# Template for glean Makefiles. # When creating a new subdirectory, copy this template into a new Makefile # and edit the lines below accordingly. include $(GLEAN_ROOT)/make/common.mak # Customizable variables with defaults as noted here. Any or all of these # may be deleted if the default is acceptable; the actual default values are # set in common.mak. CSRC= all *.c files in current directory CPPSRC= all *.cpp files in current directory DIRS=all subdirectories with names of the form '*_d' in the current directory TARGET=app or lib to be built APPDST=$(GLEAN_ROOT)/bin LIBDST=$(GLEAN_ROOT)/lib HTARGET=.h files to be installed (with library targets, or for h.mak below) HDST=$(GLEAN_ROOT)/include # Options for compilation: INC= additional -I options for include-file directories, if any OPT= additional options for optimization (e.g. -O2), if any DBG=-g WARN= warning options LIBDIR= -L options for additional library directories, if any LIB= -l options for additional libraries, if any PROF= various profiling options # Choose one of these, depending on whether you're building an app, lib, # .h, tests, or just subdirectories: include $(GLEAN_ROOT)/make/app.mak include $(GLEAN_ROOT)/make/lib.mak include $(GLEAN_ROOT)/make/h.mak include $(GLEAN_ROOT)/make/test.mak include $(GLEAN_ROOT)/make/null.mak