server gets back the colormap control. */ if (LbxCheckColorRequest (client, pcmp, (xReq *) stuff)) return Success; #endif npixels = stuff->colors; if (!npixels) { client->errorValue = npixels; return (BadValue); } if (stuff->contiguous != xTrue && stuff->contiguous != xFalse) { client->errorValue = stuff->contiguous; return (BadValue); } acpr.type = X_Reply; acpr.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; acpr.nPixels = npixels; length = (long)npixels * sizeof(Pixel); ppixels = (Pixel *)ALLOCATE_LOCAL(length); if(!ppixels) return(BadAlloc); if( (retval = AllocColorPlanes(client->index, pcmp, npixels, (int)stuff->red, (int)stuff->green, (int)stuff->blue, (Bool)stuff->contiguous, ppixels, &acpr.redMask, &acpr.greenMask, &acpr.blueMask)) ) { DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(ppixels); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else return(retval); } acpr.length = length >> 2; #ifdef PANORAMIX if (noPanoramiXExtension || !pcmp->pScreen->myNum) #endif { WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xAllocColorPlanesReply), &acpr); client->pSwapReplyFunc = (ReplySwapPtr) Swap32Write; WriteSwappedDataToClient(client, length, ppixels); } DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(ppixels); return (client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->cmap; return (BadColor); } } int ProcFreeColors (client) register ClientPtr client; { ColormapPtr pcmp; REQUEST(xFreeColorsReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xFreeColorsReq); pcmp = (ColormapPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->cmap, RT_COLORMAP, SecurityWriteAccess); if (pcmp) { int count; int retval; if(pcmp->flags & AllAllocated) return(BadAccess); count = ((client->req_len << 2)- sizeof(xFreeColorsReq)) >> 2; retval = FreeColors(pcmp, client->index, count, (Pixel *)&stuff[1], (Pixel)stuff->planeMask); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else { client->errorValue = clientErrorValue; return(retval); } } else { client->errorValue = stuff->cmap; return (BadColor); } } int ProcStoreColors (client) register ClientPtr client; { ColormapPtr pcmp; REQUEST(xStoreColorsReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xStoreColorsReq); pcmp = (ColormapPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->cmap, RT_COLORMAP, SecurityWriteAccess); if (pcmp) { int count; int retval; count = (client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xStoreColorsReq); if (count % sizeof(xColorItem)) return(BadLength); count /= sizeof(xColorItem); retval = StoreColors(pcmp, count, (xColorItem *)&stuff[1]); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else { client->errorValue = clientErrorValue; return(retval); } } else { client->errorValue = stuff->cmap; return (BadColor); } } int ProcStoreNamedColor (client) register ClientPtr client; { ColormapPtr pcmp; REQUEST(xStoreNamedColorReq); REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xStoreNamedColorReq, stuff->nbytes); pcmp = (ColormapPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->cmap, RT_COLORMAP, SecurityWriteAccess); if (pcmp) { xColorItem def; int retval; if(OsLookupColor(pcmp->pScreen->myNum, (char *)&stuff[1], stuff->nbytes, &def.red, &def.green, &def.blue)) { def.flags = stuff->flags; def.pixel = stuff->pixel; retval = StoreColors(pcmp, 1, &def); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else return(retval); } return (BadName); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->cmap; return (BadColor); } } int ProcQueryColors(client) register ClientPtr client; { ColormapPtr pcmp; REQUEST(xQueryColorsReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xQueryColorsReq); pcmp = (ColormapPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->cmap, RT_COLORMAP, SecurityReadAccess); if (pcmp) { int count, retval; xrgb *prgbs; xQueryColorsReply qcr; count = ((client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xQueryColorsReq)) >> 2; prgbs = (xrgb *)ALLOCATE_LOCAL(count * sizeof(xrgb)); if(!prgbs && count) return(BadAlloc); if( (retval = QueryColors(pcmp, count, (Pixel *)&stuff[1], prgbs)) ) { if (prgbs) DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(prgbs); if (client->noClientException != Success) return(client->noClientException); else { client->errorValue = clientErrorValue; return (retval); } } qcr.type = X_Reply; qcr.length = (count * sizeof(xrgb)) >> 2; qcr.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; qcr.nColors = count; WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xQueryColorsReply), &qcr); if (count) { client->pSwapReplyFunc = (ReplySwapPtr) SQColorsExtend; WriteSwappedDataToClient(client, count * sizeof(xrgb), prgbs); } if (prgbs) DEALLOCATE_LOCAL(prgbs); return(client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->cmap; return (BadColor); } } int ProcLookupColor(client) register ClientPtr client; { ColormapPtr pcmp; REQUEST(xLookupColorReq); REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xLookupColorReq, stuff->nbytes); pcmp = (ColormapPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->cmap, RT_COLORMAP, SecurityReadAccess); if (pcmp) { xLookupColorReply lcr; if(OsLookupColor(pcmp->pScreen->myNum, (char *)&stuff[1], stuff->nbytes, &lcr.exactRed, &lcr.exactGreen, &lcr.exactBlue)) { lcr.type = X_Reply; lcr.length = 0; lcr.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; lcr.screenRed = lcr.exactRed; lcr.screenGreen = lcr.exactGreen; lcr.screenBlue = lcr.exactBlue; (*pcmp->pScreen->ResolveColor)(&lcr.screenRed, &lcr.screenGreen, &lcr.screenBlue, pcmp->pVisual); WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xLookupColorReply), &lcr); return(client->noClientException); } return (BadName); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->cmap; return (BadColor); } } int ProcCreateCursor( client) register ClientPtr client; { CursorPtr pCursor; register PixmapPtr src; register PixmapPtr msk; unsigned char * srcbits; unsigned char * mskbits; unsigned short width, height; long n; CursorMetricRec cm; REQUEST(xCreateCursorReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xCreateCursorReq); LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->cid, client); src = (PixmapPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->source, RT_PIXMAP, SecurityReadAccess); msk = (PixmapPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->mask, RT_PIXMAP, SecurityReadAccess); if ( src == (PixmapPtr)NULL) { client->errorValue = stuff->source; return (BadPixmap); } if ( msk == (PixmapPtr)NULL) { if (stuff->mask != None) { client->errorValue = stuff->mask; return (BadPixmap); } } else if ( src->drawable.width != msk->drawable.width || src->drawable.height != msk->drawable.height || src->drawable.depth != 1 || msk->drawable.depth != 1) return (BadMatch); width = src->drawable.width; height = src->drawable.height; if ( stuff->x > width || stuff->y > height ) return (BadMatch); n = BitmapBytePad(width)*height; srcbits = (unsigned char *)xalloc(n); if (!srcbits) return (BadAlloc); mskbits = (unsigned char *)xalloc(n); if (!mskbits) { xfree(srcbits); return (BadAlloc); } /* zeroing the (pad) bits helps some ddx cursor handling */ bzero((char *)srcbits, n); (* src->drawable.pScreen->GetImage)( (DrawablePtr)src, 0, 0, width, height, XYPixmap, 1, (pointer)srcbits); if ( msk == (PixmapPtr)NULL) { register unsigned char *bits = mskbits; while (--n >= 0) *bits++ = ~0; } else { /* zeroing the (pad) bits helps some ddx cursor handling */ bzero((char *)mskbits, n); (* msk->drawable.pScreen->GetImage)( (DrawablePtr)msk, 0, 0, width, height, XYPixmap, 1, (pointer)mskbits); } cm.width = width; cm.height = height; cm.xhot = stuff->x; cm.yhot = stuff->y; pCursor = AllocCursor( srcbits, mskbits, &cm, stuff->foreRed, stuff->foreGreen, stuff->foreBlue, stuff->backRed, stuff->backGreen, stuff->backBlue); if (pCursor && AddResource(stuff->cid, RT_CURSOR, (pointer)pCursor)) return (client->noClientException); return BadAlloc; } int ProcCreateGlyphCursor( client) register ClientPtr client; { CursorPtr pCursor; int res; REQUEST(xCreateGlyphCursorReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xCreateGlyphCursorReq); LEGAL_NEW_RESOURCE(stuff->cid, client); res = AllocGlyphCursor(stuff->source, stuff->sourceChar, stuff->mask, stuff->maskChar, stuff->foreRed, stuff->foreGreen, stuff->foreBlue, stuff->backRed, stuff->backGreen, stuff->backBlue, &pCursor, client); if (res != Success) return res; if (AddResource(stuff->cid, RT_CURSOR, (pointer)pCursor)) return client->noClientException; return BadAlloc; } int ProcFreeCursor(client) register ClientPtr client; { CursorPtr pCursor; REQUEST(xResourceReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); pCursor = (CursorPtr)SecurityLookupIDByType(client, stuff->id, RT_CURSOR, SecurityDestroyAccess); if (pCursor) { FreeResource(stuff->id, RT_NONE); return (client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->id; return (BadCursor); } } int ProcQueryBestSize (client) register ClientPtr client; { xQueryBestSizeReply reply; register DrawablePtr pDraw; ScreenPtr pScreen; REQUEST(xQueryBestSizeReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xQueryBestSizeReq); if ((stuff->class != CursorShape) && (stuff->class != TileShape) && (stuff->class != StippleShape)) { client->errorValue = stuff->class; return(BadValue); } SECURITY_VERIFY_GEOMETRABLE (pDraw, stuff->drawable, client, SecurityReadAccess); if (stuff->class != CursorShape && pDraw->type == UNDRAWABLE_WINDOW) return (BadMatch); pScreen = pDraw->pScreen; (* pScreen->QueryBestSize)(stuff->class, &stuff->width, &stuff->height, pScreen); reply.type = X_Reply; reply.length = 0; reply.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; reply.width = stuff->width; reply.height = stuff->height; WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xQueryBestSizeReply), &reply); return (client->noClientException); } int ProcSetScreenSaver (client) register ClientPtr client; { int blankingOption, exposureOption; REQUEST(xSetScreenSaverReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xSetScreenSaverReq); blankingOption = stuff->preferBlank; if ((blankingOption != DontPreferBlanking) && (blankingOption != PreferBlanking) && (blankingOption != DefaultBlanking)) { client->errorValue = blankingOption; return BadValue; } exposureOption = stuff->allowExpose; if ((exposureOption != DontAllowExposures) && (exposureOption != AllowExposures) && (exposureOption != DefaultExposures)) { client->errorValue = exposureOption; return BadValue; } if (stuff->timeout < -1) { client->errorValue = stuff->timeout; return BadValue; } if (stuff->interval < -1) { client->errorValue = stuff->interval; return BadValue; } if (blankingOption == DefaultBlanking) ScreenSaverBlanking = defaultScreenSaverBlanking; else ScreenSaverBlanking = blankingOption; if (exposureOption == DefaultExposures) ScreenSaverAllowExposures = defaultScreenSaverAllowExposures; else ScreenSaverAllowExposures = exposureOption; if (stuff->timeout >= 0) ScreenSaverTime = stuff->timeout * MILLI_PER_SECOND; else ScreenSaverTime = defaultScreenSaverTime; if (stuff->interval >= 0) ScreenSaverInterval = stuff->interval * MILLI_PER_SECOND; else ScreenSaverInterval = defaultScreenSaverInterval; SetScreenSaverTimer(); return (client->noClientException); } int ProcGetScreenSaver(client) register ClientPtr client; { xGetScreenSaverReply rep; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xReq); rep.type = X_Reply; rep.length = 0; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.timeout = ScreenSaverTime / MILLI_PER_SECOND; rep.interval = ScreenSaverInterval / MILLI_PER_SECOND; rep.preferBlanking = ScreenSaverBlanking; rep.allowExposures = ScreenSaverAllowExposures; WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xGetScreenSaverReply), &rep); return (client->noClientException); } int ProcChangeHosts(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xChangeHostsReq); int result; REQUEST_FIXED_SIZE(xChangeHostsReq, stuff->hostLength); if(stuff->mode == HostInsert) result = AddHost(client, (int)stuff->hostFamily, stuff->hostLength, (pointer)&stuff[1]); else if (stuff->mode == HostDelete) result = RemoveHost(client, (int)stuff->hostFamily, stuff->hostLength, (pointer)&stuff[1]); else { client->errorValue = stuff->mode; return BadValue; } if (!result) result = client->noClientException; return (result); } int ProcListHosts(client) register ClientPtr client; { xListHostsReply reply; int len, nHosts, result; pointer pdata; /* REQUEST(xListHostsReq); */ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xListHostsReq); #ifdef XCSECURITY /* untrusted clients can't list hosts */ if (client->trustLevel != XSecurityClientTrusted) { SecurityAudit("client %d attempted to list hosts\n", client->index); return BadAccess; } #endif result = GetHosts(&pdata, &nHosts, &len, &reply.enabled); if (result != Success) return(result); reply.type = X_Reply; reply.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; reply.nHosts = nHosts; reply.length = len >> 2; WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xListHostsReply), &reply); if (nHosts) { client->pSwapReplyFunc = (ReplySwapPtr) SLHostsExtend; WriteSwappedDataToClient(client, len, pdata); } xfree(pdata); return (client->noClientException); } int ProcChangeAccessControl(client) register ClientPtr client; { int result; REQUEST(xSetAccessControlReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xSetAccessControlReq); if ((stuff->mode != EnableAccess) && (stuff->mode != DisableAccess)) { client->errorValue = stuff->mode; return BadValue; } result = ChangeAccessControl(client, stuff->mode == EnableAccess); if (!result) result = client->noClientException; return (result); } int ProcKillClient(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xResourceReq); ClientPtr killclient; REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xResourceReq); if (stuff->id == AllTemporary) { CloseDownRetainedResources(); return (client->noClientException); } if ((killclient = LookupClient(stuff->id, client))) { CloseDownClient(killclient); /* if an LBX proxy gets killed, isItTimeToYield will be set */ if (isItTimeToYield || (client == killclient)) { /* force yield and return Success, so that Dispatch() * doesn't try to touch client */ isItTimeToYield = TRUE; return (Success); } return (client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->id; return (BadValue); } } int ProcSetFontPath(client) register ClientPtr client; { unsigned char *ptr; unsigned long nbytes, total; long nfonts; int n, result; int error; REQUEST(xSetFontPathReq); REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xSetFontPathReq); nbytes = (client->req_len << 2) - sizeof(xSetFontPathReq); total = nbytes; ptr = (unsigned char *)&stuff[1]; nfonts = stuff->nFonts; while (--nfonts >= 0) { if ((total == 0) || (total < (n = (*ptr + 1)))) return(BadLength); total -= n; ptr += n; } if (total >= 4) return(BadLength); result = SetFontPath(client, stuff->nFonts, (unsigned char *)&stuff[1], &error); if (!result) { result = client->noClientException; client->errorValue = error; } return (result); } int ProcGetFontPath(client) register ClientPtr client; { xGetFontPathReply reply; int stringLens, numpaths; unsigned char *bufferStart; /* REQUEST (xReq); */ REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xReq); bufferStart = GetFontPath(&numpaths, &stringLens); reply.type = X_Reply; reply.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; reply.length = (stringLens + numpaths + 3) >> 2; reply.nPaths = numpaths; WriteReplyToClient(client, sizeof(xGetFontPathReply), &reply); if (stringLens || numpaths) (void)WriteToClient(client, stringLens + numpaths, (char *)bufferStart); return(client->noClientException); } int ProcChangeCloseDownMode(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xSetCloseDownModeReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xSetCloseDownModeReq); if ((stuff->mode == AllTemporary) || (stuff->mode == RetainPermanent) || (stuff->mode == RetainTemporary)) { client->closeDownMode = stuff->mode; return (client->noClientException); } else { client->errorValue = stuff->mode; return (BadValue); } } int ProcForceScreenSaver(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xForceScreenSaverReq); REQUEST_SIZE_MATCH(xForceScreenSaverReq); if ((stuff->mode != ScreenSaverReset) && (stuff->mode != ScreenSaverActive)) { client->errorValue = stuff->mode; return BadValue; } SaveScreens(SCREEN_SAVER_FORCER, (int)stuff->mode); return client->noClientException; } int ProcNoOperation(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST_AT_LEAST_SIZE(xReq); /* noop -- don't do anything */ return(client->noClientException); } void InitProcVectors(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i<256; i++) { if(!ProcVector[i]) { ProcVector[i] = SwappedProcVector[i] = ProcBadRequest; ReplySwapVector[i] = ReplyNotSwappd; } #ifdef K5AUTH if (!k5_Vector[i]) { k5_Vector[i] = k5_bad; } #endif } for(i = LASTEvent; i < 128; i++) { EventSwapVector[i] = NotImplemented; } } /********************** * CloseDownClient * * Client can either mark his resources destroy or retain. If retained and * then killed again, the client is really destroyed. *********************/ char dispatchExceptionAtReset = DE_RESET; void CloseDownClient(client) register ClientPtr client; { Bool really_close_down = client->clientGone || client->closeDownMode == DestroyAll; if (!client->clientGone) { /* ungrab server if grabbing client dies */ if (grabState != GrabNone && grabClient == client) { UngrabServer(client); } BITCLEAR(grabWaiters, client->index); DeleteClientFromAnySelections(client); ReleaseActiveGrabs(client); DeleteClientFontStuff(client); if (!really_close_down) { /* This frees resources that should never be retained * no matter what the close down mode is. Actually we * could do this unconditionally, but it's probably * better not to traverse all the client's resources * twice (once here, once a few lines down in * FreeClientResources) in the common case of * really_close_down == TRUE. */ FreeClientNeverRetainResources(client); client->clientState = ClientStateRetained; if (ClientStateCallback) { NewClientInfoRec clientinfo; clientinfo.client = client; clientinfo.prefix = (xConnSetupPrefix *)NULL; clientinfo.setup = (xConnSetup *) NULL; CallCallbacks((&ClientStateCallback), (pointer)&clientinfo); } } client->clientGone = TRUE; /* so events aren't sent to client */ if (ClientIsAsleep(client)) ClientSignal (client); ProcessWorkQueueZombies(); #ifdef LBX ProcessQTagZombies(); #endif CloseDownConnection(client); /* If the client made it to the Running stage, nClients has * been incremented on its behalf, so we need to decrement it * now. If it hasn't gotten to Running, nClients has *not* * been incremented, so *don't* decrement it. */ if (client->clientState != ClientStateInitial && client->clientState != ClientStateAuthenticating ) { --nClients; } } if (really_close_down) { if (client->clientState == ClientStateRunning && nClients == 0) dispatchException |= dispatchExceptionAtReset; client->clientState = ClientStateGone; if (ClientStateCallback) { NewClientInfoRec clientinfo; clientinfo.client = client; clientinfo.prefix = (xConnSetupPrefix *)NULL; clientinfo.setup = (xConnSetup *) NULL; CallCallbacks((&ClientStateCallback), (pointer)&clientinfo); } FreeClientResources(client); if (client->index < nextFreeClientID) nextFreeClientID = client->index; clients[client->index] = NullClient; #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE SmartLastClient = NullClient; #endif xfree(client); while (!clients[currentMaxClients-1]) currentMaxClients--; } } static void KillAllClients() { int i; for (i=1; icloseDownMode = DestroyAll; CloseDownClient(clients[i]); } } /********************* * CloseDownRetainedResources * * Find all clients that are gone and have terminated in RetainTemporary * and destroy their resources. *********************/ void CloseDownRetainedResources() { register int i; register ClientPtr client; for (i=1; icloseDownMode == RetainTemporary) && (client->clientGone)) CloseDownClient(client); } } void InitClient(client, i, ospriv) ClientPtr client; int i; pointer ospriv; { client->index = i; client->sequence = 0; client->clientAsMask = ((Mask)i) << CLIENTOFFSET; client->clientGone = FALSE; if (i) { client->closeDownMode = DestroyAll; client->lastDrawable = (DrawablePtr)WindowTable[0]; client->lastDrawableID = WindowTable[0]->drawable.id; } else { client->closeDownMode = RetainPermanent; client->lastDrawable = (DrawablePtr)NULL; client->lastDrawableID = INVALID; } client->lastGC = (GCPtr) NULL; client->lastGCID = INVALID; client->numSaved = 0; client->saveSet = (pointer *)NULL; client->noClientException = Success; #ifdef DEBUG client->requestLogIndex = 0; #endif client->requestVector = InitialVector; client->osPrivate = ospriv; client->swapped = FALSE; client->big_requests = FALSE; client->priority = 0; client->clientState = ClientStateInitial; #ifdef XKB if (!noXkbExtension) { client->xkbClientFlags = 0; client->mapNotifyMask = 0; QueryMinMaxKeyCodes(&client->minKC,&client->maxKC); } #endif client->replyBytesRemaining = 0; #ifdef LBX client->readRequest = StandardReadRequestFromClient; #endif #ifdef XCSECURITY client->trustLevel = XSecurityClientTrusted; client->CheckAccess = NULL; client->authId = 0; #endif #ifdef XAPPGROUP client->appgroup = NULL; #endif client->fontResFunc = NULL; #ifdef SMART_SCHEDULE client->smart_priority = 0; client->smart_start_tick = SmartScheduleTime; client->smart_stop_tick = SmartScheduleTime; client->smart_check_tick = SmartScheduleTime; #endif } extern int clientPrivateLen; extern unsigned *clientPrivateSizes; extern unsigned totalClientSize; int InitClientPrivates(client) ClientPtr client; { register char *ptr; DevUnion *ppriv; register unsigned *sizes; register unsigned size; register int i; if (totalClientSize == sizeof(ClientRec)) ppriv = (DevUnion *)NULL; else if (client->index) ppriv = (DevUnion *)(client + 1); else { ppriv = (DevUnion *)xalloc(totalClientSize - sizeof(ClientRec)); if (!ppriv) return 0; } client->devPrivates = ppriv; sizes = clientPrivateSizes; ptr = (char *)(ppriv + clientPrivateLen); for (i = clientPrivateLen; --i >= 0; ppriv++, sizes++) { if ( (size = *sizes) ) { ppriv->ptr = (pointer)ptr; ptr += size; } else ppriv->ptr = (pointer)NULL; } return 1; } /************************ * int NextAvailableClient(ospriv) * * OS dependent portion can't assign client id's because of CloseDownModes. * Returns NULL if there are no free clients. *************************/ ClientPtr NextAvailableClient(ospriv) pointer ospriv; { register int i; register ClientPtr client; xReq data; i = nextFreeClientID; if (i == MAXCLIENTS) return (ClientPtr)NULL; clients[i] = client = (ClientPtr)xalloc(totalClientSize); if (!client) return (ClientPtr)NULL; InitClient(client, i, ospriv); InitClientPrivates(client); if (!InitClientResources(client)) { xfree(client); return (ClientPtr)NULL; } data.reqType = 1; data.length = (sz_xReq + sz_xConnClientPrefix) >> 2; if (!InsertFakeRequest(client, (char *)&data, sz_xReq)) { FreeClientResources(client); xfree(client); return (ClientPtr)NULL; } if (i == currentMaxClients) currentMaxClients++; while ((nextFreeClientID < MAXCLIENTS) && clients[nextFreeClientID]) nextFreeClientID++; if (ClientStateCallback) { NewClientInfoRec clientinfo; clientinfo.client = client; clientinfo.prefix = (xConnSetupPrefix *)NULL; clientinfo.setup = (xConnSetup *) NULL; CallCallbacks((&ClientStateCallback), (pointer)&clientinfo); } return(client); } int ProcInitialConnection(client) register ClientPtr client; { REQUEST(xReq); register xConnClientPrefix *prefix; int whichbyte = 1; prefix = (xConnClientPrefix *)((char *)stuff + sz_xReq); if ((prefix->byteOrder != 'l') && (prefix->byteOrder != 'B')) return (client->noClientException = -1); if (((*(char *) &whichbyte) && (prefix->byteOrder == 'B')) || (!(*(char *) &whichbyte) && (prefix->byteOrder == 'l'))) { client->swapped = TRUE; SwapConnClientPrefix(prefix); } stuff->reqType = 2; stuff->length += ((prefix->nbytesAuthProto + (unsigned)3) >> 2) + ((prefix->nbytesAuthString + (unsigned)3) >> 2); if (client->swapped) { swaps(&stuff->length, whichbyte); } ResetCurrentRequest(client); return (client->noClientException); } #ifdef LBX void IncrementClientCount() { nClients++; } #endif int SendConnSetup(client, reason) register ClientPtr client; char *reason; { register xWindowRoot *root; register int i; int numScreens; char* lConnectionInfo; xConnSetupPrefix* lconnSetupPrefix; if (reason) { xConnSetupPrefix csp; csp.success = xFalse; csp.lengthReason = strlen(reason); csp.length = (csp.lengthReason + (unsigned)3) >> 2; csp.majorVersion = X_PROTOCOL; csp.minorVersion = X_PROTOCOL_REVISION; if (client->swapped) WriteSConnSetupPrefix(client, &csp); else (void)WriteToClient(client, sz_xConnSetupPrefix, (char *) &csp); (void)WriteToClient(client, (int)csp.lengthReason, reason); return (client->noClientException = -1); } numScreens = screenInfo.numScreens; lConnectionInfo = ConnectionInfo; lconnSetupPrefix = &connSetupPrefix; /* We're about to start speaking X protocol back to the client by * sending the connection setup info. This means the authorization * step is complete, and we can count the client as an * authorized one. */ nClients++; client->requestVector = client->swapped ? SwappedProcVector : ProcVector; client->sequence = 0; #ifdef XAPPGROUP XagConnectionInfo (client, &lconnSetupPrefix, &lConnectionInfo, &numScreens); #endif ((xConnSetup *)lConnectionInfo)->ridBase = client->clientAsMask; ((xConnSetup *)lConnectionInfo)->ridMask = RESOURCE_ID_MASK; #ifdef MATCH_CLIENT_ENDIAN ((xConnSetup *)lConnectionInfo)->imageByteOrder = ClientOrder (client); ((xConnSetup *)lConnectionInfo)->bitmapBitOrder = ClientOrder (client); #endif /* fill in the "currentInputMask" */ root = (xWindowRoot *)(lConnectionInfo + connBlockScreenStart); #ifdef PANORAMIX if (noPanoramiXExtension) numScreens = screenInfo.numScreens; else numScreens = ((xConnSetup *)ConnectionInfo)->numRoots; #endif for (i=0; icurrentInputMask = WindowTable[i]->eventMask | wOtherEventMasks (WindowTable[i]); pDepth = (xDepth *)(root + 1); for (j = 0; j < root->nDepths; j++) { pDepth = (xDepth *)(((char *)(pDepth + 1)) + pDepth->nVisuals * sizeof(xVisualType)); } root = (xWindowRoot *)pDepth; } if (client->swapped) { WriteSConnSetupPrefix(client, lconnSetupPrefix); WriteSConnectionInfo(client, (unsigned long)(lconnSetupPrefix->length << 2), lConnectionInfo); } else { (void)WriteToClient(client, sizeof(xConnSetupPrefix), (char *) lconnSetupPrefix); (void)WriteToClient(client, (int)(lconnSetupPrefix->length << 2), lConnectionInfo); } client->clientState = ClientStateRunning; if (ClientStateCallback) { NewClientInfoRec clientinfo; clientinfo.client = client; clientinfo.prefix = lconnSetupPrefix; clientinfo.setup = (xConnSetup *)lConnectionInfo; CallCallbacks((&ClientStateCallback), (pointer)&clientinfo); } return (client->noClientException); } int ProcEstablishConnection(client) register ClientPtr client; { char *reason, *auth_proto, *auth_string; register xConnClientPrefix *prefix; REQUEST(xReq); prefix = (xConnClientPrefix *)((char *)stuff + sz_xReq); auth_proto = (char *)prefix + sz_xConnClientPrefix; auth_string = auth_proto + ((prefix->nbytesAuthProto + 3) & ~3); if ((prefix->majorVersion != X_PROTOCOL) || (prefix->minorVersion != X_PROTOCOL_REVISION)) reason = "Protocol version mismatch"; else reason = ClientAuthorized(client, (unsigned short)prefix->nbytesAuthProto, auth_proto, (unsigned short)prefix->nbytesAuthString, auth_string); /* * If Kerberos is being used for this client, the clientState * will be set to ClientStateAuthenticating at this point. * More messages need to be exchanged among the X server, Kerberos * server, and client to figure out if everyone is authorized. * So we don't want to send the connection setup info yet, since * the auth step isn't really done. */ if (client->clientState == ClientStateCheckingSecurity) client->clientState = ClientStateCheckedSecurity; else if (client->clientState != ClientStateAuthenticating) return(SendConnSetup(client, reason)); return(client->noClientException); } void SendErrorToClient(client, majorCode, minorCode, resId, errorCode) ClientPtr client; unsigned int majorCode; unsigned int minorCode; XID resId; int errorCode; { xError rep; rep.type = X_Error; rep.sequenceNumber = client->sequence; rep.errorCode = errorCode; rep.majorCode = majorCode; rep.minorCode = minorCode; rep.resourceID = resId; WriteEventsToClient (client, 1, (xEvent *)&rep); } void DeleteWindowFromAnySelections(pWin) WindowPtr pWin; { register int i; for (i = 0; i< NumCurrentSelections; i++) if (CurrentSelections[i].pWin == pWin) { CurrentSelections[i].pWin = (WindowPtr)NULL; CurrentSelections[i].window = None; CurrentSelections[i].client = NullClient; } } static void DeleteClientFromAnySelections(client) ClientPtr client; { register int i; for (i = 0; i< NumCurrentSelections; i++) if (CurrentSelections[i].client == client) { CurrentSelections[i].pWin = (WindowPtr)NULL; CurrentSelections[i].window = None; CurrentSelections[i].client = NullClient; } } void MarkClientException(client) ClientPtr client; { client->noClientException = -1; }