/* * Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Red Hat, Inc. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "caps.h" #define ESC _VTE_CAP_ESC #define CSI _VTE_CAP_CSI #define ST _VTE_CAP_ST #define OSC _VTE_CAP_OSC #define PM _VTE_CAP_PM #define APC _VTE_CAP_APC #define ENQ "\005" #define BEL "\007" #define BS "\010" #define TAB "\011" #define LF "\012" #define VT "\013" #define FF "\014" #define CR "\015" #define SO "\016" #define SI "\017" /* This list combined from the Linux termcap(5) man page, and * termcap_&_terminfo by Strang, Mui, and O'Reilly. */ struct _vte_capability_quark _vte_terminal_capability_strings[] = { {"!1", TRUE, 0}, {"!2", TRUE, 0}, {"!3", TRUE, 0}, {"#1", TRUE, 0}, {"#2", TRUE, 0}, {"#3", TRUE, 0}, {"#4", TRUE, 0}, {"%0", TRUE, 0}, {"%1", TRUE, 0}, {"%2", TRUE, 0}, {"%3", TRUE, 0}, {"%4", TRUE, 0}, {"%5", TRUE, 0}, {"%6", TRUE, 0}, {"%7", TRUE, 0}, {"%8", TRUE, 0}, {"%9", TRUE, 0}, {"%a", TRUE, 0}, {"%b", TRUE, 0}, {"%c", TRUE, 0}, {"%d", TRUE, 0}, {"%e", TRUE, 0}, {"%f", TRUE, 0}, {"%g", TRUE, 0}, {"%h", TRUE, 0}, {"%i", TRUE, 0}, {"%j", TRUE, 0}, {"&0", TRUE, 0}, {"&1", TRUE, 0}, {"&2", TRUE, 0}, {"&3", TRUE, 0}, {"&4", TRUE, 0}, {"&5", TRUE, 0}, {"&6", TRUE, 0}, {"&7", TRUE, 0}, {"&8", TRUE, 0}, {"&9", TRUE, 0}, {"*0", TRUE, 0}, {"*1", TRUE, 0}, {"*2", TRUE, 0}, {"*3", TRUE, 0}, {"*4", TRUE, 0}, {"*5", TRUE, 0}, {"*6", TRUE, 0}, {"*7", TRUE, 0}, {"*8", TRUE, 0}, {"*9", TRUE, 0}, {"@0", TRUE, 0}, {"@1", TRUE, 0}, {"@2", TRUE, 0}, {"@3", TRUE, 0}, {"@4", TRUE, 0}, {"@5", TRUE, 0}, {"@6", TRUE, 0}, {"@7", TRUE, 0}, {"@8", TRUE, 0}, {"@9", TRUE, 0}, {"ae", FALSE, 0}, {"al", FALSE, 0}, {"AL", FALSE, 0}, {"as", FALSE, 0}, {"bc", FALSE, 0}, {"bl", FALSE, 0}, {"bt", FALSE, 0}, {"cb", FALSE, 0}, {"cc", FALSE, 0}, {"cd", FALSE, 0}, {"ce", FALSE, 0}, {"ch", FALSE, 0}, {"cl", FALSE, 0}, {"cm", FALSE, 0}, {"CM", FALSE, 0}, {"cr", FALSE, 0}, {"cs", FALSE, 0}, {"ct", FALSE, 0}, {"cv", FALSE, 0}, {"dc", FALSE, 0}, {"DC", FALSE, 0}, {"dl", FALSE, 0}, {"DL", FALSE, 0}, {"dm", FALSE, 0}, {"do", FALSE, 0}, {"DO", FALSE, 0}, {"ds", FALSE, 0}, {"eA", FALSE, 0}, {"ec", FALSE, 0}, {"ed", FALSE, 0}, {"ei", FALSE, 0}, {"F1", TRUE, 0}, {"F2", TRUE, 0}, {"F3", TRUE, 0}, {"F4", TRUE, 0}, {"F5", TRUE, 0}, {"F6", TRUE, 0}, {"F7", TRUE, 0}, {"F8", TRUE, 0}, {"F9", TRUE, 0}, {"FA", TRUE, 0}, {"FB", TRUE, 0}, {"FC", TRUE, 0}, {"FD", TRUE, 0}, {"FE", TRUE, 0}, {"FF", TRUE, 0}, {"FG", TRUE, 0}, {"FH", TRUE, 0}, {"FI", TRUE, 0}, {"FJ", TRUE, 0}, {"FK", TRUE, 0}, {"FL", TRUE, 0}, {"FM", TRUE, 0}, {"FN", TRUE, 0}, {"FO", TRUE, 0}, {"FP", TRUE, 0}, {"FQ", TRUE, 0}, {"FR", TRUE, 0}, {"FS", TRUE, 0}, {"FT", TRUE, 0}, {"FU", TRUE, 0}, {"FV", TRUE, 0}, {"FW", TRUE, 0}, {"FX", TRUE, 0}, {"FY", TRUE, 0}, {"FZ", TRUE, 0}, {"Fa", TRUE, 0}, {"Fb", TRUE, 0}, {"Fc", TRUE, 0}, {"Fd", TRUE, 0}, {"Fe", TRUE, 0}, {"Ff", TRUE, 0}, {"Fg", TRUE, 0}, {"Fh", TRUE, 0}, {"Fi", TRUE, 0}, {"Fj", TRUE, 0}, {"Fk", TRUE, 0}, {"Fl", TRUE, 0}, {"Fm", TRUE, 0}, {"Fn", TRUE, 0}, {"Fo", TRUE, 0}, {"Fp", TRUE, 0}, {"Fq", TRUE, 0}, {"Fr", TRUE, 0}, {"ff", FALSE, 0}, {"fs", FALSE, 0}, {"hd", FALSE, 0}, {"ho", FALSE, 0}, {"hu", FALSE, 0}, {"i1", FALSE, 0}, {"i3", FALSE, 0}, {"ic", FALSE, 0}, {"IC", FALSE, 0}, {"if", FALSE, 0}, {"im", FALSE, 0}, {"ip", FALSE, 0}, {"iP", FALSE, 0}, {"is", FALSE, 0}, {"K1", TRUE, 0}, {"K2", TRUE, 0}, {"K3", TRUE, 0}, {"K4", TRUE, 0}, {"K5", TRUE, 0}, {"k0", TRUE, 0}, {"k1", TRUE, 0}, {"k2", TRUE, 0}, {"k3", TRUE, 0}, {"k4", TRUE, 0}, {"k5", TRUE, 0}, {"k6", TRUE, 0}, {"k7", TRUE, 0}, {"k8", TRUE, 0}, {"k9", TRUE, 0}, {"k;", TRUE, 0}, {"ka", TRUE, 0}, {"kA", TRUE, 0}, {"kb", TRUE, 0}, {"kB", TRUE, 0}, {"kC", TRUE, 0}, {"kd", TRUE, 0}, {"kD", TRUE, 0}, {"ke", TRUE, 0}, {"kE", TRUE, 0}, {"kF", TRUE, 0}, {"kh", TRUE, 0}, {"kH", TRUE, 0}, {"kI", TRUE, 0}, {"kl", TRUE, 0}, {"kL", TRUE, 0}, {"kM", TRUE, 0}, {"kN", TRUE, 0}, {"kP", TRUE, 0}, {"kr", TRUE, 0}, {"kR", TRUE, 0}, {"ks", TRUE, 0}, {"kS", TRUE, 0}, {"kt", TRUE, 0}, {"kT", TRUE, 0}, {"ku", TRUE, 0}, {"l0", FALSE, 0}, {"l1", FALSE, 0}, {"l2", FALSE, 0}, {"l3", FALSE, 0}, {"l4", FALSE, 0}, {"l5", FALSE, 0}, {"l6", FALSE, 0}, {"l7", FALSE, 0}, {"l8", FALSE, 0}, {"l9", FALSE, 0}, {"la", FALSE, 0}, {"le", FALSE, 0}, {"LE", FALSE, 0}, {"LF", FALSE, 0}, {"ll", FALSE, 0}, {"LO", FALSE, 0}, {"mb", FALSE, 0}, {"MC", FALSE, 0}, {"md", FALSE, 0}, {"me", FALSE, 0}, {"mh", FALSE, 0}, {"mk", FALSE, 0}, {"ml", FALSE, 0}, {"ML", FALSE, 0}, {"mm", FALSE, 0}, {"mo", FALSE, 0}, {"mp", FALSE, 0}, {"mr", FALSE, 0}, {"MR", FALSE, 0}, {"mu", FALSE, 0}, {"nd", FALSE, 0}, {"nl", FALSE, 0}, {"nw", FALSE, 0}, {"pc", FALSE, 0}, {"pf", FALSE, 0}, {"pk", FALSE, 0}, {"pl", FALSE, 0}, {"pn", FALSE, 0}, {"po", FALSE, 0}, {"pO", FALSE, 0}, {"ps", FALSE, 0}, {"px", FALSE, 0}, {"r1", FALSE, 0}, {"r2", FALSE, 0}, {"r3", FALSE, 0}, {"RA", FALSE, 0}, {"rc", FALSE, 0}, {"rf", FALSE, 0}, {"RF", FALSE, 0}, {"RI", FALSE, 0}, {"rp", FALSE, 0}, {"rP", FALSE, 0}, {"rs", FALSE, 0}, {"RX", FALSE, 0}, {"s0", FALSE, 0}, {"s1", FALSE, 0}, {"s2", FALSE, 0}, {"s3", FALSE, 0}, {"sa", FALSE, 0}, {"SA", FALSE, 0}, {"sc", FALSE, 0}, {"se", FALSE, 0}, {"sf", FALSE, 0}, {"SF", FALSE, 0}, /* {"so", 0}, standout is always the same as another attribute. */ {"sr", FALSE, 0}, {"SR", FALSE, 0}, {"st", FALSE, 0}, {"SX", FALSE, 0}, {"ta", FALSE, 0}, /* {"te", 0}, terminal end-use is "logical". */ /* {"ti", 0}, terminal init is "logical". */ {"ts", FALSE, 0}, {"uc", FALSE, 0}, {"ue", FALSE, 0}, {"up", FALSE, 0}, {"UP", FALSE, 0}, {"us", FALSE, 0}, {"vb", FALSE, 0}, /* {"ve", FALSE, 0}, */ {"vi", FALSE, 0}, /* {"vs", FALSE, 0}, */ {"wi", FALSE, 0}, {"XF", FALSE, 0}, {"XN", FALSE, 0}, {"", FALSE, 0} }; /* From some really old XTerm docs we had at the office, and an updated * version at Moy, Gildea, and Dickey. */ struct _vte_capability_string _vte_xterm_capability_strings[] = { {ENQ, "return-terminal-status", 0}, {VT, "vertical-tab", 0}, {FF, "form-feed", 0}, {ESC " F", "7-bit-controls", 0}, {ESC " G", "8-bit-controls", 0}, {ESC " L", "ansi-conformance-level-1", 0}, {ESC " M", "ansi-conformance-level-2", 0}, {ESC " N", "ansi-conformance-level-3", 0}, {ESC "#3", "double-height-top-half", 0}, {ESC "#4", "double-height-bottom-half", 0}, {ESC "#5", "single-width", 0}, {ESC "#6", "double-width", 0}, {ESC "#8", "screen-alignment-test", 0}, /* These are actually designate-other-coding-system from ECMA 35, * but we don't support the full repertoire. Actually, we don't * know what the full repertoire looks like. */ {ESC "%%@", "iso8859-1-character-set", 0}, {ESC "%%G", "utf-8-character-set", 0}, {ESC "7", "save-cursor", 0}, {ESC "8", "restore-cursor", 0}, {ESC "=", "application-keypad", 0}, {ESC ">", "normal-keypad", 0}, {ESC "D", "index", 0}, {ESC "E", "next-line", 0}, {ESC "F", "cursor-lower-left", 0}, {ESC "H", "tab-set", 0}, {ESC "M", "reverse-index", 0}, /* {ESC "N", "single-shift-g2", 0}, */ /* {ESC "O", "single-shift-g3", 0}, */ {ESC "P%s" ESC "\\", "device-control-string", 0}, {ESC "V", "start-of-guarded-area", 0}, {ESC "W", "end-of-guarded-area", 0}, {ESC "X", "start-of-string", 0}, {ESC "\\", "end-of-string", 0}, {ESC "Z", "return-terminal-id", 0}, {ESC "c", "full-reset", 0}, {ESC "l", "memory-lock", 0}, {ESC "m", "memory-unlock", 0}, /* {ESC "n", "invoke-g2-character-set", 0}, */ /* {ESC "o", "invoke-g3-character-set", 0}, */ /* {ESC "|", "invoke-g3-character-set-as-gr", 0}, */ /* {ESC "}", "invoke-g2-character-set-as-gr", 0}, */ /* {ESC "~", "invoke-g1-character-set-as-gr", 0}, */ /* APC stuff omitted. */ /* DCS stuff omitted. */ {CSI "@", "insert-blank-characters", 0}, {CSI "%d@", "insert-blank-characters", 0}, {CSI "A", "cursor-up", 0}, {CSI "%dA", "cursor-up", 0}, {CSI "B", "cursor-down", 0}, {CSI "%dB", "cursor-down", 0}, {CSI "C", "cursor-forward", 0}, {CSI "%dC", "cursor-forward", 0}, {CSI "D", "cursor-backward", 0}, {CSI "%dD", "cursor-backward", 0}, {CSI "E", "cursor-next-line", 0}, {CSI "%dE", "cursor-next-line", 0}, {CSI "F", "cursor-preceding-line", 0}, {CSI "%dF", "cursor-preceding-line", 0}, {CSI "G", "cursor-character-absolute", 0}, {CSI "%dG", "cursor-character-absolute", 0}, {CSI ";H", "cursor-position", 0}, {CSI "%dH", "cursor-position", 0}, {CSI "%d;H", "cursor-position", 0}, {CSI ";%dH", "cursor-position", 0}, {CSI "%d;%dH", "cursor-position", 0}, {CSI "I", "cursor-forward-tabulation", 0}, {CSI "J", "erase-in-display", 0}, {CSI "%dJ", "erase-in-display", 0}, {CSI "?J", "selective-erase-in-display", 0}, {CSI "?%dJ", "selective-erase-in-display", 0}, {CSI "K", "erase-in-line", 0}, {CSI "%dK", "erase-in-line", 0}, {CSI "?K", "selective-erase-in-line", 0}, {CSI "?%dK", "selective-erase-in-line", 0}, {CSI "L", "insert-lines", 0}, {CSI "%dL", "insert-lines", 0}, {CSI "M", "delete-lines", 0}, {CSI "%dM", "delete-lines", 0}, {CSI "P", "delete-characters", 0}, {CSI "%dP", "delete-characters", 0}, {CSI "S", "scroll-up", 0}, {CSI "%dS", "scroll-up", 0}, {CSI "T", "scroll-down", 0}, {CSI "%dT", "scroll-down", 0}, {CSI "%d;%d;%d;%d;%dT", "initiate-hilite-mouse-tracking", 0}, {CSI "X", "erase-characters", 0}, {CSI "%dX", "erase-characters", 0}, {CSI "Z", "cursor-back-tab", 0}, {CSI "%dZ", "cursor-back-tab", 0}, {CSI "`", "character-position-absolute", 0}, {CSI "%d`", "character-position-absolute", 0}, {CSI "b", "repeat", 0}, {CSI "%db", "repeat", 0}, {CSI "c", "send-primary-device-attributes", 0}, {CSI "%dc", "send-primary-device-attributes", 0}, {CSI ">c", "send-secondary-device-attributes", 0}, {CSI ">%dc", "send-secondary-device-attributes", 0}, {CSI "=c", "send-tertiary-device-attributes", 0}, {CSI "=%dc", "send-tertiary-device-attributes", 0}, {CSI "?%mc", "linux-console-cursor-attributes", 0}, {CSI "d", "line-position-absolute", 0}, {CSI "%dd", "line-position-absolute", 0}, {CSI ";f", "horizontal-and-vertical-position", 0}, {CSI "%d;f", "horizontal-and-vertical-position", 0}, {CSI ";%df", "horizontal-and-vertical-position", 0}, {CSI "%d;%df", "horizontal-and-vertical-position", 0}, {CSI "g", "tab-clear", 0}, {CSI "%dg", "tab-clear", 0}, {CSI "%mh", "set-mode", 0}, {CSI "?%mh", "decset", 0}, {CSI "%mi", "media-copy", 0}, {CSI "?%mi", "dec-media-copy", 0}, {CSI "%ml", "reset-mode", 0}, {CSI "?%ml", "decreset", 0}, {CSI "%mm", "character-attributes", 0}, {CSI "%dn", "device-status-report", 0}, {CSI "?%dn", "dec-device-status-report", 0}, {CSI "!p", "soft-reset", 0}, {CSI "%d;%d\"p", "set-conformance-level", 0}, {CSI "%d\"q", "select-character-protection", 0}, {CSI "r", "set-scrolling-region", 0}, {CSI "%d;%dr", "set-scrolling-region", 0}, {CSI "?%mr", "restore-mode", 0}, {CSI "s", "save-cursor", 0}, {CSI "?%ms", "save-mode", 0}, {CSI "u", "restore-cursor", 0}, {CSI "%mt", "window-manipulation", 0}, {CSI "%d;%d;%d;%dw", "enable-filter-rectangle", 0}, {CSI "%dx", "request-terminal-parameters", 0}, {CSI "%d;%d'z", "enable-locator-reporting", 0}, {CSI "%m'{", "select-locator-events", 0}, {CSI "%d'|", "request-locator-position", 0}, /* Set text parameters, BEL-terminated versions. */ {OSC ";%s" BEL, "set-icon-and-window-title", 0}, /* undocumented default */ {OSC "0;%s" BEL, "set-icon-and-window-title", 0}, {OSC "1;%s" BEL, "set-icon-title", 0}, {OSC "2;%s" BEL, "set-window-title", 0}, {OSC "3;%s" BEL, "set-xproperty", 0}, {OSC "4;%s" BEL, "change-color", 0}, {OSC "10;%s" BEL, "change-foreground-colors", 0}, {OSC "11;%s" BEL, "change-background-colors", 0}, {OSC "12;%s" BEL, "change-cursor-colors", 0}, {OSC "13;%s" BEL, "change-mouse-cursor-foreground-colors", 0}, {OSC "14;%s" BEL, "change-mouse-cursor-foreground-colors", 0}, {OSC "15;%s" BEL, "change-tek-background-colors", 0}, {OSC "16;%s" BEL, "change-tek-background-colors", 0}, {OSC "17;%s" BEL, "change-highlight-colors", 0}, {OSC "46;%s" BEL, "change-logfile", 0}, {OSC "50;#%d" BEL, "change-font-number", 0}, {OSC "50;%s" BEL, "change-font-name", 0}, /* Set text parameters, ST-terminated versions. */ {OSC ";%s" ST, "set-icon-and-window-title", 0}, /* undocumented default */ {OSC "0;%s" ST, "set-icon-and-window-title", 0}, {OSC "1;%s" ST, "set-icon-title", 0}, {OSC "2;%s" ST, "set-window-title", 0}, {OSC "3;%s" ST, "set-xproperty", 0}, {OSC "4;%s" ST, "change-color", 0}, {OSC "10;%s" ST, "change-foreground-colors", 0}, {OSC "11;%s" ST, "change-background-colors", 0}, {OSC "12;%s" ST, "change-cursor-colors", 0}, {OSC "13;%s" ST, "change-mouse-cursor-foreground-colors", 0}, {OSC "14;%s" ST, "change-mouse-cursor-foreground-colors", 0}, {OSC "15;%s" ST, "change-tek-background-colors", 0}, {OSC "16;%s" ST, "change-tek-background-colors", 0}, {OSC "17;%s" ST, "change-highlight-colors", 0}, {OSC "46;%s" ST, "change-logfile", 0}, {OSC "50;#%d" ST, "change-font-number", 0}, {OSC "50;%s" ST, "change-font-name", 0}, /* These may be bogus, I can't find docs for them anywhere (#104154). */ {OSC "21;%s" BEL, "set-text-property-21", 0}, {OSC "2L;%s" BEL, "set-text-property-2L", 0}, {OSC "21;%s" ST, "set-text-property-21", 0}, {OSC "2L;%s" ST, "set-text-property-2L", 0}, {NULL, NULL, 0}, }; /** * vte_capability_init: * * Initializes the vte_terminal_capability_strings and * vte_xterm_capability_strings structures used by the terminal. Can * be called multiple times without ill effect. * * Returns: void */ void _vte_capability_init(void) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; _vte_terminal_capability_strings[i].capability[0]; i++) { const char *tmp; GQuark quark; tmp = _vte_terminal_capability_strings[i].capability; quark = g_quark_from_static_string(tmp); _vte_terminal_capability_strings[i].quark = quark; } for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(_vte_xterm_capability_strings); i++) { const char *tmp; GQuark quark; tmp = _vte_xterm_capability_strings[i].value; if (tmp != NULL) { quark = g_quark_from_static_string(tmp); _vte_xterm_capability_strings[i].quark = quark; } } }