path: root/hw/xquartz/X11Controller.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hw/xquartz/X11Controller.m')
1 files changed, 679 insertions, 667 deletions
diff --git a/hw/xquartz/X11Controller.m b/hw/xquartz/X11Controller.m
index 3de4e139d..b0bfc5858 100644
--- a/hw/xquartz/X11Controller.m
+++ b/hw/xquartz/X11Controller.m
@@ -53,304 +53,277 @@
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
-@implementation X11Controller
+@ implementation X11Controller - (void) awakeFromNib {
+ X11Application *xapp = NSApp;
+ NSArray *array;
+ /* Point X11Application at ourself. */
+ [xapp set_controller:self];
+ array =[xapp prefs_get_array:@PREFS_APPSMENU];
+ if (array != nil) {
+ int count;
+ /* convert from [TITLE1 COMMAND1 TITLE2 COMMAND2 ...]
+ to [[TITLE1 COMMAND1] [TITLE2 COMMAND2] ...] format. */
+ count =[array count];
+ if (count > 0 && ![[array objectAtIndex: 0] isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
+ {
+ int i;
+ NSMutableArray *copy, *sub;
+ copy =[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:(count / 2)];
+ for (i = 0; i < count / 2; i++) {
+ sub =[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:3];
+ [sub addObject: [array objectAtIndex:i * 2]];
+ [sub addObject: [array objectAtIndex:i * 2 + 1]];
+ [sub addObject:@""];
+ [copy addObject:sub];
+ [sub release];
+ }
+ array = copy;
+ }
+ [self set_apps_menu:array];
+ }
-- (void) awakeFromNib
- X11Application *xapp = NSApp;
- NSArray *array;
- /* Point X11Application at ourself. */
- [xapp set_controller:self];
- array = [xapp prefs_get_array:@PREFS_APPSMENU];
- if (array != nil)
- {
- int count;
- /* convert from [TITLE1 COMMAND1 TITLE2 COMMAND2 ...]
- to [[TITLE1 COMMAND1] [TITLE2 COMMAND2] ...] format. */
- count = [array count];
- if (count > 0
- && ![[array objectAtIndex:0] isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]])
- {
- int i;
- NSMutableArray *copy, *sub;
- copy = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:(count / 2)];
- for (i = 0; i < count / 2; i++)
- {
- sub = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:3];
- [sub addObject:[array objectAtIndex:i*2]];
- [sub addObject:[array objectAtIndex:i*2+1]];
- [sub addObject:@""];
- [copy addObject:sub];
- [sub release];
- }
- array = copy;
- }
- [self set_apps_menu:array];
- }
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
- addObserver: self
- selector: @selector(apps_table_done:)
- name: NSWindowWillCloseNotification
- object: [apps_table window]];
+ addObserver: self selector: @selector(apps_table_done:)
+ name: NSWindowWillCloseNotification object:[apps_table window]];
// Setup data about our Windows menu
- if(window_separator) {
- [[window_separator menu] removeItem:window_separator];
+ if (window_separator) {
+ [[window_separator menu] removeItem:window_separator];
window_separator = nil;
- windows_menu_start = [[X11App windowsMenu] numberOfItems];
+ windows_menu_start =[[X11App windowsMenu] numberOfItems];
-- (void) item_selected:sender
- [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
- DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 2,
- AppleWMWindowMenuItem, [sender tag]);
+ -(void) item_selected:sender {
+ [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
+ DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 2,
+ AppleWMWindowMenuItem,[sender tag]);
-- (void) remove_window_menu
- NSMenu *menu;
- int count, i;
+-(void) remove_window_menu {
+ NSMenu *menu;
+ int count, i;
+ /* Work backwards so we don't mess up the indices */
+ menu =[X11App windowsMenu];
+ count =[menu numberOfItems];
+ for (i = count - 1; i >= windows_menu_start; i--)
+ [menu removeItemAtIndex:i];
- /* Work backwards so we don't mess up the indices */
- menu = [X11App windowsMenu];
- count = [menu numberOfItems];
- for (i = count - 1; i >= windows_menu_start; i--)
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:i];
- count = [dock_menu indexOfItem:dock_window_separator];
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- [dock_menu removeItemAtIndex:0];
+ count =[dock_menu indexOfItem:dock_window_separator];
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ [dock_menu removeItemAtIndex:0];
-- (void) install_window_menu:(NSArray *)list
- NSMenu *menu;
- NSMenuItem *item;
- int first, count, i;
- menu = [X11App windowsMenu];
- first = windows_menu_start + 1;
- count = [list count];
- // Push a Separator
- if(count) {
- [menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- NSString *name, *shortcut;
- name = [[list objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:0];
- shortcut = [[list objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:1];
- if(windowItemModMask == 0 || windowItemModMask == -1)
- shortcut = @"";
- item = (NSMenuItem *) [menu addItemWithTitle:name action:@selector
- (item_selected:) keyEquivalent:shortcut];
- [item setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:(NSUInteger) windowItemModMask];
- [item setTarget:self];
- [item setTag:i];
- [item setEnabled:YES];
- item = (NSMenuItem *) [dock_menu insertItemWithTitle:name
- action:@selector
- (item_selected:) keyEquivalent:shortcut
- atIndex:i];
- [item setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:(NSUInteger) windowItemModMask];
- [item setTarget:self];
- [item setTag:i];
- [item setEnabled:YES];
- }
- if (checked_window_item >= 0 && checked_window_item < count)
- {
- item = (NSMenuItem *) [menu itemAtIndex:first + checked_window_item];
- [item setState:NSOnState];
- item = (NSMenuItem *) [dock_menu itemAtIndex:checked_window_item];
- [item setState:NSOnState];
- }
-- (void) remove_apps_menu
- NSMenu *menu;
- NSMenuItem *item;
- int i;
- if (apps == nil || apps_separator == nil) return;
- menu = [apps_separator menu];
- if (menu != nil)
- {
- for (i = [menu numberOfItems] - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- item = (NSMenuItem *) [menu itemAtIndex:i];
- if ([item tag] != 0)
- [menu removeItemAtIndex:i];
- }
- }
- if (dock_apps_menu != nil)
- {
- for (i = [dock_apps_menu numberOfItems] - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- item = (NSMenuItem *) [dock_apps_menu itemAtIndex:i];
- if ([item tag] != 0)
- [dock_apps_menu removeItemAtIndex:i];
- }
- }
- [apps release];
- apps = nil;
-- (void) prepend_apps_item:(NSArray *)list index:(int)i menu:(NSMenu *)menu
- NSString *title, *shortcut = @"";
- NSArray *group;
- NSMenuItem *item;
- group = [list objectAtIndex:i];
- title = [group objectAtIndex:0];
- if ([group count] >= 3)
- shortcut = [group objectAtIndex:2];
- if ([title length] != 0)
- {
- item = (NSMenuItem *) [menu insertItemWithTitle:title
- action:@selector (app_selected:)
- keyEquivalent:shortcut atIndex:0];
- [item setTarget:self];
- [item setEnabled:YES];
- }
- else
- {
- item = (NSMenuItem *) [NSMenuItem separatorItem];
- [menu insertItem:item atIndex:0];
- }
- [item setTag:i+1]; /* can't be zero, so add one */
-- (void) install_apps_menu:(NSArray *)list
- NSMenu *menu;
- int i, count;
- count = [list count];
- if (count == 0 || apps_separator == nil) return;
- menu = [apps_separator menu];
- for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- if (menu != nil)
- [self prepend_apps_item:list index:i menu:menu];
- if (dock_apps_menu != nil)
- [self prepend_apps_item:list index:i menu:dock_apps_menu];
- }
- apps = [list retain];
-- (void) set_window_menu:(NSArray *)list
- [self remove_window_menu];
- [self install_window_menu:list];
- DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1,
- AppleWMWindowMenuNotify);
+ -(void) install_window_menu:(NSArray *) list {
+ NSMenu *menu;
+ NSMenuItem *item;
+ int first, count, i;
+ menu =[X11App windowsMenu];
+ first = windows_menu_start + 1;
+ count =[list count];
+ // Push a Separator
+ if (count) {
+ [menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ NSString *name, *shortcut;
+ name =[[list objectAtIndex: i] objectAtIndex:0];
+ shortcut =[[list objectAtIndex: i] objectAtIndex:1];
+ if (windowItemModMask == 0 || windowItemModMask == -1)
+ shortcut = @"";
+ item = (NSMenuItem *)[menu addItemWithTitle: name action: @selector(item_selected: )keyEquivalent:shortcut];
+ [item setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:(NSUInteger) windowItemModMask];
+ [item setTarget:self];
+ [item setTag:i];
+ [item setEnabled:YES];
+ item = (NSMenuItem *)[dock_menu insertItemWithTitle: name action: @selector(item_selected: )keyEquivalent: shortcut atIndex:i];
+ [item setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:(NSUInteger) windowItemModMask];
+ [item setTarget:self];
+ [item setTag:i];
+ [item setEnabled:YES];
+ }
+ if (checked_window_item >= 0 && checked_window_item < count) {
+ item = (NSMenuItem *)[menu itemAtIndex:first + checked_window_item];
+ [item setState:NSOnState];
+ item = (NSMenuItem *)[dock_menu itemAtIndex:checked_window_item];
+ [item setState:NSOnState];
+ }
-- (void) set_window_menu_check:(NSNumber *)nn
- NSMenu *menu;
- NSMenuItem *item;
- int first, count;
- int n = [nn intValue];
- menu = [X11App windowsMenu];
- first = windows_menu_start + 1;
- count = [menu numberOfItems] - first;
- if (checked_window_item >= 0 && checked_window_item < count)
- {
- item = (NSMenuItem *) [menu itemAtIndex:first + checked_window_item];
- [item setState:NSOffState];
- item = (NSMenuItem *) [dock_menu itemAtIndex:checked_window_item];
- [item setState:NSOffState];
- }
- if (n >= 0 && n < count)
- {
- item = (NSMenuItem *) [menu itemAtIndex:first + n];
- [item setState:NSOnState];
- item = (NSMenuItem *) [dock_menu itemAtIndex:n];
- [item setState:NSOnState];
- }
- checked_window_item = n;
-- (void) set_apps_menu:(NSArray *)list
+-(void) remove_apps_menu {
+ NSMenu *menu;
+ NSMenuItem *item;
+ int i;
+ if (apps == nil || apps_separator == nil)
+ return;
+ menu =[apps_separator menu];
+ if (menu != nil) {
+ for (i =[menu numberOfItems] - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ item = (NSMenuItem *)[menu itemAtIndex:i];
+ if ([item tag] != 0)
+ [menu removeItemAtIndex:i];
+ }
+ }
+ if (dock_apps_menu != nil) {
+ for (i =[dock_apps_menu numberOfItems] - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ item = (NSMenuItem *)[dock_apps_menu itemAtIndex:i];
+ if ([item tag] != 0)
+ [dock_apps_menu removeItemAtIndex:i];
+ }
+ }
+ [apps release];
+ apps = nil;
+ -(void) prepend_apps_item:(NSArray *)
+list index:(int)
+i menu:(NSMenu *) menu
- [self remove_apps_menu];
- [self install_apps_menu:list];
+ NSString *title, *shortcut = @"";
+ NSArray *group;
+ NSMenuItem *item;
+ group =[list objectAtIndex:i];
+ title =[group objectAtIndex:0];
+ if ([group count] >= 3)
+ shortcut =[group objectAtIndex:2];
+ if ([title length] != 0) {
+ item = (NSMenuItem *)[menu insertItemWithTitle: title action: @selector(app_selected:)
+ keyEquivalent: shortcut atIndex:0];
+ [item setTarget:self];
+ [item setEnabled:YES];
+ }
+ else {
+ item = (NSMenuItem *)[NSMenuItem separatorItem];
+ [menu insertItem: item atIndex:0];
+ }
+ [item setTag:i + 1]; /* can't be zero, so add one */
+ -(void) install_apps_menu:(NSArray *) list {
+ NSMenu *menu;
+ int i, count;
+ count =[list count];
+ if (count == 0 || apps_separator == nil)
+ return;
+ menu =[apps_separator menu];
+ for (i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (menu != nil)
+ [self prepend_apps_item: list index: i menu:menu];
+ if (dock_apps_menu != nil)
+ [self prepend_apps_item: list index: i menu:dock_apps_menu];
+ }
+ apps =[list retain];
+ -(void) set_window_menu:(NSArray *) list {
+ [self remove_window_menu];
+ [self install_window_menu:list];
+ DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMWindowMenuNotify);
+ -(void) set_window_menu_check:(NSNumber *) nn {
+ NSMenu *menu;
+ NSMenuItem *item;
+ int first, count;
+ int n =[nn intValue];
+ menu =[X11App windowsMenu];
+ first = windows_menu_start + 1;
+ count =[menu numberOfItems] - first;
+ if (checked_window_item >= 0 && checked_window_item < count) {
+ item = (NSMenuItem *)[menu itemAtIndex:first + checked_window_item];
+ [item setState:NSOffState];
+ item = (NSMenuItem *)[dock_menu itemAtIndex:checked_window_item];
+ [item setState:NSOffState];
+ }
+ if (n >= 0 && n < count) {
+ item = (NSMenuItem *)[menu itemAtIndex:first + n];
+ [item setState:NSOnState];
+ item = (NSMenuItem *)[dock_menu itemAtIndex:n];
+ [item setState:NSOnState];
+ }
+ checked_window_item = n;
+ -(void) set_apps_menu:(NSArray *) list {
+ [self remove_apps_menu];
+ [self install_apps_menu:list];
-- (void) setup_sparkle {
- if(check_for_updates_item)
- return; // already did it...
+-(void) setup_sparkle {
+ if (check_for_updates_item)
+ return; // already did it...
- NSMenu *menu = [x11_about_item menu];
+ NSMenu *menu =[x11_about_item menu];
- check_for_updates_item = [menu insertItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Check for X11 Updates...", @"Check for X11 Updates...")
- action:@selector (checkForUpdates:)
- keyEquivalent:@""
- atIndex:1];
- [check_for_updates_item setTarget:[SUUpdater sharedUpdater]];
- [check_for_updates_item setEnabled:YES];
+ check_for_updates_item =[menu insertItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Check for X11 Updates...",
+ @"Check for X11 Updates...")
+ action: @selector(checkForUpdates:)
+ keyEquivalent: @"" atIndex:1];
+ [check_for_updates_item setTarget:[SUUpdater sharedUpdater]];
+ [check_for_updates_item setEnabled:YES];
// Set X11Controller as the delegate for the updater.
- [[SUUpdater sharedUpdater] setDelegate:self];
+ [[SUUpdater sharedUpdater] setDelegate:self];
// Sent immediately before installing the specified update.
-- (void)updater:(SUUpdater *)updater willInstallUpdate:(SUAppcastItem *)update {
+ -(void) updater:(SUUpdater *)
+updater willInstallUpdate:(SUAppcastItem *) update
//[self set_can_quit:YES];
-- (void) launch_client:(NSString *)filename
+ -(void) launch_client:(NSString *) filename {
int child1, child2 = 0;
int status;
const char *newargv[4];
char buf[128];
char *s;
- newargv[0] = [X11App prefs_get_string:@PREFS_LOGIN_SHELL default:"/bin/sh"];
+newargv[0] =[X11App prefs_get_string: @PREFS_LOGIN_SHELL default:
newargv[1] = "-c";
- newargv[2] = [filename UTF8String];
+ newargv[2] =[filename UTF8String];
newargv[3] = NULL;
s = getenv("DISPLAY");
if (s == NULL || s[0] == 0) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ":%s", display);
@@ -360,502 +333,541 @@
/* Do the fork-twice trick to avoid having to reap zombies */
child1 = fork();
switch (child1) {
- case -1: /* error */
- break;
- case 0: /* child1 */
- child2 = fork();
- switch (child2) {
- int max_files, i;
- case -1: /* error */
- _exit(1);
- case 0: /* child2 */
- /* close all open files except for standard streams */
- max_files = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX);
- for(i = 3; i < max_files; i++)
- close(i);
- /* ensure stdin is on /dev/null */
- close(0);
- open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY);
- execvp(newargv[0], (char **const) newargv);
- _exit(2);
- default: /* parent (child1) */
- _exit(0);
- }
- break;
- default: /* parent */
- waitpid(child1, &status, 0);
+ case -1: /* error */
+ break;
+ case 0: /* child1 */
+ child2 = fork();
+ switch (child2) {
+ int max_files, i;
+ case -1: /* error */
+ _exit(1);
+ case 0: /* child2 */
+ /* close all open files except for standard streams */
+ max_files = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX);
+ for (i = 3; i < max_files; i++)
+ close(i);
+ /* ensure stdin is on /dev/null */
+ close(0);
+ open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY);
+ execvp(newargv[0], (char **const) newargv);
+ _exit(2);
+ default: /* parent (child1) */
+ _exit(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ default: /* parent */
+ waitpid(child1, &status, 0);
-- (void) app_selected:sender
- int tag;
- NSString *item;
- tag = [sender tag] - 1;
- if (apps == nil || tag < 0 || tag >= [apps count])
- return;
- item = [[apps objectAtIndex:tag] objectAtIndex:1];
- [self launch_client:item];
-- (IBAction) apps_table_show:sender
- NSArray *columns;
- NSMutableArray *oldapps = nil;
- if (table_apps != nil)
- oldapps = table_apps;
- table_apps = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
- if(apps != nil)
- [table_apps addObjectsFromArray:apps];
- columns = [apps_table tableColumns];
- [[columns objectAtIndex:0] setIdentifier:@"0"];
- [[columns objectAtIndex:1] setIdentifier:@"1"];
- [[columns objectAtIndex:2] setIdentifier:@"2"];
- [apps_table setDataSource:self];
- [apps_table selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0] byExtendingSelection:NO];
- [[apps_table window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender];
- [apps_table reloadData];
- if(oldapps != nil)
- [oldapps release];
-- (IBAction) apps_table_done:sender
- [apps_table deselectAll:sender]; /* flush edits? */
- [self remove_apps_menu];
- [self install_apps_menu:table_apps];
- [NSApp prefs_set_array:@PREFS_APPSMENU value:table_apps];
- [NSApp prefs_synchronize];
- [[apps_table window] orderOut:sender];
- [table_apps release];
- table_apps = nil;
-- (IBAction) apps_table_new:sender
- NSMutableArray *item;
- int row = [apps_table selectedRow], i;
- if (row < 0) row = 0;
- else row = row + 1;
- i = row;
- if (i > [table_apps count])
- return; /* avoid exceptions */
- [apps_table deselectAll:sender];
- item = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:3];
- [item addObject:@""];
- [item addObject:@""];
- [item addObject:@""];
- [table_apps insertObject:item atIndex:i];
- [item release];
- [apps_table reloadData];
- [apps_table selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:row] byExtendingSelection:NO];
-- (IBAction) apps_table_duplicate:sender
- int row = [apps_table selectedRow], i;
- NSObject *item;
- if (row < 0) {
- [self apps_table_new:sender];
- return;
- }
- i = row;
- if (i > [table_apps count] - 1) return; /* avoid exceptions */
- [apps_table deselectAll:sender];
- item = [[table_apps objectAtIndex:i] mutableCopy];
- [table_apps insertObject:item atIndex:i];
- [item release];
- [apps_table reloadData];
- [apps_table selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:row+1] byExtendingSelection:NO];
-- (IBAction) apps_table_delete:sender
- int row = [apps_table selectedRow];
- if (row >= 0)
- {
- int i = row;
- if (i > [table_apps count] - 1) return; /* avoid exceptions */
- [apps_table deselectAll:sender];
- [table_apps removeObjectAtIndex:i];
- }
- [apps_table reloadData];
- row = MIN (row, [table_apps count] - 1);
- if (row >= 0)
- [apps_table selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:row] byExtendingSelection:NO];
-- (NSInteger) numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tableView
- if (table_apps == nil) return 0;
- return [table_apps count];
+ -(void) app_selected:sender {
+ int tag;
+ NSString *item;
+ tag =[sender tag] - 1;
+ if (apps == nil || tag < 0 || tag >=[apps count])
+ return;
+ item =[[apps objectAtIndex: tag] objectAtIndex:1];
+ [self launch_client:item];
-- (id) tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView
-objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row
- NSArray *item;
- int col;
- if (table_apps == nil) return nil;
- col = [[tableColumn identifier] intValue];
- item = [table_apps objectAtIndex:row];
- if ([item count] > col)
- return [item objectAtIndex:col];
- else
- return @"";
-- (void) tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView setObjectValue:(id)object
- forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row
- NSMutableArray *item;
- int col;
- if (table_apps == nil) return;
- col = [[tableColumn identifier] intValue];
- item = [table_apps objectAtIndex:row];
- [item replaceObjectAtIndex:col withObject:object];
-- (void) hide_window:sender
- if ([X11App x_active])
- DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMHideWindow);
- else
- NSBeep (); /* FIXME: something here */
+ -(IBAction) apps_table_show:sender {
+ NSArray *columns;
+ NSMutableArray *oldapps = nil;
+ if (table_apps != nil)
+ oldapps = table_apps;
+ table_apps =[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1];
+ if (apps != nil)
+ [table_apps addObjectsFromArray:apps];
+ columns =[apps_table tableColumns];
+ [[columns objectAtIndex: 0] setIdentifier:@"0"];
+ [[columns objectAtIndex: 1] setIdentifier:@"1"];
+ [[columns objectAtIndex: 2] setIdentifier:@"2"];
+ [apps_table setDataSource:self];
+ [apps_table selectRowIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex: 0] byExtendingSelection:NO];
+ [[apps_table window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender];
+ [apps_table reloadData];
+ if (oldapps != nil)
+ [oldapps release];
-- (IBAction)bring_to_front:sender
- DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMBringAllToFront);
+ -(IBAction) apps_table_done:sender {
+ [apps_table deselectAll:sender];
+ /* flush edits? */
+ [self remove_apps_menu];
+ [self install_apps_menu:table_apps];
+ [NSApp prefs_set_array: @PREFS_APPSMENU value:table_apps];
+ [NSApp prefs_synchronize];
+ [[apps_table window] orderOut:sender];
+ [table_apps release];
+ table_apps = nil;
-- (IBAction)close_window:sender
- if ([X11App x_active])
- DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMCloseWindow);
- else
- [[NSApp keyWindow] performClose:sender];
+ -(IBAction) apps_table_new:sender {
+ NSMutableArray *item;
+ int row =[apps_table selectedRow], i;
+ if (row < 0)
+ row = 0;
+ else
+ row = row + 1;
+ i = row;
+ if (i >[table_apps count])
+ return; /* avoid exceptions */
+ [apps_table deselectAll:sender];
+ item =[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:3];
+ [item addObject:@""];
+ [item addObject:@""];
+ [item addObject:@""];
+ [table_apps insertObject: item atIndex:i];
+ [item release];
+ [apps_table reloadData];
+ [apps_table selectRowIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex: row] byExtendingSelection:NO];
-- (IBAction)minimize_window:sender
- if ([X11App x_active])
- DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMMinimizeWindow);
- else
- [[NSApp keyWindow] performMiniaturize:sender];
+ -(IBAction) apps_table_duplicate:sender {
+ int row =[apps_table selectedRow], i;
+ NSObject *item;
+ if (row < 0) {
+ [self apps_table_new:sender];
+ return;
+ }
+ i = row;
+ if (i >[table_apps count] - 1)
+ return; /* avoid exceptions */
+ [apps_table deselectAll:sender];
+ item =[[table_apps objectAtIndex:i] mutableCopy];
+ [table_apps insertObject: item atIndex:i];
+ [item release];
+ [apps_table reloadData];
+ [apps_table selectRowIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex: row + 1] byExtendingSelection:NO];
-- (IBAction)zoom_window:sender
- if ([X11App x_active])
- DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMZoomWindow);
- else
- [[NSApp keyWindow] performZoom:sender];
+ -(IBAction) apps_table_delete:sender {
+ int row =[apps_table selectedRow];
+ if (row >= 0) {
+ int i = row;
+ if (i >[table_apps count] - 1)
+ return; /* avoid exceptions */
+ [apps_table deselectAll:sender];
+ [table_apps removeObjectAtIndex:i];
+ }
+ [apps_table reloadData];
+ row = MIN(row,[table_apps count] - 1);
+ if (row >= 0)
+ [apps_table selectRowIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex: row] byExtendingSelection:NO];
+ -(NSInteger) numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *) tableView {
+ if (table_apps == nil)
+ return 0;
+ return[table_apps count];
-- (IBAction) next_window:sender
+ -(id) tableView: (NSTableView *) tableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn
+ *)
+tableColumn row:(NSInteger) row
- DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMNextWindow);
+ NSArray *item;
+ int col;
+ if (table_apps == nil)
+ return nil;
+ col =[[tableColumn identifier] intValue];
+ item =[table_apps objectAtIndex:row];
+ if ([item count] > col)
+ return[item objectAtIndex:col];
+ else
+ return @"";
-- (IBAction) previous_window:sender
+ -(void) tableView:(NSTableView *)
+tableView setObjectValue:(id) object forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)
+tableColumn row:(NSInteger) row
- DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMPreviousWindow);
+ NSMutableArray *item;
+ int col;
+ if (table_apps == nil)
+ return;
+ col =[[tableColumn identifier] intValue];
+ item =[table_apps objectAtIndex:row];
+ [item replaceObjectAtIndex: col withObject:object];
+ -(void) hide_window:sender {
+ if ([X11App x_active])
+ DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMHideWindow);
+ else
+ NSBeep(); /* FIXME: something here */
+ -(IBAction) bring_to_front:sender {
+ DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMBringAllToFront);
+ -(IBAction) close_window:sender {
+ if ([X11App x_active])
+ DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMCloseWindow);
+ else
+ [[NSApp keyWindow] performClose:sender];
+ -(IBAction) minimize_window:sender {
+ if ([X11App x_active])
+ DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMMinimizeWindow);
+ else
+ [[NSApp keyWindow] performMiniaturize:sender];
-- (IBAction) enable_fullscreen_changed:sender {
+ -(IBAction) zoom_window:sender {
+ if ([X11App x_active])
+ DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMZoomWindow);
+ else
+ [[NSApp keyWindow] performZoom:sender];
+ -(IBAction) next_window:sender {
+ DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMNextWindow);
+ -(IBAction) previous_window:sender {
+ DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMPreviousWindow);
+ -(IBAction) enable_fullscreen_changed:sender {
XQuartzRootlessDefault = ![enable_fullscreen intValue];
- [enable_fullscreen_menu setEnabled:!XQuartzRootlessDefault];
- [enable_fullscreen_menu_text setTextColor:XQuartzRootlessDefault ? [NSColor disabledControlTextColor] : [NSColor controlTextColor]];
+ [enable_fullscreen_menu setEnabled:!XQuartzRootlessDefault];
+ [enable_fullscreen_menu_text setTextColor:XQuartzRootlessDefault ?[NSColor disabledControlTextColor] :[NSColor
+ controlTextColor]];
DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzSetRootless, 1, XQuartzRootlessDefault);
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_ROOTLESS value:XQuartzRootlessDefault];
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_ROOTLESS value:XQuartzRootlessDefault];
[NSApp prefs_synchronize];
-- (IBAction) toggle_fullscreen:sender
- DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzToggleFullscreen, 0);
+ -(IBAction) toggle_fullscreen:sender {
+ DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzToggleFullscreen, 0);
-- (void) set_can_quit:(OSX_BOOL)state
- can_quit = state;
+ -(void) set_can_quit:(OSX_BOOL) state {
+ can_quit = state;
-- (IBAction)prefs_changed:sender
- if(!sender)
+ -(IBAction) prefs_changed:sender {
+ if (!sender)
- if(sender == fake_buttons) {
- darwinFakeButtons = [fake_buttons intValue];
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_FAKEBUTTONS value:darwinFakeButtons];
- } else if(sender == enable_keyequivs) {
- XQuartzEnableKeyEquivalents = [enable_keyequivs intValue];
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_KEYEQUIVS value:XQuartzEnableKeyEquivalents];
- } else if(sender == sync_keymap) {
- darwinSyncKeymap = [sync_keymap intValue];
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_KEYMAP value:darwinSyncKeymap];
- } else if(sender == enable_fullscreen_menu) {
- XQuartzFullscreenMenu = [enable_fullscreen_menu intValue];
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_FULLSCREEN_MENU value:XQuartzFullscreenMenu];
- } else if(sender == option_sends_alt) {
+ if (sender == fake_buttons) {
+ darwinFakeButtons =[fake_buttons intValue];
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_FAKEBUTTONS value:darwinFakeButtons];
+ }
+ else if (sender == enable_keyequivs) {
+ XQuartzEnableKeyEquivalents =[enable_keyequivs intValue];
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_KEYEQUIVS value:XQuartzEnableKeyEquivalents];
+ }
+ else if (sender == sync_keymap) {
+ darwinSyncKeymap =[sync_keymap intValue];
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_SYNC_KEYMAP value:darwinSyncKeymap];
+ }
+ else if (sender == enable_fullscreen_menu) {
+ XQuartzFullscreenMenu =[enable_fullscreen_menu intValue];
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_FULLSCREEN_MENU value:XQuartzFullscreenMenu];
+ }
+ else if (sender == option_sends_alt) {
BOOL prev_opt_sends_alt = XQuartzOptionSendsAlt;
- XQuartzOptionSendsAlt = [option_sends_alt intValue];
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_OPTION_SENDS_ALT value:XQuartzOptionSendsAlt];
- if(prev_opt_sends_alt != XQuartzOptionSendsAlt)
+ XQuartzOptionSendsAlt =[option_sends_alt intValue];
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_OPTION_SENDS_ALT value:XQuartzOptionSendsAlt];
+ if (prev_opt_sends_alt != XQuartzOptionSendsAlt)
- } else if(sender == click_through) {
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_CLICK_THROUGH value:[click_through intValue]];
- } else if(sender == focus_follows_mouse) {
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_FFM value:[focus_follows_mouse intValue]];
- } else if(sender == focus_on_new_window) {
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_FOCUS_ON_NEW_WINDOW value:[focus_on_new_window intValue]];
- } else if(sender == enable_auth) {
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_NO_AUTH value:![enable_auth intValue]];
- } else if(sender == enable_tcp) {
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_NO_TCP value:![enable_tcp intValue]];
- } else if(sender == depth) {
- [NSApp prefs_set_integer:@PREFS_DEPTH value:[depth selectedTag]];
- } else if(sender == sync_pasteboard) {
- BOOL pbproxy_active = [sync_pasteboard intValue];
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PB value:pbproxy_active];
- [sync_pasteboard_to_clipboard setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
- [sync_pasteboard_to_primary setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
- [sync_clipboard_to_pasteboard setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
- [sync_primary_immediately setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
+ }
+ else if (sender == click_through) {
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_CLICK_THROUGH value:[click_through
+ intValue]];
+ }
+ else if (sender == focus_follows_mouse) {
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_FFM value:[focus_follows_mouse
+ intValue]];
+ }
+ else if (sender == focus_on_new_window) {
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_FOCUS_ON_NEW_WINDOW value:[focus_on_new_window
+ intValue]];
+ }
+ else if (sender == enable_auth) {
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_NO_AUTH value:![enable_auth
+ intValue]];
+ }
+ else if (sender == enable_tcp) {
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_NO_TCP value:![enable_tcp intValue]];
+ }
+ else if (sender == depth) {
+ [NSApp prefs_set_integer: @PREFS_DEPTH value:[depth selectedTag]];
+ }
+ else if (sender == sync_pasteboard) {
+ BOOL pbproxy_active =[sync_pasteboard intValue];
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_SYNC_PB value:pbproxy_active];
+ [sync_pasteboard_to_clipboard setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
+ [sync_pasteboard_to_primary setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
+ [sync_clipboard_to_pasteboard setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
+ [sync_primary_immediately setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
// setEnabled doesn't do this...
- [sync_text1 setTextColor:pbproxy_active ? [NSColor controlTextColor] : [NSColor disabledControlTextColor]];
- [sync_text2 setTextColor:pbproxy_active ? [NSColor controlTextColor] : [NSColor disabledControlTextColor]];
- } else if(sender == sync_pasteboard_to_clipboard) {
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PB_TO_CLIPBOARD value:[sync_pasteboard_to_clipboard intValue]];
- } else if(sender == sync_pasteboard_to_primary) {
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PB_TO_PRIMARY value:[sync_pasteboard_to_primary intValue]];
- } else if(sender == sync_clipboard_to_pasteboard) {
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_CLIPBOARD_TO_PB value:[sync_clipboard_to_pasteboard intValue]];
- } else if(sender == sync_primary_immediately) {
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PRIMARY_ON_SELECT value:[sync_primary_immediately intValue]];
- } else if(sender == scroll_in_device_direction) {
- XQuartzScrollInDeviceDirection = [scroll_in_device_direction intValue];
- [NSApp prefs_set_boolean:@PREFS_SCROLL_IN_DEV_DIRECTION value:XQuartzScrollInDeviceDirection];
+ [sync_text1 setTextColor:pbproxy_active ?[NSColor controlTextColor] :[NSColor
+ disabledControlTextColor]];
+ [sync_text2 setTextColor:pbproxy_active ?[NSColor controlTextColor] :[NSColor
+ disabledControlTextColor]];
+ }
+ else if (sender == sync_pasteboard_to_clipboard) {
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_SYNC_PB_TO_CLIPBOARD value:[sync_pasteboard_to_clipboard
+ intValue]];
+ }
+ else if (sender == sync_pasteboard_to_primary) {
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_SYNC_PB_TO_PRIMARY value:[sync_pasteboard_to_primary
+ intValue]];
+ }
+ else if (sender == sync_clipboard_to_pasteboard) {
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_SYNC_CLIPBOARD_TO_PB value:[sync_clipboard_to_pasteboard
+ intValue]];
+ }
+ else if (sender == sync_primary_immediately) {
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_SYNC_PRIMARY_ON_SELECT value:[sync_primary_immediately
+ intValue]];
+ }
+ else if (sender == scroll_in_device_direction) {
+ XQuartzScrollInDeviceDirection =[scroll_in_device_direction intValue];
+ [NSApp prefs_set_boolean: @PREFS_SCROLL_IN_DEV_DIRECTION value:XQuartzScrollInDeviceDirection];
[NSApp prefs_synchronize];
DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzReloadPreferences, 0);
-- (IBAction) prefs_show:sender
- BOOL pbproxy_active = [NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PB default:YES];
+ -(IBAction) prefs_show:sender {
+BOOL pbproxy_active =[NSApp prefs_get_boolean: @PREFS_SYNC_PB default:
// Remove preferences from the GUI which are not supported
// TODO: Change 1117 to NSAppKitVersionNumber10_7 when it is defined
- if(scroll_in_device_direction && NSAppKitVersionNumber < 1117) {
+ if (scroll_in_device_direction && NSAppKitVersionNumber < 1117) {
[scroll_in_device_direction removeFromSuperview];
scroll_in_device_direction = nil;
- } else {
- [scroll_in_device_direction setIntValue:XQuartzScrollInDeviceDirection];
- }
- [fake_buttons setIntValue:darwinFakeButtons];
- [enable_keyequivs setIntValue:XQuartzEnableKeyEquivalents];
- [sync_keymap setIntValue:darwinSyncKeymap];
- [option_sends_alt setIntValue:XQuartzOptionSendsAlt];
- [click_through setIntValue:[NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_CLICK_THROUGH default:NO]];
- [focus_follows_mouse setIntValue:[NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_FFM default:NO]];
- [focus_on_new_window setIntValue:[NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_FOCUS_ON_NEW_WINDOW default:YES]];
- [enable_auth setIntValue:![NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_NO_AUTH default:NO]];
- [enable_tcp setIntValue:![NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_NO_TCP default:NO]];
- [depth selectItemAtIndex:[depth indexOfItemWithTag:[NSApp prefs_get_integer:@PREFS_DEPTH default:-1]]];
- [sync_pasteboard setIntValue:pbproxy_active];
- [sync_pasteboard_to_clipboard setIntValue:[NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PB_TO_CLIPBOARD default:YES]];
- [sync_pasteboard_to_primary setIntValue:[NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PB_TO_PRIMARY default:YES]];
- [sync_clipboard_to_pasteboard setIntValue:[NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_CLIPBOARD_TO_PB default:YES]];
- [sync_primary_immediately setIntValue:[NSApp prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_SYNC_PRIMARY_ON_SELECT default:NO]];
- [sync_pasteboard_to_clipboard setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
- [sync_pasteboard_to_primary setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
- [sync_clipboard_to_pasteboard setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
- [sync_primary_immediately setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
+ }
+ else {
+ [scroll_in_device_direction setIntValue:XQuartzScrollInDeviceDirection];
+ }
+ [fake_buttons setIntValue:darwinFakeButtons];
+ [enable_keyequivs setIntValue:XQuartzEnableKeyEquivalents];
+ [sync_keymap setIntValue:darwinSyncKeymap];
+ [option_sends_alt setIntValue:XQuartzOptionSendsAlt];
+[click_through setIntValue: [NSApp prefs_get_boolean: @PREFS_CLICK_THROUGH default:
+[focus_follows_mouse setIntValue: [NSApp prefs_get_boolean: @PREFS_FFM default:
+[focus_on_new_window setIntValue: [NSApp prefs_get_boolean: @PREFS_FOCUS_ON_NEW_WINDOW default:
+[enable_auth setIntValue: ![NSApp prefs_get_boolean: @PREFS_NO_AUTH default:
+[enable_tcp setIntValue: ![NSApp prefs_get_boolean: @PREFS_NO_TCP default:
+[depth selectItemAtIndex: [depth indexOfItemWithTag: [NSApp prefs_get_integer: @PREFS_DEPTH default:
+ [sync_pasteboard setIntValue:pbproxy_active];
+[sync_pasteboard_to_clipboard setIntValue: [NSApp prefs_get_boolean: @PREFS_SYNC_PB_TO_CLIPBOARD default:
+[sync_pasteboard_to_primary setIntValue: [NSApp prefs_get_boolean: @PREFS_SYNC_PB_TO_PRIMARY default:
+[sync_clipboard_to_pasteboard setIntValue: [NSApp prefs_get_boolean: @PREFS_SYNC_CLIPBOARD_TO_PB default:
+[sync_primary_immediately setIntValue: [NSApp prefs_get_boolean: @PREFS_SYNC_PRIMARY_ON_SELECT default:
+ [sync_pasteboard_to_clipboard setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
+ [sync_pasteboard_to_primary setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
+ [sync_clipboard_to_pasteboard setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
+ [sync_primary_immediately setEnabled:pbproxy_active];
// setEnabled doesn't do this...
- [sync_text1 setTextColor:pbproxy_active ? [NSColor controlTextColor] : [NSColor disabledControlTextColor]];
- [sync_text2 setTextColor:pbproxy_active ? [NSColor controlTextColor] : [NSColor disabledControlTextColor]];
- [enable_fullscreen setIntValue:!XQuartzRootlessDefault];
- [enable_fullscreen_menu setIntValue:XQuartzFullscreenMenu];
- [enable_fullscreen_menu setEnabled:!XQuartzRootlessDefault];
- [enable_fullscreen_menu_text setTextColor:XQuartzRootlessDefault ? [NSColor disabledControlTextColor] : [NSColor controlTextColor]];
+ [sync_text1 setTextColor:pbproxy_active ?[NSColor controlTextColor] :[NSColor
+ disabledControlTextColor]];
+ [sync_text2 setTextColor:pbproxy_active ?[NSColor controlTextColor] :[NSColor
+ disabledControlTextColor]];
- [prefs_panel makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender];
+ [enable_fullscreen setIntValue:!XQuartzRootlessDefault];
+ [enable_fullscreen_menu setIntValue:XQuartzFullscreenMenu];
+ [enable_fullscreen_menu setEnabled:!XQuartzRootlessDefault];
+ [enable_fullscreen_menu_text setTextColor:XQuartzRootlessDefault ?[NSColor disabledControlTextColor] :[NSColor
+ controlTextColor]];
+ [prefs_panel makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender];
-- (IBAction) quit:sender {
+ -(IBAction) quit:sender {
DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzQuit, 0);
-- (IBAction) x11_help:sender {
+ -(IBAction) x11_help:sender {
- AHLookupAnchor((CFStringRef)NSLocalizedString(@"Mac Help", no comment), CFSTR("mchlp2276"));
+ AHLookupAnchor((CFStringRef) NSLocalizedString(@"Mac Help", no comment),
+ CFSTR("mchlp2276"));
AHLookupAnchor(CFSTR(""), CFSTR("mchlp2276"));
-- (OSX_BOOL) validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)item {
- NSMenu *menu = [item menu];
- if (item == toggle_fullscreen_item)
- return !XQuartzIsRootless;
- else if (menu == [X11App windowsMenu] || menu == dock_menu
- || (menu == [x11_about_item menu] && [item tag] == 42))
- return (AppleWMSelectedEvents () & AppleWMControllerNotifyMask) != 0;
- else
- return TRUE;
+ -(OSX_BOOL) validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *) item {
+ NSMenu *menu =[item menu];
+ if (item == toggle_fullscreen_item)
+ return !XQuartzIsRootless;
+ else if (menu ==[X11App windowsMenu] || menu == dock_menu
+ || (menu ==[x11_about_item menu] &&[item tag] == 42))
+ return (AppleWMSelectedEvents() & AppleWMControllerNotifyMask) != 0;
+ else
+ return TRUE;
-- (void) applicationDidHide:(NSNotification *)notify
- DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMHideAll);
+ -(void) applicationDidHide:(NSNotification *) notify {
+ DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMHideAll);
- /* Toggle off fullscreen mode to leave our non-default video
- * mode and hide our guard window.
- */
- if (!XQuartzIsRootless && XQuartzFullscreenVisible) {
- DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzToggleFullscreen, 0);
- }
+ /* Toggle off fullscreen mode to leave our non-default video
+ * mode and hide our guard window.
+ */
+ if (!XQuartzIsRootless && XQuartzFullscreenVisible) {
+ DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzToggleFullscreen, 0);
+ }
-- (void) applicationDidUnhide:(NSNotification *)notify
- DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMShowAll);
+ -(void) applicationDidUnhide:(NSNotification *) notify {
+ DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzControllerNotify, 1, AppleWMShowAll);
-- (NSApplicationTerminateReply) applicationShouldTerminate:sender {
+ -(NSApplicationTerminateReply) applicationShouldTerminate:sender {
NSString *msg;
NSString *title;
- if (can_quit || [X11App prefs_get_boolean:@PREFS_NO_QUIT_ALERT default:NO])
+if (can_quit ||[X11App prefs_get_boolean: @PREFS_NO_QUIT_ALERT default:
return NSTerminateNow;
/* Make sure we're frontmost. */
- [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
- title = NSLocalizedString(@"Do you really want to quit X11?", @"Dialog title when quitting");
- msg = NSLocalizedString(@"Any open X11 applications will stop immediately, and you will lose any unsaved changes.", @"Dialog when quitting");
+ [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
+ title =
+ NSLocalizedString(@"Do you really want to quit X11?",
+ @"Dialog title when quitting");
+ msg =
+ NSLocalizedString
+ (@"Any open X11 applications will stop immediately, and you will lose any unsaved changes.",
+ @"Dialog when quitting");
/* FIXME: safe to run the alert in here? Or should we return Later
* and then run the alert on a timer? It seems to work here, so..
- return (NSRunAlertPanel (title, msg, NSLocalizedString (@"Quit", @""),
- NSLocalizedString (@"Cancel", @""), nil)
+ return (NSRunAlertPanel(title, msg, NSLocalizedString(@"Quit", @""),
+ NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", @""), nil)
== NSAlertDefaultReturn) ? NSTerminateNow : NSTerminateCancel;
-- (void) applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotification
- unsigned remain;
- [X11App prefs_synchronize];
- /* shutdown the X server, it will exit () for us. */
- DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzQuit, 0);
- /* In case it doesn't, exit anyway after a while. */
- remain = 10000000;
- while((remain = usleep(remain)) > 0);
+ -(void) applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *) aNotification {
+ unsigned remain;
+ [X11App prefs_synchronize];
+ /* shutdown the X server, it will exit () for us. */
+ DarwinSendDDXEvent(kXquartzQuit, 0);
+ /* In case it doesn't, exit anyway after a while. */
+ remain = 10000000;
+ while ((remain = usleep(remain)) > 0);
- exit (1);
+ exit(1);
-- (void) server_ready
- x_list *node;
- finished_launching = YES;
- for (node = pending_apps; node != NULL; node = node->next)
- {
- NSString *filename = node->data;
- [self launch_client:filename];
- [filename release];
- }
- x_list_free (pending_apps);
- pending_apps = NULL;
-- (OSX_BOOL) application:(NSApplication *)app openFile:(NSString *)filename
+-(void) server_ready {
+ x_list *node;
+ finished_launching = YES;
+ for (node = pending_apps; node != NULL; node = node->next) {
+ NSString *filename = node->data;
+ [self launch_client:filename];
+ [filename release];
+ }
+ x_list_free(pending_apps);
+ pending_apps = NULL;
+ -(OSX_BOOL) application:(NSApplication *)
+app openFile:(NSString *) filename
- const char *name = [filename UTF8String];
+ const char *name =[filename UTF8String];
if (finished_launching)
- [self launch_client:filename];
- else if (name[0] != ':') /* ignore display names */
- pending_apps = x_list_prepend (pending_apps, [filename retain]);
+ [self launch_client:filename];
+ else if (name[0] != ':') /* ignore display names */
+ pending_apps = x_list_prepend(pending_apps,[filename retain]);
/* FIXME: report failures. */
return YES;
-void X11ControllerMain(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {
- X11ApplicationMain (argc, argv, envp);
+@end void
+X11ControllerMain(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
+ X11ApplicationMain(argc, argv, envp);