/* * Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation * * This file is part of PowerTOP * * This program file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Authors: * Arjan van de Ven */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "powertop.h" static WINDOW *title_bar_window; static WINDOW *cstate_window; static WINDOW *wakeup_window; static WINDOW *battery_power_window; static WINDOW *timerstat_window; static WINDOW *suggestion_window; static WINDOW *status_bar_window; #define print(win, y, x, fmt, args...) do { if (dump) printf(fmt, ## args); else mvwprintw(win, y, x, fmt, ## args); } while (0) char status_bar_slots[10][40]; static void cleanup_curses(void) { endwin(); } static void zap_windows(void) { if (title_bar_window) { delwin(title_bar_window); title_bar_window = NULL; } if (cstate_window) { delwin(cstate_window); cstate_window = NULL; } if (wakeup_window) { delwin(wakeup_window); wakeup_window = NULL; } if (battery_power_window) { delwin(battery_power_window); battery_power_window = NULL; } if (timerstat_window) { delwin(timerstat_window); timerstat_window = NULL; } if (suggestion_window) { delwin(suggestion_window); suggestion_window = NULL; } if (status_bar_window) { delwin(status_bar_window); status_bar_window = NULL; } } int maxx, maxy; int maxtimerstats = 50; int maxwidth = 200; void setup_windows(void) { getmaxyx(stdscr, maxy, maxx); zap_windows(); title_bar_window = subwin(stdscr, 1, maxx, 0, 0); cstate_window = subwin(stdscr, 7, maxx, 2, 0); wakeup_window = subwin(stdscr, 1, maxx, 9, 0); battery_power_window = subwin(stdscr, 2, maxx, 10, 0); timerstat_window = subwin(stdscr, maxy-16, maxx, 12, 0); maxtimerstats = maxy-16 -2; maxwidth = maxx - 18; suggestion_window = subwin(stdscr, 3, maxx, maxy-4, 0); status_bar_window = subwin(stdscr, 1, maxx, maxy-1, 0); strcpy(status_bar_slots[0], _(" Q - Quit ")); strcpy(status_bar_slots[1], _(" R - Refresh ")); werase(stdscr); refresh(); } void initialize_curses(void) { initscr(); start_color(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* enable keyboard mapping */ nonl(); /* tell curses not to do NL->CR/NL on output */ cbreak(); /* take input chars one at a time, no wait for \n */ noecho(); /* dont echo input */ curs_set(0); /* turn off cursor */ use_default_colors(); init_pair(PT_COLOR_DEFAULT, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(PT_COLOR_HEADER_BAR, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE); init_pair(PT_COLOR_ERROR, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_RED); init_pair(PT_COLOR_RED, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_RED); init_pair(PT_COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_YELLOW); init_pair(PT_COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_GREEN); init_pair(PT_COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); init_pair(PT_COLOR_BRIGHT, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); atexit(cleanup_curses); } void show_title_bar(void) { int i; int x; wattrset(title_bar_window, COLOR_PAIR(PT_COLOR_HEADER_BAR)); wbkgd(title_bar_window, COLOR_PAIR(PT_COLOR_HEADER_BAR)); werase(title_bar_window); print(title_bar_window, 0, 0, " PowerTOP version %s (C) 2007 Intel Corporation", VERSION); wrefresh(title_bar_window); werase(status_bar_window); x = 0; for (i=0; i<10; i++) { if (strlen(status_bar_slots[i])==0) continue; wattron(status_bar_window, A_REVERSE); print(status_bar_window, 0, x, "%s", status_bar_slots[i]); wattroff(status_bar_window, A_REVERSE); x+= strlen(status_bar_slots[i])+1; } wrefresh(status_bar_window); } void show_cstates(void) { int i, count = 0; werase(cstate_window); for (i=0; i < 10; i++) { if (i == topcstate+1) wattron(cstate_window, A_BOLD); else wattroff(cstate_window, A_BOLD); if (strlen(cstate_lines[i]) && count <= 6) { print(cstate_window, count, 0, "%s", cstate_lines[i]); count++; } } for (i=0; i<6; i++) { if (i == topfreq+1) wattron(cstate_window, A_BOLD); else wattroff(cstate_window, A_BOLD); print(cstate_window, i, 38, "%s", cpufreqstrings[i]); } wrefresh(cstate_window); } void show_acpi_power_line(double rate, double cap, double capdelta, time_t ti) { char buffer[1024]; sprintf(buffer, _("no ACPI power usage estimate available") ); werase(battery_power_window); if (rate > 0.001) { char *c; sprintf(buffer, _("Power usage (ACPI estimate): %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"), rate, cap/rate); strcat(buffer, " "); c = &buffer[strlen(buffer)]; if (ti>180 && capdelta > 0) sprintf(c, _("(long term: %3.1fW,/%3.1fh)"), 3600*capdelta / ti, cap / (3600*capdelta/ti+0.01)); } else if (ti>120 && capdelta > 0.001) sprintf(buffer, _("Power usage (5 minute ACPI estimate) : %5.1f W (%3.1f hours left)"), 3600*capdelta / ti, cap / (3600*capdelta/ti+0.01)); print(battery_power_window, 0, 0, "%s\n", buffer); wrefresh(battery_power_window); } void show_pmu_power_line(unsigned sum_voltage_mV, unsigned sum_charge_mAh, unsigned sum_max_charge_mAh, int sum_discharge_mA) { char buffer[1024]; if (sum_discharge_mA != 0) { unsigned remaining_charge_mAh; if (sum_discharge_mA < 0) { /* we are currently discharging */ sum_discharge_mA = -sum_discharge_mA; remaining_charge_mAh = sum_charge_mAh; } else { /* we are currently charging */ remaining_charge_mAh = (sum_max_charge_mAh - sum_charge_mAh); } snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), _("Power usage: %3.1fW (%3.1f hours)"), sum_voltage_mV * sum_discharge_mA / 1e6, (double)remaining_charge_mAh / sum_discharge_mA); } else snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), _("no power usage estimate available") ); werase(battery_power_window); print(battery_power_window, 0, 0, "%s\n", buffer); wrefresh(battery_power_window); } void show_wakeups(double d, double interval, double C0time) { werase(wakeup_window); wbkgd(wakeup_window, COLOR_PAIR(PT_COLOR_RED)); if (d <= 25.0) wbkgd(wakeup_window, COLOR_PAIR(PT_COLOR_YELLOW)); if (d <= 10.0) wbkgd(wakeup_window, COLOR_PAIR(PT_COLOR_GREEN)); /* * if the cpu is really busy.... then make it blue to indicate * that it's not the primary power consumer anymore */ if (C0time > 25.0) wbkgd(wakeup_window, COLOR_PAIR(PT_COLOR_BLUE)); wattron(wakeup_window, A_BOLD); print(wakeup_window, 0, 0, _("Wakeups-from-idle per second : %4.1f\tinterval: %0.1fs\n"), d, interval); wrefresh(wakeup_window); } void show_timerstats(int nostats, int ticktime) { int i; werase(timerstat_window); if (!nostats) { int counter = 0; print(timerstat_window, 0, 0, _("Top causes for wakeups:\n")); for (i = 0; i < linehead; i++) if ((lines[i].count > 0 || lines[i].disk_count > 0) && counter++ < maxtimerstats) { char c = ' '; if (lines[i].disk_count) c = 'D'; if ((lines[i].count * 1.0 / ticktime) >= 10.0) wattron(timerstat_window, A_BOLD); else wattroff(timerstat_window, A_BOLD); if (showpids) print(timerstat_window, i+1, 0," %5.1f%% (%5.1f)%c [%6s] %s\n", lines[i].count * 100.0 / linectotal, lines[i].count * 1.0 / ticktime, c, lines[i].pid, lines[i].string); else print(timerstat_window, i+1, 0," %5.1f%% (%5.1f)%c %s\n", lines[i].count * 100.0 / linectotal, lines[i].count * 1.0 / ticktime, c, lines[i].string); } } else { if (geteuid() == 0) { print(timerstat_window, 0, 0, _("No detailed statistics available; please enable the CONFIG_TIMER_STATS kernel option\n")); print(timerstat_window, 1, 0, _("This option is located in the Kernel Debugging section of menuconfig\n")); print(timerstat_window, 2, 0, _("(which is CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y in the config file)\n")); print(timerstat_window, 3, 0, _("Note: this is only available in 2.6.21 and later kernels\n")); } else print(timerstat_window, 0, 0, _("No detailed statistics available; PowerTOP needs root privileges for that\n")); } wrefresh(timerstat_window); } void show_suggestion(char *sug) { werase(suggestion_window); print(suggestion_window, 0, 0, "%s", sug); wrefresh(suggestion_window); }