/* * Copyright © 2012 Intel Corporation * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * * Author: Benjamin Segovia */ #include "cl_command_queue.h" #include "cl_context.h" #include "cl_program.h" #include "cl_kernel.h" #include "cl_device_id.h" #include "cl_mem.h" #include "cl_utils.h" #include "cl_thread.h" #include "cl_alloc.h" #include "cl_driver.h" #include "cl_khr_icd.h" #include "performance.h" #include #include #include LOCAL cl_command_queue cl_command_queue_new(cl_context ctx) { cl_command_queue queue = NULL; assert(ctx); TRY_ALLOC_NO_ERR (queue, CALLOC(struct _cl_command_queue)); SET_ICD(queue->dispatch) queue->magic = CL_MAGIC_QUEUE_HEADER; queue->ref_n = 1; queue->ctx = ctx; if ((queue->thread_data = cl_thread_data_create()) == NULL) { goto error; } /* Append the command queue in the list */ pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->queue_lock); queue->next = ctx->queues; if (ctx->queues != NULL) ctx->queues->prev = queue; ctx->queues = queue; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->queue_lock); /* The queue also belongs to its context */ cl_context_add_ref(ctx); exit: return queue; error: cl_command_queue_delete(queue); queue = NULL; goto exit; } LOCAL void cl_command_queue_delete(cl_command_queue queue) { assert(queue); if (atomic_dec(&queue->ref_n) != 1) return; /* Remove it from the list */ assert(queue->ctx); pthread_mutex_lock(&queue->ctx->queue_lock); if (queue->prev) queue->prev->next = queue->next; if (queue->next) queue->next->prev = queue->prev; if (queue->ctx->queues == queue) queue->ctx->queues = queue->next; pthread_mutex_unlock(&queue->ctx->queue_lock); if (queue->fulsim_out != NULL) { cl_mem_delete(queue->fulsim_out); queue->fulsim_out = NULL; } cl_thread_data_destroy(queue); queue->thread_data = NULL; cl_mem_delete(queue->perf); cl_context_delete(queue->ctx); cl_free(queue->wait_events); queue->magic = CL_MAGIC_DEAD_HEADER; /* For safety */ cl_free(queue); } LOCAL void cl_command_queue_add_ref(cl_command_queue queue) { atomic_inc(&queue->ref_n); } static void set_image_info(char *curbe, struct ImageInfo * image_info, struct _cl_mem_image *image) { if (image_info->wSlot >= 0) *(uint32_t*)(curbe + image_info->wSlot) = image->w; if (image_info->hSlot >= 0) *(uint32_t*)(curbe + image_info->hSlot) = image->h; if (image_info->depthSlot >= 0) *(uint32_t*)(curbe + image_info->depthSlot) = image->depth; if (image_info->channelOrderSlot >= 0) *(uint32_t*)(curbe + image_info->channelOrderSlot) = image->fmt.image_channel_order; if (image_info->dataTypeSlot >= 0) *(uint32_t*)(curbe + image_info->dataTypeSlot) = image->fmt.image_channel_data_type; } LOCAL cl_int cl_command_queue_bind_image(cl_command_queue queue, cl_kernel k) { uint32_t i; GET_QUEUE_THREAD_GPGPU(queue); for (i = 0; i < k->image_sz; i++) { int id = k->images[i].arg_idx; struct _cl_mem_image *image; assert(interp_kernel_get_arg_type(k->opaque, id) == GBE_ARG_IMAGE); image = cl_mem_image(k->args[id].mem); set_image_info(k->curbe, &k->images[i], image); cl_gpgpu_bind_image(gpgpu, k->images[i].idx, image->base.bo, image->offset, image->intel_fmt, image->image_type, image->w, image->h, image->depth, image->row_pitch, image->tiling); } return CL_SUCCESS; } LOCAL cl_int cl_command_queue_bind_surface(cl_command_queue queue, cl_kernel k) { GET_QUEUE_THREAD_GPGPU(queue); /* Bind all user buffers (given by clSetKernelArg) */ uint32_t i; enum gbe_arg_type arg_type; /* kind of argument */ for (i = 0; i < k->arg_n; ++i) { uint32_t offset; // location of the address in the curbe arg_type = interp_kernel_get_arg_type(k->opaque, i); if (arg_type != GBE_ARG_GLOBAL_PTR || !k->args[i].mem) continue; offset = interp_kernel_get_curbe_offset(k->opaque, GBE_CURBE_KERNEL_ARGUMENT, i); if (k->args[i].mem->type == CL_MEM_SUBBUFFER_TYPE) { struct _cl_mem_buffer* buffer = (struct _cl_mem_buffer*)k->args[i].mem; cl_gpgpu_bind_buf(gpgpu, k->args[i].mem->bo, offset, buffer->sub_offset, cl_gpgpu_get_cache_ctrl()); } else { cl_gpgpu_bind_buf(gpgpu, k->args[i].mem->bo, offset, 0, cl_gpgpu_get_cache_ctrl()); } } return CL_SUCCESS; } #if USE_FULSIM extern void drm_intel_bufmgr_gem_stop_aubfile(cl_buffer_mgr); extern void drm_intel_bufmgr_gem_set_aubfile(cl_buffer_mgr, FILE*); extern void aub_exec_dump_raw_file(cl_buffer, size_t offset, size_t sz); static void cl_run_fulsim(void) { const char *run_it = getenv("OCL_SIMULATOR"); const char *debug_mode = getenv("OCL_FULSIM_DEBUG_MODE"); if (run_it == NULL || strcmp(run_it, "1")) return; #if EMULATE_GEN == 7 /* IVB */ if (debug_mode == NULL || strcmp(debug_mode, "1")) system("wine AubLoad.exe dump.aub -device ivbB0"); else system("wine AubLoad.exe dump.aub -device ivbB0 -debug"); #elif EMULATE_GEN == 75 /* HSW */ if (debug_mode == NULL || strcmp(debug_mode, "1")) system("wine AubLoad.exe dump.aub -device hsw.h.a0"); else system("wine AubLoad.exe dump.aub -device hsw.h.a0 -debug"); #else #error "Unknown device" #endif } /* Each buffer is dump using several chunks of this size */ static const size_t chunk_sz = 8192u; static cl_int cl_fulsim_dump_all_surfaces(cl_command_queue queue, cl_kernel k) { cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS; cl_mem mem = NULL; int i; size_t j; /* Bind user defined surface */ for (i = 0; i < k->arg_n; ++i) { size_t chunk_n, chunk_remainder; if (interp_kernel_get_arg_type(k->opaque, i) != GBE_ARG_GLOBAL_PTR) continue; mem = (cl_mem) k->args[i].mem; CHECK_MEM(mem); chunk_n = cl_buffer_get_size(mem->bo) / chunk_sz; chunk_remainder = cl_buffer_get_size(mem->bo) % chunk_sz; for (j = 0; j < chunk_n; ++j) aub_exec_dump_raw_file(mem->bo, j * chunk_sz, chunk_sz); if (chunk_remainder) aub_exec_dump_raw_file(mem->bo, chunk_n * chunk_sz, chunk_remainder); } error: return err; } struct bmphdr { /* 2 bytes of magic here, "BM", total header size is 54 bytes! */ int filesize; /* 4 total file size incl header */ short as0, as1; /* 8 app specific */ int bmpoffset; /* 12 ofset of bmp data */ int headerbytes; /* 16 bytes in header from this point (40 actually) */ int width; /* 20 */ int height; /* 24 */ short nplanes; /* 26 no of color planes */ short bpp; /* 28 bits/pixel */ int compression; /* 32 BI_RGB = 0 = no compression */ int sizeraw; /* 36 size of raw bmp file, excluding header, incl padding */ int hres; /* 40 horz resolutions pixels/meter */ int vres; /* 44 */ int npalcolors; /* 48 No of colors in palette */ int nimportant; /* 52 No of important colors */ /* raw b, g, r data here, dword aligned per scan line */ }; static int* cl_read_bmp(const char *filename, int *width, int *height) { int n; struct bmphdr hdr; FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); assert(fp); char magic[2]; n = fread(&magic[0], 1, 2, fp); assert(n == 2 && magic[0] == 'B' && magic[1] == 'M'); n = fread(&hdr, 1, sizeof(hdr), fp); assert(n == sizeof(hdr)); assert(hdr.width > 0 && hdr.height > 0 && hdr.nplanes == 1 && hdr.compression == 0); int *rgb32 = (int *) cl_malloc(hdr.width * hdr.height * sizeof(int)); assert(rgb32); int x, y; int *dst = rgb32; for (y = 0; y < hdr.height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < hdr.width; x++) { assert(!feof(fp)); int b = (getc(fp) & 0x0ff); int g = (getc(fp) & 0x0ff); int r = (getc(fp) & 0x0ff); *dst++ = (r | (g << 8) | (b << 16) | 0xff000000); /* abgr */ } while (x & 3) { getc(fp); x++; } } fclose(fp); *width = hdr.width; *height = hdr.height; return rgb32; } static char* cl_read_dump(const char *name, size_t *size) { char *raw = NULL, *dump = NULL; size_t i, sz; int w, h; if ((raw = (char*) cl_read_bmp(name, &w, &h)) == NULL) return NULL; sz = w * h; dump = (char*) cl_malloc(sz); assert(dump); for (i = 0; i < sz; ++i) dump[i] = raw[4*i]; cl_free(raw); if (size) *size = sz; return dump; } static cl_int cl_fulsim_read_all_surfaces(cl_command_queue queue, cl_kernel k) { cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS; cl_mem mem = NULL; char *from = NULL, *to = NULL; size_t size, j, chunk_n, chunk_remainder; int i, curr = 0; /* Bind user defined surface */ for (i = 0; i < k->arg_n; ++i) { if (interp_kernel_get_arg_type(k->opaque, i) != GBE_ARG_GLOBAL_PTR) continue; mem = (cl_mem) k->args[i].mem; CHECK_MEM(mem); assert(mem->bo); chunk_n = cl_buffer_get_size(mem->bo) / chunk_sz; chunk_remainder = cl_buffer_get_size(mem->bo) % chunk_sz; to = cl_mem_map(mem); for (j = 0; j < chunk_n; ++j) { char name[256]; sprintf(name, "dump%03i.bmp", curr); #ifdef NDEBUG from = cl_read_dump(name, NULL); #else from = cl_read_dump(name, &size); assert(size == chunk_sz); #endif /* NDEBUG */ memcpy(to + j*chunk_sz, from, chunk_sz); cl_free(from); curr++; } if (chunk_remainder) { char name[256]; sprintf(name, "dump%03i.bmp", curr); #ifdef NDEBUG from = cl_read_dump(name, NULL); #else from = cl_read_dump(name, &size); assert(size == chunk_remainder); #endif /* NDEBUG */ memcpy(to + chunk_n*chunk_sz, from, chunk_remainder); cl_free(from); curr++; } cl_mem_unmap(mem); } error: return err; } #endif extern cl_int cl_command_queue_ND_range_gen7(cl_command_queue, cl_kernel, uint32_t, const size_t *, const size_t *, const size_t *); static cl_int cl_kernel_check_args(cl_kernel k) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < k->arg_n; ++i) if (k->args[i].is_set == CL_FALSE) return CL_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGS; return CL_SUCCESS; } LOCAL cl_int cl_command_queue_ND_range(cl_command_queue queue, cl_kernel k, const uint32_t work_dim, const size_t *global_wk_off, const size_t *global_wk_sz, const size_t *local_wk_sz) { if(b_output_kernel_perf) time_start(queue->ctx, cl_kernel_get_name(k), queue); const int32_t ver = cl_driver_get_ver(queue->ctx->drv); cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS; /* Check that the user did not forget any argument */ TRY (cl_kernel_check_args, k); #if USE_FULSIM cl_buffer_mgr bufmgr = NULL; FILE *file = NULL; const char *run_it = getenv("OCL_SIMULATOR"); if (run_it != NULL && strcmp(run_it, "1") == 0) { file = fopen("dump.aub", "wb"); FATAL_IF (file == NULL, "Unable to open file dump.aub"); bufmgr = cl_context_get_bufmgr(queue->ctx); drm_intel_bufmgr_gem_set_aubfile(bufmgr, file); } #endif /* USE_FULSIM */ if (ver == 7 || ver == 75) TRY (cl_command_queue_ND_range_gen7, queue, k, work_dim, global_wk_off, global_wk_sz, local_wk_sz); else FATAL ("Unknown Gen Device"); #if USE_FULSIM if (run_it != NULL && strcmp(run_it, "1") == 0) { TRY (cl_fulsim_dump_all_surfaces, queue, k); drm_intel_bufmgr_gem_stop_aubfile(bufmgr); fclose(file); cl_run_fulsim(); TRY (cl_fulsim_read_all_surfaces, queue, k); } #endif /* USE_FULSIM */ error: return err; } LOCAL cl_int cl_command_queue_flush(cl_command_queue queue) { GET_QUEUE_THREAD_GPGPU(queue); size_t global_wk_sz[3]; void* printf_info = cl_gpgpu_get_printf_info(gpgpu, global_wk_sz); cl_gpgpu_flush(gpgpu); if (printf_info && interp_get_printf_num(printf_info)) { void *index_addr = cl_gpgpu_map_printf_buffer(gpgpu, 0); void *buf_addr = cl_gpgpu_map_printf_buffer(gpgpu, 1); interp_output_printf(printf_info, index_addr, buf_addr, global_wk_sz[0], global_wk_sz[1], global_wk_sz[2]); cl_gpgpu_unmap_printf_buffer(gpgpu, 0); cl_gpgpu_unmap_printf_buffer(gpgpu, 1); interp_release_printf_info(printf_info); global_wk_sz[0] = global_wk_sz[1] = global_wk_sz[2] = 0; cl_gpgpu_set_printf_info(gpgpu, NULL, global_wk_sz); } cl_invalid_thread_gpgpu(queue); return CL_SUCCESS; } LOCAL cl_int cl_command_queue_finish(cl_command_queue queue) { cl_gpgpu_sync(cl_get_thread_batch_buf(queue)); return CL_SUCCESS; } #define DEFAULT_WAIT_EVENTS_SIZE 16 LOCAL void cl_command_queue_insert_event(cl_command_queue queue, cl_event event) { cl_int i=0; cl_event *new_list; assert(queue != NULL); if(queue->wait_events == NULL) { queue->wait_events_size = DEFAULT_WAIT_EVENTS_SIZE; TRY_ALLOC_NO_ERR (queue->wait_events, CALLOC_ARRAY(cl_event, queue->wait_events_size)); } for(i=0; iwait_events_num; i++) { if(queue->wait_events[i] == event) return; //is in the wait_events, need to insert } if(queue->wait_events_num < queue->wait_events_size) { queue->wait_events[queue->wait_events_num++] = event; return; } //wait_events_num == wait_events_size, array is full queue->wait_events_size *= 2; TRY_ALLOC_NO_ERR (new_list, CALLOC_ARRAY(cl_event, queue->wait_events_size)); memcpy(new_list, queue->wait_events, sizeof(cl_event)*queue->wait_events_num); cl_free(queue->wait_events); queue->wait_events = new_list; queue->wait_events[queue->wait_events_num++] = event; return; exit: return; error: if(queue->wait_events) cl_free(queue->wait_events); queue->wait_events = NULL; queue->wait_events_size = 0; queue->wait_events_num = 0; goto exit; } LOCAL void cl_command_queue_remove_event(cl_command_queue queue, cl_event event) { cl_int i=0; assert(queue->wait_events); for(i=0; iwait_events_num; i++) { if(queue->wait_events[i] == event) break; } if(i == queue->wait_events_num) return; if(queue->barrier_index >= i) queue->barrier_index -= 1; for(; iwait_events_num-1; i++) { queue->wait_events[i] = queue->wait_events[i+1]; } queue->wait_events_num -= 1; } LOCAL void cl_command_queue_set_barrier(cl_command_queue queue) { queue->barrier_index = queue->wait_events_num; }