/** @page touchpad_pressure Touchpad pressure-based touch detection libinput uses the touchpad pressure values to detect wether a finger has been placed on the touchpad. This is @ref kernel_pressure_information and combines with a libinput-specific hardware database to adjust the thresholds on a per-device basis. libinput uses pressure thresholds primarily to filter out accidental light touches but pressure information is also used for some @ref palm_detection. Pressure thresholds are **not** directly configurable by the user, rather it is planned that libinput provides custom pressure thresholds for each device where necessary. See @ref touchpad_pressure_hwdb for instructions for your local device. @section kernel_pressure_information Information provided by the kernel The kernel sends multiple values to inform userspace about a finger touching the touchpad. The most basic is the ```EV_KEY/BTN_TOUCH``` boolean event that simply announces physical contact with the touchpad. The decision when this event is sent is usually made by the kernel driver and may depend on device-specific thresholds. These thresholds are transparent to userspace and cannot be modified. Many contemporary touchpad devices provide an absolute pressure axis in addition to ```BTN_TOUCH```. This pressure generally increases as the pressure increases, however few touchpads are capable of detection pressure. The pressure value is usually related to the covered area - as the pressure increases a finger flattens and thus covers a larger area. The range provided by the kernel is not mapped to a specific physical range and often requires adjustment. Pressure is sent by the ```ABS_PRESSURE``` axis for single-touch touchpads or ```ABS_MT_PRESSURE``` on multi-touch capable touchpads. Some devices provide additional touch size information through the ```ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR/ABS_MT_TOUCH_MINOR``` axes and/or the ```ABS_MT_WIDTH_MAJOR/ABS_MT_WIDTH_MINOR``` axes. While the kernel documentation specifies how these axes are supposed to be mapped, few devices forward reliable information. @section touchpad_pressure_hwdb Debugging touchpad pressure ranges This section describes how to determine the touchpad pressure ranges required for a touchpad device and how to add the required hwdb entry locally. Note that the hwdb entry is **not public API** and **may change at any time**. Users are advised to @ref reporting_bugs "report a bug" with the updated pressure ranges when testing has completed. First, install the "evemu" package providing the ```evemu-record``` tool. Run ```evemu-record``` as root (without arguments) to see a list of devices and select the touchpad device. Pipe the actual output of the tool into a file for later analysis. For example:
$ sudo evemu-record > touchpad-pressure.txt
Available devices:
/dev/input/event0:	Lid Switch
/dev/input/event1:	Sleep Button
/dev/input/event2:	Power Button
/dev/input/event3:	AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
/dev/input/event4:	SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad
/dev/input/event5:	ELAN Touchscreen
Select the device event number [0-19]: 4
#     Ctrl+C to quit, the output will be in touchpad-pressure.txt
Now move a finger at **normal pressure** several times around the touchpad, as if moving the cursor normally around the screen. Avoid any accidental palm touches or any excessive or light pressure. The event recording is then filtered for pressure information, which is sorted and exported to a new file:
$ grep --only-matching "ABS_MT_PRESSURE[ ]*[0-9]*" touchpad-pressure.txt | \
	sed -e "s/ABS_MT_PRESSURE[ ]*//" | \
	sort -n | uniq -c > touchpad-pressure-statistics.txt
The file contains a list of (count, pressure-value) tuples which can be visualized with gnuplot. Copy the following into a file named ```touchpad-pressure-statistics.gnuplot```:
set style data lines
plot 'touchpad-pressure-statistics.txt' using 2:1
pause -1
Now, you can visualize the touchpad pressure curve with the following command:
$ gnuplot  touchpad-pressure-statistics.gnuplot
The visualization will show a curve with the various pressure ranges, see [this bugzilla attachment](https://bugs.freedesktop.org/attachment.cgi?id=130659). In most cases, the thresholds can be guessed based on this curve. libinput employes a [Schmitt trigger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schmitt_trigger) with an upper threshold and a lower threshold. A touch is detected when the pressure goes above the high threshold, a release is detected when the pressure fallse below the low threshold. Thus, an ideal threshold combination is with a high threshold slightly above the minimum threshold, a low threshold on the minimum threshold. Once the thresholds are decided on (e.g. 10 and 8), they can be enabled with the following hwdb file:
$> cat /etc/udev/hwdb.d/99-touchpad-pressure.hwdb
libinput:name:*SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad:dmi:*svnHewlett-Packard:*pnHPCompaq6910p*
The first line is the match line and should be adjusted for the device name (see evemu-record's output) and for the local system, based on the information in ```/sys/class/dmi/id/modalias```. The modalias should be shortened to the specific system's information, usually system vendor (svn) and product name (pn). Once in place, you need to run the following to commands, adjusted for your device's event node (see @ref faq_hwdb_changes):
    sudo udevadm hwdb --update
    sudo udevadm test /sys/class/input/eventX
If the pressure range property shows up correctly, restart X or the Wayland compositor and libinput should now use the correct pressure thresholds. The @ref tools can be used to verify the correct functionality first without the need for a restart. Once the pressure ranges are deemed correct, @ref reporting_bugs "report a bug" to get the pressure ranges into the repository. */