# Locate GLFW library (3.x) # # This module defines: # # GLFW_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to GLFW # GLFW_LIBRARY, the name of the library to link against # GLFW_LIBRARIES, the full list of libs to link against # GLFW_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find glfw3.h #============================================================================= FIND_PATH(GLFW_INCLUDE_DIR glfw3.h HINTS $ENV{GLFWDIR} PATH_SUFFIXES include/GL include PATHS ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /usr/local/include/GLFW /usr/include/GLFW /sw # Fink /opt/local # DarwinPorts /opt/csw # Blastwave /opt ) #MESSAGE("GLFW_INCLUDE_DIR is ${GLFW_INCLUDE_DIR}") FIND_LIBRARY(GLFW_LIBRARY NAMES glfw glfw3 GLFW HINTS $ENV{GLFWDIR} PATH_SUFFIXES lib64 lib PATHS /sw /usr /usr/local /opt/local /opt/csw /opt ) SET(GLFW_FOUND FALSE) IF(NOT GLFW_LIBRARY OR FORCE_DOWNLOAD_GLFW) # If not found, try to build with local sources. # It uses CMake's "ExternalProject_Add" target. MESSAGE(STATUS "Preparing external GLFW project") INCLUDE(ExternalProject) ExternalProject_Add(project_glfw URL http://sourceforge.net/projects/glfw/files/glfw/3.0.4/glfw-3.0.4.zip URL_MD5 3949775a24ae921c8de8b948236f3c9a CMAKE_ARGS -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH= -DGLFW_BUILD_DOCS:BOOL=OFF -DGLFW_BUILD_EXAMPLES:BOOL=OFF -DGLFW_BUILD_TESTS:BOOL=OFF LOG_DOWNLOAD 1 LOG_UPDATE 1 LOG_CONFIGURE 1 LOG_BUILD 1 LOG_TEST 1 LOG_INSTALL 1 ) MESSAGE(STATUS "External GLFW project done") ExternalProject_Get_Property(project_glfw install_dir) SET(GLFW_INCLUDE_DIR ${install_dir}/src/project_glfw/include ) IF(WIN32) SET(GLFW_LIBRARY ${install_dir}/lib/glfw3.lib ) ELSE(WIN32) SET(GLFW_LIBRARY ${install_dir}/lib/libglfw3.a ) ENDIF(WIN32) ENDIF(NOT GLFW_LIBRARY OR FORCE_DOWNLOAD_GLFW) #MESSAGE("GLFW_LIBRARY is ${GLFW_LIBRARY}") IF(GLFW_LIBRARY) SET(GLFW_LIBRARIES ${GLFW_LIBRARY} CACHE STRING "All the libs required to link GLFW") # GLFW may require threads on your system. # The Apple build may not need an explicit flag because one of the # frameworks may already provide it. # But for non-OSX systems, I will use the CMake Threads package. # In fact, there seems to be a problem if I used the Threads package # and try using this line, so I'm just skipping it entirely for OS X. IF(NOT APPLE) FIND_PACKAGE(Threads) SET(GLFW_LIBRARIES ${GLFW_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) ENDIF(NOT APPLE) # For OS X, GLFW uses Cocoa as a backend so it must link to Cocoa. IF(APPLE OR ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin") FIND_LIBRARY(COCOA_LIBRARY Cocoa) FIND_LIBRARY(OPENGL_LIBRARY OpenGL) FIND_LIBRARY(IOKIT_LIBRARY IOKit) FIND_LIBRARY(COREVIDEO_LIBRARY CoreVideo) SET(GLFW_LIBRARIES ${GLFW_LIBRARIES} ${COCOA_LIBRARY} ${OPENGL_LIBRARY} ${IOKIT_LIBRARY} ${COREVIDEO_LIBRARY}) ENDIF(APPLE OR ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin") # For MinGW library. IF(MINGW) # MinGW needs an additional library, mwindows # It's total link flags should look like -lmingw32 -lGLFW -lmwindows # (Actually on second look, I think it only needs one of the m* libraries.) SET(MINGW32_LIBRARY mingw32 CACHE STRING "mwindows for MinGW") SET(GLFW_LIBRARIES ${MINGW32_LIBRARY} ${GLFW_LIBRARIES}) ENDIF(MINGW) # For Unix, GLFW should be linked to X11-releated libraries. IF(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Linux") FIND_LIBRARY(X11_LIBRARY X11) FIND_LIBRARY(Xrandr_LIBRARY Xrandr) FIND_LIBRARY(Xxf86vm_LIBRARY Xxf86vm) FIND_LIBRARY(Xi_LIBRARY Xi) SET(GLFW_LIBRARIES ${GLFW_LIBRARIES} ${X11_LIBRARY} ${Xrandr_LIBRARY} ${Xxf86vm_LIBRARY} ${Xi_LIBRARY}) ENDIF(${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Linux") # Set the final string here so the GUI reflects the final state. SET(GLFW_LIBRARY ${GLFW_LIBRARY} CACHE STRING "Where the GLFW Library can be found") SET(GLFW_FOUND TRUE) #MESSAGE("GLFW_LIBRARIES is ${GLFW_LIBRARIES}") ENDIF(GLFW_LIBRARY) MESSAGE("-- Found GLFW: ${GLFW_FOUND}")