path: root/hw/darwin
diff options
authorEgbert Eich <>2004-04-02 21:47:33 +0000
committerEgbert Eich <>2004-04-02 21:47:33 +0000
commit9bbe288d7fd59d4e192a986b8622915ce7b447a9 (patch)
treefafb6de8b24840bf282667b820de6e2b4d052c04 /hw/darwin
parent0f8d2fd7d0c6ff169abed9b07ac63b57d80b8811 (diff)
70. Merging in the TM branch (Egbert Eich).XORG-RELEASE-1-STSF-FORKXORG-CYGWIN-LAST-MERGE
Diffstat (limited to 'hw/darwin')
-rw-r--r--hw/darwin/bundle/Dutch.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nibbin21843 -> 22024 bytes
-rw-r--r--hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nibbin20640 -> 20829 bytes
-rw-r--r--hw/darwin/bundle/French.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nibbin22289 -> 21114 bytes
-rw-r--r--hw/darwin/bundle/German.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nibbin22218 -> 21182 bytes
-rw-r--r--hw/darwin/bundle/Japanese.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nibbin21423 -> 21854 bytes
-rw-r--r--hw/darwin/bundle/Portuguese.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nibbin20861 -> 21112 bytes
-rw-r--r--hw/darwin/bundle/Spanish.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nibbin21989 -> 20952 bytes
-rw-r--r--hw/darwin/bundle/Swedish.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nibbin20851 -> 20858 bytes
-rw-r--r--hw/darwin/bundle/ko.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nibbin21010 -> 21433 bytes
23 files changed, 516 insertions, 403 deletions
diff --git a/hw/darwin/ b/hw/darwin/
index 265dbeb63..eb1b9dcb8 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/
+++ b/hw/darwin/
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ XDarwin \- X window system server for Darwin operating system
.I XDarwin
is the X window server for Mac OS X and the Darwin operating system
-provided by the XFree86 Project.
+provided by the X.Org Foundation.
.I XDarwin
can run in three different modes. On Mac OS X,
.I XDarwin
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ handles the desktop background.
.I XDarwin
is the X window server for Mac OS X and the Darwin operating system
-provided by the XFree86 Project. This version of
+provided by the X.Org Foundation. This version of
.I XDarwin
can only be started from the Darwin text console. The Mac OS X Aqua GUI, if
present, must be shut down.
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ Print out the server version and patchlevel.
Same as \fB\-showconfig\fP.
-X(__miscmansuffix__), XFree86(1), Xserver(1), xdm(1), xinit(1)
+X(__miscmansuffix__), Xorg(1), Xserver(1), xdm(1), xinit(1)
.I XDarwin
and this man page still have many limitations. Some of the more obvious
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/Dutch.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib b/hw/darwin/bundle/Dutch.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
index 034396156..8e9224cb6 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/Dutch.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/Dutch.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
Binary files differ
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/Dutch.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp b/hw/darwin/bundle/Dutch.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
index 979f0bb06..1113b8ae6 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/Dutch.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/Dutch.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
@@ -1 +1,103 @@
-<!-- $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp,v 1.2 2001/11/04 07:02:28 torrey Exp $ --> #include "xf86Version.h" #ifndef PRE_RELEASE #define PRE_RELEASE XF86_VERSION_SNAP #endif <html> <head> <title>XFree86 voor Mac OS X</title> </head> <body> <center> <h1>XFree86 voor Darwin en Mac OS X</h1> XFree86 XF86_VERSION<br> Release Date: XF86_REL_DATE </center> <h2>Inhoud</h2> <ol> <li><A HREF="#notice">Belangrijke Informatie</A></li> <li><A HREF="#usage">Gebruik</A></li> <li><A HREF="#path">Instellen van het Path</A></li> <li><A HREF="#prefs">Voorkeursinstellingen</A></li> <li><A HREF="#license">Licentie</A></li> </ol> <center> <h2><a NAME="notice">Belangrijke Informatie</a></h2> </center> <blockquote> #if PRE_RELEASE Dit is een pre-release van XFree86, waarvoor geen ondersteuning beschikbaar is. Rapporteren van bugs en aanleveren van patches kan op de <A HREF="">XonX project pagina</A> bij SourceForge. Kijk alvorens een bug te rapporteren in een pre-release eerst of een nieuwe versie beschikbaar is bij <A HREF="">XonX</A> of in de <A HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/cvs">XFree86 CVS repository</A>. #else Als de server ouder is dan 6-12 maanden, of als uw hardware nieuwer is dan de bovenstaande datum, kijk dan of een nieuwe versie beschikbaar is voor u een probleem aanmeldt. Rapporteren van bugs en aanleveren van patches kan op de <A HREF="">XonX project pagina</A> bij SourceForge. #endif </blockquote> <blockquote> Deze software is beschikbaar gesteld onder de voorwaarden van de <A HREF="#license">MIT X11 / X Consortium Licentie</A> en is beschikbaar 'AS IS',zonder enige garantie. Lees s.v.p. de <A HREF="#license">Licentie</A> voor gebruik.</blockquote> <h2><a NAME="usage">Gebruik</a></h2> <p>XFree86 is een open-source uitvoering van het <a HREF="">X Window Systeem</a>, verzorgd door <a HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/">XFree86 Project, Inc.</a>, die vrij verspreid mag worden. De X window server voor Darwin en Mac OS X verzorgd door XFree86 heet XDarwin. XDarwin werkt op Mac OS X in schermvullende of rootless modus.</p> <p>Het X window systeem in schermvullende modus neemt het hele beeldscherm in beslag. U schakelt terug naar de Mac OS X desktop door de toesten Command-Option-A in te drukken. Deze toetsencombinatie kunt u veranderen in de Voorkeuren. Op de Mac OS X desktop klikt u op de XDarwin icoon in de Dock om weer naar het X window systeem te schakelen. (In de Voorkeuren kunt er voor kiezen om een apart XDarwin schakelpaneel te gebruiken op de Mac OS X desktop.)</p> <p>In rootless modus verschijnen het X window systeem en Aqua (de Mac OS X desktop) tegelijk op het scherm. Het achtergrondscherm van X11, waarbinnen alle X11 vensters vallen, is net zo groot als het gehele scherm, maar het achtergrondscherm zelf is onzichtbaar.</p> <h3>Meerknopsmuis emulatie</h3> <p>Voor veel X11 programma's hebt u een 3-knops muis nodig. Met een 1-knops muis kunt u een 3-knops muis nabootsen door een toets in te drukken terwijl u klikt met de muis. Het instellen hiervan kan bij Voorkeuren, "Meerknopsmuis emulatie" in "Algemeen". Emulatie is standaard ingeschakeld: ingedrukt houden van de "command" toets terwijl u klikt emuleert knop 2, ingedrukt houden van "option" emuleert knop 3. Deze toetsen kunt u dus wijzigen in de Voorkeuren. Let op: als u xmodmap gebruikt om de indeling van het toetsenbord te wijzigen, moet u toch de oorspronkelijke toetsen op het toetsenbord gebruiken voor deze functie.</p> <h2><a NAME="path">Instellen van het Path</a></h2> <p>Het path is de lijst van directories waarin gezocht wordt naar commando's. De X11 commando's staan in de directory <code>/usr/X11R6/bin</code>, die dus aan uw path moet worden toegevoegd. XDarwin doet dit automatisch voor u en kan extra directories toevoegen waarin u commando's hebt ge&iuml;nstalleerd.</p> <p>Ervaren gebruikers zullen het path al correct hebben ingesteld in de configuratiebestanden voor hun shell. In dat geval kunt u XDarwin via de Voorkeuren vertellen het path niet te wijzigen. XDarwin start de eerste X11 clients binnen de standaard login shell van de gebruiker (bij de Voorkeuren kunt u een afwijkende shell opgeven). Het instellen van het path is afhankelijk van de shell. Zie hiervoor de man pages voor de shell.</p> <p>Het kan handig zijn de man pages voor XFree86 toe te voegen aan de lijst waarin gezocht wordt als u documentatie opvraagt. De manualpages voor X11 staan in <code>/usr/X11R6/man</code> en de <code>MANPATH</code> environment variable bevat de lijst van directories waarin naar documentatie wordt gezocht.</p> <h2><a NAME="prefs">Voorkeursinstellingen</a></h2> <p>Een aantal instellingen kan worden gewijzigd door "Voorkeuren..." te kiezen in het "XDarwin" menu. Wijzigingen van de instellingen genoemd onder "Start" gaan pas in als u XDarwin opnieuw hebt gestart. Een wijziging van de overige instellingen is direct effectief. Hier onder vindt u de verschillende mogelijkheden beschreven:</p> <h3>Algemeen</h3> <ul> <li><b>Gebruik systeempiep voor X11:</b> Als u dit inschakelt wordt het Mac OS X waarschuwingssignaal ook gebruikt door X11, anders gebruikt X11 een simpele pieptoon (dit is de standaardinstelling).</li> <li><b>Wijzigen muis-versnelling door X11 mogelijk:</b> In een standaard X window systeem kan de window manager de muis-versnelling aanpassen. Dit kan verwarrend zijn omdat de snelheid onder X11 dan verschillend kan zijn van de snelheid die u in Mac OS X bij Systeemvoorkeuren hebt ingesteld. Om verwarring te voorkomen is de standaardinstelling dat X11 de versnelling niet kan wijzigen.</li> <li><b>Meerknopsmuis emulatie:</b> Dit is hierboven beschreven bij <a HREF="#usage">Gebruik</a>. Als emulatie is ingeschakeld moet u de gekozen toetsen ingedrukt houden terwijl u met de muis klikt om de tweede en derde muisknop na te bootsen.</li> </ul> <h3>Start</h3> <ul> <li><b>Standaard modus:</b> Hier kiest u de standaard scherm-modus: schermvullend of rootless (hierboven beschreven bij <a HREF="#usage">Gebruik</a>). U kunt ook kiezen tijdens het starten van XDarwin, zie de optie hieronder.</li> <li><b>Kies scherm-modus tijdens start:</b> Dit is standaard ingeschakeld zodat u tijdens het starten van XDarwin kunt kiezen tussen schermvullend en rootless scherm-modus. Als u dit uitschakelt start XDarwin in de standaard modus zonder u iets te vragen.</li> <li><b>X11 scherm nummer:</b> Met X11 kunnen meerdere schermen worden aangestuurd door verschillende X servers op dezelfde computer. Als u meerdere X servers tegelijk wilt gebruiken stelt u hier het scherm nummer in dat door XDarwin wordt gebruikt.</li> <li><b>Xinerama multi-monitor ondersteuning mogelijk:</b> XDarwin ondersteunt het gebruik van meerdere monitoren met Xinerama, waarbij elke monitor wordt gezien als deel van &eacute;&eacute;n groot rechthoekig scherm. U kunt Xinerama hier uitschakelen, maar XDarwin werkt op dit moment zonder Xinerama niet goed met meerdere monitoren. Als u maar 1 monitor gebruikt is deze instelling automatisch uitgeschakeld.</li> <li><b>Toetsenbordindeling-bestand:</b> Een toetsenbordindeling-bestand wordt bij het starten geladen en omgezet naar een X11 toetsenbordindeling. Voor verschillende talen vindt u toetsenbordindelingen in de directory <code>/System/Library/Keyboards</code>.</li> <li><b>Bij starten eerste X11 clients:</b> Als XDarwin start, wordt <code>xinit</code> uitgevoerd om de X window manager en andere X clients te starten (zie "<code>man xinit</code>"). Voordat XDarwin <code>xinit</code> uitvoert voegt het de opgegeven directories toe aan het path. Standaard wordt alleen <code>/usr/X11R6/bin</code> toegevoegd. U kunt meerdere directories opgeven, gescheiden door een dubbelepunt. X clients worden gestart met de standaard login shell van de gebruiker met gebruik van de configuratiebestanden voor die shell. U kunt een afwijkende shell opgeven.</li> </ul> <h3>Schermvullend</h3> <ul> <li><b>Toetscombinatie knop:</b> Klik op deze knop om de toetscombinatie te wijzigen waarmee u tussen de Mac OS X desktop en X11 schakelt. Als toetscombinatie kunt u elke combinatie gebruiken van de shift, control, command en option toetsen samen met &eacute;&eacute;n normale toets.</li> <li><b>Klikken op icoon in Dock schakelt naar X11:</b> Hiermee is een klik op de XDarwin icoon in de Dock voldoende om naar X11 te schakelen. In sommige versies van Mac OS X verdwijnt soms de cursor als u deze mogelijkheid gebruikt en daarna terugkeert naar de Mac OS X desktop.</li> <li><b>Toon help bij schermvullend starten:</b> Hiermee wordt een inleidend scherm getoond als XDarwin schermvullend start.</li> <li><b>Kleurdiepte:</b> In de schermvullende modus kan X11 een andere kleurdiepte gebruiken dan Aqua (en de Mac OS X desktop). Als u "Huidig" kiest, neemt XDarwin bij het starten de kleurdiepte over van Aqua. U kunt ook kiezen voor 8, 15 of 24 bits.</li> </ul> <h2><a NAME="license">Licentie</a></h2> The XFree86 Project is committed to providing freely redistributable binary and source releases. The main license we use is one based on the traditional MIT X11 / X Consortium License, which does not impose any conditions on modification or redistribution of source code or binaries other than requiring that copyright/license notices are left intact. For more information and additional copyright/licensing notices covering some sections of the code, please see the <A HREF="">XFree86 License page</A>. <H3><A NAME="3"></A>X Consortium License</H3> <p>Copyright (C) 1996 X Consortium</p> <p>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:</p> <p>The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.</p> <p>THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE X CONSORTIUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.</p> <p>Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the X Consortium.</p> <p>X Window System is a trademark of X Consortium, Inc.</p> </body> </html> \ No newline at end of file
+<!-- $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp,v 1.2 2001/11/04 07:02:28 torrey Exp $ -->
+<title>XDarwin Help</title>
+ <h1>XDarwin X Server for Mac OS X</h1>
+ Release Date: X_REL_DATE
+ <li><A HREF="#notice">Belangrijke Informatie</A></li>
+ <li><A HREF="#usage">Gebruik</A></li>
+ <li><A HREF="#path">Instellen van het Path</A></li>
+ <li><A HREF="#prefs">Voorkeursinstellingen</A></li>
+ <li><A HREF="#license">Licentie</A></li>
+ <h2><a NAME="notice">Belangrijke Informatie</a></h2>
+Dit is een pre-release van XDarwin, waarvoor geen ondersteuning beschikbaar is. Rapporteren van bugs en aanleveren van patches kan op de <A HREF="">XonX project pagina</A> bij SourceForge. Kijk alvorens een bug te rapporteren in een pre-release eerst of een nieuwe versie beschikbaar is bij <A HREF="">XonX</A> of de X_VENDOR_LINK.
+Als de server ouder is dan 6-12 maanden, of als uw hardware nieuwer is dan de bovenstaande datum, kijk dan of een nieuwe versie beschikbaar is voor u een probleem aanmeldt. Rapporteren van bugs en aanleveren van patches kan op de <A HREF="">XonX project pagina</A> bij SourceForge.
+Deze software is beschikbaar gesteld onder de voorwaarden van de <A HREF="#license">MIT X11 / X Consortium Licentie</A> en is beschikbaar 'AS IS',zonder enige garantie. Lees s.v.p. de <A HREF="#license">Licentie</A> voor gebruik.</blockquote>
+<h2><a NAME="usage">Gebruik</a></h2>
+<p>XDarwin is een open-source X server van het <a HREF="">X Window Systeem</a>. This version of XDarwin was produced by the X_VENDOR_LINK. XDarwin werkt op Mac OS X in schermvullende of rootless modus.</p>
+<p>Het X window systeem in schermvullende modus neemt het hele beeldscherm in beslag. U schakelt terug naar de Mac OS X desktop door de toesten Command-Option-A in te drukken. Deze toetsencombinatie kunt u veranderen in de Voorkeuren. Op de Mac OS X desktop klikt u op de XDarwin icoon in de Dock om weer naar het X window systeem te schakelen. (In de Voorkeuren kunt er voor kiezen om een apart XDarwin schakelpaneel te gebruiken op de Mac OS X desktop.)</p>
+<p>In rootless modus verschijnen het X window systeem en Aqua (de Mac OS X desktop) tegelijk op het scherm. Het achtergrondscherm van X11, waarbinnen alle X11 vensters vallen, is net zo groot als het gehele scherm, maar het achtergrondscherm zelf is onzichtbaar.</p>
+<h3>Meerknopsmuis emulatie</h3>
+<p>Voor veel X11 programma's hebt u een 3-knops muis nodig. Met een 1-knops muis kunt u een 3-knops muis nabootsen door een toets in te drukken terwijl u klikt met de muis. Het instellen hiervan kan bij Voorkeuren, "Meerknopsmuis emulatie" in "Algemeen". Emulatie is standaard ingeschakeld: ingedrukt houden van de "command" toets terwijl u klikt emuleert knop 2, ingedrukt houden van "option" emuleert knop 3. Deze toetsen kunt u dus wijzigen in de Voorkeuren. Let op: als u xmodmap gebruikt om de indeling van het toetsenbord te wijzigen, moet u toch de oorspronkelijke toetsen op het toetsenbord gebruiken voor deze functie.</p>
+<h2><a NAME="path">Instellen van het Path</a></h2>
+<p>Het path is de lijst van directories waarin gezocht wordt naar commando's. De X11 commando's staan in de directory <code>/usr/X11R6/bin</code>, die dus aan uw path moet worden toegevoegd. XDarwin doet dit automatisch voor u en kan extra directories toevoegen waarin u commando's hebt ge&iuml;nstalleerd.</p>
+<p>Ervaren gebruikers zullen het path al correct hebben ingesteld in de configuratiebestanden voor hun shell. In dat geval kunt u XDarwin via de Voorkeuren vertellen het path niet te wijzigen. XDarwin start de eerste X11 clients binnen de standaard login shell van de gebruiker (bij de Voorkeuren kunt u een afwijkende shell opgeven). Het instellen van het path is afhankelijk van de shell. Zie hiervoor de man pages voor de shell.</p>
+<p>Het kan handig zijn de manualpages voor X11 toe te voegen aan de lijst waarin gezocht wordt als u documentatie opvraagt. De manualpages voor X11 staan in <code>/usr/X11R6/man</code> en de <code>MANPATH</code> environment variable bevat de lijst van directories waarin naar documentatie wordt gezocht.</p>
+<h2><a NAME="prefs">Voorkeursinstellingen</a></h2>
+<p>Een aantal instellingen kan worden gewijzigd door "Voorkeuren..." te kiezen in het "XDarwin" menu. Wijzigingen van de instellingen genoemd onder "Start" gaan pas in als u XDarwin opnieuw hebt gestart. Een wijziging van de overige instellingen is direct effectief. Hier onder vindt u de verschillende mogelijkheden beschreven:</p>
+ <li><b>Gebruik systeempiep voor X11:</b> Als u dit inschakelt wordt het Mac OS X waarschuwingssignaal ook gebruikt door X11, anders gebruikt X11 een simpele pieptoon (dit is de standaardinstelling).</li>
+ <li><b>Wijzigen muis-versnelling door X11 mogelijk:</b> In een standaard X window systeem kan de window manager de muis-versnelling aanpassen. Dit kan verwarrend zijn omdat de snelheid onder X11 dan verschillend kan zijn van de snelheid die u in Mac OS X bij Systeemvoorkeuren hebt ingesteld. Om verwarring te voorkomen is de standaardinstelling dat X11 de versnelling niet kan wijzigen.</li>
+ <li><b>Meerknopsmuis emulatie:</b> Dit is hierboven beschreven bij <a HREF="#usage">Gebruik</a>. Als emulatie is ingeschakeld moet u de gekozen toetsen ingedrukt houden terwijl u met de muis klikt om de tweede en derde muisknop na te bootsen.</li>
+ <li><b>Standaard modus:</b> Hier kiest u de standaard scherm-modus: schermvullend of rootless (hierboven beschreven bij <a HREF="#usage">Gebruik</a>). U kunt ook kiezen tijdens het starten van XDarwin, zie de optie hieronder.</li>
+ <li><b>Kies scherm-modus tijdens start:</b> Dit is standaard ingeschakeld zodat u tijdens het starten van XDarwin kunt kiezen tussen schermvullend en rootless scherm-modus. Als u dit uitschakelt start XDarwin in de standaard modus zonder u iets te vragen.</li>
+ <li><b>X11 scherm nummer:</b> Met X11 kunnen meerdere schermen worden aangestuurd door verschillende X servers op dezelfde computer. Als u meerdere X servers tegelijk wilt gebruiken stelt u hier het scherm nummer in dat door XDarwin wordt gebruikt.</li>
+ <li><b>Xinerama multi-monitor ondersteuning mogelijk:</b> XDarwin ondersteunt het gebruik van meerdere monitoren met Xinerama, waarbij elke monitor wordt gezien als deel van &eacute;&eacute;n groot rechthoekig scherm. U kunt Xinerama hier uitschakelen, maar XDarwin werkt op dit moment zonder Xinerama niet goed met meerdere monitoren. Als u maar 1 monitor gebruikt is deze instelling automatisch uitgeschakeld.</li>
+ <li><b>Toetsenbordindeling-bestand:</b> Een toetsenbordindeling-bestand wordt bij het starten geladen en omgezet naar een X11 toetsenbordindeling. Voor verschillende talen vindt u toetsenbordindelingen in de directory <code>/System/Library/Keyboards</code>.</li>
+ <li><b>Bij starten eerste X11 clients:</b> Als XDarwin start, wordt <code>xinit</code> uitgevoerd om de X window manager en andere X clients te starten (zie "<code>man xinit</code>"). Voordat XDarwin <code>xinit</code> uitvoert voegt het de opgegeven directories toe aan het path. Standaard wordt alleen <code>/usr/X11R6/bin</code> toegevoegd. U kunt meerdere directories opgeven, gescheiden door een dubbelepunt. X clients worden gestart met de standaard login shell van de gebruiker met gebruik van de configuratiebestanden voor die shell. U kunt een afwijkende shell opgeven.</li>
+ <li><b>Toetscombinatie knop:</b> Klik op deze knop om de toetscombinatie te wijzigen waarmee u tussen de Mac OS X desktop en X11 schakelt. Als toetscombinatie kunt u elke combinatie gebruiken van de shift, control, command en option toetsen samen met &eacute;&eacute;n normale toets.</li>
+ <li><b>Klikken op icoon in Dock schakelt naar X11:</b> Hiermee is een klik op de XDarwin icoon in de Dock voldoende om naar X11 te schakelen. In sommige versies van Mac OS X verdwijnt soms de cursor als u deze mogelijkheid gebruikt en daarna terugkeert naar de Mac OS X desktop.</li>
+ <li><b>Toon help bij schermvullend starten:</b> Hiermee wordt een inleidend scherm getoond als XDarwin schermvullend start.</li>
+ <li><b>Kleurdiepte:</b> In de schermvullende modus kan X11 een andere kleurdiepte gebruiken dan Aqua (en de Mac OS X desktop). Als u "Huidig" kiest, neemt XDarwin bij het starten de kleurdiepte over van Aqua. U kunt ook kiezen voor 8, 15 of 24 bits.</li>
+<h2><a NAME="license">Licentie</a></h2>
+The main license for XDarwin is one based on the traditional MIT X11 / X Consortium License, which does not impose any conditions on modification or redistribution of source code or binaries other than requiring that copyright/license notices are left intact. For more information and additional copyright/licensing notices covering some sections of the code, please refer to the source code.
+<H3><A NAME="3"></A>X Consortium License</H3>
+<p>Copyright (C) 1996 X Consortium</p>
+<p>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
+limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
+sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to
+whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:</p>
+<p>The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.</p>
+<p>Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall
+not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
+other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from
+the X Consortium.</p>
+<p>X Window System is a trademark of X Consortium, Inc.</p>
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings.cpp b/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings.cpp
index 4a8467ce1..aeb210342 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings.cpp
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings.cpp
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
/* Most of these are set in the target application settings. */
/* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings.cpp,v 1.3 2002/07/17 01:24:55 torrey Exp $ */
-NSHumanReadableCopyright = __quote__XFree86 XF86_VERSION\nCopyright 2003 XFree86 Project, Inc.__quote__;
+NSHumanReadableCopyright = __quote__ X_VENDOR_NAME X_VERSION __quote__;
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib b/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
index 5aa102278..ebbfd8317 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
Binary files differ
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp b/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
index 5f18216aa..5996285ae 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
@@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
<!-- $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp,v 1.1 2001/05/21 01:42:17 torrey Exp $ -->
-#include "xf86Version.h"
-#ifndef PRE_RELEASE
-<title>XFree86 for Mac OS X</title>
+<title>XDarwin Help</title>
- <h1>XFree86 on Darwin and Mac OS X</h1>
- XFree86 XF86_VERSION<br>
- Release Date: XF86_REL_DATE
+ <h1>XDarwin X Server for Mac OS X</h1>
+ Release Date: X_REL_DATE
@@ -27,8 +22,8 @@
<h2><a NAME="notice">Important Notice</a></h2>
-This is a pre-release version of XFree86, and is not supported in any way. Bugs may be reported and patches may be submitted to the <A HREF="">XonX project page</A> at SourceForge. Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions, please check the latest version from <A HREF="">XonX</A> or in the <A HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/cvs">XFree86 CVS repository</A>.
+This is a pre-release version of XDarwin, and is not supported in any way. Bugs may be reported and patches may be submitted to the <A HREF="">XonX project page</A> at SourceForge. Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions, please check the latest version from <A HREF="">XonX</A> or the X_VENDOR_LINK.
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your hardware is newer than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting problems. Bugs may be reported and patches may be submitted to the <A HREF="">XonX project page</A> at SourceForge.
@@ -37,8 +32,7 @@ If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your hardware is newer than the a
This software is distributed under the terms of the <A HREF="#license">MIT X11 / X Consortium License</A> and is provided AS IS, with no warranty. Please read the <A HREF="#license">License</A> before using.</blockquote>
<h2><a NAME="usage">Usage</a></h2>
-<p>XFree86 is a freely redistributable open-source implementation of the <a HREF
-="">X Window System</a> produced by the <a HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/">XFree86 Project, Inc.</a> The X window server for Darwin and Mac OS X provided by XFree86 is called XDarwin. XDarwin runs on Mac OS X in full screen or rootless modes.</p>
+<p>XDarwin is a freely redistributable open-source X server for the <a HREF="">X Window System</a>. This version of XDarwin was produced by the X_VENDOR_LINK. XDarwin runs on Mac OS X in full screen or rootless modes.</p>
<p>In full screen mode, when the X window system is active, it takes over the entire screen. You can switch back to the Mac OS X desktop by holding down Command-Option-A. This key combination can be changed in the user preferences. From the Mac OS X desktop, click on the XDarwin icon in the Dock to switch back to the X window system. (You can change this behavior in the user preferences so that you must click the XDarwin icon in the floating switch window instead.)</p>
<p>In rootless mode, the X window system and Aqua share your display. The root window of the X11 display is the size of the screen and contains all the other windows. The X11 root window is not displayed in rootless mode as Aqua handles the desktop background.</p>
<h3>Multi-Button Mouse Emulation</h3>
@@ -47,7 +41,7 @@ This software is distributed under the terms of the <A HREF="#license">MIT X11 /
<h2><a NAME="path">Setting Your Path</a></h2>
<p>Your path is the list of directories to be searched for executable commands. The X11 commands are located in <code>/usr/X11R6/bin</code>, which needs to be added to your path. XDarwin does this for you by default and can also add additional directories where you have installed command line applications.</p>
<p>More experienced users will have already set their path correctly using the initialization files for their shell. In this case, you can inform XDarwin not to modify your path in the preferences. XDarwin launches the initial X11 clients in the user's default login shell. (An alternate shell can also be specified in the preferences.) The way to set the path depends on the shell you are using. This is described in the man page documentation for the shell.</p>
-<p>In addition you may also want to add the man pages from XFree86 to the list of pages to be searched when you are looking for documentation. The X11 man pages are located in <code>/usr/X11R6/man</code> and the <code>MANPATH</code> environment variable contains the list of directories to search.</p>
+<p>In addition you may also want to add the X11 man pages to the list of pages to be searched when you are looking for documentation. The X11 man pages are located in <code>/usr/X11R6/man</code> and the <code>MANPATH</code> environment variable contains the list of directories to search.</p>
<h2><a NAME="prefs">User Preferences</a></h2>
<p>A number of options may be set from the user preferences, accessible from the "Preferences..." menu item in the "XDarwin" menu. The options listed as start up options will not take effect until you have restarted XDarwin. All other options take effect immediately. The various options are described below:</p>
@@ -75,8 +69,7 @@ This software is distributed under the terms of the <A HREF="#license">MIT X11 /
<h2><a NAME="license">License</a></h2>
-The XFree86 Project is committed to providing freely redistributable binary and source releases. The main license we use is one based on the traditional MIT X11 / X Consortium License, which does not impose any conditions on modification or redistribution of source code or binaries other than requiring that copyright/license notices are left intact. For more information and additional copyright/licensing notices covering some sections of the code, please see the <A HREF="">XFree86
-License page</A>.
+The main license for XDarwin is based on the traditional MIT X11 / X Consortium License, which does not impose any conditions on modification or redistribution of source code or binaries other than requiring that copyright/license notices are left intact. For more information and additional copyright/licensing notices covering some sections of the code, please refer to the source code.
<H3><A NAME="3"></A>X Consortium License</H3>
<p>Copyright (C) 1996 X Consortium</p>
<p>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/French.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib b/hw/darwin/bundle/French.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
index ef15f00f1..109d5cc6f 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/French.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/French.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
Binary files differ
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/French.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp b/hw/darwin/bundle/French.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
index 4b23c46cd..2a14793db 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/French.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/French.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
@@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
<!-- $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp,v 1.2 2001/11/04 07:02:28 torrey Exp $ -->
-#include "xf86Version.h"
-#ifndef PRE_RELEASE
<head><META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<title>XFree86 pour Mac OS X</title>
+<title>XDarwin Help</title>
- <h1>XFree86 pour Darwin et Mac OS X</h1>
- XFree86 XF86_VERSION<br>
- Date : XF86_REL_DATE
+ <h1>XDarwin X Server pour Mac OS X</h1>
+ Date : X_REL_DATE
@@ -28,8 +23,8 @@
-Ceci est une pré-version de XFree86 et ne fait par conséquent l'objet d'aucun support client. Les bogues peuvent être signalés et des patches peuvent être soumis sur la
-<A HREF="">page du projet XonX</A> chez SourceForge. Veuillez prendre connaissance de la dernière version sur <A HREF="">XonX</A> ou sur le <A HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/cvs">répertoire CVS de XFree86</A> avant de signaler un bogue d'une pré-version.
+Ceci est une pré-version de XDarwin et ne fait par conséquent l'objet d'aucun support client. Les bogues peuvent être signalés et des patches peuvent être soumis sur la
+<A HREF="">page du projet XonX</A> chez SourceForge. Veuillez prendre connaissance de la dernière version sur <A HREF="">XonX</A> ou le X_VENDOR_LINK avant de signaler un bogue d'une pré-version.
Si le serveur date de plus de 6-12 mois ou si votre matériel est plus récent que la date indiquée ci-dessus, veuillez vous procurer une version plus récente avant de signaler toute anomalie. Les bogues peuvent être signalés et des patches peuvent être soumis sur la <A HREF="">page du projet XonX</A> chez SourceForge.
@@ -39,8 +34,8 @@ Ce logiciel est distribué sous la
<A HREF="#license">Licence du Consortium X/X11 du MIT</A> et est fourni TEL QUEL, sans garanties. Veuillez prendre connaissance de la <A HREF="#license">Licence</A> avant toute utilisation.</blockquote>
<h2><a NAME="usage">Utilisation</a></h2>
-<p>XFree86 est une implémentation libre et distribuable sans contrainte du <a HREF
-="">X Window System</a> produit par <a HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/">XFree86 Project, Inc.</a> Le serveur X window pour Darwin et Mac OS X fourni par XFree86 se nomme XDarwin. XDarwin fonctionne sous Mac OS X en mode « rootless » ou plein écran.</p>
+<p>XDarwin est une X server libre et distribuable sans contrainte du <a HREF
+="">X Window System</a>. This version of XDarwin was produced by the X_VENDOR_LINK. XDarwin fonctionne sous Mac OS X en mode « rootless » ou plein écran.</p>
<p>Lorsque le système X window est actif en mode plein écran, il prend en charge la totalité de l'écran. Il est possible de revenir sur le bureau de Mac OS X en appuyant sur Commande-Option-A. Cette combinaison de touches peut être modifiée dans les préférences. Pour revenir dans X window, cliquer sur l'icône de XDarwin dans le Dock de Mac OS X. (Un réglage des préférences permet d'effectuer cette opération en cliquant dans une fenêtre flottante au lieu de l'icône du Dock)</p>
<p>En mode « rootless », X window system et Aqua utilisent le même affichage. La fenêtre-mère de l'affichage X11 est de la taille de l'écran et contient toutes les autre fenêtres. En mode « rootless » cette fenêtre-mère n'est pas affichée car Aqua gère le fond d'écran.</p>
<h3>Émulation de souris à plusieurs boutons</h3>
@@ -49,7 +44,7 @@ Ce logiciel est distribué sous la
<h2><a NAME="path">Réglage du chemin d'accès</a></h2>
<p>Le chemin d'accès est une liste de répertoires utilisés pour la recherche d'exécutables. Les commandes X11 sont situées dans <code>/usr/X11R6/bin</code>, qui doit être ajouté à votre chemin d'accès. XDarwin fait cela par défaut, et peut également ajouter d'autres répertoires dans lesquels vous auriez installé d'autre commandes unix.</p>
<p>Les utilisateurs plus expérimentés auront déjà réglé leur chemin d'accès correctement par le biais des fichiers d'initialisation de leur shell. Dans ce cas, il est possible de demander à XDarwin de ne pas modifier le chemin d'accès initial. XDarwin lance les premiers clients X11 dans le shell d'ouverture de session par défaut. (Un shell de remplacement peut être spécifié dans les préférences.) La façon de régler le chemin d'accès dépend du shell utilisé. Ceci est documenté dans les pages "man" du shell.</p>
-<p>De plus, il est possible d'ajouter les pages "man" de XFree86 à la liste des pages recherchées pour la documentation "man". Les pages "man" X11 se trouvent dans <code>/usr/X11R6/man</code> et la variable d'environnement <code>MANPATH</code> contient la liste des répertoires dans lesquels chercher.</p>
+<p>De plus, il est possible d'ajouter les pages "man" de X11 à la liste des pages recherchées pour la documentation "man". Les pages "man" X11 se trouvent dans <code>/usr/X11R6/man</code> et la variable d'environnement <code>MANPATH</code> contient la liste des répertoires dans lesquels chercher.</p>
<h2><a NAME="prefs">Préférences</a></h2>
@@ -78,8 +73,7 @@ Ce logiciel est distribué sous la
<h2><a NAME="license">Licence</a></h2>
-The XFree86 Project is committed to providing freely redistributable binary and source releases. The main license we use is one based on the traditional MIT X11 / X Consortium License, which does not impose any conditions on modification or redistribution of source code or binaries other than requiring that copyright/license notices are left intact. For more information and additional copyright/licensing notices covering some sections of the code, please see the <A HREF="">XFree86
-License page</A>.
+The main license for XDarwin is one based on the traditional MIT X11 / X Consortium License, which does not impose any conditions on modification or redistribution of source code or binaries other than requiring that copyright/license notices are left intact. For more information and additional copyright/licensing notices covering some sections of the code, please refer to the source code.
<H3><A NAME="3"></A>X Consortium License</H3>
<p>Copyright (C) 1996 X Consortium</p>
<p>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/German.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib b/hw/darwin/bundle/German.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
index d3e7c5d57..28fff8920 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/German.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/German.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
Binary files differ
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/German.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp b/hw/darwin/bundle/German.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
index f7b6e96ae..5996285ae 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/German.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/German.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
@@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
<!-- $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp,v 1.1 2001/05/21 01:42:17 torrey Exp $ -->
-#include "xf86Version.h"
-#ifndef PRE_RELEASE
-<title>XFree86 for Mac OS X</title>
+<title>XDarwin Help</title>
- <h1>XFree86 on Darwin and Mac OS X</h1>
- XFree86 XF86_VERSION<br>
- Release Date: XF86_REL_DATE
+ <h1>XDarwin X Server for Mac OS X</h1>
+ Release Date: X_REL_DATE
@@ -27,43 +22,54 @@
<h2><a NAME="notice">Important Notice</a></h2>
-This is a pre-release version of XFree86, and is not supported in any way. Bugs may be reported and patches may be submitted to the <A HREF="">XonX project page</A> at SourceForge. Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions, please check the latest version from <A HREF="">XonX</A> or in the <A HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/cvs">XFree86 CVS repository</A>.
+This is a pre-release version of XDarwin, and is not supported in any way. Bugs may be reported and patches may be submitted to the <A HREF="">XonX project page</A> at SourceForge. Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions, please check the latest version from <A HREF="">XonX</A> or the X_VENDOR_LINK.
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your hardware is newer than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting problems. Bugs may be reported and patches may be submitted to the <A HREF="">XonX project page</A> at SourceForge.
This software is distributed under the terms of the <A HREF="#license">MIT X11 / X Consortium License</A> and is provided AS IS, with no warranty. Please read the <A HREF="#license">License</A> before using.</blockquote>
<h2><a NAME="usage">Usage</a></h2>
-<p>XFree86 is a freely redistributable open-source implementation of the <a HREF
-="">X Window System</a> produced by the <a HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/">XFree86 Project, Inc.</a> XFree86 runs on Mac OS X in full screen mode. When the X window system is active, it takes over the entire screen. You can switch back to the Mac OS X desktop by holding down Command-Option-A. This key combination can be changed in the user preferences. From the Mac OS X desktop, just click on the XDarwin icon in the floating switch window to switch back to the X window system. You can change this behavior in the user preferences so that clicking on the XDarwin icon in the Dock switches as well.</p>
+<p>XDarwin is a freely redistributable open-source X server for the <a HREF="">X Window System</a>. This version of XDarwin was produced by the X_VENDOR_LINK. XDarwin runs on Mac OS X in full screen or rootless modes.</p>
+<p>In full screen mode, when the X window system is active, it takes over the entire screen. You can switch back to the Mac OS X desktop by holding down Command-Option-A. This key combination can be changed in the user preferences. From the Mac OS X desktop, click on the XDarwin icon in the Dock to switch back to the X window system. (You can change this behavior in the user preferences so that you must click the XDarwin icon in the floating switch window instead.)</p>
+<p>In rootless mode, the X window system and Aqua share your display. The root window of the X11 display is the size of the screen and contains all the other windows. The X11 root window is not displayed in rootless mode as Aqua handles the desktop background.</p>
<h3>Multi-Button Mouse Emulation</h3>
-<p>Many X11 applications rely on the use of a 3-button mouse. To emulate a 3-button mouse with a single button, select "Enable emulation of multiple mouse buttons" in the Preferences. When emulating a 3-button mouse, holding down the left command key and clicking the mouse button will simulate clicking the second mouse button. Holding down the left option key and clicking will simulate the third button.</p>
- <li>With most keyboards the left and right command and option keys are not differentiated so either will work.
- <li>Even with command and/or option keys mapped to some other key with xmodmap, you still must use the original command and option keys for multibutton mouse emulation.
- <li>The only way to simulate holding down the left command key and clicking the second mouse button is to map some other key to be the left command key. The same is true for simulating holding down the left option key and clicking the third mouse button.
+<p>Many X11 applications rely on the use of a 3-button mouse. You can emulate a 3-button mouse with a single button by holding down various modifier keys while you click the mouse button. This is controlled by settings in the "Multi-Button Mouse Emulation" section of the "General" preferences. By default, emulation is on and holding down the command key and clicking the mouse button will simulate clicking the second mouse button. Holding down the option key and clicking will simulate the third button. You can change to any combination of modifiers to emulate buttons two and three in the preferences. Note, even if the modifiers keys are mapped to some other key with xmodmap, you still must use the actual keys specified in the preferences for multi-button mouse emulation.</p>
<h2><a NAME="path">Setting Your Path</a></h2>
-<p>The X11 binaries are located in /usr/X11R6/bin, which you may need to add to your path. Your path is the list of directories to be searched for executable commands. The way to do this depends on the shell you are using. The following directions are for tcsh, which is the default shell on Darwin and Mac OS X.</p>
-<p>You can check your path by typing "printenv PATH". You should see /usr/X11R6/bin listed as one of the directories. If not, you should add it to your default path. To do so, you can add the following line to the file ~/Library/init/tcsh/path: (You may need to create this file and directory path if it does not exist already.)</p>
-<blockquote>setenv PATH "${PATH}:/usr/X11R6/bin"</blockquote>
-<p>Note that if you have created a .cshrc or .tcshrc file, these files will override your settings in ~/Library/init/tcsh/ and you will need to change one of these files instead. These changes will not take effect until you open a new Terminal window. You may also want to add the man pages from XFree86 to the list of pages to be searched when you are looking for documentation. The X11 man pages are located in /usr/X11R6/man and the MANPATH environment variable contains the list of directories to search.</p>
+<p>Your path is the list of directories to be searched for executable commands. The X11 commands are located in <code>/usr/X11R6/bin</code>, which needs to be added to your path. XDarwin does this for you by default and can also add additional directories where you have installed command line applications.</p>
+<p>More experienced users will have already set their path correctly using the initialization files for their shell. In this case, you can inform XDarwin not to modify your path in the preferences. XDarwin launches the initial X11 clients in the user's default login shell. (An alternate shell can also be specified in the preferences.) The way to set the path depends on the shell you are using. This is described in the man page documentation for the shell.</p>
+<p>In addition you may also want to add the X11 man pages to the list of pages to be searched when you are looking for documentation. The X11 man pages are located in <code>/usr/X11R6/man</code> and the <code>MANPATH</code> environment variable contains the list of directories to search.</p>
<h2><a NAME="prefs">User Preferences</a></h2>
-<p>A number of options may be set from the user preferences, accessible from the "Preferences..." menu item in the "XDarwin" menu. The options listed under Startup Options will not take effect until you have restarted XDarwin. All other options take effect immediately. The various options are described below:</p>
+<p>A number of options may be set from the user preferences, accessible from the "Preferences..." menu item in the "XDarwin" menu. The options listed as start up options will not take effect until you have restarted XDarwin. All other options take effect immediately. The various options are described below:</p>
+ <li><b>Use System beep for X11:</b> When enabled the standard Mac OS X alert sound is used as the X11 bell. When disabled (default) a simple tone is used.</li>
+ <li><b>Allow X11 to change mouse acceleration:</b> In a standard X window system implementation, the window manager can change the mouse acceleration. This can lead to confusion as the mouse acceleration may be set to different values by the Mac OS X System Preferences and the X window manager. By default, X11 is not allowed to change the mouse acceleration to avoid this problem.</li>
+ <li><b>Multi-Button Mouse Emulation:</b> This is described above under <a HREF="#usage">Usage</a>. When emulation is enabled the selected modifiers must be held down when the mouse button is pushed to emulate the second or third mouse buttons.</li>
+<h3>Start Up</h3>
- <li>Key combination button: Click this button and then press any number of modifiers followed by a standard key to change the key combination to switch between Aqua and X11.</li>
- <li>Use System beep for X11: When enabled the standard Mac OS X alert sound is used as X11 bell. When disabled (default) a simple tone is used.</li>
- <li>Click on icon in Dock switches to X11: Enable this to activate switching to X11 by clicking on the XDarwin icon in the Dock. On some versions of Mac OS X, switching by clicking in the Dock can cause the cursor to disappear on returning to Aqua.</li>
- <li>Show help on startup: This will show the introductory splash screen when XDarwin is launched.</li>
- <li>Display number: This sets what X display number XDarwin should assign to the display. Note that XDarwin always takes over the main display when showing X11.</li>
- <li>Keymapping: By default, XDarwin loads the keymapping from the Darwin kernel on startup. On portables, this keymapping is sometimes empty so that the keyboard will appear to be dead in X11. If "Load from file" is selected, XDarwin will load the keymapping from the specified file instead.</li>
+ <li><b>Default Mode:</b> If the user does not indicate whether to run in full screen or rootless mode, the mode specified here will be used.</li>
+ <li><b>Show mode pick panel on startup:</b> By default, a panel is displayed when XDarwin is started to allow the user to choose between full screen or rootless mode. If this option is turned off, the default mode will be started automatically.</li>
+ <li><b>X11 Display number:</b> X11 allows there to be multiple displays managed by separate X servers on a single computer. The user may specify an integer display number for XDarwin to use if more than one X server is going to be run simultaneously.</li>
+ <li><b>Allow Xinerama multiple monitor support:</b> XDarwin supports multiple monitors with Xinerama, which treats all monitors as being part of one large rectangular screen. You can disable Xinerama with this option, but currently XDarwin does not handle multiple monitors correctly without it. If you only have a single monitor, Xinerama is automatically disabled.</li>
+ <li><b>Keymapping File:</b> A keymapping file is read at startup and translated to an X11 keymap. Keymapping files, available for a wide variety of languages, are found in <code>/System/Library/Keyboards</code>.</li>
+ <li><b>Starting First X11 Clients:</b> When XDarwin is started from the Finder, it will run <code>xinit</code> to launch the X window manager and other X clients. (See "<code>man xinit</code>" for more information.) Before XDarwin runs <code>xinit</code> it will add the specified directories to the user's path. By default only <code>/usr/X11R6/bin</code> is added. Additional directories may added, separated by a colon. The X clients are started in the user's default login shell so that the user's shell initialization files are read. If desired, an alternate shell may be specified.</li>
+<h3>Full Screen</h3>
+ <li><b>Key combination button:</b> Click this button and then press any number of modifiers followed by a standard key to change the key combination to switch between Aqua and X11.</li>
+ <li><b>Click on icon in Dock switches to X11:</b> Enable this to activate switching to X11 by clicking on the XDarwin icon in the Dock. On some versions of Mac OS X, switching by clicking in the Dock can cause the cursor to disappear on returning to Aqua.</li>
+ <li><b>Show help on startup:</b> This will show an introductory splash screen when XDarwin is started in full screen mode.</li>
+ <li><b>Color bit depth:</b> In full screen mode, the X11 display can use a different color bit depth than is used by Aqua. If "Current" is specified, the depth used by Aqua when XDarwin starts will be used. Otherwise 8, 15, or 24 bits may be specified.</li>
<h2><a NAME="license">License</a></h2>
-The XFree86 Project is committed to providing freely redistributable binary and source releases. The main license we use is one based on the traditional MIT X11 / X Consortium License, which doesn't impose any conditions on modification or redistribution of source code or binaries other than requiring that copyright/license notices are left intact. For more information and additional copyright/licensing notices covering some sections of the code, please see the <A HREF="">XFree86
-License page</A>.
+The main license for XDarwin is based on the traditional MIT X11 / X Consortium License, which does not impose any conditions on modification or redistribution of source code or binaries other than requiring that copyright/license notices are left intact. For more information and additional copyright/licensing notices covering some sections of the code, please refer to the source code.
<H3><A NAME="3"></A>X Consortium License</H3>
<p>Copyright (C) 1996 X Consortium</p>
<p>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/Japanese.lproj/Credits.rtf b/hw/darwin/bundle/Japanese.lproj/Credits.rtf
index eb721fc63..cf9eae207 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/Japanese.lproj/Credits.rtf
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/Japanese.lproj/Credits.rtf
@@ -1,185 +1,193 @@
-{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;\f1\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Bold;\f2\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Oblique;
-\f3\fnil\fcharset78 HiraKakuPro-W3;}
+{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset78 HiraKakuPro-W3;\f1\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;\f2\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Bold;
+\f3\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Oblique;}
-\f0\fs24 \cf0 This product includes software developed by The XFree86 Project, Inc ( and its contributors. The following people contributed to Darwin/Mac OS X support.\
+\f0\fs24 \cf0 \'82\'b1\'82\'cc\'90\'bb\'95\'69\'82\'cd
+\f1 XFree86
+\f0 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67
+\f1 (
+\f0 \'82\'a8\'82\'e6\'82\'d1\'82\'bb\'82\'cc\'8d\'76\'8c\'a3\'8e\'d2\'82\'c9\'82\'e6\'82\'c1\'82\'c4\'8a\'4a\'94\'ad\'82\'b3\'82\'ea\'82\'bd\'83\'5c\'83\'74\'83\'67\'83\'45\'83\'46\'83\'41\'82\'f0\'8a\'dc\'82\'f1\'82\'c5\'82\'a2\'82\'dc\'82\'b7\'81\'42\'8e\'9f\'82\'cc\'90\'6c\'81\'58\'82\'cd Darwin
+\f1 /Mac OS X
+\f0 \'82\'cc\'83\'54\'83\'7c\'81\'5b\'83\'67\'82\'c9\'8d\'76\'8c\'a3\'82\'b5\'82\'dc\'82\'b5\'82\'bd\'81\'42
+\f1 \
-\f1\b \cf0 Contributors to Xorg Foundation Release:
-\f0\b0 \
+\f2\b \cf0 Contributors to Xorg Foundation Release:
+\f1\b0 \
\cf0 Kaleb KEITHLEY\
-\f2\i Working left and right Ctrl, Alt (Option), Meta (Command) and Shift keys.
-\f0\i0 \
+\f0 \'8d\'b6\'89\'45\'82\'cc Ctrl,Alt(Option),Meta(Command) \'82\'a8\'82\'e6\'82\'d1 Shift \'83\'4c\'81\'5b\'82\'cc\'93\'ae\'8d\'ec
+\f1 \
-\f1\b \cf0 \
-\f1\b \cf0 Contributors to XFree86 4.4:
-\f0\b0 \
+\f2\b \cf0 \
+\cf0 Contributors to XFree86 4.4:
+\f1\b0 \
\cf0 John Harper
-\f2\i \
+\f3\i \
-\f3\i0 \cf0 \'83\'8b\'81\'5b\'83\'67\'83\'8c\'83\'58 \'83\'41\'83\'4e\'83\'5a\'83\'89\'83\'8c\'81\'5b\'83\'56\'83\'87\'83\'93 \'82\'a8\'82\'e6\'82\'d1 Apple-WM \'8a\'67\'92\'a3
-\f0 \
+\f0\i0 \cf0 \'83\'8b\'81\'5b\'83\'67\'83\'8c\'83\'58 \'83\'41\'83\'4e\'83\'5a\'83\'89\'83\'8c\'81\'5b\'83\'56\'83\'87\'83\'93 \'82\'a8\'82\'e6\'82\'d1 Apple-WM \'8a\'67\'92\'a3
+\f1 \
Torrey T. Lyons\
-\f3 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67 \'83\'8a\'81\'5b\'83\'5f\'81\'5b\
+\f0 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67 \'83\'8a\'81\'5b\'83\'5f\'81\'5b\
-\f1\b \cf0 \
+\f2\b \cf0 \
\cf0 Additional XonX Contributors to XFree86 4.3:
-\f0\b0 \
+\f1\b0 \
\cf0 Fabr\'92cio Luis de Castro\
-\f3 \'83\'7c\'83\'8b\'83\'67\'83\'4b\'83\'8b\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
-\f0 \
+\f0 \'83\'7c\'83\'8b\'83\'67\'83\'4b\'83\'8b\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
+\f1 \
Michael Oland\
-\f3 \'90\'56\'82\'b5\'82\'a2
-\f0 XDarwin
-\f3 \'83\'41\'83\'43\'83\'52\'83\'93
-\f0 \
+\f0 \'90\'56\'82\'b5\'82\'a2
+\f1 XDarwin
+\f0 \'83\'41\'83\'43\'83\'52\'83\'93
+\f1 \
-\f1\b \cf0 \
+\f2\b \cf0 \
\cf0 XonX Contributors to XFree86 4.2:
-\f0\b0 \
+\f1\b0 \
\cf0 Rob Braun\
Darwin x86
-\f3\i0 \'83\'54\'83\'7c\'81\'5b\'83\'67
-\f0 \
+\f0\i0 \'83\'54\'83\'7c\'81\'5b\'83\'67
+\f1 \
Pablo Di Noto\
-\f3\i0 \'83\'58\'83\'79\'83\'43\'83\'93\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
-\f0 \
+\f0\i0 \'83\'58\'83\'79\'83\'43\'83\'93\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
+\f1 \
Paul Edens\
-\f3\i0 \'83\'49\'83\'89\'83\'93\'83\'5f\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
-\f0 \
+\f0\i0 \'83\'49\'83\'89\'83\'93\'83\'5f\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
+\f1 \
Kyunghwan Kim\
-\f3\i0 \'8a\'d8\'8d\'91\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
-\f0 \
+\f0\i0 \'8a\'d8\'8d\'91\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
+\f1 \
Mario Klebsch\
-\f3 \'94\'f1US\'83\'4c\'81\'5b\'83\'7b\'81\'5b\'83\'68 \'83\'54\'83\'7c\'81\'5b\'83\'67
-\f0 \
+\f0 \'94\'f1US\'83\'4c\'81\'5b\'83\'7b\'81\'5b\'83\'68 \'83\'54\'83\'7c\'81\'5b\'83\'67
+\f1 \
Torrey T. Lyons\
-\f3 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67 \'83\'8a\'81\'5b\'83\'5f\'81\'5b
-\f0 \
+\f0 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67 \'83\'8a\'81\'5b\'83\'5f\'81\'5b
+\f1 \
Andreas Monitzer\
-\f3 \'83\'68\'83\'43\'83\'63\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
-\f0 \
+\f0 \'83\'68\'83\'43\'83\'63\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
+\f1 \
Patrik Montgomery\
-\f3\i0 \'83\'58\'83\'45\'83\'46\'81\'5b\'83\'66\'83\'93\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
-\f0 \
+\f0\i0 \'83\'58\'83\'45\'83\'46\'81\'5b\'83\'66\'83\'93\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
+\f1 \
Greg Parker\
-\f3 \'83\'8b\'81\'5b\'83\'67\'83\'8c\'83\'58 \'83\'54\'83\'7c\'81\'5b\'83\'67
-\f0 \
+\f0 \'83\'8b\'81\'5b\'83\'67\'83\'8c\'83\'58 \'83\'54\'83\'7c\'81\'5b\'83\'67
+\f1 \
-\f3 \cf0 \'93\'63\'92\'86 \'8f\'72\'8c\'f5
-\f0 \
+\f0 \cf0 \'93\'63\'92\'86 \'8f\'72\'8c\'f5
+\f1 \
-\f3 \'93\'fa\'96\'7b\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
-\f0 \
+\f0 \'93\'fa\'96\'7b\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
+\f1 \
Olivier Verdier\
-\f2\i \cf0
-\f3\i0 \'83\'74\'83\'89\'83\'93\'83\'58\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
-\f0 \
+\f3\i \cf0
+\f0\i0 \'83\'74\'83\'89\'83\'93\'83\'58\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
+\f1 \
-\f1\b \cf0 \
+\f2\b \cf0 \
\cf0 Special Thanks:
-\f0\b0 \
+\f1\b0 \
\cf0 Devin Poolman and Zero G Software, Inc.\
-\f3\i0 \'83\'43\'83\'93\'83\'58\'83\'67\'81\'5b\'83\'89
-\f0 \
+\f0\i0 \'83\'43\'83\'93\'83\'58\'83\'67\'81\'5b\'83\'89
+\f1 \
-\f1\b \cf0 \
+\f2\b \cf0 \
\cf0 XonX Team Members\
Contributing to XFree86 4.1:
-\f0\b0 \
+\f1\b0 \
\cf0 Rob Braun\
Darwin x86
-\f3 \'83\'54\'83\'7c\'81\'5b\'83\'67
-\f0 \
+\f0 \'83\'54\'83\'7c\'81\'5b\'83\'67
+\f1 \
Torrey T. Lyons\
-\f3 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67 \'83\'8a\'81\'5b\'83\'5f\'81\'5b
-\f0 \
+\f0 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67 \'83\'8a\'81\'5b\'83\'5f\'81\'5b
+\f1 \
Andreas Monitzer\
-\f3 \'94\'c5 XDarwin \'83\'74\'83\'8d\'83\'93\'83\'67\'83\'47\'83\'93\'83\'68
-\f0 \
+\f0 \'94\'c5 XDarwin \'83\'74\'83\'8d\'83\'93\'83\'67\'83\'47\'83\'93\'83\'68
+\f1 \
Greg Parker\
-\f3 \'8d\'c5\'8f\'89\'82\'cc Quartz \'83\'43\'83\'93\'83\'76\'83\'8a\'83\'81\'83\'93\'83\'67
-\f0 \
+\f0 \'8d\'c5\'8f\'89\'82\'cc Quartz \'83\'43\'83\'93\'83\'76\'83\'8a\'83\'81\'83\'93\'83\'67
+\f1 \
Christoph Pfisterer\
-\f3 \'8b\'a4\'97\'4c\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'75\'83\'89\'83\'8a
-\f0 \
+\f0 \'8b\'a4\'97\'4c\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'75\'83\'89\'83\'8a
+\f1 \
-\f3 \cf0 \'93\'63\'92\'86 \'8f\'72\'8c\'f5
-\f0 \
+\f0 \cf0 \'93\'63\'92\'86 \'8f\'72\'8c\'f5
+\f1 \
-\f3 \'93\'fa\'96\'7b\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
-\f0 \
+\f0 \'93\'fa\'96\'7b\'8c\'ea\'83\'8d\'81\'5b\'83\'4a\'83\'89\'83\'43\'83\'59
+\f1 \
-\f1\b \cf0 Special Thanks:
-\f0\b0 \
+\f2\b \cf0 Special Thanks:
+\f1\b0 \
\cf0 Tiago Ribeiro\
-\f3 \'83\'41\'83\'43\'83\'52\'83\'93
-\f0 \
+\f0 \'83\'41\'83\'43\'83\'52\'83\'93
+\f1 \
-\f1\b \cf0 History:
-\f0\b0 \
+\f2\b \cf0 History:
+\f1\b0 \
\cf0 John Carmack\
-\f3 XFree86 \'82\'cc Mac OS X Server \'82\'d6\'82\'cc\'8d\'c5\'8f\'89\'82\'cc\'88\'da\'90\'41
-\f0 \
+\f0 XFree86 \'82\'cc Mac OS X Server \'82\'d6\'82\'cc\'8d\'c5\'8f\'89\'82\'cc\'88\'da\'90\'41
+\f1 \
Dave Zarzycki\
XFree86 4.0
-\f3 \'82\'f0 Darwin 1.0 \'82\'c9\'88\'da\'90\'41
-\f0 \
+\f0 \'82\'f0 Darwin 1.0 \'82\'c9\'88\'da\'90\'41
+\f1 \
Torrey T. Lyons\
XFree86 4.0.2
-\f3 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67\'82\'d6\'82\'cc\'93\'9d\'8d\'87} \ No newline at end of file
+\f0 \'83\'76\'83\'8d\'83\'57\'83\'46\'83\'4e\'83\'67\'82\'d6\'82\'cc\'93\'9d\'8d\'87} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/Japanese.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib b/hw/darwin/bundle/Japanese.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
index fbfb4dd42..357002706 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/Japanese.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/Japanese.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
Binary files differ
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/Japanese.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp b/hw/darwin/bundle/Japanese.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
index 3e0677056..6653f5bea 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/Japanese.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/Japanese.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
@@ -1,149 +1,141 @@
-<!-- $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/bundle/Japanese.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp,v 1.4 2001/11/27 07:27:46 torrey Exp $ -->
-#include "xf86Version.h"
-#ifndef PRE_RELEASE
-<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=EUC-JP">
-XFree86 for Mac OS X</title></head>
- <h1>XFree86 on Darwin and Mac OS X</h1>
- XFree86 XF86_VERSION<br>
- Release Date: XF86_REL_DATE
- <li><A HREF="#notice">Ãí°Õ»ö¹à</A></li>
- <li><A HREF="#usage">»ÈÍÑË¡</A></li>
- <li><A HREF="#path">¥Ñ¥¹¤ÎÀßÄê</A></li>
- <li><A HREF="#prefs">´Ä¶­ÀßÄê</A></li>
- <li><A HREF="#license">¥é¥¤¥»¥ó¥¹</A></li>
- <h2><a NAME="notice">Ãí°Õ»ö¹à</a></h2>
-¤³¤ì¤Ï¡¤XFree86 ¤Î¥×¥ì¥ê¥ê¡¼¥¹¥Ð¡¼¥¸¥ç¥ó¤Ç¤¢¤ê¡¤¤¤¤«¤Ê¤ë¾ì¹ç¤Ë¤ª¤¤¤Æ¤â¥µ¥Ý¡¼¥È¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£
-¥Ð¥°¤ÎÊó¹ð¤ä¥Ñ¥Ã¥Á¤¬ SourceForge ¤Î <A HREF="">XonX ¥×¥í¥¸¥§¥¯¥È¥Ú¡¼¥¸</A>¤ËÄó½Ð¤µ¤ì¤Æ¤¤¤ë¤«¤â¤·¤ì¤Þ¤»¤ó¡£
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-ËÜ¥½¥Õ¥È¥¦¥§¥¢¤Ï¡¤<A HREF="#license">MIT X11/X Consortium License</A> ¤Î¾ò·ï¤Ë´ð¤Å¤­¡¤ÌµÊݾڤǡ¤¡Ö¤½¤Î¤Þ¤Þ¡×¤Î·Á¤Ç¶¡µë¤µ¤ì¤Þ¤¹¡£
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-<h2><a NAME="usage">»ÈÍÑË¡</a></h2>
-<p>XFree86 ¤Ï¡¤<a HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/">XFree86 Project, Inc.</a>¤Ë¤è¤Ã¤ÆºîÀ®¤µ¤ì¤¿¡¤ºÆÇÛÉÛ²Äǽ¤Ê¥ª¡¼¥×¥ó¥½¡¼¥¹¤Î <a HREF="">X Window System</a> ¤Î¼ÂÁõ¤Ç¤¹¡£
-XFree86 ¤Ë¤è¤Ã¤ÆÄ󶡤µ¤ì¤ë Darwin ¤È Mac OS X ¤Î¤¿¤á¤Î X Window ¥µ¡¼¥Ð¡¼¤ò XDarwin ¤È¸Æ¤Ó¤Þ¤¹¡£
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-<p>¥Õ¥ë¥¹¥¯¥ê¡¼¥ó¥â¡¼¥É¤Ç¤Ï¡¤X Window System ¤¬¥¢¥¯¥Æ¥£¥Ö¤Ê»þ¡¤¤½¤ì¤ÏÁ´²èÌ̤òÀêÍ­¤·¤Þ¤¹¡£
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-<p>¥ë¡¼¥È¥ì¥¹¥â¡¼¥É¤Ç¤Ï¡¤X Window System ¤È Aqua ¤Ï²èÌ̤ò¶¦Í­¤·¤Þ¤¹¡£
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+<a NAME="license">¥é¥¤¥»¥ó¥¹</a>
+XDarwin ¤Î¼çÍפʥ饤¥»¥ó¥¹¤ÏÅÁÅýŪ¤Ê MIT X11/X Consortium License ¤Ë´ð¤Å¤­¤Þ¤¹¡£
+<A NAME="3"></A>
+X Consortium License</H3>
+<p>Copyright (C) 1996 X Consortium</p>
+<p>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
+to deal in the Software without restriction, including without
+limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
+sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to
+whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:</p>
+<p>The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.</p>
+<p>Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Consortium shall
+not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
+other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from
+the X Consortium.</p>
+<p>X Window System is a trademark of X Consortium, Inc.</p>
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/Portuguese.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib b/hw/darwin/bundle/Portuguese.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
index 4b7736a12..9cb67cf89 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/Portuguese.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/Portuguese.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
Binary files differ
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/Portuguese.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp b/hw/darwin/bundle/Portuguese.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
index 573f84c50..7ef1ba5d8 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/Portuguese.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/Portuguese.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
@@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
<!-- $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp,v 1.2 2001/11/04 07:02:28 torrey Exp $ --><html><body>
-#include "xf86Version.h"
-#ifndef PRE_RELEASE
-<title>XFree86 para Mac OS X</title>
+<title>XDarwin Help</title>
- <h1>XFree86 para Darwin e Mac OS X</h1>
- XFree86 XF86_VERSION<br>
- Release Date: XF86_REL_DATE
+ <h1>XDarwin X Server para Mac OS X</h1>
+ Release Date: X_REL_DATE
@@ -28,29 +22,32 @@
<h2><a NAME="notice">Notas importantes</a></h2>
-<blockquote> #if PRE_RELEASE Essa &eacute; uma vers&atilde;o pr&eacute;-lancamento
- do XFree86, e ela n&atilde;o &eacute; suportada de nenhuma forma. Bugs podem
+ Essa &eacute; uma vers&atilde;o pr&eacute;-lancamento
+ do XDarwin, e ela n&atilde;o &eacute; suportada de nenhuma forma. Bugs podem
ser reportados e corre&ccedil;&otilde;es podem ser enviadas para <A HREF="">P&aacute;gina
do projeto XonX</A> no SourceForge. Antes de informar bugs em vers&otilde;es
pr&eacute;-lancamento, por favor verifique a þltima vers&atilde;o em <A HREF="">XonX</A>
- or no <A HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/cvs">Reposit&oacute;rio CVS do XFree86</A>.
- #else Se o servidor &eacute; mais velho que 6-12 semanas, ou seu hardware &eacute;
+Se o servidor &eacute; mais velho que 6-12 semanas, ou seu hardware &eacute;
mais novo que a data acima, procure por uma nova vers&atilde;o antes de informar
problemas. Bugs podem ser reportados e corre&ccedil;&otilde;es podem ser enviadas
para a <A HREF="">P&aacute;gina do projeto
- XonX</A> na SourceForge. #endif </blockquote>
+ XonX</A> na SourceForge.
<blockquote> Este software &eacute; distribu&iacute;do sob os termos da <a href="#license">licen&ccedil;a
MIT X11 / X Consortium</a> e &eacute; provido, sem nenhuma garantia. Por favor
leia a <a href="#license">Licen&ccedil;a</a> antes de come&ccedil;ar a usar
o programa.</blockquote>
<h2><a NAME="usage">Uso</a></h2>
-<p>O XFree86 &eacute; uma aplica&ccedil;&atilde;o &quot;open-source&quot; livremente
+<p>O XDarwin &eacute; uma X server &quot;open-source&quot; livremente
redistribu&iacute;da do <a HREF
-="">Sistema X Window</a> produzido pelo <a HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/">XFree86
- Project, Inc.</a> O servidor X window para o Darwin e Mac OS X provido pelo
- XFree86 &eacute; chamado XDarwin. XDarwin roda sobre Mac OS X no modo Tela Cheia
- ou no modo Compartilhado.</p>
+="">Sistema X Window</a>. This version of XDarwin was produced by the X_VENDOR_LINK.
+ XDarwin roda sobre Mac OS X no modo Tela Cheia ou no modo Compartilhado.</p>
<p>No modo Tela Cheia, quando o sistema X window est&aacute; ativo, ele ocupa
a tela toda. Voc&ecirc; pode voltar ao desktop do Mac OS X clicando Command-Option-A.
Essa combina&ccedil;&atilde;o de teclas pode ser mudada nas prefer&ecirc;ncias.
@@ -90,7 +87,7 @@
do usu&aacute;rio corrente. (Um shell alternativo pode ser tamb&eacute;m expecificado
nas prefer&ecirc;ncias.) O modo para ajustar o path depende do shell que voc&ecirc;
est&aacute; usando. Isto &eacute; descrito na man page do seu shell.</p>
-<p>Voc&ecirc; pode tamb&eacute;m querer adicionar as man pages do XFree86 para
+<p>Voc&ecirc; pode tamb&eacute;m querer adicionar as man pages do X11 para
a lista de p&aacute;ginas a serem procuradas quando voc&ecirc; est&aacute; procurando
por documenta&ccedil;&atilde;o. As man pages do X11 est&atilde;o localizadas
em <code>/usr/X11R6/man</code> e a vari&aacute;vel de ambiente <code>MANPATH</code>
@@ -178,15 +175,13 @@
<h2><a NAME="license">Licen&ccedil;a</a></h2>
-<p>O projeto XFree86 &eacute; designado a prover e a ser livremente redistribu&iacute;do
- as vers&otilde;es bin&aacute;rias e souce (c&oacute;digo-fonte). A licen&ccedil;a
- principal n&oacute;s usamos uma baseada na licen&ccedil;a tradicional MIT X11
+<p>A licen&ccedil;a
+ principal n&oacute;s por XDarwin baseada na licen&ccedil;a tradicional MIT X11
/ X Consortium, que n&atilde;o imp&otilde;e nenhuma condi&ccedil;&atilde;o sobre
modifica&ccedil;&otilde;es ou redistribui&ccedil;&atilde;o do c&oacute;digo-fonte
ou dos bin&aacute;rios desde que o copyright/licen&ccedil;a sejam mantidos intactos.
Para mais informa&ccedil;&otilde;es e not&iacute;cias adicionais de copyright/licensing
- em algumas se&ccedil;&atilde;o do c&oacute;digo, por favor visite a <a href="">p&aacute;gina
- de licen&ccedil;as do XFree86</a>.</p>
+ em algumas se&ccedil;&atilde;o do c&oacute;digo, por favor refer to the source code.</p>
<H3><A NAME="3"></A>Licen&ccedil;a do X Consortium</H3>
<p>Copyright (C) 1996 X Consortium</p>
<p>Permiss&otilde;es s&atilde;o em virtude garantidas, livre de mudan&ccedil;as,
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/Spanish.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib b/hw/darwin/bundle/Spanish.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
index 83647d675..2df75ee0c 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/Spanish.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/Spanish.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
Binary files differ
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/Spanish.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp b/hw/darwin/bundle/Spanish.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
index 315f647c9..5cd27862d 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/Spanish.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/Spanish.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
@@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
<!-- $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp,v 1.2 2001/11/04 07:02:28 torrey Exp $ -->
-#include "xf86Version.h"
-#ifndef PRE_RELEASE
-<title>XFree86 para Mac OS X</title>
+<title>XDarwin Ayuda</title>
- <h1>XFree86 en Darwin y Mac OS X</h1>
- XFree86 XF86_VERSION<br>
- Fecha de release: XF86_REL_DATE
+ <h1>XDarwin X Server for Mac OS X</h1>
+ Fecha de release: X_REL_DATE
@@ -28,7 +23,7 @@
-Esta es una versi&oacuten pre-release de XFree86, y no tiene ning&uacuten soporte. Patches y reportes de error pueden ser enviados a la <A HREF="">p&aacutegina del proyecto XonX</A> en SourceForge. Antes de reportar errores en versiones pre-release, por favor verifique la ultima versi&oacuten en <A HREF="">XonX</A> o bien en el <A HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/cvs">repositorio CVS de XFree86</A>.
+Esta es una versi&oacuten pre-release de XDarwin, y no tiene ning&uacuten soporte. Patches y reportes de error pueden ser enviados a la <A HREF="">p&aacutegina del proyecto XonX</A> en SourceForge. Antes de reportar errores en versiones pre-release, por favor verifique la ultima versi&oacuten en <A HREF="">XonX</A> o bien el X_VENDOR_LINK.
Si el server el m&aacutes antiguo que 6 a 12 meses, o si su hardware es posterior a la fecha indicada m&aacutes arriba, por favor verifique la &uacuteltima versi&oacuten antes de reportar problemas. Patches y reportes de error pueden ser enviados a la <A HREF="">p&aacutegina del proyecto XonX</A> en SourceForge.
@@ -37,8 +32,8 @@ Si el server el m&aacutes antiguo que 6 a 12 meses, o si su hardware es posterio
Este software es distribuido bajo los t&eacuterminos de la <A HREF="#license">Licencia MIT X11 / X Consortium</A> y es provisto sin garant&iacutea alguna y en el estado en que se encuentra. Por favor lea la <A HREF="#license">Licencia</A> antes de utilizarlo.</blockquote>
<h2><a NAME="usage">Modo de uso</a></h2>
-<p>XFree86 es una implementaci&oacuten open-source de distribuci&oacuten libre del <a HREF
-="">X Window System</a> producido por <a HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/">XFree86 Project, Inc.</a> El window server para Darwin y Mac OS X provisto por XFree86 se llama XDarwin. XDarwin funciona en Mac OS X en modo pantalla completa o en modo rootless (integrado al escritorio).</p>
+<p>XDarwin es una X server open-source de distribuci&oacuten libre del <a HREF
+="">X Window System</a>. This version of XDarwin was produced by the X_VENDOR_LINK. XDarwin funciona en Mac OS X en modo pantalla completa o en modo rootless (integrado al escritorio).</p>
<p>En modo pantalla completa, el X window system toma control total de la pantalla mientras esta activo. Presionando Command-Option-A puede regresar al Escritorio de Mac OS X. Esta combinaci&oacuten de teclas puede cambiarse en las Preferencias de Usuario. Desde el Escritorio de Mac OS X, haga click en &iacutecono de XDarwin en el Dock para volver al X window system. (Puede cambiar esta comportamiento en las Preferencias de Usuario y configurar que XDarwin vuelva al X window system haciendo click en la ventana flotante con el logo X.)</p>
<p>En modo rootless, el X window system comparte la pantalla con Aqua. La ventana root de X11 es del tama&ntildeo de la pantalla y contiene a todas las dem&aacutes ventanas. La ventana root de X11 no se muestra en este modo, ya que Aqua maneja el fondo de pantalla.</p>
<h3>Emulaci&oacuten de mouse multi-bot&oacuten</h3>
@@ -47,7 +42,7 @@ Este software es distribuido bajo los t&eacuterminos de la <A HREF="#license">Li
<h2><a NAME="path">Configurando su Path</a></h2>
<p>El path es la lista de directorios donde se buscar&aacuten los comandos ejecutables. Los comandos de X11 se encuentran en <code>/usr/X11R6/bin</code>, y &eacuteste necesita estar dentro de su path. XDarwin hace &eacutesto autom&aacuteticamente por defecto, y puede adem&aacutes agregar directorios adicionales donde tenga otros comandos de l&iacutenea.</p>
<p>Usuarios experimentados pueden tener su path correctamente configurado mediante los archivos de inicio de su interprete de comandos. En este caso, puede informarle a XDarwin en las Preferencias de Usuario para que no modifique su path. XDarwin arrancar&aacute los clientes X11 iniciales usando el int&eacuterprete de comandos del usuario, seg&uacuten su configuraci&oacuten de login. Un int&eacuterprete de comandos alternativo puede ser especificado en las Preferencias del Usuario. La manera de configurar el path de su int&eacuterprete de comandos depende de cual est&aacute usando, y es generalmente descripta en las p&aacuteginas man del mismo.</p>
-<p>Adem&aacutes, Ud. puede agregar las p&aacuteginas man de XFree86 a la lista de p&aacuteginas que son consultadas. Estas est&aacuten ubicadas en <code>/usr/X11R6/man</code> y <code>MANPATH</code> es la variable de entorno que contiene los directorios que son consultados.</p>
+<p>Adem&aacutes, Ud. puede agregar las p&aacuteginas man de X11 a la lista de p&aacuteginas que son consultadas. Estas est&aacuten ubicadas en <code>/usr/X11R6/man</code> y <code>MANPATH</code> es la variable de entorno que contiene los directorios que son consultados.</p>
<h2><a NAME="prefs">Preferencias del Usuario</a></h2>
<p>Ciertas opciones pueden definirse dentro de "Preferencias...", en el men&uacute de XDarwin. Las opciones dentro de de "Inicio" no surtir&aacuten efecto hasta que la aplicaci&oacuten se reinicie. Las restantes opciones surten efecto inmediatamente. Las diferentes opciones se describen a continuaci&oacuten:</p>
@@ -75,7 +70,7 @@ Este software es distribuido bajo los t&eacuterminos de la <A HREF="#license">Li
<h2><a NAME="license">Licencia</a></h2>
-El XFree86 Project esta comprometido en proveer versiones binarias y en c&oacutedigo fuente de distribuci&oacuten libre. La licencia principal que utilizamos es una basada en la Licencia MIT X11 tradicional, que no impone condiciones a la modificaci&oacuten o redistribuci&oacuten del c&oacutedigo fuente o de archivos binarios m&aacutes all&aacute de requerir que los mensajes de Licencia y Copyright se mantengan intactos. Para mayor informaci&oacuten y para mensajes adicionales de Licencia y Copyright que cubren algunas secciones del c&oacutedigo fuente, por favor consulte la <A HREF="">P&aacutegina de Licencia de XFree86</A>.
+La licencia principal de XDarwin es basada en la Licencia MIT X11 tradicional, que no impone condiciones a la modificaci&oacuten o redistribuci&oacuten del c&oacutedigo fuente o de archivos binarios m&aacutes all&aacute de requerir que los mensajes de Licencia y Copyright se mantengan intactos. Para mayor informaci&oacuten y para mensajes adicionales de Licencia y Copyright que cubren algunas secciones del c&oacutedigo fuente, por favor consulte the source code.
<H3><A NAME="3"></A>Licencia del X Consortium</H3>
<p>Copyright (C) 1996 X Consortium</p>
<p>Se otorga aqui permiso, libre de costo, a toda persona que obtenga una copia de este Software y los archivos de documentaci&oacuten asociados (el "Software"),
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/Swedish.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib b/hw/darwin/bundle/Swedish.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
index 116e0b316..3157d72cb 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/Swedish.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/Swedish.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
Binary files differ
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/Swedish.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp b/hw/darwin/bundle/Swedish.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
index c0cdf9f75..4210878c0 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/Swedish.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/Swedish.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
@@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
<!-- $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp,v 1.2 2001/11/04 07:02:28 torrey Exp $ -->
-#include "xf86Version.h"
-#ifndef PRE_RELEASE
-<title>XFree86 f&ouml;r Mac OS X</title>
+<title>XDarwin Help</title>
- <h1>XFree86 f&ouml;r Darwin och Mac OS X</h1>
- XFree86 XF86_VERSION<br>
- F&auml;rdigst&auml;llt: XF86_REL_DATE
+ <h1>XDarwin X Server for Mac OS X</h1>
+ F&auml;rdigst&auml;llt: X_REL_DATE
@@ -28,7 +23,7 @@
-Detta &auml;r en testversion av XFree86, och du kan inte garranteras n&aring;gon som helst support f&ouml;r den. Buggar och fel kan rapporteras och f&ouml;rslag till fixar kan skickas till <A HREF="">XonX-projektets sida</A> p&aring; SourceForge. Innan du rapporterar buggar i testversioner, var god pr&ouml;va den senaste versionen fr&aring;n <A HREF="">XonX</A> eller i <A HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/cvs">XFree86 CVS-arkiv</A>.
+Detta &auml;r en testversion av XDarwin, och du kan inte garranteras n&aring;gon som helst support f&ouml;r den. Buggar och fel kan rapporteras och f&ouml;rslag till fixar kan skickas till <A HREF="">XonX-projektets sida</A> p&aring; SourceForge. Innan du rapporterar buggar i testversioner, var god pr&ouml;va den senaste versionen fr&aring;n <A HREF="">XonX</A> eller i X_VENDOR_LINK.
Om servern &auml;r &auml;ldre &auml;n 6-12 m&aring;nader, eller om din h&aring;rdvara &auml;r nyare &auml;n datumet ovan, leta efter en nyare version innan du rapporterar fel. Buggar och fel kan rapporteras och f&ouml;rslag till fixar kan skickas till <A HREF="">XonX-projektets sida</A> p&aring; SourceForge.
@@ -37,8 +32,8 @@ Om servern &auml;r &auml;ldre &auml;n 6-12 m&aring;nader, eller om din h&aring;r
Denna programvara distrubueras i enlighet med <A HREF="#license">MIT X11 / X Consortium License</A> och tilhandh&aring;lls som den &auml;r, helt utan garantier. Var god l&auml;s igenom <A HREF="#license">licensdokumentet (engelska)</A> innan du anv&auml;nder programmet.</blockquote>
<h2><a NAME="usage">Anv&auml;ndande</a></h2>
-<p>XFree86 &auml;r en fritt spridd implemenation av <a HREF
-="">X Window-systemet</a> producerad av <a HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/">XFree86 Project, Inc</a>, med &ouml;ppen k&auml;llkod. Den X Window-server f&ouml;r Darwin och Mac OS X som tillhandah&aring;lls av XFree86 kallas XDarwin. XDarwin kan k&ouml;ras p&aring; Mac OS X i fullsk&auml;rmsl&auml;ge eller rotl&ouml;st l&auml;ge.</p>
+<p>XDarwin &auml;r en fritt spridd X server av <a HREF
+="">X Window-systemet</a>. This version of XDarwin was produced by the X_VENDOR_LINK. XDarwin kan k&ouml;ras p&aring; Mac OS X i fullsk&auml;rmsl&auml;ge eller rotl&ouml;st l&auml;ge.</p>
<p>I fullsk&auml;rmsl&auml;ge kommer X window-systemet att ta &ouml;ver hela sk&auml;rmen n&auml;r det &auml;r aktivt. Du kan byta tillbaka till Mac OS Xs skrivbord genom att trycka Kommando-Alt-A. Denna tangentkombination kan &auml;ndra i inst&auml;llningarna. N&auml;r du &auml;r p&aring; Mac OS Xs skrivbord kan du klicka p&aring; XDarwin-ikonen i dockan f&ouml;r att byta tillbaka till X Window-systemet. (Du kan f&ouml;r&auml;ndra detta beteende i inst&auml;llningarna s&aring; att du ist&auml;llet m&aring;ste klicka i det fltande bytesf&ouml;nstret ist&auml;llet.)</p>
<p>I rotl&ouml;stl&auml;ge delar X11 och Aqua p&aring; din sk&auml;rm. Rotf&ouml;nstret p&aring; X11-sk&auml;rmen &auml;r av samma storlek som hela sk&auml;rmen och inneh&aring;ller alla andra f&ouml;nster - det fungerar som bakgrund. I rotl&ouml;stl&auml;ge visas inte detta rotf&ouml;nster, eftersom Aqua hanterar skrvbordbakgrunden.</p>
@@ -49,7 +44,7 @@ Denna programvara distrubueras i enlighet med <A HREF="#license">MIT X11 / X Con
<p>Din s&ouml;kv&auml;g &auml;r en lista av kataloger som s&ouml;ks igenom n&auml;r terminalen letar efter kommandon att exekvera. Kommandon som h&ouml;r till X11 ligger i <code>/usr/X11R6/bin</code>, en katalog som inte ligger i din s&ouml;kv&auml;g fr&aring;n b&ouml;rjan. XDarwin l&auml;gger till denna katalog &aring;t dig, och du kan ocks&aring; l&auml;gga till ytterligare kataloger i vilka du lagt program som skall k&ouml;ras fr&aring;n kommandoraden.</p>
<p>Mer erfarna anv&auml;ndare har antagligen redan st&auml;llt in sin s&ouml;kv&auml;g i skalets inst&auml;llningsfiler. Om detta g&auml;ller dig kan st&auml;lla in XDarwin s&aring; att din s&ouml;kv&auml;g inte modifieras. XDarwin startar de f&ouml;rsta X11-klienterna i anv&auml;ndarens inloggningsskal (Vill du anv&auml;nda ett alternativt skall, kan du specificera detta i inst&auml;llningarna). Hur du st&auml;ller in din s&ouml;kv&auml;g beror p&aring; vilket skal du anv&auml;nder. Exakt hur beskrivs i skalets man-sidor.</p>
-<p>Ut&ouml;ver detta kan du ocks&aring; vilja l&auml;gga till XFree86s man-sidor (dokumentation) till listan &auml;ver sidor som som skall s&ouml;kas n&auml;r du vill l&auml;sa efter dokumentationen. X11s man-sidor ligger i <code>/usr/X11R6/man</code> och listan &auml;ver kataloger att s&ouml;ka best&auml;mms av variabeln<code>MANPATH</code>.</p>
+<p>Ut&ouml;ver detta kan du ocks&aring; vilja l&auml;gga till X11s man-sidor (dokumentation) till listan &auml;ver sidor som som skall s&ouml;kas n&auml;r du vill l&auml;sa efter dokumentationen. X11s man-sidor ligger i <code>/usr/X11R6/man</code> och listan &auml;ver kataloger att s&ouml;ka best&auml;mms av variabeln<code>MANPATH</code>.</p>
<h2><a NAME="prefs">Inst&auml;llningar</a></h2>
<p>I inst&auml;llningarna finns ett antal alternativ d&auml;r du kan p&aring;verka hur XDarwin beter sig i vissa fall. Inst&auml;llningarna kommer du till genom att v&auml;lja "Inst&auml;llningar..." i menyn "XDarwin". De alternativ som finns under fliken "Starta" tr&auml;der inte i kraft f&ouml;rr&auml;n du startat om programmet. Alla andra alternativ tr&auml;der i kraft omedelbart. De olika alternativen beskrivs nedan:</p>
@@ -77,10 +72,10 @@ Denna programvara distrubueras i enlighet med <A HREF="#license">MIT X11 / X Con
<h2><a NAME="license">Licens (svenska)</a></h2>
-<p>XFree86-projektet &aring;tar sig att tillhandah&aring;lla programvara och k&auml;llkod i format som fritt kan spridas vidare. Den huvudsakliga licens vi anv&auml;nder oss av &auml;r baserad p&aring; den traditionella MIT X11 / XConsortium-licensen, vilken inte p&aring; n&aring;got s&auml;tt begr&auml;nsar f&ouml;r&auml;ndringar eller vidarespridning av vare sig k&auml;llkod eller kompilerad programvara annat &auml;n genom att kr&auml;va att delarna som r&ouml;r copyright och licensiering l&auml;mnas intakta. F&ouml;r mer information och ytterligare copyright/licensieringsinfromation r&ouml;rande vissa speciella delar av koden, se <A HREF="">XFree86-licenssida</A> (engelska).</p>
+<p>Den huvudsakliga licens vi anv&auml;nder oss av &auml;r baserad p&aring; den traditionella MIT X11 / XConsortium-licensen, vilken inte p&aring; n&aring;got s&auml;tt begr&auml;nsar f&ouml;r&auml;ndringar eller vidarespridning av vare sig k&auml;llkod eller kompilerad programvara annat &auml;n genom att kr&auml;va att delarna som r&ouml;r copyright och licensiering l&auml;mnas intakta. F&ouml;r mer information och ytterligare copyright/licensieringsinfromation r&ouml;rande vissa speciella delar av koden, se the source code.</p>
<h3>Licence (english)</h3>
-<p>The XFree86 Project is committed to providing freely redistributable binary and source releases. The main license we use is one based on the traditional MIT X11 / X Consortium License, which does not impose any conditions on modification or redistribution of source code or binaries other than requiring that copyright/license notices are left intact. For more information and additional copyright/licensing notices covering some sections of the code, please see the <A HREF="">XFree86 License page</A>.</p>
+<p>The main license for XDarwin is based on the traditional MIT X11 / X Consortium License, which does not impose any conditions on modification or redistribution of source code or binaries other than requiring that copyright/license notices are left intact. For more information and additional copyright/licensing notices covering some sections of the code, please refer to the source code.</p>
<H3><A NAME="3"></A>X Consortium License</H3>
<p>Copyright (C) 1996 X Consortium</p>
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/ko.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib b/hw/darwin/bundle/ko.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
index e35148d76..8f9b5e01c 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/ko.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/ko.lproj/MainMenu.nib/objects.nib
Binary files differ
diff --git a/hw/darwin/bundle/ko.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp b/hw/darwin/bundle/ko.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
index fc11e26d3..5996285ae 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/bundle/ko.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
+++ b/hw/darwin/bundle/ko.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp
@@ -1,19 +1,14 @@
-<!-- $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp,v 1.2 2001/11/04 07:02:28 torrey Exp $ -->
-#include "xf86Version.h"
-#ifndef PRE_RELEASE
+<!-- $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/bundle/English.lproj/XDarwinHelp.html.cpp,v 1.1 2001/05/21 01:42:17 torrey Exp $ -->
-<title>XFree86 for Mac OS X</title>
+<title>XDarwin Help</title>
- <h1>XFree86 on Darwin and Mac OS X</h1>
- XFree86 XF86_VERSION<br>
- Release Date: XF86_REL_DATE
+ <h1>XDarwin X Server for Mac OS X</h1>
+ Release Date: X_REL_DATE
@@ -27,8 +22,8 @@
<h2><a NAME="notice">Important Notice</a></h2>
-This is a pre-release version of XFree86, and is not supported in any way. Bugs may be reported and patches may be submitted to the <A HREF="">XonX project page</A> at SourceForge. Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions, please check the latest version from <A HREF="">XonX</A> or in the <A HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/cvs">XFree86 CVS repository</A>.
+This is a pre-release version of XDarwin, and is not supported in any way. Bugs may be reported and patches may be submitted to the <A HREF="">XonX project page</A> at SourceForge. Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions, please check the latest version from <A HREF="">XonX</A> or the X_VENDOR_LINK.
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your hardware is newer than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting problems. Bugs may be reported and patches may be submitted to the <A HREF="">XonX project page</A> at SourceForge.
@@ -37,8 +32,7 @@ If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your hardware is newer than the a
This software is distributed under the terms of the <A HREF="#license">MIT X11 / X Consortium License</A> and is provided AS IS, with no warranty. Please read the <A HREF="#license">License</A> before using.</blockquote>
<h2><a NAME="usage">Usage</a></h2>
-<p>XFree86 is a freely redistributable open-source implementation of the <a HREF
-="">X Window System</a> produced by the <a HREF="http://www.XFree86.Org/">XFree86 Project, Inc.</a> The X window server for Darwin and Mac OS X provided by XFree86 is called XDarwin. XDarwin runs on Mac OS X in full screen or rootless modes.</p>
+<p>XDarwin is a freely redistributable open-source X server for the <a HREF="">X Window System</a>. This version of XDarwin was produced by the X_VENDOR_LINK. XDarwin runs on Mac OS X in full screen or rootless modes.</p>
<p>In full screen mode, when the X window system is active, it takes over the entire screen. You can switch back to the Mac OS X desktop by holding down Command-Option-A. This key combination can be changed in the user preferences. From the Mac OS X desktop, click on the XDarwin icon in the Dock to switch back to the X window system. (You can change this behavior in the user preferences so that you must click the XDarwin icon in the floating switch window instead.)</p>
<p>In rootless mode, the X window system and Aqua share your display. The root window of the X11 display is the size of the screen and contains all the other windows. The X11 root window is not displayed in rootless mode as Aqua handles the desktop background.</p>
<h3>Multi-Button Mouse Emulation</h3>
@@ -47,7 +41,7 @@ This software is distributed under the terms of the <A HREF="#license">MIT X11 /
<h2><a NAME="path">Setting Your Path</a></h2>
<p>Your path is the list of directories to be searched for executable commands. The X11 commands are located in <code>/usr/X11R6/bin</code>, which needs to be added to your path. XDarwin does this for you by default and can also add additional directories where you have installed command line applications.</p>
<p>More experienced users will have already set their path correctly using the initialization files for their shell. In this case, you can inform XDarwin not to modify your path in the preferences. XDarwin launches the initial X11 clients in the user's default login shell. (An alternate shell can also be specified in the preferences.) The way to set the path depends on the shell you are using. This is described in the man page documentation for the shell.</p>
-<p>In addition you may also want to add the man pages from XFree86 to the list of pages to be searched when you are looking for documentation. The X11 man pages are located in <code>/usr/X11R6/man</code> and the <code>MANPATH</code> environment variable contains the list of directories to search.</p>
+<p>In addition you may also want to add the X11 man pages to the list of pages to be searched when you are looking for documentation. The X11 man pages are located in <code>/usr/X11R6/man</code> and the <code>MANPATH</code> environment variable contains the list of directories to search.</p>
<h2><a NAME="prefs">User Preferences</a></h2>
<p>A number of options may be set from the user preferences, accessible from the "Preferences..." menu item in the "XDarwin" menu. The options listed as start up options will not take effect until you have restarted XDarwin. All other options take effect immediately. The various options are described below:</p>
@@ -75,8 +69,7 @@ This software is distributed under the terms of the <A HREF="#license">MIT X11 /
<h2><a NAME="license">License</a></h2>
-The XFree86 Project is committed to providing freely redistributable binary and source releases. The main license we use is one based on the traditional MIT X11 / X Consortium License, which does not impose any conditions on modification or redistribution of source code or binaries other than requiring that copyright/license notices are left intact. For more information and additional copyright/licensing notices covering some sections of the code, please see the <A HREF="">XFree86
-License page</A>.
+The main license for XDarwin is based on the traditional MIT X11 / X Consortium License, which does not impose any conditions on modification or redistribution of source code or binaries other than requiring that copyright/license notices are left intact. For more information and additional copyright/licensing notices covering some sections of the code, please refer to the source code.
<H3><A NAME="3"></A>X Consortium License</H3>
<p>Copyright (C) 1996 X Consortium</p>
<p>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
diff --git a/hw/darwin/darwin.c b/hw/darwin/darwin.c
index 60a67c999..c774ba1dc 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/darwin.c
+++ b/hw/darwin/darwin.c
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Torrey T. Lyons. All Rights Reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Torrey T. Lyons. All Rights Reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
* holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale,
* use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization.
-/* $XdotOrg: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/darwin.c,v 1.56 2003/11/24 05:39:01 torrey Exp $ */
+/* $XdotOrg: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/darwin.c,v 2004/03/04 17:47:29 eich Exp $ */
/* $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/darwin/darwin.c,v 1.55 2003/11/15 00:07:09 torrey Exp $ */
#include "X.h"
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
#include "fb.h" // fb framebuffer code
#include "site.h"
#include "globals.h"
-#include "xf86Version.h"
+#include "xorgVersion.h"
#include "xf86Date.h"
#include "dix.h"
@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
+#define HAS_UTSNAME 1
+#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDLib.h>
@@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ const int NUMFORMATS = sizeof(formats)/sizeof(formats[0]);
#define OSVENDOR ""
@@ -118,37 +121,74 @@ DarwinPrintBanner()
- "This is a pre-release version of XFree86, and is not supported in any\n"
- "way. Bugs may be reported to XFree86@XFree86.Org and patches submitted\n"
- "to fixes@XFree86.Org. Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions,\n"
- "please check the latest version in the XFree86 CVS repository\n"
- "(http://www.XFree86.Org/cvs)\n");
+ "This is a pre-release version of the " XVENDORNAME " X11.\n"
+ "Portions of this release are based on XFree86 4.4RC2 and selected\n"
+ "files from XFree86 4.4RC3. It is not supported in any way.\n"
+ "Bugs may be filed in the bugzilla at\n"
+ "Select the \"xorg\" product for bugs you find in this release.\n"
+ "Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions please check the\n"
+ "latest version in the " XVENDORNAME " \"monolithic tree\" CVS\n"
+ "repository hosted at");
- ErrorF("\nXFree86 Version %d.%d.%d", XF86_VERSION_MAJOR, XF86_VERSION_MINOR,
-#if XF86_VERSION_SNAP > 0
ErrorF(".%d", XF86_VERSION_SNAP);
-#if XF86_VERSION_SNAP >= 900
- ErrorF(" (%d.%d.0 RC %d)", XF86_VERSION_MAJOR, XF86_VERSION_MINOR + 1,
- XF86_VERSION_SNAP - 900);
+ ErrorF(" (%d.%d.0 RC %d)", XORG_VERSION_MAJOR, XORG_VERSION_MINOR + 1,
ErrorF(" (%s)", XF86_CUSTOM_VERSION);
- ErrorF(" / X Window System\n");
- ErrorF("(protocol Version %d, revision %d, vendor release %d)\n",
- ErrorF("Release Date: %s\n", XF86_DATE);
- ErrorF("\tIf the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your hardware is\n"
- "\tnewer than the above date, look for a newer version before\n"
- "\treporting problems. (See http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)\n");
- ErrorF("Operating System:%s%s\n", OSNAME, OSVENDOR);
+ ErrorF("\nRelease Date: %s\n", XF86_DATE);
+ ErrorF("X Protocol Version %d, Revision %d, %s\n",
+ ErrorF("Build Operating System:%s%s\n", OSNAME, OSVENDOR);
+ {
+ struct utsname name;
+ if (uname(&name) == 0) {
+ ErrorF("Current Operating System: %s %s %s %s %s\n",
+ name.sysname, name.nodename, name.release, name.version, name.machine);
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(BUILD_DATE) && (BUILD_DATE > 19000000)
+ {
+ struct tm t;
+ char buf[100];
+ bzero(&t, sizeof(t));
+ bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));
+ t.tm_mday = BUILD_DATE % 100;
+ t.tm_mon = (BUILD_DATE / 100) % 100 - 1;
+ t.tm_year = BUILD_DATE / 10000 - 1900;
+ if (strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d %B %Y", &t))
+ ErrorF("Build Date: %s\n", buf);
+ }
+#if defined(CLOG_DATE) && (CLOG_DATE > 19000000)
+ {
+ struct tm t;
+ char buf[100];
+ bzero(&t, sizeof(t));
+ bzero(buf, sizeof(buf));
+ t.tm_mday = CLOG_DATE % 100;
+ t.tm_mon = (CLOG_DATE / 100) % 100 - 1;
+ t.tm_year = CLOG_DATE / 10000 - 1900;
+ if (strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d %B %Y", &t))
+ ErrorF("Changelog Date: %s\n", buf);
+ }
#if defined(BUILDERSTRING)
ErrorF("%s \n",BUILDERSTRING);
+ ErrorF("\tBefore reporting problems, check "__VENDORDWEBSUPPORT__"\n"
+ "\tto make sure that you have the latest version.\n");
diff --git a/hw/darwin/quartz/XDarwin.pbproj/project.pbxproj b/hw/darwin/quartz/XDarwin.pbproj/project.pbxproj
index 54b1d7180..9dc2bb92c 100644
--- a/hw/darwin/quartz/XDarwin.pbproj/project.pbxproj
+++ b/hw/darwin/quartz/XDarwin.pbproj/project.pbxproj
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
- <string>XDarwin 1.3.0, ©2001-2003 XFree86 Project, Inc.</string>
+ <string>XDarwin 1.3.0, X.Org Foundation</string>