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authorRichard Shann <rshann@debianrts.home>2011-02-14 11:54:43 +0000
committerRichard Shann <rshann@debianrts.home>2011-02-14 11:54:43 +0000
commit0662baa31a32879c24d7ebc25f3bd577061896d3 (patch)
parent9cb51b1a298540b9f03252d14597402eded883ec (diff)
Crete d-ActivateMenuItem. Example (d-ActivateMenuItem "/MainMenu/ViewMenu/TogglePrintView") which toggles the print view window. The names of the paths can be seen in the file denemoui.xml in the case of built-ins
2 files changed, 17 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/view.c b/src/view.c
index bd3fbe2f..34d3b87a 100644
--- a/src/view.c
+++ b/src/view.c
@@ -484,6 +484,15 @@ static SCM scheme_load_command(SCM command) {
return SCM_BOOL(ret);
+static SCM scheme_activate_menu_item(SCM menupath) {
+ if(scm_is_string(menupath)) {
+ gchar *item = scm_to_locale_string(menupath);
+ if(item)
+ return SCM_BOOL(activate_action(item));
+ }
+ return SCM_BOOL_F;
static void
toggle_toolbar (GtkAction * action, gpointer param);
static void
@@ -3725,6 +3734,10 @@ static void create_scheme_identfiers(void) {
/* install the scheme functions for calling extra Denemo functions created for the scripting interface */
INSTALL_SCM_FUNCTION1 ("Takes a command name. called by a script if it requires initialization the initialization script is expected to be in init.scm in the menupath of the command passed in.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"InitializeScript", scheme_initialize_script);
INSTALL_SCM_FUNCTION1 (" pass in a path (from below menus) to a command script. Loads the command from .denemo or system if it can be found. It is used at startup in .denemo files like ReadingNoteNames.denemo which executes (d-LoadCommand \"MainMenu/Educational/ReadingNoteNames\") to ensure that the command it needs is in the command set.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"LoadCommand", scheme_load_command);
+ INSTALL_SCM_FUNCTION1 ("Takes a string, a menu path (from below menus). It executes the command for that menu item. Returns #f for no menu item.", DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"ActivateMenuItem", scheme_activate_menu_item);
INSTALL_SCM_FUNCTION ("Returns the directory holding the user's preferences",DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"LocateDotDenemo", scheme_locate_dotdenemo);
INSTALL_SCM_FUNCTION ("Returns the name of the type of object at the cursor",DENEMO_SCHEME_PREFIX"GetType", scheme_get_type);
@@ -6945,13 +6958,14 @@ gint val = gtk_radio_action_get_current_value (current);
-void activate_action(gchar *path) {
+GtkAction *activate_action(gchar *path) {
GtkAction *a;
a = gtk_ui_manager_get_action (Denemo.ui_manager, path);
- g_warning("Internal error, denemogui.xml out of step with literal %s in %s\n", path, __FILE__);
+ g_warning("No command at %s - should this be in denemoui.xml?\n", path);
+ return a;
diff --git a/src/view.h b/src/view.h
index c9b23dc3..5b726301 100644
--- a/src/view.h
+++ b/src/view.h
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ void highlight_rest(DenemoGUI *gui, gint dur);
gboolean loadGraphicItem(gchar *name, DenemoGraphic **pgraphic);
-void activate_action(gchar *path);
+GtkAction *activate_action(gchar *path);
GError *execute_script_file(gchar *filename);