@page absolute_coordinate_ranges Coordinate ranges for absolute axes
libinput requires that all touchpads provide a correct axis range and
resolution. These are used to enable or disable certain features or adapt
the interaction with the touchpad. For example, the software button area is
narrower on small touchpads to avoid reducing the interactive surface too
much. Likewise, palm detection works differently on small touchpads as palm
interference is less likely to happen.
Touchpads with incorrect axis ranges generate error messages
in the form:
Axis 0x35 value 4000 is outside expected range [0, 3000]
This error message indicates that the ABS_MT_POSITION_X axis (i.e. the x
axis) generated an event outside the expected range of 0-3000. In this case
the value was 4000.
This discrepancy between the coordinate range the kernels advertises vs.
what the touchpad sends can be the source of a number of perceived
bugs in libinput.
@section absolute_coordinate_ranges_fix Measuring and fixing touchpad ranges
To fix the touchpad you need to:
-# measure the physical size of your touchpad in mm
-# run touchpad-edge-detector
-# trim the udev match rule to something sensible
-# replace the resolution with the calculated resolution based on physical
-# test locally
-# send a patch to the systemd project
Detailed explanations are below.
[libevdev](http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/libevdev/) provides a tool
called **touchpad-edge-detector** that allows measuring the touchpad's input
ranges. Run the tool as root against the device node of your touchpad device
and repeatedly move a finger around the whole outside area of the
touchpad. Then control+c the process and note the output.
An example output is below:
$> sudo touchpad-edge-detector /dev/input/event4
Touchpad SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad on /dev/input/event4
Move one finger around the touchpad to detect the actual edges
Kernel says: x [1024..3112], y [2024..4832]
Touchpad sends: x [2445..4252], y [3464..4071]
Touchpad size as listed by the kernel: 49x66mm
Calculate resolution as:
x axis: 2088/
y axis: 2808/
Suggested udev rule:
evdev:name:SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad:dmi:bvnLENOVO:bvrGJET72WW(2.22):bd02/21/2014:svnLENOVO:pn20ARS25701:pvrThinkPadT440s:rvnLENOVO:rn20ARS25701:rvrSDK0E50512STD:cvnLENOVO:ct10:cvrNotAvailable:*
Note the discrepancy between the coordinate range the kernels advertises vs.
what the touchpad sends.
To fix the advertised ranges, the udev rule should be taken and trimmed
before being sent to the [systemd project](https://github.com/systemd/systemd).
An example commit can be found
In most cases the match can and should be trimmed to the system vendor (svn)
and the product version (pvr), with everything else replaced by a wildcard
(*). In this case, a Lenovo T440s, a suitable match string would be: @code
evdev:name:SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad:dmi:*svnLENOVO:*pvrThinkPadT440s*
@note hwdb match strings only allow for alphanumeric ascii characters. Use a
wildcard (* or ?, whichever appropriate) for special characters.
The actual axis overrides are in the form:
# axis number=min:max:resolution
or, if the range is correct but the resolution is wrong
# axis number=::resolution
Note the leading single space. The axis numbers are in hex and can be found
in *linux/input-event-codes.h*. For touchpads ABS_X, ABS_Y,
@note The touchpad's ranges and/or resolution should only be fixed when
there is a significant discrepancy. A few units do not make a difference and
a resolution that is off by 2 or less usually does not matter either.
Once a match and override rule has been found, follow the instructions at
the top of the
file to save it locally and trigger the udev hwdb reload. Rebooting is
always a good idea. If the match string is correct, the new properties will
show up in the
output of
udevadm info /sys/class/input/event4
Adjust the command for the event node of your touchpad.
A udev builtin will apply the new axis ranges automatically.
When the axis override is confirmed to work, please submit it as a patch to
the [systemd project](https://github.com/systemd/systemd) or if that is not
possible as a libinput bug here: