Introduction: This API is dependent upon 3 header files: #include "comm-client.h" #include "comm_interp.h" #include "comm-structs.h" comm_interp holds the values for the commands and the return values, comm-structs.h holds the message structures and comm-client.h holds the basic structures for interfacing into sctp. The sctp library that has been used, is a standalone thread that is interface by a series of registered call backs. The SCTP server acts as an event driven process. On the client and server side an independent thread reacts under want amounts to a kernal type add in routine. These routines aare added to the base server as follows. ulpCallbacks.dataArriveNotif = &dataArriveNotif; ulpCallbacks.sendFailureNotif = &sendFailureNotif; ulpCallbacks.networkStatusChangeNotif = &networkStatusChangeNotif; ulpCallbacks.communicationUpNotif = &communicationUpNotif; ulpCallbacks.communicationLostNotif = &communicationLostNotif; ulpCallbacks.communicationErrorNotif = &communicationErrorNotif; ulpCallbacks.restartNotif = &restartNotif; ulpCallbacks.shutdownCompleteNotif = &shutdownCompleteNotif; ulpCallbacks.peerShutdownReceivedNotif = NULL; where each of the pointers are to specific functions providing the desired inbound communications channel. For the purposes of this project 3 inbound/outbound streams will be used. 0 Messaging and setup 1 Mouse messages 2 Keyboard messages These are given the defined names. MESSAGESTREAM MOUSESTREAM KEYBOARDSTREAM